String functions sql. String functions and operators. Determining string length in sql queries

Others. It has the following syntax:

CONV (number, N, M)

Argument number is in base N. The function converts it to base M and returns the value as a string.

Example 1

The following query converts the decimal number 2 to binary:

SELECT CONV (2,10,2);

Position: 10

To convert the number 2E from hexadecimal to decimal, the following query is required:

SELECT CONV ("2E", 16.10);

Position: 46

Function CHAR () translates ASCII code into strings. It has the following syntax:

CHAR (n1, n2, n3 ..)

Example 2

SELECT CHAR (83.81.76);

Result: SQL

The following functions return the length of a string:

  • LENGTH (string);
  • OCTET_LENGTH (string);
  • CHAR_LENGTH (string);
  • CHARACTER_LENGTH (string).

Example 3


Result: 5

Sometimes a useful function BIT_LENGTH (string) which returns the length of the string in bits.

Example 4


Position: 40

Functions for working with substrings

A substring is usually a part of a string. It is often required to find out the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. Three functions solve this problem in MySQL:

  • LOCATE (substring, string [, position]);
  • POSITION (substring, string);
  • INSTR (string, substring).

If the substring is not contained in the string, then all three functions return the value 0. The INSTR () function differs from the other two in the order of its arguments. The LOCATE () function can contain a third argument position, which allows you to search for a substring in a string not from the beginning, but from a specified position.

Example 5

SELECT LOCATE ("Topaz", "Open Joint Stock Company Topaz");

Position: 31

SELECT POSITION ("Topaz", "Open Joint Stock Company Topaz");

Position: 31

SELECT INSTR ("Topaz Open Joint Stock Company", 'Topaz');

Position: 31

SELECT LOCATE ("Topaz", "Topaz Plant and Topaz LLC", 9);

Position: 20

SELECT LOCATE ("Almaz", "Topaz Open Joint Stock Company");

Result: 0

Functions LEFT (string, N) and RIGHT (string, N) return the leftmost and rightmost N characters in the string, respectively.

Example 6


Result: DBMS


Result: MySQL

Sometimes you want to get a substring that starts at some given position. For this, the following functions are used:

  • SUBSTRING (string, position, N);
  • MID (string, position, N).

Both functions return N characters of the specified string, starting at the specified position.

Example 7

SELECT SUBSTRING ("MySQL DBMS is one of the most popular DBMS", 6,5);

Result: MySQL

When working with email addresses and site addresses, the function is very useful SUBSTR_INDEX ()... The function has three arguments:

SUBSTR_INDEX (string, delimiter, N).

The N argument can be positive or negative. If it is negative, then the function finds the Nth occurrence of the delimiter, counting from the right. Then it returns the substring to the right of the found delimiter. If N is positive, then the function finds the Nth occurrence of the delimiter on the left and returns the substring to the left of the delimiter found.

Example 8


Result: www.mysql



Function REPLACE (string, substring1, substring2) allows you to replace all occurrences of substring1 with substring2 in a string.

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13. Character strings and functions on strings CHARACTERS INITIALIZATION OF CHARACTER STRINGS

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Routines for working with characters and strings function Chr (a: byte): char; Convert code to Windows encoded character function ChrUnicode (a: word): char; Converts a code to a Unicode character function OrdUnicode (a: char): word; Converts a character to Unicode code function UpperCase (ch: char): char;

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Sql String Functions

This group of functions allows you to manipulate text. There are many string functions, we will consider the most common ones.
  • CONCAT (str1, str2 ...) Returns a string created by concatenating the arguments (arguments are in parentheses - str1, str2 ...). For example, our vendors table has a city column and an address column. Suppose we want the Address and City to appear in the same column in the resulting table, i.e. we want to combine data from two columns into one. To do this, we will use the CONCAT () string function, and as arguments, we will specify the names of the combined columns - city and address:

    SELECT CONCAT (city, address) FROM vendors;

    Note that the merging happened without separation, which is not very readable. Let's tweak our query so that there is a space between the merged columns:

    SELECT CONCAT (city, "", address) FROM vendors;

    As you can see, the space is also considered an argument and is separated by commas. If there were more columns to join, then it would be irrational to indicate spaces each time. In this case one could use the string function CONCAT_WS (delimiter, str1, str2 ...), which places a separator between the strings to be concatenated (the separator is specified as the first argument). Our request would then look like this:

    SELECT CONCAT_WS ("", city, address) FROM vendors;

    The result did not change externally, but if we were to concatenate 3 or 4 columns, then the code would be significantly reduced.

  • INSERT (str, pos, len, new_str) Returns the string str in which the substring starting at position pos and length len characters has been replaced by the substring new_str. Suppose we decide not to display the first 3 characters in the address column (abbreviations st., Etc., etc.), then we will replace them with spaces:

    SELECT INSERT (address, 1, 3, "") FROM vendors;

    That is, three characters starting from the first are replaced with three spaces.

  • LPAD (str, len, dop_str) Returns string str, left-padded by dop_str to length len. Suppose we want the supplier cities to be on the right when displaying supplier cities and fill the empty space with dots:

    SELECT LPAD (city, 15, ".") FROM vendors;

  • RPAD (str, len, dop_str) Returns string str, right-padded by dop_str to length len. Suppose we want to display supplier cities to the left and fill the empty space with dots:

    SELECT RPAD (city, 15, ".") FROM vendors;

    Please note that len ​​value limits the number of characters displayed, i.e. if the city name is longer than 15 characters, it will be truncated.

  • LTRIM (str) Returns string str with all leading spaces removed. This string function is convenient for displaying information correctly in cases where random spaces are allowed when entering data:

    SELECT LTRIM (city) FROM vendors;

  • RTRIM (str) Returns the string str with all trailing spaces removed:

    SELECT RTRIM (city) FROM vendors;

    In our case, there were no extra spaces, so we won't see the result outwardly.

  • TRIM (str) Returns the string str with all leading and trailing spaces removed:

    SELECT TRIM (city) FROM vendors;

  • LOWER (str) Returns the string str with all characters converted to lowercase. It does not work correctly with Russian letters, so it is better not to use it. For example, let's apply this function to the city column:

    SELECT city, LOWER (city) FROM vendors;

    You see what kind of gibberish it turned out. But with the Latin alphabet, everything is in order:


  • UPPER (str) Returns the string str with all characters uppercase. It is also better not to use it with Russian letters. But with the Latin alphabet, everything is in order:

    SELECT UPPER (email) FROM customers;

  • LENGTH (str) Returns the length of the string str. For example, let's find out how many characters are in our supplier addresses:

    SELECT address, LENGTH (address) FROM vendors;

  • LEFT (str, len) Returns len left characters of string str. For example, suppose only the first three characters are displayed in supplier cities:

    SELECT name, LEFT (city, 3) FROM vendors;

  • RIGHT (str, len) Returns len right characters of string str. For example, suppose only the last three characters are displayed in supplier cities: SELECT LOAD_FILE ("C: / proverka");
    Please note that you must specify the absolute path to the file.

As already mentioned, there are many more string functions, but even some of the functions discussed here are rarely used. Therefore, this is where we will end their consideration and move on to the more used date and time functions.

Below is a full list of the string functions taken from BOL:


Let "s start from two reciprocally related functions - ASCII and CHAR:

The ASCII function returns an ASCII code value of the leftmost character of a character expression, being a function argument.

Here is an example of the way to determine how many different letters which the names of the ships in the Ships table start from are:


Result is 11. To find out what these letters are, we can use CHAR function that returns a character by a known ASCII code value (from 0 to 255):


We should note that the identical result can be got simpler using one more function - LEFT that has the following syntax:

LEFT (<character_expression>, <integer_expression>)

and returns the part of a character string starting at a specified number of characters from the left. So,


And this is the way to get the table of codes of all alphabetical characters:

SELECT CHAR (ASCII ("a") + num-1) letter, ASCII ("a") + num - 1 FROM

) x
WHERE ASCII ("a") + num -1 BETWEEN ASCII ("a") AND ASCII ("z")

For those who are unaware of generating of numerical sequence I refer to the corresponding article.

It is known that code values ​​of lowercase letters and capital letters differ. That "s why in order to get the whole set without rewriting above query; it will be enough to write up the identical code to aforesaid:

SELECT CHAR (ASCII ("A") + num-1) letter, ASCII ("A") + num - 1
SELECT 5 * 5 * (a-1) + 5 * (b-1) + c AS num FROM
) x

Now let "s consider the task of searching a substring in a string expression. The two functions can be used for this: CHARINDEX and PATINDEX... They both return a starting position (a position of the first character of a substring) of a substring in a character string. The function CHARINDEX has the following syntax:

CHARINDEX ( string_expression, target_expression [, start_location])

Here an optional integer parameter start_location defines a position in a string_expression, where searching a target_expression starts from. If this argument is omitted, a searching starts from the beginning of a string_expression... For example, the query

SELECT name FROM Ships WHERE CHARINDEX ("sh", name)> 0

will output the ships that has the sequence of characters "sh" in its names. Here we use the fact that if a substring to be found is not found, the function CHARINDEX returns 0. The result of executing the query will contain the following ships:


We should note that if a target_expression or string_expression is NULL, the result of the function is also NULL.

The next example determines the positions of the first and second occurrences of the character "a" in the name of the ship "California"

SELECT CHARINDEX ("a", name) first_a,
CHARINDEX ("a", name, CHARINDEX ("a", name) +1) second_a

Pay attention that in determining of the second occurrence the starting position, used in function, is the position of a character next to the first "a" - CHARINDEX ("a", name) +1. The propriety of the result - 2 and 10 - can be easily checked.

The function PATINDEX has the following syntax:

PATINDEX ( "% pattern%", string_expression)

The main distinction of this function from CHARINDEX is that a search string may contain wildcard characters -% and _. Leading and ending characters "%" are required. For, example, usage of this function in the first example will look like

SELECT name FROM Ships WHERE PATINDEX ("% sh%", name)> 0

And there "s the way to find the names of the ships that contain the sequence of three characters, first and last of which is" e ":

SELECT name FROM Ships
WHERE PATINDEX ("% e_e%", name)> 0

The result of executing of this query looks like this:

Royal sovereign

The function RIGHT that complements LEFT returns a specified number of characters from the right of a character expression:

RIGHT (<character_expression>,<integer_expression>)

Here is, for example, the way to determine the names of the ships that start and end with the same letter:

SELECT name FROM Ships
WHERE LEFT (name, 1) = RIGHT (name, 1)

The thing that we got an empty resulting set means that such ships are absent in our database. Let "s take a combination - a class and a name of a ship.

The combining of two string values ​​into one is called concatenation, and in the SQL Server sign "+" is used for this operation ("||" in standard). So,

) x

Here we separate by space the class and the name of a ship. Besides, in order not to repeat the whole construction in the function argument, we use a subquery. The result will look like this:

Iowa missouri
North Carolina Washington

And what if a string expression will contain only one character? The query will output it. You can easily check it by writing

SELECT class + "" + name AS cn FROM Ships
) x
WHERE LEFT (cn, 1) = RIGHT (cn, 1)

In order to exclude this case, one more useful function LEN ( string_expression) can be used. It returns the number of characters in a string. Let "s bound by the case, when the number of characters is greater than one:

SELECT class + "" + name AS cn FROM Ships
) x
WHERE LEFT (cn, 1) = RIGHT (cn, 1) AND LEN (cn)> 1

There are tasks on the website that require to normalize (find maximum etc.) in a numerical order a values ​​represented in a string format, for example, a seat number in a plane ("2d") or a speed of CD ("24x "). The problem lies in a fact that the text sorts like this (ascending)


SELECT "1a" AS place

If the sorting of places in order of rows increase is required, the order must be like this:


In order to get such an order, the sorting by a numeric values ​​in text is needed. I offer the following algorithm:
1. Extract a number from the string.
2. Convert it to a numeric format.
3. Perform a sorting by a converted value.

As we know that there "s only one letter in the string, and to extract a number we can use the following construction that doesn" t depend on a number of numerals in a seat number:

LEFT (place, LEN (place) -1)

If we just bound by this, we "ll get


Converting to a numeric format may look like the following:

CAST (LEFT (place, LEN (place) -1) AS INT)

Now we should just perform a sorting

SELECT "1a" AS place
) x ORDER BY CAST (LEFT (place, LEN (place) -1) AS INT)

As required to proof.

Previously we used the LEFT function to extract a number from a string expression, because we knew a priori how many characters should be removed from the right (one). And what if we should extract a string from a substring not by the known position of a character, but by a character itself? For example, extract all the characters before the first letter "x" (a value of CD speed).

In this case we can also use the previously considered CHARINDEX function that allows us to determine the unknown position of the character:

SELECT model, LEFT (cd, CHARINDEX ("x", cd) -1) FROM PC

SUBSTRING function

SUBSTRING (<expression> ,<start>,<length>)

This function allows us to extract from an expression its part of a specified length, starting from a specified initial position. Expression may be a character or a binary string, and also can have a text or image type. For example, if we need to get 3 characters in a ship name, starting from the 2 nd character, then it "s not quite easy to do it without the SUBSTRING function. And so we write:

SELECT name, SUBSTRING (name, 2, 3) FROM Ships

In case we need to extract all the characters, starting from the certain, we also can use this function. For example,

SELECT name, SUBSTRING (name, 2, LEN (name)) FROM Ships

will give us all the characters in the names of the ships, starting from the second letter in the name. Pay attention that in order to specify the number of characters to extract I used the LEN (name) function that returns a number of characters in the name. It "s clearly that forasmuch as I need the characters, starting from the second, its number will be less than the whole number of the characters in the name. But it doesn" t cause an error, because if a specified number of characters exceed a permissible number, all the characters until the end of a string will be extracted. That is why I take it with a reserve sparing myself the calculations.

REVERSE function

This function reverses a string, just like reading it from the right to left. That is the result of the query


will be "fedcba". In case of the absence of the RIGHT function in the language the query

SELECT RIGHT ("abcdef", 3)

can be equally replaced with the query


I see the profit of this function in the following. Let we need to determine a position not the first, but the last occurrence of any character (or a sequence of characters) in a character string.

Let "s remind an example, where we were determining the position of the first character" a "in the name of the ship" California ":

SELECT CHARINDEX ("a", name) first_a
FROM Ships WHERE name = "California"

Now let "s determine the position of the last occurrence of the character" a "in this name. The function


will allow us to find this position, but from the right. In order to get the position of this character, but from the left, it "s enough to write

SELECT LEN (name) + 1 - CHARINDEX ("a", REVERSE (name)) first_a
FROM Ships WHERE name = "California"

REPLACE function

REPLACE (<string_expression1> , <string_expression2> , <string_expression3>)

This function replaces in the string_expression1 all the occurrences of the string_expression2 with the string_expression3... This function is absolutely helpful in UPDATE operators, if we should change the content of the column. For example, let we are needed to replace all the spaces with the hyphen in the names of the ships. Then we can write

SET name = REPLACE (name, "", "-")

(This example you can perform on the page with the DML exercises, where the questions on updating the data are admitted)

However this function can also find its appliance in more non-trivial cases. Let "s determine how many times the letter" a "is used in a name of a ship. The idea is quite easy: let" s replace every searching letter with any two characters, and after that we "ll calculate the difference of lengths of the string we got and the source string. So,

SELECT name, LEN (REPLACE (name, "a", "aa")) - LEN (name) FROM Ships

And what if we need to determine the number of occurrences of a random sequence of characters that, say, we get as a parameter of a stored procedure? In this case we should complement the used above algorithm with the division on a number of a characters in a sequence:

SET @ str = "ma"
SELECT name, (LEN (REPLACE (name, @str, @ [email protected])) - LEN (name)) / LEN (@str) FROM Ships

Here in order to double the number of searching characters the concatenation @ [email protected] was applied. However for this effect we can use one more function - REPLICATE that repeats the first argument so many times as it specified by the second argument.

SELECT name, (LEN (REPLACE (name, @str, REPLICATE (@str, 2))) - LEN (name)) / LEN (@str) FROM Ships

That is we repeat twice the substring stored in the variable @str.

If we need to replace in a string not a certain sequence of characters, but a specified number of characters, starting from some position, it "s simpler to use the STUFF function:

STUFF (<character_expression1> , <start> , , <character_expression2>)

This function replaces a substring with length of length that starts from the start position in the character_expression1 with the character_expression2.

The example. Change the name of a ship: append "_" (underscore) and a launching year after the first 5 characters. If there is less than 5 characters in the name, complement it with the spaces.

This task can be solved with many different functions. We "ll try to do it with the STUFF function.

In the first approach we "ll write (bounding with the select query):

SELECT name, STUFF (name, 6, LEN (name), "_" + launched) FROM Ships

I use LEN (name) as the third argument (number of characters to replace), because I should replace all the characters until the end of the string, and that "s why I take it with a reserve - the original number of characters in the name. But this query will still return an error. And the question is not in the third argument, but in the forth, where the concatenation of the string constant and the integer column is performing. This is the type conversion error. In order to convert a number to its string representation we may use one more built-in function - STR:

STR (<float_expression> [ , <length> [ , <decimal> ] ])

Under this conversion the round-up is being worked, and a length specifies a length of the resulting string. For example,

STR (3.3456, 5, 1) 3.3
STR (3.3456, 5, 2) 3.35
STR (3.3456, 5, 3) 3.346
STR (3.3456, 5, 4) 3.346

Take note, that if have got string view of the number is less than the specified length, the leading spaces are added. If the result is greater than the specified length, the fractional part is being truncated (with the round-up); in case there is an integer value we get the corresponding number of the asterisks "*".

STR (12345,4,0) ****

By the way, default length is 10 symbols. Keeping in mind that a year is represented by four numbers, we will write

SELECT name, STUFF (name, 6, LEN (name), "_" + STR (launched, 4)) FROM Ships

Everything is almost right. The case is rested to consider, when the number of symbols in the name is less than 6, as in this case the function STUFF gives NULL. Well, we will have to be on the rack to the end, which is connected with using this function in this example, on the way applying one more string function.

We "ll add the trailing blanks for the name`s length being knowingly more than 6. There is a special SPACE function for that

SPACE (<number_of_blanks>):

SELECT name, STUFF (name + SPACE (6), 6, LEN (name), "_" + STR (launched, 4)) FROM Ships

LTRIM and RTRIM functions

LTRIM (<character_expression>)

RTRIM (<character_expression>)

cut accordingly the leading and trailing blanks of the string expression, which is being converted by default to the VARCHAR type.

Let us need to build such a string: passenger`s name_passenger`s identifier for every record from the Passenger table. If we write

SELECT name + "_" + CAST (id_psg AS VARCHAR) FROM Passenger,

we will get in the result something like:

It is connected with the fact that the column name has the type CHAR(thirty). The short string is added with the blanks for this type to the specified dimension (we have 30 symbols). The function RTRIM will help us here:

SELECT RTRIM (name) + "_" + CAST (id_psg AS VARCHAR) FROM Passenger

LOWER and UPPER functions

LOWER (<character_expression>)

UPPER (<character_expression>)

convert all the characters of the argument accordingly to the lower and upper register. These functions turn out to be useful in comparison with the registerdepended strings.

A pair of the interesting functions SOUNDEX and DIFFERENCE

SOUNDEX (<character_expression>)

DIFFERENCE (<character_expression_1>, <character_expression_2>)

allow us to determine the similar-sounding of words. SOUNDEX returns a four-character code to evaluate the similarity, but DIFFERENCE just properly evaluates the similarity of two comparing character strings. Being that these functions do not support Cyrillic, I refer interested to BOL for the examples of its usage.

In conclusion we will adduce some functions and a few examples of the Unicode usage:

UNICODE function

UNICODE (<ncharacter_expression>)

returns the Unicode value for the first character of the input expression.

NCHAR function

NCHAR (<integer>)

returns a character with the given integer Unicode value. A few examples:


Returns the ASCII-code value and the Unicode value of the Russian letter "a": 224 and 1072.


We try to recover a symbol by its code value. We get "a" and NULL. The NULL-value returns because the 1072 code value is absent in the usual code table.


Now it "s all right," a "in both cases.


will give "a", because the Unicode value 224 exactly corresponds to this letter.

»Given examples here can be done directly on the website by selecting the check box“ Without checking ”on the page with SELECT exercises.

Basic string functions and operators provide a variety of options and return a string value as a result. Some string functions are two-element, which means that they can operate on two strings at the same time. The SQL 2003 standard supports string functions.

Concatenation operator

SQL 2003 defines the concatenation operator (||) that concatenates two separate strings into a single string value.

DB2 platform

The DB2 platform supports the SQL 2003 concatenation operator and its synonym, the CONCAT function.

MySQL platform

The MySQL platform supports the CONCATQ function, a synonym for the SQL 2003 concatenation operator.

Oracle and PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL and Oracle platforms support the SQL 2003 double vertical bar concatenation operator.

SQL Server platform

The SQL Server platform uses the plus sign (+) as a synonym for the SQL 2003 concatenation operator. SQL Server has a CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL system parameter that controls how the system behaves when NULL values ​​are encountered when concatenating string values.

/ * SQL 2003 Syntax * /

stringl || string2 || string3


/ * For MySQL * /

CONCAT ("stringl", "string2")

If any of the concatenated values ​​are empty, then an empty string is returned. In addition, if a numeric value is involved in the concatenation, it is implicitly converted to a string.

SELECT CONCAT ("My", "bologna", "has", "a", "first", "name ...");

My bologna has a first name

SELECT CONCAT ("My", NULL, "has", "first", "name ...");


The CONVERT function changes the display of a character string within a character set and collation. For example, the CONVERT function can be used to change the number of bits per character.

The TRANSLATE function translates a string value from one character set to another. For example, the TRANSLATE function can be used to convert a value from the English character set to the Kanji (Japanese) or Cyrillic (Russian) character set. The translation itself must already exist - either the default one or created with the CREATE TRANSLATION command.

SQL 2003 Syntax

CONVERT (char_value USING conversion_name)

TRANSLATE (char_value USING translation_name)

The CONVERT function converts a character value to the character set with the name specified in the character_conversion_name parameter. The TRANSLATE function converts a character value to the character set specified in translation_name.

Among the platforms under consideration, only Oracle supports the CONVERT and TRANSLATE functions as defined in the SQL 2003 standard. Oracle's implementation of the TRANSLATE function is very similar, but not identical, to SQL 2003. In this implementation, the function takes only two arguments and translates only between the database character set and the national language support character set.

The MySQL implementation of the CONV function only translates numbers from one base to another. But in SQL Server, the implementation of the CONVERT function is quite rich in features and changes the data type for the expression, but in all its other aspects it differs from the CONVERT function of the SQL 2003 standard. The PostgreSQL platform does not support the CONVERT function, and the implementation of the TRANSLATE function converts all occurrences of a character string to any another character string.


The DB2 platform does not support the CONVERT function, and the support for the TRANSLATE function is not ANSI compliant. The TRANSLATE function is used to convert substrings and is historically synonymous with the UPPER function because the UPPER function was only recently added to DB2. If the TRANSLATE function is used in DB2 with a single character expression argument, the result is the same string converted to uppercase. If the function is used with several arguments, for example TRANSLATE (ucmo4HUK, replacement, match), then the function converts all characters in the source that are also in the match parameter. Every character in the source that is in the same position as the match parameter will be replaced with the character from the replace parameter. Below is an example.

TRANSLATE ("Hello, World!") "HELLO; WORLD!"

TRANSLATE ("Hello, World1", "wZ", "1W") "Hewwo, Zorwd1


The MySQL platform does not support the TRANSLATE and CONVERT functions.


The Oracle platform supports the following syntax for the CONVERT and TRANSLATE functions.

In the Oracle implementation, the CONVERT function returns the text of a character value, converted to target characterset. Character_value is the string to be converted, target_character_set is the name of the character set to convert the string to, and source_character set is the character set in which the string value was originally stored.

Oracle's TRANSLATE function follows ANSI syntax, but you can only choose one of two character sets: the database character set (CHARJCS) and the national language support character set (NCHARJZS).

Oracle also supports another function, also called TRANSLATE (without using the USING keyword). This TRANSLATE function has nothing to do with character set conversion.

The names of the target and source character sets can be passed either as string constants or as a reference to a table column. Note that when converting a string to a character set that does not display all the characters to be converted, you can substitute wildcards.

Oracle supports several common character sets, which include the US7ASCII, WE8DECDEC sets. WE8HP, F7DEC, WE8EBCDIC500, WE8PC850u WE8ISO8859PI. For example:



The PostgreSQL platform supports the ANSI CONVERT statement, and conversions here can be defined using the CREATE CONVERSION command. PostgreSQL's implementation of the TRANSLATE function provides an extended set of functions that allow you to convert any text to other text within a specified string.

TRANSLATE (character string, from_text, to_text)

Here are some examples:

SELECT TRANSLATE ("12345abcde", "5a", "XX"); "1234XXbcde" SELECT TRANSLATE (title, "Computer", "PC") FROM titles WHERE type = "Personal_computer" SELECT CONVERT ("PostgreSQL" USING iso_8859_1_to_utf_8) "PostgreSQL"

SQL Server

SQL Server does not support the TRANSLATE function. The implementation of the CONVERT function in SQL Server does not conform to the SQL 2003 standard. This function in SQL Server is equivalent to the CAST function.

CONVERT (datatype [(length) | (precision, scale)], expression, style])

The style clause is used to define the format of the date conversion. For more information, see the SQL Server documentation. Below is an example.

SELECT title, CONVERT (char (7), ytd_sales) FROM titles ORDER BY title GO