Real premium attraction of lilans on the Internet. Where and how to search for customers Sales Manager: Step-by-step instructions How to find potential customers on the Internet

We released a new book "Content Marketing on Social Networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand."

Online business benefits

More and more representatives of traditional business are thinking about expanding the client base through World Wide WebSince this will significantly increase their competitiveness and attract new potential buyers.

In addition, everyone understands that the future for the global network is only mastodonts buy telephone directoriesTo find out in them the number of a particular organization. Only tourist lovers bore topographic maps to get to the destination. Nevertheless, the rest, stepped in the 21st century, successfully use online directories and specialized sites to obtain the necessary information.

But one thing is to start the search for customers through the network, another thing is to successfully attract them. How to find customers online? This will be the topic of today's article. The search for customers on the network can be divided into 3 methods: subject to the presence of its site, in its absence and the last one is combined.

How to get customers on the Internet using the site

The presence of its own resource, regardless of its form - a business card, a corporate portal, an online store or Landing Page - greatly facilitates the task of finding potential customers. In this case, all methods associated with search engine optimization and the involvement of thematic traffic are activated:

  • Competent content management and writing unique structured articles related topics with your activities will increase the shows of your pages in search results and increase resource attendance, which in turn will increase the probability of sale.
  • This item does not carry large costs even in the case of purchasing articles on copywriting exchanges, but after 2-3 months from the moment of starting the site, it will begin to bear fruit in the form of unique visitorswhich can be both customers. All this will, of course, in the case of filling correct, from the point of view of SEO, content.
  • The use of contextual and search advertising will lead to the site interested in the product of visitors, and will also raise the indicators of the portal in the search, as search engines love those who pay money to them. If you do not have free funds, it is worth refraining from such costs - wait until the first sales or orders.
  • Proper internal optimization, compression of media files and heavy structures, removal of excess and malicious code, foreign references, as well as pages performed in all requirements will increase the speed of loading the resource, which will increase loyalty search engines And the influx of users.
  • Original and fresh, interesting description of the Title and Description meta tags can increase clicability and attendance.

How to lead a site

A few more advice on the maintenance of the selling site and its filling:

  • The main page should contain basic information and in the first seconds of the visitor's stay on it to give it to understand the main activity of the enterprise.
  • Header, in addition to the logo, must contain a phone number in order to make acquisition or order in case of making a decision, he could call at any time without making himself looking for a page with contacts.
  • Discover the ability to leave comments and reviews by visitors: nothing terrible if there are complaints and criticism among them - it will only increase loyalty to potential customers. After all, they will know that the reviews are not screwed down with the help of special services, but are written by alive people.
  • Create a clear menu structure and user-friendly navigation through the portal pages, which will help you find potential customers on the Internet.
  • Do not use bright screaming colors in design, do not turn the company's official in the kaleidoscope of the paints. It is advisable to order the development of a layout web designer.
  • Specify also such contact data as email. Set the form feedback - Large corporate customers will support with you only in this way.

The company's promotion on the Internet is the most budgetary among the effective options. After a few years, the number of users of the global network will leave far behind the total number of viewers television programs and radio listeners. Therefore, the importance of promotion on the Internet will turn into the necessity tomorrow. Those who will not be able to adapt to new realities will remain at the level of the stringy merchants.

Attracting customers through the Internet. Where and how to look for

  • Active discussion on thematic forums and sites will allow you to earn a rating and become an influential participant with a high rating, which will further enable advertising your services within the portal administration permitted. This is one of the effective ways in solving the question: "How to find customers on the Internet for free."
  • Advertise on partner sites.
  • Response issues are also quite significant from the point of view of users of resources, the level of loyalty to which allows you to unobtrusively post their proposals for the provision of certain services without causing negative on the part of users. The best platforms of this kind - "Answers Mile" and "Yandex".
  • SMM-Promotion On social networks, as a rule, implies the creation of a public or a page, a set of subscribers and continuous expansion of their quantity, as well as permanent publications of interesting thematic information. Conducting various contests, shares and posting the portfolio of work performed at, of course, the ability to make it in the conditions of the specifics of your sphere.

It is very important to give a qualitative name to its group or page status for the absence of a public from the point of view of search engine optimization. To do this, use the "Wordstat" service from Yandex and see the frequency of search queries for you keywords.

Based on the popularity of certain forms of phrases, choose the most sonorous and often requested phrase. But this is not all: so that the audience of subscribers grew and came potential buyers, it is necessary to connect targeted advertising, quite well-proven in social networks. SMM is an excellent method to find customers on the Internet.

  • Reference sites and catalogs bring good traffic interested in visitors. In addition, many portals, such as Yandex.Maps, Google maps And 2GIS will indicate your accurate address and build a specific route to your outlet or office.
  • Email mailing will make it possible to inform already existing or potential customers about promotions, innovations, tariff plans and discounts. The main thing is not to "throw" meaningless and low-consuming letters, otherwise there is a risk of being accepted as spam.
  • Creature affiliate program For reflexion (persons who have the opportunity to influence the opinion of the public in the purchase of any services or entry into any projects. As a rule, reflexion is a well-known blogger or a MLM-structure leader), allowing people with leadership qualities to receive a reward for the recommendation. your company.

Remuneration, as a rule, constitutes a certain percentage of the sale carried out by the person who passed on the instruction of the refund. Tracking is carried out using special referral links. This item should be included in the implementation of one of the first, since it does not carry absolutely no initial costs, and the price of the product should be formed taking into account possible remuneration and commissions.

  • Create a branch of discussing your company or store on specialized resources with reviews. As a rule, they pay money for the left reviews, because freelancers living and earning there will be forced to familiarize themselves with your service and leave their opinion about it, which will again increase the recognition of the brand.
  • If there is a significant budget, do not neglect the purchase of advertising at well-known bloggers and observers - this method Attracting visitors is very effective, but subject to the informance with the main contingent of this blogger and its coincidence with your target audience.
  • The placement of the portfolio on the announcements boards will allow you to familiarize the considerable number of interested users with the services of the company. Plates such as Avito and Yula have multimillion daily traffic, and therefore help in the shortest possible time to promote services and goods. Yes, they are also indexed, at least "Avito".
  • If you have a unique, rare product, you should have a channel on YouTube, where the subtleties and nuances of your product will be covered, as well as the benefits of cooperation or purchase of the service.

We connect social networks

The easiest way to start with the creation of an appropriate profile on social networks and publication of a public or group. For this, there will be enough platforms as instagram and VKontakte. In parallel with this, you should create and run your own website, filling it with high-quality material. Tie it with social network profiles to have mutual links and subsequent transitions on them.

As the project or the release of time develops, other methods of attracting customers should be carried out, thereby increasing the recognition of the brand and logo on the market. But remember that approximately 70% of the effort and the allocated budget should be search engine optimization And the contextual advertising of the site - it is these methods in the future to lead the main part of the product interested in the product.

Ignoring business rules in the global network will lead to a sad end even the most bold and extraordinary endeavors. Even with a unique product or best service You can not get a single sale and a single order only because no one knows about you and will not hear.

On the contrary, following to all or most points will definitely lead to you customers and buyers, here only the efficiency of these methods will depend on the quality and competitiveness of your services. It should be understood that none of the described methods will provide an insane take-off of the rating of the company or the store as soon as possible, subject to the mediocre product or service.

Work on a virtual image, not forgetting about the real state of affairs. Grow in all spheres. We hope our article was useful, and we revealed the answer to the question: "How to look for customers on the Internet?"

When you become well known in your business, customers will constantly contact you, and not to look for them. When there is a lot of work, then try to sell your services will not be special needs.

But what to do, if you just start? Before you become customers, there may be problems with what to do a whole day. This is the perfect time to let yourself know.

Do not concentrate on Freilance sites

If you have nothing to do all day, it can be tempting to climb on freelance sites such as Elance, Guru or Freelancer. I mean that there is a ton of customers, it offers work, right?

In fact, such sites can create many problems for freelancers and therefore it is worth approaching them with caution. Watches spent on sites, participating in contests and low (sometimes too much) payment, in comparison with the real cost. It is much better to spend this time to promote your name.

Glows everywhere and always

The reason why customers began to find me was that I seemed to be everywhere where they were. I left comments on the blogs that they visited. Then I began to write for these blogs. I "Twittil" useful articles and advice throughout the day and began to conduct your own blog with unique articles.

I am often asked how I manage so much on the network. In fact, I often happen in the network after work or on the weekend, but I continue to "twit." My Twitter account is connected to Facebook, my site, LinkedLN and some other social networks, so it seems that I always and everywhere. Thus, the client will remember you, will consider an expert and contact the work.

Optimize portfolio

I have many interests and hobbies. When I created the first portfolio site, I placed everything I did: printing design, web design, logos, layout, photos and pictures. The funny thing is that I have not received any work, although I had many talents. Customers could not understand what I did. Now I have a simple portfolio with the best projects in one area - layout. And customers can say for sure what I do.

Write, write, write and write again!

Customers want to know what the best in their business takes about them. If they need to choose between the freelancer, about which they did not hear anything and the one that wrote on several popular blogs and published a book, how to invent whom they consider expert?

You do not need to write books, but blogs are a fantastic way to make your name recognizable. Most sites will even pay for articles - and this is a great way for additional earnings.

Old-fashioned marketing

Social media will not make you rich and will not solve all your marketing problems. Sometimes a few good old-fashioned marketing methods can be the best source of new customers.
  • Bullets of the ads - Sites Search for work in the form of bulletin boards differ from the freelance sites, because they only contain a brief description of the company and what they want to do. Such customers often prepare fair money than on the freelance sites.
  • Cold letters - the best source of customers in the first days was sending them cold letters. I just "Google" the type of customer I needed and sent them a pre-prepared proposal. I still receive from this orders, although I stopped sending letters more than a year ago.
  • Personal communication - I know most of us, freelancers - hermits, but visiting events - a great way to find local customers. At conferences, such as Barcamp and Podcamp, it is simply interesting to present and communicate with other freelancers is invaluable.

Search customers with RSS channels

On most social sites, you can subscribe to RSS feeds and they can be super useful to search for new customers.

For example, if you win on Twitter and get in search "I am looking for a freelancer", what messages will be displayed? What other phrases can be useful for finding customers?

Take the RSS button for each search that you are on Twitter, so it would be nice to subscribe to them to track the messages of potential customers.

In addition, almost all the bulletin boards usually have newsletters. By subscribing to them, will save precious time, never miss useful messages and there will be no need to visit different sites every day.

Tell all what you are looking

When you just start, let all your acquaintances be aware that you are looking out. There is a possibility that someone knows someone who needs your services. So be sure that everyone knew that the output.

Post information about yourself wherever you can

There are literally thousands of sites that allow you to place your name and link to your site. This is not only a good practice of sharing links for SEO, it also returns us to the idea everywhere glow. Here are some ideas:
  • CSS galleries.

The search for new customers may not only be difficult, but also a disappointing occupation. Any starter knows what it is to spend your time and make a lot of effort, trying to find customers. Every success is preceded by a number of possible failures.

But it is not at all necessary so that it is always. We want to offer you several ways to find potential customers and interacting with them, which you will find not only effective, but also easy to use. The promotion of goods and services is the most important part of the business and it needs to be engaged regularly, however, it should be enjoyable. Remember that if you yourself enjoy the promotion of your business, you will be easier for you to create a positive impression of yourself and about your company when communicating with customers.

1. Teach them something new

You have several options depending on your features: best option will combine efforts with other professionals from your area and conduct various courses and trainings - there is nothing more effective direct communication with potential customers. But it is possible to make a lot of online: share useful knowledge in LinkedIn, post presentations on Slideshare or lead the blog offering readers useful advice And lessons.

One of the numerous Wix-seminars in New York

2. Darite your products at events.

If you are promoting a particular product and want to attract the audience, the most effective way will be the distribution of free samples and gifts during a large promotion.

Find the organization or event managers who would be interested in doing a similar event or lecture. It will help them to entertain the public, which will be only glad to receive free your products, and you will be communicated with the target audience in an informal setting, where people will not feel that they are forced to buy, and will be happy to try something new.

You can also provide your item for a significant discount for mass events conducted by large companies. Immediate profits will be significantly less, but your logo and product will see hundreds (if not thousands) of new potential customers.

3. Write a letter that wants to read

If there is no useful or entertainment information in the letter, most likely they will be sent to spam. But if you are able, writing something interesting or funny, it will be able to serve to make a purchase in your store or further disseminate the information sent by you.

Take, for example, Wine Mine, Wine Store in Auckland, California. This company has created its own website with a designer. Their weekly newsletter contains many interesting information about new varieties of wines, which went on sale, a fun description of the upcoming tastings, as well as jokes and jokes on the topic. This type of letter is exactly the fact that users want to find in their drawer: short, informative, and most importantly valuable content.

You can take advantage of these wonderful to help you create the most personalized letter.

Do not forget to add a subscription form to your Wix-site

4. Be kind

According to research, each second large company in Russia has its own charitable budget and spends on charity from 11 to 17% of net profit. This does not mean that charitable activities are reserved exclusively for large players. Do not think that you need some crazy money. You can be sure that anyone, even a symbolic amount, multiplied by the number of new customers attracted by your social activities will benefit any charitable organization.

Moreover, charitable activities will help your business form a positive image and strengthen customer confidence. People highly appreciate the good acts, so the occupation of charity will definitely post potential customers to you. Not to mention self-satisfaction and the real pleasure arising from the commitment of good deed.

Good day, my dear! Glad to welcome you again in our Academy, where talents are born and developing.

But being talented and hungry is not very cool, so for a copywriter, the search for clients on the Internet is vital.

Who else does not know how and where to look for customers for selling texts? Maybe you didn't even think about it?

Let's change the situation!

Learn a new lesson in video format or in text format.

4 directions for finding new customers online directly

I know that many of you work on closed or open stock exchanges. And to search for customers on articles directly, do not even think.

Why do you think?

Someone is afraid, someone does not know how to do this. And someone, in principle, did not think about it. Therefore, today I suggest you do not just think about, but also try something new. The essence is and consists in helping you reach a new level, to do personal marketing.

I highlight 4 main directionsHow and where copywriter find customers on the Internet.

  • Sites companies

That is, sites of various enterprises. These can be absolutely any companies: commercial, some companies of web studios, company creation companies, that is, everything related to sellers' sites.

  • Sites Infobusinessmen

Here we turn on the first of all the lending, where we can find contact of the seller. And some of the individual sites of info-businessmen, where they present themselves as coaches, coaches, psychologists.

  • Online shops

Also seller sites, only with small specific features that need to be understood if you are going to look for customers on texts precisely among online stores.

  • Blogs

Many are now blogging, including corporate, personal. This is one of promising directions Search for permanent earnings, regular customers.

And now step by step will look at exactly how to search for customers on the Internet.

Step 1. Clarification of keywords

For example, you want to find customers on topics " Organization of holidaysยป.

To begin with a list of keywords that will help you find the customer directly.

We go on - One of my favorite and convenient services. Who is more convenient to use the selection of keywords in Google - forward in Google ๐Ÿ™‚

We start to make this list from scratch. Our task is to find business sites companies that offer the organization of holidays. They will become our key clients.


In Vordstat, I introduced a request "Organization of Holidays" and received huge list of words .

I cross out this list of phrase type "Holiday Plan", "Business Plan for the Organization of Holidays". That is, we leave only those queries that have the semantic load we need.

It may be: "Agency for the organization of holidays", "Organization of children's holidays", "Organization of holidays on March 8". There may be geographical: "Organization of Moscow holidays."

We highlight those words that we are suitable. It is with them that we will try to find new promising customers.

Step 2. Check Keywords

Search for clients On the Internet is gaining momentum ๐Ÿ™‚ We start checking keywords.

Take the first phrase.

It is desirable that this was not the phrase "Organization of Holidays". Although you can work with it. But most often in such high-frequency requests (that is, with a large number of requests), companies are unlikely to take advantage of your services. They usually pay a lot of money for promotion and they have a whole staff of specialists.

Take refined phrases. For example, " organization of children's holidays ". They are more productive in terms of finding regular customers on texts.

Step 3. Checking sites "For stitching"

The fact is that not every site is suitable for us to customers.

Very often, sites from the top ten already pay for promotion. Even if it is low-frequency requests, usually pay someone.

We are with you more interesting sites on 2-5 pages.

But before recording the site to your customers, make sure that this site is alive โ†’

  • Look at the last update date

This can be done by news or by copywriting sign. If there is a sign of copywrithip 2007, then the likelihood that this site came after 2007, very small.

Explore the text filling of the site. If there is a date last year, and half of the pages are not filled, then the likelihood is that the resource is already abandoned, although the domain is prolonged.

  • Pay attention to the number of advertising

The more third-party advertising is not the site, the greater the likelihood that this is not the site seller, but the site created purely advertising. Content there made quickly somehow, and that's it. And about this site forgot. He brings advertising. No one will pay for such a site.

Either the owner buys very cheap texts so that the site is constantly updated. So cheap that one article is not more than 100-150 rubles. Make conclusions.

  • Look for contacts

We are not suitable sites only with the form for feedback. We need an email so that we can directly contact the owner of the site.

  • Rate the site purely from a human point of view

How well is it made? Will the structure be seen? Is it possible to improve or rewrite?

Spend such primary small analysis.

Step 4. Drawing up the base of potential customers

The base must be conducted in the form of a table. The main columns are:

"Site name", "site address", "Contact person"

These three columns are for primary information.

"Problems" and "Proposals"

What is wrong with the site and that you can offer to improve the situation. I recommend to fill out at once. Information you will be very needed for further work when you will write letters to customers.

"Date of the first letter" and "date of a repeated letter"

To specify deadlines.

The second letter must be needed if the client did not react during your first letter during the week. If there is no answer and after the second letter, then we believe that the contact did not take place.


This column is needed in order not to forget how your potential customer has reacted.

Someone will ask you to write later. Someone says that there will be very soon texts. With these clients you will need to work in the future again. That is, to bring them again for contact and still try to get an order.

Step 5. Evaluation of the Base for Starting

After you proceed 3-5 keywords from your list, you will be gained from same more than 100 potential customers .

Your base should be very big! This is not 10 customers. At least 100 you must select.

Work will be really a lot.

I understand that it is not so easy to look for customers on the Internet directly. But if you learn how to do this if you collect this database - it will be just a storehouse for you. And a storehouse of possible profits. In the future, you can make a lot of interesting and useful for your work.

Without this base, all further work meaningless . And if you select the database of customers to somehow, without following certain principles, then there will be no sense from this base.

Be sure to immediately make a note on the site and provide for additional graphs, if necessary.

And we have another important question with you ...

What to write to the client to react?

Within one lesson, it is very difficult to argue everything. So I additionally prepared for you. Use it on health.

However, on the topic of finding customers on the Internet you can talk and talk! And it is also important not only to attract the customer, but also to keep it, especially when misunderstanding arose between you. For example, when your customer decided to teach you, as it believes that he knows more in writing texts.

Want more detailed step-by-step instructions?

Then learn "". But only if you really want to not just find, collect customers, and correctly process them and get orders.

Tell us, have you tried or not to look for customers on the Internet directly? What did you get from this? Did you collect the base as customers react? I will be glad to your answers.

Find out why every freelancer is a personal brand

Sales generator

Reading time: 16 minutes

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The number of people actively using the Internet is growing at a rapid pace. This is one of the most promising expansion channels. target audience and promotion of goods and services. The main advantage of online trading is the possibility of maximum coverage of consumers, including those living in the most remote corners of the world. How to attract customers via the Internet, you will learn from our article.

What you need to attract customers via the Internet

Professional customer involvement skills are essential for the effective activities of the organization in a modern market economy. Scientific and technical progress does not stand still, information technologies become an integral part of the life of almost every person. This explains the need to adapt and improve marketing techniques and methods to attract customers in companies in various fields of activity: from law firms and commercial banks to dental clinics and beauty salons.

If the question is how to attract customers via the Internet, you are relevant for you, the first thing is to make a portrait of your target audience. Monitor the market, analyze the actions and marketing policies of key competitors, identify their advantages and disadvantages. This will help to form an objective picture of the situation in the market and answer the following questions in more detail:

  1. Who are your customers? What are their gender, age, social status, the level of income, interests, region of residence, etc.
  2. Where does the sales manager find your potential customers?
  3. How are things on the market?
  4. What do you need to your client? What doesn't he have enough? What is in the product or service for it, and what does it matter?
  5. How does your client in the current situation solve the problem of the lack of goods or services you need? What are you ready to offer him to satisfy his needs?
  6. Who are your main competitors? What products or services do they offer consumers? What are the competitive advantages of your products?

The maximum detailed answers to these questions will help make a portrait of your target audience, which will be interested in selling your company. After you understand who your potential client is easier for you to develop a strategy and tactics of actions to attract them via the Internet.

There are many tools for finding new consumers on the Internet: contextual advertising, email distribution, social networks, SEO-Promotion, Content Maroking, etc.

How to attract customers through the site

The company's website is a full-fledged tool that allows you to attract new customers. Therefore, experimental specialists should be engaged in its creation and support. If you think that you can save, making the site on your own on the designer or delegating this work to freelancers for funny money, they are very mistaken. Such a sales tool will bring you a minimal return, because Conversion in online sales funnel will be extremely low. In order for the site to work, it was capable of attracting all new and new customers, stimulated them to complete the purchase and return to you again, you will have to invest no little forces and financial resources.

The potential of the multi-page site is much larger than Landing. With a competent organization and filling, he will be able to attract a much larger number of customers than a simple single-portant. Many factors affect the efficiency of the site. Consider the most basic.

Dive into your business

Instruct the marketer or project manager to study in detail the portrait of the target audience, the features of the promoted product and the requirements for the site to attract potential customers (technical component, design, usability, etc.). As a rule, one day is enough so that employees can immerse themselves in the task and understand that they are required. At the exit you will get a clear understanding of goods or services, a portrait of a potential client and the idea of \u200b\u200bhow the Internet resource should be, aimed not just to inform visitors, but to an increase in sales.

Without such a complete immersion in the details of the business and the product, performers will be difficult to make the most efficient site. To clarify all the details, they can talk with responsible employees, asking clarifying questions, if possible, go to production or to offline-shop to see everything.

In short, the purpose of immersion in business when creating a site can be expressed as follows:

The company sells goods or services โ†’ Each product / service meets a certain consumer needs โ†’ Each need is associated with a particular client's life situation (ZHS) โ†’ For each ZHS, a separate value proposal is made (CPU) โ†’ CPU inform the target audience from certain market segments using advertising Tools.

The market may have an unlimited number of segments. But it is worth understanding that the level of income of people from these segments may not comply with the company's pricing policy. Therefore, you should not try to sell premium kitchens to consumers with income below average. This must be taken into account when setting up and placement of advertising on the site or on the Internet.

Example.Product: Intercom with video link โ†’ Need: Find out who calls the door so that the visitor does not know about this โ†’ ZHS: often people come who the owner is not happy (collectors, neighbors, relatives, etc.) โ†’ CPU on Site: "You no longer need to leave the house in bad weather to open the door. Do it remotely. "

The figure shows that on one page of the site there are value offers for different life situations (in an office, apartment, private house), but the orientation goes, first of all, the most profitable segment - owners of private houses.

Often in internet marketing under the segment understand a certain age category. For example, women from 30. But practice shows that similar segmentation is ineffective in the development of value proposals. Most an effective way - Allocation of segments based on the needs of the target audience.

This approach to the creation of the site, through a detailed analysis of the specifics of the business and the product being sold helps extremely specifically to formulate the tasks for performers. As a result, you will receive an effective tool capable of attracting customers via the Internet.

Submit your application

The advantage of this "unpacking" of the product when working on the company's site is that you will not need to write a technical task that developers usually require, but absolutely do not like to invent customers.

Purchase, Installation and Configuring Designer Template

This work can be entrusted to the project manager (it will share the appropriate template with you), programmer and vestovel. An approximate date of execution of such a task: 5-8 days. At the output, you will receive the basis of the future site, ready to fill with content.

You can make a convenient functional site without ordering a prototyping, design, layout and programming separately. All this can be bought in one "package". Choose the template you like and fill it with your photos and text. So it will be easier and more profitable than manually develop the design and functionality of the site, because:

  1. You do not need to invent the site structure, look for a suitable color solution, because the template already has a ready-made design and functionality.
  2. Templates immediately have a mobile version: the site layout adapts to small screens of smartphones or tablets. So you save at the additional services of the footstool.
  3. The cost of the template site is almost 3 times less than developed from scratch.

Of course, you can find free templates, but they are less aesthetic and comfortable, so it is better not to apply them if you want to attract customers, and not just make a visit site.

On the Internet there are a wide variety of options for paid templates for different goals and tastes. For example:

As you can make sure, even the site made by the template can be quite decent to look.

Check how the mobile version of such a site works, it is possible on the computer, you will not even need the phone. To do this, reduce the browser window in width and see if the Internet page has adapted to new parameters:

It is worth distinguishing patterns and designers. You can make almost any site on the constructor. There are many such services: Wix, Tilda Publishing, UKIT, etc. Disadvantages of designers: slow download speed, lack of access to the site code, the complexity of setting up and filling the selling content for beginners.

If you have chosen a template site, then after buying it will need to be installed on the CMS or "engine", make a setting for your needs, remove unnecessary functionality and, if necessary, continrate.

The selection of the site template is determined by two criteria:

  1. Composing your needs and preferences design.
  2. Required functionality. If you are planning to open an Internet shop, then immediately buy a template in the functionality will be the following options: Catalog with products, built-in filters for finding goods, the possibility of payment for orders on the site, etc.

Development of the structure of the site

This part of the work on the creation of the site is performed by SEO specialist. On average, the task of this kind takes 8-10 days. At the exit you will receive a convenient site structure for customers, which will be well indexed by search engines (first of all, Yandex and Google).

It is very important to pay for the development of the site structure due attention, otherwise you risk getting an Internet resource that is not able to enter the top ten search results. The only way to attract customers via the Internet with the help of such a site is to place paid contextual advertising.

Why such a situation may occur:

  1. The development of the site structure initially does not do a SEO specialist, but the customer. Developers are discharged from him which pages will be on the site.
  2. Based on the received TK, developers make prototype, design design, add functionality and create online pages.
  3. The promotion of the site is already engaged in other performers who say that in order for the Internet resource to get into the top, it needs to be refined (inserting new pages, pick up keywords, write a new content). As a result, the release of the site in the release is delayed for many more months.

Output: Sites with a unprofessional built-in structure work not effectively.

In order to attract free customers, not pay for contextual advertising, you need to create semantic structure Site, focusing on the requirements of search engines (for example, Yandex).

The SEO structure shows how search queries should be distributed via site pages. In fact, this is an instruction for developers, which pages to create, and copier - for some keywords to write content.

The advantages of creating the semantic site structure:

  • A clear understanding of the required number of online pages and information materials for filling them;
  • Attracting as many customer streams as possible from search engines;
  • Minimizing expenses for search Promotion;
  • Optimization of costs for contextual advertising.

For one product, several keywords are selected that are grouped in meaning. For example, so:

So, to attract customers via the Internet and do not pay for each site visitor, you need:

  1. Make a semantic kernel from maximum number Keywords for which potential buyers can come to the site. To do this, use Yandex.WordStat service and Yandex or Google prompts in the search bar.
  2. Make the semantic structure of the site based on selected keywords grouped in meaning. For each query group, your own page for a specific product or service.
  3. Develop a convenient functionality and an attractive design.
  4. Fill out each page with unique content based on search queries.

Content development

This part of the work on creating an Internet resource is engaged in the first place, designer. Pourses texts to the site of the model. Sometimes it may be necessary to help the programmer. Depending on the amount of work on the tasks of this kind takes 8-10 days. At the exit you get a unique value offer.

It is believed that the value offer (still called ITP or Offer) is just a beautiful title. In fact, this is a broader concept that does not only include the name, but also a description of the product or service, a photo of the company's contact person or even a travel scheme to the office - all this helps to attract the attention of visitors and stimulates them to start contact with the company.

As we have said, without complete immersion in the business, it is difficult to make a working UTP. Therefore, it is meaningless to try to save and buy ready-made articles on the exchanges of freelancers. Such performers rarely delve into the details of the product or the characteristics of the company's activity, therefore the quality of the texts will be low.

It is better not to buy on the remuneration of professional copywriters, because their materials do not just fill the site, help attract customers and increase the sales of the company on the Internet.

How to determine that content high Quality? Several criteria for selling text can be distinguished:

  • The title describes the main value - the benefit of the client. Orientation goes to a specific segment. The clearer the boundaries of the segment are outlined, the more effective will be the value offer, and more visitors to the site will become clients of the company.
  • Content is clearly structured and decorated graphically.There is a myth that no one reads articles on Internet sites. In fact, ignore predominantly boring and uninteresting texts. What material in the figure below do you like more - on the left or right?

  • Shows an expert, but written in a simple and understandable language.
  • Explains the properties, benefits and benefits of the product.One of the fundamental criteria, but it is more difficult to apply it in practice. It is important not to just describe the properties of the goods, but to tell about the benefits of buying for the client. For example, a student of the Designer faculty can not at all understand the characteristics of the processor and the quantities of pixels on the monitor, but it is important for it that the image quality and color renditions are as close as possible to reality, and graphic editor Worked without freezes. Therefore, it is necessary not to do so much on the advantages of the goods, but focusing on the fact that it will give the client.
  • No mistakes. Specographic, punctuation and grammatical errors will be like a spoon of tar in a barrel of honey, even in the selling text.
  • The text is exactly as much as it should be depending on the page's task.You can not evaluate texts by volume. After all, the article is a value proposal for your product or service. It cannot be measured in quantitative indicators, such as, for example, the volume of production or sales. The text cannot be too long or, on the contrary, short. Thousands of characters should be exactly as much as it is interesting to read the potential customer.
  • The presence of conversion elements.In order for the site to be selling, content in addition to the main text must contain various elements that encourage visitors to do something: click, leave contact details, download free offer, etc. Technically, this refers to the Internet resource functionality, but in fact it is part of the content.

Remember that you are not selling any random site visitor, but only to representatives of certain segments. For example, in the company "Coffee Break" all customers were divided into three segments already on the second page of the site:

For each category, its life situation is given, denoting the need of a visitor, and then the option is to solve it. As a result, one page works to attract customers at the same time from three segments.

In addition to the text on Internet resources, other types of content can be applied:

  • Video - allow you to clearly understand the essence of the product or service;
  • Infographics - helps in an affordable form to convey to the consumer complicated for perception information;
  • Feedback forms.

Advertising setting + search Promotion in Yandex and Google

This task falls, first of all, on the shoulders of specialists in SEO and contextual advertising, they also assist copyright. On average, advertising takes 4-8 days. Single optimization of the site takes 10-12 days. At the exit, you get an increase in site attendance by translating with advertisements, the first bids for the purchase of a product or service, access to the top in search results.

There are two main sources of new visitors on the Internet - contextual advertising and organic issuance.

The essence of the work and the difference between these ways to attract customers via the Internet:


Search engine optimization

How to get transitions?

Fill the Internet resource with high-quality content and exit 10-ku search results.

When will buyers come to the site?

In a day, this time is usually enough to configure contextual advertising.

In order for the Internet resource to get into search results, you need from 1 day (for Google) up to 2 weeks (for Yandex). The access to the top will take an additional 5 months.

What kinds will the site will be shown?

The search engine will index the site by keywords that are filled with content and code.

How to be higher competitors?

Key success factors:
1) relevance (degree of satisfaction of potential customer requests); 2) speed loading; 3) Usability (usability); 4) The degree of uniqueness of content and pictures.

What are the cliques depend on?

From getting into the needs of the potential client and the ability to attract attention.

Just as with contextual advertising - from the ability to convey value to the consumer. It is enough to read the visitor to the visitor (hyperlink with a brief description in search results) to understand whether it will go to the Internet resource or not.

How often and for what you need to pay?

Once a month SEO specialist and as copywriter needs for new content.

Allows you to attract customers via the Internet almost immediately after the advertising campaign is launched. You will have to pay constantly.

The active influx of customers and a confident sales growth will not be earlier, after 2-4 months, but they will not need to pay for them. The main article of expenditure is a salary specialist in SEO.

Improvement site based on customer behavior

This work is performed by usability experts throughout the entire time, until the InternetResource is functioning. It will analyze the convenience of using the site and set tasks to other performers to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

Now, we can say that the site is ready. But on this work on it does not end. It is necessary to periodically monitor the actions of visitors. To do this, connect Yandex.Metric and Google Analytics services. In the metric you can see what a visitor did: where did you get on the Internet resource, which pages watched where I click if some data introduced, etc. So a clear idea is formed, whether the site is responsible for the needs of potential customers. There is a possibility that you did not correctly put accents, so visitors go, without placing an order.

In Yandex.Metric and Google Analytics, it is possible to track target user actions. To do this, select those indicators that you consider necessary (filling out the form, the transition by a specific link, the provision of contact data, etc.)

You can choose any goals or actions reflecting the number of orders or customer applications.

If you want orders via the Internet to go as early as possible, place the value offer on the most profitable goods or services on the first pages of the site and immediately give contextual advertising on them.

On multi-page sites can be made so that each page will look like Landing. The site will still be in the process of refinement, and you will have the first orders.

How to find and attract customers through social networks

Promotion of the company in social networks - effective method Attract customers via the Internet. It is important to understand that work in the social network of a simple user and promotion of goods or services requires a different approach and level of skill. Perhaps the photo of your baby with ease will drop a few hundred likes per day, but the advertising post will be required much longer.

In order to maximize the possibilities of social networks to promote a company, just advertise goods or services in Instagram, VKontakte or Facebook. It is necessary to expand organic coverage at the expense of competently selected content in order to attract a greater number of customers.

Organic coverage is the number of free ideas of your post on the social network. You publish the post, the subscribers of his laeys and shake out, their friends see the post in their news feed, go to the page and become potential customers. The advantages of such promotion on the Internet are obvious - you do not need to pay for transitions on the link and new visitors. Customers come to you free of charge.

In the future, organic coverage with good indicators can also be improved by paying its additional promotion. It will cost you cheaper than unwinding a group in social networks from scratch.

The most important thing is to constantly maintain the interest of subscribers using properly selected content. The level of activity of the group members on the page is estimated by the number of likes, reposts and views.

There are many tools and lifehams to attract and retain customers on a social network page.

Use Emodji in publications

Emoji are images that are used on the Internet to transfer information instead of text messages. For the first time this graphic language appeared in Japan. He is currently widespread when communicating in all messengers and social networks.

Emodezi helps better convey the emotions of the interlocutor in the electronic correspondence process, this is explained by their popularity and social networks. The use of EMDZI in posts in the group of your company will make texts more alive. So you can quickly find contact with the audience. Emodeji helps to attract the attention of readers, make a message more bright and interesting.

Work over the profile in the social network

The well-thought-out design of the company's page in the social network helps to attract a greater number of customers. First, select a suitable avatar or make a banner. It may be a company logo or product or service. You can also place an advertisement about the upcoming campaign or sale.

Use the "Secure Post" option and fix the promotional post or entry with the largest licycle on the wall wall. So important information will always be in sight of new visitors and subscribers and will not be lost in the ribbon.

Put the right hashtegi.

Hosteg is a word or phrase, which costs a sign #. Hostegi on the Internet is used to search for content specific topics in social networks. Search query It will look like this: # Wedding, # Vegetarian recipes, # fitness, etc.

With the help of hashtegov, you can promote groups and communities on social networks and attract new customers. It is important not only to choose hashtegi correctly, but also not overdo it with their number in the post. So according to the marketing research conducted by Bufferapp, messages with one hashteg are more popular on Twitter, in Instagram, the most likes are collected by posts with 11 or more hashtags. In Facebook, on the contrary, hashtegi is not the key to the success of the recording, and it is better not to apply them to promote them.

You can use popular hashtegi on the eve of some important events and events. For example, if you specialize in sports attributes, take an active discussion of the World Cup on the Internet and insert the appropriate hashtegi.

Play with memes

Meme is a message on the Internet, in which images, videos, animation, signatures for pictures, etc. are used to transmit essence and emotions.

Memes are very popular in social networks. The speed of their distribution is simply stitching. The secret of their success in simplicity, relevance and orientation to modern culture. Memes are gaining popularity as quickly as they lose it. Despite this, they can be effectively applied to attract new customers via the Internet.

Just find the memes that are most popular and apply them to promote their products or services. Most new memes can be found on Pikabu and Reddit InternetResours.

You can also invent your own memes using the generator. Take into account the specifics of your target audience. After all, memes, as a local humor, may not be understood by those who are "not in the subject."

Publish quotes in the form of images

The graphic image transmits much more information than a text message. It uses the emotional scope of the reader. For greater subscribers involvement, you can combine the picture with the text. For example, to issue a known quote against the background of the picture suitable.

When choosing a quote, focus on the interests of your target audience. So you will increase the loyalty of subscribers and you can attract more customers.

Popular service for self-making such pictures with quotes - Internet resource PABLO.

Call visitor to celebrate their friends in the comments

You probably met posts on social networks that have reminded you of yourself or some kind of relative or friend. For example, a record about the fact that most sit on a diet from Monday, very responds with your habit. Or exactly in exactly describes your friend.

Such posts where subscribers recognize themselves more lady and shake. Another lifehak, how to attract even more customers to your page, - offer subscribers to celebrate in comments of friends with a similar life situation.

Three proven approaches for promotion in social networks:

  • Offer to celebrate friends with whom pleasant memories are associated: "Mark people who make you happy."
  • Let them make a challenge to friends: "Mark a friend to whom you challenge a challenge 21 day is not sugar and flour."
  • Make funny draws: "Mark a person with the most unforgettable laugh."

Conduct contests

You can hold contests directly on the company's page on a social network or use a special service, for example, Gleam.

Create quiz, voting and other interactive content

Interactive Content encourages subscribers to action. Miscellaneous quiz, voting and polls are very popular. They allow you to instantly attract the attention of page visitors. To create interactive content, you can use standard social networking services (for example, creating surveys in VC) or specialized Internet resources (for example, PlayBuzz).

Entertain visitors gif animation

Gif-animation is a cross between photos and a video image. The difference between the gifs in their humor and short. There are several options to find the required GIF -Cent:

  • Download Gifs on the Internet or make your own, for example, in the GIPHY service.
  • Make a short gif from a video.
  • On twitter you can make gifs using the built-in option for GIF animation.
  • To download Gifs in Instagram, use Boomeran and AZ Screen Recorder applications.

How to attract customers using contextual advertising

Advertising everywhere. On each second banner, the next "super profitable proposition"And the action that operates" only today ". Many people are already tired of such an annoying desire of companies and brands to sell them another new product at the "incredibly favorable price."

Contextual advertising is one of the Internet marketing tools. Popular search marketing services like Google AdWords, Yandex Direct and Begun help customize contextual advertising. They work on the PCC principle (Pey Per Click) systems, i.e. Ensure payment for each click of users on an advertising message.

  • Relevance.

The main quality of effective contextual advertising on the Internet is its relevance. If a person is looking for where new iPhone is sold, the search engine will give him advertising announcements With discounts on this phone model and give a link to the seller's website.

Such contextual advertising appears at the right moment at a suitable place. As a result, the likelihood that the user clicks on the ad and moves the link significantly increases. Unlike other advertising tools, contextual advertising is not on all Internet users, but to a specific segment. Therefore, it gives a greater number of customers that it turns out to be attracted.

  • Efficiency.

Placing contextual advertising, you do not throw money to the wind, but pay only when the announcement works (attracts the client that goes on the link). This allows you to not inflate the budget for advertising and rationally spend the allocated funds.

  • Transparency.

Analytics on contextual advertising allows you to understand what users are looking for what their requests. For example, if potential customers are clogged in the search engine "buy an iPhone with a guarantee", you can easily configure contextual ads, making the necessary accents. This will increase the clicability of the advertising message and increase sales.

Contextual advertising Unlike other types of Internet advertising enjoys great confidence in users. People do not fear on the link in the announcement on the site with viruses, so it is easily clicked by contextual links. It can be said that contextual advertising has proven itself as a reliable and proven source of information among users on the network.

How to attract customers with E-Mail marketing

E-Mail Marketing is a kind of communication channel between the company and potential and real clients. The stronger this connection is, and the more pleasant will be communication, the longer users and the above sales volumes will be.

Now on the average user daily collapses a huge amount of information. Therefore, most people ignore permanent attempts to sell them something, not even delight in the essence of a commercial offer.

How to pay attention

The main feature of E-Mail marketing is a personalized character of messages. Turning to the client by name, you cut the distance between you. Your company no longer seems so distant and someone else, as before. Then the case is for small - to build a good friendly relationship, not rolling into panibrates. For example, so:

"Hello, x!

We have an unusual offer for you. Try and appreciate it in action. We have attached a maximum effort to the goodsZ was comfortable and intuitive in use.

And 30% discount will be a pleasant bonus for you.

Come to our store. We will be very happy with the meeting! "

In this example, communication with the client goes in a warm and vibrant manner. Loss a little, the lack of arrogance, and the reader does not perceive your letter as another attempt to sell something to him. Although the commercial offer is still announced, but not so intrusive, as it usually happens in letters, which instantly fall into the "Spam" folder.

How often should letters come

There is no single point of view. It is necessary to maintain the balance between regularity and unobtrusion. If your newsletter will overfill the customer's mailbox, then with a high probability of you will disappear or will be sent to spam forever.

But random letters that come several times a year will call only the user's surprise.

There are 4 ways to send e-mail Clients:

"Hi, dear x!

We bored without you. You have forgotten about us. We had a lot of interesting things while you did not read our letters. There were new models of goods with incredible characteristics that interest you exactly.

We think you will definitely like it!

Come to our store, as will be time. Our new items will not leave you indifferent. We will be glad to see you. See you soon.

Best regards, companyZ! "

Such reactivation letters give you a second chance to attract the client. If the subscriber immediately did not pay attention to your products, it does not mean that you are not at all interesting to him. Perhaps he just thinks about the purchase. Do not immediately write it off with accounts.

Provocation in letters

With provocations you need to be very careful. They can negatively affect the image and reputation of the company in the eyes of customers.

Consider on the example, which may be the reactions of subscribers on provocations in the electronic mailing list.

Internet resource provides services for the organization of webinars. To attract new customers from among the old company's subscribers, I decided to make the provocative distribution emails of the following content:

The oil in the fire poured the error of the system that exercised the newsletter. Instead of a certain group of subscribers, letters received all users, including regular customers of the company. Many of them reigned by reading a letter with such a provocative topic, and actively expressed their discontent in the social network.

Despite the negative response of many customers, the company's management remains quite the results of ambiguous provocation. Random error brought sales growth and influx of new customers.

Another example is QLEAN, providing cleaning services, decided to recall the old customers about himself and made a reactivation newsletter with the following posts:

A similar dismissive tone caused a wave of perturbations from subscribers. Moreover, the newsletter was mistakenly received and regular customers who regularly enjoy the services of the company. Active discussion of this letter on the Internet attracted the attention of many users of social networks. As a result, the unsuccessful, at first glance, the provocation helped Qlean to attract new customers and increase sales.

Thus, despite the active development of social networks, email did not go to summer. It remains a popular tool for communicating companies with permanent customers On the Internet and allows you to attract new ones. In the conditions of constantly increasing information flows, you should not litter mailboxes Customers are boring and uninteresting letters. Find your approach to build a warm trust relationship with subscribers, and not just try to sell them something.