What are the groups in contact. We are looking for a group in VK with a super target audience. Cook it! - delicious recipes

Imagine Steve Jobs - a black turtleneck, an insightful look - who is trying to present the iPhone, standing among the village of Papuans, where there is no electricity.

Despite all the genius, Jobs is unlikely to succeed at such an audience. Also, reliable and ineffective advertising placed on the site with an unsuitable audience. Giving advertising in publics that are not suitable for the audience, you lose money and time. It is much better to advertise where your potential customers live.

How to find suitable groups in VC for paid posts?

The standard functional VKontakte allows you to find groups suitable on topics (very general) or by name. This is not enough. First of all, because the theme is declared arbitrarily, as well as the name does not always reflect the essence of the audience. For this it is simply too short.

I will not stop on the difficulties of the selection of sites: they are known to anyone who tried to advertise in publics. We will immediately move on to solving the problem.

Another approach: start from the user!

To find the platforms you need, you just need to remember, for which it is done. Our goal is to find groups where there are people susceptible to our advertising. Let's then find these suitable people and let's see what groups they consist.

Search, of course, we will not manually. I bring to your attention the second tool of the project smmup.ru - Search for groups by target audience parameters.The tool is located at: http://smmup.ru/target.php

How it works?

The overall idea is very simple:

  1. You specify the main parameters of your CA
  2. On their basis, a sample of users is prepared
  3. The program collects data on what groups each user consists
  4. Information is summed up, as a result, we see which groups prefer people who are our potential subscribers or customers.

Haha, - you say. Well, it will be as a result of MDK and EP, something that is signed every second. Specule!

That's right. Therefore, the fifth item is the most important! - lies in the calculation compliance Index.

To understand what it is, you need to remember the basics of marketing theory. The concept of affinity-index is well described in Wikipedia. Here I will remind you that this is an indication of how much better advertising is perceived by the audience of a particular site towards the audience as a whole (random people). Perhaps it will be easier to understand the examples:

So here. The likelihood that a person in our sample consists in a specific group, directly depends on 2 factors: the number of group and the affinity-index area for this sample. But the number of subscribers of the group we know! So does it interfere with calculating the compliance index?

I turn this shortest excursion to the theory, turn to practice. You do not need to delve into all calculations with the compliance index. Now you will see that he works and this is the main thing.

Examples of work tools

To begin with, I will select anything quite simple so that we can make sure that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe conformity index is working.

For example, we want to launch a website dedicated to football in the regions and decided to advertise in small groups of lovers of this sport.

We find that football lovers in Kaliningrad are signed. We point out the city, expose age from 20 years (we need an adult and solvent audience), in the interests, we specify naturally football. We launch and analyze.

We receive a table with communities sorted by descending index (clickable):

The first lines with a huge compliance index occupy small regional groups of football lovers. The rest of the community is predominantly male, i.e. The audience in them is "warm", too good to us suitable. Quite logical results, right? We could get them and standard search by communities, although they would spend more time.

More complex example. Suppose we sell some special software or service for, well, for example, realtors in St. Petersburg. Easy to find groups where realtors are sitting? Not very:

Standard search We find only groups with a suggestion of services ...

But for smmup.ru it is not a problem. We indicate the city and Position:

There is already something to get used, right?

Another example + small subtlety in using the tool.

We want to sell the fans of the films "Hobbit" some accessory - yes, even if there would be a ring of all-hand delivery in Moscow. We indicate the "Hobbit" among interests:

Oops. Somehow pale: Little affinity (not dozens and hundreds), vacancies ... something is wrong! We pay attention to the notification above the table. Yeah, well, of course! After all, indicate in your favorite films "Hobbit" - this is not a sign of Central Asia. The film is quite popular. We add to the interests of "Tolkien, the Lord of the Rings" to collect the most tary fans:

Looks like a matter, isn't it?

Briefly: How can the tool be useful?

Such examples can be given a lot. Go to the site and try yourself! You can specify a lot of conditions for the sampling of the audience: gender, age, interests, geography, work ... Specify the portrait perfect customer - Get a list of the best playgrounds for advertising.

I do not think that my readers need to additionally explain how to advertise in a small group with a homogeneous and active audience suitable for you by parameters. I remind you only that advertising there usually can be taken very cheap. And even for free, if you can suggest something more or less interesting. Small thematic groups are often conducted not for profit, but from interest.

Use the tool (on this moment it is absolutely free)

1. Cinema selection, movies

Public with those the most "Save yourself on the wall so as not to forget to see." For convenience in publications, both video recordings are given together with movie lists. Lifehaker does not call for piracy: selections can be used and to view the cinema legally.

2. Kinopoisk

Representation of the largest Russian film portal. Trailers, rumors and news from the world of cinema and, of course, live discussions are all in the Kinopoisk Community.

3. Let's see the best at home

Public, which is advised by home watching cinema - movies that are no longer shown in cinemas, but which are always pleased to revise.


A public administered by one of the most popular authors of the voice of modern series. In a convenient navigation menu, you can find information about dozens, and interesting news is published on the wall.


5. Movie.soundTracks.

For those who love soundtracks not less than the films themselves. Music from popular paintings publishes other publics, but movie.soundtracks will also please the collections of compositions from an old or little-known movie.

6. New albums

Past of this public will not pass any little, a noticeable decent release. For supporters of legal listening, the selection is supplied with references to Apple Music.


Musical collections of different genres. Unifying criteria only two: quality and beauty. For convenience in the community there is a search by genres, as well as a schedule, in accordance with which thematic selections are published.

8. Native sound

Public for thirsty new discoveries of fans. In "native sound" are published as a selection of fairly well-known performers (Tesla Boy, Pompeya) and little-known, but those who have been checking very picky administrators.

9. History of music

In this group, the divorce selections are accompanied by generous interesting Facts certificates. For example, posts "Day in the history of music" are published daily, reporting events in the world of music that have occurred many years ago.


10. Book & Audiobooks

This community publishes both book selection and individual works. An excellent option for those who like to listen to the audio "Vkontakte", being on the way: most records on the wall are accompanied by audiobooks.

11. Thousand feathers, what a book!

A public party telling about decent writers and their works. In addition to the selection, audiobook and reference information, TCKK has other important dignity - the ability to communicate with like-minded people. Works are actively discussed in the comments, and the administration publishes the evening record "What book to read for the night?".

The science

12. Museum of Cosmonautics

Official public of the Museum of Cosmonautics, founded in Moscow in 1981. On the wall, not only news from the life of the institution is published, but also interesting facts about the history of space development.

13. N + 1

Representation of the scientific and popular edition of N + 1 "VKontakte". Articles are published on the theme of the newest technological developments, news from the world of physics, biology, cosmonautics and robot buildings.

14. Arzamas.

"The history of culture in video, texts and photographs" is a description that fully corresponds to the content published by the ARZAMAS edition. In the community, you can learn a lot about interesting things that are not told in the lessons of history and literature, such as vegetarianism in pre-revolutionary Russia and secret signs in the "Oblomov" of Ivan Goncharov.

15. Optional in history

Texts in which the character and individuality of the author are felt, sometimes you can read much more fascinating than the usual articles written in the information style. Public author - Columnist Edition "Diletant" Olya Andreeva, pleasing subscribers weekly articles on the topic of history.

Business and motivation

16. Startups and business

Publication of VC.ru edition, writing about startups, growing businesses and new making models. No useless quotes and general motivational councils are only facts, news and interviews with entrepreneurs.

17. IQ Blog - Business Secrets

Those who need motivation and support by the Board will help this public. Different records are published on the wall: quotes and facts from the life of historical personalities, useful articles and thematic book selection.

Sport and fitness

18. Sports Articles | Body-building

In this public, it is reasonable to motivate not catchy quotes, but deployed useful texts, recommendations from which can be applied in practice. Articles from this community will help not only give the body the desired form, but also make it competent, without hurting their health.

19. Personal coach

Another public for those for whom the body improvement is not another hobby, but one of the prevailing goals. Many posts are supported by video.

20. Bodyfitness, Fitness Bikini, Fitness

In this community you can find all necessary information To maintain the body in the form: Motivating quotes, funny pictures, instructions for performing exercises, nutrition tips and even dietary recipes.


21. PP. Zozh. Recipes

In continuation of the previous category: Publication with recipes dishes that will not harm the figure. Administrators assure that all the recipes are copyrighted, and the photos of the dishes are real.

22. Cook it! - delicious recipes

A public with ordinary recipes, not only for losing weight. His audience is more than two million people, and the number of records is approaching 60 thousand, which allows you to talk about Cook IT! As about one of the most popular and complete books of the VKontakte recipes. For convenience in the "Information" block, a special item "Search for recipes" has been displayed.


23. FreakBook

Every day, FreakBook collects interesting articles on the expanses of the Russian-speaking Internet and offers their reader with a note about the time that will take reading.


Another public broadcasting best Materials Internet, this time - overseas. Administrators offer subscribers to vote in a survey for an article on english languagewhich they would like to read. After some time, the translation of the article is published.

25. Lifehaker

Well, finally, we could not not mention our public. The community transmits articles from the site to different topics, combined with a common goal - to make the life of the reader better.

VKontakte more 54 million groups and public pages. Of course, many have already been blocked or long ago are not active. Today I want to submit statistical data more than 3 thousand groups in this postwhich in principle captured most of the traffic vkontakte.

  • 3361 groups and public pages that are open statistics.
  • 862 603 881 - people entered into them, including millions of bots \u003d)
  • Coverage per day - 124 613 285 of people. Daily audience of VKontakte 48 million people, respectively, each user Vkontakte saw any news from these groups at least 2.5 times a day.
  • 25 887 467 unique users In these groups (daily). MORE HALF SOCK. The network enters these groups.

Most interestingly ahead. Often companies buy advertising in a particular group. The most popular for advertisers is millionki groups. In my statistics of them 189 .

But everywhere there are always pitfalls. Inexperienced advertising, can buy quick post in Millionca, with hope for huge coverage of people. Bought and looking. The reactions are practically zero.

Many VKontakte groups "cared" at best on half, at worst - by 99%.

Let's look at some "interesting" groups of Millionki VKontakte:

Female beauty ads
DESIGN IT! - Decorate your world
Cook it! - delicious recipes
Success Success Success

Took five groups in the amount 6,300,000 participants. Daily coverage 284 396 , and unique users of all 16 299 per day.

Now take one group:

Gambling addiction - 560,000 participants, 294,000 coverage and 164,000 unique Users per day.

See the difference?

I will show you an interesting schedule:

The higher - the worse.

Of the 100 groups of millions, only 5 have the best efficiency in terms of user coverage and unique visitors. They are highlighted in red. Sure MDK River all. In this group, 1,000,000 likes at posts are made per day, about 120,000 reposting, and 80,000 comments. Closer to her only group " Institute of Noble Devin", Also with 1 like likes but reposts and comments are less than many times.

But another schedule, the ratio of unique visitors to the number of participants in VKontakte top groups.

The higher the orange band - the worse.

This proves the saying - "Do not believe your eyes." Do not pay attention to the number of participants in groups.

In groups of millions - 2,7% - This is the average of unique users to the number of participants.

For example, if you have a group of 1,000,000 participants, per day should come to you no less than 27,000 people,

Average vkontakte This indicator is equal - 3,5%

For my 500 selected groups, this indicator is equal - 10,34%

And in my top100 groups - 18,43%

The ratio of participants to the coverage in groups of millions:

Here, where the coverage is lowered down - a bad millionic. These all data from the statistics table.

You know what the most interesting, not always the metric " coverage»A decisive factor in choosing a group for advertising.

Take 100 groups.

General Subscribers - 380 000 Man per day

Unique users - 780 000 Man per day.

How so?! Everything is simple, you viewed the statistics of groups of erotic content. People introduce directly URLs of the group, do not enter it and do not laugh, but it's nice and playing it.

Due to such cunning tricks, different metrics and different influences on the conversion, I created my little rating of the effectiveness of groups.

I will not talk about formulas, they are elementary. I give your attention my little work in open access for all. Maybe someone will help to find the necessary groups on the perfect price / quality ratio. I will not disclose all the secrets of the tables, I hope you yourself guess how it uses.

And if it is useful for you, "pour" how much, you think necessary:

  • I.Dengi - 41001631150653
  • WMZ - Z236183456552.
  • WMR - R694147193667.
  • WMU - U322866130020.

Yes, and ordinary thank you, huskies and retwees I also fit.

Download -

Thank you for your attention, with you, lazy Staurus..

Hello everyone! We present you the seventh release of the show DevShow, which is dedicated to public groups in social network In contact with. Almost every of us has an account in it, so why not combine a pleasant with useful! Add yourself the following publics in VC and learn programming continuously.

1. Library of programmer

Library programmer - this is the biggest resource in VKontakte, where there are many good selection Video tutorials and conferences, literature and articles dedicated to some technologies or recommendations to future programmers. In the publik "Programmer Library" there is a section "Discussions"where you can ask questions and receive a lot of useful information.

2. Typical programmer

Public "Typical programmer" It is the largest vkontakte resource for people who are interested in programming and everything connected with it. Here you will find a lot of educational articles, video tutorials, fresh news from the IT world, including a lot of humor.

The "typical programmer" always tries to make its materials very high quality and worked out. We advise you to subscribe!

3. Magisters.org | Training in modern profession

Public Public Training Modern Professions Magisters.org. Contains video courses for web design and web development, as well as many lessons on various CMS. The manager of the Magisters.org project is Vlad Gritsenko, a very talented young man with a wonderful voice. Vlad is very clear and accessible explains all aspects of the technology under consideration.

4. The best video tracks

Here you will find selections of video tracks not only on programming, but also related industries. For example, you can listen to a very interesting discussion about the existence of a none or lecture on the modern understanding of schizophrenia. One of the latter has been added to the famous Harvard University course on the basics of CS50 programming. Content Publication "The best video track" is very useful and entertaining, so feel free to subscribe and develop!


Public Angularjs. Is dedicated to HTML expansion for Angularjs web applications, and is also the largest community in Russian by Angularjs. It is noteworthy that in the section "Discussions" There are vacancies for a device to work.

6. Programming

Another interesting resource "Programming" offers you lectures and books on programming, video tutorials and reports from IT conferences. Here you can learn how to work with databases, deal with hashing or read the book "Java SE programming language 8. Detailed benefit" James Gosling and Bill Joy. Look at the publication publisher, you will definitely like it!

7. Programming ITMOZG.

Another resource considered in our program is a publicity from ITMOZG. "ITMOZG programming" where many articles are posted, video tutorials on web development and not only, interesting news from the sphere of IT, curious tasks and vacancies. For each job in the publication "programming ITMOZG" you can find detailed information. If you are sociopath and bore, you definitely go there!: \u003d)

8. Find IT.

"Find IT" - This is a forum for students and graduates of IT specialties, where there are information about events held with representatives of various IT companies. During the Forum, participants will be able to listen to interesting lectures from various companies, play with robots, make up the tasks and get prizes for it. Subscribe to "Find IT" and wait for the next meeting!

Social networks are gradually conquering more and more than our time. Their contents are updated every minute. text files. And we are in a hurry to seek updated information.
The most convenient method for this is the entry into interesting thematic groups. Only VKontakte are about 38 million and daily, this number is growing steadily.

1 . At the moment it is "Do you know?". The number of participants is about 4 million. This is an open community, to join which anyone can. Information here is really mass (like more than 50 thousand records). Having visited the page of this group you can enjoy watching beautiful photo From around the world, familiarize yourself with the interesting thoughts of famous people, and just learn something new. Here is such a cognitive group.

2 . In second place is the group "World of Positive". Subscribers here are smaller - just over 3 million. Well, this, notice, is a very impressive figure. We go to the community and really plunge into the world of positive. Records on the page here even more than in the previous group - about 55 thousand. And they all are fun and humorous. There are funny demotivators, and funny pictures, and even excerpts from messages. Joining this group, you can get stuck here for one hour. In general, lovers of humor - welcome! This is actually the most popular group in contact.

3 . Next on the account - the official group of the game "Fight with the shadow". Surprisingly, the subscribers here are only 120 thousand less than in the previous group. Records are a bit, about 420. There are news related to the game. If you are a fan "Fight with shadow" - you here!

4 . In fourth place - " Online cinema" Participants in this community without 200 thousand 3 million. Come in. The first inscription on the page reads: "In a group of more than 50,000 TV shows and films." For every taste. Pleasant and thematic selections. For example, it is proposed to place on the wall (in order not to lose) a list of video on the topic of New Year and Christmas. And after viewing any film, you can express your opinion on this occasion, leaving a comment. In general, Paradise for the movie.

5 . The fifth place right occupies a community "Healthy body. We are for a healthy lifestyle". Subscribers here are almost as much as in the online cinema. The group page begins with useful Soviets In terms of health, personality and life. Next you can get acquainted with very interesting informationconcerning physical exercises, proper nutrition and even a run schedule in the morning. All adherents of a healthy lifestyle here are waiting for a lot of necessary and useful information.

100500 . A thousandth place from the end is deservedly occupied by our, where tax news, legislation, economics, computers and many more interesting are published. Milicia asking for light. Subscription to the news on the right above.

Deciding to take his time to watching something interesting, you will definitely select a group for yourself

The most popular group in contact