What is a mobile phone for? What are system phones used for? But experts say it's not a good idea.

System phone- a necessary element of every mini PBX. The main difference from a regular telephone is that it cannot be connected to a landline telephone line, but only works in conjunction with the mini PBX installed on you.

Majority useful functions telephone exchanges are concentrated here.


in digital PBXs to a special digital port, or according to technology to another system telephone.

in analogue telephone exchanges, as a rule, to the same ports as regular telephones, but over a 4-wire line.

Main purpose system telephone is the effective processing of incoming calls and outgoing communications with maximum convenience for the user.

Besides, Through the system telephone, the PBX can be programmed and a greeting can be recorded for the auto attendant card.

Each PBX manufacturer offers its own line of system phones that work only with certain models of telephone exchanges.

Basic buttons system phones:

  • Pprogrammable buttons with indication, to which the used external and internal lines are connected. Access to these lines is carried out with one click, while you can receive incoming calls on specific lines and visually monitor the occupancy of lines and subscribers. Switch a call to another subscriber by pressing one button without having to remember and dial the subscriber's internal number.

  • programmable buttons without indication, to which city or internal numbers are assigned. With one press of the button you dial a long phone number, recorded in the memory of the telephone exchange.
  • buttonHold— allows you to put the current conversation on hold, which will be indicated by a flashing direct access button. To resume communication, you need to press this button again.
  • buttonCONF (conference call)- serves to organize a multilateral conversation.
  • buttonTRANCFER (forwarding)- used to transfer a call to another subscriber.
  • SP - PHONE (Speakerphone)- used for hands-free operation
  • FLASH / RECALL(Flash tone, redial) - used to disconnect the current call and make a new call while the handset is off-hook.

PBX Manufacturers We are constantly improving our system telephone models. After all, unlike a PBX, this device is constantly in sight of the company’s employees and guests. Ergonomics and device design have a significant impact on the company's image.

Upgrading system phones, the manufacturer makes them as comfortable and user-friendly as possible. The capabilities of system phones are expanding, for example, the connection function has appeared wireless headset via Bluetooth technology.

Due to increased popularity and affordable prices, system phones become indispensable “assistants” not only to the director or secretary, but to everyone more ordinary employees, especially managers, whose activities involve intensive work in receiving, processing incoming calls, communicating with many clients and the need to be in constant communication when away from the workplace.

Purpose of system telephones

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who would not use the services mobile communications. Even the smallest representatives of our society already have a functional gadget connected to world wide web called the Internet. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of mobile phones.

What is a mobile phone?

A cell phone or mobile phone is a device designed to transmit voice information over a distance. This process is carried out through the provision of communication services by cellular operators. Their towers synchronize the devices with each other.

Transmitting voice information is only one of the functions that a mobile phone can have. The device itself has small sizes, involves the installation of a SIM card, thanks to which the ability to use communication appears.

Using a mobile phone in everyday life

The telephone in our life serves not only to transmit voice messages. This device can send short messages, access the Internet and synchronize with GPS stations to determine coordinates.

Now it's hard to imagine life without cell phone. Numerous applications that are installed on the device thanks to operating systems make our lives much easier. A modern mobile phone combines several devices that we use constantly.

The phone can serve as an alarm clock, computer, personal nutritionist or fitness trainer. Thanks to applications, we can control our physical activity, it becomes possible to monitor nutrition and enter all data into special program.

Advantages and disadvantages of a push-button telephone

Some conservative people still use the most primitive communication devices. This is convenient if you only need your phone for communication. Let's list the main pros and cons

  • simple and accessible interface;
  • mechanical buttons for dialing a number or message;
  • the battery holds a charge for a long time;
  • the devices are strong and durable;
  • Older models had strong antennas for communication.
  • limited functionality;
  • there is no way to take photos or videos good quality;
  • using the Internet is very inconvenient;
  • small and dim display;
  • there is no possibility to expand functionality additional applications;
  • some models are not designed for new three-pin SIM cards;
  • there is no possibility of synchronization with some modern accessories.

Only the most basic disadvantages of push-button phones are listed. From the above we can draw the following conclusion: if you are an active and modern device user, then this will not suit you push-button telephone as the main device of use. And for older people, a phone with buttons is a great option to always stay in touch.

Advantages and disadvantages of a smartphone

The most common ones this moment telephones. A smartphone is a phone that has an operating system that allows you to install various software on it. Here are 5 pros and 5 cons of phones with operating system.

  1. It is possible to install applications from any area of ​​interest.
  2. The device has a built-in camera, which is usually of fairly good quality. This function allows you to use your smartphone as a full-fledged camera, video camera or video recorder.
  3. A smartphone can replace game console. On devices with good characteristics You can play even the most modern games.
  4. Big screen.
  5. Touch control. The displays respond to several simultaneous clicks, which allows you to zoom in or out the picture, and also allows for comfortable control in games.
  1. Electromagnetic radiation.
  2. Formation of addiction to social networks or games.
  3. Live communication is fading away.
  4. The network does not catch everywhere.
  5. Weak batteries.

Undoubtedly, the smartphone provides us limitless possibilities in the field of communications. The most important thing is to skillfully use this functionality.

Advantages and disadvantages of a shockproof phone

There is a whole line of super-stable models of devices that are designed for active people. Let's look at the pros and cons of using a mobile phone, which has several levels of protection.

  1. Rugged housing made of shockproof material.
  2. Moisture-resistant or waterproof.
  3. Durable tempered glass display.
  1. Design.
  2. Limited functionality.
  3. Bulky dimensions.

They are capable of maintaining their working condition even after falling down from a multi-story building, but in terms of design and functionality they are clearly inferior.

Pros and cons of cellular communications

Mobile phones, which have become an integral part of our lives, are constantly near us. Is it good or bad? Let's look at the pros and cons of cellular communications.

  1. You can always call your loved ones and ask questions that concern you.
  2. Communication is possible even over very long distances.
  3. The Internet, which is available 24 hours a day, provides us with the necessary amount of information we need.
  1. Radio radiation, which constantly affects the body, causes damage to all vital systems.
  2. Communication is only available within the coverage area mobile operator. In areas remote from populated areas, you will not be able to use communication services.
  3. Some people become addicted to a cell phone.

Experts recommend using cellular communication no more than 5-10 min/day. During this time, the dose of exposure to electromagnetic waves on the body is not critical. Now let's try to calculate how much time we spend per day on communication. The phone is constantly near us, even during sleep. All this time, the body is exposed to radio radiation.

Pros and cons of Samsung phones

New modern models are constantly appearing in the Samsung smartphone lines. The company ensures that its gadgets meet the latest trends in development modern technologies. Let's look at the pros and cons of Samsung phones.

  1. High quality build.
  2. Bright, energy-saving Amoled display.
  3. Interesting new products functionality: fingerprint detector, voice control, face recognition, etc.
  4. High level service.
  5. Differentiation of phones by line: budget, middle class, flagships.
  1. High cost of devices.
  2. Expensive repairs if replacement is carried out with original parts.
  3. Over time, Amoled displays fade.
  4. Constantly released operating system updates eventually become irrelevant for older devices, so you have to change your phone to a more modern one.

Pros and cons of Android devices

Smartphones based on the Android operating system are the most popular nowadays. This is due to the ease of use of the platform and the simplicity of the interface. The following are the pros and cons of Android phones:

  1. Simple menu, convenient controls.
  2. A large number of programs for any version of Android.
  3. Customization. You can customize any Android phone by doing individual settings at the system level.
  4. Openness of the system. For example, you can make the memory card perform the function internal storage.
  5. Prevalence. You can always pick up the desired model, affordable and functional in properties.
  1. Updates. The lineup changes very quickly, and new versions of the operating system may already work unstable on previous models.
  2. Malfunctions. Android phones most often experience freezes during operation. The loading speed and the overall dynamics of the system’s functioning are at a fairly low level, especially if we're talking about not about flagship smartphones.

Despite the existing negative aspects, smartphones based on the Android operating system are gaining increasing popularity among users.

Pros and cons of children using phones

The communications and telephony industry has a particularly strong influence on the younger generation. Even the smallest children already know how to turn on their favorite game on their smartphone. Let's look at the positive and negative aspects of the influence of phones on children.

  1. The child always stays connected.
  2. You can track the exact coordinates of your child using a GPS receiver.
  3. A telephone with Internet access can become an assistant in the educational process.
  1. Electromagnetic radiation causes damage to a child's developing body.
  2. Entertainment applications and games distract from studying.
  3. A gaming addiction develops and the child becomes withdrawn.
  4. Interest in active and intellectual live games is lost.
  5. There is stress and hysteria when there is no opportunity to use the phone or the Internet.

Children today have become so dependent on electronic devices and phones in particular, that in some cases they project the digital world of games onto real life conditions. The cruelty and instability of some children in most cases is associated precisely with gaming addiction.

Modern devices

Modern phones, produced using innovative technologies, have a wide range of functionality. It is very convenient and practical to use one device, which includes the functions of a dozen other devices. The compact size of a modern phone allows you to constantly carry it with you without any discomfort.

Some advanced users change several devices per year. This is due to the fact that new models are constantly being released that have minor differences from their predecessors. The most interesting functional new products in recent years are presented in the list:

  • fingerprint detector;
  • face recognition;
  • voice control;
  • remote control other devices from the phone;

These are just some of the functions that are present in the functionality of a modern phone. With further development digital technologies devices will be even more powerful and smart.


Considering the pros and cons of cell phones, we can conclude that these devices give us many advantages in terms of communications, and also allow us to use advanced functionality in various fields of application.

Telephone mania has reached everyone. Very often you can meet 7-8 year old kids who are calling their friends with all their might.

Why do you still need a cell phone and who needs it more: parents or children?

A mobile phone is a means by which parents control their children, and thereby delay their growing up. “Children should be under control,” many parents believe and buy mobile phones for their kids, trying to calm their own fears.

Daniela Brancati, a child psychologist, states: “Parents fear every moment their child spends outside the home, they believe that their child may be in mortal danger, especially at school.”

Why does a child need a cell phone?

Children need a cell phone to feel like adults, independent and free. This increases their rating in the eyes of friends and peers, opening access to desirable communication, videos and games. Children believe that with the help of a mobile phone they gain independence. The doubt remains: under the control of cell phones, children do not become adults.

The real need to buy a cell phone for a child is a busy schedule of various additional activities, when it is difficult to coordinate actions.

Warn your child that it is better to carry it in a pocket or briefcase, without unnecessarily showing it to strangers or on the street.

Is a cellular (mobile) phone harmful?

Scientists have not yet come to a final opinion on this issue. It has been proven that a mobile phone (as well as other electrical devices) emits waves that, with prolonged exposure to the brain, can worsen health. However, the phone can cause significant harm to your child and cause hearing problems if the volume is not adjusted.

Having made a positive decision to buy a phone, you must understand that spending is just beginning. Children do not always understand what is paid and what is not. Good way out- ban paid services. You can apply for it at the office of your mobile operator. This will save your budget from various expenses on paid SMS services, mobile games and applications.

Each parent must decide whether their child needs a mobile phone or whether they can still do without this invention.

What is a smartphone for? Progress does not stand still, that is why it is progress. This is especially noticeable in production computer equipment and mobile phones. If recently we rejoiced at pagers and video recorders, which began to appear on the shelves of our, at that time still poor, stores, now you will not surprise anyone with either a cell phone or a cell phone. Any janitor on the street can now talk not only to his broom, but also to swear at a careless garbage truck driver over his cell phone.

Our ancestors would generally go crazy looking at how every second person walks down the street and talks to himself or points his finger at some glowing portrait frame.

What a long way to go. My mother was hospitalized a year ago, and I took her there e-book. Lying in the room with her was a Tatar granny, about 90 years old. At night, this same granny woke up and saw a terrible picture. My roommate (my mother) is sitting in bed, and her face is illuminated by a deathly pale light emanating from some door.

I don’t know what the poor, downtrodden grandmother thought, but she screamed so loudly that the whole hospital woke up. She decided that there was a stove on the bed, and my mother was sitting and looking into it. The most interesting thing is that this grandmother was not walking, but then she jumped out of the room and rushed along the entire corridor so that she was barely caught. On the second day, a joke circulated throughout the hospital that they tried to burn down the hospital at night.

Imagine what would happen to a person who has never even seen a TV and does not know what electricity is.

But even in our advanced times, not everyone knows what a smartphone is and what it is needed for.

Smartphone (from English " smart phone") is a mini-computer with its own microprocessor and operating system (iOS, Android, Windows Phone OS 7.5, Symbian). In terms of functionality, it can be considered pocket-sized personal computer(CPC), and according to appearance it looks more like a mobile phone.

Thanks to a full-fledged multitasking operating system, you can do almost everything you do on a computer: read and edit text, work with by email, create and play presentations, work with the organizer and task scheduler, view photos and movies, listen to music, play, chat on social networks, browse websites, go and shop in online stores, conduct transactions with electronic wallets, and much more. And to all this, you can use your smartphone like a regular mobile phone.

In general, you can do everything on a smartphone that is available on a computer. From the very beginning, the smartphone was invented for the Internet. That is why any smartphone has WiFi.

A smartphone costs no more than a regular mobile phone. In order to be constantly online, less than $10 per month is enough.

The most popular smartphones with operating system in our country iOS And Android.

All modern smartphones have a touch screen.

For car drivers A smartphone can serve as a GPS navigator, or using the Yandex traffic jams application you can quickly find a traffic-free route.

Business people A smartphone will help you quickly find out all market prices and exchange rates, as well as carry out the necessary operations with them.

For tourists A smartphone will help you navigate well in a foreign country or city and in translating unfamiliar words in a foreign language. You can also use your smartphone to film some tricky situation and quickly upload it to.

Some people just need a smartphone for antlers, to keep up with fashion.

I know people, mostly elderly, who have smartphones but don't even know what to do with them other than make calls. It’s just that the children decided to give a gift to their beloved old people, and the old people need these functions like a goat needs a button accordion.

For example, I don’t need a smartphone either, because I’m used to doing everything thoroughly and not on the run. And you decide for yourself why you need a smartphone.

Cell phones play an important role in our modern world. Almost every person now has a mobile phone. People use it to call, watch videos, listen to music, take photos, play, in the end. A mobile phone is very important in our life; with the help of a mobile phone you can do everything: from reading ordinary culinary recipes and ending with the conclusion of transactions on a large scale.

Why do you need a mobile phone?

People spend a lot of time, no, not with family, not with friends, not at work, but on the phone. Even when you sleep, it works, maybe even downloads some information for later use.

But still, the main and, of course, the most necessary function is communication. Just think about it, a phone helps you cover huge distances! But it cannot replace live communication...

Do you need a phone? Yes, with the help of a telephone you can hear and even see native voices and faces at a great distance. If you are on the road and rarely see your loved ones, the phone will help you not to forget, not to become discouraged and, most importantly, to hear the voices dear to you. Using your phone you can capture beautiful places, important events, performances of your favorite group or actor. The phone is important Everyday life.

Common platforms

Many people wonder which phone is best to buy. Briefly about popular platforms:

  • Android is a fairly lightweight platform, budget-friendly and the most common one today.
  • Iphone is very easy to use, not cheap.
  • Windows Mobile phones Windows based, versatile, quite a lot of functions.
  • Symbian is an outdated but effective platform, if you need to make calls or listen to music, then choose it, it's cheap.
  • Palm, Linux, BlackBerry - these three platforms are united by the fact that they are all outdated, they were once quite popular, but new products have driven them out of the market. You can buy a phone from such a calling platform.

Important Features

In the majority modern phones there are functions such as:

  • Bluetooth is a data transmission technology based on short-range radio communications. Using Bluetooth, you can transfer any information to another device.
  • Wi-Fi is a technology for accessing local network and the Internet, with Wi-Fi assistance You can go to social media, visit websites, communicate on Skype and much more that requires the Internet.
  • Organizer is a set useful programs, usually it includes: alarm clock, stopwatch, timer, clock, audio profiles and the like. It will help you not to forget something important, not to oversleep on your way to work, keep track of time, or simply feed your pet.

Choose a phone at your own discretion, but remember the main thing: it should be easy to operate so that no difficulties arise.