What is the light in contact. How smart ribbon works, section "Recommendations" and Prometheus algorithm: unique information from the VC team. How the Prometheus Algorithm works

Evgenia Kryukov

We asked representatives of the team "Vkontakte" the burning questions about "Prometheus", smart ribbon and their plans for the future. Sergey Parathko, director of the media ecosystem, and Andrei laws , Director of Social Network Right and Studies. Hurry to familiarize yourself with the unique information from the original source.

1. How do your algorithms understand that the post is interesting to a specific user? Can you list the factors that most affect the recording coverage? The quality of the content, the response of the audience is understandable. And something from the less obvious?

We analyze the activity of the user in the tape and raise the above the posts with which it is more likely to interact: will supply "like," will write a comment, "will foulin", opens a photo, read the article, look at the video. These actions are very different, we predict them separately. Next, all this is taken into account by a general algorithm, which is based on all factors and carries out ranking.

2. On your speech on "Men2. "You said that even such trifles as the weather and the mood of the user are affected. How does the ribbon understand?

For any entry costs a huge number of ranking signs. Each component is a certain value that describes the post itself, its author, time of day at the time of viewing of the recommendations, the speed of the reader's Internet connection and many other criteria.

If the user went into the news feed or section of the recommendations, while in the deaf forest and with a bad Internet connection, we will not show him a bulky video at the beginning of the tape. And the algorithm takes into account the day of the week and the time of day. So in the morning tape of recommendations there will be more news and information content, and in the evening - media and entertainment.

3. Do you have a document in which all the factors that take into account the algorithm are listed? Or he has already learned so much that even you do not know what parameters does he give coverage of a particular record?

We know the list of factors, but everything is unique for each pair "user-record". Therefore, just looking at the post, it is impossible to say how good it is, it is subjective. I am a post about the local news of Moscow in St. Petersburg is absolutely nonreland, and you may not be interested in my news feed about machine learning and social networks.

4. Is it possible to artificially increase the scope of the recording by purchasing huskies and shares on the cheating services?

Do not. In the long run, this will definitely lead to a decrease in coverage. In addition, the likes and shame do not play a central role in the ranking of the post, such cheating with a high probability will be discovered by us.

However, traffic to the post from the references of other social networks, the truth can improve the organic coverage of the record and for this there is no penalty.

5. Is there an optimal text length for maximum coverage in smart ribbon? For example, in the announcement to the article - no more than 500 characters. And in Longrid created in the editor, not more than 10,000?

There is no optimal length in the focus of the reader's focus. Everything is based on involvement if you have an informational message, try to write Emko, in infantile. If you try to raise a person to click on the snippet - the same principle, Exko and involving. Just do not fall into Klikbeit, this will adversely affect covers.

If you tell the story, pass the person. All major forms, conditionally more than 1,000 characters are better to make up in the articles editor, breaking the text of multimedia inserts.

6. Smart tape gives preference to high-quality video (compared to poor-quality). What is " quality video»For" VKontakte "? What characteristics does it have?

Videos 720-1080 p.

7. Is VK try to identify Fake News? Is the truthfulness and accuracy of the data important, or only the interest of the audience for the record?

"VKontakte" There is no precept of content - as in other sites, users can freely publish and discuss their topics. At the same time, any person can inform about illegal, insulting or unreliable in his opinion content with the "Complain" button. We consider all complaints without exceptions. VKontakte has one of the largest moderation services and we react as quickly as possible.

8. How do you feel about competitions on the most active subscribers and subscribing contests + repost? They are permitted by the rules of the VC, but does it affect the coverage of records (positively or negatively)? Do you recommend using contests to promote in VK?

This is a legal way to promote, but you need to keep in mind, that in this way you attract yourself an irrelevant audience into subscribers. This may have a negative side effect - subscribers who are not involved in the main content of your group, can badly affect covers and the virality of your posts.

9. Articles created in the editor receive more coverage than articles leading to third-party site. What to do commercial sites and blogs in such conditions? How do they attract users of "VKontakte" to their playground?

A group of business in any social network is primarily a community. If you treat it precisely as a mediaactive, you will succeed. Forced withdrawal from the user to another site, without the provision of an alternative, in communications may face a person. As they say: you want to sell me your goods, but you do it without respect.

At the VK site, you can communicate with customers / readers, sell goods, get money transfers and much more. We develop our ecosystem and make the most convenient for users. And in this regard, business is also advantageous to develop its platform inside the VC. The editor of the articles is another tool for communicating and building the community.

10. Will the wiki-articles now have to get less coverage than articles made in the editor?

Decides not format, but user interaction with your content. Interestingly told story with a large number of interactions from readers will receive coverages regardless of the filing format. Another thing is to keep the attention of the audience more convenient to the tools available in the articles editor.

Specifically about the wiki pages, they do not fall into the section "Recommendations" on mobile devicesThis is in principle a desktop tool, so yes, they have lower coverage than other filing formats.

11. Some users complain that they do not see interesting and the posts you need. What is this happening? And do you have thoughts about go along the way "Facebook" - Make so that in the tape of users there were more personal content, and not commercial?

We are constantly experimenting with different ranking models, and the mainly metric is the involvement of users. You can always send explicit signals to the neuron, to scream a couple of posts from disadvantageous public.

12. You say that bots cannot be purchased at all. And then how to dial the first audience to the community? If you sign relatives and friends, it turns out that the audience is still inappropriate. And if you buy advertising, no one will subscribe to an empty community. How to find a way out?

People come to you in content. Because your community will not be empty if you tell there interesting target audience things. Advertising for the Central Asian is the perfect option for the start. So you will get a kernel of an audience that will help you grow organically.

13. How to understand that the community was put on a penalty? How to remove it?

Watch in statistics, it can be noted on reducing coverage. Analyze what you did in the last days, which may be regarded by a platform as unwanted actions: Klikbeit, aggressive conclusion of the audience, non-original content, too frequent posting. Stop doing it. And it will take place in two days :-)

14. Are there filters based on topics? (For example, "adult content" decreases). If so, what subjects have down odds.

All that is not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the rules of the site, can be. All that is prohibited is impossible.

15. The case is from our practice. We publish unique articles on a blog every day, and several publishes "VKontakte" are immediately palaced. It turns out that they announcing this content first, and we are 5-10 minutes later. Does this affect the coverage of our records?

16. That is, the first source is the one who first split the link? If this is so, we cannot compete with the autotpars, since they happen automatically, and we have manually, we write a unique announcement. What do we do in this case?

I did not solve the link, but the content has faded the content. Immumbdes and links in principle do not make you the original source of content. What is there in someone else's video hosting or site, we do not know, and this content is not Parsim and do not analyze. Therefore, it is important to upload your materials into native platform feeding.

17. How will the search engines created by the editor be indexed by search engines? Wiki-articles got well in the search, and what will happen now?

Articles are perfectly indexed by Yandex from the start, and "Google" too.

18. Public Live Does VKontakte employee? Is it possible to refer to him how to official source information?

At one's own risk. This is an informal community.

How the Prometheus Algorithm works

19. Live people participate in the work of "Prometheus"? Or the solution is completely given algorithm? How does he study? Can you tell us with simple words?

The algorithm is automated and independently looking for new authors. Nearone sometimes makes mistakes. Every such mistake, we celebrate, send the network signal about the wrong choice. Based on this feedback "Prometheus" and learns.

20. We have long been posting high-quality content, which causes a response from our audience, but never received the fire "Prometheus". How do we affect it? Can you give specific recommendations? I would like to specifically, and not the vague tips like "post that content that your audience likes."

First of all, Prometheus algorithm responds to original materials submitted in Native Tools "Vkontakte". Native content filing formats are extremely important because they allow the algorithm to appreciate the uniqueness of the content and its subject. The first is important in order to get a label, the second - to ensure the author noted by the "fire" a good coverage boom. The records of such authors fall into the "Recommendations" section.

Almost all records

I have not yet written about the "Prometheus" algorithm, although each self-respecting author associated with the subject of SMM has already told about the secrets of obtaining a cherished light - even without having experience!

"Prometheus" is an algorithm created to search and support interesting authors and communities. Artificial intelligence constantly finds creators of unique content and monitors their achievements.

Why does each SMM specialist need to seek this label?

    The label is issued for only seven days, at this time your posts receive thousandth coverage among users of the VC completely free.

    The community will go to the list of Pantheon Authors.

So in one week you can increase community coverage in tens of thousands of times absolutely free!

The label is issued for just a week, get a "light" you can unlimited number of times.

Why have I still abstained from stories about this algorithm?

I think before talking about the methods of its work and methods for obtaining "fire", you first need to become the owner of this tag.

What can I advise someone who seeks to get a light?

Get the cherished label will not be difficult. Moreover, it does not matter how many people in your community: 10 or 5000. The main thing is the uniqueness of the content. Prometheus primarily encourages the authors who create creative non-commercial projects. And it is fairly honest - I say as a person who for a long time He was fond of photography. It is quite difficult to earn money on creativity, therefore, invest in promotion is expensive and inconvenient. As they say, "the artist must be hungry." VKontakte with the authors make a good thing, helping to break through novice talents.

Create on an ongoing basis, try to post posts every day, and getting a cherished tag will not wait long for a long time.

The second category, which is also very easy to get a light from "Prometheus" - these are travelers.
Travel-blogging is gaining momentum every day and becomes increasingly popular among people. If you are often traveling and constantly lead your blog, lay out interesting notes about culture and life different countries, take off video records and beautiful photographs, then you will not be difficult to get a label.

    Create unique content - this is the principle from which not to move away. Forget about rerathing, look for yourself smarters who know how to write (most importantly) and are able to understand your topic (i.e., if your company sells psychological trainings, the smashman is obliged to understand psychology).

    In addition to unique texts, you will need and unique high-quality pictures: photos, illustrations. Hire a photographer or find an illustrator who can provide you with unique images on TK.

We draw comics and illustrations to each post

    Create content that will involve users in the discussion. These may be ambiguous posts on controversial topics. The main thing is not to overdo it, on the Internet it is very easy to stumble upon negative trolls :) You will die politely defend your point of view in the comments. Burn with a negative, in no case ignore it.
    Such as,

The Algorithm "Prometheus" VK has developed relatively recently. He is in automatic mode Looksides thousands of users' pages and chooses creative and unique projects for further promotion. By what parameters the communities and pages are analyzed, what advantages gives the "Prometheus" mark in VK and whether she has weaknesses, find out from us!

What it is?

At the end of 2017, VKontakte developers presented to the attention of users a new algorithm called "Prometheus". The "Prometheus" system in VK is an artificial search engine intelligence, trained not just to view profiles, but also to look for pages among them with a unique and interesting content. The most creative of them for a whole week receive a special mark in the form of fire and shows in the block "" to all users whose interests are similar to the theme of your creativity. Provided that daily in VK viewed up to 9 billion records, you can imagine how many people can see your profile! With such support or personal page it will not be at all difficult.

After a week, your page will again be considered by artificial intelligence and it is possible that you will again be marked. After all, the number of marks is not regulated, you can get it at least every week.

Historical reference. Prometheus is the hero of the myths of ancient Greece, who gave people fire. The phrase "Prometheus Fire" in everyday life means the desire for high and noble goals.

  1. at the speed of a set of likes. It is believed to truly good stuff quickly becomes popular;
  2. based on the interests of friends. Your friends viewed some records and rated them like. The robot considered and decided that it could also be interested in you.

But since the fire of Prometheus in VK appeared, the principle of work of recommendations has changed. Now the tape depends only on the interests of a particular user.

Before moving to the question, how to get the fire Prometheus in VK, let's figure it out for which it is given to what it is needed and how it works.

What is it needed for?

Please note that the profile theme does not matter (if it is not recorded on the topic 18+, they will not fall into the recommendations ever). Among the authors marked with a light, there is even a school teacher.

How to get a fire flask icon in VK?

Since this service began its work, the question is: "How to get" Prometheus "in VC," does not give rest to hundreds of pages / group owners. Who will refuse free promotion and extra on the page? But they did not leave any clear recommendations for receiving the developers. It remains only to rely on the experience of pioneers and recommendations from the authors of the social network. Here are the main points that will need to be taken into account:

  • Interesting, and the main unique content. This applies not only to the text, but also to the pictures. So, if you are a professional user of the keys Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, you should forget about the icon. It's not gonna go.
  • The use of words that will notify the subject of your entry, the so-called keywords. You do not need to track the density of keys and in direct entries they are inscribed. It is necessary that they are just!
  • Use with the mind! Remember that this is not just a set of characters! He must display the meaning of your text and comply with the subject.
  • Choose photos / video competently. They must correspond to the topic, be clear and y-ni-cal -ms.
  • Do not use selling commercial words and expressions (type, "buy", "Promotion", etc.)
  • Records with an announcements of a full-fledged article do not promote you to the "lighting" elite. Therefore, forget about them.
  • Choose an interesting topic for you and write to it. No need to jump from the topic of partnerships before choosing the brake pads to Lada Kalina.
  • Remember about prohibited topics: sex, violence, cruelty, smoking, alcohol, politics and religion. If you usually write on them, then you have to forget.
  • Communicate with the reader, make it "hang" on your page longer. The algorithm will appreciate the total time spent on your page and willingly promote you forward.
  • Try to portray the users who are parallel to Yandex Zen, often think that the principle of the light in the VK is the same and there is a time of peak accommodation activity. That is, roughly speaking, putting text from 13.00 to 13.17 and you will be happy! Will not be. The algorithm acts differently. He doesn't care what time you posted your records, he is interested in the fact itself.

    "Prometheus" club

    For those who figured out in the question, how to get a sign of Prometheus in VC and "broke out" in the elite of the authors, created their "Prometheus" -Club in VK. it standard application social networks and find it can be through the search engine. Just enter the request "Pantheon of the authors", and need app It turns out before your eyes.

    Navigating there is simple to impossibility. 16 total topics. Choose what interests you and see the latest publishing marked by the icon.

    Thus, the label Fire Prometheus in VK is excellent possible for the authors to move, and for readers read an interesting and delicious material. So go ahead to new achievements!

Technologies Artificial Intelligence Develop a very high rate, and now your VKontakte page is periodically exposed to the analysis of AI.

VK developers have created a mechanism that sorts content among all users, and the most interesting and unique authors gives the icon "Fire" Next to the name. Noticing such an icon from a user or group, you may not doubt, this user or community creates author and high-quality material.

"Prometheus" It was designed precisely with the aim of supporting users laid out a new and exciting material. So, the sign "Fire" is issued for 7 days, but it can be obtained an unlimited number of times. In addition, if you have already become a happy label owner, the mechanism of "Prometheus" will remember you. AI will more often scan your page and evaluate your chances of re-extending to "Top".

"Prometheus" is regularly improved. With each time he more carefully selects materials, compares them and distributes covenant tags. IN mobile version VK "Prometheus" will show your content to people not familiar with your work, but which it can be interesting.

How to get a label of fire?

Vkontakte is very valuable by its users, and especially those who place their own content on the site pages. According to representatives of social. Networks - "Without people who have been filled with stories and creativity for 11 years, Vkontakte would have a set of code and graphics."

The developers are perfectly understood who makes them a network of such popular, and try to support such authors every way. In the "Prometheus" algorithm laid a mechanism for the protection of the primary source. This means that "Prometheus" sees a unique material loaded directly to VC. If you place content on other resources, and then you will copy it to contact, then "Prometheus" will ignore you. Also, the AI \u200b\u200bcannot check the material on external links.

The difference sign can get both a personal page of the author and the page of any community. Rules for getting a light for all the same. In order to "Prometheus" drew attention to you, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules that were laid in the algorithm when it is created:

The first, and perhaps the most important thing - uniqueness.

Generate only unique content. Lay out your own photos, share stories, unload video directly to VC. Cut the streams and other live broadcasts. Regularly update your records and post what is not yet within the visibility of the Prometheus system. Recall that the algorithm works only on the VKontakte network, at the moment.

You also need to follow the quality of the laidden material.

Here we must receive information literally. That is, the video with quality 1080 will be marked as more interesting than the same video, but with the quality of 720px. Single-kind images in high quality. Personal musical selections. Also, "Prometheus" looks at the design of your text, it is recommended to divide the text to paragraphs, comply with the rules for punctuation and spelling. In addition, the Algorithm contains the rules of the VKontakte network. So if you violate the rules of VC, or placement rules advertising announcements Your chances of getting tags will be significantly lower.

Third that the developers of the algorithm advise - stay yourself.

You should not copy the popular material, and simply redo it on your own way. "Prometheus" easily recognizes your intention and give the label to someone else. Be yourself. Do what you like and the algorithm will not leave you without attention.

What gives "Prometheus"?

The algorithm allows you to extract the authors more benefit from placing your material VKontakte. Thanks to the section "Recommendations" your work will be displayed in more people. At the same time, exclusively to those whom your content may be interested. If you write about business on cryptocurrency, the system will not show his women older than 50 years old, but will actively throw away your post to young people who are interested in bitcoins. Technology "Prometheus" allows you to increase the coverage of the audience and attract new subscribers. If earlier you needed to declare yourself, and in addition to generating content, it is also time to spend time and money for PR. That now "Prometheus" is ready to take part of this work on himself.

In addition to additional coverage, highlighted by the label, users are in support of the round-the-clock breeding consultant. This is a specially trained robot that will tell me how to interact with the audience as best how to use the tools provided in the VC. Developers guarantee dynamic changes in community statistics after communication with such a bot. By the way, if you want to raise the sales of VKontakte, I recommend you to watch the video "".

VKontakte's social network developers add new features and solutions that help make stay more comfortable, interesting and convenient. Not exception was the introduction of the Prometheus Recommendation System (Prometheus). What it is, why was it created and how to use in everyday practice, read further in the article.

Create and get target followers

At the end of September, VKontakte official representatives announced the introduction of a new system of recommendations "Prometheus". The service involves the allocation of talented authors in the community, expanding the target audience. Users are given the opportunity to gain access to interesting groups and pages of authors.

Determine the Creator who received the label is not difficult, just look at the profile and find the icon in the form of fire. The effect of increasing activity on the page page is 7 days, and get a special sign available unlimited number of times. Note that the service is built on the technology of neural network and allows you to solve the following tasks:

  1. Suggest visitors to the social network of creative personal personalities. Are you passionate about drawing or anime? Then in Recommendations, expect the appearance of appropriate views.
  2. Help the authors expand the audience. The main thing is to publish unique and creative information for subscribers. The service itself will select the target users and will offer to become a member of the project.
  3. Expanding opportunities for monetization, which is additional plus For owners of target pages and social network developers.

To get a label of Prometheus, you must match a number of requirements. Talk about them further in the article.

Basic Requirements for Prometheus Tags

  1. Creating unique content of various purposes through the new editor of articles: comics, audio, photos, texts. The robot tracks the appearance of interesting records, ready to interest potential customer. Information should not be duplicated, copy-paste is the cause of the failure.
  2. The quality of the design plays the last role. The better the material is presented, the more like the subscriber. Likes, reposites, statistical metrics - all this is monitored and fixed by a robot.
  3. Do just what you like. No need to throw from one area to another. The question of the niche is relevant, so we think about the strategy before starting activity.

If you summarize all items together, you will get the following: be open, create in the familiar industry and create a unique, interesting material.

Monetization: New advertising system in VK

In 2014, the social network introduced new system Advertising, which has been changed from recently. Ads are now shown not only in special blocks, but also in communities. It remains to take parallels and combine the advertising network and the recommendations of Prometheus.

Apparently, the social network decided to go along the way of Yandexdsen and create its own system for the authors. The struggle for talented people will continue, and at the same time, new tools appear for monetization. As far as the latter is effective, only time will show. Therefore, we reserve patience and send efforts to create a better material.

Tag "Prometheus" - an excellent opportunity for personal growth. Test and check the system, reaches new heights and earn together with social network In contact with.