Actual publications. Actual Publications of Mironov Head of the Sverdlovsk Railway

At this place there was an article under the title "Said the" Amount "of Golden, or why the forecast of the editorial board" Compromat-Ural "is coming true in relation to Zia (c) Udine Magomedov." The text of the article dated 04.04.2018 consisted of five paragraphs. Only in one of them mentioned Mikhail Kiyko. Mikhail Yuryevich is now the former general director of the United Grain Company JSC (OZK). In this position, Kiyko stayed hardly a year and a half, dismissed in November 2018. OZK JSC half belongs to a businessman Ziyavudine Magomedov.

Mentioning in the above-mentioned article on the "relations of financial dependence" between Magomedov and Kiyko caused the displeasure of the latter. Mr. Kiyko's statement demanding to remove the contested article (all five paragraphs, and not only about Kiyko) considered the judge of the Arbitration Court Sverdlovsk region Elena Selivarstova. She completely satisfied the controversial, in our opinion, a lawsuit.

09.01.2019 The decision entered into force. Following the letter of the law, within the established period, the editorial office of "Compromat-Ural" deleted the text. Nevertheless, we will continue to appeal illegal and absurd, according to our conviction, a judicial act and thank all readers who assist in this.

Remind the feedback address:kompromat.- uRAL.@ protonmail. com.

The May holidays were hot for the correspondents of the compromat-Ural portal. Our disposal turned out to be new information to continue the anti-corruption investigation against the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Nikolai Brykin. This is the former General of the Tax Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now the representative of the lower chamber of parliament in the Supreme Court (in GD Brykin delegated in 2016 on the list " United Russia"From the KhMAO, YNAO and the Tyumen region).

The scandals around Brykin are caused by the fact that the Ugra entrepreneur from the "List Titovaยป Konstantin DulgerovForced to escape from Russia from Pressing Silovikov, openly accused the retired general in the organization of registered criminal prosecution. Details of his inquiries of Duligers disclosed in detail as a topical interview with the New Gazette. The victim in the doubtful case Dulgerov - Brokin's son-in-law Sergey Kiryanov, and the hero of the scandal himself, as he found out the editorial office of "Compromat Ural", before nomination in the State Duma, rejected multi-million development assets on the Black Sea coast on their daughter Valentina Kiryanovu (In 2016, the Breeze LLC was rewritten on her, there was almost half a billion rubles on the balance sheet!). The deputies of Brykin walked already as a modest representative of the Patriotic Fund (legally it was a fiction).

The other day, the Assistant Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation received a response to the Editor Commander Ural Valeria Volkov (Valery Georgievich came from the management of the Prosecutor General's Office for the supervision of the execution of legislation on combating corruption). We treated K. Yury Seagull On the issue of verifying the accuracy of declaration information about the personal welfare of Mr. Brokin. Does the folk servant live for funds, which in the shortest possible time after dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned into a dollar millionaire, and then also quickly got rid of the "deserved" wealth before elections to the State Duma?

In the recent publication of our colleagues from the Tyumen publication "72.RU" it was noted that on the formal declarations Nikolai Brykin dangles at the bottom of the deputy rating: "For 2017, his income was" just "4.8 million rubles. Less than the rest, but do not hurry with conclusions. He has two huge land plots, a pair of spacious country houses and a modest apartment in 76 squares. His wife has more apartment: 116 square meters. Also, four residential country houses and two land plots were recorded. And on the spouse of Brokin, all their family transport is registered - Toyota Land Cruiser, the Shore Land SRV31B trailer and the Saa Ray 185S boat. As a lady managed to buy all this, earning 2.9 million per year, it remains only to guess. "

Assistant Yuri Seagulls reported to the editorial office "Compromat-Ural", which "powers to conduct appropriate checks in relation to deputies of the State Duma" was endowed by the Duma Commission for the Control of Accurateness Information Headed Natalia Poklonskaya(She is the deputy chair of the Committee on Safety and Countering Corruption). Therefore, according to the answer, Valery Volkov, the appeal of Brokin is directed to the lower chamber. The editorial office of "Compromat Ural" will follow the answers of the Speaker GD Vyacheslav Volodina and profile commission. In mid-April, Ms. Poklonskaya confirmed to journalists that Brykin is indeed one of the five defendants of anti-corruption checks, which holds the commission headed by it. By the way, in this list, Brokin is adjacent to the "Lobkov" deputy from the LDPR, the hero of immoral sex scandals Leonid Slutsky.

Actual publications

Vladimir. 67 years old. Does not understand what is happening. "It was said a hundred times - work transparently, the money is largely distinguished, the project is practically nationwed! No, steal - hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions! ", - said Putin At a meeting with members of the government. It turns out Putin, we have against corruption. And constantly says to its officials: work transparently.

And they do not obey him and still steal hundreds of millions.

Rather, even billions, because these words, our president speaks about the eastern cosmodrome. Which, I was initially going to build for 150 billion rubles for 150 billion rubles. And now this amount has grown to 300 billion.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich. I will make it very much for you very much simple thing. Since you spoke about transparency. Since you demand it and spoke a hundred times.

I will not even quickly dig in contracts for construction and sculpt the numbers, although since 2012 the Foundation for the fight against corruption simply screams: on this cosmodrome, everyone is plundered.

I'm a penny with my finger in the very top. Almost near you, and we will talk a little about transparency.

So, the cosmodrome is East. Where, as Putin tells us rightly, everyone plundered. Who commands them? Roscosmos. And who will command Roskosmos?

The one you appointed. Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin. With your other robot Fedoromwhich will conquer long-range space.

Unfortunately, we have no such a long robot in FBK. Well, we are older. Handles. We take the official declaration of the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin.

He worked a little over a year in Roscosmos. How much did our space managers earned there?

29 and a half million rubles Income 2018. And directly written: 23.5 "at the main place of work", that is, from Roscosmos, and another 6 million God knows where.

2 million rubles per month. 100 thousand rubles per day.

We are for transparency. Maybe so much is supposed to pay a person who is going to master the far cosmos with the help of the Fedor's robot. Let's look as far as the director of american NASA gets. There and the cosmodrome is better. And they make the launches much more than we. But the salary of the director there is a maximum of 250 thousand dollars a year. That is, 16 million rubles per year. That is, one and a half times less than our Rogozin.

The State Duma employs an interesting discussion on the topic of a mandatory medical examination of employees of higher educational institutions. Deputy from the LDPR faction Vasily Vlasov I made an initiative to organize a permanent job of psychologists in universities after the murder of postgraduate students Anastasia Echenkowho made the associate professor SPBSU Oleg Sokolov. Then the head of the Committee on physical culture, sport, tourism and youth affairs, deputy from LDPR Mikhail Degtyarev Posted that the examination for teachers needs to include the inspection of the psychotherapist.But a member of the Committee on Transport and Construction, Fair Dmitry Ionin He opposed the proposal of colleagues: "Psycho or a bastard is not a position or status."

What is the most interesting, regarding the equilibiousness of Ionina itself there are questions. So, in the spring, the deputy came to the city of Kamyshlov to deal with the problems of deceived shareholders. But Dmitry Ionina's visit to the Urals was remembered not to solving the housing problems of voters, and shooting from the machine. Moreover, judging by the video published on the Internet, the parliamentarian was drunk.

And it is impossible to say that Ionin was completely in an inadequate state: when the police arrived by residents, he guessed not to give inspection of his car, referring to the deputy inviolability. So far, with respect to Ionina, a criminal case is initiated (Art. 213 of the Criminal Code).

Moreover, the shooting in Kamyshlov is far from the first case of inadequate behavior from Ionina. Two years ago, the deputy, apparently, arranged a drunken fight, in which he received a concussion, dissection of eyebrows and jaw injury. To somehow explain what happened, the version of the attack on the principled policy of some six gangsters in sports costumes was invented. But Ionin could not really explain and desperately confused in the testimony and dates. "We know that the attack was in the Chkalovsky district, on Himmash and even guess where. Most likely, Ionin was drunk and contacted not with that company. Well, we have fights because of something or, more precisely, because of whom? There is necessarily somewhere near someone's long legs. It is understood where six men came from - could come up with a version that during the sparring in boxing he received injury. And then the six fighters beat him - yes so that an eyebrow was cutting. But I will write a statement - find villains. He needs it? "," Then one of the policemen told.

The President promised to large families of 450 thousand rubles. People gave birth, took a mortgage. And now banks refuse to pay, looking for formal causes. 2000 applications from families with three and more children received refusals in the president announced Vladimir Putin Help with mortgage. The paradise of the social state turned into a bureaucratic hell with unsubsions. People write petitions to the guarantor and prepare claims.

In the Message to the Federal Assembly, February 20, 2019, the President announced that families who gave birth to the third and subsequent child this year will receive 450 thousand rubles from the state to compensate for mortgages and interest on it.

On November 15, the operator of the program "Houserf" reported that the third of the considered applications went into failure. More precisely, out of 6 thousand appeals passed 2000. If you multiply this to the size of the subsidy, it takes 900 million rubles, "hung" between the state and large families. It is expected to show 60 thousand families for the program for the year. With such a failure statistics, it may be already about 20 thousand who beyond the state support.

The big plus is that the amount promised by the president produces the body of the loan, reducing and interest payments. For the owner of a 25-year mortgage, 5 million rubles at 10% per annum partial repayment of 450 thousand saves a total of 3 million rubles. Even with a ten-year loan, it is more than 600 thousand savings.

As noted by "Dom.rf", the program assistance is provided if there is a ready-made housing or land plot under ILC through the purchase and sale agreement under construction under the Treaty of Participation in Participation or the assignment of rights under the Treaty of Participation in Share Construction. And if information on the purchase and form of the contract is indicated in the loan agreement with the bank.

To obtain support, you need to contact your bank with a statement about the repayment of the part of the mortgage loan, attach documents certifying identity and citizenship, motherhood or paternity, as well as paper on the provision of a loan and buying housing or land plot for the construction of the house. After that, the lender conveys the application "Dom.rf" to the program operator that checks them for compliance with the conditions and, if everything is in order, lists the funds to the lender. And at this stage and a hitch occurs.

"According to other forms of contracts (for example, a foreclode, the contract for the sale of future real estate), according to the terms of the program, the repayment of the mortgage loan is not provided. Also, for lending purposes, it should not be indicated not provided for by the decision of the use of funds, such as repairs or other consumer purposes, "specified in Dom.rf.

Fores company controlled by Sverdlovsk businessman Sergey Shmtyev and constantly generating scandals - again in the center of attention of journalists. According to the editorial office "Compromat-Ural", in Fores LLC, Mr. Shmtiyev belongs to 70%, the remaining shares are divided equally between Sergey Flaner, Evgenia Rozkov and 54-year-old Vyacheslav Sychev.

In addition to the elderly billionaire Sergei Shmteyev, the members of his family are marked in scandals. Recently, the media reported that his offspring Alexey Shmtyev illegally (nevertheless, apparently, the state border of Russia has crossed the state border: "He took part in the Rally" Silky Way ", contrary to the ban, to travel beyond the limits of the Russian Federation due to debt. The site of the FSSP said that Alexey Shmtyev has a debt of almost 1.5 million rubles. Because he did not pay duty at the specified period, he already imposed the executive fee - 140 thousand rubles. He will have to pay this money in addition to the amount of debt. "The bailiff has made a decision on the temporary restriction of the departure outside the Russian Federation. This prohibition is valid, no one has canceled it. For the fact that Shmtyev broke the ban of the bailiff and went beyond the limits of the Russian Federation, he will be subjected to administrative punishment, "publicly promised in the department Dmitry Aristova.

For journalistic investigations, a personality and second Shmtyevsky siblos, 28-year-old Alexandra. Week, November 13, 2019, back Shmotyev-Dad and his Shmotyev-son registered a new Jurlso (although firms in the family - PRUD pond, many of them are eliminated by the FTS as abandoned or bankrupt). As the correspondent of the editorial office "Compromat-Ural" clarifies, this time, the EGRULA has appeared "Foundation for the Support for Art and Culture of the Shmotyev family" (INN 6685168860), followed by the eye and the eye. Despite the beautiful "patron" name, the official profile of the "Foundation" activity is quite prose, if not to say - mercantile: "Provision of other financial services... not included in other groupings. "

The media broke out a scandal around a businessman Melnichenko Andrei Igorevich (TIN 773600437377). Before, he repeatedly became an object of jokes as a Russian Tolstowmaya, complexing because of his baldness: journalists compared photos on which it can be seen how painfully oligarch perceives the lack of chapels and tries at least somehow add the amount of hair on her head. But the current scandal is not limited to one sarcasm, because It is about the fact that Melnichenko fell out of the climb of politically loyal "guardians of assets", and his business shines major troubles in relations with the authorities (the challenge "of doctors from Putin"). For the Russian nouveau, a similar context has never ended well.

According to published data, the informational reason was the trial, which Melnichenko initiated through his asset - JSC "Kovdorsky GOK", against the FGBU "Reserve-Supply" Roszerva, i.e. In fact, against the state, more than two billion rubles! The case A40-223332 / 19-170-1862 According to the laws of the oligarch, the judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court considers Iraida Eremin. The proceedings appointed today, November 18, 2019. A special scandility of the situation attracts the fact that the "Little Little Melnichenkovsky business has lost the political scent of Melnichenkovsky business, and the rowed dispute concerns the money invested in the help of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics.

To sell and dry on these projects, which is called, sinful, and this understands most of the Russian inhabitants of the ratingForbes. whom the Kremlin attracted to financing assistance for the DPR and LNR. It turns out, everyone understands everything, and Andrei Melnichenko is a special billionaire, which suggests a special attitude of power?

His image of Sibarit, living with sweet life, works against the insatiable oligarch. Despite the fact that he has enriched on the former Soviet state activists, officially does not occupy any senior positions in Russian enterprises (so that it is not possible to answer for anything?). According to the editorial board "Compromat-Ural", in the Unified State Code of Melnichenko, except for Mr. Melnichenko, except that the modest share in LLC "Gribovo" in the village of Borodki Odintsovo district of the Moscow region.

Meanwhile, the billionaire has repeatedly become the hero of the scandals on the topic of the transit of billions on his luxurious life, which caused a stormy perturbation of the public. In 2017, a journalist Anton Krasovsky On the day of Victory, May 9 compared the mad wealth of Melnichenko with the life of Russian veterans. "In Astana, each veteran was presented a one and a half thousand dollars by May 9 ... In Russia, 128 thousand people who passed this war, and if each of them was given a one and a half thousand, it will be around $ 186-190 million dollars. 190 million dollars, this, experts will not allow me to lie - the cost is not the most expensive yacht of one of the Russian oligarchs. Here, someone recently laid out a photo, oligarch Melnichenko put out two of their boats from some Mediterranean beach. The average cost of each can approximately cover the lives of these veterans before their death. All. "

- Vladimir Valentinovich, ends work on the small ring of Moscow railway, I will soon do the first trains. Please tell us about the work of the Moscow Connectors who contribute to the general case on the organization of uninterrupted movement on it.
- In order for the train to go strictly according to the schedule, first of all, a well-established infrastructure is needed, which is the most important part of which is to ensure sustainable communication. Currently, 54 km of the small ring completes work on laying cables for various purposes. In total, six contracturing organizations are engaged in this, and three more - commissioning construction and installation work. The control over their activities was carried out by the Moscow Directorate. I do not hide, our specialists to get due high Quality Works, just reached and spent the night on the ring. After all, it is better to immediately make as necessary in accordance with the technical documentation than to redo. Now I can proudly say, at all stations have already been established new, the most modern equipment of communication and radio, and in the transfers it will be done in June.

- What is it from yourself?
- Linear paths are organized by the spectral sealing of fiber-optic communication cables, which allows to transmit a huge amount of information. Radio stations are used to organize radio communications gSM-R standards and DMR, which provide sustainable and continuous communication in the conditions of intensive train movement. For the convenience and safety of passengers, all stations and transplant nodes are equipped with loud-speaking alert devices, video surveillance and reference and information scoreboard. Naturally, all devices are included in unified system Monitoring and administration, it allows you to monitor their condition and manage the modes of operation remotely. I will especially note that 80% of equipment - domestic production. Naturally, all it is digital, analogue communication went to the distant past.

- Probably, in order to work on it, need new specialists?
- Of course, new equipment, the introduction of new technologies for its maintenance implies that new knowledge is necessary. And although we have sufficiently highly qualified specialists, a certain retraining and advanced training for those who will be responsible for providing communication at the ICD, it will have to go through. Currently, one group of our specialists receives new knowledge here in Moscow, in a specialized training center. Next prepares for a trip to the manufacturer in Penza.

President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin made a planned permutation in the company's management. The head of the Central Directorate of the Motion Control of Alexey Mironov was headed by the Sverdlovsk Railway, and its former head of Vladimir Suprune will go to Moscow - to lead the Directorate of Russian Railways infrastructure. On the pros and cons of destination - in the material "UralPolit.RU".

President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin made a planned permutation in the company's management. The head of the Central Directorate of the Motion Control of Alexey Mironov was headed by the Sverdlovsk Railway, and its former head of Vladimir Suprune will go to Moscow - to lead the Directorate of Russian Railways infrastructure. On the pros and cons of destination - in the material "UralPolit.RU".

Heads of regional branches in Russian Railways change every four years. Vladimir Suprunu in 2007 was set a goal to reduce accidents in the SBZD: news about accidents and collisions came out with enviable regularity. Now the railway workers claim that the highway managed to escape from among the lagging behind, significantly increased the volume of freight and passenger traffic and began to win more victories in sectoral competitions. In 2009, the SERM became the best of the year among all Railways of Russia. At the same time, a number of problems remain on the highway, to work with which a new boss will be.

Representing Alexey Mironov to the staff of the Ural media, Vladimir Yakunin stressed his rich experience on the railway and stated that in addition to maintaining the positive dynamics of development, the tasks of the new chief include "the elimination of" narrow "places." "This is the attention to the locomotive farm, and the entrepreneurship, and the decline in the accident. You may not notice this work, and for us any failure is a signal to action, "Vladimir Yakunin stressed.

Russian Railways also noted that in the context of the formation of the Railways holding, the head of the road becomes the figure is not regional, but a network scale. "Alexey Yuryevich will embody a new understanding of the post of the head of the road. Now the head of the road has acquired a new status. Now it is a representative of the board of the entire company, a representative of the president. It is not responsible for their actions, but is responsible for everything that happens at the road polygon. Alexey Yuryevich himself took part in the development of a new status of the head of the regional branch, so fully aware of his responsibility, "he said.

In the first speech, Mironov noted that, among other things, continue to work to optimize the use of cargo rolling stock. Recall that in recent months, shippers have repeatedly raised the problem of lack of cars on the territory of the activities of the SMZD. The question was discussed, among other things at the level of the presidential representative of the President in the URFO Nikolai Vinnichenko.

"All questions about cars I worked on the central directorate of movement. We need to realize the correct movement of the empty wagons, given the features of the EMB, which is the second in length. Together with Vladimir Nikolayevich (Suppruni - approx. UralPolit.Ru), which goes to work in the Directorate of the Russian Railways Infrastructure, we will schedule this question systematically, "said Alexey Mironov.

In informal conversations, representatives of the Commands are called Alexey Mironov " dark horse", Noting that successful work in the central office of Russian Railways does not guarantee successful work" on the territory ".

In the Moscow Directorate of Russian Railways, Alexey Mironov's translation to Ekaterinburg is called an increase. "The Sverdlovsk road is one of the most profitable, mountain and metallurgical industry bring her big income. What is an ordinary head in Moscow compared to the head of the Sverdlovsk road? This is a much more significant post, "the interlocutor" UralPolit.Ru "is confident. - In addition, the post of chief of the Commands is traditionally considered as a springboard for career growth. Remember Misharina. "

Recall that the current governor Alexander Misharin was appointed Head of the Sverdlovsk Railway in 2002 and worked in this post until May 2004, after which he went to the government as a director of the Department of Comprehensive Development of Infrastructure of the Ministry of Transport Russian Federation. From June 2004 to March 2009, Alexander Misharin worked as Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, and from March to November - Director of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Alexey Yuryevich Mironov was born on August 18, 1964 in the town of Tzhambul (Kazakhstan). After graduation in 1986, the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers worked in the Central Asian railway.

In 1994, Mironov was transferred to the South-Eastern Railway, where he was the way from the duty officer in the Michurin branch to the Deputy Head of the Southeastern Railway - the branch of OJSC Russian Railways - the head of the transportation service.

In February 2006, Alexey Mironov was appointed head of the Department of Transportation Department of Russian Railways. In July 2009, he headed the Central Directorate of Motion Management - branch of Russian Railways.

Yekaterinburg, June 17 (new region, Alexander Rodion) - Railways reform turned out to be meaningless and merciless. I myself unwillingly suspected, the head of the SMZZ Alexey Mironov was involuntarily admitted. It happened at the meeting of the Sverdlovsk government, where they solved the problem of systematic breakdowns of freight. The premiere Anatoly Gorzin even had to remind the goal of Russian Railways reform - improving the quality of services. However, in the Middle Urals, it turned out otherwise: the railway becomes a brake of industrial growth. And then it happened incredible: after having completed responsibility for the breakdown of cargo transportation, her head of Alexey Mironov actually discredited the reform of the entire railway industry of the country. Details - in the "New Region" material.

As predicted a few months ago, the "New Region", Russian Railways OJSC, was fully respected responsibility for the breakdown of freight traffic. It was also confirmed that the soil for this was created by the endless reform of the railway industry, quite recently extended until 2015. Giving freight cars to spill private operators, Russian Railways now rejects all claims of regional authorities. A today's meeting in the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region was very significant in this regard. Collecting large and small mobile operators, Prime Minister Anatoly Gregory, together with them, thought how to get out of the transportation crisis, which could become a real brake economic growth of the region.

According to the head of the Cinema, there are problems with the export of forest products in the region and building materials. And this is despite the fact that the industry area is on the rise, wondered premier. "We are standing before a question - whether we will have a railway transport by a deterrent in the development of industry. Applications are not accepted on the road, and those that are accepted are extremely poorly provided, "the head of the Cabinet of Ministers led examples. All this turned out that freight cars are idle, and the leaders of the factories write angry letters to all instances. But all to no avail.

"The efficiency of our industries is reduced. Miracles does not happen - somewhere grows due to descending place elsewhere. Apparently, the profits of the operators of rolling stock are growing. Along with the soldering of the warehouses there is a decrease in industrial safety. The breakdowns of the supply of raw materials threaten PE in enterprises, "says the executive vice-president of the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Marina Vshivtsieva. Rail transportation breakdowns led to the fact that the metallurgists began to carry the raw materials on their production by road, she led the shocking example. Shocking because this practice is already beginning to turn around to problems for road infrastructure. If the issue with the transportation does not decide, says Ms. Vshivtsieva, the prospects will be sad: Increasing production volumes of plants, without having the opportunity to send products, the warehouses will be fed up, then will not receive a profit, and therefore will reduce tax payments to budgets.

In turn, industry-bodies supplemented a sad picture. For example, the general director of the Ural Forest Export LLC Rinat Rakhimov said that in recent months, the "forest" enterprises due to the inability to send the forest to the forest were launched 200 million rubles. The cost of cargo delivery is high, and the growth of tariffs compared with last year reached 60%. "There are cases when we train the Ukrainian half-haul, and we make it disadvantaged it, the same - with Lithuanian. They say that allegedly, no cars were served there. Or walked cars on April 24, and removed from the paths only on April 30, "Rakhimov was outraged.

However, the Sverdlovsk Railway cannot be called upon responsibility. As a result of the Railways reform, which year goes under the congestive pretext of "demonopolization", now nor Railways, nor the Commands, nor any other railway in Russia are not responsible for freight transportation. This, in particular, the regional authorities notified the head of the SMZE Alexey Mironov today. According to him, the entire robber composition of Russian Railways passed to private operators - now it is necessary to demand the quality of the freight. "And if we have no rolling stock, then there can be no complaints about us," explained the head of the highway.

And then the most interesting thing happened. Apparently, the conscious destructiveness of Russian Railways policies, Mr. Mironov dared to unprecedented from the point of view of corporate interests and ethics of recognition. As a result, with his words, a completely insane picture of the last "achievements" was evolved. Mironov talked about the analysis of the work of large enterprises, which testifies to long-term outlook products, on imperfect tariff policy, as well as the fact that the compositions are idle, and sometimes 10-12 days. Separately, the head of the SBZD criticized the tariffs of private operators - "They do not allow sending cars to any direction, whereas earlier (when Railways owned by Railways, approx. Hd) could have made any composition without any problems."

According to the correspondent of the "New Region", the unexpected revelations of Alexei Mironov sounded as a true verdict of the reform of the railway industry - meaningless and merciless. After all, what the head of the Commander said today was made by the leadership of the monopoly is conscious and purposefully. As a result of the fact that Railways got rid of cars, giving them to large and small owners, the delivery time has increased. On the railway network, according to business, dozens of intermediaries even do not own cars appeared, and resell the right to receive them! At the same time, the downtime of cargo compositions increased. "If in the past years, the level of downtime was 10.94 hours, then today the car stands in anticipation of documents, a favorable direction for transportation of 48.4 hours. We are talking about the complex of problems that are solved difficult, "the head of the highway noted gloomily.

It was similar to the fact that Mironov himself is not happy about what is happening in the industry - he led so painful examples: "The wagons are wound from hand to hand, so finding their owners is very difficult." And in conclusion, it was unexpectedly signed in the insolvency of the previous activities of Russian Railways, proposing to be centralized in a separate Sverdlovsk region freight transportation. For this, several operators are currently involved in the region, as the first and second cargo companies are attracted. Apparently, then of them will choose the best carrier of goods - at least such an option is offered on the EMB. "The ideology of the concentration of wagons in some hands is what is needed," said Mr. Mironov. - If you combine the rolling stock under one control is a way out, but for this we need a volitional solution. I see how to decide, but I can not do it with my power. " But it is from this scheme that, convincing the Russian government, recently refused top managers and shareholders of Russian Railways.

President of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, during his stay in Yekaterinburg, presented a new head of the Sverdlovsk Railway. They became Alexey Mironov, who had previously headed the central direction of movement management - a branch of OJSC Russian Railways. The former leader of the highway Vladimir Suprun, who worked in Yekaterinburg since 2007, will lead the Directorate of the Russian Railways Infrastructure Department.

Mironov Alexey Yuryevich was born on August 18, 1964. Higher education, in 1986 he graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, in 2000 - Russian State Open Technical University of Communications. In 2003-2004 Mironov worked by the head of the Yeletsky branch of the Southeastern Railway - a branch of JSC "Russian Railways". From 2004 to 2006 - Deputy Head of the Southeast Railway. Since 2006 - Head of the Department of Transportation of Russian Railways.

Since 2009 - Head of the Central Directorate of Motion Management - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways".

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