How to install widgets on a VK group. How to install a widget for VKontakte groups? ​How to set up a widget in the VKontakte community

Hi all! Today I’ll tell you about another useful feature for the site - a widget for VKontakte groups. I think from the name it’s already clear what it does. The VKontakte group widget is a very useful thing if you want to attract more people to your group using the site. In general, read all the details in the article.

Despite the fact that I do not use the widget for groups on my website (maybe in vain), this is very useful feature to keep the audience up to date with all the news.
Let's go in order...

Widget for VKontakte groups

So, it looks like this:

This is a widget from my brother's website. It can be placed anywhere; it is in the sidebar (side column of the site).

About the benefits of the widget for groups

The design of the VKontakte website has long been familiar to everyone and immediately catches the eye, which makes you pay attention to it. If I were on a site that was interesting to me and saw such a widget, I would subscribe to group updates.

It is placed very easily and quickly. The advantage is that a visitor who visits the site and notices the widget will see his friends, if they are in the same group, this will serve as an additional incentive to join it.

You can literally subscribe to the community in one click or public page. By the way, I believe that for websites it is much more effective to use a public page (?).

Okay, enough about the advantages, they are already clear to everyone, I think.

How to install a widget for VKontakte groups?

So, the installation instructions are very similar to the installation instructions, by the way, I advise you to install them if you have not already installed them.

Step 1

Step 2

Setting up our widget for groups.

We indicate the link to our group or community in the first line.
At the “View” item, select what you like. If you scroll down the page, you can see an example of the widget and its changes.
Width and height do not require explanation, if these values ​​can be changed directly in the code by changing the “width” and “height” values.

Step 3

Now let's install our widget on the site.

What I highlighted in red should be placed in the “header.php” file (for WordPress). Place the second code, which is indicated in green, where you want the VKontakte groups widget to be displayed; I advise you to place it in the widget.

P.s. If you have already installed comments or from VKontakte, most likely you do not need to install the first part of the code because you already have it installed.

That's all!
As you can see, installation is very simple and does not require much time or effort. Everyone can handle this, but if you have any questions, contact me in the comments and I will be happy to help you.

That's all, see you soon, good luck and prosperity!

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VKontakte message widget for your website. You need to log into your VKontakte community/group. P.S: You must have administrator rights to manage the community. Let's go to « Community Management «

Setting up the message form. Fill in the selected fields (In the “Allowed domains” section, indicate Domain name my site, I have 2 sites, therefore 2 domains):

Next, check the box "Reveal immediately", If you want to. On my website, for example, this widget opens immediately, on the website http://ayti-kazan.rf it is simply displayed at the bottom right and opens when you click on it. Copy the embed code to the site.

Go to the admin panel of your site. Appearance— widgets.

Add a text field and paste the copied code there. You can do the same this code insert not into widgets, but into the “Footer” (footer) of your site (highlighted in yellow in the screenshot, depends on WordPress themes). In the footer of the site this is more correct, but I didn’t bother. See what is more convenient. I felt more comfortable using widgets. The result was the same. Tested on 2 of my sites. Save.

Here's what we ended up with:

Let's watch, rejoice, celebrate success!!!

Group/community widget for a website with CMS WordPress. How to add a VK group/community widget to a website.

Widget for communities

The community widget will closely link your site to the relevant group or official page In contact with. The widget allows you to subscribe to community news without leaving the page.

The widget can display photos of friends user and other community members. Demographic statistics on participants are available via the “Subscribed..” link.

Instead of photos, they may also be displayed community news. In this case, at the bottom of the widget there will be a small block with a photo of the user’s closest friend from among those who have subscribed and a list of other friends in the community. When scrolling down a block automatically loaded older entries.

Connecting a widget to your site

To add a widget to your site, simply copy the embed code onto the page where you want to place the widget.

Everything is very simple here.

​How to set up a widget in the VKontakte community

Everyone who now joins our group In contact with, sees a personal greeting and an offer to receive a discount.

This is not black magic and has nothing to do with Hogwarts: we’ll tell you how to connect and configure the widget in your community.

How to install a VKontakte widget

VKontakte recently updated its application system: now you can add widgets to communities. This helps expand the functionality of the community and collect contacts of subscribers interested in your service.

One of these widgets is SpyCat (this is what we use in the SMM Aero group on VKontakte). Using the widget you can:

  • greet the visitor by name and show him his photograph (I suddenly forgot, what empathy);
  • write a text: tell about a promotion or something else;
  • create a button in VKontakte style.

To install the widget, go to SpyCat and click "Run".

Install the widget in your community.

Widget setup

After installing the widget, go to your community, click Actions - Community Management - Applications (or insert your community link into the link NAME?act=apps).

Set the visibility settings: button - no one (so that nothing is visible on the right), widget - all users (or only administrators, if you want to practice).

Click "Go to settings in the app" at the top. Select the type of widget you want to place: text only or personal. Click "Customize Widget".

Choose personal. Fill in the required widget fields:

  • title - text at the top left (required, up to 100 characters)
  • title link - URL when clicking on the title (optional)
  • number - an integer, to the right of the title (optional)
  • card title - second title, to the right of the avatar (required)
  • card title link - URL when clicking on the card title (optional)
  • text - the main text of the widget (required, up to 200 characters)
  • button text - adds a button in VK style (optional, up to 50 characters)
  • button link - URL when clicking on the button (required if there is “Button text”)
  • footer text - adds the bottom part of the widget (optional, up to 100 characters)
  • footer link - URL when clicking on the footer (required, but only if there is “Footer text”)
  • The avatar is displayed automatically.

“Chief editor of the GetGoodRank blog, web analyst, blogger.
The social network VKontakte has launched a new widget - Community Messages. Now, instead of a regular chat, users will be able to ask questions to a company representative through a familiar widget.”

Experts social network At a recent internal marathon of VKontakte developers, they created a prototype of a new widget for branded sites - Community Messages. This is a tool for communication between the company and clients on a branded website using a familiar and proven tool.

What does the new widget do?

The widget simplifies communication between users and the company. Any user registered on VKontakte will be able to ask questions to company representatives in the new widget directly on the site without having to go to the social network. It is not necessary to wait for a response on the website as in the case of online chat. You can reply to a message both in the web version and in mobile application. The new widget automatically calculates the average response time by analyzing the history of correspondence with other clients over the last 72 hours.

Messages to community administrators will be received as usual. Widget settings allow you to add a branded welcome message. This will demonstrate that you care about your customers, increase loyalty and build trust.

What are the developers betting on?

Most active users have accounts on VKontakte. This eliminates the need for users to log in, additionally register, or provide contact information on the site. The messages widget retains all the functionality available in the desktop version of the social network: in the dialogue you can send a photo, image, document for a more detailed discussion.

This reduces conversion friction, makes the company closer to the user, and reduces risks for the user (now there is no need to leave real contacts on an unfamiliar site).

What is required to install the Community Posts widget?

To install a widget on a website, a company needs to:

  • lead a community on the social network VKontakte
  • in the “Community Management” section, activate the widget