The challenge is not accepted by megaphone what it means. Why establish a connection limit on a megaphone. Why establish a connection limit on megaphone

Trying to call, but in the handset hear a record that stated on the established constraints on the outgoing? The same happens when calling calls to other phones? Learn how to get rid of call blocking quickly and effortlessly.

Common causes of "Non-Dispaste" subscriptions

The provider is entitled to impose certain restrictions on subscribers under the contract concluded when buying a SIM card. The reasons for the prohibition on outgoing calls may be somewhat, and the most common is a banal lack of money in the account. At the same time, depending on the specific tariff and the limitation provider, occasionally impose even on intranet compounds.

Also, the user of networks for a number of reasons may be unavailable to intercity. In some regions, the Mobile Communication of GSM format works selectively - for example, only for registered in the area. Also occur incidents with shutdowns and in case of failure of the SIM card, which has served a period of time (over 7 years).

Non standard conditions for restrictions

Some situations associated with the restriction of the outgoing communication may be understandable not to all. We are talking About such concepts as:

  • roaming. In roaming, not only outgoing, but also incoming calls may be forbidden. In the case of some operators, the caller may also hear about the restrictions on the outgoing, although actually the receiving is blocked;
  • attack. It happens that fraudsters using the latest technical innovations, intercept the streams of the operator's lines and use other people's phones for floods, fake registrations and other illegal frauds. The attacked phone is completely blocked until the circumstances are clarified on all articles, including calls;
  • password. If you use a stranger (for example, a corporate) device, it may be "perellenny". When you try to call, the caller will hear the corresponding message;
  • "Stop call." Some operators offer the service to limit conversations so that a person can adhere to the specified budget, while maintaining money directly on the account without the need for frequent replenishment.

Methods of combating limiters

Remove the prohibition of the outgoing communication can be several ways depending on the causes of the lock. For example, in the case of an "empty" balance, it is enough to replenish the account. But if everything is clear with the financial side, then in other situations it is necessary to specify the details of the operator.

Each of them has a hotline where you should call with the question. If it does not work out there, although there is a coating - in the region, the connection of this provider is active, but not for all. Therefore, you will have to look for the separation of the operator service, which is not easy to do. But if you still have been able to call, proceed according to the instructions.

Most popular reasons: operator rating

  • Tele 2. It does not have a clear blocking regulation available to users. The call to 611 will allow you to establish circumstances, but for assistance in this matter it will be necessary to provide the passport details of the SIM card owner.
  • Megaphone. You can call techSapport in two ways: from mobile - 0500 or on " hot line"8-800-550-0500. The most common reason here is an insufficient deposit amount (stipulated in the contract).
  • MTS. Excluding single cases, the clients of this operator will hear the record reporting on the reasons for blocking, so the question is that with the network, you can answer sufficiently objectively. MTS also offers the service of intentional blocking outgoing, ranked by several species. They are activated using USSD commands: a challenge on numbers with asterisis and dies, and therefore, albeit a meager, but the likelihood has included an error service. Contact support service can be called by phone. 8-800-250-0890 (free throughout the Russian Federation) or 0890 (from MTS phones).
  • BVK. Baikalvesttelecom is also guided not to the end of the consumers with the rules "Ban". The site of this provider offers customers of the support service of the Sapporta 000 (from the BVK numbers) and 89025-113-113, as well as 767 - for paid (3 rubles / min.) Consultations. Apparently, the hint of the fact that the free consultation does not shine quality.

But whatever the nuances of the call to the operator, in most cases it is the only way to figure out why outgoing are blocked, as well as remove the limit.

In 2020, mobile communications is an integral part of the life of every person. Without it, people can no longer work or just live.

But when it is used, you can encounter certain problems. One of them is a set of communication limit.

For many people, it is very important to deal with this problem as quickly and efficiently and efficiently, because if the connection is established, it means that you cannot make calls.

Such cases may occur, even when mobile account There are funds. Therefore, it is important to know what to do to solve the problem and why it arises.

Limiting communication can be superimposed by almost every MTS operator, Yota, Beeline, Tele2. After that, it is impossible to make outgoing calls from mobile phones, with the exception of emergency calls.

The ban is also set to send outgoing SMS. In some cases, the restriction blocks and incoming calls to the subscriber's telephone on which the restriction is established.

The main reason for the connection restriction is the negative balance of the subscriber's personal account, when there is not enough funds even on the connection.

In this case, the operator mobile communications It acts in accordance with the conditions prescribed in the contract between the user and the company, that is, blocks any outgoing calls and SMS.

This contract is signed when purchasing a SIM card. Its few people read carefully, but in most cases the text contains a reference to restriction in this case.

In addition, the reason for the restriction of communication can be:

  1. The failure of the SIM card in connection with the end of its operation.
  2. In some cases, the prohibition can be set to subscriber numbers that are in roaming.
  3. Mobile device malfunction.

In addition to the above reasons, some companies enjoy the restriction service to reduce their mobile spending and do not want, in order to call the staff not at work.

This service It works, even when there is money in the account and includes such options options:

  1. The restriction is carried out only within the selected office.
  2. "White" and "black" lists are connected.
  3. It is prohibited to order services with short numbers.

The most suitable option subscribers choose independently. Restricting communication on the "black" list means it is forbidden to make calls to certain numbers or entire directions.

For example, it was established that employees cannot call abroad or to other cities.

As for the "white" lists, then employees have the ability to call some specific directions or numbers that are allowed.

In some cases, only those numbers are made to the White List, which is indicated by the client. Both variants of the lists can be determined for the company's employee individually or in groups.

This restriction is not permanent constantly, but only a certain period of time. For such a connection, you can compile a special personal schedule.

When limiting communication at the office level, the MegaFon operator at the request of the Subscriber limits the number of an outgoing employee depending on its location.

So, if the subscriber goes beyond the territory of the office, they cease to act. The operator can offer a client at the same time several similar zones. In addition, it is proposed to limit the number of time calls.

Prohibition by short numbers means the impossibility of all outgoing queries for various paid and free short rooms. This service is very convenient when employees of the company ordered a different content.

Methods of disconnection of the limiter

If your number is set to limit the outgoing communication, you can remove the ban in several ways, depending on the causes of the lock.

For example, in the absence of money in the account, it is necessary to simply replenish it. But if there are no problems with the financial side, then all the details of the operator should be clarified.

Each of them has its own hotline where you need to call with the question. If you can not get through, but there is a coating - in the region, the connection of this provider is active, but not for everyone. Then you have to look for the separation of the operator service.

To communicate with the mobile operator, you can use a telephone connection. Rating mobile operators looks like that:

It is important to take into account that the relationship restriction is possible not only in mobile operators, but also in stationary telephone.

Rostelecom users are available to users. various methods Lock. You can disable all incoming calls, create black and white lists for incoming and outgoing calls or fully block the telephone connection.

The service "Password Communication" makes it possible to block outgoing calls in full or in certain directions.

To remove the connection restriction, you need to enter a password. And you can also contact the company's hot line - 8-800-100-0800.

If a person can not get through to technical support, you need to visit the company's branch. Practice shows that most often only personal appeal will help learn the exact reason for blocking and solving the problem.

Any mobile operator has a list of services that are basic and provided by subscribers for free. Call restriction enters similar list of services from MegaFon.

The activation of this option can be carried out by the subscriber independently by entering the appropriate commands or a specialist support service. It may be charged if the service is connected through MegaFon employees.

Communication limit can be established for such types:

To connect any of the above prohibitions, such conditions are necessary:

  1. The "Forwarding" service is activated on the subscriber number.
  2. On each type of communication, you can install only one limit at one time.

But at the same time, the question is how to disable communication limit MegaFon. Disable the service is also easy as connecting it.

You just need to enter such a combination on the phone - # service code * password for managing service #.

Such a service can be used to disable bans on call types.

Password, which is applied by default to connect or disable the prohibition, the user can change. This makes it possible to secure the phone from the attempt to manage the service other people.

To introduce new password You need to use such a combination - ** 03 * 330 * Current password * New password #. The term of its action is not organic.

But if you enter combinations to change the password, tooling the error three times, it will not be possible to use the connection of the connection to the connection. And to remove the blocking will have to visit the office of the company with a passport.

Thus, if the connection limit is superimposed by the operator, then make calls from mobile operators, with the exception of emergency, it becomes impossible. In addition, SMS will not be possible.

This problem most often occurs with the negative balance of the account. But the connection restriction can be established and with a positive balance sheet.

This is often found in corporate numbers, on some directions outgoing calls may be prohibited.

Communication restriction can apply the operator if a monthly limit is set by the number of stupid minutes and the funds spent.

Some operators offer blocking for incoming calls to phones that are in roaming. If the user cannot independently disable the service, then contact the mobile operator.

Using a mobile phone, you need to be careful and carefully enter numbers for calls. An error in one digit can lead to a call to another city or even another country. The same applies to roaming, where rates for communication are quite serious. In order to accidentally do not make a particular call, you should use the "Prohibition of Call" from MegaFon. In this review you will receive a maximum of information about this useful service.

"Prohibition of the Call" on the Megaphone cannot be called the most popular service. Most subscribers do not even know about it. However, she can benefit by defending the subscriber from making calls with high cost . An error in one digit often goes to round sums, especially if accidentally call abroad is an extremely expensive direction. And return randomly spent money will be problematic.

In order to prevent loss money Because of the incorrectly dialed number, the following steps must be taken:

  • Make all important numbers in your phonebook - Yes, some people manage to recruit numbers in the old manner, in manual mode;
  • Before charging, check the correctness of the number dialing;
  • Take advantage of the "Problem of Call" from MegaFon.

Yes, if the numbers are listed in the phone book, it will be easy to be mistaken - only if the phones are clogged correctly and without errors. The control of its actions is also very important, as non-accuracy and inattention and are the reason for the loss of funds. Well, the service that will be discussed further will allow you to experience additional tranquility when performing any operations with your phone.

The "Prohibition of Call" from MegaFon will avoid unexpected embezzlement when making voice and some other calls. It blocks the dialing at the network level. I.e, even if you rearrange the SIM card to another phone, installed blocking Save. Few people know about the existence of this service, but it is implemented in cellular networks gSM standard almost from the date of their appearance.

"Prohibition of the call" from the megaphone allows you to block the following call types - we give them together with the codes:

  • All outgoing (code 33) - with such settings to call somewhere will not work;
  • International calls (code 331) - good way prohibit the most expensive communication direction;
  • International calls in international roaming (code 332) - they are characterized by the maximum cost, and they can also be prohibited;
  • All incoming calls (code 35) - an excellent opportunity to completely be protected from calling subscribers;
  • Incoming in international roaming (code 351) is another way of saving.

Also provided prohibitions on the type of calls - these are normal voice calls, calls such as "data" and "fax". Here are the prohibition codes:

  • Code 10 - Any call types are prohibited, except calls by 112;
  • Code 11 - prohibited voice communication In both directions, in addition to calls to 112;
  • Code 13 - prohibition of facsimile messages;
  • Code 16 - a ban on sending "data" and text messages, the "Fax and Voice" type calls remain in operation.

Let's now go through the practical side of the question.

Use commands with codes

It is time to discuss how to use prohibitions and their codes. They go to the network as the simplest teams. For example, to prohibit all calls, send a command * code__name * Password #. If you need to prohibit a specific type of calls, the command syntax will be as follows - * Paste code * Password * Type_Vonka #. The default password is 1111 (it can be changed).

Let's look at how to make the prohibition of incoming calls on the megaphone. To do this, recruit the code * 35 * 1111 #. If you need to prohibit those incoming in international roaming, send the command * 351 * 1111 #. In order to activate the prohibition of outgoing calls on the megaphone, type * 33 * 1111 # - now call somewhere it will be impossible. For the prohibition of the outgoing "Fax" type, we recruit * 35 * 1111 * 13 #.

How to Remove the Call Prohibition on Megaphone

In order to disable the prohibition of the call on the megaphone, replace the first asterisk on the grid symbol. For example, to deactivate a ban on all outgoing communication, you must use the # 35 * 10 # command. note that the "Prohibition of Call" is provided absolutely free of charge and without any fee for sending commands.. To manage the service, you can use the call settings menu in your mobile phone or smartphone.

Blocking services telephone communication It will help to limit yourself from unforeseen phone calls with a big charge for the connection and conversation. Include and disable the call ban on the megaphone can be on a specific type of communication. Parallel deviation can be installed on one incoming and one outgoing type of communication services.

When you activate the call barring services in a megaphone, the password for all subscribers is set by default 0000 or 1111. Before use, it is recommended to change the access password to the function to more convenient. It will be required each time the call is turned on and disabled on the megaphone. This can be done using code ** 03 * 330 * 0000 * XXXX * XXXX # and call key. In this code 0000 - old password, XXXX - new, introduced twice.

If xxxx is entered twice identical, a notification will be notified of a successful password change. Thus, you can always change the access code to the service if necessary. If you get mistaken three times when entering a password, the call of call prohibition on the megaphone will be unavailable. In this case, you need to contact the operator so that it helps to resume use.

Activation of the ban on all outgoing in Megaphone

Prohibition of a call on a megaphone for all outgoing calls limits the subscriber to the execution of all its own calls, but it can take any incoming calls.

To activate this voice call limit function on a megaphone, you must enter a request * 33 * ZZZZ # and, accordingly, press the call key. ZZZZ - Mounted Personal Password. Checking the function activity: * # 33 # Disable a call ban on a megaphone: # 33 * ZZZZ #.

Call prohibition - all outgoing international

Deviation of calls on a megaphone for all outgoing international calls protects the subscriber from the commission of random inclusions for the territory of the country of location. At the same time, it will be possible to take messages from abroad.

You can connect such an option using the following code * 331 * XXXX # and the activation button. XXXX - delivered your own password. Checking service status: * # 331 #. Disable the service: # 331 * XXXX #.

Deviation of all outgoing in roaming

Blocking outgoing calls in roaming is designed to connect while traveling. Upon returning home it is better to turn off the prohibitions on the megaphone. By activating the specified form of deviation of outgoing signals, it may be possible to call only mobile networks Inside the country of finding and to Russia to the number of the operator.

To connect this type of restriction, you will need to dial on your mobile phone * 332 * VVVV # and call. VVVV - Access code. Refinement of the service state: * # 332 #. Disable Call Prohibition: # 332 * VVVV #.

Prohibition of all incoming

The ban of the call of all incoming signals limits the subscriber from unwanted calls, but it can perform any internal and external shipments.

Deviation of all incoming roaming

The function of receiving communication signals in roaming is designed to work while driving abroad anywhere in the world to protect themselves from unexpected paid incoming calls. Upon returning to Russia, it is better to disable the call ban. Activated this type Prohibiting incoming calls, it is impossible to completely receive calls - all will be rejected. You can only call mobile networks within the country of finding, to Russia and all the desired rooms.

To activate this voice limit, you must enter the combination of * 351 * NNNN # on your mobile phone and of course call button. NNNN - service access code. Refinement of the function: * # 351 #. Disable the prohibition of the call on the megaphone: # 351 * nnnn #

Restriction of individual connected options

Blocking a specific option allows you to work only a separate limit function. Suppose you can prohibit only sent SMS messages and allow outgoing calls. Connection is made by a set of such a code number * The designation function * SSSS * Option code #. Where the designation function is indicated above for each type of prohibition; SSSS - Selected Personal Password, Option Codes are listed below.

  • 10 - voice communication + SMS messages;
  • 11 - Exceptionally voice communication;
  • 16 - exclusively SMS messages;
  • 21 - Mobile data transmission.

Disable the ban options on the megaphone can be a code number: * Designation of the * SSSS function * Option code #.


It is important to know that the prohibition of exports simultaneously does not work with all other functions. Suppose any type of call forwarding will be available only after disconnecting a call ban on a megaphone. Conversely, the prohibition will not act while the redirection is active.

Articles and Lifehaki.

Cellular communication is an integral part of the life of each modern person. Often, MegaFon subscribers are interested in, what does it mean a connection limitation? Our article is devoted to the description of this particular service.

What is a connection restriction service

This service allows you to limit different kinds outgoing calls for employees of their organization. It includes three possible options option, namely:
  • ban on ordering entertainment and informational services;
  • the so-called "black" and "white" lists;
  • restrictions within a certain office zone.
Restrictions on "black" lists can be used to prohibit outgoing calls for entire destinations or on separate rooms.

For example, employees will not be able to call to other cities or abroad. As for the "white" lists, they, on the contrary, allow calls to separate rooms / directions. For example, employees will be able to call only numbers indicated corporate client.

Both "black" and "white" lists can be determined for a group of employees or individually for everyone.

In addition, such restrictions are possible only on a certain time - For example, on some days of the week, hours, etc. It is possible to draw up a personal schedule.

The restrictions of the office zone imply restrictions on the outgoing calls of the employee depending on where it is located. In other words, if he leaves the office zone, they will no longer act.

It is allowed to take into account several such zones. It is also possible to install restrictions for some time for one or several employees, etc.

The prohibition of entertainment and informational services means the prohibition of outgoing queries for short numbers providing similar paid services. It is very convenient, for example, if our employees often order this content.

Cost and Features Services

  • The subscription fee for the use of each of the three above options is 50 rubles. It charges in full on the first day of the calendar month. Activation of any option costs 30 rubles.
  • To connect or disconnect communication limit services, contact the Corporate Clientation Service Center. Before that, it is recommended to carefully study all the terms of service on the official website of MegaFon.
  • Any restrictions / prohibitions concern only outgoing requests. This service can not be ordered in roaming. In addition, it does not take into account sending SMS messages. The service is available exclusively in corporate tariffs.
  • It also happens that we call the MegaFon's subscriber and hear the notice that any restrictions are established.