Modx promotion. SEO optimization MODx - all technical points. You must manually create a resource in MODX

1. Description

Did you know that relatively recently the number of characters in the site description has grown to 255? So, for our REVOs (sorry, evists) in the latest versions, you no longer need to jump through the files and the database to increase the limit. On the most recent version 2.6.3, you can safely write more text in this field. Is your version older? Why don't you update;)

2. Keyword

The funny thing is that there are SEOs who prove that this field has become obsolete and does not take place. Ha! The largest SEO companies in Belarus, sending me the TK, clearly write that they need this field. Conclusion - it's like skis, sort of gathering dust on the balcony, but, probably, they are still needed.

3. Headings

There should be one H1 on the page and it should be 100% of the time. Well, everyone knows that (I hope everyone does). But. There are also other headings. So, H2 and H3 have a place to be only in the text (our content field) and on important phrases. Service phrases used as template or navigation elements cannot be decorated with headers.

For example: we have a footer and it has a structure of 4 blocks. Each has something: contacts, links to sections, logo, social. Networks, etc. So, this place is often signed

Contact us


Leave feedback

And you can't do that. The funny thing is that layout designers return layouts this way. What to do? Replaced by
Reviewed by Innokenty
or You may have to get into the css. Or "wash the head of the layout designer" (sometimes it helps).

I noticed that H4 is extremely rare in the text. But the fifth and sixth headings on sites that are in the work of SEOs, simply nowhere else - all through the styles.

4. Last Modified

Displaying information about when the document was changed is important. But here it is easier than ever, the solution already exists and our Ilya gave it to us -

5. Rel canonical

Do not forget about the canonical address of the page. But, we also remember that we will have two canonical addresses if we call pdoPage without "setMeta" => 0. And the second will, frankly, not comme il faut.

6. Noindex and nofollow

Often, our brother does not bother with this meta tag and everywhere in the head chunk writes
But here we forget about the main essence of these phrases. Let me remind you that the no / follow value is to control the prohibition of indexing links on the page, and no / index is to control the indexing of text on the page.

So, the management of pagination pages should be the following noindex and follow (do not index the text, but take into account the weight of the links). For this I have a miniature snippet, which I called index _follow (call it in the head for the main pages of the site).

$ robots = " "; $ norobots =" "; $ meta = $ robots; $ request_uri = $ _SERVER [" REQUEST_URI "]; if (! empty ($ _ GET [" page "])) $ meta = $ norobots; if (! empty ($ _ GET [" sort " ])) $ meta = $ norobots; return $ meta;

For service pages, your template is usually (we are talking about simple sites, without a personal account and other things), and there you can already write this meta tag and others by hand.

7. Microdata and Open Graph Protocol

Yes, yes, it is she who is very, very important. And for the product / service page, and for contacts, and for articles, and for breadcrumbs. Usually we are too lazy to climb and look at its parameters, but still it is important for the PS. For the lazy, here is copy / past.
("pdoCrumbs" | snippet: ["limit" => 5, "tpl" => "@INLINE
  • ($ menutitle)
  • "," tplHome "=>" @INLINE
  • home
  • "," tplCurrent "=>" @INLINE
  • ($ menutitle)
  • "," tplWrapper "=>" @INLINE "," showHome "=> 1," showAtHome "=> 0])

    Well, or so, if it is clearer:

    I don’t give an example of Open Graph Protocol, but here you’re sure to google how to do it yourself :)

    8. Title of links

    Well, alt is also insanely important in pictures, but I believe that you will always remember about it. But our beloved pdotools in pagination has a "small sin" on this topic and, if you forget, you can skip links to the site without this important attribute. You can register templates immediately in the call, or you can in the snippet settings, as it is more convenient. But pay attention to tplPage, tplPageActive, tplPagePrev and tplPageNext.

    If you use pdoNeighbors, it also has no link descriptions in tplNext, tplPrev and tplUp. Even pdoMenu, alas, has tpl without it. In general, be careful here.

    9. Cyclic links

    Once on the site, most users know that by clicking on the logo, they can go to the home page of the site. Since the clickable logo has long been the standard. But the only mistake is that on the main page the logo is also clickable, that is, we get a circular link, the page links to itself. The treatment is simple:

    (if $ _modx->! = 1) makeUrl (1)) "title =" (! LANG: Go to main page" > !} config.site_name), go to main "> (else) config.site_name), go to home "> (/ if)

    [[* id: is = `1`: then =` `: else =` `]]

    10. Error pages

    When you get to such a page, it is important not to lose the user. Provide a clear description of the error that occurred and provide an opportunity to go to a popular section or return to the main page. 404 and 403 should be. Should be clear, concise and without unnecessary "dregs" in the form of bread crumbs, large pictures above, when the text of the error and links to leave it are not visible.

    Bonus: two "goodies" for MODX REVO

    And lastly two Lifehacks, from which I just "trudge" the last months. First Are system settings for the user.

    It's no secret that calling a system setting is faster than calling an additional field on a page. And, if we need to shove somewhere the data of phones, addresses and phrases from the "basement" or "header", then the most "smart" solution would be to place them in the system settings.

    But! We can't let the managers go there. What are we doing?

    1. We install the cool component settingsWidget with ( from DocentBF, which is not yet personally familiar to me. We write our previously created settings into it. The author has described the instructions, you can easily figure it out there.
    2. Go to panel management and create a new panel. The old one will be overwritten when updating MODX, believe me. We create and add this widget to it. We call it in our own way. Assign the widget to the manager's policy. But! We do not prohibit access to system settings in the policy, otherwise he will not see them.
    3. We hide the settings in a different way. We go to the menu settings and from the top menu we send the “Admin” tab to control. This will hide it from sight, but not hide from the panel. I attach my manager's working policy in the link. But do it at the end of the job. You will be pissed off when the menu is broken. Really pissed off.

    Lifehack two... Open any template, for example Home. In the Icon field (after the Name and Description), write icon-home. We save, we update. Open the Resources tab. Cool, huh? :) And this is from the boot, just the name of the icons. Play around.

    That's all for now. Maybe there will be a second part, but later. I again have two technical assignments on the working window, plus I still need to recover from a difficult period of depression. So for a couple of months, I’m unlikely to roll up an article again with inspiration. But I still love you, the MODX community and the EVO CMS.

    Hello! It is no longer a secret that the most seo-oriented cms is Modx (and Revolution and Evolution) and one of the main criteria for choosing a cms for my site, I think, is just the possibility of a competent and high-quality optimization of the site through cms. But not everyone knows exactly how to use all MODX Revo resources for website optimization. I myself sometimes forget to do something and decided for myself and for you to create a step-by-step list of site optimization and promotion on modx revolution.

    The very first (but I will not include this in the list) that you need to understand: the site is created so that your information, your service or your product could be found in search engines, so creating a site is half the battle. It is much more important to promote it to the top of search engines for the queries you need. So, let's start the list:

    1. Working with the .htaccess file. Domain with or without www.

    You need to decide whether you want to use www in front of your site's domain or not. There are lines in this file

    # Rewrite -> - used with SEO Strict URLs plugin #RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST). #RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST)! ^ Example-domain-please-change \ .com #RewriteRule (. *) Http://$1 # # or for the opposite -> use the following # DO NOT USE BOTH # #RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST). #RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST)! ^ Www \ .example-domain-please-change \ .com #RewriteRule (. *) Http:// / $ 1

    You need to uncomment lines with or without www and replace example-domain-please-change with your domain name. Let's say the lines are commented on the site

    RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST). RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST)! ^ Bayguzin \ .ru RewriteRule (. *) Http: // site / $ 1

    2. Configuring Human-understandable url (CNC)

    A very important point. You should be aware that search engines pay attention to the url and give preference to a site with a url that more reflects the essence of what is written on the page. Go to system settings

    Select "Friendly url" in the filter

    There will be several parameters that are required. For example, the item "Automatically generate aliases" I think is necessarily "Yes". Well, I am giving a screenshot from one of my sites and basically I apply these settings to all my sites. I just vary whether to nest or not. If this is a catalog site, then in the "Use nested url" item I put "Yes", since I need to always show the path to the category, and then to the product. If this is a business card site, then there is no need to make long headers using nested url.

    Attention ! Alias ​​transliteration item works only with snippet translit, you can download and install it in the repository.

    3. Unique meta-tags: titles, keywords, description

    It is very important to show search engines unique, relevant pages, title, keywords and description so that it (the search engine) forms the snippet correctly. This will affect both the site's position for a particular keyword, and the CTR of clicks from the search engine.

    There is an opinion that keywords no longer affect the search results, but I have an example of moving up to the top by several positions after I inserted keywords

    I am not using the item " Abstract (introduction)", but I write keywords in this column, sometimes using them as tags. You will need to insert the conclusions of these meta tags in the site header:

    [[* pagetitle]]

    4. Sitemap for search engines. Sitemap.xml

    We go to the section System - Package Management

    Click " Download add-ons"

    We drive into the search GoogleSiteMap, download, install it

    Create a document named sitemap

    In the Settings, set to Content Type: xml, uncheck the "Use HTML Editor"

    In the Content of the resource, insert:


    We call the alias sitemap

    The sitemap is ready.

    5. robots.txt file

    This file should look something like this (well, on almost all my sites it looks like this)

    User-agent: * Disallow: / manager / Disallow: / assets / components / Disallow: / core / Disallow: / mgr / Disallow: / connectors / Disallow: /index.php Disallow: *? Host: Sitemap: http: //

    Robots.txt file excludes unnecessary pages and folders from search

    P.S. Do not forget to register the paths to sitemap.xml and robots.txt

    6. 404 error page

    First, in the document tree, you need to create a 404 error page with the appropriate design and text, and then go to System - System Settings and select a filter " Site"

    We set in the parameter " Error page 404 "Document not found" (error_page)"- id of the page in the document tree, corresponding to the 404 page. Some 404 error pages I make the main page or sitemap, but it's better not to do that!

    7. Unique content

    An item that refers to promoting not only the site on MODX Revolution... Website promotion in Google and Yandex is simply impossible without a unique, lively, human, natural text. An obligatory item for any type of site on any topic. Only with unique content on the site can you count on SEO promotion... Moreover, the uniqueness of not only texts, but also images (although they do not affect so much). Verify uniqueness of the text you can anywhere now. There are hundreds of free and paid software and online services.

    That's actually 7 main points, without which seo site promotion on the MODX Revolution control system on the Internet is not possible. There will be questions: ask in the comments - I will try to answer! Thank you all for your attention.

    In today's article, we will look at some small settings that will help you display all the necessary meta tags in an optimal way.

    There are a huge number of additional tags in MODx, you can familiarize yourself with them by studying the documentation for this CMS, I will not bother you with this, but I will tell you only about those that we need at the moment.

    If you look at the site, then the title and description parameters for all pages are the same for us, since they are fixed, they are set in the "HEAD" chunk. Anyone who is at least a little familiar with seo optimization knows that for this you can easily get banned from search engines. We will fix this.

    We've already covered how to add pages to MODx -. Besides, we talked about the tag [* content *]... But all these fields have their own tags. We will use them exactly. Our attention should be focused on three main ones:

    [* pagetitle *]- in this field we entered the title of the article. I propose to highlight it under the seo title, that is, it is the text entered in it that will be displayed between the tags .

    [* longtitle *]- this tag will be responsible for displaying the H1 header on the page. This is where we will write the heading "for people".

    Let's fix this in the template right away. To do this, go to the section with chunks and select "MAINCONTENT". In it, before the [* content *] tag, insert the following:

    [* longtitle *]

    This will allow you to get an automatic H1 header.

    [* description *]- this tag will be responsible for displaying the page description. One of the most important parameters in optimization, since it is often used to form a snippet in search results.

    Editing the "HEAD" chunk

    We go into this chunk and change the following.

    Retina - Free CSS template by

    [* pagetitle *]

    Since by default we do not have a description field in the template, we add the code under the title tag:

    That's what I did.

    The MODX content management system is one of the most convenient in terms of search engine promotion and website promotion. The web resources created on this CMS do not have problems with ranking, since MODX is optimally optimized for search algorithms.

    Benefits of CMS MODX

    On MODX, you can create sites of any complexity: from one-page landing pages and modest business cards to large portals with a complex internal architecture.

    MODX is completely free and distributed with open source code, which allows you to significantly save on website development and invest more money in its promotion.

    Disadvantages of CMS MODX

    One of the main disadvantages when working with MODX for a beginner is the need to understand programming and have certain skills in internal website optimization. Without this knowledge, a novice webmaster will not be able to optimize the resource for search engine promotion as correctly as possible.

    In WordPress, for example, it is much easier for a webmaster who is far from programming to expand the functionality of a site using ready-made solutions in the form of plugins. MODX is now inferior to WordPress in terms of the number of free add-ons that a beginner can install on his site without resorting to the help of specialists.

    However, this drawback is to some extent an advantage of the engine, because the more popular the CMS, the more various holes and vulnerabilities there are in it. MODX is more reliable than most free content management systems. Site security and stability of its work play an important role in ranking.

    The entire promotion process must be divided into several stages and each of them must be carefully worked out.

    Choosing a hosting for a site on MODX

    Almost all popular hosting providers work with this CMS without any problems, so you won't have any difficulties choosing a good hosting. On our behalf, we can recommend hosting that is optimal in terms of price and quality - Beget, which perfectly interacts with any content management systems.

    Fig. 1. On Beget hosting, you can install the desired CMS in just a few clicks without having to download the distribution kit with engine files and configure everything manually.

    Having decided on the hosting, we proceed to planning the resource promotion strategy and improving its internal structure. In the Yula Group, this happens as follows:

    1. We check the validity of the code and fix errors in the internal structure if the site was ordered from third-party developers.
    2. We study competitors and compose a detailed semantic core that will reveal the full potential of your niche.
    3. We divide all semantics into semantic groups (clusters) and prepare technical specifications for copywriters.
    4. We create high-quality SEO-optimized texts that fully respond to user search queries.
    5. We add articles to the site, making them out according to all the canons of search engine optimization.
    6. We link all site materials using relevant internal links. We customize each page so that it receives only targeted traffic and attracts potential customers / buyers. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of buying advertising.

    Why is it better not to experiment yourself and entrust the website promotion on CMS MODX to professionals? There are several reasons for this:

    • you will save precious time without delving into the technical aspects of promotion (a deep dive into SEO can take more than one month);
    • you will get clients faster and recoup the costs of promotion in the shortest possible time;
    • you will be able to monitor the promotion process in real time and receive interim reports on the first request, as well as adjust costs to get the maximum conversion;
    • we use only white spinning methods with a long-lasting effect. Even after the end of cooperation with optimizers, you will receive profit from the materials published on the site for a very long time;
    • the pages of your site will not drop out of the index of search engines due to incorrect internal optimization or errors in the code, since our team has an impressive experience with CMS MODX.

    Of course, you can dive into all the intricacies of MODX on your own and try to promote your site without outside help. But for this you must have a huge amount of free time (which is an unaffordable luxury for any business). Nevertheless, we will introduce you to the most important nuances of customizing and optimizing CMS MODX.

    Setting up .htaccess file and domain with and without www

    First, decide how your site will look in the address bar - with or without www. The .htaccess file contains a code in which you need to remove the commenting of the lines you need (that is, remove the # sign at the beginning of each line).

    #Rewrite -> - used with SEO Strict URLs plugin
    #RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST).
    #RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST)! ^ Example-domain-please-change \ .com
    #RewriteRule (. *) Http://$1
    # or for the opposite -> use the following
    #RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST).
    #RewriteCond% (HTTP_HOST)! ^ Www \ .example-domain-please-change \ .com
    #RewriteRule (. *) Http:// / $ 1

    In the above example, you must also replace with your domain. This will tell search engines which site address is the main one.

    Correct URL setting (CNC)

    The shorter and clearer the page address, the better search engines rank it and the higher the CTR in the SERP. Not only robots, but also real users prefer not cumbersome and attractive URLs that make it clear what kind of content is on the page.

    To configure the URL, go to the administrative panel in the "System" section, go to the "System settings" subsection, select "Friendly URLs" in the filter and set the settings in the same way as shown in the screenshot below.

    Rice. 2. If your site does not have a catalog and there are few pages in general (landing page, business card site, etc.), then in the last line, set the value "No" so as not to use nested URLs

    For correct transliteration of Cyrillic characters, you must additionally download the snippet translit or plugin Transliterate File Names... You can find them in the official CMS MODX repository or on GitHub.

    Styling meta tags

    Meta tags, which improve its SEO structure, play an important role in optimizing site pages. Correct setting of title, description and keywords will help search engines form correct and concise snippets in organic search results, which will not only improve the site's position, but also affect the CTR (click-through rate) in general.

    Keywords are the least important metric from this list, but special attention should be paid to creating a unique and understandable title and description. Be sure to use the primary keyword in your page title and description. The more attractive and relevant the snippet in the search engine results, the more traffic will come to your site.

    Setting up a sitemap.xml sitemap

    A properly configured sitemap significantly speeds up the crawling of your resource by search robots. A large number of pages and their levels of nesting can cause search engines not to notice some site materials and you will lose some of your precious visitors. That is why it is very important to correctly configure the sitemap.xml and simplify the crawling procedure for robots.

    To do this, go to the "System" section, then to the "Package Management" subsection, click on "Download Add-ons", type GoogleSiteMap into the search bar, then download and install this add-on on MODX.

    Once installed, create a new document and name it sitemap. In "Content Type" specify xml and disable the "Use HTML Editor" option. In the Resource Content box, paste the following code:. Do not forget to specify an alias (you can enter a sitemap there). Now your map is configured correctly and the site will be crawled faster by search robots and indexed better.

    Setting up robots.txt

    No matter what CMS the site was created on, the list of its files must contain robots.txt. In it, you can prohibit or allow indexing of individual pages, sections, directories. The fewer unnecessary pages you get into search, the more relevant traffic you will get to your site. The correct robots.txt for MODX looks something like this:

    Disallow: / assets / cache /

    Disallow: / assets / docs /

    Disallow: / assets / export /

    Disallow: / assets / import /

    Disallow: / assets / modules /

    Disallow: / assets / plugins /

    Disallow: / assets / snippets /

    Disallow: / install /

    Disallow: / manager /


    Instead of, specify the main domain of your site, and in the Yandex and Google webmaster panels, specify the exact paths to the robots.txt and sitemap.xml files.

    Be sure to also set up your 404 error page correctly so you don't lose visitors who accidentally land on a non-existent page on your site.


    We have told only about the most important nuances that will help you reduce your time and reduce the cost of promotion. In fact, setting up all the SEO components of the site on the MODX content management system looks much larger. Each point of such optimization significantly improves the quality of the entire resource both in the eyes of search engines and in the eyes of ordinary users who can become your customers.

    If you want to create and promote a site on CMS MODX so that your competitors envy you, contact the specialists of Yula Group for help. The rich experience of website promotion on MODX helps us not only to quickly bring pages to the top of search engines, but also due to competent internal optimization allows us to significantly reduce the budgets for content and promotion.

    Optimizing ModX is something that SEOs are often faced with. This engine is used by a significant portion of commercial sites such as online stores. What is the reason for its popularity in this area? And how is site optimization on Modx going? What are the features and pitfalls?

    Features of website promotion with ModX

    The first thing to remember for doing SEO optimization for ModX is that in order for the site to rank successfully, you need to follow the recommendations that search engines put forward. For example, you can install the Webmaster distributed by Yandex. It will directly tell you what steps you need to take, what errors were found during the last check. Successful completion of these points will help to promote the site to the top lines of the search engine.

    In order to see your resource in the search top, you need to pay attention to whether analytical systems are integrated into the so-called "body" of the information platform. This will help you optimize ModX relatively quickly. You also need to work with the engine itself.

    • In order to help the search robot quickly scan the site, get all the necessary information, you need to create a file called sitemap. It contains data on how the materials on the site are organized, how long the video is, if any, how often new content appears. The faster the search robot crawls the resource, the higher the site's position will be. You can create a detailed map of the information site using a plugin distributed by the search engines themselves. For example, GoogleSiteMap;
    • Install an SEO plugin on ModX that allows you to collect statistical data. It will help you manage content more effectively, work with the structure of the site. Any changes made to the design and advertising campaign will be immediately noticeable - the number of people who have entered will change, the viewing depth of an individual will increase or decrease;
    • It is necessary that each page of the site uses CNC (Human UnderstandableUrl). The shorter, clearer the URL of the page, the higher its traffic will be. The fact is that search robots pay more attention to those sites where URL displays what is written on the site's pages.

    But it is worth paying attention to which plugins will be used by the site and its admin panel. It is best to install software only from trusted developers, especially when it comes to paid software.


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    Details of website promotion on ModX

    Having engaged in website promotion on ModX, an SEO specialist should make it as easy as possible to promote the resource. The first is to optimize the URL used. If the online store uses categories, then for ease of product search, you should enable the nested URL function.

    The next point required for site optimization on ModX by an SEO-specialist is the formation of a snippet by a search robot. In order to make it easier for him and increase the indexing of the page, it is necessary to create unique titles, descriptions for products / categories, keywords. Correct selection on all three points can have a positive effect on the site's position in the search engine, on its CTR rating.

    How to work with a robots file

    The resource created on the ModX engine has a file called robots.txt. Its content can be confusing for many users if you do not know what it is for. The purpose of a robots.txt file is to exclude certain pages from indexing. It gives the creator the opportunity to inform the search robot that the materials of this or that part of the site do not need to be scanned; they should not be taken into account when evaluating the entire site as a whole.

    Content for the site on ModX

    Optimization of a site on ModX by a SEO specialist is impossible without that, for which countless pages, platforms and resources are created - without content. It is on it that search robots evaluate the page, and without unique, live content, even an online store will not be of interest.

    First, there is textual material. News, some interesting facts, tips - all this should be as unique as possible. This is the only way to earn, so to speak, the trust of search robots.

    Secondly - images, videos. Even their uniqueness affects the height of the resource positions. Of course, this parameter does not affect the evaluation of search robots as much as the "unique" text materials, but the effect is tangible.


    Comprehensive website promotion will help your resource to get into the TOP of the search results and attract the target audience to the site and increase the brand's popularity

    Cost from 40,000 rubles.

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    Our manager will answer all your questions, as well as find the best solution to your problem and advise the services that are most suitable for your business goals

    Send a request

    The main thing to be guided by when promoting a site on ModX, as, in principle, on any other engine - no theft of materials. Any text or photo with a critically low uniqueness will greatly damage the reputation of the resource in the "eyes" of search robots. In this case, with the frequent appearance of such materials, the information platform will never get out of the "sandbox" of the Internet and will receive extremely low indexing.

    It is also necessary not to forget that each material posted on the site page must contain keywords and expressions. Here you need to make sure that there is no overspam, and that all "keys" look natural. And, of course, before placing them in the text, you need to create the SEO core of the site, where all suitable keywords will be entered. This is usually done by a semantic specialist. He, for a certain fee, will do everything on his own - he will see which requests are most suitable for the site, select the necessary ones, delete unnecessary ones. But if it is not possible to hire a SEO specialist, then such a selection can be done on your own. Or use applications that facilitate the selection of "keys". True, the final selection will still have to be done by the site owner himself.