Bing search engine in Russian. Bing search engine - what is it? Search Results Videos

Bing is a relatively young search service that first announced its existence only in 2009. However, despite its youth, this search engine is already second only in popularity in some European countries, as well as in North America. If we talk about the popularity of Bing around the world, then today its share of the search market is estimated at 30-35% .

Bing is not the first search engine from Microsoft. Previously, the company made attempts to create full-fledged search services, which resulted in such search engines as Live Search and MSN, which did not become popular with the Internet community.

As for the success of the new search engine from Microsof t, experts tend to associate it with two main factors. Firstly, the company's engineers managed to avoid all the mistakes and shortcomings that were made in the previous Microsoft search services, and secondly, a huge array of statistical data that the company has accumulated over the years of the browser's existence. Internet Explorer, allowed its engineers to create a search algorithm that gives users really relevant results.

As for the promotion, it is not yet clear how effective site promotion with links works in this search engine. This search engine has a "proprietary" ranking algorithm, it is somewhat reminiscent of the Google ranking algorithm of three years ago, plus some more developments. Since we have little demand for this search engine, there are not so many on the Russian Internet. specific information about the technology of the search engine Bing.

In general, everything is full of drama, the Internet market is the most dynamic market, so often one search leader was replaced by another leader.

  • In addition, it is worth noting such an important factor in the popularity of Bing as the improved search in media files, which provides ample opportunities for sorting search results that are not available in other search services.

As for the ranking algorithm of this search engine, it also has some features. First of all, it is worth noting that Bing has an extremely negative attitude towards sites that are promoted using search engine spam methods, penalizing such resources for the slightest misstep. Secondly, given search service is very good for sites that use a large number of flash elements, which cannot be said about many other search engines... The third feature of Bing's search algorithm is its relationship to keyword density. If for successful promotion in other search engines, site texts must contain from 5 to 8% keywords, Bing considers 3% as natural key density.

As for the domestic search engine - Yandex, many experts note that it works very well in the commercial issue, so if you are looking for where to buy panasonic air conditioners, then you should use the services of a domestic search engine. And besides, search engines are not omniscient, so you need to rely not only on them, but also on human experience. In order to find out what people think about your product, you should look for reviews on this product on the Internet.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about not very popular on the Russian Internet Bing search engine and the Hotmile mail service. The owner of these services is the not unknown Microsoft company, which has tightly planted most of the world's population on its operating system. But this is not enough for them and the company's ambitions extend to the Internet.

Running a little ahead I will say that the world's search engine Bing although it is seriously inferior to Google, it still takes the second place, and their mail service Hotmail in general, until recently, was the world leader in this segment.

It is impossible to say the same about Runet, but Bing can still be useful to webmasters from Runet, and recently it has no boundaries and is seriously trying to turn the tide with ease of use (renaming it

Bing is the world's # 2 search engine success story

The share of this search engine in the whole world is not that great - only four percent:

Thus, it turns out that even the search engine Bing, which does not officially work with Russia, can be very useful to us, due to the fact that it still indexes sites on the Russian Internet and has unique operators in its arsenal.

Outlook Mail (formerly Hotmail) - sign in and register

The Hotmile mail service appeared even earlier than the search engine (in 1996) and has achieved much greater results in its segment. Actually, Microsoft simply bought a successful and promising project in 1997, and was able to make it the most popular on this moment.

True, now he was able to move from Olympus, and he is not far behind. In Runet, as well as many years ago, the majority of users use it.

Now he has moved, respectively, to the second place, and Yahu mail has remained in third. The gap, however, is quite small:

In Russia, Hotmile is not yet so popular, because for just a couple of years, Runet users were given the opportunity to work with the Russian-language interface of this mail service... By this time, the overwhelming majority of Runet users were already tightly on the needle, Gmail, etc. However, all this does not implore the merits of our today's hero, and I want to talk about this in a little more detail.

The first distinctive point is that Hotmail does not limit users in the amount of mailbox provided for storing correspondence and attachments. Nice nuance, although very few people will be small Gmail inbox with its 10 gigs, but nevertheless this can be attributed to the pluses of Bing's relative.

In general, I will not go into all the details about Hotmile. Why? Because he has not much left to live. It will be replaced by another email service from Melkomyagkie called Thus, Microsoft wants to completely distance itself from the old brand, which in the minds of many users (mostly bourgeois) has become firmly associated with a slow and buggy mail system.

Login to mail (

New service will have to compete with the new leader in the person of Gmail on equal terms and nothing should remind of the once existing childhood illnesses Hotmail.

Anyway, you first need to register, which will then allow you to work not only with mail services (new and old), but also with Xbox LIVE with Windows Phone... In general, we register for all occasions.

If you don’t want to shoot your cell phone number, you will have to choose one more, in addition to specifying an alternative E-mail. Security Question and the answer to it, which you will surely forget over time. Then you can immediately use your mailboxes in Hotmail:

By the way, in addition to working with mail, you can communicate in the Hotmail interface via MSN Messenger, work with the calendar or go to your cloud storage SkyDrive. The interface is not to say that it is very modern, but we should not forget that its days are already numbered and all users of this mail service will forcibly transferred to in 2013).

Actually, you can start working with mail right now through the new Outlook interface (instructions for the transition), which is currently under testing. In a nutshell, just open the page in the same browser where you had Hotmile open before.

And if you are not automatically authorized, then enter the login and password received during registration. At the same time, you will be warned that with your mailbox no cataclysms happened and it will be possible to continue working with correspondence already in the new and pleasant to the eye Outlook interface:

The button with settings (the gear in the upper right corner) allows you to add an area for reading correspondence, dividing the screen area either horizontally or vertically (in Gmail, this feature is implemented only through the Lab).

Settings and capabilities of Outlook mail from Bing (formerly Hotmail)

Well, if you want to create an alias for your mailbox on the Outlook service, then select "Other mail parameters":

On the page that opens, select "Create an alias for Outlook". You will be asked to enter your password again, after which you will be asked to come up with an E-mail ending in Hotmail and @

Incoming correspondence falling into this mailbox can fall into the email inbox with the ending @ or into separate folder(You will be offered a choice immediately after creating an alias.

And I will briefly mention Opportunities of Outlook mail service coming to replace Hotmail:

  1. Unlimited box size
  2. Ability to create a bunch of aliases
  3. Ability to recover deleted messages (in the Deleted Items folder at the very bottom there is a corresponding link)
  4. is integrated with Microsoft's ally - something that many users (especially from the bourgeoisie) may find convenient (there is a corresponding icon in the upper right corner, to the left of the gear)

As a fly in the ointment, let me remind you of the dampness of the new Microsoft mail service.

Dear colleagues. Events in the CIS give rise to a lower demand for goods and services sold via the Internet, in connection with which many are reoriented to the western segment of the market.

There are other reasons to blame the bourgeois - for example, the lack of adequate affiliate programs in some areas. For example, on the topic "payday loan". This is a short-term loan secured by future salaries.

Something similar was done in Runet -, but in fact this project is already a scam, I'm even a little ashamed that I once advised it on the pages of my blog, because really considered them a successful project. At the same time, this direction is very actively developing in the bourgeoisie, there are good partnerships for financial traffic... That is, here you need to work mainly on the US market, where the average check is larger and there are also more guarantees that everything will be ok.

So, in this state of affairs, there is a question of getting high-quality traffic, which is much more difficult to get on targeting the United States than on the Russian Internet. However, there are other search engines where the competition is less, and the traffic is as solvent as in Google. This is the Bing search engine.

Therefore, today I will talk about how to promote your site on and what you need to pay attention to when promoting in this search engine.

Let's start with some statistics. According to StatCounter, the search engine Bing has overtaken its closest competitor Yahoo !, although for several years the situation was exactly the opposite. Worldwide data is displayed here

But the data is only for the USA

As you can see, Bing's US market share versus Yahoo! is 11.32% to 9.54%. The growing popularity of the search engine Bing suggests a growing trust in the search engine on the part of ordinary users and, therefore, a higher conversion of traffic.

How valuable is traffic fromBing. com?

I've heard a lot of talk about how traffic from Bing isn't that good, that it's not convertible, that people don't buy through Bing, etc. But for some reason, their own statistics say the opposite.

These data speak for themselves.

Traffic that comes fromBing:

    Has a lower bounce rate

    Spends more time on the site

True, I will immediately make a reservation that despite this, it can be different in each niche, so it is worth drawing final conclusions based on the statistics of your site.

Benefits of the Bing search engine

In general, the problem of many people is their own conservatism. They start doing something, get used to it and then don't want to change something. The transition to something new takes people out of their usual comfort zone, so they try to avoid it.

If we talk about the bourgeois Google, then since 1998 all sites have been focused on search engine promotion exclusively on Google, and over 18 years of google was the only search engine that received the most attention on the entire planet.

This monopoly, first of all, gave rise to the confidence among SEOs that if your site ranks well in Google, then it will rank well in Bing. It’s like, as in our Russian Internet, the opinion was somehow prevalent that if a site ranks well in Google, it means that it will rank well in Well, there is simply nothing to say here ...

But in fact, Bing's algorithms and Google different, so if you have the opportunity to analyze the results for your site, you will immediately see this difference. Because of this, it's important to understand the key differences in order to rank better on Promotion - Free Tools & Resources

The first thing to do when planning a Bing promotion is to familiarize yourself with all free tools that this very Bing provides.

Unlike Google, Microsoft (Bing is owned by Microsoft) provides many useful SEO tools and guides. It might sound crazy, but Bing loves SEO. They even have a blog on this topic.

As with Google and Yandex, it doesn't hurt to check out their Bing Webmaster Guide before promoting to Bing. Here you will see that everything is much simpler than in the Google Webmaster's Guide. It takes 10 minutes to read the entire manual for Bing webmasters and understand what they want from the webmasters there.

Webmaster Tools - Bing

The Bing Webmaster Tools service is located. It is in Russian, everything is clear and simple. And most importantly - no extra requirements. You can sign in to the service using your Microsoft account. Just like in Google - one account - the whole world! =)))

Registration with Bing Webmaster Tools provides a wide range of options, including the so-called backlink explorer, backlink analysis. With the help of this tool, you will see what keywords your site is ranking for, how it is indexed, you can diagnose problems and much more.

Bing SEO Analyzer Tool

The tool is very easy to use and 100% efficient. Checked!

Bing Webmaster Blog

Search quality blogBing

Imagine if Matt Cutts and the entire Search Quality and Search Spam Team blogged about what they plan to do and test. But Bing does it. Run by Search Quality Blog. Perhaps it will be useful to someone, since there they often publish ideas regarding search engines.

The Bing Webmaster Team - Feedback

Last but not least, feedback from the Bing webmaster team. Therefore, if you have any questions while promoting your site in Bing, you can simply contact Bing support.

Top Website Ranking Factors

Perhaps the biggest question is: What are the key differences between Google and Bing rankings?

Here we will consider in more detail.

User engagement is very important

In Bing, the situation is similar to that of Yandex. Here, the stronger the behavioral factors, the higher the position. That is, it all depends on the time from the moment when the user went from the search to our site, was on it, and then returned to the Bing search. Accordingly, if the majority of users find a site through search and then return to search, this is bad.

And if most of your site visitors go from search to site and don't return to search, that's a very powerful signal to Bing.


CTR in results search results is essential for ranking in Bing and is used in conjunction with user engagement data.

Everything is simple here. There are two pages of the site. One is in first place in Bing's search results, the second is in second. The page in first place gets 20% of the traffic, while the page in second gets 40% of the traffic. This is a clear signal that the second ranked page is more relevant than the first ranked page.

Therefore, it is also very important for Bing to use quality titles and descriptions that are attractive to users.

Social signals

When it comes to Google, there is a lot of debate about how social cues have a powerful impact on rankings.

For two years now, Google has been very active in using social signals when ranking sites. It's no secret that links from Google+ rule very well. Therefore, today social signals for Google should definitely become a part of SEO strategy. As for Bing, everything is the same for this search engine. Here, social cues are just as important a ranking factor as those listed above. For Bing only, links from Facebook and Twitter take precedence.

I would even say that social signals are even more powerful in Bing than in Google. So use links from social networks Is good for both Google and Bing.

Google has special tools for attribution of content so that there are no questions about the true owner. I think you remember that in the Google SERPs, they showed small images of the content author right in the SERP. Now I do not see this, however, the function itself works.

Bing has its own design for content attribution. A couple of years ago, they had a counter like Yandex's "Original Texts", only they had to register through the service and link the accounts. I don’t know if this works now, as there have not been any problems with the content yet.

We all know very well that backlinks are very important to Google, I would even call it the basis of Google ranking. But for Bing, the impact of external links is not as great as for Google.

If you compare the SERPs between Google and Bing, you can see that there are far fewer sites with strong link profiles in the Bing Top. Here's the same example with payday loans.

Two pages over given request on Google and Bing - this is from the TOP-3 US Google - this is from the TOP-3 US Bing

As you can see, comments here will be superfluous.

Inbound link anchors

Bing places a lot more emphasis on link anchors than Google does. Therefore, when promoting specifically for Bing, you can focus on anchor links. Google is good at both non-anchor and anchor links for the reason that Google, through the analysis of near-link text, as well as synonyms, have learned to determine the meaning of a link, and Bing has not yet learned how to do it, so if we are promoting a query like “ cpa marketing ”, there is no need to interfere with anchors, replacing them with synonyms. You need to constantly hammer with links with an anchor containing "cpa marketing".

But the risk here is that with this approach, when we are actively pushing anchor text into links, there is a high probability that our site will be covered by Google Penguin.

In general, the trick here will be that anchor links should be from powerful trust sites, and non-anchor links with synonymous anchors - from all other sites. This will significantly reduce the risk of being hit by Google Penguin.

Keyword in domain name

Here it comes exactly about your domain. By using the keyword in the domain name, we improve our site's Bing ranking. In general, this is not critical, but it does help.

However, it must be borne in mind that Google has a Google EMD (exact-match domain) filter, which is aimed at excluding sites with domains tailored for narrow queries from search results. Therefore, ideally, you should do so that the domain name does not have an exact match keyword.

If you were comparing the results of Bing, you might have noticed that the links are from the pages to a greater extent, while the domain authority is less important than the page from which the link to our site is.

Second point. In Bing, it is much more difficult for a young domain to rank high when compared to Google. Therefore, the old domain is one of the advantages of working with Bing.

Thus, having an old domain, which in its name contains a synonym for our main keyword, we get a big advantage when promoting.

PageRank is not relevant

PageRank used to be a good metric to use, incl. for Bing, but since Google hasn't updated for a long time this parameter, today its use is not relevant. So it's worth noting that Google Page Rank has no correlation whatsoever with the ranking of Bing sites.

Keyword density has a big impact

Bing loves sites with a lot of unique content. Bing ranks sites with long article content higher than sites with small articles.

Also, when promoting in Bing, you need to optimize articles for special keywords for which you want to rank in this search engine. For Bing, the formula “one keyword = one landing page". But you need to take into account that if you cram large footcloths of text with keywords, then you have a direct road to Google Panda for duplicate content.

Bing has also learned to be quite good at finding and excluding duplicate content from searches. The search engine finds such pages, while not excluding them from the search, but simply throwing them out of the search results outside the TOP-100. Rank for health somewhere, far away))

Site structure and code are very important toBing

Therefore, it is advisable to build the site structure taking into account these recommendations.

General site optimization

Optimizing a website for Bing is a lot like optimizing for Google. You can use keywords with an exact entry in title & description. Bing places great emphasis on accurate keyword matching in title tags.

Each page of the site should have only one h1 tag, and the subheadings in h2 and h3. In addition, Bing sometimes mixes in the title in the search results keywords from the description, so you should not hope for an exact match of the titles that you prescribe and those that will appear in the Bing search results.

HTTPS is not a ranking factor inBing

Google has long announced that https is a ranking factor, albeit a minor one.

In all, we have long been accustomed to the fact that Microsoft achieves its goal by any means. This company does not need to be afraid to do something wrong. Microsoft has made so many fatal mistakes in its lifetime that any other company in their place would have gone all over the world. Fortunately, the brainchild has billions of dollars in its assets and the almighty Windows, and therefore the guys from the USA can afford to make mistakes much more often than others.

I have already told you about the colossal marketing opportunities that developers are constantly propping up the browser. Without this crazy support, IE would have long ago become a part of history and would have safely disappeared from users' computers. Today I want to tell you about another project of the company, which was also born in terrible agony and did not want to become popular for a very long time. So, the story about the history of the creation and development of the search engine Bing from Microsoft, I propose to consider it started.

The history of the search engine Bing: three inglorious starts

The desire to create its own has plagued Microsoft for a long time. The first swallow can be considered MSN Search, which appeared back in 1998. I think that each of you at least once met this name, but rarely did anyone dare more closely. And this is not surprising: the MSN search engine was completely unsuccessful and was not liked not only by users, but also by the developers themselves.

Having existed somehow until 2006 and was not remembered by most of the users, it has safely sunk into oblivion. And rightly so. The unfortunate search engine was replaced by an equally gray and joyless character who bore the name Windows Live Search... What can you say about this PS? Believe it or not, nothing at all. Weak, stupid, unstable. Therefore, when just a year later she was replaced by Live Search, then no one was particularly upset.

L ive Search worked on and nevertheless gathered some supporters. But it didn’t correspond to Microsoft’s planetary scope. It became clear that if you create a fourth freak, then even the most unsmiling people will start laughing. A solution was needed that would somehow restore the company's shaky status. In addition, Microsoft was very offended that as soon as the first opportunity fell out, the owners of Windows OS quickly change the built-in one for something more convenient and smart. As a rule, on or.

Finally, we have come to the main point: June 1, 2009 Microsoft unveiled its new search engine, which was named Bing... Rather, the name "Bing" is for the public, and the search engine itself was called " Kumo"(From Japanese -" spider "). The pessimists were already rubbing their hands in anticipation of another failure, but, paradoxically, Bing went up the hill.

Bing development

Of course, if any other company was engaged in the development of the search engine, then Bing would have fought for many years, proved and only very slowly crawled forward. When you have the most popular operating system in the world, integrating a decent search engine into it can work wonders.

And miracles really began: after a while, the young Bing took over, and practically equaled in the number of users with the old and hardened bison - Yahoo. And that is not all! It didn't take long for Bing to become the second most popular search engine in the world. Yes, I know, you are now going to say something like "stupid". No, this is not stupidity, it's just that Runet has always been a special environment, and in this case, this rule worked again.

Yes, Bing is not very popular on Runet. One might even say that Bing is practically unknown in Runet. However, there are reasons for this. The first reason is that the Kumo search engine indexes Russian-language sites poorly. The second reason: we and Google are heavyweight players, who can only be moved on the Runet by an atomic bomb. Plus a few lightweights like Nigma, etc. There is practically nowhere for another search engine to wedge in: all vacancies are occupied, for every percentage of growth you have to fight. So the Russian-speaking segment does not count.

And yet, again, Bing is popular in other countries. This can be judged at least by the fact that he was able to plug Yahoo in the belt. Why is this search engine so fond of the foreign public and how did it win their hearts? More on that below.

To conquer today's user, it is not enough to do “like everyone else”. We need differences and "chips" that will be responsible for the process of "falling in love" with the product. And here Micrisoft does not need to be taught: there is something, but in terms of "beauty" they are masters. So, after looking and trying Bing, I found the following niceties:

  • ~ It is possible to select search results based on the specified categories. As you already understood, the search results will also be different for different categories.

  • ~ Bing is very video friendly. It is also convenient that the video can be viewed directly on the search page, and not go to third-party sites.

  • ~ Bing gets along well with Flash sites.

  • ~ The Maps section is impressive. Routes, my places and other yummy - this is already interesting. Feels like it was developed with a soul.

  • ~ Ability to search by images. There is an opinion that it is not even worse than in Google, and maybe even better.

  • ~ Every day changes background image home page. A trifle, of course, but after all, it is often the little things that become the key to success.

  • ~ Convenient and unobtrusive search log.

  • ~ Similar results can be viewed at the top right, no need to scroll down, as it is done in Google.

  • ~ A pleasant search engine in itself, which is especially fond of conservative people.

Bing: a quick summary

Of course, Bing search engine history is still very short, but it is already clear today that Microsoft is on the right path. Of course, Bing is still far from the quality of search, like that of Google, but, you see, not everyone needs it. Many are content with very little. Rambler fans are the best confirmation of my words. If we talk about the aesthetic component, then Bing looks quite presentable.

So if at some wonderful moment the developers of this PS pay attention to the Runet and optimize the work with Russian sites, then, quite possibly, Bing will perfectly take root in Russia. Of course, it will be difficult for him to compete with Yandex and Google on the Runet, but less popular search engines are quite capable of overpowering. Again, it's worth keeping in mind Microsoft's unlimited budgets and their tenacity to achieve their goals. Therefore, I think Bing will do a lot both in the world and in Russia.