CAM Module Ether digital television. Satellite TV MTS: CAM module. How does he work

Monument to the paratroopers of the 6th company

Almost all the monuments of Pskov are tremendous value for the city and its inhabitants. In the village of Cherche, that in the Pskov region, there is one monument, which causes respect for everyone who visits him. This monument is a reminder of the point that the paratroopers of the 6th parachute rattop.

Many tend to think that modern people are not capable of feats, and if there are such heroes, then their units. However, this opinion is an erroneous and even in the 21st century there are people who are ready to carry out orders and turn the comrades with their backs. Take at least the famous 6th Road. On March 1, 2000, while in the composition of only 90 people, our fighters kept defense against 2500 militants. Simple soldiers and officers stood shoulder to the shoulder, fighting with the enemy, whose number was superior several times. There are no limits of their courage and valor, because each of them knew that this battle would most likely be the last for them. But no one surrendered and did not turn back, and until the latter fought with the enemy.

At the price of many lives, the order was completed. Alive only 6 people remain. This feat will forever remain in the hearts of many. Today, the monument in Pskov is also reminded of this, and such films as a "breakthrough", "Russian sacrifice" and books written by this heroic history.

On the day when airborne troops celebrated their 70th anniversary, Russian President Vladimir Putin personally visited the Pskov Division and expressed condolences to all relatives of the dead. He also personally apologized for the miscalculations that were allowed by the team. In the sign of great grief and respect for the heroes, Putin ordered the monument in their honor, which will remind all Russians about these bold fighters.

In 2002, on August 3, the memorial sculpture was solemnly open. It is located near the checkpoint of that very 104th regiment. The monument represents a huge opened parachute, autographs of all those who gave life in that unequal battle are engraved on the inside of the dome. And the crown of the dome is the stylistic star of the hero of Russia.
The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a similar composition belongs to the Pskov architect Anatoly Queen. As the creator himself says, he did not even doubt that to create a sculpture you need to take exactly a parachute, which is the main symbol of the Airborne Forces. Under the snow-white dome is a pedestal made in the form of mountain peaks. On granite slabs you can read the names of all 84 heroes. That plate, which is addressed to the vehicles, is decorated with a golden star. It indicates the names of those who were awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

At the pedestal, 84 memorial candles are tested in the center of the composition, after it is dark, each of them makes a weak glow, giving tribute to their heroes.

In Pskov, we arrived on a festive day - May 9th. Then heard about the unusual monument of paratroopers 6 rounds of the Airborne Forces, installed in the village of Calche at the Pskov Division of the Airborne Forces.

On March 1, 2000, the 6th company of the 2nd battalion of the 104th parachute regiment of the 76th Guards Pskov Division of the Airborne Forces took place in a cruel unequal battalion with Chechen militants.

In battle killed 84 servicemen, including all 13 officers. Six soldiers remained alive. Rota tanned the path to Chechen militants who tried to break away from the Argun Gorge to Dagestan. According to the command, there were more than two thousand against 90 paratroopers. The older was thirty-seven, younger than eighteen years. Then inexperienced recruits took part in the hostilities. At each Pskov paratrooper accounted for 27 militants.

The death of the 6th company shook the whole country. And caused a lot of questions. How could it happen that only 90 paratroopers were face against many times superior armed gangsters Hattaba, Basayev, Idris? Why did they not come to the aid of regular troops? Still have different versions What happened in those days at an altitude of 776 and who is to blame for the death of paratroopers and scouts. But in spite of everything it is clear that the paratroopers at the cost of their lives on three days detained the enemy and allowed the opportunity to approach the place of battle.

From 234555.Ru: "On March 1, at 6 o'clock 10 minutes, the connection with the commander of the 2nd parachute battalion Evyukhin M.N. was cut around ... when the ammunition ends, the paratroopers went to the hand-to-hand combat and undermined themselves with grenades in the crowd of militants. The commander of self-propelled artbatareus captain Victor Romanov, having lost both legs as a result of a mining of mines, continued to adjust the fire of artillery "...

Senior Lieutenant, wounded in the chest, Alexander Kolgiatin has led mines as soon as the militants went to the attack. The wounded Efreitor Alexander Lebedev, having rugged her grenades, rushed into the most thick of attackers and blew up with them. Senior Lieutenant Alexei Vorobyev, who destroyed the field commander Idris, the legs were collected by the mines, one bullet fell into the stomach, the other - in the chest, but he fought until the latter. When in the morning on March 2, the 1st company broke through the height, the body of the hero was still warm ...

Three days in the mountains were fighting. Later, one of the surviving contused ordinary Evgeny Vladykin will remember: "We are constantly encouraged us. Soon, I said, there will be a scene, we will stand up. But then, when there is almost no one left, we stopped hoping for help ... And then the combat caused fire on himself. It is better because to die than to surrender. " However, the chances of the paratroopers stay alive almost there were almost no: all the militants finished themselves. And aimed in the face. That is why it turned out to be difficult to identify some paratroopers. All of them - and alive, and the dead - the high awards of the Motherland are awarded. Twenty two were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, the rest became cavaliers of the Order of Courage.

Bandits paid for the death of our guys: on the battlefield there are more than five hundred nonlike. The rest could not break out of the gorge. The paratroopers stopped their at the cost of their lives. And yet, why didn't the dying company come help?

According to Igor Sergeyev, at that time the Minister of Defense, additional forces were sent to the profog, however, they could not approach the positions of the company. "The fighter fire of militants did not allow this to do." And the Commander of the Airborne Forces, General Georgy Shpak reported: "Because of the flooded rivers, Sharoargun and Abazulgol and because of the big density of fire could not break through other landing units."

From the report, rather a memorandum: "On March 1 at 3 o'clock in the morning, a group of soldiers led by Major Delvalanov (15 people) was able to break through (15 people), who, violating the order, unauthorized (contrary to the order of the command) left the defensive borders of the 4th company on the next Height and enhanced the sixth company. Major's raid Delvalova extended height defenses 776 for two hours. "

Who is he, this man, who managed to come to the rescue to the help of comrades? Alexander Vasilyevich Delvalov, deputy commander of the battalion. "... Joining the paratroopers of the sixth company, delivered during the battle received several heavy wounds, but continued to lead the fight. The last injury turned out to be fatal. For courage and heroism is presented to the title of the hero of Russia (posthumously)."

234555.Ru has a story, a selection of video about 6 companies, the names and photos of the dead and surviving heroes.

Author of a 20-meter monument - pskov architect Anatoly Tsar. As the basis was taken parachute - the main character of the paratrooper. In the foot of the raspberry-red granite St. George Cross with the names of paratroopers. He symbolizes the hand compressing the dark forces that the explosion split into different directions and at the same time - the fire caused by himself (the last words of the commander of the battalion Mark Evyukhin were: "I caught fire on yourself!"). Upwarded 84 candles - by the number of dead (in the evening the lights of the candles are burning). On the inside of the dome, accurate copies of the autographs of the dead paratroopers took place from their personal cases are posted. Went dome of the star of the hero of Russia.

I think the song group DDT "Guys" It will be here to the place.

Conditional access module Tricolor CI + Ultra HD (Center) is a compact device intended for broadcasting satellite channels without using wires. The smart card is installed in a special TV slot, after which the setting is automatically carried out. The model supports more than 200 channels with the Ultra HD resolution and allows you to listen to 30 radio stations. Program switching is carried out using a regular console. remote control. The Russified Menu facilitates the search for the required content. The module supports DVB-S and DVB-S2 broadcasting standards. The model provides access to the Tricolor package for one month, the satellite antenna is required to view.

CI + conditional access module for Tricolor TV reception with Ultra HD support (Tricolor TV project)

  • View "Tricolor TV" on 1 TV.

  • Control in one remote control.

  • More than 200 TV channels, including high (FULL HD) 1 and ultra-high (Ultra HD) 2, and the ability to listen to more than 30 radio stations.

  • Requires satellite antenna.

  • 1. Description

    Ci + Module - Compact equipment, which in the presence of a Ci-slot with support for the CI + standard and the possibility of receiving satellite television Let us browse the tricolor TV channels. Ci + The module is inserted into the TV, which will save you from excess wires.

    To switch channels, use the remote control from the TV.

    Together with CI + module, you must purchase and connect a satellite antenna if it is not yet installed.

    2.Apported in the kit

    The kit already includes access to a single Ultra HD channel package for 1 month, providing views of more than 200 TV channels, including high (Full HD) and ultra-high (Ultra HD) format, and listening to more than 30 radio stations.

    3. Connection and configuration

    Check out the instructions before purchasing and connecting equipment. Make sure your TV supports the DVB-S2 satellite broadcast standard and is equipped with a Ci + V 1.3 slot or later version 4. To view the Ultra HD channels, you need a TV with support for Ultra HD format and HEVC image encoding 5 version 5.0 or later. Install and configure the satellite antenna, place a smart card into the module jack and insert the module into a special CI + TV slot. Connect the LNB in \u200b\u200bTV output with a converter satellite antenna via coaxial cable And select the appropriate signal source in the TV menu.

    Contents of delivery

  • CI + conditional access module - 1pc.

  • Smart card - 1pc.

  • A set of user documentation - 1 pc.

  • ______________________

    1 FULL HD - resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels. Used in high-resolution television broadcasts (HDTV).

    2 Ultra HD - resolution of 3840 × 2160 pixels. Television of ultra-high definition, 4K permissions (eng. Ultra High Definition Television, UHDTV).

    3 DVB-S2 - standard broadcasting of satellite, digital television, including the resolution of ultrahigh clarity.

    4 Ci + slot as part of a television that allows you to view coded channels using CAM modules and decoding cards.

    5 NEVC - video coding standard H.265 (eng. High Efficiency Video Coding).

    CAM Module is a device that decodes a television channel of a specific encoding. Simply put, the CAM module is a slot in which the channel access card is inserted, and the recognition device of this card is inserted. The module itself is inserted into the CI slot of the receiver or television, thereby providing the operation of the TV or other receiving equipment with the channel access card.

    Since, for encoding channels, television operators use different encodings, then the modules are needed different under each encoding. For example, the Russian Provider NTV + is encoded in Viaccess, and the Ukrainian Xtratv in Conax. Accordingly, to use NTV + access card, you need Cam Viaccess, and Cam Conax is needed to use the XTratv card. Cable and essential operators also not rarely use channel coding. Ukrainian cable operator "Will Cable" encodes its channels in Conax, and Ether digital DVB-T2 Operator "Zeonbud" encodes broadcasting in IrDetto Cloaced. To access the operator data channels, the modules itself are also needed: Conax for the Will and IrDetto Cloaced for Zeonbud. By the way, the IRDETTO CLOACED itself in mind its narrow orientation is called a CAM module for DVB-T2.

    It is worth remembering that the module itself is a decoder. If you do not need a specific key to view the coded channel, then inserting only the module, you can already view the channels as if they were in open access. Such a scheme works in particular in Ukrainian DVB-T2 broadcasting. To view the TV channels, it is enough to buy and paste a CAM module. There is no viewing fee.

    Also, a very important part is the technical aspect of the CAM compatibility of the module with concrete model TV. This particular attention is given to the type of slot in which CAM is inserted. The fact is that there are two types of connectors in which modules are inserted. This is the so-called Ci slot and Ci + slot. Externally, the slots are identical. Nevertheless, they are different. To understand which type of slot is mounted in your TV, you need to view its instructions or contact service center Service of your TV. On the cards you need to watch concrete specifications CAM of a specific manufacturer. If we speak in general, then everything yourself, for example, the modules itself for the will, work with a CI slot. An exception is the DVB-T2 module itself from the Ukrainian Operator "Zeonbud". This module requires to install the presence of CI + module.

    By the way, CI and CI + slots differ only by software. That is, if there are CI in your device, and you need Ci +, for example, to view the Ukrainian DVB-T2, you can hope that the manufacturer's manufacturer of your receiving device redeformation via the Internet or post new version software For your device in order to convert the SI slot in Ci +.

    The article is provided by the site