Top training programs. A selection of online resources for those who want to learn to program. Mobile developer from scratch from Skillbox

Despite the ever-increasing interest in technological knowledge, the IT industry continues to experience a serious shortage of personnel in almost all specialties. A selection of free online resources from the startup Wezom posted on will help you gain basic knowledge in programming and continue development in this direction.

1. CS50 (Computer Science 50)

One of the best introductory courses in the world on the basics of programming from Harvard and Yale universities. This course can actually be taken for free and is open access.

Duration: 12 weeks.

Price: All materials are absolutely free, but the original Harvard University certificate received after completing the course will cost you $90.

What is taught: C, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, CSS (covering all 6 languages ​​in one course).

Level: for newbies.


  • edX - original lectures, practical tasks, videos, additional materials and online chat support.
  • JavaRush - the entire course in Russian translation;
  • Prometheus - the entire course in Ukrainian translation and nice bonus in the form of receiving a free certificate with the support of the Technology Nation initiative.

2. Codecademy

One of the most famous and popular educational companies. According to 2014 statistics, 24 million users completed over 100 million tasks on this platform.

Duration: depends on the language you plan to learn.

Price: absolutely free.

What is taught: Python, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, SQL, Java, Rails, jQuery, AngularJS, ReactJS, Git, HTML, CSS, APIs.

Level: for newbies.

Platform: one is codecademy and only in English.

3. Code Avengers

A resource that makes learning programming easy and fun. Thoughtful and interesting lessons can be reinforced with games that close out lesson blocks. As students progress through the courses, they create a portfolio and achieve their goals.

Duration: 1 course lasts on average 12-17 hours.


  • the first 7 days are free (5 lessons per course);
  • 1 month - 29$;
  • 6 months - $120.

What is taught: Python, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Web Development, Design, Intro to coding, Computer Science, Game Development.

Level: for beginners and advanced.

Platform: Code Avengers supports 6 languages, including Russian.

4. Coursera

It is a giant in online education, home to over 2,000 courses and 169 specializations. A significant part of the platform is occupied by IT courses for every taste and color, from beginner to advanced levels.

Duration: from 6 to 10 weeks.

Price: free, but if you want to receive a certificate of completion of the course you must pay from $30 to $100, depending on the course. Both individual programs and “specializations” are available, within which the chosen discipline is studied in depth.

What is taught: from programming basics to computer science.

Level: from beginner to advanced.

Platform: courses on Coursera are presented in English, Russian and other languages, and many videos have subtitles.

5. Code School

This is one of the most advanced programming schools, with more than 60 different courses from IT professionals. Good offer for everyone who has already mastered the basics and wants to reach a new level.


Price: Generally free, but some classes will require you to pay.

What is taught: CSS, CSS3, HTML5, Ruby, PHP, Python, Git, Javascript, Elixir, .Net, Database, Electives.

Level: for intermediate and advanced.

Platform: Code School only works for English language.


A free resource that helps you learn how to write code correctly. Each course is designed based on self-study, during which you can compete with other students, create projects and receive certificates. Many students, after completing the courses, can join the school community and have a chance to find a job.

Duration: 2 thousand hours to obtain the status of a wide-profile specialist.

Price: absolutely free.

What is taught: CSS3, HTML5, Git& GitHub, Javascript, Database, Node.js, React.js, D3.js.

Level: for beginners.

Platform: FreeCodeCamp - English only.

7. Udacity

A private online educational school that was founded on the basis of the computer science program at Stanford University. A total of 14 unique and educational courses.

Duration: depends on the complexity and structure of the course.

Price: free, but some classes are paid.

What is taught: from nanotechnology to mobile application development.

Level: from beginner to advanced.

Learning programming is becoming more and more accessible thanks to the continuous growth in the number of online resources that help everyone with it. The advantage of such resources is the unlimited amount of knowledge they can provide and the highly qualified teachers. The downside is that no one forces you to study and the quality of the knowledge you gain depends only on how much effort you put in.

An interactive online platform for teaching 12 programming languages: Python, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, etc., as well as working with the jQuery library and markup and web page design languages ​​HTML and CSS.

If you need to quickly learn the basics new technology, then these courses are very useful and will help you quickly understand new language. But the resulting knowledge will be shallow and after these courses it is necessary to continue studying.

The educational streaming service offers you unique tutorials for learning programming. What's so special about The lessons are interactive, you see the project being written in real time and can communicate with the teacher via chat, recordings of streams are also available. contains a huge library of recorded broadcasts on all kinds of programming languages ​​and frameworks. Most of the content is available for free, you just need to register, there are paid projects, they are more structured and educational, a monthly subscription will cost 500 rubles.

The site recently launched a Russian-language premium section, where you can find various training projects, for example: “Server implementation of the messenger”, “How to write a link shortener in Node.js”. Thanks to a huge database of training videos and projects, the site is suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals. And any specialist who meets the requirements can become a teacher and create his own educational project here.

A service for learning programming, namely Full-stack development in JavaScript. The training is based on the principle of self-education from simple to complex. First, the basics are given, and then they give a task that goes beyond what has been studied and you need to solve it yourself.

It all starts with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and continues with tasks basic functions JS, algorithm tasks, front-end projects. A section about React is planned to be launched. For communication there is a chat on Gitter.

This site provides programming exercises specifically in: C#, C++, Haskell, JavaScript, Lua, Objective-C, Perl 5, Python, Ruby and Scala.

The idea is simple:

  • You download an exercise in the language of your choice (mentioned above) with the client application
  • Add the solution to the site.
  • Programmers from all over the world will comment on what you have done.
  • You improve your code.
With this learning method, when you are new to programming, you will get feedback from the experts, you can avoid getting stuck in your workouts if you fail to find the right solution. This also helps shy people or those who are hesitant to ask questions since there is no way to move forward. Katrona Owen, creator of, noted that this type of training will help students at Jumpstart Labs in Denver, Colorado, complete the exercises.

Pluralsight is one of the leaders in developing interactive training courses for professional developers. Pluralsight offers subscriptions for individuals and businesses starting at $29 per month. The following categories are available on the site: IT Ops, Software Development, Data Professional, Architecture and Construction, Manufacturing and Design, Business Professional, Information and Cyber ​​Security.

Video lectures in English with subtitles, combined with embedded tests and follow-up homework, based on the learn-by-doing model. Each lecture includes a built-in quiz to help students understand the concepts and ideas presented.

Nanodegree Plus programs are also available. The bottom line is that Udacity guarantees employment for 6 months after graduation or gives you your money back. The training costs $299/month. The big advantage is code reviews, and very detailed ones. The program also includes: assistance in preparing a resume, GitHub and LinkedIn accounts, test interviews (with real people).

Code School uses screencasts and video lessons for teaching about HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, .NET, iOS, Git and other languages, presenting the material through interesting stories. Most of the content is aimed at advanced programmers, but there are free courses available for beginners on the basics of programming.

To access free courses, you must register; access to Code School's paid courses is only possible on a subscription basis, which starts at $29 per month.

Udemy is a learning platform where you can be both a student and a teacher. Udemy offers a large number of courses in such applied areas as design, programming, and web development. Among the teachers you can meet Mark Zuckerberg and other giants of the IT industry. The price of courses on Udemy ranges from $10 to $200, there are also free ones. is a veteran of the online education industry. is a paid online training service mainly in the field of IT and design. The service was founded in 1995 and was acquired by Linkedin in 2015.

Lynda works on a subscription basis. Although some courses are available for free, the majority are available only with a subscription starting at $19/month. After payment, the user receives unlimited access to any courses in the Lynda database. To get acquainted with the functionality of Lynda, a 10-day trial version is offered, with full access to the entire library.

This is an interactive collection of programming problems, by solving which you will develop your skills in a particular language.

A variety of tasks, achievements, tests, viewing the most best solutions, discussions, rankings — all this makes the service very convenient and valuable for those who want to solve problems in a particular language. The service currently supports the following languages: Clojure, C++, C#, Elixir, F#, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Shell, SQL, Swift, TypeScript.

Coursera is an educational platform that makes it possible to take online training from leading educational institutions peace. The project cooperates with universities that publish and teach courses in various fields of knowledge in the system.

Students take courses, communicate with fellow students, and take tests and exams directly on the Coursera website. The project presents courses in physics, engineering, humanities and arts, medicine, biology, mathematics, computer science, economics and business.

Courses are approximately six to ten weeks in length with 1-2 hours of video lectures per week, and contain assignments, weekly exercises, and sometimes a final project or exam. For $40 you can receive a certificate from the university where you took the course. Coursera has approximately 700 courses in various fields.

Code Avengers provides the opportunity to learn the basics of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript directly in the browser in an interactive and playful way. During the training, you will be able to learn the basics of programming and layout step by step, completing small tasks.

On free account you can study the first 5 lessons of each course. Some courses are available in Russian (currently translated HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Game Dev/Intro to Coding)

The site was created by StackOverflow developer. The resource is a tour of the best guides on the Internet, including interactive activities, videos, and reading materials. Bento is free and presents the material in a completely logical sequence.

Bloc helps you master the professions of UI/UX designer and developer in order to create “modern responsive websites and mobile applications.” The service has an unusual payment system: for a fixed amount of $3,999, you can choose one of three workload options - 3 months of 40 hours per week, 4.5 months of 25–30 hours, and 9 months of 12–15 hours. This way, training can be combined with studying elsewhere or even working.

CheckIO is a resource for learning and practicing the Python programming language. Training is presented in the form of a game in which each user needs to use their knowledge to one degree or another. For example, the first stage of learning “Learning” is a chain of tasks from easy to complex. Moreover, the description of the problem itself contains all the reference data for solving it. is a service for learning various programming languages ​​in a playful way. In each case, the player is required to solve a specific problem or fix someone else's code.

The highlight of our list. All video lessons on this online resource are taught by young girls. The specificity of such lessons is that as the material becomes more complex, the girls... undress. Each section has several videos for training. In the video, the girl who teaches the course explains to the user one of the topics of a block for several minutes.

Perfect place for people who want to learn how to create with code. This free platform uses video lessons from experts covering many different topics from math and physics to history and art history. Apps are available for Android and iOS, giving you the ability to take the platform's courses anywhere.

MIT OpenCourseWare is a special resource from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which contains many training courses, lectures and seminars. OpenCourseWare contains content from more than 2,000 courses. The site has audio and video courses, search by catalog, by course number, by discipline name, all subjects and degree of difficulty are divided into separate sections.

With this resource, you can view interactive presentations that explain how to write programs from scratch. Not only do you see the code being written, but you can also understand what changes each line of code makes to the final product.

The project is an online collection of documents from various sources that are dedicated to web development and are suitable for people of all skill levels: from experts to students and beginners. MDN is a wiki, which means anyone can make edits to it and correct inaccuracies.

HTML5Rocks is a selection of free lessons to help you solve various problems. The videos are often accompanied by various written instructions, diagrams, and useful explanations can be found in the comments.

Learn CSS in detail with the help of a large CSS almanac. Now the blog covers many topics besides CSS - for example, Sass, JavaScript, PHP and more. You can check out a huge number of resources and even code snippets.

Helpful English speaker educational portal with an audience of about 5 million users. A large number of free training programs in various areas of programming, as well as paid courses. More than 600 video courses and e-books. - training in different programming languages ​​and frameworks using examples of successful startups. For example, Code4Startup suggests learning AngularJS and FireBase by creating a clone of TaskRabbit, and HTML 5, CSS and jQuery by copying Airbnb (then you can create a hybrid mobile app for service).

Russian-language sites for learning programming:

These are interactive online courses on HTML and CSS that will help you go from solving simple practical problems to creating full-fledged websites. Great attention is paid to practice here, everyone new material is supported by examples and quizzes that you will have to solve to move on to the next lesson.

Hexlet is an open web platform for learning to code, offering short courses lasting a few hours for software developers, from beginners to professionals. All learning programs consist of two parts: theoretical and practical.

LendWings – this platform offers video lectures from the best teachers from around the world in Russian, but not all courses are free. LendWings allows users to connect to training courses from independent teachers (“instructors”) who provide training through recorded video lectures, text documents, slides, presentations and other materials.

This is an online school for teaching programming, system administration, design and Internet marketing. Each GeekBrains course has detailed program and reviews. Classes cover almost all areas of development and prepare for specific work in a particular area of ​​IT. Internship and certification programs are also available for students.

JavaRush teaches Java programming in the form of an online game. The game is based on the Futurama universe. The goal of the game is to upgrade your character (the Amigo robot) from level 1 to level 80. In the game you complete tasks and earn black matter, which you spend on opening new levels. The JavaRush course contains 1200 practice problems of increasing difficulty.

The purpose of the site is to provide the most competent and, if possible, up-to-date information about javascript and related technologies. There is a textbook, tools and a large number of correct articles for general development. An offline version of the directory is available for download. There are several quite complex tests.

A resource for online programming training that offers not only self-viewing video tutorials, but also free services, allowing you to develop practical coding skills. Each user has the opportunity to develop practical skills using the Simulator, communicate with other students on the forum, read interesting blog posts, and listen to free IT webinars. The video courses themselves are included in larger educational modules - “IT Specialties”

Today, you don't have to spend a ton of money to become a programmer. Below is a list of 10 sites that offer free programming courses.

Its courses have already taught over 24 million users in programming languages ​​such as HTML & CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python and Ruby.

Coursera offers more than 1,000 courses from 119 institutions. In addition to some paid courses, there are also free introductory programming courses from universities such as the University of Washington, Stanford University, the University of Toronto, and Vanderbilt University.

This popular free online learning platform offers courses from 60 institutions, including a free introductory computer science course from Harvard University.

4. Udemy:

In addition to paid courses, there are many free programming courses in the format of video lessons, for example, “Programming for Entrepreneurs - HTML and CSS” or “Programming in Python. Introductory course.”

The author of the site analyzed computer courses some of the leading American educational institutions in the USA and based on them created a training program. Subsequently, the program was divided into 15 courses: 3 introductory, 7 compulsory and 5 elective courses. This is an ideal training program for future programmers.

Here you'll find over 500 free books on programming in over 80 computer languages, which you can do on a popular web data hosting service called Git.

There is a free one on the site software for training. With its help, you can take courses such as “Introduction to Computer Science and Programming,” “Introduction to Java Programming,” and “Practical C Programming.”

This is a community of developers, including such eminent ones as Bram Cohen, the creator of BitTorrent.

The site offers fun, interactive courses on programming in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Each course lasts 12 hours and is available in 7 languages, incl. and in Russian.

On the site you will find step-by-step video tutorials that will teach you how to program images, animations and games with using JavaScript and ProcessingJS or create web pages using HTML based and CSS.

Courses from VKontakte. There are offline events and lectures posted for free access.


This is a community of professional and beginner programmers, by communicating with whom you will master HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Databases, DevTools, Node.js, Angular.js and Agile. Here's the trick: they'll even help you learn so you can create free apps to solve practical problems, which can then be downloaded for free along with the code for non-commercial purposes.

This project with source code was created in 2010 by Google in response to a similar project from Apple. Here you will find many different guides, materials and latest updates for HTML5. Since this course is more advanced than most introductory courses, you'll want to start there before moving on to practice.

How to easily learn any programming language

  1. Select a language: as needed, according to reviews, reviews, personal preference, according to the environment in which your programs will run: permanently (C++, Java) on the device or via the network (php, javascript + html and css).
  2. Learn the basics, write simple programs.
  3. Download interesting sources. Study, test, change them.
  4. Start making your project. Along the way, study the peculiarities of the language. If necessary, use solutions from other projects, simultaneously studying the mechanics of their work.
  5. Start blogging your project - a public declaration is highly motivating, plus readers will connect.