As in Photoshop, resize. How to change the size of the image in Photoshop? Photoshop algorithms when scaling

Photoshop editor is often used to scaling the image.

The option is so popular that even users who are completely unfamiliar with the functionality of the program will easily cope with changing the size of the picture.

The essence of this article is to change the size of the photo in the photoshop CS6, minimizing the drop in quality. Any modification of the original size will affect the quality, however, you can always comply with simple rules that allow you to maintain the clarity of the picture and avoid "blur".

An example is given in Photoshop CS6, in other versions of the CS, the actions algorithm will be similar.

For example, use this picture:

The primary magnitude of the photograph made on the digital camera was significantly more images presented here. BUT B. this example A photograph of horror so that it is convenient to place it in the article.

Reducing the size in this editor should not cause any difficulties. For this option in Photoshop there is a menu "Image size" (Image Size.).

To find this command, click the Basic Menu tab "Image - image size" (Image - Image Size). You can also use hotkeys Alt + Ctrl + I

Here is a screenshot of the menu, made immediately after opening the image in the editor. No additional transformations are made, the scale is saved.

This dialog box has two blocks - Dimension (Pixel Dimensions) I. Printing size (Document Size).

The lower unit does not interest us, because it does not apply to the topic of the lesson. Turn to the top of the dialog box, where the file size in pixels is specified. This feature is responsible for the real size of the photo. In this case, the image measurement unit is a pixel.

Height, width and their dimension

Let's go to the study of this menu in detail.

To the right of item "Dimension" (Pixel Dimensions) The quantitative value is indicated in the figures. They indicate the size of the current file. It can be seen that the image takes 60.2 M.. Letter M. deciphered as megabyte:

Understand the scope of the graphic file being processed, if you need to compare it with the original image. Let's say if we have any criteria for maximum weight photos.

However, it does not affect the amount. To determine this characteristic, we will use width and height indicators. The values \u200b\u200bof both parameters are reflected in pixels.

Height (Height) We use the photos 3744 pixels, but Width (Width.) — 5616 pixels.
To task and place a graphic file on the Web page, it is necessary to reduce its size. It is done through a change in numeric data in the graph "Width" and "Height".

We enter an arbitrary value for the width of the photo, for example 800 pixels. When we introduce numbers, we will see that the second characteristic of the image has also changed and is now 1200 pixels. To apply the changes, press the key "OK".

Another option input information about the size of the image size is the use of an interest ratio with the original image size.

In the same menu, right input field "Width" and "Height", There are drop-down menus for units of measurement. Initially, they are in pixels (pixels.), the second available option - interest.

To switch to percentage, simply select another option in the drop-down menu.

We enter the desired number in the field "Interest" and confirm by pressing the key "OK". The program changes the size of the picture in accordance with the percentage entered.

The height and width of the photograph can be even considered separately - one characteristic as a percentage, second in pixels. To do this, clamp the key Shift. and click on the desired field of units of measurement. Then in the fields indicate the necessary characteristics - percentages and pixels, respectively.

By default, the menu is configured in such a way that when entering the value of the width or height of the file, the other characteristic is automatically selected. This means that the change in the numeric value for the width will also change the altitude change.

The stretching of the image will arise if you change the width of the picture, and leaving the old one, or change the numeric data arbitrarily. The program suggests that the height and width have a dependence and change in proportion to - it says the logo of the chain links to the right window with pixels and percentages:

Dependence between height and width is turned off in the string "Keep proportions" (Constrain Proportions). Initially, there is a check mark in Chekbox, if you need to change the characteristics independently, it is enough to leave the field empty.

Change the dimensional values \u200b\u200bof the pictures in editor Photoshop. - This is a trivial task. However, there are nuances that it is important to know not to lose the quality of the file being processed.

To make it clear to explain this moment, we use a simple example.

Suppose you need to change the size of the original picture - to reduce it twice. Therefore, in the pop-up image size I enter 50% :

If you confirm the action key "OK" in the window "Image size" (Image Size.) The program closes the pop-up window and applies the updated settings to the file. In this case, it reduces the picture twice from the initial size in width and height.

The image as far as it can see is significantly reduced, but its quality has practically not suffered.

Now we will continue to work with this image, this time will increase it to the source sizes. Open the same image size dialog box. We enter the measurement units of interest, and in the adjacent fields we drive a number 200 - To restore the original size:

We have a photo again with the same characteristics. However, now the quality leaves much to be desired. Many details were lost, the picture looks "cooked" and has greatly lost in sharpness. With the continuation of the increase in loss will increase, every time the quality is increasingly more and more.

Photoshop algorithms when scaling

Quality loss occurs for one simple reason. When decreasing the size of the picture using the option "Image size", Photoshop simply reduces the photo, removing unnecessary pixels.

The algorithm allows the program to evaluate and delete pixels from the image, making it without loss of quality. Therefore, reduced pictures, as a rule, do not lose sharpness and contrast at all.

Another thing is to increase, here we will lie difficulties. In the case of a decrease, the program does not need to invent anything - just delete too much. But when an increase is required, then it is necessary to find out where Photoshop will take the necessary pixels for the scope of the picture? The program is forced to independently make a decision on the inclination of new pixels, simply generating them into an enlarged final image.

All the difficulty is that with an increase in the photo, the program needs to create new pixels that have not previously been present in this document. There is also no information, exactly how the final image should look like, so Photoshop is simply guided by its standard algorithms when adding new pixels to the picture, and nothing else.

Without a doubt, the developers were bothering to bring this algorithm to ideal. Nevertheless, considering the variety of pictures, the method of increasing the image is averaged solution that allows only slightly increased a photo without loss of quality. In most cases, this method will give large losses in sharpness and contrast.

Remember - change the size of the image in Photoshop, practically without taking care of losses. However, an increase in the size of the pictures should be avoided if we are talking On the preservation of primary image quality.

Changing the size of the image is one of the basic skills necessary to work in the "Photoshop" program. This function is used by most owners of mirror and digital cameras. Users wishing to master the most famous application for editing pictures are beginning to be trained from the lesson on how to change the size of the image in "Photoshop".


Adobe has released a whole line of products to work with photos. To learn how to change the size of the image in "Photoshop", you must download and install the CS6 version. The novice user will be easier to work with the interface in Russian. The procedure can also be reproduced in more early version programs.

How to resize images in "Photoshop" CS6?

The user needs to choose a photo for editing. To do this, go to the "File" section in the menu. Then you need to mark the "Open" string. After that you need to select the image and click on "OK". Photography will appear in the workspace.

Next, it is necessary to proceed directly to solve the problem, as in "Photoshop" change the size of the image. The user needs to go to the menu. In the "Image" section, you should mark the line "Photo Size". The settings dialog box appears. The "dimension" area allows you to get information about the picture loaded in the program.

Here the image resolution is displayed in pixels, as well as in the percentage ratio. The area "Print Printing Size" is used when working with the printer. In this field, you should specify the resolution of 200-300 pixels per inch. The "Width" and "height" parameters allow you to draw out the size of paper with the printed photo. If you wish, you can save the image proportions.


The main work is conducted in the area "dimension". It is necessary to focus on points "Width" and "Height". How to change the size of the image in "Photoshop"? To do this, specify the desired values \u200b\u200bof the width and height of the picture in the fields with numbers. The default program saves the program proportions.

If this option needs to be disconnected, you should remove the checkbox from the corresponding item. Then you need to click on the "OK" button. In the same way, the resolution of photographs in the percentage ratio is reduced or increased.

How to change the size of the inserted image in "Photoshop"?

To do this, use the Free Transformation Tool. This mode is activated using the Ctrl + T buttons. It is necessary to drag over the corner of the square that appears in the main program window. To save proportions, press the SHIFT button. After changing the image resolution, you need to disable the Free Transform tool.

Saving the result obtained

To perform this task, go to the "File" section. If the picture is published on the network, the user needs to mark the "Save for Web and Devices" string. Next, you should specify the JPEG High format and confirm the performance.

In other cases, it is necessary to mark the string "Save As". It should be chosen high quality Image (8 or more). The photo can be saved in any format.

Quality of edited image

The snapshot will be almost the same clear as the original. How to change the size of the image in "Photoshop" without loss of quality? You must follow the use of the Image Size tool. It is impossible to get a clearer picture from a snapshot. With a decrease in the size of the photo, the utility discards unnecessary pixels.

If you try to increase the resulting picture, you can encounter the fact that the snapshot will become blurred. The user will not be able to resize the image without loss of quality. "Photoshop" in this case expects which pixels to add. This uses complex processing algorithms.

Calculations cannot be completely accurate, so the small picture becomes big and blurred. Return edited photos The original quality by increasing the resolution will not succeed.

Option "Interpolation"

When you first start the application, this function is switched on by default. The interpolation is called the process in which the utility responds to the command to change the size of the picture by subtraction or addition of pixels. To the quality of the editable photo remains the same, it is necessary to deactivate this option. When changing the permission of the checkbox at the Interpolation item must be installed. The user needs to also choose a way to implement this process From the drop-down list.

Than better quality Photos, the more time you need a snapshot utility. Options in the list, located under the interpolation item, determine how the program is resorting to removing or adding pixels. How to change the size of the image in "Photoshop" in a couple of minutes? To do this, select the Nearest Neighbor interpolation method.

The application copies the colors of neighboring pixels. Via this method You can create the smallest files. The edges of the images will be uneven. The method should be applied when sending files to the recipient through a slow connection. In this case, the snapshot is processed very quickly.

Other interpolation methods

If the user marks the "Bilinear" string, the program will choose something among the colors of neighboring pixels. The photo is still being processed quickly. To resize the picture, use one of the following options.

If the user specifies the "bicubic" item, the application will choose something between the colors of two pixels on the right and left, as well as at the top and bottom. The picture is processed longer than usual. The method is used to create smooth gradients. The string "bicubic, ironing" should be selected while increasing the picture. New pixels are superimposed on old image elements, giving pictures a natural look.

It uses the "Blur" tool. The "bicubic, clearer" method is suitable for reducing snapshots. The program does not blur the whole pixels to improve overlay, but only softens the edges of the image elements.

Good day to all photoshoppers! Today is small, but useful for novice users of the program theme associated with a change in the size of the object in the photo. In the release, we will consider simple and light examples:

After all, changing the size has almost constantly. Moreover, the dimensions are changed not only by the pictures themselves, but also the imposed images on them. And if you make a collage, overlapping images, then you have to change the size of them anyway. First, let's see how to change the size of the image itself. We download the desired picture, then we go "Image" - "Image size".

Selecting a function, a window will open in which you can resize the picture.

What we see here. The first is the inscription size with the arrow of the drop-down menu. If you click on it, we will see the different expression of the sizes of the original picture. Choosing any of them, you can find out the size of the image in pixels, centimeters, percent, etc.

The following menu is "Fit under ..." Selecting it, you can see options in the drop-down window, which is immediately, as the pattern is adjusted for the size of the picture.

If you need your sizes that are not in the above list, then go to next linewhere the width and height of the picture is indicated. By default, it is set in pixels. But if you need other units of measure, we choose them in the list next.

For example, change the pixels. Very often we are told: "The image should be so much on so many pixels." This is it. Expose the desired value, say 640x480. When you enter one value, the second is automatically affixed. This is due to the fact that the values \u200b\u200bare fixed and are exhibited in proportion to that the picture would not stretch.

If you do not need proportional scaling, click on the icon between the inscriptions width and height and the binding line they disappear. The size of the sizes ceased to be fixed. You can arbitrarily set the size.

But we need a proportional change, and therefore exhibit the value that we need most of all: or in height, or in width, and clamp approx. The picture immediately or decreased, or increased, depending on what values \u200b\u200byou entered in relation to the original image. So it was a change in the size of the whole picture.

But you can increase any fragment of the picture without changing the size of the image itself. To do this, go to the top menu items "Editing" - "Transform" - "Scaling". In the corners of the picture and in the middle, there were squares-guides. Pulling for which you can increase, or reduce the picture.

If you do not need a proportional change in size, then you simply bring the cursor to the corner of the picture and climbing the left mouse key stretch the picture. With proportional change in size, do it with a pinch key Shift.. Part of the image went over the edge of the picture and became invisible.

Now, if you save a picture, we will see only the remaining enlarged image. This method is used if you need to increase a small object on some photo or image. However, the quality increase depends on the size of the picture in pixels. What it is more, the quality will be, respectively, better.

How to change the image size on the layer in photoshop, keeping proportions?

Now let's see how to change the size of the image on the layer. In principle, inserting any image, it is displayed on a separate layer. So it works photoshop that if you make a collage out of 10 photos and layers will be at least 10. And when you save the collage in JPG, then these layers are reduced to one and turns out a photo.

We will continue. By inserting the object, and to reduce its dimensions, or, on the contrary, to increase. It is all right enough. Select in the Editing menu - "Transformation" - "Scaling". Do not forget to activate the desired layer.

A frame with markers appears around the variable image. Now pulling out any of them, you can resize the picture. To keep the pictures of the pictures, you must simultaneously hold the SHIFT key.

Change the size of the inserted object on the layer

Amend the size of the picture, you can also via the "Free Transformation" menu in the Editing tab. Here, the frame with markers will appear around the object, pulling for which you can reduce or increase the size of the inserted object.

You can do this and manually entering values \u200b\u200bin the scaling settings that are located on the top panel - the letters "B" (height) and "sh" (width). Here the values \u200b\u200bare shown as a percentage. We enter your numbers and the picture changes the size according to them. It is convenient if accurate parameters are needed.

As you can see, everything is very simple. No need to be afraid of photoshop, when you start to understand - there is nothing complicated. Start S. simple examples And everything will succeed! Here, perhaps, all of this feature. Good luck in work!

Show how to change the size of the image in photoshop. If you are already working for a program for a long time, then for you this lesson will be useless, since in it I will disassemble the basics.

First of all, open photoshop and the image that will try to change. To change, we need to go to "Image -\u003e Image Size" (Image -\u003e Image Size). Hot key combination "Alt + Ctrl + I".

A new window opens with whom we will understand.

Image size - What is the volume on this moment Photo takes. If we change the width or height of the image, the program will show what size photo will have after applying the action, and what size it occupied before.

To the right of this item there is a special gear, under which the setting is hidden " Scaled styles". It must be active and marked by a check mark. She answers for the fact that if you used some effects or styles in the photo, then when changing the size it will also change.

Next item " The size"- Displays the size of a photo that can be measured as a percentage, pixels, inches centimeters, etc.

Item " Fit under"- These are the billets that you can use. You can download any third-party, choose from already existing or save some of your own. It may take it if you often use the image change function.

The most important parameters " Width"And" Height". On the left there is an indicator, and on the right of which it is measured. Maybe in pixels, percentages, inches, centimeters, etc.

To the left of the width and height there is a special bunch that allows " Save proportions"For example, when the width is changed, retaining the proportions will automatically change the height.

Conversely, if you click on the chain image, then the connection will disappear. Now, if you change, for example, the height, then the width will remain unchanged.

If you click on the chain back, then everything will return to the source value.

Next parameter " Resolution"Responsible for the quality of photography. It can be measured in pixels per inch or in pixels per centimeter. For a regular monitor, a value of 72 pixels / inch, and it is better to put 300 pixels / inch for printing.

"Reshampping"Responsible for changing the amount of image data. If you are a starting user, then I suggest this option to leave on the" automatically "item.

Well, finally, it is worth saying that it is best to reduce the size of the image, because at the same time it saves its quality as much as possible. With increasing image, it loses in quality.

Video Tutorial:

Amend the size of the picture in Photoshop, it is necessary when it is prepared for printing or to publish in web documents. To begin with, open the editable image in the program and call the Image Size dialog box through the image menu or the Ctrl + Alt + i key combination.

Here we see the information on the physical size of the image, which will work with its print, as well as its size in pixels. If you need a certain printed print size, you need to make changes in the corresponding menu. Pay attention to the black frame with the chain link icon - this icon shows that the change in the size of the picture occurs with the preservation of proportions. It can be removed, but then the picture can be deformed.

With a decrease in the size of the image, Photoshop no problems, but with the increase in the picture there may be problems. If instead of 1936 pixels width you put, for example 3000, the program is forced to "invent" additional pixels on a special algorithm. The final image may lose in quality.

So, if we reduce the picture from 1936 * 1296 per 1000 * 669 with preservation of proportions. Its size instead of 7.18 MB will be 1.92 MB, which makes it suitable for shipment by mail or publication on the network. At the same time, quality loss is insignificant:

To reduce the image, it is best to use the interpolation algorithm "bicubic, clearer", and to increase - "bicubic, ironing"; These settings are at the bottom of the image size dialog box.