Samsung Galaxy A3 is not charging to do. Why Samsung's phone does not turn on and does not charge. Mechanical Damage to the SAMSUNG GALAXY Power System

Alexander Grishin

If yours samsung phone Poorly charged, it can become a signal of a serious malfunction in its hardware component. Therefore, to avoid possible breakage, you need to figure out how soon the phone does not charge and eliminate the malfunction. In this instruction, we will tell you what to do in this situation.

The reasons bad charging and their elimination:

Problems with devices

Defect cable, broken port covers, contaminated connector - All this can be a hindrance for a full connection of the phone to the charger. This problem is solved by cleaning the contacts of the previously turned off the device using a needle or toothpick and blowing it with compressed air. Most often, it is enough to restore the full performance of the devices of these machinations.

Damaged cable

Frequent use of the charger wire gradually flashes it, which is additionally affected by random chances during operation. Because of this Samsung Galaxy It can be charged very slowly. If there is a suspicion that it is in the cable, it is enough to take another wire for the charger and connect it to the phone. It will help - it means the answer is found.

Worn adapter

Frequent connections and switching wires negatively affect charger, Wearing and overwhelming its connectors. You can check this option by connecting to a power outlet through another charging. You also need to connect the main charger to another phone to make sure that the problem is not in the smartphone itself.

Problems with battery

Remember: You can not leave the phone on charging longer than it needs it. It's not moderately a long connection to the charger negatively affects the entire smartphone Samsung. In general, and on its battery in particular. It is also important to remember that the time of life of all devices is limited, so if the battery is not already the first year, most likely it is just necessary to replace it.

Wrong source of energy

Charging speed from the outlet will always be more than from the computer. Also, an important role is played by the power of the adapter, so it is important that he fit to your phone, otherwise you will see that the device is very slowly charged.

Unsuccessful update by

Sometimes new versions software Android contains errors that negatively affect the operation of the device. In this case, it is worth making a rollback for more old version.

Phone activity

It is important to remember that the stronger the phone is loaded by active applications, the more it consumes energy, and its battery will be charged longer. Want to charge the phone as quickly as possible - minimize the activity of all processes, and ideally turn it off.

If your Samsung phone does not charge and does not turn on, then, most likely, the problem is no longer possible to fix it - you need to carry it into the service.

We hope our tips will help you figure out what to do in case of bad phone charging and how to eliminate this problem. Good luck!

Sometimes the smartphone is incomprehensible for what reason breaks and the question arises: what to do if his favorite Samsung Galaxy A3 does not turn on. To go to service center (SC) I do not want. Do not rush to get upset, sometimes problems can be corrected independently.

Why samsung galaxy a3 does not turn on and what to do about it

Before running in the SC, let's look at a number of popular situations. Surprisingly, more than half of all owners of techniques that appeal in it do not need it. At least their phones are safe in terms of mechanical damage. That's what you need to pay attention in the first place.

Charging is broken

This component must be checked, since when connecting a defective device, a closure occurs. The phone is discharged at this moment, and therefore does not give signs of life.

The original charging on the Samsung Galaxy A3 is not solid, but consists of 2 parts: the actual body-fork and cord. Any of the components can be damaged

Solution: Check the charging on another apparatus or vice versa. Inspect the charger for damage, wiring chances, cliffs, refueling winding (if charging has been lying around somewhere with an open source of heat).

Software problems

Your Samsung Galaxy A3 could simply hang out due to third-party applicationinstalled on Android, or incorrect firmware.

Solution: turn off the phone for 5 minutes. If there are no results at all, you climb the POWER + HOME button (key in the center) + "volume up". The phone will go to B. recovery mode. If this happened, it means everything is fine with him. Select Wipe Data / Factory Reset. Confirm by pressing YES. The phone should turn on, however, data from memory is removed - remember this by taking the decision!

This method also helps if your smartphone is infinitely loaded at the start or slows down.

Remember: If you are advised to solve the problem to remove the battery and wait a bit, you are talking to the amateur: the battery at the model is unknown!

Why there is sound, but the screen does not work

This means that Samsung Galaxy A3 has turned on. Apparently, the display is damaged either the train departed, broke, burned out.

Solution: You can try to open the device and check the contacts.

Deciding to open the apparatus, remember - it will definitely deprive you guarantees on it. If none of the ways helped, the reason lies in the breakdown of the physical component on any board or an incorrect algorithm for the work outlined above. Install the true cause in this case can be only in SC, having diagnosed.

Why does not turn on the SAMSUNG GALAXY A3 smartphone: video in 2 parts

For the owner of the smartphone, see that Samsung Galaxy A3 does not charge and does not turn on, a daylight. After all, without recharging, the device cannot be used, goodbye music, movies, chats, social networks and other advantages that Galaxy A3 gives us. But to panic early. First of all, you should find out what cause is a fault.

Causes of breakdown

If Samsung Galaxy A3 is not charging, there may be several reasons for one. Here are the main of them:

  • Damaged or clogged the socket for the charger;
  • Problem with the power controller;
  • Firmware errors;
  • The problem in the battery itself - she no longer holds charging;
  • Charger itself does not work.

In order to find out what caused the fault exactly, contact the service center. Specialists will be much faster to detect the cause of the breakdown.

Advantages of LP PRO.

LP Pro service center will quickly repair Galaxy A3. Our specialists in the shortest possible time will find out the cause of the fault and will offer you the most optimal ways to eliminate it. Our offices are located in the most convenient places, so you will not be difficult to visit us. And due to the fact that we have warehouses with all the necessary spare parts for repair, troubleshooting is at a minimum

If your phone's battery does not charge properly, do not think that the problem can only be in the battery or charging. Based on personal experienceThe problem and its decision can be much easier than you think. If your smartphone or tablet is charged poorly or do not charge at all, then read the 10 ways to solve these problems.

Why device does not charge

Problems arise to one degree or another. Either the phone does not want to charge at all when it is connected, or the process takes too slowly. Here you have a few solutions.

1. Bad contact

Very often metallic coating inside the USB port and micro USB. It has bad contact, or through a production defect, or through cable wear.

All you need to do is turn off the device, remove the battery, if possible, and clean the contacts inside something like a needle or toothpicks. Make it very carefully and gently, then insert the battery and connect the charger again. In 9 cases out of 10, this is all that you are required.

2. Clean the port of charging from dust and third-party fibers

Do you keep your phone in jeans pocket? If so, then the fibers may be a culprit of the problem: we have already lost the bill, how many times the cause of the faulty charging became the fibers of our clothing.

You can also bring the condition of the charging connector to the norm by blowing it with compressed air.

3. Try another cable.

The most fragile part of the charger is the cable. He is constantly bended that over time can damage it.

The easiest way to diagnose the damaged cable is to take another and see whether it works properly with your device. If so, you know that the original charger wire is defective. If not, it means you need to look for a solution further.

4. Use another adapter

You eliminated the availability of problems with the cable, then it is necessary to check the performance of the charging device itself. Make it is much easier if you can pull the wire from the adapter. We faced a variety of chargers, where the USB ports were worn due to an infinite connection and a cable shutdown.

Also check the charging / wires on other phones, as this will help exclude the possibility that this is the problem of your smartphone. In addition, you must make sure the socket is good.

5. Remember - Security First of all

Do not charge your gadget near water or in extremely hot or wet conditions. Do not hold the device connected to charging for too long. Do not leave it to recharge for the whole night when he needs only 2-3 hours. This may damage hardware.

If you want to replace the charger or wire to it, be careful: cheap third-party adapters are quite dangerous. Per lately There were many cases of fire from mobile phones because of them.

The video below was captured by one of such cases:

6. Replace the battery

A life rechargeable battery It does not last forever, and after several years of use, it loses its container. The more often you charge and discharge it, the sooner it will deteriorate. Of course, if the battery stopped working after six months of work, then you need to see the guarantee for the seller.

Some defective batteries are easy to determine appearance. If she swelled, then it should be replaced immediately.

7. Charge from the correct source

Charging from the outlet will always be faster than from the computer, because its USB ports have too little power. Thus, the phone is charged much faster from the outlet.

The problem may also be that you are using an adapter from another device, for example, from a Bluetooth headset that is not intended for your gadget. This adapter does not supply enough current. When last models High-class smartphones, you can have a device that supports fast chargingbut adapter is not suitable.

8. Update or roll back the previous version.

Software updates may worsen autonomous operation. mobile phone, especially when the old device gets fresh android version. Newer smartphones and tablets are often optimized for advantage latest version BY.

If this happened to you and you can not find a solution, try to roll back to previous version. Can, of course, first try to make full resetAccording to manufacturers, not subject to risk data on the device due to the old version of Android.

Similarly, sometimes autonomous work Smartphone can be significantly improved by fresh update.

9. Try to turn it off.

Using heavy applications during charging affects the duration of the process. For example, if you communicate with Skype or play games, the device will need more time to charge.

Consequently, put the device for charging in the off state or in flight mode.

10. Failure the battery

Sometimes, the battery charge level displayed on the screen may differ from valid. Because of this, the behavior of the phone may seem strange.