Pay 3 GB of Tele 2. How to get additional internet traffic? Other ways to get additional internet

Not always included in the tariff package of batch traffic is enough for all needs. MTS in this case offers to order additional packages by 3, 5, 10 or 20 gigabytes, which will be valid for 30 days from the date of connection. So how to add the Internet to the MTS account? And how to check the remaining number of accrued megabytes?

Description of the service "+ Internet 3 GB"

This amount is removed immediately when the package is connected, after 30 days - it is removed daily by 10 rubles, until the service is turned off manually or due to lack of funds on the balance sheet.

Unused megabytes are transferred for the next billing period (if this is provided for by the conditions of the current tariff plan).

How to add 3 GB traffic per month on MTS

To add the Internet to 3 GB to the MTS number, you must dial the combination on the phone * 111 * 1417 * 1 #.

The accrual of new megabytes is performed when the monthly fee is removed under the conditions of the tariff plan. Accordingly, if you connect the "+ Internet 3GB" service, for example, the 15th, and the subscription fee on the tariff plan is removed on the 1st day, then for the first 15 days of the use of the service will still have to pay 300 rubles, and then 10 rubles for everyday. So it is better to activate the package when the monthly subscription fee is removed. This is relevant for all packages "+ Internet".

Description of the service "+ Internet 5 GB"

How to add 5 GB traffic per month on MTS

To add the Internet by 5 GB to the MTS number in 2018 it is necessary to dial a USSD combination * 111 * 1517 * 1 # and press the call key.

You can also use My MTS mobile app or activate the service.

At the same time, 400 rubles sprinkled from the balance, and upon the occurrence of a new estimated period (according to the conditions of the tariff plan), 13 rubles will be removed daily. Called 5000 megabytes are summed up with traffic provided under the conditions of the current tariff.

Description of the service "+ Internet 10 GB"

How to add 10 GB traffic per month on MTS

To add Internet to 10 GB to the MTS balance sheet, you must dial a combination * 111 * 1617 * 1 # and press the call key.

At the same time, 500 rubles are removed from the balance. Upon the occurrence of the next settlement period under the terms of the tariff plan, the cost of the service will be 16 rubles per day. The price is relevant for Moscow, Voronezh, Samara.

Description of the service "+ Internet 20 GB"

How to add 20 GB traffic per month on MTS

To add the Internet by 20 GB to the MTS account in 2018 it is necessary to use a combination * 111 * 1817 * 1 # and press the call key. From the account at the same time spikes 600 rubles.

Upon the occurrence of the next settlement period (under the terms of the tariff plan), the price of the service will be 20 rubles per day. Called megabytes are summed up with the basic traffic and are used on the same conditions (if, by the terms of the tariff, unused services are transferred to the next month - it will work with the traffic "+ Internet").

How to check the number of the remaining megabytes?

To verify the remaining traffic (both by the terms of the tariff and the accrued "+ Internet"), the following options are available:

  • combination * 217 #;
  • combination * 101 * 1 # (other activated Internet packages and services also shown, if any);
  • by calling 8-800-25-00-890 (free help desk for MTS subscribers);
  • via mobile application "My MTS".

Total, the service "+ Internet" allows you to connect additional Internet traffic packages to MTS subscribers to 3, 5, 10 or 20 gigabytes. The cost of the service is from 300 to 600 rubles and this price is maintained for all regions.

Sometimes the Internet package included in the tariff plan is not enough. Tele2 offers subscribers to use the "Add Traffic" option, which connects from 100 MB to 5 GB.

Verification of traffic residues

Before activating additional packages it is useful to check - all traffic included in the monthly fee is really spent or network access is absent for other reasons.

It is convenient to use to check for package residues to a personal account. To enter it, it is enough to perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the operator's website.
  2. Next to the main menu, click on the button "Log in to My Account".
  3. Enter your phone and password, or log in only by phone number.

Users of smartphones and tablets instead of a personal cabinet can use the application for smartphones. Also obtaining information is available using USSD requests. But a specific command depends on the tariff and / or options.

For example, to check the remaining traffic on the tariffs of the "Black" line, you need to use the * 155 * 0 # command, and when the Internet Package is connected - * 155 * 19 #. You can clarify the command suitable for a specific subscriber's situation by phone of the operator's contact center - 611. You can also ask an employee of the help desk immediately provide information about active options, packages and their status.

Service connection

Activate the subscriber can also with the application or personal account. These services show the current service status and the connection of many other options is available.

To activate packages add. Traffic exists and special USSD commands:

  • 100 MB - * 155 * 281 #;
  • 500 MB - * 155 * 171 #;
  • 1 GB - * 155 * 541 #
  • 3 GB - * 155 * 181 #;
  • 5 GB - * 155 * 231 #.

Connection Options is possible only if the subscriber uses the tariff or services, which includes a monthly Internet traffic package.

Terms of Service

Can be used when in any subject of Russia, except for the Republic of Crimea and G. Sevastopol. At the same time, the region of purchasing a SIM card value does not have. Using the option can be used in the condition of full monthly fee at the rate (services).

If the client connects the option with a non-terminated main traffic package, it will first be consumed. All packages have a limited expiration date: services that include 100 and 500 MBs operate 1 day, and 3, 1 and 5 GB - 30 days. At the end of the term, the balance of Internet traffic is burned, their transfer to other estimated periods is not possible regardless of the conditions of the current tariff plan.

Service cost

Packages of additional traffic packages differ significantly in different regions of Russia. It is also characteristic of other options related to the Internet from the company tele2.

Consider how much the service is "Add Traffic" in some regions of the Russian Federation:

  • 100 MB in Moscow and MO stand 15 r., In St. Petersburg and Lo - 12 r., In the Penza region - 7 r.;
  • 500 MB in Moscow and the region are 50 rubles, in the Ryazan region - 60 r.
  • 1 GB in most regions of Russia costs 120 p.
  • 3 GB in Moscow and the Moscow region will cost 150 rubles, in St. Petersburg and Lu - 240 r., In Sverdlovsk region - 190 r.
  • 5 GB in the capital and Moscow region are 250 rubles, in the Tula region - 200 rubles.

Depending on the region, where the SIM card was purchased, the list of "Add Traffic" options available to connecting the options may differ.

If traffic suddenly ended, tele2 subscriber can buy it using the Add Internet option. But if such a need arises often, it is worth thinking about choosing and connecting another tariff plan.

Tele2 subscribers who regularly use the mobile Internet are often faced with a situation where unexpectedly ends the web traffic limit allocated by the operator. In order not to lose the possibility of accessing the global network you need to know how to add traffic on the tele2.

In the article:

Get an additional Internet traffic can different ways. Mobile Assistant Tariff-online.Ru will tell how to add Internet on tele2, packages or even tariff plans that will provide a comfortable opportunity to enter the network when essentials.

Tariff plans of the family "Black"

The line of tariffs "Black" provides optimal conditions for using 3G and 4G internet without speed limit. The youngest rate provides subscribers a 2.0 gigabyte traffic package. Invo, the older tariff plans "the black" and "superman" are filled with much richer and contain packages of 10GB and 15 GB, respectively. Even if the limits of the high-speed Internet are completed earlier than planned, it does not mean automatic shutdown from the global network. No, the Internet remains, but productivity is critically reduced to 64 Kb / s. Download applications and watch videos at such low speed can not be communicated in social networks - can.

To buy the tariff "the black" for 599r. per month you need to send a request from the phone * 630 * 3 To activate the "Superman" tariff plan (1199 p. Per month) provided for service team * 630 * 13 #

More detailed with the possibilities of the "black" family of TELE2 tariffs can be found.

Services with additional traffic packages

The Tele2 operator offers a number of Internet options that become useful if the main traffic packet or the Internet is needed from the case.

Option "Day online"

How to add megabytes of traffic on tele2, if they ran out? This service allows 15p. On the day to receive 250 MB of traffic without any speed limitations. An explicit advantage of the option is to write off the subscription fee for the actual output to the network. If during the day, the subscriber did not commit Internet sessions - the balance will remain in integrity. To connect the service2 "Day on the network" you need to send a request in format * 155 * 16 # .

Service "Internet from the phone"

A convenient and affordable option that provides a daily provision of additional 100 MB of web traffic to the Subscriber. To activate "Internet from the phone" on the tele2 enough send a short command * 115 * 15 # . The first connection is free. The re-activation cost will be 15-20 rubles. depending on the region

Important! The "Internet from the phone" service is required daily from the balance sheet of subscription in the amount of 5.50p., No matter what Internet was used or not.

Service "Internet Package"

This Internet option for 180-250r. A month allocates the user 3-5GB Internet traffic. Differences in the price and volume of the package depend on the region. To connect the service, the * 155 * 191 command is used. .

Service "Internet portfolio"

Within the framework of this option, the subscriber receives a monthly 10-15GB traffic at high speed. The specific volume of the "portfolio", as well as its cost (250-350r.) Depends on the region. The "Internet portfolio" option from tele2 is connected using the * 155 * 201 # command .

Service "Suitcase of the Internet"

For subscribers with great high-speed traffic needs optimally the option is suitable "Suitcase of the Internet", providing 450r. per month Volume package of services (30GB). Connecting the option "Suitcase Ineta" is implemented through the service command * 155 * 211 # . To promptly check the remaining limit of Internet traffic is necessary from a mobile device Send request * 155 * 021 # .

Please note that the subscription fee is debited immediately for the entire month, at the beginning of the reporting period. If you have changed priorities in the use of network capabilities, it took to disable the Internet Suitcase service - send from the phone * 155 * 210 # .

Attention! The Internet options described above cannot simultaneously be used with each other or connect to tariffs with integrated Internet packages. In order to additionally buy traffic on Tele2 as part of prepaid tariffs, it is necessary to use a separate family of universal Internet services.

Universal tele2 options to add traffic

After the traffic limit on the tariff plan or options is fully utilized, there is the possibility of convenient addition of the required amount of megabytes using the tele2 service family of "Add speed".

"Add a speed of 100 MB"

This service becomes indispensable when the user needs to extend at its disposal until the end of the current day of the additional 75-100 MB of traffic to perform an important online session or communication session. The cost of the option is only 5.50p. in a day. To activate the service "Add 100 MB" enough Send request * 155 * 281 # .

"Add speed 1 GB"

When small volumes of the Internet are needed on a regular basis, you should look at the "Add Speed \u200b\u200b1 GB" service. This option is for a modest subspace in 80r. Provides a subscriber 1 GB of traffic for a month.

Connection to the service is implemented through the service command * 155 * 181 .

"Add speed 3 GB"

The most eldest option to "Enlarge Speed" provides a user for a month of high-speed Internet traffic volume of 3GB. The cost of the service is 160r. To activate it, you need to form a team of type * 155 * 231 .

Note! The "Add Speed" service is perfect as a temporary replacement of the "Package" options, portfolio or "Internet suitcase" and can be connected to the tariffs of the Black Line.

Service "Add time"

In a situation where web traffic limits are completed within the framework of the connected service, it remains the need for fast loading Significant volume of megabytes, a unique option "Add time" will come to the revenue. Her the main feature It is unlimited access to high-speed Internet for 20 minutes.

The service is available in all corners of the country, and its cost is 10-15r. (depending on the SIM card registration site). To activate the option "Add time" from the tele2 used query * 155 * 171 # . To deactivate the service, you must send the command * 155 * 170 # .

Important! Connection and deactivation of any Internet options are also available in the online self-service service.


The Internet Assistant Site hopes that this thematic review allowed you to understand all the nuances of the issue how to replenish traffic on tele2. For better consolidation of the read material, do not forget to get acquainted with the training video.

If you lack the Internet packages already connected to the tariff, you can always take another, slightly surcharge. How to add traffic on tele2 3GB for a month? There is nothing complicated here, we will now tell you what to do.

Briefly on the topic

This service allows you to add 3 GB traffic on Tele2, a combination for connecting - * 155 * 181 # for shutdown - * 155 * 180 # . To check the condition - * 155 * 18 # .

Connection and shutdown

There are two ways to add 3 GB of Internet on the body 2: The command (USSD code) and the use of a personal account. In the first case, you do not even be registered on the site, everything is done from a mobile phone:

  • Enter a short command * 155 * 181 # .
  • Click on the "Call".
  • List appears on the screen available optionsYou can add.
  • Choose the one where 3GB is indicated.
  • Confirm the action and wait for the alert that the Internet package is activated.

Now how to extend traffic on a TV2 on 3 GB through your personal account, available on the operator's page: Authorizes, click on "Services", then to "All" and look at the list. Opposite the desired row we press "Connect". Actually, all. It remains to wait for SMS, as in the first version.

Appendix: Services-Management-Choose the desired-Next incl:


But disable additional traffic mobile Internet It will only be in one way: with a short command * 155 * 180 # . As usual, we enter a combination into the phone and click on the "call". After a few seconds, a notification will come that the option is deactivated. To see the actual condition of the service enter * 155 * 18 # .

Important! In this article we led approximate prices. In your region, they can be completely different, or there is no such service at all. Please check out current information by specifying your location on the TV website.

Basic information about the service

The "Add Traffic" option is intended for a single connection of 3 GB of the Internet. Time actions - 30 days. This additional volume is always consumed first of the main one, both if there are residues and after the new estimated period. Automatic connection This package occurs a month after activation, or after the traffic in it is consumed. Fee for the first and every subsequent connection - 130 rubles.

IMPORTANT: Add 3GB to Internet in Tel2 can only be able to operator subscribers who previously chose a batch tariff plan. In addition, the number should not be connected to other services that provide discounts on the Internet.

Watch the video:

Situations when you need to additionally add 3 GB traffic on tele2, not uncommon. Restricting the number of free megabytes is assumed on all company's tariff plans, so when traffic ends, it is possible to buy the Internet additionally. Such a service is available when connecting most options involving subscription fee.

In order to replenish the Internet account on an additional 3 gigabyte, you must dial the * 155 * 181 # command. Such a combination will allow you to quickly open access to the global network. The enrollment is made instantly. The validity period of the connected service is one month. Purchase cost - 150 rubles.


If the need for traffic disappears, the service is possible to disable. This will require:

  1. Dial * 155 * 180 #.
  2. Click on the call button.

The procedure is free. However, the fee for non-use megabytes is not refundable.

How to add 3 GB on tele2 after disconnection? To do this, it is enough to adopt the same connection operation. In addition, it is also possible to extend speed through " Personal Area". It is convenient to connect both the restriction. You will need a phone number.

Check status

Information on how many free megabytes remains on the account, it is possible to get through the "Personal Account". It is also allowed to use the combination * 155 * 18 #. After it is typed, the result will be sent to the subscriber in the SMS message.

other information

Take additional free gigabytes perhaps in any region of Russia. The exception today is only the Republic of Crimea, but this restriction will also be removed in the near future. Rounding the volume of traffic is performed with an accuracy of 150 kilobytes.

How to connect 3 GB on tele2 if the tariff does not imply a subscription? Only those subscribers who, under the terms of the tariff plan, are assumed to have a traffic package to enter the global network. After a complete exhaustion of the limit, access is closed until the megabytes are bought.

Other conditions:

  1. Top up the account is possible through the "Personal Account" even if access to the Internet is limited.
  2. It is important that at the time of connection the service has enough funds.
  3. When renewing the main package, temporarily closed for some reason, its limit is consumed first, then re-acquired.


The possibility of buying additional gigabytes greatly simplifies the process of use. global NetworkIf the main limit has already been exhausted. Large investments are not required, and the subscriber has the opportunity to continue using the network until the next write-off of funds in the form of a subscription fee.