The delivered status does not change to read imessage. How to turn off message read receipts in iMessage. iPhone does not send SMS - what is the reason

Starting from large Emoji and ending with effects, stickers, so that you can more clearly express your emotions in communication and give the conversation an interactive character.

iOS 10 also lets you turn message read notifications on or off for separate contact. So you get full control over who will know whether you read his message or not. In old iOS versions, it was possible to disable read receipts only for all contacts, so you could not choose who would know that you had read their message and who would not.

If this was critical for you, then with the release of iOS 10 it became possible to disable read receipts for specific contacts. Read on to learn how to enable or read receipt for a specific contact.

Please note that this feature only works with iMessage read receipts. iOS still doesn't support read receipts for SMS messages.

How to enable read receipts for some contacts in the Messages app on iOS 10

Step 1: Open the Messages app.

Step 2: Select a conversation with the person for whom you want to turn off message read notifications.

Step 3: Then click on the “i” button in the upper right corner.

Step 4: If you want to disable read receipts specifically for this person, then turn off the “ Read receipt“. For a person to start receiving message read notifications again, turn it on.

Step 5: Click the Done button in the upper right corner to save your changes.

How to enable or disable read receipts for all iMessage contacts

Step 1: Open Settings and go to Messages.

Step 2: Click on the switch Read receipt. If the switch is green, your contacts will be able to see when you have read their message. If the toggle switch is not green, then read receipts are disabled for all conversations.

That's all you need to do to turn off read receipts for specific contacts. It is important to remember that if you change the settings in the Settings -> Messages -> Read Receipt menu, this will reset the configurations that you have set for individual conversations.

If you turn off read receipts for a specific conversation, you will not be able to find out whether the other person has read your message.

What's happened iMessage and how to use it . iMessage- This new service Apple which appeared with the release iOS firmware 5 and is designed to send text and multimedia messages to others iOS devices via Wi-Fi or bypassing standard SMS/MMS messages. However, as in any matter, setting up iMessage has its own nuances, so I hope this instruction will answer most of the questions and you will be able to fully use your device and save a little on messages.

Setup and activation iMessage

To make sure you can use iMessage just go to the menu Settings->Messages and activate this function, then enter your Apple ID() in the appropriate field, and as a result, during activation, your cell number. Other iPhone/iPad/iPod users will be able to send you messages via Apple ID.

Activation of iMessage takes some time after switching on; for this, the phone sends a service SMS to a special international number for which the usual payment is charged. If iMessage activated normally, after a while you will see the following message: Messages iMessage can be sent between devices and iPod Touch.

Separately, I would like to note that MTS does not always successfully activate iMessage since the operator specifically blocks iMessage activation so that you do not save on SMS/MMS, but this is not 100% of cases, and sometimes you can activate it.

How to use iMessage

How does it work iMessage ?

When creating a new message and adding a recipient, iMessage automatically, if there is any Internet connection, checks whether the Apple number ID and if so, it will send iMessage and not SMS/MMS. You can distinguish what type of message your iDevice sends by their color; if it is an iMessage message, it will be highlighted in blue, and if it is an SMS, it will be highlighted in green. iMessage always takes priority.

Each of us is familiar with such circumstances: we read a message, but do not want or cannot respond to it immediately. And our interlocutor sees that the message has been read, but there is no answer. Awkward situation, right? Fortunately, it can be avoided.

How to quietly read messages in any services

The most obvious option is to view new messages directly in the notification panel mobile device without opening the dialog itself. This way you can read at least short remarks from your interlocutors.

In iOS, if you swipe left on a message in the panel and click “See,” it will show even more text that might not fit in the preview. Many Android devices offer a similar feature. But if the message is very long, then using the panel you will not be able to read it to the end.

There is another universal one, but not the most convenient way. Having received a message, you simply turn it off and read the dialogue in the appropriate program. The interlocutor will not know that you have read it until you connect the gadget to the Internet. This is the only way to secretly view the text of a message, for example, in Instagram Direct, and many other applications in the settings of which you cannot disable the read receipt.

Now let's look at the options for specific programs and services.

How to quietly read messages in iMessages

Developers allow you to hide the fact that you have read them using settings. If you use an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings → Messages and turn the switch next to Read Receipt to clear mode. After this, the interlocutors will not see whether you read their messages or not.

To turn off read receipts on, go to “Messages” → “Settings” → “Accounts” and uncheck the box next to “Read receipts”.

How to quietly read messages on Facebook

Officially, this possibility is not provided. But there are solutions from third-party developers.

If you are using a browser Google Chrome, then download Unseen for Facebook. Once installed, it will automatically hide the read status from your interlocutors.

If you prefer Firefox, there is a similar plugin for this browser - Message Seen Disable for Facebook.

Unfortunately, in mobile version It is not yet possible to hide the read status. So, if you need to ignore someone, you will have to use it on a computer.

How to quietly read messages on WhatsApp

For this purpose, in the mobile settings whatsapp apps there is a special option. Open the “Settings” section → “Account” (“Account”) → “Privacy” (“Confidentiality”) and turn off the “Read receipts” toggle switch. After this, the messenger will stop marking messages with blue checkmarks.

On desktop WhatsApp versions this setting is not available. But if you use it in mobile application, the changes will also apply to the computer.

How to quietly read messages on Viber

In that popular messenger You can also disable viewing reports directly in the official mobile client. To do this, go to Settings → Privacy and turn off the Viewed option.

On desktop Viber versions this setting is not available. But if you use it in the mobile application, the changes will also apply on the computer.

How to quietly read messages on VKontakte

There are no standard functions for this. But you can try workarounds.

Android users have access to an alternative VKontakte client Kate Mobile. If you log into it using your account and click “Settings” → “Online” → “Close unread”, the program will hide the status of messages. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a client for iOS with the same functionality.

There is also a way to secretly read messages on the web version of VKontakte. You can use the link, indicating numbers instead of X's current date in DDMMYYYY format: for example, 19032018. A window with messages will open in which you can read them without the senders noticing. But keep in mind that developers can close this loophole at any time.

How to quietly read messages in Outlook

You can turn off browsing reports in Outlook on the web. Go to Settings → Mail → Message Handling → Read Receipts and check “Never send notifications.” The changes will be saved for all Outlook clients.

In an era when everything more people uses an iPhone, there are things that can be very annoying. For example, when iMessage doesn't say "Delivered" when sending a message. This can happen to multiple contacts. Often the "Not Delivered" notification does not appear either. In such a situation, the user may not know whether the message he sent was received.

It’s even more annoying when the message says “Delivered,” but it never reaches the recipient. There are several solutions to this problem.

What does "Delivered" and "Read" mean in iMessage?

First, let's understand the difference between “Delivered” and “Read”.

“Delivered” usually means that the other person received the message on their device. "Read" means the recipient opened it. Don't panic if the recipient doesn't respond right away. He may have clicked on the message notification but was subsequently distracted.

Some people prevent these check-ins from being shown for privacy reasons, although they are enabled by default in iOS 8 and later.

If you don't want users to know when you've read a message, turn off the Read Receipt option found under Settings → Messages. In fact, this subsection of settings is very important if you are having problems with iMessages.

Why does SMS or iMessage say the message was “Delivered” when it was not?

Sometimes the message says it was received, but the recipient insists they never received it. You should not immediately suspect a person of lying.

It could just be a bug in iMessage or the message could have been sent to another device. If your contact has, for example, an iPhone, iPad, and Mac that use the same Apple ID, your message might appear on one of those devices and not on the smartphone.

In theory, the message should be displayed on all devices, however, iOS is far from perfect and makes similar errors from time to time.

The main reasons for such problems in sending SMS / iMessage

Not everyone keeps their phone on all the time, especially before bed.

If iMessage doesn't say "Delivered", the recipient could have simply turned off their phone. Your message will arrive when he turns on his device again.

In addition, the recipient can activate Airplane mode. This mode stops all connections so your phone won't receive iMessages, SMS or calls.

In addition, your device may have Do Not Disturb mode enabled, which turns off all notifications.

Troubleshooting iMessage sending

It's hard to immediately tell why iMessage doesn't write a sending report. In order to understand what exactly the problem is, try the following:

Check Internet access

The most obvious reason why your message will not be delivered is that the recipient is not connected to the Internet. iMessage relies on an internet connection, so if Wi-Fi or cellular network are not available, the delivery report will not appear until the phone reconnects. This is especially true in rural areas and underground passages or subways, etc.

If you see "Not Delivered" underneath the message, you're likely having connection issues.

Make sure iMessage is turned on

Go to Settings → Messages. iMessage must be turned on. If this is not the case, turn it on.

Even if iMessage is already turned on, you can try restarting it. Wait a few seconds for the service to reactivate.

Send a message as SMS instead of iMessage

If the person you are contacting does not have an Apple device, iMessage will not work (the message will be written green). This means you need to use SMS to send messages.

This trick is useful not only when sending between different operating systems. You can turn text iMessage via SMS if the Internet connection is not strong enough.

Go to Settings → Messages → Send as SMS. By default, your iPhone uses iMessage when communicating between Apple devices. The smartphone will send SMS when there is no Internet.

You can also send the message as SMS if the report says "Not Delivered". Click on the exclamation mark and select the appropriate option.

Also, try using a different messaging app. Popular options like WhatsApp, Telegram and Viber work on all platforms and provide secure messaging.

Reboot your iPhone

Exit account Apple ID and sign in again

This is one of the most common fixes for this problem. You just need to log out of your account Apple records ID, and then log in again.

To do this, open “Settings” → “Messages” → “Send/Receive” and tap your ID. Then you must log out, after which all your data except your phone number will disappear. Then log in again. This may take a few minutes.

If only one person is having trouble sending, check what is listed as the iMessage ID - address Email or phone number. The recipient's Apple ID may have a different address. Ask him about it in person or through another messaging service if possible.

To add an email address, open Contacts, select a name, and then click Edit.

Delete messages with problems

Have you ever tried to send too much email? It just stays in mailbox trying to go again and again. In the end, the only thing left to do is remove it. Similar solution You can try it in this case too.

You can delete the entire conversation and start again by selecting “Delete” in the window on the left, but this is a last resort.

Go into correspondence with the recipient. Click on your latest message. You can copy it into Notes or Pages if you don't want to lose the text completely. Then click "More" and select all messages sent since the problem occurred (that is, since delivery messages stopped showing). Then click on the trash icon bottom left.

Update iOS

Apple regularly fixes minor problems by releasing new iOS updates.

You won't lose any photos or messages when you update, although some apps may require you to re-authorize.

Reset all settings

This solution should be tried last.

Go to Settings → General → Reset → Reset all settings. Be careful as you may delete all data. You may have to sign in to your Apple ID again.

What to do if iMessage still doesn't say "Delivered"?

If you've tried all of the above and iMessage is still not sending delivery notifications, there are two possible options. First, the problem may be related to the recipient's device. In such a case, advise the user to take the above steps.

In addition, your number may have been blocked (blacklisted). In this case, iMessage will probably still say “Delivered”, but the message will not appear to the recipient.

Based on materials from yablyk

In an era where more and more people use iPhones, there are things that can be very annoying. For example, when iMessage does not say "Delivered" when sending a message. This can happen to multiple contacts. Frequent notifications "Not delivered" also doesn't appear. In such a situation, the user may not know whether the message he sent was received.

It’s even more annoying when under the message it says "Delivered", however, it never reaches the recipient. There are several solutions to this problem.

First, let's understand the difference between "Delivered" and "Read".

"Delivered" usually means that the other person received the message on their device. "Read" means that the recipient opened it. Don't panic if the recipient doesn't respond right away. Perhaps he clicked on the message notification, but was subsequently distracted.

Some people prevent these check-ins from being shown for privacy reasons, although they are enabled by default in iOS 8 and later.

If you don't want users to know when you've read a message, disable the option "Reading Report" along the way “Settings” → “Messages”. In fact, this subsection of settings is very important if you are having problems with iMessages.

Why does SMS or iMessage say the message was “Delivered” when it was not?

Sometimes the message says it was received, but the recipient insists they never received it. You should not immediately suspect a person of lying.

It could just be a bug in iMessage or the message could have been sent to another device. If your contact has, for example, an iPhone, iPad, and Mac that use the same Apple ID, your message might appear on one of those devices and not on the smartphone.

In theory, the message should be displayed on all devices, however, iOS is far from perfect and makes similar errors from time to time.

The main reasons for such problems in sending SMS / iMessage

Not everyone keeps their phone on all the time, especially before bed.

If iMessage doesn't write "Delivered", the recipient could simply turn off their phone. Your message will arrive when he turns on his device again.

In addition, the recipient can activate Airplane mode. This mode stops all connections, so your phone will not receive iMessages, SMS or calls.

In addition, the device can be enabled "Do not disturb", which turns off all notifications.


Troubleshooting iMessage sending

It's hard to immediately tell why iMessage doesn't write a sending report. In order to understand what exactly the problem is, try the following:

Check Internet access

The most obvious reason why your message will not be delivered is that the recipient is not connected to the Internet. iMessage relies on an internet connection, so if Wi-Fi or cellular data is unavailable, a delivery report won't appear until your phone reconnects. This is especially true in rural areas and underground passages or subways, etc.

If the message appears below "Not delivered", most likely you have connection problems.

Go to “Settings” → “Messages”. iMessage must be turned on. If this is not the case, turn it on.

Even if iMessage is already turned on, you can try restarting it. Wait a few seconds for the service to reactivate.

Send a message as SMS instead of iMessage

If the person you are contacting does not have an Apple device, iMessage will not work (the message will be written in green). This means you need to use SMS to send messages.

This trick is useful not only when sending between different operating systems. You can turn an iMessage text message into an SMS if your internet connection is not strong enough.

Open “Settings” → “Messages” → “Send as SMS”. By default, your iPhone uses iMessage when communicating between Apple devices. The smartphone will send SMS when there is no Internet.

You can also send the message as SMS if the report says "Not delivered". Click on the exclamation mark and select the appropriate option.

Also, try using a different messaging app. Popular options like WhatsApp, Telegram and Viber work on all platforms and provide secure messaging.

Reboot your iPhone

Sign out of your Apple ID and sign in again

This is one of the most common fixes for this problem. You just need to sign out of your Apple ID account and then sign in again.

To do this, open “Settings” → “Messages” → “Send/Receive” and tap your ID. Then you must log out, after which all your data except your phone number will disappear. Then log in again. This may take a few minutes.

If only one person is having trouble sending, check whether the iMessage ID is an email address or a phone number. The recipient's Apple ID may have a different address. Ask him about it in person or through another messaging service if possible.

To add an email address, open "Contacts", select a name, and then press "Edit".