Direct mass mailing of messages on Instagram. Automatic sending of Instagram direct message to new subscribers

The task is designed to send greetings via DM to new subscribers of your accounts.

The task is running in the following way. After the next launch, the task checks whether your accounts have new subscribers since last launch. If they appear, a direct message is sent to them.

Setting up a task consists of three parts:

  • selecting accounts involved in the task
  • setting up operating parameters

Selecting accounts

To select accounts, check the boxes next to them. For group work, use the buttons located below the list of accounts. Allocation of accounts for group work is carried out by analogy with work in Windows Explorer- by using Shift keys and Ctrl. You can select accounts to work from from different lists of accounts (if they have been previously created).

Setting up operating parameters

From the dropdown list “Immediately after subscribing to us, we send a message from the file (use “[*]” to break the line): « you need to select a file. This file must first be uploaded to the service through the menu “Data” - “File”. The file should be a regular TXT file, each line of which should contain one message. The length of each message must not exceed 2000 characters. The system will take messages from the file in random order.

ATTENTION! Each line in the file is perceived by the service as separate message. If you need to send multiline text, use for line break" [*] "(without quotes). For example: Hello[*]How are you?

To insert emoji into messages, use the site Copy the desired emoji and paste it into a TXT file.

If you need to send media along with the text, enable the option “ Add a picture to the message" and provide an image or audio. Only one image or audio will be used for all messages. The media you select will be sent as a separate message.

If you want to set up sending a series of messages to those who did not respond to your previous message, then enable the option “If we have not received a response after N hours, send a new message.” You can send 2 such messages with an interval of 12 hours between them. We recommend making the texts of each subsequent message different from the previous ones.

If you do not want the system to write to everyone, then you should set the corresponding switch to the position “Welcome only accounts that match the filters”. Next, enable the necessary filters.

Option "Only Russian accounts" takes the name and description of each account found and looks for Russian letters in them. If more than 3 Russian letters are found, the account is considered Russian.

Setting task activity

If you need to configure a task so that it runs only during certain hours, you can do this on the “Activity Settings” tab. By default, all tasks in the system work only during the hours specified in the section “Settings” - “Activity”. If for current task you need to set other activity hours - check the box "Ignore global settings activity" and specify the desired activity ranges.

There is integration with the AmoCRM Telegram bot, database filtering and other things.

Why do you need a newsletter on Instagram?

Using Direct mailings, you can make sales within your own or someone else’s follower base. And also, welcome new subscribers, while talking about ongoing promotions. When working with followers of your account, this is a completely white tool. For mailings to other people's databases, the effectiveness needs to be tested: Instagram has quite strict limits on the number of messages, it is necessary to use many accounts at once.

Limits on sending messages on Instagram Direct

The service takes care of the security of accounts and automatically sets pauses between messages and respects limits. At the same time, you must not forget about mailing limits. The following restrictions apply for 1 account per day:

  • 70 messages to your subscribers
  • 50 messages about other people’s subscribers (competitors, lists, etc.)

You can add several

How to use LeadFeed services

Using the big blue button, you can add Instagram accounts from which the newsletter will be sent. Of course, you can enable a proxy for your account.

  • By new subscribers - people who have just subscribed to your account.
  • To all subscribers - newsletter to all your followers.
  • According to our list - we load our own list of logins.
  • According to new subscribers of competitors - users who have just subscribed to any other accounts.

LeadFeed does not have a built-in user parser. Therefore, if you want to send mail to your own list, use a third-party collection tool. For example, logins can be converted from Vkontakte.

  • Text + link - write any message
  • Post - indicate the link to the Instagram post
  • Text + post

If you write text, be sure to use uniqueness features. I recommend adding at least 3 synonyms for most words in your message + not writing too short messages. Especially if the Direct mailing is not sent to your own subscriber base.

Specify the text of the messages (be sure to read the suggested FAQ). If you choose a mailing format with a post, then add a link to it.

Now filtering. We can indicate the number of subscriptions and subscribers. Add stop word databases or a white list (mailing only to accounts containing...).

Be sure to specify filtering for accounts with a large number of subscriptions.

Ready. Click “Launch”.

Video review of the service for direct mailings LeadFeed:

How much do Instagram newsletters cost at LeadFeed?

Use the promotional code Gruzdevv when paying for LeadFeed - upon payment you will receive an additional 7 days of using the service.

  • 1 account in the service = 190 rubles
  • 5 accounts = 580 rubles
  • 50 accounts = 2860 rubles

There are no message limits or functionality restrictions. When paying for 3 months or more, discounts begin to apply. Integration with AmoCRM is paid separately and is quite expensive: from 990 rubles for each account.

Proxies are issued by the service, but if you decide to use your own, you need to add the cost of their rental to the total costs of direct mailing.

Review of LeadFeed

I liked the integration with AmoCRM, the ability to connect a Telegram bot and the very simple interface. Yes, direct mailing is available in some other Instagram promotion services. But it’s somehow more pleasant to work with separate tools. And in conjunction with a good database parser, LeadFeed turns into a powerful advertising tool. Unfortunately, on this moment I don’t see any Instagram accounts to test it for working with competitions and other activities. But it can definitely be applied in this direction.

We are considering one of the functions of the automatic service for promoting Instagram, this is sending messages to Instagram Direct. Optional location, functions available in personal account, after registering on the site. But first things first!

To start working with the system, after registration, you will need to add worker instagram account . From which messages will be sent to direct Instagram, according to specified criteria. After registering and linking your account to the system, in the work panel we see four main tools. This is promotion, posts (auto-posting), comments and the tab we are interested in, direct.

Recommendations: As a rule, many users have a question: how safe is it to use mass mailing of messages via direct message on Instagram? In order to build confidence in functionality service, check the feasibility of the method, you can test the system on a child account. A child account is the second or several of your pages that are created to perform different tasks. Starting from mass following and ending with sending messages to direct Instagram. The main thing is that you must take care of creating a second or several accounts in advance. Since the account must be filled out, contain a description, photo, and created at least no later than 3-4 weeks. Such a profile will not be afraid of sanctions and blocking from the social system and the Instagram application.

Direct mass mailing of messages on Instagram

After going to the direct tab, you will see the inscription. The Direct mailing function is not active for this account, please activate the active button. In order to enable the newsletter, you need to pay for it, that is, activate it. Click activate and go to the payment page. In this section, you pay or renew connected services, these are promotion, direct and work with comments. In order to start working with mailing lists on Instagram, check the box opposite the Direct message. And with right side, in the drop-down menu, select the number of days for which this function will be enabled. For example, we choose seven days. Then click the apply button.

After clicking, you will be redirected to a notification page. What you have paid is the selected amount, and your remaining balance is so much (the amount of your account). Press the active button work panel and go to the direct section of your personal account.

Setting up and creating a mailing list on Instagram direct

If you are creating your first newsletter, then the active, completed and history tabs are empty. To create your first newsletter, click new message, after which a pop-up window will appear on your screen where you will create and configure your newsletter.

Further terms and definitions

Every new subscriber The name speaks for itself. This type of service will automatically send the message you specify to each new user who has subscribed to you.

All existing subscribers The option sends specified messages to all subscribers of your account.

Your own mailing list This type of mailing allows you to create a group of users to whom your specified messages will be sent.

Every new subscriber

If you are an active user of the social network Instagram, you may have noticed that when you subscribe to an account you like, you receive a direct message. Typically, this is an informative greeting or thank you for subscribing. It's hard to imagine the user doing this manually. But the function, newsletters - each new subscriber is created just for this.

In this tab, you create a message, product offer, promotion or greeting, which will subsequently be received by all users who subscribe to you. Thus, you not only increase interest in your account, but also increase the loyalty of your audience. Showing in this way that you are open to dialogue and pay attention to new subscribers. When you select a tab, each new subscriber. In a pop-up window, you will be shown tooltips with variables. These are the curly braces that will change the title and description of each message. Because the Instagram system did not accept your mailings as identical messages. The variables are enclosed in curly braces, where (Good afternoon | Hello | Hello) @account_name, (thank you | thank you very much) for following me! Thus, the program will constantly change the headers. This example shows three headings, two thanks and the final text is for following me. Messages can range from a greeting to a promotion for your store. You can add emoticons, photos to the message window, and the number of characters is 500, without spaces. If you are in doubt and don’t quite understand what variables are and why they are set, you can contact us, any in a convenient way. For example, through an online consultant, on the website, by mail, in

in social networks

This is the section where you can send messages to your subscribers. That is, the audience that has already been formed in your account. Here you can set settings using a filter. All meanings are intuitive. For example, you can set gender, user, maximum, maximum amount subscribers, the account also has photos and even the time of the last post. All these filters help to highlight the most active group of users, in which a certain number of users are most likely to receive your notifications. The volume is also 500 characters, plus photos and emoticons.

Your mailing lists

The third mailing option is a specified list of users. The mechanics of this function are similar to the two described above, except that you will have to create the list yourself. This is logical and implies an individual selection of accounts to which you want to send direct messages. For example, you have a database regular customers who are constantly active, make purchases, participate in promotions, and so on. By identifying and collecting the accounts of such users, you can create more interesting offers for them. With a high discount or limited quantities of goods, making them a priority. In this type of mailing, you will need, with each new line, add user nickname, with special character@ at first.

Before proceeding to the descriptive part, let's look at how sending messages to Instagram Direct can be useful in terms of promotion or traffic generation. And also to whom you can send messages and to whom you cannot.

  1. Welcome new subscribers. As soon as a user subscribes to you, he immediately receives a welcome message, just like after registering on the site.
  2. Inform your subscribers about a new promotion.
  3. Notify us about a move or the arrival of new products.
  4. Making a newsletter with a link to a new publication on the site is similar to an e-mail newsletter. Not everyone can achieve such coverage.

When sending a message to your subscribers, the messages immediately go to the inbox, and the user will see a corresponding notification in the application. If the user is not subscribed to you, the message ends up in requests (views and open rates are much lower).

Sending private messages to Direct Instagram

How will we send messages in bulk? Of course, using the SocialKit service. There are many services that offer this service, as a separate service or their functionality is limited to this one function. Unlike them, SocialKit has a huge arsenal of tools necessary for an SMM specialist. This and, And and many others. But let’s not deviate from the topic and let’s talk about sending messages to Direct.

What can you send via Instagram Direct?

  1. Text messages (available via SocialKit).
  2. (Photo and video).
  3. Images.
  4. Links (available via SocialKit).

Based on this, compose messages that will be sent as interesting, concise and not spam.

How to send direct messages on Instagram using SocialKit

Step 1. Go to task creation and select “Direct Mailing”.

Step 2.Download the list of users ( or parse your subscribers) to whom messages will be sent. Check the “Remove from list after writing message” box if you want the message to be sent to the user only once.

Step 3.Actions. Here you need to indicate the number of messages per profile and the number of profiles that will be processed during the day. We recommend sending no more than 1 message per user and no more than 100 users. Violating the message sending limit may result in your profile being blocked.

In the “Activity Database” field, specify the name of the file in which activities such as viewing a message or reply will be saved.

Step 4.Messages. Download text file with a list of messages. Each message must be unique. Here, if necessary, we write a link.

Check “Loop messages” if you want the program to go through the list of messages in order of queue and return to the beginning of the list when finished. Or select "Randomize" to send a random message.

In the same settings item, specify to send messages only to private or open profiles, or both.

The remaining options are already set - they can be left as default.

Step 5.Add the task to the queue.

Step 6.Result. After completing the task, in the right column by uploading the file where the activity was recorded, you can view those who:

  • viewed the message;
  • answered;
  • rejected.

User ruslankovalchuk, SMM specialist:

“My name is Ruslan Kovalchuk. I do promotion on Instagram. I have been actively using the Zengram service for 3 months.
On this platform you can not only gain followers on Instagram, but also find new clients and make real sales. Because promotion on this service is only for the target live Instagram audience, without bots. Moreover, you can launch the function of liking the news feed of your subscribers on Instagram, and even commenting on their posts fully automatically! Everything is clear, fast and without interruptions. Zengram service is excellent, I recommend it to everyone!”

User User - blogger, host of the marathon of desires:

“I know how to make dreams come true and move towards goals. My project is a marathon of desires, in which I can teach everyone to correctly formulate goals and realize their plans. Promotion in Zengram helps me constantly gain an active audience ready to participate in my project. It’s very simple to launch promotion on Zengram - you set it up once, launch it, and all subscribers and applications for participation begin to come by themselves. People started subscribing the very next day after the free period launched. An individual consultation with an SMM manager helped, who helped me figure it out, develop a concept for promotion in the service and gave recommendations for maintaining a profile on Instagram. Now I’m doing what I love, and profile! :)”

User fromheadforheart, handmade workshop:

“My name is Evgeniya and I do needlework. To attract clients, I registered on Instagram, but it was very difficult to find people who would be interested in my work.
While searching for a solution, I came across the Zengram website! I’ve never used anything like this, but I wanted to attract attention.
The Zengram website had a “try for free” feature and I loved it! It’s very easy to understand, and most importantly, it works effectively!
I launched mass looking, subscribers and clients were on their own, liking and commenting while I was doing what I loved! And even if some small glitch arose, technical support actively communicated, and then compensated for the lost time!
Just a great helper site for promoting my account. Thank you, Zengram!”

User _ermil_, photographer:

“Instagram for me is not only a platform with beautiful photos, but also a place where I find my potential clients.

Previously, I myself manually put likes and wrote comments on Instagram to those whom I assumed might be interested in my account. This took a lot of time and effort.

Zengram was a real discovery for me. I tried the free trial period and decided to continue working with it. I liked that it was relatively inexpensive, unlike many other services. It’s great that everything is simple and clear. You can manually configure who will like it and how often. Choose work based on geolocation, hashtags or competitor accounts. And also who competitors like in the Instashpion service.

Since I don’t like mass following, unsubscribes, subscriptions and comments can be turned off, leaving only likes. I only log in occasionally and change the settings I need myself, and also check the Instagram account statistics; the service does the rest for me, including clearing bots. In 4 months, the service helped attract about 3,000 subscribers using likes alone, which is pretty good.

I am very pleased and will continue to use it with pleasure.”

User pragueinabox, tour organization:

User SkvorcovAlexander, travel blog:

User kruzhki.karaganda, custom mugs and T-shirts:

“Like any entrepreneur, beginner and not only, I decided on my Instagram account.

There was a difficult choice of a service for promotion on Instagram; there are many of them on the Internet for every taste and color.

Already in the first 7 days (by the way, they are provided free of charge upon registration), the number of subscribers exceeded 1000.

Without hesitation, I renewed my subscription! The settings have everything you need to attract targeted subscribers. There is a very interesting useful feature- account statistics, engagement, subscriber analysis, where I, in general, track the target audience. And also an Instagram spy for tracking the activity of competitors, unsubscribing from non-reciprocal subscribers. Well, and most importantly, let's go with Instagram, maybe a little, but let's go.

From my 2500 subscribers, 2-4 clients a week come consistently, I have already more than recouped my investment in promotion))

I wish the website service team success in its development!

Well, I myself will develop with you!!”

User _s_tany_s_, artist:

“Not long ago I started using it not only for personal purposes, but also to attract potential clients.

The fact is that I paint portraits to order. Thanks to Zengram, I receive about 1,000 new ones a month, and most importantly, real ones.

Most of the audience is from my city, so the number of orders for portraits has increased. In addition, activity increased noticeably, there were more likes on posts, and comments appeared. Now you can easily forget about the useless cheating of bots. You can unsubscribe from non-reciprocal subscriptions. It is very easy to monitor the activity of subscribers in Analytics, and their likes in Instaspy.

I would like to say a special thank you for the reasonable prices. In my opinion, this is one of the most convenient and effective services for promoting your account. I will definitely continue to use Zengram to promote my Instagram profile in the future.”

User denpanov, photographer:

“I started taking photographs from the moment I got a smartphone.

At first these were just photographs for myself, but with the advent of Instagram, the hobby began to take up more and more free time.

But in order to be noticed and appreciated for your work, you need to prepare your account in addition to efforts in terms of working on photography.

The zengram service provides just this opportunity, helping to show your creativity to others. I was pleased with the free trial period. Clearing bots allows me to show my photos to other users more often. Having flexible and simple settings for subscriptions, comments, and analytics, the site can easily give a novice photographer the opportunity to break into the world of big photography. However, do not forget about the important thing, the content itself. Without cool work, the functionality of zengram will not be fully revealed. Good luck!"

User spbplanta1, landscape design:

“The Zengram service is very convenient to use when promoting your Instagram profile.

You can set up promotion simultaneously using different parameters: like, write comments, subscribe and unsubscribe.

This setting is extremely useful for promoting an Instagram account. target audience: by location, hashtags and accounts. The Instashpion service is also useful.

Interface to use.

The service for analyzing the engagement and structure of subscribers is very helpful.

And, most importantly, service technical support always promptly answers questions and helps in solving problems. Thanks a lot!"

User 144_hours, personality development specialist:

“About a year ago I decided to start my own blog on Instagram. It seemed to me that my topic would be in great demand in modern society, and I started looking for a way to convey my idea to people.

After searching for options on the Internet, I came across the Zengram service. I was interested in the variety of functions for promoting, unsubscribing, writing welcome messages, analyzing subscribers and tracking likes. I tried the free period. People began to subscribe, like and write comments. I purchased a subscription. Already in the first month of work I reached just over 1000 people. The activity of the live audience also pleasantly surprised me.

Today I already have about 3000 thousand subscribers. And this is not the limit! Perhaps, if I had read various manuals on using the service and did not take long breaks in maintaining my account, I would already have 10, or even 20 thousand subscribers. But everything is ahead! I plan to continue using Zengram. It is very profitable to buy service services for 2 months or more. Thanks to the developers for helping me promote myself on Instagram!”

User myamishop art supplies:

“Thanks to your blog, I decided to try it) Maximum easy setup, a transparent system that can be monitored in real time. I liked it very much! We have a narrow specialization profile - yarn and materials for creating knitted toys. The topic is interesting for those who knit these toys or are planning to start knitting. And even so, in 5 test days we got 150 new subscribers = potential. We have connected autodirect. and offer a discount on your first order.

Very necessary! Honestly, before it never even occurred to me how important it is to say “Hello”, to give a new subscriber