The best programs for mounting and processing video: what video editor to choose a newcomer and how to learn how to mount it. Package processing in photoshop Using the Correction Menu on one layer

External processing is a very convenient tool for companies using typical configurations for 1C: Enterprise 8.3. They allow not to spend strength and funds on 1C update, allowing the ability to update the base with one button in a simple user mode. Using the Mechanism of the Standard Subsystems Library, you can add different buttons to documents and reference books without changing the type configuration. Consider an example of creating and connecting external processing in one of the 1c configurations.

Create external processing in 1C 8.3

To create a new external processing, use the configurator. Through the "File" menu, select the creation team "new ..." and we determine that we will create external processing. In the window that opens, set the name, and when you press "ENTER" it is filled automatically. Also, this name will offer you a system as a file name when saving.

Add the formation form by clicking on the button with the image of the magnifying glass in the corresponding window. For an example, we will create a processing showing, in which customer orders a certain nomenclature is used. To do this, we need to place on the form:

  • Props - field for installation of the nomenclature;
  • A button that makes a call code.

We add the "Nomenclature" props with the data type "Directory Tower Tools" in the corresponding section and the "Show" button in the "Commands" menu -\u003e "Shape commands".

To make added data on the form, they must be dragged into the elements of the form located in the left upper part. It is possible to swap elements with the help of blue shooters. To the button created by us, performed the intended, it needs to be assigned to the procedure. Through context menu Select the "command action", and to the question where the handler is needed, will reply: "Create on the client and procedure on the server."

Fragment 1.

& Clause Procedure to show (team) Reserver (); End Controlles & Nasserver Procedure Reserve Server () // Insert the contents of the handler. Extrudresses

We have chosen the creation of a procedure on the server, since we want to get a sample from the database as a result. On the client, we do not have such an opportunity, so you will need to connect to the server, which is exchanged with the database. Now we need to write a code that realizes the conceived by us. A request will be used and withdraw all documents through the "Report ()" function.

Fragment 2.

& Schedule Show Companies (Nomenclature); End Controlles & Nasserver Procedure Reserve Server (Nomenclature) Query \u003d New Inquiry; Request.Text \u003d "Choose a variety of | CustomizamentAds. Link as a link | From | Document. Zaklanta. Sostoring as customers-setpoint | Where | CustomerientAvostav.Nanklatura \u003d & nomenclature"; Request. Installation parameter ("Nomenclature", nomenclature); RESULT SUPPLY \u003d Query. Fill (); EvalidateCaption \u003d RESULT SUPPROIST. Clear (); While sampledatalization. Next () cycle to report (sampledatual compensation. Link); EndCycle; Extrudresses

At the current stage, we can open an external processing as an ordinary file in the current stage, and it will already be operational. But if we have many users, we will have to send them all this file by providing it with the instructions on how it, actually, to open in 1C, which is extremely inconvenient. To avoid this, our processing should be located inside one of 1C sections. To do this, we need to further modify it through the configurator, specifying certain settings.

To place external processing in Section 1C, it is necessary for it in the object module to register the "Information Summary" procedure. In the main processing menu, click "Actions" and select "Object Module". Here you need to register all the settings you need so that the system understands what is required of it and what the file in front of it. The screenshot shows the code of the function "Information Supreme School".

Information information information () export data \u003d new structure (); Dannoundedoleg. Land ("Name", "New External Processing"); Dannoundedleeg. Support ("Securely", Truth); Data ("version", "Ver.: 1.001"); Data ("View", "Optional"); Tabzncomans \u003d new tables; Tabznomands. Solonks. Addly ("identifier"); Tabzncomans. Cuttings. Addly ("use"); Tabzncomans. Cuttings. Addly ("View"); Novstok \u003d Tabznomands. Addly (); NOWSTROK.Identifier \u003d "New Energy Processing"; Novstoka. Using \u003d "Openingform"; Novstok.Presentation \u003d "New external processing"; Data ("teams", tabsnomands); Return of this data; Endfunction

Fragment 3.

Connecting external processing in 1C

Before connecting external processing to a typical configuration, you must enable the use of this tool. In "Administration" in subparagraph "Print forms, reports and processing", we establish a flag opposite the mechanism we need. We are available to the transition button to the reference book of additional treatments and reports.

When moving to the list, create new line In it, and the system will propose to choose a file. We choose the and saved processing made by us, and the configuration 1C independently fills most of the fields. Through the "Run" button, we can already check our workability of our processing, but it is not too convenient for other users. In order for users to appear our team, and they could make a challenge, we need:

  • Specify the placement of the object. By clicking on "Not Defined", we open the sections window and specify, in which sections the operation will be available;
  • Select users who have this command will appear in the "Advanced Processing" menu of selected partitions without unnecessary settings. To do this, in the table part you need to choose " Fast access"And add to the right half of the responsible users;
  • On the tab " Additional Information»You can specify a folder in which you will be downloaded;
  • After pressing the "Record" key in the selected section in the "Advanced Processing" menu, users will detect our team and will be able to use it.

If we want to make changes to our processing, you must first unload it from the database. To do this, in the Reference "Advanced Processing and Reports", find the desired line and use the "Upload to File ..." command. Make the changes, save the processing and via the "Download from the file ..." key, locate the modified EPF file without changing the parameters. After recording, all users will see the changes made.

If you are not typical or removed from the support of the 1C database, then use the ability to download the processing through the configurator. In the object tree in the "Processing" section, create a new processing and select "Replace to external processing, a report to" replace the context menu. " It will only be necessary to configure the launch of external processing from the desired partition by turning on the added processing to the desired subsystem.

Working with external treatments is very convenient and avoids many conflicts. The only significant drawback is not updated automatically along with the configuration. That is, if the developers have changed the name of the document or directory in the main configuration, we will have to manually perform the processing setting.

Inspired by the next ingenious idea and need to make it in life with the camera? If you are just starting your way in the photography - do not hurry! To begin with, examine the foundations of this art. In the article we will tell, with what problems beginner photographers are most often faced. You will also learn how to process photos in the "Photomaster" editor and get rid of most defects.

Error number 1. Wrong frame layout

After examining the rules for building a frame composition, you will know that the location of the shooting object strictly in the middle will make any photo of the boring and inanimate. To get a dynamic and interesting snapshot mentally divide the future frame on the 9-pieces. Place everything important next to the lines or at points of intersections:

Have you already taken a photo, forgetting about the rules of the composition? Not yet lost! Our "Photomaster" will quickly correct the situation. Use the crop function. Turn on the grid, and then configure the size and position of the frame on top of the snapshot. Click "Apply" and all changes will be saved.

Error number 2. The horizon is littered

You can even see this defect with an unarmed look. The horizon line in the photo does not go parallel to the lower and upper limits of the frame, and goes up or down:

To correct the horizon, go to the "Composition"\u003e "Geometry" section. Check the ticks next to the "Crop automatically" and "Show Mesh". On the "Rotate" scale, align the photo. If necessary, adjust the "Vertical" and "horizontal" parameters.

Error number 3. Problems with lighting

Shot against the sun, unattached camera, disabled flash in the dark ... All this leads to one - to problems with the exposure. The photo becomes too grooved or dark:

Photo processing will help solve the problem. In the "Photomaster" and adjust the tone of the photo. Move the runner to the right on the "Exposition" scale for clarification of the photo, left - for dimming. If necessary, adjust the dark and light colors in the picture, as well as the shadows and excessively crossed areas.

Error number 4. Effect of red eyes

A similar defect arises due to the use of the outbreak. But you can try in advance to prevent its appearance in the photo: To do this, ask the "model" not to look directly into the lens when shooting.

You can get rid of red eyes using a corrector. You will find it in the "Retouch" section. Adjust the brush and highlight one of the problem pupils. Digit saturation and experiment with the tone. Then, similarly edit the second eye and appreciate the result in the preview window.

Error number 5. Lubricated photo

If the photographer during shooting hurry to press the descent button, the camera will not have time to focus. When viewing a photo from the PC screen, you will notice that the snapshot has become vague:

The problem can be corrected in the editor in several ways. For example, if the adjustments requires the whole photo, then in the "Improvements" section, go to the "Sharpness" tab and select the optimal parameters for the image, adjusting the force, the radius and threshold increases sharpness.

If you need to improve only a fragment, then use the adjusting brush (retouch\u003e corrector). Select the area you want to correct. Then click on the "Sharpness" button and adjust the clarity of the site.

Error number 6. Unnecessary items in the frame

Imprinted the landscape, but the shadow got into the frame? Portrait photos spoiled acne, peeling and redness on the skin? Do not rush to remove pictures! Use the "stamp" tool. With him you can remove all the extra elements, and much more. For example, in this photo we got rid of the shadows:

Configure the brush settings and highlight the item in the photo you want to disguise. Then specify the place from which the editor must copy the pixels to fill the selected area. Ready!

Error number 7. Geometric distortion of photos

Another problem with which beginner photographers are often found. Similar defects arise due to the shooting of objects, buildings or people from the lower or upper angle, and sometimes simply because of the lens error. This leads to the emergence of "falling buildings", distortions of figures and other indifference consequences.

Alas, not all geometric distortion can be corrected. But it is always worth trying! In the "Photomaster" program, go to the "Composition"\u003e Geometry menu. Turn on the grid and try to align the photo using the Distsiscy scales, "horizontal", "vertical".

Let's summarize

We disassemble the most popular errors that begin beginner photographers, which means that you can avoid them. If unsuccessful frames still find you surprise - not trouble! After all, you know how to handle photos. Install on the PC "Photo Master" and say goodbye to bad pictures forever!

Good post-processing of photos is a whole art, it is a difficult matter that requires considerable experience and skills. Even in the era of highly developed digital technology And in the PHOTOSHOP era, the main work remains after the photographer, which can create a masterpiece using successful processing, and maybe on the contrary, spoil a good snapshot. In this article we will focus in detail on the main subtleties graphic processing, Tell how best to handle, and what is better not to do at all.

Film photos require certain conditions to work with the image, while photographs made by digital cameras we can make stunning and properly balanced directly in the camera. Depending on the manufacturer's company and camera model, the image quality is really different, but, making beautiful pictures, with the right composition made with good lighting and settings, as well as the interesting sense, can be improved. To do this, the main thing is to know what and how to do.

Photo: LJ.

Only a photographer, or the artist knows what should be his work should be, only he sees what is missing in it, but what is better to remove. The task of the photographer is to achieve the result to which he seeks.
Depending on what you want to achieve in your image, there are several options for post-processing images.

  • Make a beautiful photo, retaining her natural and realistic species
  • Posted by the image of a larger drama, create an unreal image

One option excludes another, so before starting work it is worth decreasing what exactly you are striving for. An important point is to understand what and why are you doing, very often, people handle the image a few hours, only because they simply do not know what result aspire. There are cases when the snapshot can be handled only in a few minutes, simply by creating several corrective layers by stepping the contrast, the balance of colors and exposure to Photoshop.

Photo: Phil Selby

What is necessary for photo processing

First of all, before starting work, come up with what you want to do. Imagine the future image and only then download Photoshop.
Representing the end result and finding an image suitable for this image is already half an end.

Be creative, photo processing, it is already in itself some kind of art, which cannot be learned, and can never be fully repeated. Of course, to get acquainted with the works of masters should, but trying too, that they are not worth it. Yes, and before starting serious work, you should decide which Photoshop tools, you will need, you may need to use some brushes or filters that you do not have, take care of their presence before starting processing. The process itself is the result of the work depends only on you, and from your visions as an artist.

Photo: Gina.

What not to do when processing a photo

  • Do not try to imitate the style of processing others, and from time to time it can work and can work well, but their style cannot approach you as an artist and your photos.
  • Do not try to save initially unsuccessful posts in post-processing. Yes, so you can improve the image, and make it acceptable to view and maybe even for printing, but this photo will never be released a real masterpiece.
  • Make sure the processing does not change the main essence of your original image.
  • Do not overdo it. You should not show your skills and knowledge Photoshop, applying them all at the same time on one photo.
  • The presence of a huge number of advanced image processing packages, can or kill art, or elevate it to a new level. Come to the processing with the mind, think what and how you do.

Photo: Betina.


Find this fragile balance that will help you learn to work wonders, and do amazingly beautiful photos. Always remember that processing should help the image becomes better and more interesting, it should definitely not spoil your work.
And finally, people looking at your photo should enjoy her and admire your skill as a photographer. Do not be proud that you know how to handle the images well and are simply a Guru Photoshop, you should strive to be proud of as a photographer.

Photo: Ed McGowan

Photo: Longbachnguyen.

Consider in this article. step-by-step instructions By creating external processing in 1C 8.3 in the controlled application mode, respectively, we will use managed forms. And most importantly - we will learn to connect it to the "External Processing" mechanism of configurations 1C, built on the Library of the Standard Subsystems version 2.0 and the newer.

The task will be as follows: Create a simple external processing that will perform a group action above the "Nomenclature" directory, namely, to establish the selected percentage of the VAT rate for the specified group of the nomenclature.

For this immediately produce necessary setting In the program (the configuration of 1C 8.3 is considered: "An enterprise accounting 3.0" managed formas).

Installing this check box gives us the ability to use external processing.

Creating a new external processing in 1C 8.3 on the example

Now go to the configurator. In the "File" menu, choose "new ...". The window selection window opens created file. Choose "External Processing":

A new external processing window opens. Immediately ask her the name. It will be proposed while maintaining processing on the disk:

Add a new handling form. We indicate that this is a form of processing and it is the main:

On the form we will have two details:

  • Panconducture - reference to Handbook "Nomenclature";
  • Cholations - reference to the listing of VAT rates.

Create details in the "props" column in the upper right window. Drag and drag them to the left top window. New details should immediately appear on the form below.

The order of details can be changed by the "Up" arrows - "down":

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It remains to add the "Install" button. In managed forms, it is impossible to add the button to the form. Even if you add it to the structure of the elements of the form, it will not be visible on the form itself. The button must be associated with the command it will perform. Go to the "Commands" tab and add the "InstalsewordCundens" command. In the properties of the team, create an action. Team handler Select "on the client". The command can be added to the form also by simply "dragging" to the section with form elements.

In the module, the procedure is created in the module. In it, call the procedure on the server:

& Svalette

Setting procedure (command)

InstallingCunderver ();


In the Procedure on the server, write a small request and actions related to the installation of the VAT rate:

&On server

Procedure settingCanserver ()

Request \u003d new request;
Request.text \u003d.
| Nomenclature. Link
| Is
| Directory. Namerenclature as nomenclature
| Where
| Nomenclature. Link in Hierarchy (& Panclature)
| And not a nomenclature. Presentation
| And not a nomenclature. LAWGroup ";

Request. Installation parameter ("PageNeture", Panconducture);
Speed \u200b\u200b\u003d query. Fill ();
Selecting \u003d Speed. Embry ();

While tapping. Next () cycle

Sprocket. To recruit ();
An exception
Report ("Error writing an object" "+ springs +" ""!
| " + Description ());



We return to the "Form" tab, add the button to the form and associate it with the command:

As such our processing is ready to use. To call it, in the 1C enterprise mode, you need to go to the "File" menu - "Open" and select the created file.

However, the work in this mode is convenient for debugging processing, and for work, the user does not quite fit. Users are accustomed to them all the "arm at hand", that is, in the database itself.

For this, and serves the section " Additional reports and processing. "

But to add our processing there, you must first give her a description and inform the program of its properties.

Description of the function "Information about external processing"

I will cite an example of the contents of this function. It must be export and, accordingly, to be located in the processing module:

Function Information Summer Processing () Export

This data \u003d new structure ();
Data ("Name", "Installing VAT Rate");
Data ("Safety", truth);
Data ("version", "Ver.: 1.001");
Data ("Information", "Processing to install VAT rates in the Nomenclature directory);
Dannoundedoleg. Land ("View", "Additional Pressure");

Tabzncomans \u003d new tables;
Tabzncommands. Cuttings. Addly ("identifier");
Tabznomands. Tablocks. Addly ("use");
Tabzncomans. Cuttings. Addly ("performance");

Novstok \u003d Tabznomands. Addly ();
Novstok.Identifier \u003d "Openwork";
Novstoka. Using \u003d "Openingform";
Novstok.Representation \u003d "Open processing";
Data ("teams", tabsnomands);

Return of this data;


To better understand what fields of registration data structure must be used, we will see the details of the reference book "Additional reports and processing":

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Only one props are not coincided: "Option" is "use". If you see the code of one of the general modules, we will see how the bunch of these fields arises:

To determine which fields are mandatory, you can first not describe it, just create an empty, and then use the debugger. If you trace modules when registering processing, it becomes clear which fields are required, and which are not.

Connecting external processing in 1C 8.3