Data exchange with 1C enterprise. Exchange on schedule with standard means. Work with email

The exchange of data between 1C 8 applied solutions is something without which it is not possible to build a full-fledged information space of the enterprise.

  • Why do you need data exchanges and how to use them?
  • Types of exchanges between 1C.
  • How to configure data exchange between databases 1c?

You will learn answers to these questions below.

Reasons for the introduction of exchanges, as a rule, two:

The organization has a branch network

In this case, you just need to configure the exchange between different branches. To do this, in the 1C 8.3 system, the company has a mechanism. With which you can flexibly configure the exchange of information. For example, for branches, you can disable the visibility of documents on other branches and at the same time main office Will see documents of all branches. Another example is the exchange of the exchange between the bases of 1C office and shops.

Separation by type of accounting

As a rule, this means that in the organization, different accounts are conducted in various information bases. Such a separation allows you to filter "unnecessary" for another type of accounting information for various information bases. Example: so-called. "Management Accounting" is introduced in the "Management of Trade" basis, where all operations are reflected, and the leadership sees a complete picture of the events, and only the documents necessary for maintaining accounting and tax accounting are unloaded into the database of regulated accounting and tax accounting.

What are the exchange mechanisms between databases 1c?

Data exchanges can be classified in two directions: mechanisms used and used transport for exchanging.

1C data exchange mechanisms

As a rule, two mechanisms are used when exchanging:

  • Distributed Information Base (RIB) - a mechanism that allows you to configure data exchange between branches. The mechanism implies that absolutely identical database configurations are exchanged. The mechanism is able to transmit database configuration changes. The mechanism is implemented at the level of the technological platform.
  • Universal exchange mechanism between configurations - The mechanism is the development of the company 1C for applied solutions. It is universal and based on. Data exchange is carried out using xML ruleswhich are created in a special configuration -. With this mechanism, you can implement a one-time exchange and a constant exchange between 1C configurations. The mechanism is implemented at the configuration level, it is possible to embed into your configuration from the technological configuration.

Transportation for data exchange

Transport can perform a fairly wide range of technologies. Consider the main implemented in the universal exchange mechanism 1C 8.2:

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  • Local or network catalog - The easiest transport. One IB creates a file on the disk, the second reads it and adds its file.
  • FTP resource - exchange, similar to exchange through the directory. Difference - exchange is carried out via FTP protocol.
  • Email messages or e-mail - Exchange passes by email. Configurations send mail messages to each other and regularly check the mailing address for new messages.
  • Direct connection (COM) - Exchange is carried out through direct connection One database to another by means.
  • Internet (Web Service) - Transport is a web service. One information base is connected to, the web service is connected to the second database and transports the message. To carry out such transport you must have.

How to configure data exchange between databases 1c?

Aza Data exchange settings in 1C using the "1C data conversion" configuration on the example, see the video:

1C data exchange on 1C 8.2 schedule

If you need to configure automatic unloading on a schedule, it is enough to configure.

For client-server version

In the "Data Exchange Settings" directory, on the Automatic Exchange tab, you must create a new regulatory task where to specify the schedule:

For file option

In the Data Exchange Settings Guide, on the Automatic Exchange tab, you must create a new regulatory task, where on the Event Exchange tab, specify the events on which the exchange will be launched. For example, when starting a specific user:

The technology of distributed information bases (RIB) allows you to create a territorially distributed system based on 1C enterprise configurations. This allows you to have a common information space Even with those units that do not have a reliable communication channel, combining high autonomy of nodes with the possibility of operational exchange of information. In our articles we will consider the features and practical implementation This mechanism on the platform 8.2

First of all, I will ask myself: why exactly the author? Modern technologies, in combination with inexpensive and fast Internetallow you to organize remote work without any difficulty. The choice of methods is more than ever - RDP, thin and web clients, union of networks when help VPN. - There is something to think about. However, all these methods have one significant disadvantage - a strong dependence on the quality of the communication channel.

Even with the perfect work of the local provider, it is impossible to guarantee 100% accessibility of the communication channel. Problems of the main provider, no power supply, physical damage Communication lines and many other factors make this task intractable. At the same time, the unavailability of the information base at the remote warehouse or in the retail store leads to quite tangible losses. Well, finally, we will not forget that there are places (for example, the industries on the outskirts of cities) in which to bring the qualitative channel of communication is expensive and / or problematic.

The RIB mechanism allows you to get rid of these disadvantages, each unit has its own instance of the information base from which you can work autonomously even with the complete absence of communication with foreign world. And the small amount of information transmitted allows you to use any communication channel to exchange, including mobile Internet.

Rib on the platform 8.2 is not something fundamentally new, representing the further development of the URIB of the platform 7.7, only now this technology has become easy and easier. Unlike the URIB component, which it was necessary to purchase separately, Rib is an integral part of many typical configurations and works completely in user mode, allowing you to do without a configurator even at the setting step.

In this place it would be time to go to the practical part, but you have to make another retreat. The fact is that the transition to the platform 8.2, which seemed to have already occurred, in fact led to the appearance of two types of configurations: based on a managed application, "relatives" for platform 8.2, and adapted from 8.1, continuing to use outdated technologies and mechanisms. Since a substantial part of the configurations (enterprise accounting, salary and personnel management) are adapted or transient, it is impossible to reset them with accounts, so the first part of our article will be devoted to these configurations (in fact Platform 8.1), while we will analyze in the second Configuring Autobront for configurations based on a managed application (platform 8.2).

Consider a practical task: configure autobrix via FTP for the enterprise accounting configuration 2.0. Despite the fact that RIB allows you to exchange using email or shared file resources, we recommend using FTP, as the easiest and most reliable way of communication. How to configure your own FTP server you can read, or you can use FTP service of any hosting provider.

First of all, we need to configure the exchange nodes. To do this, launch the configuration with administrator rights and choose Operations - exchange plans.

In the list that appears, choose Full Plan or For the organizationIf one database is recorded on several firms and the exchange must be made only for one of them. In the window that opens, there is already one node - the central, we need to edit it, specifying the code and name.

After that, create another node for the branch, filling it in the same way (to add, press the green circle with a plus). The next step will be the creation of an initial image for this node, which is a ready-made information base in the file mode. For this click right-click Mice on the desired node and in the drop-down list, select Create an initial image.

Now move Service - distributed information base (RIB) - configure Rib nodes.

In the window that opens, click Add And configure new exchangeBy specifying a remote node, the type of exchange (via FTP) and the connection parameters to the server.

Bookmark Automatic exchange Allows you to configure exchange schedule, exchange for events (start and shutdown, etc.), these settings are made for the user from whose name will be exchanged, so make sure that it is right to exchanger data.

Do not forget to specify the prefix node for document numbering (otherwise you will receive different documents with the same numbers) in the service settings of the program, you can also configure some other exchange parameters. On the same bookmark, select the user to execute the exchange tasks if you do not make a schedule work will not work. Remember that the exchange will be made only if this user Performed the login.

On this, the setup of the central node is completed, now it is necessary to produce similar settings for the peripheral node, connecting the initial image as an existing IB. After that, you can proceed to the exchange of data. To control should take advantage Danish exchange monitorIt allows not only to control the success of closing / downloading, but also shows the resulting conflicts or postponed movements (if the user has lacks the right to make any actions in the database). The presence of this tool allows you to quickly and effectively solve various kinds of problems arising during the author.

On this exchange, the exchange can be considered completed and start working in distributed mode. Separately, it is worth staying on updating or making changes to the configuration. These actions are available only on the central node, all changes made will be automatically distributed to the peripheral nodes when the exchange is next. To automatically make changes, the peripheral base is in monopolist mode, otherwise it will be necessary to start Configurator and execute Updating database configuration manually.

If your organization employs more than 5 people, most likely you use the products of the company "1C". Almost always in organizations are set several databases 1C, because each of them solves a certain range of tasks. For example, the company is engaged in retail sales and maintains accounting, in such a situation the client usually establishes ut (trade management) and BP (enterprise accounting). In the role of such a company, even a simple IP with several employees can perform!

Why should I customize the exchange of data?

Let's continue to consider the situation with ut and BP. Imagine that now our exchange is not configuredWhat actions do we need to fulfill to reflect accounting operations in both bases? That's right, first we will fill the data in UT, and then the same data we will have to make it in the BP, because we can, for example, to make the arrival of goods in UT, and this is not done in BP.

Even if you decide to use a typical data sharing (setting the type data exchange (1C synchronization)), it does not mean that it is possible to configure it in your database. Problems appear if you have not been updated for a long time ago (to maintain a typical exchange, your databases must be relevant) or objects that you are going to overload from one base to another are modified (in this case, the standard exchange will not work correctly), except All this, even if the Base platform versions differ (7.7 - 8.3), then the exchange of data is likely to also refue or develop from scratch.

Who needs to use the exchange of data between 1C databases?

If the approvals below for you are relevant, then you need to configure the exchange between your configurations:

  • You have more than 1 single database 1c
  • Required fast transfer information from one database to another and vice versa
  • Need auto exchange or real-time exchange

Development and configuring data exchange between configurations 1C

Properly designed data exchange will allow you to:

  • Carry out unloading and loading objects from one database to another
  • Exchange between different versions 1C.
  • Communicate in real time
  • Significantly reduce the cost of salary to employees, because now they will have more free time
  • Save your time and budget

Development of data exchange rules on the example of refined Bases of UT and BP

We have two bases in which the document "Receipt of goods and services" is improved, in particular in documents and tabular parts New details are added, some typical details are deleted, as a result, standard data exchange does not work. We have developed a new exchange rule and recorded it to the file.

The primary data exchange option requires not only knowledge in the field of programming, but also in the consulting area. Sometimes the setting of this function is the most time consuming and expensive task.

Stages of data exchange, in which one of or all objects is 1C products:

  • Agreed on the composition of the exchange;
  • The protocol is determined;
  • Stage of synchronization;
  • Definition and configuration of the exchange rules;
  • Schedule.

Stage first: Composition of exchange

The exchange direction may be one-sided or bilateral depending on the role of exchange objects. In total, two configurations are involved in the exchange - "Source" and "Receiver". With one-sided exchange, the data comes from one object to another and their roles do not change. In the case of bilateral exchange, the role of objects is constantly changing and the data goes from both objects and also come to both objects.

At the same stage, the exchange format is also determined:

  • Distributed IB
  • Universal OD.
  • Enterprisedata.

Stage Second: Exchange Protocol

With 1C: Enterprise 8 can exchange data different types and standards. Therefore, it is necessary to repel in the definition of the exchange protocol only on the capabilities of the system with which the exchange will occur.

Stage Third: synchronization of reference books

The main principle is the presence of one input point.

Stage Fourth: Setting Rules

The full display of the data obtained is possible only if the rules for exchanging data were correctly specified.

In order to easily, quickly and correctly cope with this stage, you can use the rules tree. It can find all the necessary data for each element of the rules, parameters, algorithms, or through it to open the main form of setup rules.

Stage Fifth: Schedule

To automate the regular exchange, you should set a frequency discharge of data.

Perhaps in the process of work will require refinement. The reasons for this may be different:

  • Exchange objects were previously finalized;
  • Database configuration Nepiovaya;
  • Different version of work platforms;
  • Not relevant \\ not updated version of the configuration;
  • It is necessary to change the rules of exchange for non-standard, etc.

The UPP configuration ("Managing Production Enterprise") in the Model version already contains ready-made data exchange mechanisms. But they also need to be configured. It should be noted that the Exchange of the UPP may only in newer versions.

Through the "Service" button, select the required data exchange menu. If the program indicates that the possibility of exchanging is not available, put the tick on the corresponding field in the "Settings" menu.

After that, you can organize the data exchange process.

In real life, a rare company is by one base 1C. The most common situation is two bases, accounting and salary.

The bases must be related - the salary accrued, accrued taxes to pay to the accounting department.

To communicate several databases there is an exchange of 1C. How does he work?

What is 1C Exchange?

There is a chain stores and a central office. In every store and in the office there is a warehouse. The goods move from the warehouse to the warehouse (mainly from the central to the warehouses of the stores), and in stores - are sold.

Used base 1C retail in the office and the same base in every store. Bases in stores - subordinate to the base in the office.

The office creates documents on the movement of goods from the warehouse to the warehouse, prices are assigned. Documents flooded into subordinate bases and there "appear" products.

In stores are created documents on perfect sale of goods. Documents are poured into the office base and there "appear" sales.

Such a scheme is called - distributed information base (RIB). Filling procedures of documents - bilateral exchange 1C. And the configuration of this scheme is URIB or URBD (management of distributed information databases).

Principles of exchange directories in 1C

4C reference books (and the set of all reference books "in the complex" is called NSI - regulatory reference Information) - in different bases should usually be one. This means that even if there are several bases, the list of goods, warehouses, counterparties are one in different bases.

Ordinary practice, when in the same database, the directory is allowed to edit, and in the rest it is copied ("Migrating"). As we have already discussed, each element 1C has a unique identifier - GUID. Reference books are usually copied with their GUID, and thus identical in the entire distributed information system.

Otherwise, when several initially existing databases are connected, or when reference books can be created in different bases at the same time, their GUID will be different. For this, there is a comparison mechanism. In a special information for the exchange of 1C, information is recorded that the element from the base number 1 with the GUID XXX is equal to the element in this database with the GUID yyy. Initially available elements that are no longer equal, you need to compare automatically (according to other details, for example, by name or by Inn and CAT) or manually.

Document exchange principles in 1C

Documents in 1C are carried out on registers and after that they are considered "conducted". It creates clear difficulties when transferred.

One option is to transfer only documents and reinstall them after downloading. This method is often used, but it can give birth to errors - the document may not be carried out in a new base, since conditions during carrying out may be otherwise than at the time of this document in the original base.

Another option is to transfer documents and registers together. As we understand, the question immediately appears - or we transfer all the documents at all and then the entire register is generally or forced to choose only movements for transfer documents for transfer.

Suppose we need to postpone the element of the directory of the nomenclature. This directory has 10 fields, of which 5 are rows and numbers, and 5 references to other reference books.

Accordingly, when transferring one element of the nomenclature, we are forced to search and transfer also 5 elements of other reference books.

Thus, when transferring one element of the reference book or one document, 100 and more than other 1C objects can be transferred.

In fact, it is said that almost all configuration directories are somehow referred to each other.

Exchange plans 1C.

Suppose we have created a distributed database and conducted 1C. The product purchased goods and prepared for sending to shops. In 1c in the office introduced required documents Displacement of goods. It is required to boot into the shops.

What to do? Conduct a full exchange of 1C? Long and inefficient! It would be much better to calculate what exactly was added or changed by users to the office so that there are only changes in the shops.

For this, there are - exchange plans 1C. The programmer creates a 1c exchange plan for 1C exchanges from any other database, for example, with our shops.

The exchange plan 1C notes when working with directories and documents, which was added or changed from the moment of the last exchange of 1C with this database.

Creating Urib 1C.

So, we will create a distributed database from scratch. Initially, we have a "parent" base of office. From it we will allocate the bases of the stores that will be subordinate to it.

In typical configurations there are already standard exchange plans 1C. Types of bases for which they are intended - intuitively understood from the name:

  • Exchange 1C with site: Exchange with 1C: Bitrix
  • Exchange 1C UPP-UT or UT Retail: typical exchanges with twin configurations
  • Full - exchange 1C with a database based on the same configuration.

Rib - distributed information base - can be made including on the basis of the exchange plan of 1C "Full". In the configurator in this plan, the exchange of 1c should be a check mark "Distributed Information Base".

1C exchange plan, created in the configurator, suggests that we are going to exchange with such a configuration. In the Enterprise mode, in the same terms of the exchange 1C, you must now specify specific databases based on this configuration.

Let's go to the exchange plan 1C (operation / exchange plan; can also be in another menu, often in the service / xxx menu).

In the database list in terms of exchange 1C there is one with a green circle in the picture. This element denotes this database. The remaining elements indicate other bases with which 1C is exchanged.

It is necessary that the name and code for all elements are filled.

To create a subordinate store "Store":

  • Install the cosor in the list on the 1C exchange plan item, which we created as the "Store Base"
  • Select the "Actions / Create Initial Image" menu item.

As a result, one base will be created with initial data unloaded into it. It must be repeated for each element of the 1C exchange plan, except for the current base.

The theory of 1C exchanges

1c exchange theory is quite simple:

  • One of the bases (more often than the center of the center) initiates the exchange of 1C on a schedule or "by event" (input to the database of a specific user, etc.)
  • Exchange 1C is to unload from the file base
  • The file must be moved to the place where it can pick up a subordinate base (more often than a ball or ftp, less often email)
  • Subordinate base loads the resulting file
  • As a confirmation that the information is received, the subordinate base unloads the "response" file, which in the same way loads back to the central base
  • 1C Exchange Session is completed.

There are other 1C exchange methods, not through files, and for example, through a direct COM connection between two bases. His advantages:

  • Not required "Place for storing and transferring files"
  • No reuse confirmation
  • Everything happens faster at the expense of the first two points.

However, the restriction is clear - the databases must be in such accessibility to each other in order to be able to initiate the COM connection.

Setting up Rib 1C.

In standard configuration constants (operations / constants; or service / program settings) - usually there are total setting 1C exchanges. It is a prefix in the elements and document numbers to easily determine which database it is created. As well as the internal method of saving information about the place of creation of reference books and documents.

Now it is necessary to configure how the process of periodic metabolism of 1C with information between the created bases will occur.
All RIB settings in 1C are in typical configurations. Usually in the service menu / distributed information database / configure RIB nodes.

For each previously created element of the "Remote Store Base", you must add the setup item.

The setting indicates the Method of Exchange 1C: File (Ball), File (FTP), File (E-Mail).

Creating and configuring distributed information base 1c in a thin client

Let's see a similar setting in a typical configuration based on thin client - Management of trade Editorial 11.
Settings (and creating from scratch) are on the Administration Interface Bookmark. Item "Data Exchange".

Choose "Create an exchange in a distributed information base."

From the very beginning, 1C will offer us to indicate how we are going to exchange with the subordinate information. Here is the option setting "through the file on the ball".

Here is the option settings through the file on FTP.

The name of our 1C exchange setting.

And immediately propose to create an "initial image" - that is, the subordinate database itself with the unloading of primary information into it.

In contrast to the configuration on the Tolstaya Client, both 1C exchange settings are in one place.