NFC function. NFC in a smartphone: what is it, what is the module for and how to use it. Instant scanning of information

All current Android smartphones have the top line of the screen literally filled with all sorts of symbols. Many of them are clear, familiar, and even useful: the notification panel informs you about new email messages, file downloads, the availability and quality of telephone and WiFi networks, battery charge level, etc. However, sometimes a mysterious letter N appears there, causing some suspicious users to feel slightly uneasy.

In this article we will talk about the function that is designated in Android devices by this very letter N, as well as how to disable it, and why you can do it right now.

  • What does the N symbol mean and what is NFC?

On the panel Android notifications an intricately designed letter N appears as a sign that the smartphone (or tablet) has turned on the NFC module. NFC - near field communication - is a technology through which two nearby mobile devices can exchange data (sorry for such a simplified definition).

You've probably already heard about this technology and even seen it in action. In developed democracies, NFC is used everywhere: for example, in mobile payment systems (the most famous in our country are Android Pay And Samsung Pay) - this is when you can directly from your smartphone, smart bracelets and other smart devices. In addition, via NFC you can transfer any other data from one smartphone to another.

  • How to disable NFC in Android smartphone(and take the N icon from the notification panel)?

This one is simple. Most likely, on your Android you will find the option to disable NFC directly in the quick settings menu. That is, we swipe across the screen from top to bottom, and in the drop-down menu, somewhere next to the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth symbols, we find an icon in the form of the same letter N as in the notification panel, with a caption next to it and, if the function is active, tap on it to turn it off.

If in quick settings you didn’t find the letter N on your smartphone, then open the usual settings, then click “ More… " In chapter " Wireless network " and in the subsection " Transfer files and data » turn the NFC option switch to the « position Off ", after which the N symbol will disappear from the notification panel.

  • To disable or not to disable NFC?

Frankly speaking, at present there is practically no real benefit from NFC for the vast majority of Android users. Well, as we have already said, you can transfer photos or other files from one smartphone to another. Contactless mobile payment systems have not yet enjoyed such significant popularity among the population and, there is a suspicion that they will not be used for quite some time. The mentioned Android Pay and Samsung Pay, despite their very successful debut in the States, will not be coming to our area anytime soon.

So, if you are not in an American store right now, you can safely turn it off NFC function in your Android smartphone and thus save its battery power.

Contactless: what is NFC and how can a programmer work with it?

Using NFC

There are many possibilities for using NFC:

  • The card emulation mode allows you to use this technology for contactless payments, for example Google Wallet, or to pay or receive tickets in public transport.
  • There are a few mobile applications, which allow you to save settings for a mobile device on tags and later use them to quickly change any settings of a mobile device (switching to vibrate mode, turning Wi-Fi on or off on a mobile device).
  • Devices that support NFC are gradually appearing on the market - stereo systems, TVs, which allow you to pair them with a phone or tablet for remote control.
  • NFC is used in the healthcare system to store patient ID and personal records.
  • In the field of inventory management, NDEF records can be used to store information about the place of departure of goods, their passage through various intermediate points, and the like.


NFC technology adds promising functionality to RFID technology. The most significant innovation is the NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF), which provides the ability to format conventional data into one of four NFC tag technologies. NDEF can be used both for data exchange between a device and a tag, and for exchange between devices. This makes NFC suitable not only as an identification method, but also as a means of exchanging short blocks of data.

Let's say you find the NFC function on your phone - you don't know what it is, and you also have no idea what will happen when it is activated.

If so, the material below will be incredibly useful to you, and you will discover another dimension to its use.

If you already know about NFC technology on your phone, what it is and how to use it, we will try to expand the boundaries of your knowledge.

So, let's begin.

Abbreviation NFC

The mysterious figure of three Latin letters in yours is not a veiled curse word at all, but an indication of the use of technology, the full name of which is Near Field Communication.

It appeared relatively recently, but it became most widespread thanks to mobile technologies.

As it turned out, it is the optimal tool that makes it easier, and in some cases, speeds up the user’s life when used skillfully.

Conventionally, this abbreviation can be deciphered as “close connection.” She is close-minded in several senses.

Firstly, the transfer of information with its help can be carried out at a minimum distance between objects of interaction, which is no more than a couple of centimeters.

And secondly, the amount of information transmitted in the process is negligible, despite the fact that this technology is used by smart devices such as .

The abbreviation NFC is related to another abbreviation EMV, the name of which is not necessary to remember.

It, in turn, is the progenitor of the technology and describes the possibility of using smart cards for contactless transactions.

If desired, the process can be studied in more detail by looking through standard 14443.

But moving past the theory, in order to fully appreciate the advantages of the technology, let’s turn to practice and find out how to use NFC in a mobile device.

rice. 1 - NFC logo

Where is NFC being implemented?

Yes, indeed, NFC technology applies not only to phones, but also to other gadgets, for example, tablets can also have similar functionality, especially since the technology allows it.

The NFC transmitter/receiver takes up really little space and in some cases fits between the case cover and the .

Devices equipped with such a module can be recognized by the corresponding logo located on the case.

Please note: often a mark with the corresponding logo directly indicates the location of the corresponding antenna, and allows you to make a connection between objects much faster

As for other objects, other everyday objects can be embedded in reading and writing devices.

The same technology is used when paying with travel cards in public transport, for example, in the metro.

And among household appliances Modern refrigerators with smart functions stand out as leaders in the use of this technology.

The technology itself is not strongly limited by standards, therefore it has quite broad prospects for its development, and many manufacturers of equipment and new technologies are actively using this.

This applies to both hardware and software developers of devices, so new gadgets and applications appear every day that allow you to effectively use NFC.

Now let's look at how exactly they are used.

rice. 2 – Connection to Android system

Ways of interaction

The uniqueness of NFC technology is that it can be used in three different ways. These include:

  • Data exchange.
  • Reading and writing data.
  • Emulation of smart cards.

The first interaction option involves the use of equivalent devices.

In the English version, the Peer-to-Peer characteristic is used for such interaction, which means that the data is transmitted from the same object.

In this case, both objects will have modules with receivers that can interact in two directions - reading and writing information.

A striking example of such interaction can be considered the transfer of data from smartphone to smartphone, or from smartphone to. The subjects of interaction in this case can be:

The second option for interaction—reading and writing data—can be carried out not only between devices.

Much more often it is used to create and read tags.

The peculiarity of these tags is that they are miniature hidden chips that do not consume a lot of energy.

The last interaction option is emulation.

It involves using a smartphone as a contactless device for paying for services such as payment cards used to pay for travel, but in a wider range of options thanks to services like Google Wallet.

NFC: what is it, what is it for, how does it work?

NFC function on the phone - what is it? What is it used for and how can it be used in everyday life. Description of the technology and features of its operation

Hidden disadvantages of technology

Along with such advantages of NFC as low power consumption and minimal cost of implementation, this technology has a number of disadvantages that appear immediately after the start of operation.

Some of them have to be put up with while waiting for the technology to improve, and some of them force us to limit the scope of application.

So, the first one is the short range of the signal.

This drawback, on the one hand, creates an inconvenience when, for example, the user needs to create a connection as quickly as possible, but on the other hand, it can also be assessed as an advantage.

The point is that this ensures a fairly high degree of security, which minimizes the likelihood of accidentally executing a command, for example, in the process of reading a code or link from a sticker tag.

But there are also more serious disadvantages.

Thus, the lack of clear standards leads to an uncontrolled increase in the number of technology modifications, which affects the consumer himself.

For example, some companies, such as Sony, are improving transmission technology and releasing their own Consumables in the form of TecTiles, compatible exclusively with devices manufactured by them.

And this leads to the fact that the user is driven into the framework of inconvenience.

However, there is another drawback that appears when you try to master the system on your own.

Of course, progress in recent years has led to the fact that the use of NFC is becoming more and more popular and more and more people are asking questions like what NFC is used for in a phone, what it is and what is the use of it.

NFC - use case, what is it for, where to buy?

Today I want to talk about possible scenarios for using NFC technology in everyday life. Payment systems and contactless payments are good, but in addition to the use cases imposed by market leaders, NFC can also be used in your own tasks. This is my personal experience and just my thoughts on this issue. Only the idea is important. How to use it is another question.

With the increase in the number of different mobile devices and devices, the need arose to provide fast wireless communication between them. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies have been actively exploring new niches in recent years, making it possible to transfer data, share files and post them on social networks. Today, even cameras are equipped with a Wi-Fi module so that you can quickly share pictures and videos. However, these technologies still require a certain amount of time to set up the connection and pair the devices. Therefore, NFC technology was born, which allows mobile devices to connect in just 0.1 seconds and then transfer the necessary data. Many Russians are already using this technology, without even having information about what it really is and how it works.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of NFC is based on magnetic field induction: the devices have two compact antennas located within a short range relative to each other. Accordingly, when the devices are brought closer together, an air-core transformer is formed. Here there is no need for registration, configuration and any additional manipulations - just bring, for example, two smartphones close to each other and a stable connection is instantly formed between them. The distance between compact antennas built into mobile devices or digital devices should not exceed twenty centimeters. Only in this case will there be a reliable, wireless connection between devices.

In fact, NFC can be considered, in fact, a continuation of the already well-proven radio frequency identification technology RFID. As we know, RFID is widely used in contactless cards and tags. However, NFC can not only read information from any passive electronic tags, but is also capable of providing two-way wireless communication between devices.

Therefore, NFC immediately attracted attention as a technology with significant potential. After all, it can be used not only in phones, but also for making electronic payments and in other areas. The development of its own standard for this technology began in 2004, and the first specifications were published two years later. It took some time before NFC was fully ready for commercial use.

Today, the technology is based on the ISO 18092 standard. At the same time, the NFC Forum organization also develops specific requirements for the use of technology, is engaged in its development and implementation in various fields of activity. To transmit information, NFC uses a frequency of 13.56 MHz, data transfer speeds reach up to 424 Kbps. It is important that communication between compatible devices is established instantly. This has its advantages not only in terms of convenience, but also for providing increased security and preventing unauthorized connections.


How is NFC fundamentally different, for example, from Bluetooth, which is also a short-range technology and is actively used in modern phones? In fact, NFC has many advantages, including the following:

Fast speed connection setup

As we have already noted, NFC compares favorably with all other wireless communication technologies in the speed of connection establishment. Communication between compatible devices is established in less than one tenth of a second (versus about six seconds for Bluetooth). To exchange information, there is no need to “pair” the devices. Not needed manual settings to identify devices, the connection is established in automatic mode when placing devices at a certain distance from each other. At the same time, it should be noted that in terms of transmission speed NFC data inferior to the same Bluetooth - 424 Kbps versus 2.1 Mbps. However, given the scope of application of this technology, this circumstance is not a critical drawback.

— Convenience

For users, the use of NFC greatly simplifies many operations. For example, to transfer digital photos or other files, you just need to touch one device to another. The same procedure can be followed to make an electronic payment or transfer of funds. Thus, all actions are carried out literally with one touch.

- Safety

The short range of action (up to 20 centimeters) on the one hand is a disadvantage, but on the other hand it has a positive effect on the security of information exchange. This circumstance makes the NFC connection suitable for use in crowded spaces or fairly crowded places where data interception or accidental connection is possible. Also thanks to increased security small device with an NFC chip can serve as a work pass, electronic keys to an apartment or hotel room.

— Versatility

Unlike Bluetooth, this technology is compatible with contactless solutions and RFID structures. In addition, it can work even if one of the compatible devices is not equipped with a power source (in particular, the phone is turned off).

— Support for other wireless technologies

NFC can be used to initiate faster connections, significantly simplifying the setup of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

— Openness

NFC is open and compliant with widely accepted ISO, ECMA and ETSI standards, making it suitable for a wide range of commercial applications and uses.

Today, NFC chips are installed in a wide variety of devices, but, above all, we're talking about, of course, about smartphones and communicators. NFC technology is attracting huge interest from companies mobile communications and providers. However, the scope of NFC is not limited to this. In the next part we will dwell in more detail on the various applications of this wireless technology short range.


The main area of ​​application of NFC technology, of course, is its implementation in various mobile devices - from smartphones to tablet computers and compact cameras. The first phone equipped with an NFC chip was introduced in 2006. It was a simple flip phone for today, the Nokia 6131. ​​At the moment, hundreds of mobile phones and communicators with an NFC chip have already been released, thanks to which it becomes possible wireless transmission data from one device to another with just one touch. Some modern digital camera models are also equipped with Wi-Fi coupled with NFC to instantly transfer captured photos and videos to your tablet.

WITH using NFC It has become possible to play video stored on a smartphone on the TV screen. To do this, you just need to bring your smartphone closer to the TV remote control. For example, in Sony TVs this function is called One Touch Mirroring. Of course, in order for it to work, you must have a built-in NFC chip both in the smartphone and in the remote control itself. As we see, the scope of application of NFC technology in mobile devices and household appliances is very diverse, but even greater prospects have opened up for this technological solution in other areas, for example, in banking.

Card emulation

NFC is very attractive for making electronic payments and, accordingly, for banks, since it supports the so-called emulation mode. That is, using this technology, you can emulate the operation of a well-known bank card. In particular, the user just needs to bring his smartphone with a built-in NFC chip to the terminal and he can easily make any payment. Thanks to NFC, you can create your own electronic wallet. The advantage here is that the technology can be implemented in almost any device, be it a smartphone or a key fob.

An example is how PayPass technology works. Its essence is as follows. If the user has a phone with an NFC chip and his NFC bank card is activated in the SIM menu, then he can go to any terminal that supports the MasterCard PayPass payment function, present the phone to it at the required distance (20 centimeters) and the payment will be made. Everything is very fast and convenient. You don’t even need to interact with the payment terminal, wandering through its menu. Sound and light signals will confirm that the required funds have been debited from the account bank card. All a person needs to implement such a solution is that his phone, in addition to the NFC chip, should also be loaded with data about bank accounts. It should be noted that the main drivers of NFC spread are mobile operators. After all, the more such services are loaded into a smartphone, the greater the likelihood that the client will not refuse the services of this operator.

Mobile commerce, electronic ticketing, electronic payments– all this is relevant for NFC technology.

Reading data

In addition to card emulation, NFC can operate in information reading mode. And here there are also plenty of opportunities for its use. Suffice it to say that NFC can be successfully used to read information from electronic boards, and also serve electronic keys from a car, hotel room or home. The NFC chip built into a mobile device can read data from various objects through smart tags. Thanks to this, in particular, the user can receive Additional information from a movie poster or from a product label on a store counter.

One of the most promising areas of application of NFC is fare payment systems in transport. Thanks to the emulation mode, a smartphone with a built-in NFC chip makes it easy to purchase tickets for trains or public transport. You can generate a request to purchase a ticket by touching your phone to the NFC tag located on the smart poster. After this it starts immediately special application and a request to purchase a ticket is activated. In this case, the smartphone already works as a reading device, reading the information that is stored in the tag. Next, the user confirms the purchase, and the electronic ticket is downloaded to his phone. Moreover, the ticket data is stored in the security elements of the device, making it impossible to change it.

The ticket price is automatically debited from the user's account with a mobile operator or from a bank card. Fare control can be carried out using a turnstile or a controller directly on the route. To do this, the smartphone is simply brought to the reader and the ticket data is instantly sent to the processing center, which ensures the appropriate verification. After authentication is confirmed, the turnstile opens. So simple and at the same time in a convenient way the operation of a transport fare system can be organized. Such systems are now beginning to be actively implemented.

The use of NFC-enabled smartphones enables the formation of the next generation of transport applications. In this case, the phone can act as a carrier of electronic tickets, which contains information about the user, his travel history and other data useful for the transport company.

Near field communication (NFC) - new technology wireless high frequency communication small range. Nfc chip< дает возможность обмениваться данными между different devices, located at a distance of 10 centimeters. This technology is a simple extension of the existing contactless card standard (ISO 14443 classification), combines the operating interface of smart cards and the reader into a common device. Such an NFC device is capable of communicating even with existing smart cards, as well as with ISO 14443 standard readers, and other NFC devices and can be compatible with the working contactless card infrastructure already used in public transport/payment systems. NFC is aimed primarily at use in mobile devices.

What is an NFC module

A module is an external device that allows for rapid identification using a radio communication channel at a distance. The short-range communication module operates at a frequency of 13.56 MHz with speeds up to 424 kbit/s. This technology is based on the use of specialized chips (in telephone SIM cards including) in communication devices. The widest spread of NFC technology in the near future is associated with the possibility of using it in conjunction with smartphones and mobile phones: mobile device is equipped with a module (an external NFC module for a phone is suitable), which will allow the subscriber to make timely payments for services and goods by simply bringing his phone closer to the reader. It is usually assumed that cash are debited from the client’s bank account, and not from the account with the mobile operator. communications.

Types of modules

The main types of NFC modules are SIM cards, external devices and chips. Also, you can use additional devices for communication and payment, such as NFC modules and stickers. nfc module for the phone can be ordered separately, or can be purchased already in the phone as built-in equipment. Stickers are attached to the phone body. There are passive and active. The first ones are not able to exchange data with the phone and do not allow you to write information to an NFC device through the communication channels of a mobile operator. Active - use the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth communication channel to communicate with the device, which leads to increased power consumption or the need to constantly recharge the module. A common drawback of such modules is the presence of fastenings.

How to add an NFC chip to a smartphone

The first option is an NFC SIM card. They are produced by many mobile operators. Install the ready-made functional card into your smartphone and pay for purchases with a light touch on the terminal. Of course, call it a quality replacement Apple Pay is not possible, since ongoing transactions are not encrypted and do not require fingerprint identification. In addition, the user will probably have to open a new account with the mobile operator/bank. However, if he is the holder plastic card one of the banks, the problem will disappear by itself. All you have to do is visit the salon cellular communications, or a bank branch and get a SIM card.

NFC antenna. Another working method. For all users whose phone or smartphone does not have a “near-field” module in their arsenal, the path to “contactless” is a little more difficult. You will have to either replace the device, which is irrational, or equip it with an NFC antenna yourself. Contrary to popular belief, this is much easier to do than previously imagined. To do this, you need to purchase a special external NFC antenna. This can be done in cellular communication stores, then, by gluing it to the SIM card, install it under the cover of your mobile device.

A small note: commit this operation will not work for owners of devices with non-removable back cover and a side hole for SIM cards. The module can be installed in almost all phone models. This solution is simple and will be used until phones with built-in NFC modules appear on the market.