Fast (hot) Microsoft Word keys. All the best combinations of Microsoft Word keys Hot keys Word

To facilitate use wordyou can configure Hotkeys,which will help format a document from a matter of seconds. Even the starting user will be able to supplement the standard option.

How to make a setting yourself

If there is no big experience with the Word, read the instructions on, it will help! The procedure can be divided into just a pair of steps if you need to supplement the standard set of existing combinations:

  • Go to the file section and select subparagraphs in the menu "Parameters". Automatically, the form where you want to click on the settings must be opened. They are located on the left side at the bottom of the screen. Nearby there is a function of the location of the keys.
  • Next, you must open the keyboard settings menu or you can select the command category. Scroll down the commands down or choose an item with the name of a specific combination. The list located on the right side contains a list of available commands. To reduce time, it is enough to start to drive the name of the option. To select the found option, click on creating a new keyboard shortcut, and then confirm the destination.

Everything is ready and now you can go to the creation of the desired combinations and expand the existing standard list.

Combinations for general use

This group includes combinations that help to fulfill the overall action text document: Saving, print. If interested in which commands can help, go to the table below!

The above combination helps to quickly perform general functions extending to the entire document. They are the most popular and in demand, therefore people who are constantly working in Microsoft Word. Add them by default.

It is not necessary to add all the combinations, it is enough to choose the most used and replenish your "Arsenal". Turning to confident users, many will express their opinions that part of the teams are required to cope with work faster.

Keys to highlight, move

The following will be presented with combinations, without which it will not be normal and efficient work With Word Document.

If you want to make an adjustment in the file, in most cases you need to highlight a specific fragment, or make moving into several words. To perform these actions via a mouse, it will take a lot more time than using customized commands.

There are only 8 combinations enough to quickly move on the document.

There is no need to use the mouse. It is worth noting that the special usefulness of the combination is acquired if it is required to make an operational adjustment according to words in the text or table.

Excluding moving commands inside the table, if the other additionally use "SHIFT", you can select paragraph, a proposal or a specific word. To highlight the entire text, including tables, it is enough to use "Ctrl + A".

List of popular combinations

First of all, these are combinations that help perform certain operations in terms of document and organize work with individual file elements. Element - This is any unit that contains a document. These include: paragraph, string, word, table, schemes and graphs, drawings. In other words, it's all that is actually highlighted in the file.

The table captures the most basic functions that are required to control individual elements and objects. However, the question of which functions should be complemented to the main list depends on each user individually. To begin with, it is worth seeing what actions are made most often to not adjust the list several times.

In addition, it is easier to press the "Ctrl + Backspace" combination than a few times press one button to remove fragments before the place where the cursor is. Or, for example, you need to select a specific fragment, you can simply tinker the two "Ctrl + I" buttons. Didn't find the desired combination? Then it is worth viewing a few more functions that are used slightly.

Combinations are rarely used

In this category, combinations are allocated that are used slightly. However, without their use, it is also not always possible to do to ensure the most productive and fast work with a document.

So, for example, a person needs to write text with a total volume of 3000 characters without spaces. To track the resulting quantity, it is advisable to use statistics. To do this, you need to press only three buttons: "Ctrl + Shift + G". IN automatic mode A window appears with all the necessary information.

As a rule, the list of rarely used combinations is as follows:

Combination function
Ctrl + D. Open the dialog box to change the font settings, or change the document format
Ctrl +] Increased a pre-selected fragment for one point
Ctrl + [ Reducing the size of the selected fragment
SHIFT + F3. Adjusting the case of letters. Function is useful if a piece of text is required to translate into a specific register (bottom or upper)
Ctrl + Z. Cancel the last perfect action
Ctrl + Y. Repeat last action
Ctrl + SHIFT + G Open the statistics of the current file
Ctrl + SHIFT + W Emphasize the selected word in the text
Ctrl + SHIFT + D Double underscore

Main benefits of use

Communicative and creating key lists and combinations, it is worth noting several advantages:

  • Convenience in the process of working with document Word;
  • Reduces the search for a specific function;
  • There is no need to spend time on using a mouse;
  • You can independently set additional combinations, depending on which functions are much more often used;
  • A wide arsenal of features that allows working with a document in general format and individual objects.

Many users who start actively get acquainted with functionality Microsoft Word, understand the importance of hot keys when you want to create a certain document in a short period of time.

If the user stops typing only with two fingers and is already well oriented in its own keyboard, then such combinations not only increase the speed of work, but the most comfortable conditions are created. The mouse most often only takes time and distracts from the process.

But there is another point of view.

Part of the advanced users are often wondering: for which it is necessary to learn or memorize combinations, which in practice may not be useful. In this case, it should be noted that they are used only in certain cases and most often in working moments in the Word.

However, there are situations where without these operations it is absolutely impossible to do. It is advisable to prepare a certain list of features that are often used in practice and in everyday life.

If you are familiar with the work of Microsoft Word and even know several combinations fast keysYou may be surprised as a lot of them really. In addition to the preset shortcuts of the Word keys, you can set your own on any action that is available in the menu and which you use quite often. If you add modern keyboards with additional buttons to this, to which you can bind a variety of actions and set the key combinations, or the functions of multicop of mice, then you have a chance to dramatically increase your productivity. If you spend in text editor Word. Much time, then the combination of keys will be great for you.

You do not need to remember them all. It is enough to learn those to which the most frequently performed actions are attached. These can be various formatting functions - selection of bold, footboard, copy, insert, delete text, cancel last action and much more.

So, our list is quite large - choose from it what you really need and remember these combinations or assign them to the additional buttons of your mouse or keyboard.

You can also print a list and use it as a prompt until you remember.

Designation of hot keys

Remember: We presented the combinations of hot keys using the following design rules. The plus sign means that you must press these keys together. The comma means that you must press the buttons sequentially. Therefore, for example, "Ctrl + N" means to press the Ctrl button and hold it down to press the N button and then release both buttons. On the other hand, "Alt + N, P" means that you need to hold the Alt button to press the n button by releasing the n button to press the P button and then release all the buttons. Although everywhere letters are shown in capital, press Shift is not necessary (if it is not specified specifically). All letters are Latin, although the keyboard layout during input can be any.

Hot keys for popular actions in the program

Microsoft Word has a lot of fast combinations to perform such actions as opening, closing, creating a new document, cancel the last action, printing and so on. Let's get acquainted with the most chassis.

  • Ctrl + N.: Create a new document
  • Ctrl + O.: Open an existing document
  • Ctrl + S.: Save document
  • F12.: Open the Save dialog box as
  • Ctrl + W.: Save document
  • Ctrl + Z.: Cancel the last action
  • Ctrl + Y.: Perform the last action again
  • Alt + Ctrl + S: Smash the window into two windows showing different parts of the document independently of each other. The same combination of keys for cancellation of windows
  • Ctrl + Alt + O: View document structure
  • Ctrl + Alt + N: Go to read mode
  • Ctrl + F2.: View and print
  • F1.: Open certificate
  • Alt + H.: Go to "What do you want to do"
  • F9.: Update field codes in the current section
  • Ctrl + F.: Search by document
  • F7.: Launch spell check
  • Shift + F7.: Open thesaurus. If you chose the word, Shift + F7. Will look for this word in thesaurus.
  • Alt. or F10: Enable or disabling buttons
  • Ctrl + F1.: Show or hide tape
  • Ctrl + H.: Open find and replace
  • Alt + A.: Open the File tab menu
  • Alt + Z.: Go to the Home tab
  • Alt + ", 2: Go to the Box tab
  • Alt + L.: Go to the Design tab
  • Alt + ", 3: Go to tab layout
  • Alt + R.: Go to the Links tab
  • Alt + K.: Go to the mailing tab
  • Alt + B.: Go to the Review tab
  • Alt + J.: Go to the View tab

Moving according to the document

You can use keyboard reductions for easy navigation on your document. It will save your time if you work with a volumetric document for many pages and do not want to scroll through it entirely; It will also help you with ease moving between words and suggestions.

  • Left Arrows / Right: Move the insertion point (cursor) to one symbol left or right
  • Ctrl + Left / Right Arrow: Move to one word left or right
  • Up / down arrows: Move up or down one straight
  • Ctrl + Left / Right Arrow: Move up or down to one paragraph
  • End.: Go to the end of the current line
  • Ctrl + End.: Go to the end of the document
  • HOME.: Move to the beginning of the current line
  • Ctrl + Home.: Go to top of the document
  • Page Up / Page Down: Move up or down on one screen
  • Ctrl + Page Up / Page Down: Move to the previous or next observed object (after searching)
  • Alt + Ctrl + Page Up / Page Down: Move up or down the current window
  • F5: Open the "Find and Replace" dialog box on the "Go" tab so that you can quickly go to a specific page, section, tab, and the like.
  • SHIFT + F5.: The transition in a circle between the last three positions where the cursor was placed. If you have just opened the document, Shift + F5 will take you to the last point where you are edited before closing this document.

Select text

From the previous section, you could notice that the arrow keys are used to move your insert pointer, and the key Ctrl Used to modify this movement. Using a key Shift. To modify the plurality of these key combinations, allows you to select text in various ways.

  • SHIFT + left / right arrow
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + Left / Right Arrow: Expand your current allocation to one icon left or right
  • Shift + up / down arrow: Expand the allocation to one line up or down
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + up / down arrow: Expand the selection before the start or end of the paragraph
  • SHIFT + END.: Expand allocation to the end of the line
  • SHIFT + HOME.: Expand the allocation before the row
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + Home / End: Expand the selection before the start or end of the document
  • SHIFT + Page Down / Page Up: Expand the selection down or up screen
  • Ctrl + A.: Choose the whole document
  • F8.: Enter selection mode. In this mode, you can use the arrow keys to expand the selected text. You can also click F8. Up to five times for consistent selection of various selection modes. The first pressing introduces the selection mode, the second press highlights the word following the selection point, the third pressing allocates a whole sentence, the fourth - all characters in the paragraph and the fifth - the entire document. Pressing SHIFT + F8. also works in a circle, but in reverse side. And at any time you can press Esc to leave the selection mode. You need to play a little with this feature to imbued with its meaning - but it is pretty funny!
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + F8: Select column. When the column is selected, you can use the button to the left and right to expand the choice to other columns.

Editing text

Word also provides a series of hot keys to edit text.

  • Backspace.: Delete the Symbol to the left side
  • Ctrl + Backspace.: Deleting the word left
  • Delete.: Removing one symbol to the right
  • Ctrl + Delete.: Removing one word to the right
  • Ctrl + C.: Copy text or graphics in clipboard
  • Ctrl + X.: Cut (Copy and Delete) Selected text or graphics in the clipboard
  • Ctrl + V.: Insert from the clipboard
  • Ctrl + Alt + V: Special insert
  • Ctrl + F3.: Cut selected text in Spike (spike). Spike is an interesting version of the usual clipboard. You can continue to cut the text in Spike and Word will remember everything you cut out. When you put the contents of Spike, the word will insert the entire text that you cut, at a time, placing each text on a separate line.
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + F3: Insert Spike contents
  • Alt + SHIFT + R: Copy the title or footer used in the previous section of the document

Application Formatting Symbols

Word also has a lot of hot keys to apply formatting to symbols (also for formatting paragraphs - but these combinations we will look at the next section). You can apply these quick keys to apply formatting to the selected text, and if the text is not selected, then this formatting will be applied to the fact that you will print further in the cursor insertion.

  • Ctrl + B.: Make the text bold
  • Ctrl + I.: Make text in terms of
  • Ctrl + U.: Make the text underlined
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + W: Make words emphasized, but gaps between the words leave without undercuting
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + D: Make the text underlined double line
  • Ctrl + D.: Open Font dialog box
  • Ctrl + Shift +!: Enlarge font size
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + (: Reduce font size
  • Ctrl + \u003d.: Little substitting symbol (switch transformation of selected characters in substitution symbols)
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + \u003d: Small supercondition (Switch converting selected characters in advanced characters)
  • SHIFT + F3.: Going in a circle for layout register formats for your text. Available formats: "As in suggestions" (the first letter, the capital, the rest are small), "all lowercase", "all capital", "starting from the capital" (the first letter of each word is capital) and "change the register" (changes the register of letters on opposite).
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + A: Make all the letters in capital
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + K: Translate all letters to Lower Register
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + C: Copy the formatting of the characters of the selected text (no longer works?)
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + V: Insert formatting into the selected text (no longer works?)
  • Ctrl + Space.: Remove from the selected text all formatting, made manually (Style Format remains)

Application formatting to paragraphs

Exactly as for formatting characters, Word has a bundle of hot keys specifically for formatting a paragraph.

  • Ctrl + M.: Increasing paragraph deposit every time you press this combination
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + M: Reducing the incidence of paragraph every time you press this combination
  • Ctrl + T.: Increase the indent of the paragraph without changing the retreat of the red row with each press
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + T: Reduce the indent of the paragraph without changing the retreat of the red row with each press
  • Ctrl + E.: Align text in the center
  • Ctrl + L.: Align text on the left edge
  • Ctrl + R.: Align text on the right edge
  • Ctrl + J.: Align text on the width of the page
  • Ctrl + 1.: Install an interval interval for 1
  • Ctrl + 2.: Installing an interval for 2
  • Ctrl + 5.: Install an interval for 1.5
  • Ctrl + 0.: Delete a single-line interval preceding the paragraph
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + S: Open the pop-up window "Apply Styles"
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + N: Application of normal style paragraph
  • Alt + Ctrl + 1: Apply header style 1
  • Alt + Ctrl + 2: Apply header style 2
  • Alt + Ctrl + 3: Apply header style 3
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + L: Apply List Style
  • Ctrl + Q.: Delete all the formatting of the paragraph (may not be specified in some Word versions!)
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + L: Creating a marking list

Combination keys to insert

When you need to insert a divide section into your document or characters that are not on the keyboard, then in this case the keyboard shortcuts of the Word keys will come to your aid.

  • Shift + Enter.: Insert a string break
  • Ctrl + Enter.: Insert a page break
  • Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Insert column break
  • Ctrl + dash (-) - This is a dash (minus sign) on a digital keyboard unit: insert optionally long dash or transfer sign. By default, the dash is inserted if the word is at the end of the line, then it acts as a transfer sign.
  • Alt + Ctrl + Dash (-): Insert transfer sign
  • Ctrl + Shift + Dash (-): Inspected inseparable dash. This team says Word does not break the word at the end of the line even if there is a dash. It can be useful, for example, if you have included something like telephone number And you want to be sure that it will fully turn out to be on the same line.
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + Spacebar: Inserting an inseparable space. Inspection gap looks like a regular space, but does not cause the separated part of the word to another string. It can be useful in similar situations as an inseparable dash.
  • Alt + Ctrl + C: Insert copywrites symbol (in some Word you need to pre-configure this keyboard shortcuts)
  • Alt + Ctrl + R: Insert a registered trademark symbol
  • Alt + Ctrl + T: Insert a symbol of a trademark

Work with headlines

Large text, broken on headlines, easy to read and conveniently move when reading and edited. If you are from those who use headlines, then for you the following several combinations of hot keys.

  • ALT + SHIFT + up / down arrow: Move the header on the string up / down
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + N: Transformation of the header into ordinary text
  • Alt + SHIFT + up / Winz Arrow: Increasing / down the header level (for example, the first level header turns into a second level header)
  • ALT + SHIFT + minus buttons or plus: Folding or deploying text under the heading

Working with tables

Moving on the tables does not work as accuracy as well as moving along the usual text. Instead of clicking where you want to get or using cursor keys, try the following combinations:

  • Tab.: Go to the next cell in the string and select its contents (if it is)
  • Shift + Tab.: Go to the previous cell in the string and select its contents (if it is)
  • Alt + Home / End: Go to the first or last cell in the string
  • Alt + Page Up / Page Down: Go to the first or last cell in the column
  • Up / down arrows: Go to the previous or next row
  • Shift + up / down arrow: Select the cell in a row above or below the insertion point. Continue clicking for more than one cell. If you have selected multiple cells in a row, it will select the same cells in the string above or lower.
  • Alt + 5. On the digital keyboard block (with Numlock disabled): Selecting the entire table

Other Word Keys Combination

  • Ctrl + Shift + *: Switch Show / Hide special symbols (non-printable signs)
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + L: Show the statistics of the document (the number of words, signs, pages and other things)
  • Ctrl + scrolling wheel mouse: Change the scale of the document, increase or decrease the size of texts, images and all other elements. On small screens allows you to consider small elements of the document.

As in Word, add combinations of fast keys. How to Word Edit Hot Keys

Of course, there are far from all combinations of the Word keys.

And even more so, you can assign your own keyboard shortcuts for teams, styles, even automatic insert text.

You can not only assign your hotkeys, you can also reassign existing ones. To do this in the menu File Choose Parameters:

Switch to the "Configure Tape" tab and click the "Key Combination" button. Setup ":

When you found the command for which you want to set the key combination, select it and click on the "New Key Combination" field. Then click (Enter) this is a combination. Click the "Assign" button.


That's all! The list turned out not small, but this is not surprising, given the huge number of features and Word features.

I really hope that you have found something useful and your life in Word will become a little easier, and productivity will improve.

Have you wondered how to do work with Word more comfortable and faster? Use special key combinations. They allow you to quickly perform certain actions during operation. Consider in more detail what Word 2016 hotkeys are.

What it is

Hot keys - multiple buttons by clicking which is performed. Computer mouse is not used.

And whether it is necessary

Using special keyboard shortcuts on the keyboard will increase the performance of the work. Allows you to quickly produce such frequently used actions as saving the document, canceling the action performed. Highlight the desired section of the text, and pressing the combination. fast formatting text. For example, hot-keys Word (Word) cut part of the text. It is often used in conjunction with the Word hot keys (Word) insert.
Developers introduced into a large number of combinations. Consider the most common.

Basic combinations

Consider how to speed up work with certain parts of information in the document. These are elements that are allocated in the document. For example, hotkeys allocate all.

Work with font

Operations apply to dedicated content.

Selection of part of the text

Install the cursor in your place in the document. Click "SHIFT". Selection occurs arrows:

  1. Left, right. Text highlight in the prevail;
  2. Up, down - line.

If you additionally click "Ctrl" the content will be allocated by paragraph. Allocate text, located not near.

Cancellation or recent operation is performed using "Ctrl + Z" and "Ctrl + Y", respectively.

Hot Word Code Formula

To add a field for writing a formula, go:

To exit edit mode, press the same combination.

Hot keys Word Capital letters

Suppose you mistakenly scored paragraph in capital letters. What to do? It is not necessary to rewrite again. Highlight the text, then:

Second way

Hot Word Keys Replace

For calling the dialog box, go:

Hot Word Language Changes

The default uses: "Alt + Shift" or "Ctrl + SHIFT". Keyboard shortcuts can be changed. Press LKM to the language icon in the system tray:

Click on the "Advanced Settings" link.


Hot Word Color Selection Keys

Repeated pressing will remove the selection.

Use this method if the text has often to allocate words with color.
If you need another color to check it on the Home tab.

Hot Word Paragraph Keys

For alignment by:

  • to the left edge, press "Ctrl + L";
  • right "Ctrl + R";
  • center "Ctrl + T";
  • hot keys Align in width - "Ctrl + J".

Install the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph, then:

Hot keys Word (Word) paragraph, styles change:

Hot Keys Word (Word) Apostrophe

Each symbol values, and the ASCII table corresponds to the number. For apostrophe is "39":
Change this combination for ease of memorization. Open:


Hot Word keys insert a string from below

Suppose in the document you need to leave an empty place so that the person regulates the contact details. Used in questionnaires. How to do it:

Hot keys Word top index

To install a fast sign, click:


Suppose you often use a specific action when editing the document. For it, install yourself a key combination that is easy to remember. How to do it?
Click "Alt + F + T". Go:




Knowledge of combinations of hot keys will make a job in a text editor faster. When switching to new version Key combinations will remain the same.

Designed to speed up your work in MS Office and make it more productive. Agree, it is much easier to press on the keyboard Ctrl + C (Copy) and Ctrl + V (Paste), instead of performing this command in the traditional way by pressing the "Copy" and "Paste" buttons on the taskbar.

However, as you probably managed to notice the keyboard combinations are not appointed not for all functions that offers to our services. office package from Microsoft. For example, I recently told you about how to speed up the work with the MS Word document. But this method has one substantial minus - after the bookmarks are created, you can use them only by reappearing on the appropriate panel and activating the desired tool or using the keyboard combination Ctrl + Shift + F5. The combination seems to be, but very uncomfortable on my standards. Now, if we replace it with something simpler, for example, on Ctrl + W (this combination is already used to close current documentBut, honestly, I never used her and she didn't really need it) ...

On the other hand, the "Insert Figure" tool does not have its own by default. " hot key" It is certainly not critical - we add schedule to the documents not so that it is very often, but when you suddenly need to provide a document of a huge bunch of illustrations, "Suddenly" it will be found that every time you switch the taskbar on the "Insert" menu, it is somewhat tedious.

So let's decide these problems, and you will learn not only to set the keyboard combinations in MS Word yourself, but also override the "factory" settings of the text editor!

Well, got to prescribe hot keys in MS Word?

Create your own keyboard shortcuts in MS Word

First of all, open the "File" tab and select item "Parameters". This time we need settings block "Set up a tape". Choose it from the list and see an intriguing phrase: "Setting tape and key combinations". It seems we came to the address.

We don't need a long list with accessible commands now, we look at the bottom of the parameters window and see the string "Key combinations". Boldly Zhmem. button "Setup ..." and admire it very unfriendly looking keyboard Setup Window.

We look at what keyboard reductions are specified in MS Word by default for this command.

In fact, there is nothing terrible here - although the list of available commands is referred to english languageThe prompts explaining the meaning remain in Russian, in addition, the tools are structured in the same order in which they are located on the MS Word toolbar. That is, first, in the list of the left I choose "Categories:" Insert "tab, and then in the list on the right command" EditBookmark "( edit bookmark - from English.).

Add new key combinations

Once the choice is made, the program displays an already used keyboard combination (Ctrl + SHIFT + F5). I highlight it and click the "Delete" button. Now click on the left mouse button in the "New key combination" field and click on the Ctrl + W keyboard, click "Assign" and "OK" next. Finish, I just overdered the hotkeys, making MS Word for myself a little more convenient.

At the same time, there are two subtleties:

  • "Standard" keyboard combination, if you do not like it, you can not delete. The program provides that for the same tool can be assigned several hotkeys.
  • A new keyboard combination must be pressed on the keyboard, and not try to enter text.
  • If a new keyboard combination is already used by another function, the program will warn you about it

The first line is a warning that this shortcut of the keys is already used, the second is that the changes are written to the main template.

Although it's not all! You drew attention to the item "Save changes to ..."? Yes, as in the case of C, all changes can be applied both to a separate document and to the general template of the program. Normal.dotm.). I chose a second option, so when closing a text editor, I will need to do the same steps that were described in that article.

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