Local office network scheme. How to create clear logic (l3) network schemes. LAN design principles using computer programs


1 Regional State Budgetary Establishment "Tomsk Basic Medical College" is considered and approved at a meeting of MDK "Therapeutic Business" N.I. Grechishnikova 2014. Nursing history of PM 02 disease "Participation in medical diagnostic and rehabilitation processes" MDC "Nursing Care with various diseases and conditions" Section 4 "Nursing Care with Infectious Diseases" in the specialty: "Nursing case" performed a student: Course of the Department Group: Nursing FULL NAME checked teacher Tomsk 2014 assessment.

2 Passport part Full name Patient Paul Age Personal Place of work, study, profession and position Date of registration in the hospital Department Subjective examination of the patient's complaint when the patient's complaint is received for the Church Day (in currently) A history of the disease when the disease began (date or age) from which the disease began (the causes, initial symptoms) how the disease was proceeded and its effectiveness (as often was the aggravation of chronic disease, where it was treated if the treatment was helped) 2

3 conducted studies (listed which methods of research were carried out by the patient) 1.Line diagnosis (patient complaints) Anamnesis Allergological history (note the presence of unusual reactions to food, medicines, animals, plants) epidanamnez: contact with patients with people and animals geographic history (where it from this area): social and domestic conditions (comfortable housing or not, the composition of the family The number of people in this area) food history (where it is powered by, which uses during the day) use in the noncompted form of water and milk hygienic The skills took the skills in the next 6 months of manipulation, operation, blood transfusion, the treatment of teeth anamnesis of life: where it was born, as grew and developed 3

4 transferred infectious diseases of the vaccination heredity (which the closest relatives suffer if they died from what) chronic foci of infection : The usual, disturbed, is missing (emphasize) the rumor: normal, reduced, no (emphasizes) Vision: Normal is broken, absent (emphasize) Consciousness: Clear, confused, missing (emphasizes) Position in bed: active, passive, forced (emphasize) Growing body weight BMI Temperature Build: normostic, hyperstenic, asthenic (emphasizes) Psychological status of the patient (availability of convulsion, excitement, delirium, hallucinations, memory, logic, statement of thought, sequence of reasoning) nervous system Sleep: Normal, Restless, insomnia (reason) Sleep duration Violation of gait breathing SIS Subject The form of the chest: the number of respiratory movements: breathing type: character of shortness of breath: expiratory, inspiratory, mixed presence of cough (dry, wet). The presence of sputum (purulent, serous, frothy, with blood). Presence of wheels: 4

5 Cardigo - Vascular Pulse System (synchronicity, Rhythmic, Frequency, Filling, Voltage) Hell on the right hand Hell on the left hand Condition of skin and mucous color (hyperemia, pallor, cyanosis, jaggility) Turgor, Edema's humidity Defects (scars) Limph System Inspection Lymphatic nodes (sizes, mobility, elasticity, sake) bone-muscular system Skeleton deformation (spinal curvature): Yes / No (emphasizes) Deformation of the joints: Yes / No. The volume of movements: muscles: the digestive system appetite: not changed, is reduced, absent, Increased, perverted (emphasizes) Features of nutrition: Swallowing: not difficult, difficulty (emphasizes) Teeth: Language: Zev (almonds, almonds, rear wall of the throat) Vomiting: Chair: consistency, smell, impurities, frequency of the abdomen: increase in volume: Ascitiya, methorism, ascites (emphasize) Participation of the abdomen in the act of breathing Yes / No urinary system Urination: free, difficult, painful, rapid 5

6 Watering: Color, Transparency, impurities Plan for care 1.Weight: 2. Diet: ATS, SHD, VBD, NBD, NKD (emphasize) Meal (Number times) independently or using (emphasize) Receiving fluid (number of times) Restriction Before performing movements. 3. Home needs of a person (violations emphasize) breathe, eat, drink, allocate, move, maintain their condition, maintain temperature, sleep, relax, dress, undress, be clean, avoid danger, communicate, work. Need 1. Normal breathing. Patient problem Map of the nursing process The goal of nursing intervention Plan of nursing interventions 2. Sufficient consumption of food and liquid. 3. Allocation of livelihoods from the body. 4. Movement and 6

7 Maintain the desired body position. 5. patient safety and its environment. 6. Maintaining body temperature 7. Rest and sleep. 8. Compliance with body hygiene, concern for appearance. 9. Ability and opportunity to actively communicate. 7.

8 10. Working work that brings satisfaction. Daily observation diary date, t 0, chdd, hell, Pus. Complaints, condition of consciousness and psyche, data of objective inspection on the day of the corporation manipulation of the care, mode, diet, the effect of treatment, tolerability of drugs 8

Regional State Budgetary Institution "Tomsk Basic Medical College" Diary in practice MDC 01.01. Propaedeutics of clinical disciplines section "Diagnosis of diseases of therapeutic

Nursing Map of the Stationary Patient (Scheme) Department of the Chamber Types of Transportation: On a catal, on the chair, can go (emphasize) Blood band Rh, affiliation Individual intolerance

Surnery disease history (individual task) Contents: 1. Title page nursing history of the disease. 2. Subjective examination. 3. Objective examination. 4. Lab data and instrumental data

Nursing card (training) inpatient patient. Name of therapeutic institution Date and time of receipt Date and time of discharge Department of the Chamber Translated into the Department conducted Koyko-days Transport Types:

St. Petersburg State Budget Professional Educational Institution "Medical Technical School 2" Map of Nursing Care Production Practice PM. 02 "Participation in therapeutic and diagnostic

Educational documentation for the implementation of the nursing process I. Title list Name of therapeutic institution Date of receipt Department of the Chamber Renewability of drugs Transferred diseases:

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution of secondary vocational education "Medical Technical School 2" Map of Nursing Care Production Practice PM 02. "Participation

Filled nursing card of a stationary patient \u003e\u003e\u003e Filled nursing card of a stationary patient filled with a nursing card of a stationary patient The character of the vomit: vomiting is not observed.

Regional State Budgetary Institution "Tomsk Basic Medical College" Diary for industrial practice MDK 05.01 Medical and social rehabilitation PM 05. Medical and social

St. Petersburg State Budget Professional Educational Institution "Medical Technical School 2" Map of Nursing Care PM.02 "Participation in Medical and Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Processes"

Regional State Budget Professional Educational Institution Biysk Medical College (BMK KGK) Diary in practice "Diagnostics in Gynecology". Section 2 "Diagnosis of diseases

St. Petersburg State Budget Professional Educational Institution "Medical Technical School 2" Map of Nursing Care Production Practice PM. 02 MDK 02.01 "Nursing Care

St. Petersburg State Budget Professional Educational Institution "Medical Technical School 2" Map of Nursing Care Production Practice PM. 03 MDC. 03.01 "Basics of resuscitation"

FULL NAME. Training (her) ... Specialty Nursing Case Group ... Duration of Curation ... Nursing Map of Surveillance Patient Medical Organization ... Department ... Chamber ... Full ... Paul ... Age

St. Petersburg State Budget Professional Educational Institution "Medical Technical School 2" Map of Nursing Care Production Practice PM.03 MDK.03.01 Basics of Resuscitation

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Hot-Education Medical College" Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory Call Call "Emergency

Harkovsky National Medical University Department of Internal Medicine 3 Head of the Department of Internal Medicine 3 Teacher / Date of Message of the History of the disease to the teacher for testing / medical history

State autonomous professional educational institution Tyumen region "Tyumen Medical College" Diary of industrial practice PP PM.03 MDK 03.01. Basics of resuscitation specialty

Name of therapeutic institution Nursing card (training) inpatient patient Full name Child half age (full years, for children up to 1 year - months, for children up to 1 month- days) permanent residence

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus Grodno State Medical University Plans and Control Questions for Practical Internal Diseases for Students

State autonomous professional educational institution of the Tyumen region "Tyumen Medical College" Diary of industrial practice PP MDK 02.01. Nursing Care for various diseases

Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Department of Health of the Kirov region Kogboo SPO "Kirov Medical College" Map of dynamic monitoring of the patient intensive

State autonomous professional educational institution of the Tyumen region "Tyumen Medical College" Diary of production practice PM.03 MDK 03.01. Provision of preference

State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Tyumen Region "Tyumen Medical College" Diary of industrial practice PP PM. 02.01. Conducting nursing care

1 Appendix 2 State budget professional educational institution DZM "Medical College 6" Surgical diseases, injuries and pregnancy PM production practice diary. 02.

State Autonomous Educational Institution of secondary vocational education "Engels Medical College" Dn in N and to PM production practice. 02. Participation in the medical and diagnostic

Source: http://belforma.net/blaki/Dravolation/Lists_Chudi_O_O_Guppulization_inidity_Input_F_FEM_C Ability to download a type format in PDF format ( Adobe Reader.). Account sheets.

Ministry of Health of the Altai Territory Regional State Budget Professional Educational Institution "Biy Medical College" Diary of production practices for the specialty profile

Mau to "Krasnodar Municipal Medical Institute of Higher Nursing Education" Department of Therapy with a course of pediatrics Methodical development Practical classes for learning on discipline

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Krymsky Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky »Medical

Source: http://belforma.net/blaki/Dravolation/ Carta_Shiva_Brigada_Scoro_Noticin_Fom_Form_C An ability to download a typical format in PDF format (Adobe Reader). Brigade call map

Regional State Budget Professional Educational Institution "BIY MEDICAL COLLEGE" DIARY OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES PM.02 Therapeutic activities MDK 02.01 Treatment of patients therapeutic

OKUD code code Code of an OKPO Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Name of agencies Medical documentation Form 003 / U approved by the USSR Ministry of Health 04.10.80 1030 Medical Map of Stationary

State autonomous professional educational institution of the Tyumen region "Tyumen Medical College" Diary of industrial practice PP MDK 02.01. Conducting nursing care

State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Tyumen Region "Tyumen Medical College" Diary of industrial practice PP PM.04 Performance of work on one or more

(name medical organization) (address, phone) medical records accounting form 110 / y approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation from 02.12.2009.

KGBOU SPO "Barnaul Basic Medical College" Calendar Thematic Discipline Plan English Specialty 060501 Nursing Case Learning Full-time Training Method Pouring

Regional State Budget Professional Educational Institution "BIY MEDICAL COLLEGE" (KGBPOU "BMK") Diary in practice Section "Diagnostics of diseases of obstetric and gynecological

Kharkiv National Medical University Department of Pediatrics 2 History of the Curator's disease. Group / course teacher. Date of filing history for verification ././ Evaluation Signature of the teacher .. Date. Passports

Content 1. Targets of training practice 2. Tasks of training practice 3. Place of training practice in the structure of PPSS 4. Form of conducting training practice 5. Location and time of study practice 6. Competence

Practical guidelines V.T. Palchun, L.A. Lucikhin, M.M. Magomedov, E.I. Zelikovich Examination of the otorhinolaryngological Patient (Examination of Ent Patient) Moscow Publishing House "Litterra" 2012 UDC

St. Petersburg State Budget Professional Educational Institution "Medical Technical School 2" Map of Nursing Public Patient Patient Student Fm.o. Course Group Semester Base

Annotation on the discipline "Propaedeuticity of children's diseases" 1. The complexity of the discipline Type of occupation hours of 1 lecture 36 2 Practical lessons 92 3 Control (Exmentation / Conducting Watches) 36 4 Independent

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Features of the work of the medical sister of the cough cabinet. Prepared: Lyapina I.A. Main medical sister GBUZ with Togliatti anti-tuberculosis dispensary »PRIMAL PATIENT SURVEY SUST

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution of secondary vocational education "Medical Technical Academy 2" Diary for industrial practice Professional module 02

Passport Program Interdisciplinary Course MDK 02.01. Nursing care for various diseases and states Section Nursing Assistance in Otorhinolaryngology 1.1. Program application Program

Obstetrics General Questions of Nursing Case Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation Order of May 15, 2012 N 543N "On approval of the Regulation on the organization of the Primary Provision

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Explanatory note Information about the program Working programm According to biology in grade 9, compiled on the basis of a special (correctional) educational institutions VIII edited by V.Voronkova,

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Form 6 Saratov State Medical University "Approve" head. Department of children's infectious diseases, prof. Mikhailova E.V. 200. Methodical development

The role of the Association of Nursing Sisters of Russia in the development of nursing practice in Oncology O.M. Frolova Medical Sisters Association of Russia Section "Nursing Case in Oncology" Cancer is not a sentence

Pattern of filling the nursing card of the stationary patient \u003e\u003e\u003e

Pattern of filling the sister map of the stationary patient \u003e\u003e\u003e The sample of filling the nursing card of the stationary patient the sample of filling the sister card of the stationary patient family support:

FGBOU VPO Ulyanovsky state University Institute of Medicine, Ecology and physical culture Medical faculty them. TZ Biketimarova Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology FI.: Clinical diagnosis:

FGBOU VPO Ulyanovsk State University Institute of Medicine, Ecology and Physical Culture Medical Faculty. TZ Bictimarova Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and S T O R I B O L E S N

Time Inspection of the training traumatologist Complaints In the circumstances of the injury Allergological history Anamnesis Vitae Transfusion Anamnesis Inf.Gepatitis vessels. Processing data An objective examination Total condition:

Municipal state institutional educational institution "Beloyarsk School - Boarding" Appendix 8 to the adapted main educational program of students with light mental retardation (intellectual

What is flu? Influenza is an acute infectious disease characterized by the lesion of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and high intoxication phenomena. Every year influenza viruses cause epidemics ongoing

FULL NAME. Educational - specialty 31.02.02 Obstetrician business Group - 1-General: History of childbirth (scheme) Full name - age (full years) - Date of receipt: Time of arrival: Place of work: Marital status:

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia August 13, 2015 N 38494 Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Order of July 7, 2015 N 422An on approval of the criteria for assessing the quality of medical care

2 Contents Page Passport Working Program of Curriculum 4 Results of the development of training practice 4 Structure and content of training practice 5 Terms of implementation of educational playback Control and evaluation of results


Basic practice: State Regional Budget Healthcare Institution Old Russian Central District Hospital.

Practice goal: consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained in the learning process, acquire skills for all activities.

Practice Tasks:

To be able to conduct a patient survey, to carry out nursing diagnostics and care for the patient, own dependent, independent and interdependent sister interventions.

Be able to fill out the nursing diseases of the disease.

To be able to communicate with patients and their relatives, work colleagues and other medical team members.

I Implementation of the duties of a medical sister in the therapeutic department

Work in the therapeutic separation in the period of production

practices (pre-diploma) included

















II Performance of the duties of a medical sister in the surgical department

Work in the surgical department during the period of production

practices (pre-diploma)

included _________________________________________


















III Implementation of the duties of the medical sister in the pediatric department

Work in the pediatric department during the period of production


















IV Nursing Patient Disease Story (Specify Branch)

Sample writing of the nursing history of a hospital therapeutic patient

Date and time of receipt _______________________________

Date and time of statement __________________________________

Office __________________ Chamber ____________________

Located in the department __________________________________

Conducted ____________________________________________

Types of transportation: on a notch, on the chair, can go (emphasize)

Blood group _______ Rhow-belonging _____________

Side effects of drugs ___________________________________________________

(drug title, side effect)

1. Surname, name, patronymic ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Paul _________________

3. Age _________________________ (full years, for children: up to 1 year and month, up to 1 month - days)

4. Permanent residence: city, village (emphasize)


(Enter the address, specifying for visitors - area, district, us. Item, address of relatives and phone number)

5. Place of work, profession or position ____________________________

(for students - place of study; for children - name


children's institutions, schools; For disabled people and a group of disability)

6. The case is directed to the patient ___________________________________________________________

7. Directed in the hospital at emergency testimony: yes, no, through ______________________________________________________________

hours after the onset of the disease, injury: hospitalized in a planned order (emphasize)

8. Medical diagnosis ________________________________________________

9. Nursing diagnosis ________________________________________


1. Reason for treatment:

The opinion of the patient about his condition __________________________________________________

Expected Result___________________________________________________

2. Information source (emphasizes):

patient, Family, Medical Documents, Medpers, Dr. Sources


Patient opportunity to contact: yes no

Speech (emphasize): Normal, absent, broken

Vision: Normal, absent, reduced

Rumor: Normal, absent, reduced

3. Patient complaints: Currently _________________________________________________________


4. History of the disease:

12. When started

13. As started

14. How protected

15. Research conducted

16. Treatment, its effectiveness

5. Life story:

17. The conditions in which grew, developed (domestic conditions) ________________________________________________________

18. Working conditions, virtuality, Environment ________________

19. Transferred diseases, operations _____________________________

20. Gynecological history (beginning of menstruation _______, periodicity ______, soreness, abundance ___________, duration __________, last menstruation __________, pregnancy ___________, abortion ___________)

21. Allergological anamnesis:

food intolerance ________________________________________

drug intolerance ____________________________________

the intolerance to household chemicals _______________________________

22. Features of nutrition (which prefers) _________________________

23. Does the patient smoke (since how many years, how much per day _________________)

24. Alcohol attitude (emphasizes): Does not use, moderately, redundancy

25. Lifestyle (culture, belief, entertainment, rest, moral values) ____________________________________________________

26. Heredity (presence of blood relatives of the following diseases:

diabetes, high pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity, tuberculosis, bleeding, anemia, allergic, cancer, diseases of the stomach, kidney disease, etc. ________________________________________________________


6. An objective study (necessary to emphasize):

1. Consciousness: Clear, confused, missing

2. Behavior: adequate, inadequate

3. Mood: calm, sad, closed, angry, other _________________________________________________________

4. Position in bed: active, passive, forced

7. Temperature

8. Leather and mucous state condition: Turgor, humidity

color (hyperemia, pallor, cyanosis, jaggility)

defects (lying)

9. Power condition:

eveny yes no

hyperemia yes no

availability of raids yes no

10. Emission of soft tissues Yes No

before the middle of the neck

before the clavitry

below clavicle

11. The condition of lymph nodes:

painful yes no

squares with subject to fabrics yes no

changed leather over lymph nodes yes no

Bone-muscular system:

skeleton deformation (yes, no)

deformation of the joints (yes, no)

atrophy muscles (yes, no)

muscular power _____

leather in the joints of the joints (hyperemic) yes no

Respiratory system:

breath deep

rhythmic breathing

character shortness of shortness of breath (expiratory, inspiratory, mixed excursion)

tour of the chest

27. Symmetry

28. Cough (yes, no)

29. Mochotus (purulent, hemorrhagic, serous)

30. Smell (specific) (yes, no)

auscultation of the lungs:

31. Breathing: Vesicular, Hard

32. The friction noise of the pleura is no

33. Capital yes no

percussion of the chest:

34. The boundaries of the lungs are shifted _______________________

35. The presence of fluid yes no ____________________

The cardiovascular system:

pulse (frequency, voltage, rhythm, filling, symmetry)

pulse corresponds to 0 (yes, no)

Hell on two hands: left _________ right ___________

auscultation of the heart:

tones: Clear, muted, deaf

noise: availability, lack

Gastrointestinal tract:

appetite: Normal, reduced, lack

swallowing: Normal, difficult

removable teeth, prostheses (yes, no)

language covered (yes, no)

vomiting is associated with food (yes, no)

character of vomit (impurities: blood, mucus, ascites)

abundant, watery, meager (need to emphasize)

the presence of pathological impurities (mucus, pus, blood)

ordinary form

increased in volume: meteorism, ascites

assymmetric (yes, no)

palpation pain: in the epigastric region, throughout the stomach,

around the navel, in the iliac region, left, right

muscle tension

Urinary system:

urination: Normal, difficult, painful

frequent, broken, Anuria, the predominance of the daily over the night ___________________________________________

color of urine: normal, changed (hematuria, "meat oots", beer)

daily diuresis ______________


Endocrine system:

character of column: male, female

distribution of subcutaneous fatty fiber: male, female

visible increase in the thyroid gland (yes, no)

signs of acromegaly (yes, no)

eye symptom ______________________

exophthalm ___________________________

Nervous system:

sleep: Normal, Insomnia, Restless

tremor (yes, no)

gait violation (yes, no)

parey, paralysis (yes, no)

excited, inhibit (needed to emphasize)

Sociological examination:

lonely, family: number of children _______

Sex (reproductive system)

genitals (outdoor inspection)

milk glands: deformation

asymmetry (yes, no)

deformation (yes, no)

selection of nipple (yes, no)

Laboratory and Tool Research Plan

Nursing history.

Name of therapeutic and prophylactic institution: ____________________________

Department : Traumatology

receipt date 26.11.15 Extract Time: ______________________

I. Biographical data

  1. FULL NAME. Puzankov Oleg Evgenievich
  2. How to turn to the patient Oleg Evgenievich
  3. Date of Birth 13.06.1970 (full years) 45
  4. Floor male
  5. Home address. Telephone. Moscow. Selotino, Sportivnaya Street, House 30, sq. 34
  6. Family status. Married
  7. The address and telephone of relatives, with whom you can contact if necessary (Full name, address, phone) Puzankova Tatyana Sergeevna (spouse) Selotino, Sportivnaya Street, house 30, sq. 34
  8. Profession, position Senior Accountant
  9. Social status : materially secured, works
  10. Education Higher

II. Subjective data

1. The reason for entering the hospital: Acute pain in the right foot

2. Patient complaints for inspection day: Complaints of pain in the field of the right foot, temperature rise, weakness, malaise, fast fatigue.

3. Problems of the patient: ?????

History of this disease

1. considers himself to patients: He considers itself sick from 11/21/15, when during a fishing trip proportion foot sticking out of the ground.

2. What provokes deterioration: The movement of the damaged limb.

3. As affected the disease on the lifestyle of the patient:

4. What facilitates the state : (Tools used: drugs,

5. physical factors, etc.)

6. That the patient expects from staying in the hospital (from medical professionals): Waiting for recovery

The history of life

1. Transferred diseases: Rare colds, chickenpox tuberculosis, viral hepatitis denies.

2. Injuries, operations: Injuries, operations were not.

3. Risk factors for health: Smoking

4. Heredity: Heredity is not burdened.

5. Smoking (type of tobacco product, quantity, duration of use) Smoking cigarettes for ten years.

6. Alcohol use: Moderate

7. Environmental factors: Satisfactory.

8. Professional factors: Sedentary lifestyle.

9. Allergic history: Absent.

10. Living conditions: Satisfactory.

11. Hobbies, habitual leisure: Fishing, travel.

III. Objective examination

The physical state

The physical state

Consciousness: Clear

Condition: Satisfactory

Position: inactive

Body type: Right

Power Status:

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 89 kg

Body temperature: 38,5

Leather and visible mucous membranes: Cleaning cleaning, pale

Skin appendages: Nails without features, hair clean

Peripheral lymph nodes: Not increased

Bone-muscular system: Turgor Normal

Respiratory system:

Breathing through nose In a calm state without a voltage separated from the nose.

The number of breathing: 20

Rhythm: Correct

Cough: Absent.

Last X-ray examination: On admission

Circulatory system system:

Pulse: 90 per minute, full, rhythmic, deficiency \u003d 0, symmetrical, satisfactory voltage

Arterial pressure:

On the left hand: 130 / 80mm RT. Art.

On the right hand: 135/85mm RT. Art.

Heart pain pain: no

Headache: not

Heartbeat: not

Dizziness: not

Numbness and feeling of tingling limbs: after this injury, the feeling of numbness, and pain in the right foot.

Digestive system:

Language: Language is not increased, moderately wet, covered with white raid.

Teeth: removable prostheses.

Swallowing : Not broken

Appetite : Not broken

Vomot : not

Chair : Diarrhea, without impurities

Cala's character: Liquid

Stomach: Conventional shape, painless with palpation


Urination : Free

Dysuric disorders: not

Endocrine system:

Inspection and palpation of the thyroid gland : not enlarged, no nodes

Distribution of subcutaneous fiber tissue: on male type

Nervous mental condition:

Emotional condition: Anxiety, depression

Orientation in the surrounding: not broken

Vision: wear glasses

Hearing: Not

Coordination of movements:

Sleep: Frequent, night awakening in recent times.

IV. Sheet of nursing observation

Days of Curation
1 day/ 2 day / 3 day /
Priority Medical Problem on Courage Day Survival of pain syndrome, antipyretic
Mode Bed Bed Bed
Diet Table number 5. Table number 5. Table number 5.
Hygiene (independently need help) Assist is needed Assist is needed Assist is needed
Skin Covers (Coloring) Clean Clean Clean
Consciousness Clear Clear Clear
Pulse 90 per minute 85 per minute 87 per minute
HELL 130/80 125/70 125/80
Body temperature 38,5 37,8 37,2
Appetite Reduced Reduced Reduced
Chair Diarrhea, without impurities Diarrhea Normal
Urination Normal Normal Normal
Sleep Sleeps in bed, needs day rest night Son: bad falls asleep, often wakes up (needs sleeping bag) Intermittent Normal
Complications when administering drugs (if any) Absent Absent Absent

Map of nursing departure number 1 (chickening date).

Full name, patient age: Puzankov Oleg Evgenievich

Department: Traumatology

Medical diagnosis: __________

Nursing diagnosis: __________

Problem patient Goal (Expected Result) Actions of a medical sister Periodicity, multiplicity Summary assessment of the result
Real: Permanent pain in the right leg, sleep disorder, anxiety. Priority: High temperature potential: sepsis Short-term: after the introduction of antibiotics, antipyretic and local antimicrobial drugs, the patient's condition will facilitate long-term: the patient will feel relieved state Independent: provide physical and mental peace. Monitoring blood pressure and body temperature. Damaged limb bandage dependent: by appointment of a doctor:
  1. Cefotaximi.
  1. SOL. Analgini 50% - 2.0
  1. SOL. Dimedroli 1% - 1.0
  • Radiography
  • CT scan
Every day 2 times a day once in / in every day 2 times a day, per day 2 times a day upon admission, when discharged The goal is achieved

Name of therapeutic institution: - GBUZ NSO BSMP № 2

Receipt date: 12.04.13

Department : Cardiology

Full name (patient): G.M. Floor: man

Age: 65 years old

Permanent residence: Novosibirsk city

Place of work, Profession, Position: pensioner

Emergency telephone: Available

Who sent: Polyclinic at the place of residence

Clinical diagnosis: Hypertensive view 3 of stage 2 degrees, IBS, hypertensive retinopathy, obesity of 2 degrees, proteinuria.

The development of the present disease (when it fell ill, with which it connects, as often exacerbates what is treated, with which the aggravation is currently):

Considers herself to be sick for 10 years, notes episodically emerging headaches, heaviness in the head, whiskest, especially in the morning, dizziness; Compressive pains for breasts and in the heart area, which are stopped at rest or after receiving 1-2 nitroglycerin tablets. Almost all the time, over the past two years, flickering flies in front of the eyes. Repeatedly received an ambulance compartment with hypertension, from where, after improving the condition, it was left independently, without having happened. She took papazole, but-shlu, nitroglycerin, was treated with herbs, biodevices. A year ago, somlements worsened, cristes became more frequent. In this regard, the patient appealed to the therapist and was hospitalized.

Intolerance to drugs, food, etc.: denies

Transferred diseases: Botkin's disease, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, diabetes, injuries, operations, other:

Among the suffering diseases, there are frequent acute respiratory diseases.

Patient complaints at the time of inspection:

Intensive headache, gravity in the field of the backbone, compressing pains for the sternum and in the heart, the feeling of the lack of air, dizziness, flickering of flies in front of the eyes, weakness.

Nursing diagnosis

  • 1. True patient problems :
  • 1.1. Priority
  • 1. Intensive headache in the occipital and temporal areas;
  • 2. Dyspun Inspiratory
  • 3. Elevated blood pressure
  • 4. Compressive pains for the sternum
  • 5. Dizziness
  • 1.2. The problems of the second plan
  • 1. Nausea;
  • 2. Intermittent sleep;
  • 3. Reducing appetite;
  • 4. No rational nutrition skills;
  • 5. Increased sweating;
  • 6. Fear for your health, concern about the future;
  • 2. Potential problems :
  • 1. High risk of stroke;
  • 2. Hypertensive crisis;
  • 3. Myocardial infarction;
  • 4. Diseases of respiratory organs due to smoking;
  • 5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system due to obesity.

Plan of nursing interventions on a priority problem

Problem: Intensive headache in the occipital and temporal areas

Purpose of nursing intervention:

Short-term goal: The patient will notice a reduction in headache intensity within a few hours of stay in the hospital;

Long-term goal: The patient will not prevent headache complaints by the time of extracting from the hospital.

Dependent nursing interventions:

  • 1. Resern. Inside 0.10 mg. 1 p / day.
  • 2. Winkon. Inside 0.01 g. 2p / day.

Interdependent intervention:

  • 1. Common blood test;
  • 2. Common urine analysis;
  • 3. MRI brain.

Independent nursing interventions:

Medical sister will provide:

  • 1. Therapeutic and security mode;
  • 2. Fresh air access;
  • 3. Bed comfort with a raised head end of bed;
  • 4. Apply distracting agents: cold compress on the forehead, mustard pieces to the calf muscles;
  • 5. Timely fulfillment of all appointments of the doctor;
  • 6. In the appointment of the doctor will give an anesthetics;
  • 7. Leisure patient after exiting acute state;
  • 8. Preparation K. additional methods surveys;
  • 9. The nurse will talk to relatives and neighbors on the chamber about the need to avoid tedious conversations;
  • 10. The nurse will explain the patient the essence of his illness, will tell about modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

The goal is achieved:

  • - the patient noted a decrease in headache intensity by the end of 1 day of stay in the hospital;
  • - the patient for the time of discharge from the hospital did not have complaints about the headache;

Dynamics of the development of patient problems


  • 1. Provide fresh air access by venting out the chamber for 30 minutes 3-4 times a day;
  • 2. Monitoring the patient's condition: control of blood pressure, pulse, chdd, appearance, well-being)
  • 3. Mint drops to facilitate nausea seizures.

Redued appetite

  • 1. For 30-40 minutes toilet oral cavity, wipe the face and hands with a cool napkin;
  • 2. Roaring room before bed;
  • 3. Sheltered drink (cucumber brine, warm mineral water);
  • 4. Feeding with small portions;
  • 5. Conversations for distracted topics.

Sleep disturbance

  • 1. Carrying the chamber 15 minutes before sleep;
  • 2. Creating full physical, psychological peace;
  • 3. Provide clean, bed linen.

Deficiency of knowledge of rational nutrition

  • 1. In the process of the conversation, find out the taste needs of the patient, the power mode and the number of food consumed;
  • 2. Find a patient with various species diet with reduced calorie;
  • 3. Training the patient to make a menu for a week and consider calorie;
  • 4. Weight control (1 time in 3 days);
  • 5. Familiarize with various types of unloading days.

Increased sweating

  • 1. Change of linen as needed;
  • 2. Compliance with the regimen;
  • 3. Toilet skin (wiping with water-alcohol solution 2 times a day)

The nursing process in the clinic is a methodology for systematic professional care of patients who consistently conduct a qualified nurse. An integral part of this process is to create and fill the sister history of the patient's disease (medical history of the nurse).

During the nursing process, the base of the necessary patient data is created. It is identified by his needs for medical care, based on what is formed by the patient care plan and its implementation. In the course of therapeutic process and nursing care, in particular, the effectiveness of the selected plan is determined and whether the purpose of the patient's medical service has achieved. That is, first the patient has a survey and diagnosis, then the staff of the clinic that has medical services to the patient, plans the course of therapeutic process, then the plan is actually implemented in this case, and then the clinic staff assess the results obtained.

The final result of the nursing process becomes documented by the obtained data in the nursing history of the patient's disease.

What is the nursing history of the disease

Nursing Patient Disease History - this is actually a legal document that fixes an independent execution professional activity Nurses as part of its specialization. The main objective of the history of the nurse's disease is to control the work that the nurse holds, the demonstration of how it performs the treatment plan for the patient's care and recommendations of physician doctors, analysis of the quality of nursing assistance and the assessment of the professionalism of the nurse. Nursing disease history The patient filled with a nurse is a document that guarantees the quality and safety of medical assistance in the clinic.

Stages of filling the nursing history of the disease in the clinic

The first stage of filling in the nursing history of the patient's disease is to collect and design information about the current health of the patient who entered the clinic. The purpose of this stage is to find the relationship between the data obtained, which will help more accurately assess the patient's health at the time of his appeal to the doctor. Sources of data for the nursing history of the disease filled with a nurse in this case can be both the patient and members of his family or others, or employees of a medical professional brigade - if the patient was delivered to the ambulance. As a source of data for the history of the disease, nurses can perform a medical card or other medical docking of the patient - with its presence.

The patient's survey for the medical history of the nurse is carried out according to a specific scheme: first the nurse must clarify the passport details and other personal information of the patient (where and who he works, where he lives), then learn the patient's complaints and make their detail. The nurse collects anamnesis of the disease and conducts an objective examination of the patient. It makes all the information received in the nursing history of the patient's disease filled in the clinic. The appearance of the nursing history of the disease in each clinic can be its own designed specifically taking into account her work profile.

Fig. 1. Sample view of the nursing history of the disease filled with a nurse

Nuances of obtaining information for filling the sister history

The determination of what patient complains, gives the nurse an idea of \u200b\u200bthe problems of the patient. However, when polling the patient, the nurse must be remembered that it is not always able to clearly and clearly talk about his condition, so, asking questions to patients, the nurse must take into account his age and education. When surveys nurse, it is better not to ask patients with questions in the form, which provides either the answer "yes", or no answer, since this may eventually give a distorted impression about the true state of affairs.

To be mandatory to determine the data for the medical history of the nurse include the following:

  • the period of the beginning of the disease and what symptoms it began;
  • how sudden was the beginning;
  • how dynamically developed symptoms of the current disease and did not appear in the patient new symptoms;
  • as the patient felt immediately before a visit to the clinic.

In addition, it is necessary to ask the course of the disease for a long period of time - this may allow to emphasize the attention of doctors on potential patient problems.

A significant stage of obtaining information about the patient for the history of the nurse's disease is to find out what studies a patient conducted, and what results of these studies were obtained. Also need the highest possible data on the treatment carried out earlier: which drugs were used, in which dosage, as they influenced the patient, and what was their tolerability.

Nurse When conducting a survey, you need to stably monitor the course of conversation with the patient with the help of leading questions, since patients often sharpen their attention to the details insignificant in this case.

When filling out the nursing history of the disease, it is required to take into account the history of the patient's life - from the period of childhood and school age before the start of work, and the diseases transferred to them. It is important and in what conditions the patient works, as it feeds on, what way of life prefers to lead, whether alcohol uses and in what quantities is alcohol, has an allergy to anything. In some cases, it is important to clarify what diseases of the patient's relatives were sick. The clarification of all these facts and the introduction of them in the nursing history of the disease, the nurse fill in the nurse can be important for recognition of diseases and the preparation of a plan for further treatment of the patient.

History of the nurse - Modern use practice

Svetlana Tikov, Home Medical Sister of Hospital JSC"Medicine" (Clinic Academician of Reutberg)

About company. Clinic of JSC "Medicine" - medical CenterSupporting patients with comprehensive high-tech medical care.

In our clinic, one of the basic functions of a medical sister is the accounting of medicines and the write-off of medicines in in electronic format in a special computer program clinic "Medical information system" Medical sisters write off drugs in a special section "Accounting and write-off of drugs". The whole story of writing is stored in our electronic form and is available to doctors.

It also would also like to pay attention to that the sheets of appointments and sheets of medical sisters of medical appointments are conducted only in electronic form. Of course, they are duplicated on paper media and are supported in the history of the patient's disease. Filling in the nursing history of the patient's disease is carried out in the form of so-called checklists.

Algorithm for receiving the transfer shift at the hospital medical post

The algorithm for receiving and transmitting a shift at the medical post: Medical sisters convey to each other a shift at the patient's condition. This is done at the patient's bed, so the check list is filled in manually, and in electronic form. The main positions that are considered is the identification of the patient is a generally accepted practice in our clinic.

Delivery nurse:

  • represents the patient a new medical sister who has replaced;
  • transmits a patient monitoring sheet;
  • makes a short oral report on a specific patient over the past day: reports briefly diagnosed, the main problems for the past day and what needs to be made from current affairs for the coming days, for example, some kind of diagnosis, some of the already designated tests, dressing, etc.

Nurses, transmitting and receiving, conduct a joint examination of the patient for the presence of some wound discontinued, physiological shipments, toilet, external view The patient, evaluate the patient's complaints, inspect the dressings, any drainage, catheters, intravenous, urinary, central, etc., if there are colostomas, then colostomas incl. Also carry out inspection of the chamber for the availability of all the necessary and efficiency of the equipment. This is mainly console, where gas flow, tonometers, if there is, glucometters, if the patient needs to monitor the glycemic profile during the day, etc.

instrumental research, etc. Transfer each other a sheet of appointments, the data on which is in the history of the nurse disease. If there are preparations that have changed over the previous period, then they voiced it too.

In a check list, the medical history of the nurse also reflects the additional forms of the nursing documentation necessary for filling:

  • the safety plan for patients of high risk of drops during the day, because in the dynamics throughout the period of the patient's patient's stay in the hospital, its condition may change. The state of gravity may change, so the risks of falls on our safety rules are tracked by medical sisters daily;
  • the pain schedule is tracked - the pain definition scale is from 1 to 10;
  • prevention of legs in heavy patients. If there is a breakdown, they are photographic and snapshots are attached to the check-lest in the history of the nurse's disease;
  • generally accepted temperature sheet;
  • hemodynamic indicators - pulse, breathing;
  • patient meals, if it has changed, it is also indicated in check lists;
  • poll patient, his wishes.

This is a detailed algorithm for receiving and transmitting shifts at a medical post in the hospital. Filling such a medical history by nurses is held daily. Check-sheet filling the patient's sister history of the patient's disease before surgery.

This algorithm for receiving and transferring shift at the medical record requires filling check-leaf and a anesthesiologist, and a medical sister. As a hospital nurse, which gives the patient, that is, sending it to the operating room, transports and a nurse who accepts. According to this filled check-line of the patient's sister history, a timeout is held, which also includes the patient's safety goal before the operation. It is necessary to identify the patient, checking the functioning of all equipment in the operating room: anesthetical apparatus, pulsaximeter, all surgical devices, implanted devices, etc.

The patient identification is carried out in the following way: surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, number of medical history of nurse. In the first identification to the anesthesia, the patient takes part in himself. After filling in this check-sheet of the patient's disease in the preoperative, scanning of the patient's bracelet, which contains information about it.

Thanks to this, we record the patient's filing time in the operating room, the identification of its data with the history of the nurse's disease and the diagnosis and the direction of operational intervention is carried out.