Why bad is charged on the phone. Why doesn't the phone battery or what to do? On the shop window of the Bayon store a large collection of "charging" for a variety of gadgets

After reading our article, even those who are not particularly friendly with the technique will be able to figure out a little what. Simple, but miraculous recommendations will make naive - wise, and defenseless and unsure - experienced connoisseurs in the question: "What should I do if the phone does not charge?" Most likely, even people who are not technically can adequately answer the guruing "Guru" from an independent workshop that the cause of the malfunction is not in the red button and not even that the favorite dog likes to play with a testing cord of the charger (memory). After all, everything that can be done at home will be known to you, and this, believe me, not enough. Throw away the lyrics and let's go from words to practice.

Why the phone does not charge: the main causes and methods of their elimination

As a rule, such a malfunction occurs as a result of mechanical or chemical impact. However, it is impossible to discount the mobile device and programmatory failure. Even such a modern phenomenon as "electronic infection with malicious code" may cause malfunctions in the smartphone power system. Nevertheless, properly generated diagnostics will separate all points over I.

Whether yours regularly

If the phone stops charging, first of all, it is possible to subjected to a visual inspection of the power cord possible, you will detect explicit traces of damage to the outer insulation of the cable. The deformation in the form of beggars and stretching also should not hide from your view. If everything is fine with the wire, and the plug did not oxidize - seek help to neighbors, familiar or colleague, maybe someone has exactly the same charging. Positive result - Go to the store and buy a new memory, no - act further.

As a supplement: USB check

Usually purchased in the store mobile device The set has a synchronization cord (Data cable). Connect the cellular machine to the computer. via USB?

Disconnect everything from PC. No reaction? A bad situation, but early to get upset, there are several more methods with which you can try to restore the "energy life" of the mobile phone.

Program failure and what a virus is capable of

Often, the owners of smartphones sin the installation of various extensive device capabilities and applications. And not even thinking about the "decency" of developers and without giving the meanings to this nuance that the distribution source is filled with extremely dubious content. Eventually working firmware Begins to "bug". The indication of the charge and can stop working at all, and with an imagined virus, the phone will quickly lose once for two or three days holding a battery charge. Note, does not turn on by spontaneously any of the modules wireless communication. Found a pickup - delete the program and neutralize malicious code.

Mobile apparatus

Remember: Never fall into panic when solving the question "What to do if the phone is not charged": it can always be fixed.

With bright light (and if there is a magnifying glass, then it is miraculously) inspect the inner part of the nest. "Chic and shine" - an excellent sign! Pollution and chemical raid in the form of oxidation requires cleaning.

Remember the saying "The farther in the forest, the more firewood"? So, do not attempt to paint the narrow channel of the contact connector with various undergraduate means - you can damage the whole system element. Caution, thin brush and alcohol - everything you need in this case.

A good solution to the question "What to do if the phone is not charged" will serve a simple experiment. Insert a well-good memory into the mobile device connector and without explicit efforts to take a plug in different directions with a periodicity of one second. The indication came to life - you are in the workshop, "deaf" - we read the next paragraph.

Accumulator battery

If the energy supply of the ACB is completely dried, it is likely that the autonomous battery element has lost the starting pulse. In such a situation, without a universal memory, just do not do.

  • Install the battery in the retainer and, by observing the polarity, deliver electricity to the contacts "plus" and "minus".
  • Literally after 5-10 minutes, the battery can be inserted into the phone.

If everything to no avail and the miracle did not happen, then the next stage of the project "What if the phone does not charge" will be a trip to the nearest workshop or service center.

Pastener finals

The drop in the phone and the blow of a solid surface, even when it is shockproof "from birth", does not lead to anything good. As they say, luck is a temporary phenomenon. As a result of this kind of mechanical damage, the owner of the mobile device may encounter the following problem that the phone does not charge - the charging goes. Often, due to a strong blow, the battery of the mobile phone fails. Visually observed indication is actually just a software graphic, which, in fact, is invested. Since the capacity of the battery is not refilled. Output two: either repair of the cellular power controller, or replacing the battery. In the first case, without masters, just do not do.


Let's hope that the question of why the phone does not charge, for you today is allowed for you. Nevertheless, you want to give you several recommendations as promotion for curiosity:

  • Do not use too often
  • Do not allow profound batteries in zero.
  • Do not leave the phone at the heat or, on the contrary, in the cold.
  • Install on your phone (if it allows software) antivirus protection.

Have a nice day to you and successful repair!

07.03.2017 13:00:00

In one of the articles, we considered the question of how to choose a phone that is holding a long time.

Every user of the phone on android can take a very common problem when the mobile phone suddenly stopped charging. It is important to find out the reason why the phone does not charge and troubleshoot. Most of these faults can be corrected, without leaving home and without use. special Tools. We will look at the main reasons why the charge does not receive the battery and tell you what to do if the phone does not charge.

Common causes by which the phone does not charge, you can call the following:

We will analyze every reason separately.

Cause 1: Broken Charger.

If the phone does not charge, with the charger connected, the likely reason lies in a faulty charger. Please note how many of us store the charger. The user simply twists the cord, winds around the plug or simply sinets the cable and removes charger in the box. Because of such loads, the wire and isolation can occur. Also, if water hit the plug connector, it can be covered with rust or oxidize.

What to do

Carefully inspect the charger. If there are damage, like cracks and stretching on the cable, try to wind up this place with a tape, and then place the phone for charging. If there is no visible damage, insert the charger into the phone from another mobile phone or connect your mobile phone via USB. In the end, the defective charger can be replaced by purchasing a new in the nearest cellular salon.

A similar reason can touch the absence of a charge when connecting the phone to a computer via a USB cable. Check the power of the cord and try to connect the phone through a similar cable.

Cause 2: Phone on Android is infected with a virus.

Some malicious viruses are capable not only to hack your accounts, but also to cause a violation of the operation of the energy source. Viruses are removed from the screen the battery indicator or spontaneously launch programs and energy-consumption modules that "eat" battery charge.

What to do

Cause 3: Faulty

Sometimes it happens that the indicator on the phone shows the charge process, however, the device itself does not charge, or does it too long. This may, first, because of the body of the operating system android, when it incorrectly calculates the battery capacity and, thus, inhibits charging, secondly, due to special applicationswhich must control the flow rate of the battery, and in fact conflict with the "iron" of the phone.

What to do

If the reason is the third-party application, delete it from the phone and check how the device is charged after that. But the problem with the operating system is better to solve with the help of masters in the service center.

Cause 4: Faulty Connector

Answer the question "Why doesn't the phone charge?" You can, looking at the connector in a mobile phone. Considering how many times the user uses the charger, the connector may overrelease with time. It is possible that contacts could oxidize or polluted.

What to do

The contaminated jack is not difficult to clean. You will need a thin brush and alcohol. Slightly dry up the brush in the alcohol and very carefully remove the dirt from the connector. But it is better not to repair the loose connector on their own. Reliable to attribute the phone to the service center. It is worthwhile to get a universal charger, which can be charged the battery until you repaired the connector.

Cause 5: Damage to the contacts in the phone.

If a removable battery is installed in the phone and the user often removes it, brass brass blows can be brought. As a rule, it is visible to the naked eye.

What to do

With the toothpick, needles or thin tweezers gently straighten the bells. The main thing is not to overdo it. If you are not sure to handle it better to contact the specialists in the service center.

Cause 6: Faulty Battery

On average, the battery phone serves about 2.5-3 years. So, if the phone does not charge, the loss of the battery capacity may be the cause of the battery due to the developed resource.

What to do

Take the universal charger, which was mentioned above. Completely suitable charger type "Frog". Install the phone battery and turn on the network, approximately half an hour. After that, insert the battery back to the phone. If the indicator lights up on the universal charger, it means that your battery is completely dried and it remains only to replace it.

Cause 7: Mechanical phone damage

As a result of the phone's fall, even with a small height, a whole "bouquet" of the consequences may appear, due to which the phone ceases to charge:

  • The phone deforms the connector
  • Battery integrity is violated
  • Rushes contacts
  • The connection between the technical components of the phone is broken.

What to do

If you are surely sure that the phone does not charge after the fall, the solution is only one solution - the service center.

We called seven main reasons why the phone ceases to charge. If you know more, and also know how to deal with such faults, tell us about it in the comments to the article or in

According to the reviews of employees of service centers, charging problems are one of the most frequent reasons for accessing them. Sometimes it is associated with really serious problems, such as the failure of the power controller, which requires replacing components. But most often problems with charging device can be solved by itself. Here is a list of actions in the order of increasing the complexity that you can do yourself before contacting the repair shop.

1. Remove trash, dust and sand


If you do not part with your smartphone for a minute, we carry it in the pocket of jeans and drag on the sea, sooner or later in the charging nest of the gadget, so much garbage is accumulated that it will completely refuse to charge. Therefore, the first thing to spend the visual inspection of the USB port. Then blow it with a sphailed aircraft and carefully clean the rigid toothbrush.

2. Clear USB ports from oxidation


Sometimes charging device does not occur due to the oxidation of the contacts. Especially often it happens if the smartphone has not been used for a long time or operated in adverse climatic conditions. In this case, you can rescue the cleaning of contacts with a toothbrush, moistened in alcohol, or even a thin needle. Do not forget to pre-turn off your smartphone and get a battery from it, and the operation itself is maximally careful.

3. Replace cable


The next weak link that must be checked is a USB cable. Their lives are often full of tests and deprivation, so it is not surprising that some of them can die without any warning. The easiest way to check this malfunction is to take a deliberately working cable from another device and connect it to your gadget. If the problem remains, then proceed to the next item.

4. Test power adapter


The charger is also often a source of problems. We are talking about the very small box that is included in the outlet. First of all touch it to check the temperature. Too hot adapter, like too cold, can serve as an indirect sign of breakage. Make sure the cable connection socket is properly and clean it if necessary. Try to find another power adapter suitable for you by parameters.

5. Buy a new battery


Modern technologies made accumulators much more survivors than before, but still not eternal. Each battery has its own lifespan, expressed in maximum quantity Charge and discharge cycles. If you are intensively using your gadget and for several years now, it is likely that the battery life is on the outcome. To check it out, just get it out and make sure that there are no thickens, leaps or other signs of aging. However, it is most reliable to check the voltage issued by the battery with. If it is too low, then you should look for him a replacement in the service center or online stores.

6. Make a reset to factory settings


If you have passed on all items and none of them helped you find out the cause of the problem, then perhaps it's all about the program. Operational android system Collects statistics to use the device in order to prevent the full battery discharge. In some devices, the full digit leads to failures of the built-in power controller, which, in turn, does not allow the device to take a charge as usual. In this case, a device reset to factory settings can help (do not forget to pre-make backups important data). Of course, this is an extreme measure and resort to it only if you have already tried everything else.

In this article I tried to describe the most common problems with charging gadgets and the ways to solve them. Of course, in real life there may be much more. Write on the cases you encountered in the comments.

Who did not come across a problem when the phone refuses to charge as follows? Yes, you can order a new electrical adapter for a smartphone or replace the battery - but first to try to "repair" the smartphone on your own better. Bayon considered the most common problems of electric power supply phones and tablets, and most importantly - found how to quickly solve some of them.

Before starting the repair, you should test this adapter / cable on another device. If another gadget is charging, then the reason lies in the smartphone, and not in the charger.

What is the problem of recharging?

The first step of "treatment" of charging a smartphone is diagnosing a problem. The reason can occur only from some nodes. The main question is exactly how the mobile device does not charge: it does not accumulate electricity at all, or the charging process is extremely slow? So that connection to the power source is barely overlaps the current battery discharge? This also happens - more often often.

DIY repair USB ports

Fast, simple, and often the most successful solution is small dIY repair "gland". Frequent cause of the absence of a smart battery charge - bad contacts of metal parts inside USB or microUSB ports. This happens either by the fault of a production marriage, or due to the frequent (from-) cable connection.

All you need for self-repair of a smartphone:

  • Turn off the device
  • Remove the battery (if provided for design)
  • Using a small subject (like toothpicks), try to "raise" a small fastener inside uSB ports on a smartphone or tablet. It should be done with all caution and carefully
  • After this procedure, you need to insert the battery and turn on the gadget again. The method works in 9 cases out of 10

Cable replacement

The thinnest (and therefore is fragile) part of the charger - wire, and not an adapter that is inserted into the outlet. If there are problems with charging the battery, even after the previous repair- "surgical" operation, the second probability is caused by the problem - a faulty wire. Before running to the next store to replace the entire adapter, try to replace the "deceased" wire with a cable from another, donor device. The electrical cable is really a tender substance, and after all it is twisted, tightened and mock it with other ways several times per day.

If the problem is not in the wire, you should look at the adapter, which is inserted into the socket: breakdowns are inside it. Especially famous for its tendency to failures Corporate Charging iPhone interface - Lightning port.

The Bayon presents a huge number of different USB cables: "delicious" prices and free shipping as soon as possible!

Stripping contacts

It is not necessary to delete acquaintances from the address book - we are talking about metal contacts by which electrotok passes inside the phone. The cause of poor contact can be sicketers, rollers from pocket tissue, or some details that are stuck inside ports. In such zakulkers, dust loves to accumulate and other trash. Cleaning contacts inside the port sometimes helps to return the smartphone into a working condition and "feed" its portion of charge.

By the way, let yourself be distracted from repair worries. There is a wise rule of prevention: Never charge the phone next to the water source, or in a particularly wet and hot medium. It should not be "reprocessing" with a smartphone with an excess charge: as a rule, only 2-3 hours are required for charging. If you redistribute the machine connected to the outlet (for example, at night during sleep), then there is a risk of damage to the battery down to its explosion. The overheating of gentle metal contacts and their fusion with a plastic base occur. There are, of course, the phones of protection mechanisms from short circuits and other near-electric troubles, but sometimes they do not work. It is better not to risk than regret. And even more so - than "fry" the favorite gadget.

Unpleasant breakdown. The cause of combustion can be marriage in production, too long charging process, low-challenges inside the port or aggressive environment.

Battery replacement

When the device is not the first "youth", its battery becomes more difficult to keep the charge. The new battery works for about two years, then it needs to be replaced. However, this period seriously depends on the number of discharge cycles. But with a too early moment when the battery seems empty even with long-term charging, you should look at the manufacturer's warranty: free and free replacement of the battery.

There are and initially defective batteries. Open the back cover and take a look (and better - skip) the surface of the battery. When any deformation or bloating is detected, it is necessary to immediately replace the battery, otherwise corrosion not avoid. In the case of a worn battery there is another, funny way to check it in marriage. Put the phone on the flat surface of the table and try to spin it around the axis. The phone with a problematic battery will be twisted due to the swolling. The method is not suitable for apparatuses whose surface is specially curved for designer triggers.

When a damaged battery is detected, it is necessary to replace it with the manufacturer recommended by the manufacturer. Third-party batteries, judging by the experience of Bayon, are less, however, and problems are delivered significantly more without paying for themselves.

Selection of bayone smartphones with a powerful battery:

Put the phone to the wall!

No, not for the shooting of a recurrent gadget. It is about charging devices from conventional wall power plates - a more efficient process than from a computer or laptop. Connecting to the outlet In some cases, it serves two times more electricity to the phone than in the case of a computer USB port.

Another reason for not sufficient current is the use of a non-rigid adapter and / or wire, i.e. from third-party manufacturer. In such cases, an option is possible that the phone really lacks the strength or power of the current to charge as it should. No computer or laptop is capable of charging the phone as quickly as the old good socket.

On the showcase of the Bayon store a large collection of "Charits" for a variety of gadgets:

Update or roll back to solving problems with charging

A cruel joke with a battery can play updates of applications or even fresh android firmware. Especially often it happens to the old apparatus when moving to more new version OS. Fresh gadgets are better optimized for more modern versions of OS: they are equipped more cream batteries, software Better suitable for their "iron" component. While even a two-year smartphone may not cope with the load increased.

If a sharp decline in energy efficiency occurred as a result of OS updates, then you should roll back to previous version Android. Keep in mind that rollback to old version - A somewhat risky operation, especially in terms of data security.

But it happens on the contrary, when the new versions of the phones and tablets are uncomfortable appetite to the battery resources. Among the recent known examples of this character - " smart watch"Moto 360. After the release of fresh firmware for this gadget, users noticed that the time of work increased almost 1.5-2 times.

Turn off the phone

If during the charging on the phone, resource-intensive applications (or services) are running, then the process can stretch several times. Especially famous high appetite of the game, VoIP programs like Skype in video / voice communication mode, twisting brightness parameters to maximum, intensive browser operation, connection to wi-Fi networks and 4G. For fast charging You should completely disable such networks. It is even better to switch the phone to the "airplane" mode. But no way to speed up the phone charging will help so dramatically, as a complete shutdown of the device.

Accumulator calibration

Smartphones - "smart" phones and their batteries consider themselves smart, sometimes absolutely unjustified. Happens the battery erroneously sends operating system The signal that the charge in it remains less than in fact. As a result, it is quite possible to situations when the phone turns off, being sure that there is no more than 2-3% of the charge in its reserve, although the reality of electricity is much greater.

Calibration of batteries in Android devices is the topic of a separate major article. In some cases, this "training" of batteries with their own capabilities can solve the problem of early discharge of the phone. Try to do it before replacing the battery to the new one.


Favorite and first question of employees of the manufacturer's technical support: Are you sure that there are currents in the outlet? This question sounds strange - we agree. But in practice very, very often it happens that in the outlet (or USB port of the computer), to which the smartphone charger is connected, there is really no voltage.

If no way helped (and this is a rare situation!), Then the charger for the smartphone should be changed to workable.

Tablets and laptops with a powerful battery that you can purchase in our online store:

Buying new batteries and batteries should only be checked by sellers. Our counter of batteries and chargers for phones and tablets - a selection of high-quality accessories

Imagine the situation - you find out that the battery was discharged on your phone. You take the charger, connect it to the power grid, connect the tube, but there is no reaction. Why does the phone not charged from charging? There may be a lot of reasons, and many of them can be eliminated at home, and without special tools and knowledge. Let's find out what can be done in the absence of a battery charge.

Does not charge the battery on the phone? The reason may lie on the surface - this is a broken charging. Therefore, we need to test it. This uses other phones or digital gadgets with a suitable connector. Connect the charging to the selected device and look at its reaction.

If the battery does not charge, it indicates a breakdown of the charger. In repair shops, they are not repaired - it is easier to buy a new one. If the device connected to charging is started charged, it may indicate a problem with your phone. It is meaningless to disassemble it, as you will not find a malfunction without diagnostic equipment. Therefore, we recommend checking the slot to which the charger plug is connected - it can be cleaned with a piece of paper, thin cardboard or toothpick.

After that, again check the possibility of charge. Did not help it? Then you can try to charge your phone with another charger. Sometimes, by virtue of not very understandable and explained causes, it works. Find another charger in the house and try to connect it to your phone. If the battery charge began to be replenished, continue charging on.

The phone does not charge from charging under any conditions? Take it to the nearest service center or in a private repair shop - it is quite possible that something happened to the built-in charge scheme (breakage of the electronic part of the device). It may also be due to a breakdown of the nest or with microcracks on system board Phone or smartphone.

Phone shows charging, but not charging

Charging goes, and the phone does not charge? It is possible that the problem is related to the breakdown of the charger. For all signs, it works, but the current issued by it is simply not enough for a full charge. As a result, the charge indication is present, but the current for the full filling of the battery is missing.

In such conditions, the duration full charge The battery may be too big. If the current consumption is greater than the charging current, then in a short time the battery is discharged to zero, and the phone will turn off.

Sometimes such a problem arises as a result of the electronics breakage - it incorrectly calculates the residual battery capacity, not allowing it to be sold normally. It is impossible to do anything with this at home, even if you replace the charger to more powerful. It remains only to seek help in a service center.

The third solution is to try to replace the non-charger, but only the wire. It may be damaged - multi-aigious conductors are used here, emerging over time due to constant folds. Also, the wire could blame a pet - the phone shows a running exercise, but not charging. The reason is to reduce the charging current as a result of the cliff of individual lived. Replace the cable and try again.

A similar problem occurs with a long cable - such are sold on Aliexpress, their length reaches 2-3 meters. They are suitable for simple phonesbut not for smartphones with their powerful batteries. Before buying a long wire, make sure that it is able to skip the current at least 2a.

Magnetic Cable Problem

In 2017-2018, the so-called "magnetic cables" began to appear. They consist of two parts - this is a cable with a magnetic and contact tip and a magnetic socket installed in the telephone connector. It is worth bringing the phone to the tip of the cable, as he will attract the magnetic field - the battery will start charging.

Problems with " magnetic cable"There are often - phones are charged slowly or not charge at all. There are three reasons:

  • You chose the cheapest cable, which only found - contact groups here do not provide a normal clutch, the contact is worsening, charging slows down or stops. Such a cable should be thrown out;
  • The cable is not designed for smartphones - the transmitted current is less than 1 A. The optimal indicator is at least 2 A, and better all 3 A;
  • Contacts were oxidized - they really get dirty and oxidized, which makes it difficult to charge. Clean the contact groups and try charging the device again.

Do not buy cheap cables - it is better to overpay once and take a cable with good contact groups that do not oxidize every two days. But they will have to clean regularly - you can not get anywhere.

Poor charging phone

The phone is not charging from charging - what to do? You need to perform several checks:

  • Test the current charger on another gadget;
  • Test on your phone another charger;
  • Take over powerful charging (for example, from the tablet);
  • Clean and check the connector.

If the phone battery does not charge and then, boldly go to the service. But what if the phone is charging, but bad? We have already said that for this you need to check the charge current and check the phone itself. But we forgot the most important thing - the reason for the lack of normal charging can be the loss of the capacity of the battery.

In this case, the charge process is stretched for several hours, and after disconnecting from the mains, the phone is discharged literally in front of the eyes. If so, try replacing the battery - it helps in most cases.

Does your smartphone be charged? Then you need to try to remove sourid appresponsible for saving the battery (if it is worth). The thing is that some of them come into conflict with the "iron", making the normal battery charge impossible.