The voice message refers to. How to listen to voice mail on MTS? Receive and listen to a voice message


If you use the services of an operator cellular communication MTS, to listen to voice messages received by you with the “Voice/Fax Mail” service activated, call 0861. Then press the number key 1. If you want to find out which number it came from, then press key 7. Then you can either delete message by pressing key 5, or save using key 4. The saved message will be stored for several more days. If you do not erase or save the message, it will be deleted automatically as soon as you hang up. The cost of the call depends on which service option you use - “Answering Machine” or “Secretary”, and the caller pays the same amount for leaving a message as if he had simply called you.

If you are a Beeline subscriber, to use the voice mail system with the “Answering Machine” or “Answering Machine +” service activated, call 0600. Press 1 to listen to the message, 2 to find out the number of its author, 4 to save the message, or 5 - to delete. A call to number 0600 is charged similarly to a call to an on-net number. The Beeline operator also provides other services using voice messages: “Talking Letter” and “Stay in the know+”. The first of them assumes that the author of the message will send it for free. But you will have to pay to listen to it for the first time. Subsequent plays of the same message are not charged. To listen, call #00. To listen a voice message sent to you as part of the second service, call short number, which is indicated in the information SMS message. In this case, both the author of the message and you will have to pay for the call, as for a local one.

If your phone is connected to the “ ” operator, to listen to messages left as part of the “Voice Mail” service, call toll free number 222 and follow the system prompts. If you received a message from a Megafon subscriber as part of the Voice SMS service, you do not have to call anywhere. The phone will ring itself, and when you pick up the phone, the automatic informant will read the text to you in a synthesized voice. Finally, to listen to the message sent to you as part of the “Writing Out Loud” service, call the number indicated in the information SMS you received. Such a call will cost the same as a regular intranet call.


Remember that voicemail is not completely free. If you don't have to pay to listen to a message, you always have to pay to send it, and vice versa. Sometimes both are paid. Listening to voice messages while roaming is always paid.

All cellular operators and many operators of traditional telephony, which have long been familiar to everyone, provide the Voicemail service. But she recently entered modern life, so it may be difficult to use. In particular, difficulties often arise with listening to incoming voicemail. Each operator has its own nuances of using this service, but in general, the listening scheme is the same.

You will need

  • Cellular telephone
  • Subscriber book


Install .For efficient work service, it is better to set up several redirects to “Voice”: unconditional, in case the subscriber is unreachable or if the user does not answer, on a busy signal. If installed, then, regardless of how this number could not be reached, the caller will be asked to leave a voice message for the subscriber. When it is left, the phone receives a notification about the left voice message, and all that remains is to listen to it.

Call the number provided. When the notification is received, you need to dial the “Voicemail” call number set by the operator of the communication network you are using. It could be full number mobile phone or a short number consisting of three digits. By pressing the call key, you will establish a connection with the Voicemail system, designed for registering, redirecting and saving voice messages.

In the modern pace of life, we do not always have time to answer calls. Sometimes it happens that the phone is discharged, is out of coverage area, or the number is simply busy. In such cases, the voice message service comes to the rescue. Almost all operators provide similar services, and Beeline also has this option.

Many users mobile communications They perceive the answering service as simply a basic service, but for some segments of the population it plays an important role in business and personal life. It allows you to conduct business more efficiently and always stay up to date.

Many subscribers from time to time receive a notification that a message has been left for them that they need to listen to. Each operator provides its own conditions for listening to voice messages. On the Beeline you need to enable the “Auto Answer” option.

This option can be of great service when there is no time or opportunity to answer the call. By delegating this task to an answering machine, you can listen to the message at any convenient time. Even if the person who called did not leave a message, the subscriber will still receive a notification that the given number a call came in while the phone was busy or switched off. The service is provided for an indefinite period, and if you listen to the message using landline phone, no payment will be charged.

Autoresponder option is not required additional settings or connection, it starts working after activating the SIM card. For the answering machine to work correctly, forwarding is required, but it is configured in automatic mode. Enabling forwarding to voicemail occurs when the phone is offline or turned off, and also if the call is not answered within half a minute. You can separately configure other parameters, such as, for example, if the subscriber at the moment incoming call is in conversation mode. You can also set greeting words for callers.

The answering machine on Beeline will not work if the number is blocked for any reason. You can configure it again after unblocking the number. You can connect an answering machine using a simple USSD command * 110 * 011 #. In the same way, you can simply turn off the answering machine if it is not necessary, using the combination * 110 * 010 #.

Receive and listen to a voice message

It is very easy for a subscriber who leaves a message to do so; the system automatically redirects it to voicemail. However, as practice shows, subscribers often have difficulty listening to messages. The system sends an SMS indicating that there is a new notification on the answering machine, and the subscriber just needs to call a short number to receive it.

Some subscribers mistakenly assume that the answering machine number on Beeline is 064601, but this is not so. The answering machine service number is 0600. By calling this number, you will be asked to select required action by pressing the appropriate key.

Answering machine menu:

  • listen – number 1;
  • find out the caller's number - number 2;
  • save call – number 4;
  • delete – number 5.

A call to the answering machine number will cost the same as, under the terms of the tariff plan, the subscriber pays for on-network communication services. You can check with the operator how much a call to number 064601 will cost.

Extended capabilities

In addition to the traditional answering machine, the Beeline operator makes it possible to use more modern and convenient services. These include products such as Stay Informed+ and Talking Letter.

For those who are users of the “Be informed+” service, not a single missed call will be a problem. Each person who calls during a period when a subscriber with the service is turned off is asked to leave a voice message, and the subscriber himself receives an SMS after turning on the phone, even if the message was not recorded. The SMS contains a number that can be listened to when calling – 0646. The first time you listen is paid, all subsequent auditions are free of charge.

Using a speaking letter, subscribers can send each other free voice messages lasting almost half a minute. You only pay for listening to the letter. This service is basic and requires a connection. In order to create a letter, you just need to put a hash in front of the subscriber's number. And to listen, dial the combination #00. It is worth remembering that using the “Talking Letter” option is only available in your home region, while in national roaming it cannot be used. Likewise, it is not possible to use this service while abroad.

Staying always in touch is easy, you just need to choose the right service.

IN social network Odnoklassniki has so many interesting and useful functions, that it is simply unrealistic to find out about everyone at once. You can send various musical compositions to your friends, fight in the same clan, participating in the same game together, watch various videos or even films, and then discuss them among yourself. But, of course, nothing can replace the voice of a loved one, its sound and intonation... But it turns out that this is possible here too! We will tell you how to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki to any person, and also how you can listen to it if they send it back to you!

How to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki to another user?

This function became available to all users of relatively recently - in two thousand and fourteen. Of course, this made all users extremely happy - after all, many of our virtual friends live in completely different cities, and some even in other countries. By the way, you can make a voice message in Odnoklassniki from a mobile phone or tablet only if the application of the same name from Play Market. Also, you can send and receive audio messages from your computer or laptop.

From a mobile phone

Ready! Your message has gone on its way and the person to whom it was addressed will soon hear it.

From computer

  • Go to the page of the user you want to write an audio message to.
  • Click on the “Write a message” button under the photo.
  • If you have previously corresponded with this person, then in the window that opens you will be able to see the entire previous correspondence history. At the bottom there will be a window for entering text, and in it there will be an icon depicting a paper clip. Click on it.
  • A list of possible actions will appear on the screen. Select Audio Message.
  • If you are going to send a voice message from this computer for the first time, you will be prompted to install a flash player and take other actions following the instructions of the system. Just click “Allow” on all browser requests. Without this, as you know, you cannot set up an audio message in Odnoklassniki.
  • If everything is done correctly, a black player window will appear in front of you. Allow the flash player to access your microphone and camera.
  • If the message “Error!” suddenly appears, do not be alarmed. So you just need to set up your microphone. To do this, tap “Settings” located in the lower right corner of this window. It's worth trying to change the one used in this moment microphone to any other one and try again.
  • Click on the green “Continue” button to start recording your audio message.
  • Now you can click on the microphone icon and speak necessary information. To end recording, use the Stop button.
  • You will see a window that shows the actions you can perform with the recording.

A. “Send.” By clicking on this button, you will send what you recorded to the recipient you need. The site will give you confirmation that the file has been sent.

B. “Rewrite.” If you feel like something went wrong, for example, you coughed or didn’t say exactly what you wanted, you can use this button.

B. “Exit.” You should click here if you suddenly change your mind about recording this message. When you use this button, your entry will be destroyed.

  • If you clicked “Submit”, you will be notified that this is done:

How can you listen to a voice message sent to you in Odnoklassniki?

But how to read a voice message in Odnoklassniki sent to you? It’s very simple and, by the way, the methods for a computer and a phone are not at all different. Also, such a message can be listened to on a smartphone, even if the Odnoklassniki application is not installed on it.

Now you know exactly everything about voice messages and, undoubtedly, will hurry to diversify your communication with their help. We hope that this article was useful to you, and if you still have questions, ask us using the comment form below.

The MTS “Voicemail” service, previously referred to as “Answering Machine,” allows subscribers not to miss calls when their phone is turned off or is out of network coverage. Through the service, all incoming calls will be forwarded to your voice mailbox. The caller, if desired, can leave his audio message, and as soon as the phone is turned on, previously unavailable subscriber will be able to listen to it. We have described in detail below how to listen to a voice message on MTS.

Listening options

  • "Basic GP";
  • "Standard GP";

All three modifications of the mailer can only exist separately. That is, if you decide to switch, for example, from “Basic” to “GP+”, the first one will have to be disabled.

“Standard GP” and “GP +” can be connected to any MTS tariff plan. As for “Basic”, it is not available for connection on such tariff plans, such as: “Online”, “MTS iPad”, TP of the “Connect” line, “Netbook”, as well as on tariffs with a fixed subscription fee.

As for listening to SMS, there are several ways to do this:

  • by dialing service number 0860;
  • You can listen to the voicemail, including in multimedia format, in your email account (not available for all versions of the GP);
  • You can listen to the answering machine and check the number of messages using Web interface. You can register in the system at;
  • For subscribers in roaming, listening to SMS is available by calling +79168920860.

It is important to understand that you can only listen to a saved voice message, since after a certain time (in different types GP, the period for storing letters in the mailbox varies) SMS will be automatically deleted, without the possibility of recovery.

Now let’s take a closer look at each type of MTS answering machine, because the options for listening to messages on them will also differ.

The main advantage of the service is that any MTS subscriber can use it completely free of charge. A basic answering machine provides the following set of services:

  • The voice mail number can simultaneously contain no more than 15 letters from one subscriber;
    all messages are stored for no more than a day (24 hours); after time, all SMS will be permanently deleted;
    after the message is viewed, it is deleted automatically, without the possibility of moving to the archive;
  • maximum message duration is 60 seconds;
  • There is no greeting recording function.

You can listen to SMS for free on the portal 0860. To listen while roaming, use the number +79168920861.

The functionality of this service is a little wider, however, it is no longer provided for free. Subscription fee here it is 2.30 rubles per day. For this money, the user receives the following set of functions:

  • messages are stored in the mailbox for 7 days;
  • messages can be moved to the archive, where they can remain for another 10 days;
  • SMS duration can reach 90 seconds;
  • the box can contain 20 messages from one subscriber at once;
  • you can record a greeting;
  • there are SMS notifications;
  • there is a function to forward messages to email in multimedia format;
  • You can set a security code on the box.

Within this type of answering machine, you can listen to SMS in several ways:

  • through free call to service number 0860, when roaming call +79168920860;
  • You can view messages in your email inbox;
  • You can listen to the recording on the MTS portal:

This type of service is designed for the most demanding subscribers. The cost of the option is 3.30 rubles/day. For listening to SMS and calls to service numbers the fee is not debited. "GP+" includes the following set of services:

  • unheard SMS messages can remain in the mailbox for up to 10 days;
  • listened messages can be moved to the archive, where they can be stored for another 2 weeks;
  • the service can contain 30 SMS from one interlocutor at once;
  • maximum recording duration – 2 minutes;
  • It is possible to record a personal greeting;
  • there are SMS notifications;
  • mail is password protected;
  • messages can be forwarded to Email;
  • the service is compatible with any mobile devices, including iOS, Windows Phone etc.

Any owner of a mobile phone has encountered a situation where it is not possible to write the necessary SMS. Usually this is due to two reasons: lack of time and uncomfortable conditions for writing. And if you remember about the approaching winter, and about the eternally freezing fingers in the cold, then many will seize this opportunity. How to write an SMS by voice if you really need it?

On help will come Google and its “Write SMS by voice” application. You can download and install the application.

As the application developers say, by downloading the application, you will receive only advantages and benefits. And in fact, the description of the possibilities is simply fascinating. See for yourself:

Firstly, We are already so accustomed to everything free that the requirement to connect the full version of the program for money is viewed with hostility by many. And this, I note, is fair. Full version allows you to use the application without advertising.

Secondly, a large group of people did not expect that the Internet was needed to send messages. Agree that not everyone has Internet on their phone all the time, and a regular SMS can be sent without access to the Internet.

Third, There are users who wanted this application to be able to send SMS not only to the phone, but also on WhatsApp, Odnoklassniki or VKontakte. Gorgeous, of course, but the client’s desire is the law!

However, it is very fair to say that many people really liked how Write SMS by voice works, and especially how cleverly it recognizes Russian speech. I just want to say: “What progress has come…” That is, the application recognizes all words and punctuation marks perfectly! Surely you will also like the “Careful Recognition” function, when the program offers you several words to choose from.

Check out the official release of the app and draw your own conclusions. A small note: you can draw conclusions only after you try the program in action:

The developers are actively studying user feedback in order to improve the functionality of the application and make it as convenient as possible for us.

How to use?

Currently, the application has three tabs: messages, main mode and settings; you can use horizontal gestures to switch between them. To scroll through SMS, you can use the button at the bottom of the screen.

In the main mode, you can start typing SMS to activate voice input Click on the microphone icon at the bottom of the screen and start dictating text 3-4 words at a time. You can also insert emoticons into the message or edit it after finishing typing. After dialing, be sure to enter the recipient's name or number. Also in the settings you can add your own emoticons or edit the dictionary.

For many users, the application caused simply indescribable delight. I liked everything: excellent speech recognition, quick response, friendly interface and the knowledge that it’s all in one application.