Compare Samsung S8 phones and iPhone 7. Main features Galaxy S8

Which some media have already dubbed " killers iphone." The devices are designed and tested by the South Korean manufacturer, who set itself the goal not only to rehabilitate after the predecessor failure Galaxy Note.7, but even rethink the very concept of a smartphone. Well, the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + model and Galaxy S8 + are designed to help it, as they offer a "brand new experience."

Despite a number of new product benefits declared by the manufacturer, with direct comparison with the iPhone 7, the superiority of Apple flagships on a number of key moments is attracted.

1. Support 3D Touch

Apple smartphones offer a unique way to interact with the device - the phone can distinguish the power of presses. In addition to such familiar gestures, like touch, brushing, mixing and breeding your fingers, 3D Touch technology allows you to use the functions of Peek and POP. This is a new dimension in working with the iPhone. Thanks to these technologies, the user can view the most different content and work with it, without even opening.

2. Double camera

W. Samsung Galaxy S8 is absent double cameralike a competitor. The same resolution of 12 megapixels, the same DUAL PIXEL technology as in Galaxy S7 a year ago, lights f / 1.7. In addition, Apple smartphones boast a dual camera that allows you to use the optical zoom function - zooming objects without losses without lossless - and portrait shooting mode as on mirror chambers.

3. Durable housing

iPhone 7 is considered the most productive, most protected and most popular smartphone on the market, as well as one of the most durable devices on the market. SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 and S8 + Top Android Apparatuses and S8 +, Dressed in Fully Glass Case, are much easier to break.

4. Thin and easier

From the point of view of the dimensions, the 4.7-inch iPhone 7 is compacting its competitor - 138.3 x 67.1 x 7.1 mm versus 148.9 x 68.1 x 8.0 mm at Galaxy S8. The South Korean apparatus has become somewhat thicker than its predecessor and loses on this iPhone parameter. Weight flagship smartphones Apple and SAMSUNG - 143 and 155 g, respectively. As for Galaxy S8 +, its dimensions are described by expression 159.5 x 73.4 x 8.1 mm, and weighs the device 173. The same characteristics of the iPhone 7 Plus - 158.2 x 77.9 x 7.3 mm, Weighs smartphone 188

5. IOS.

The key advantage of the iPhone 7 over Galaxy S8 lies in the plane software. iOS is more protected and easy to use mobile platform. Android, on the basis of which the South Korean apparatus works, there are no branded applications and Apple services, including Siri's voice assistant, Airdrop, AirPlay, iTunes, Find My iPhone and others. Applications B. App Store. High quality and reliable. At the same time, there are no preset operator programs in IOS that Galaxy S8 and which cannot be removed from the device without getting root access.

6. StereoDynamics

In iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, stereo speakers are installed, while Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + are equipped with only one loudspeaker with mediocre sound. In the new apple smartphones One of the active speakers is located on the lower edge of the device, and the second is in the upper part of the front panel. This arrangement seems quite original, but technically allows you to achieve stereo sound when listening in horizontal orientation.

7. Fingerprint scanner on the front side

Many potential buyers of Galaxy S8 are unhappy with the fact that the biometric module is on back side Smartphone. Samsung went to such a step to make place under the smartphone display. In the iPhone 7, the Touch ID module is located directly under the screen. Thanks to this feature, the owners of the "apple" flagships can easily put a gadget on the table using the Touch ID to perform payments or confirm purchases in the App Store.

8. 256 GB of Memory

Apple offers three iPhone modifications with different amounts of memory. Consumers are available versions with 32, 128 and 256 GB of memory to a different wallet. Samsung offers Galaxy S8 in Russia only with 64 GB of memory.

9. Physical button Mute

An important advantage of iPhone 7 above Galaxy S8 is the presence of the Mute physical key that allows you to easily disable the sound when the user of the device is at an important meeting or in the cinema.

10. iPhone will not depreciate in two months

An important advantage of Apple smartphones is after-sales cost. The company's devices longer keep the price for more high levelthan South Korean devices. In particular, 2-year-old iPhone retains the price as much as smartphones Galaxy a year after purchase.

Despite the fact that most of all users are discussing Galaxy S8, the demand for Apple iPhone 7 does not fall. Therefore, it will be logical to talk on the topic of what is worth choosing - Apple Device or Korean?

In our opinion, the choice is obvious - the subject of the site is :) But let's still carry out a small comparison and explain why Galaxy S8 is a good purchase and what he is better iPhone 7? Go!

The screen without frames - there is no such iPhone

Leave standard dimensions, but stretch the screen to the entire front case - a brilliant solution from the samsung, is not it? It should be noted that it often went and rumors that Apple plans to use the same technology in its future smartphones, but there is no significant confirmation of these rumors.

If the screen takes more than 90% of the entire front panel in the S8, then the iPhone 7 occupies no more than 2/3 spaces.

Unlock smartphone

And here, perhaps, parity. The iPhone has a classic button on the front side of the device and an imprint scanner is mounted.

Galaxy S8, the scanner was transferred to rear part Smartphone and placed it almost next to the camera - very. But at the same time, you added the possibility of unlocking using the retina scanning your eye - and this is a revolutionary solution.

Fast charge

An excellent thing that gives 100 points ahead flagship of the South Korean company, compared with the iPhone.

the iPhone, according to modern standards, is stuck terribly long. Spend about 2 hours on full charge - It is very painful. Galaxy S8 in this sense is much more pleasant - get almost 50% of the charge for half an hour, it is worthwhile.

Wireless charger

Additional paragraph to the previous comparison - S8 supports Qi and PMA adapters. Of course, with a wired charging, you can quickly charge the smartphone, but the wireless version is really convenient. As regards Apple, apparently, the corporation is still planning to make it in the iPhone 8, but on this moment, iPhone option wireless charging It can not boast.

Two slots for SIM cards

While Apple thinks Samsung has long been doing a long time ago. For many, the support of two SIM cards is a huge plus.

Yes, in Galaxy S8, there are still minor restrictions - you can use either two sims (but without a memory card), or one SIM card + memory card. But agree, it is better to have the ability to choose than to get just one slot for SIM cards and everything is exactly what happens in the iPhone.

Apple, in turn, is unlikely to ever install two slots, because it is aimed at maximizing benefits. In America, everyone buy a smartphone with the conclusion of a contract with the operator. That is, the iPhone will only work with one operator at a specific tariff - and this is one of the reasons why the installation of the second slot will not be in the novelties from the apple corporation.


Micro USB technology begins to obstruct, so Type-C is an excellent SAMSUNG solution. You can transfer data from a PC to a smartphone with a huge speed by supporting USB 3.1 versions. iPhone 7 is far from such indicators because only 2.0 version supports.

In addition, Apple frankly trying to catch up, selling its adapted accessories. And you need to buy them, because with third-party USB accessories in the iPhone 7 will not work.

Availability of 3.5 mm connector

There is no standard connector in the iPhone 7, because of which you have to use third-party adapters if the standard cord has broken down. In S8 connector 3.5 mm. Therefore, it is not difficult if you break down the standard cord to go to the store and buy any headset - it will be guaranteed to work. In addition to S8, it allows you to work with data synchronization and charge the device at the same time. In the case of an apple product, adapters are needed again.

Payment by phone

Yes, and Galaxy S8 and iPhone 7 allow you to "enclose" into the device data cards and use your smartphone with cashless payment in stores. However, U. Samsung Pay. There is one very important advantage - they can be paid absolutely everywhere (any terminal is suitable).

Apple Pay, in turn, can not boast of it. For iPhone, you need special terminals with contactless payment. It is impossible to say that these are some unique terminals - they are more and more often. But at the same time, Galaxy S8 is more convenient than you do not need to worry about this.


In this article, we did not consider things like:

  • What is better - iOS or Android?
  • Who has a faster processor, more memory and who recruits many "parrots" in synthetic tests.

Just because it is not so important. Both smartphones work as quickly as possible - the user does not have to think about it. But on the basis of what we listed - Galaxy S8 in many respects surpasses its competitor.

Therefore, you need to either buy a novelty from Samsung, or expect iPhone 8, which should either catch up with the current South Korean flagship, or surpass it. If the iPhone of the new generation does not show any innovations to their potential buyers, then it does not make sense to consider it as a purchase.

P.S. What do you think? What is better - samsung s8 or iphone 7? Write in the comments. Well, support the "Like" position, let each "+1" says that Galaxy is the best mobile device In 2017!

One hand iPhone 7 plus, in the other - new samsung Galaxy S8 +. There was a lot about the latter - he has a fantastic screen and a design, a steep front-line for selfie.

It's time to find out whose camera is better - iPhone 7 Plus or Samsung Galaxy S8 +.

The last few iPhone years I merged the competitor, especially with weak lighting. Samsung had claims in the color balance - the pictures were often yellow.

Let's see what has changed for the year and who is now in the leaders.

Camera and Focus startup speed

SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 +. From how quickly the camera starts and focuses, the fate of the future picture depends. Slightly kneaded - and the moment is missed.

Samsung Galaxy S8 + camera launches less than a second. To do this, you need to press the lock button twice, and everything is ready to shoot.

The chip works even if the smart is blocked.

Previously the gesture was tied to button Home.But in Samsung Galaxy S8 + it has become touch. Because of this, the start speed could suffer, so assigned to the lock button. Wisely.

To get a smartphone from the pocket and double-click on the lock button, the seconds are leaving. Further turns on autofocus. To focus on a sunny day, he needs only 0.15 seconds, in the evening - 0.2 seconds.

This is possible thanks to the technology of professional Dual Pixel Mirror Cameras. The smartphone has an upgraded phase autofocus - all matrix pixels are involved for focusing.

Pictures are obtained sharp even at dusk, when there is not enough light. I have never had the focus began to fool.

iPhone 7 Plus. With the release of iOS 10, run the camera on the iPhone has become easier.

The screen automatically lights up when you take a smartphone in your hands, it remains to make a swipe right left. The chip is called "Raise to Activation" and works on the iPhone starting with 6s.

It is not necessary to press anything, but it's not always convenient to drive around the screen.

Especially on the iPhone 7 Plus.

When opening the camera often slows down, friezes and curtain hangs happen. The problem exists two, but Apple is not in a hurry to correct. Maybe in iOS 11 will be repaired.

Focusing iPhone 7 Plus is about the same as quickly as Samsung Galaxy S8 +, but only with good lighting. In the evening, photos are soapy, the focus is moving.

If one of the ten night photos will be cut, already well.

Shooting in the dark

In all comparisons, the first photo is made on the iPhone, the second - on Samsung. Feel the difference:)

SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 +. If you look at dry numbers, sAMSUNG camera Galaxy S8 + the same as a year ago. A familiar test lens for 12 MP and aperture F / 1.7.

By the way, in contrast to the iPhone, the camera is completely recessed into the case and does not repel. Already forgot what it is.

As before, night photos - strong side Smartphone. Snapshots come out saturated and sharp, no masni and noise. Samsung Galaxy S8 + perfectly copes in difficult lighting conditions and does not look with exposure as some.

In case of insufficient lighting, it helps the multi-frame shooting. Even if you shoot moving objects, photos remain bright and clear.

The camera makes several pictures and combines them into one.

But the main thing that pleases - proper color reproduction. Samsung Galaxy S8 + is not lying with flowers, there is no yellowness to which a year ago.

Apparently, it somehow corrected programmatically, maybe Samsung Galaxy S7 now, too, everything is fine.

Post off in the comments, owners, interesting.

iPhone 7 Plus. Unlike a competitor, camera iPhone. 7 Plus has changed much. The smartphone has a double 12 mp chamber with a wide-angle and telephoto lens.

Aperture has grown with F / 2.2 to F / 1.8. Thanks to her, the matrix hits up to 50% more light than the iPhone 6S.

The pictures in the dark are obtained much better than the predecessor, the less was the artifacts and noise. Optical stabilization reduces blur and "shaking" - now excerpt can be 3 times longer than on the iPhone 6S.

But the result is still far from SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 +. Photos are faded, fuzzy details, sometimes some kind of watercolor gets.

The principle "took out a smartphone, photographed and got a cool shot at night" with the iPhone does not work. Unlike Samsung Galaxy S8 +.

You also have to photograph either pull in the editors, or delete.

Shooting day

SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 +. When shooting, all smartphones are more or less similar: the simplest conditions for the photo. But there are nuances. SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 + photos are obtained lighter and "colder", more details are visible. The sky seems brighter and rushing, water has a deeper color.

Snapshots are even more beautiful than in reality, especially on this huge cramless screen. I am satisfied with such a picture, you can immediately post, without editing.

Left - iPhone, right - Samsung

iPhone 7 Plus. Also reluctantly removes, but the photos are darker and "warmer". Someone considers such colors more natural and correct, which is partly the truth.

It happens that the camera is mistaken with the exposure, it is necessary to correct with handles, twisted the contrast.

And sort of good cameraBut this is not yet taken to shoot on Samsung Galaxy S8 +.

Who has better "bokeh"

SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 +. Thanks to the Aperture F / 1.8 Samsung Galaxy S8 + camera gives pictures with a very low depth of field. The back background is stronger than the iPhone 7 Plus.

If we talk about "portrait mode", then Samsung Galaxy S8 + is also there, although the camera is one.

After the photo is made, you can set the right focus - close, far or panoramic.

In this case, the background will effectively move around, almost like on the iPhone 7 Plus. A minus of this method - the function must be turned on manually, the snapshot is done longer.

We are waiting for a double chamber in Samsung Note8 and Galaxy S9.

Left - iPhone, right - Samsung

iPhone 7 Plus. Portrait shooting mode in iPhone 7 Plus - controversial.

To make a spectacular photo, you need a good light. In the portrait mode, both chambers are used, one of which has a smaller aperture value.

As a result, either in the evening the pictures are noisy, or the camera asks more light.

Since the release of iPhone 7 Plus has become better to do portrait picturesBut it turns out not always. Still rubs the details - hair, some objects.

I think the idea will finish in the iPhone 8, while this is a cool chip that does not often use.

Who is really pro.

SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 +. You can photograph the Samsung Galaxy S8 + by one button as on the iPhone. The interface has become easier and clearer.

But if you want the best results, there is a "Pro" mode. Right from the camera "Camera" you can enable shooting in RAW, configure ISO, exposure and white balance.

If you do everything correctly, you will get a fantastic result.

You can choose and customize everything for yourself is good. You do not want to steam - just click in the machine and that's it.

iPhone 7 Plus. Starting with iOS 10, iPhone learned to shoot in Raw. But it is impossible to do from standard application "Camera", only in third-party from the App Store. It is inconvenient and stupid. There is no desire to leave the "Camera" every time and take pictures in another application.

Why not add this mode to the native "camera", it is not clear.

Apparently, it will be the features of iOS 11.

The only cool chip is a two-time optical zoom. Not once did cool pictures from the far distance when there was no possibility to come closer. The same works with macro - there is no need to bring a smartphone close.

This is not enough in Samsung Galaxy S8 +, we are waiting in the following model.

Who is better

Which of some media have already dubbed the "iPhone killers". The devices are designed and tested by the South Korean manufacturer who have set itself the goal not only to rehabilitate after the predecessor of the predecessor Galaxy Note7, but even rethink the concept of a smartphone. Well, the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + model and Galaxy S8 + are designed to help it, as they offer a "brand new experience."

Despite a number of new product benefits declared by the manufacturer, with direct comparison with the iPhone 7, the superiority of Apple flagships on a number of key moments is attracted.

1. Support 3D Touch

Apple smartphones offer a unique way to interact with the device - the phone can distinguish the power of presses. In addition to such familiar gestures, like touch, brushing, mixing and breeding your fingers, 3D Touch technology allows you to use the functions of Peek and POP. This is a new dimension in working with the iPhone. Thanks to these technologies, the user can view the most different content and work with it, without even opening.

2. Double camera

Samsung Galaxy S8 has a double camera, like a competitor. The same resolution of 12 megapixels, the same DUAL PIXEL technology as in Galaxy S7 a year ago, lights f / 1.7. In addition, Apple smartphones boast a dual camera that allows you to use the optical zoom function - zooming objects without losses without lossless - and portrait shooting mode as on mirror chambers.

3. Durable housing

iPhone 7 is considered the most productive, most protected and most popular smartphone on the market, as well as one of the most durable devices on the market. SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 and S8 + Top Android Apparatuses and S8 +, Dressed in Fully Glass Case, are much easier to break.

4. Thin and easier

From the point of view of the dimensions, the 4.7-inch iPhone 7 is compacting its competitor - 138.3 x 67.1 x 7.1 mm versus 148.9 x 68.1 x 8.0 mm at Galaxy S8. The South Korean apparatus has become somewhat thicker than its predecessor and loses on this iPhone parameter. The weight of flagship smartphones Apple and Samsung - 143 and 155 g, respectively. As for Galaxy S8 +, its dimensions are described by expression 159.5 x 73.4 x 8.1 mm, and weighs the device 173. The same characteristics of the iPhone 7 Plus - 158.2 x 77.9 x 7.3 mm, Weighs smartphone 188

5. IOS.

The key advantage of iPhone 7 over Galaxy S8 lies in the software plane. iOS is more protected and easy to use mobile platform. Android, on the basis of which the South Korean apparatus works, there are no branded applications and Apple services, including Siri's voice assistant, Airdrop, AirPlay, iTunes, Find My iPhone and others. Apps in the App Store better and reliable. At the same time, there are no preset operator programs in IOS that Galaxy S8 and which cannot be removed from the device without getting root access.

6. StereoDynamics

The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus has stereo speakers, while Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + are equipped with only one speaker with mediocre sound. For new Apple smartphones, one of the active speakers is located on the lower edge of the device, and the second is in the upper part of the front panel. This arrangement seems quite original, but technically allows you to achieve stereo sound when listening in horizontal orientation.

7. Fingerprint scanner on the front side

Many potential buyers of Galaxy S8 are unhappy with the fact that the biometric module is on the back of the smartphone. Samsung went to such a step to make place under the smartphone display. In the iPhone 7, the Touch ID module is located directly under the screen. Thanks to this feature, the owners of the "apple" flagships can easily put a gadget on the table using the Touch ID to perform payments or confirm purchases in the App Store.

8. 256 GB of Memory

Apple offers three iPhone modifications with different amounts of memory. Consumers are available versions with 32, 128 and 256 GB of memory to a different wallet. Samsung offers Galaxy S8 in Russia only with 64 GB of memory.

9. Physical button Mute

An important advantage of iPhone 7 above Galaxy S8 is the presence of the Mute physical key that allows you to easily disable the sound when the user of the device is at an important meeting or in the cinema.

10. iPhone will not depreciate in two months

An important advantage of Apple smartphones is after-sales cost. The company's devices longer hold the price at a higher level than South Korean devices. In particular, 2-year-old iPhone retains the price as much as Galaxy smartphones in a year after the purchase.

None of the leaks have not yet been confirmed officially. However, they published their rather reputable sources. For example, twitter-exposure Evan Blass..


  • Galaxy S8: 140.1 x 72.2 x 7.3 mm
  • iPhone 7: 138 x 67 x 7.1 mm, 138 g

Design is a matter of taste. One like it appearance iPhone, others - samsung. But latest models Galaxy S6 and S7 differed in an unusual style. Especially the EDGE version with a curved display.

Instead, the scanner was transferred to rear panel. But not under the camera, but to the right of it. Taking into account the considerable sizes of the body, it can deliver inconvenience. For example, it will be difficult to unlock the smartphone with your left hand. Or the finger will fall into the chamber's eye and dump glass.

The iPhone design has not changed for several years. Many manufacturers are trying to copy Apple style, but it is possible to be a little. iPhone 7 is a thin and stylish smartphone with recognizable design worldwide. And he has a front-line scanner. Where and should be.

The sale will be on sale 7 samsung galaxy s8 colors: gold, silver, black gloss, matte black, blue, purple and pink.

Min-Chi Kuo

Analyst KGI Securities.


  • Galaxy S8: 5.8 inches (S8 Plus - 6.2 inches). WQHD + resolution, curved SUPER AMOLED matrix. Pixel density About 500 ppi (in S7 EDGE - 534 PPI)
  • iPhone 7: 4.7 inches, resolution 1334x750 pixels (326 ppi)

Samsung, like Apple, will release two devices: "Normal" Galaxy S8 and an enlarged S8 Plus. Here are only more displays more than in the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. A 6.2 inches in the older model seems simply monstrous.

On the big Screen Many information is placed. It is cool to play and watch movies. But not everyone loves large "shovels". They are inconvenient and constantly fly out of the hands. Therefore, Apple has released a reduced version iPhone. SE On the other hand, the Galaxy S8 case is only 2 mm above the iPhone 7 and 5 mm wider.

Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus in comparison with Galaxy Note 7 (center).

The quality of the Samsung displays is ahead of the planet. Curved screen He became a chip of edge models, and now appear in both flagships. And it is cool. Super AMOLED gives a bright, juicy picture. What to say about clarity: with the resolution of WQHD pixels is not visible at all.

Both models will receive a curved display with the WQHD + resolution (Wide Quad High Definition), that is, 2560x1440 pixels.

Min-Chi Kuo

Analyst KGI Securities.

Dozens of manufacturers put the Samsung panel smartphones, and even Apple. But the best sAMSUNG screens I saved for myself. And the potential should reveal a new headset virtual reality Gear VR.

Galaxy S8 Plus size with iPhone 7 Plus, and Galaxy S8 a little more iPhone 7

Like previous models, Galaxy S8 will receive the fuction of Always-on. It works like this: the locked screen displays the time and missed notifications. At the same time, not all pixels are glowing, which greatly saves battery charge. This is in theory. In practice, as we found out, Always-on "eats" 10-15% per day.

Most likely, the Samsung flagship will even be out of LG G6 by the ratio of the display area to the case. LG bows out that the screen in their smartphone occupies a 79% front panel. In Galaxy S8, this indicator is expected at 84%. At the same time, Samsung still will not be the first: experimental display smartphone Xiaomi. MI MIX takes 83.6%.


  • Galaxy S8: Eight-year Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 (4x2.45 GHz and 4x1.9 GHz) or Samsung Exynos 8895. 64/128 GB ROM, 4 GB RAM, MicroSD up to 256 GB
  • iPhone 7: Quad-core Apple Fusion A10 (2xHuricane and 2xzephyr), 32 GB / 128 GB / 256 GB ROM, 2 GB RAM, no slot for microSD

It is difficult to compare characteristics of iphone with other smartphones. Most companies provide specific data, and Apple is funny names for which it is impossible to understand anything (what kind of hurricane chips and marshmallows?).

SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 will receive the newest processor Snapdragon 835, which must be incredibly powerful. However, we will not judge an official announcement and wait for an honest comparison of both devices in tests. So far only there are unconfied in Benchmark GEEKBENCH 4. Compare them with the results of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus test:

You can still compare the flagships in terms of operational and physical memory. Galaxy S8 will receive two times more RAM, but the maximum amount of ROM is twice as smaller. On the other hand, few "scores" 256 gigabytes in the top iPhone 7. Although model row Galaxy S8 would not prevent the version with 32 GB: it is cheaper, and the memory can be expanded using microSD. In the iPhone 7 slot under the memory card.

Galaxy S8 for the US Markets, China and Japan will be supplied with Snapdragon 835, the rest will come to Exynos. Everywhere there will be 4 GB of RAM, but South Korea and China will receive versions with 6 GB due to the sensitivity of local users to the amount of memory.

Min-Chi Kuo

Analyst KGI Securities.

Both smartphones are protected from water from entering: iPhone 7 is certified by IP67, and Galaxy S8 will receive the IP68 category. In practice, there is almost no difference, but in the theory of iPhone will withstand a half-hour immersion to a depth of 1 meter, and Galaxy S8 is up to 1.5 meters.




Now Apple and Samsung flagships support contactless payment technology. But Galaxy S7 has an advantage: Samsung Pay works even with old terminals. Most likely, such "superconduct" will come and the new Galaxy S8.

And the new product will receive the scanner of the iris, which we have already seen in Galaxy Note 7. I will not be surprised if the appendix of Apple will present the iPhone 8 with the same technology, but under heavy ovations and screams "Brilliant!". Smartphones on Android rarely receive a similar reaction.

SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 (left) and Galaxy S8 Plus.

Exclusive function in Galaxy S8 can be Desktop Experience. By analogy with Microsoft Continuum, you can connect the monitor, keyboard and mouse via Bluetooth and work with an ordinary computer. Galaxy S8 will play a role system Block. Perhaps the Desktop Experience will not appear immediately, however, the iPhone will get exactly no such function. If you get at all.


  • Galaxy S8: Android 7.1.1 Nougat
  • iPhone 7: iOS 10

Users of smartphones are divided into two camps: some love Android, others - iOS. Eternal confrontation that is not end. IN recent versions Select the shortcomings of some single system difficult. Both OS are fast, comfortable and pretty look. On the iOS new And interesting applications usually come out first, and Android will most like it to eat more and fans in firmware.

The iPhone 7 is pre-installed virtual voice assistant Siri, and Samsung should appear brand bixby. Samsung loves to produce its own applications that do not go beyond the ecosystem and hang by dead cargo in the list of applications (and be sure - Galaxy S8 will receive a ton of such programs). The same can happen to BIXBY. Why not just install Google Assistant?