I managed to download an error code 924. What to do if the Play Market issues an error message. Delete and re-adding a Google account

Frequently often many Android devices users in which the service Play Market. or Google Play. It is the "sewn" into the system, faced with a situation where the service itself begins to collect, given the message containing the error code 924 in the "Plate Market". Why such a failure arises and how to fix it, let's try to figure it out. The following information will help to correct other errors, especially since all methods are the same type.

in "Play Market": causes

To begin with, we only note that you need to clearly realize the nature of such a failure. In general, it is believed that all errors four hundred and nine hundred categories are connected exclusively with problems arising in the service itself. Partly the way it is. But in the global sense, the problem may be much wider.

Among the main reasons for the emergence of system messages that 924 errors in the "Plaque Market" occurred are called:

  • interruptions with communication at the time of downloading or updating applications;
  • lack of free space on the drive;
  • incorrect settings for access to the service;
  • application cache overflow;
  • account recognition problems.

In this case, we are not talking about viruses, which may also block access to this service, so such problems will not be considered. Let's focus on how to fix the error 924 in the "Play Market" standard methodsnot requiring the use of some special knowledge or third-party utilities. It is done quite simple. With all this, you can get rid of the concomitant faces of the above categories.

"Play market". Error 924 on "Android": What to do?

Oddly enough, many owners of smartphones and tablets very often do not pay attention to communication interruptions. But even short-term break affects the application download process, updates existing program or installation after downloading content as temporary files.

If an error 924 appears in the "Play Markt" when downloading, first you need to make sure that the device is connected to the line or network with good signal. This is the simplest thing that could be.

On the other hand, check internal drive For free space, if the installation or utilization of distributions is not performed on the SD card. It may very much that service simply cannot download files. In this case, you need to clean the place, deleting unnecessary files or applications. You can do this when entering the main settings menu, where the applications section are selected or another category like photos, video, etc. As a rule, it is the graphics and video take up most of the place.

Setting the main parameters

When you try to access the official service, another moment should be taken into account. In the settings parameters, the data transmission and synchronization must be enabled. google account. If these default parameters are changed for any reason, the system and will issue a message that the 924 error occurred in the "Plaque Market".

Delete service updates

However, the problem may not be limited to actions from the user. As it turns out, the service itself also has the property "bug". It is connected with the "bugs" in the updates. On the one hand, they may simply be incorrectly installed, for example, when interrupted communication, on the other - and the service updates themselves are unfinished.

How to eliminate the error 924 in the "Play Market" in this case? You just need to delete the service updates, first in the settings entering the applications section by selecting the "All" category by double swipe to the right, after which it is to find the specified service with clicking the removal button for the latest installed updates.

After the work of such actions, the device must be reloaded. With access to the Internet, the installation will immediately begin. recent updateswhich are fundamentally different from all previous ones, since the errors in them are corrected.

Clearing cache applications

If it does not help, and the error 924 in the "Platter Market" appears again, you should pay attention to the cache of programs (and not only the service itself).

It can be cleaned in the same section of applications when entering each program where there is an appropriate button.

In order not to engage in such things manually, the easiest way to use utilities like CCleaner, which produce cleaning automatically after full scanning of the state of the mobile device.

Account Synchronization Problems

Another problem of the appearance of such a failure can be the situation when the service simply does not recognize accountto which tied this device. To correct the situation, you need to enter the appropriate section of the settings and delete the existing registration.

After that, you will need to enter or available data. gmail mail With password, or newly created. However, it may not work.

Return to factory settings

Ideally, the easiest way to solve the problem is applied if the device includes automatic creation backupswhich can be saved both on the device itself and in the cloud. For full reset software All information stored before that on the device will be restored, including contact lists, installed user applications and even personal settings.

To implement such an operation, you need to go to the main parameters section, select the menu reserve copy and recovery, where to use the general reset string. When reloading, the system itself will start the recovery process. Account, password and Internet connection options will have to be proceeded again in manual mode. It is possible that such a procedure will allow you to eliminate the problem.

Hard Reset: Is it worth doing this?

For example, for the same smartphones Sony Series Xperia is better Take advantage of the PC Companion utility, which allows any "Lower the Feeling" device when it is connected to a computer via the USB port. Although the operation itself is quite a long time, the result will exceed all expectations. For any other devices, exactly the same programs can be found on the official resources of manufacturers, so apply hard Reset. It is recommended solely in cases where it does not help at all. But, as practice shows, this is not required. In most cases, the problem of errors with "Play Market" is eliminated by the above methods completely elementary.

It is impossible, of course, to exclude the problems of failures operating system or damage to devices on physical level. But in such a situation, you will have to act with other methods, which in some cases may imply interference in the design of the device. And if it was installed unofficial firmware on his own risk and risk, so at all, no one will give warranty of the device's performance after installation. There sometimes even reset the settings does not help. So one hundred times should think before installing it, because it can lead to irreparable consequences.

With an error 924 in Play Market, users face quite often. An error occurs when trying to download or update the application.

When an error occurs, a notification appears, which is translated from about this: "Failed to update the application. Repeat the error and if the problem does not disappear, try to eliminate it yourself. (Error code: 924). " The reasons for the appearance of the error may be different, the error solving methods below. After each item performed, check if the error did not disappear.

How to get rid of Error 924 in Play Market

You can start solving an error with a restart of the device. Often the reboot helps to get rid of many mistakes. To perform a reboot, hold the on / off button and press "Reload".

After rebooting, check if the 924 error disappeared into Play Market.

2) Clearing cache and data.

The second common way to solve the error is cleaning the cache and data.

In order to cleanse cache and data:

1) go to "Settings", Go to "Application Manager" and select tab "Everything";

2) Find in the list "Play Market" and press "Clear data" (At the same time, the application cache should be deleted).

3) Delete Play Market updates.

Deleting updates is also a very common way to get rid of any errors that arise in Play Market. Perhaps it will help you to solve an error 924. To delete Play Market updates:

1) Open "Settings" And go to "Application Manager", in the tab "All applications";

2) Select "Play Market" and going B. "Options" click "Delete updates".

Over time, Play MARKET will again be updated to the current version.

4) Re-connection to Google Account.

In order to delete your account:

1) go to "Settings" and select "Accounts";

3) After removal, add your account by clicking on the button. "Add an account" and select "Google"-"Existing". Enter your address email and password. Check if the error did not disappear.

The listed methods should help you solve the problem, and the error 924 in Play Market should no longer appear. But if the error does not disappear, try to download the application mobile Internet. Or, if you recently installed antivirus on your device, try removing it and check the error.

01.06.2017 mobile devices

One of the widespread Android errors is an error with code 924 when downloading and updating applications in Play Market. The text of the error "could not update the application. Try again. If the problem does not disappear, try to eliminate it yourself. (Error code: 924) "or similar, but" failed to download the application. " At the same time, it happens that the error appears many times - for all updated applications.

In this instruction, it is detailed that an error can be called with the specified code and how to fix it, that is, we will try to eliminate it yourself, as we are offered.

Causes of 924 errors and ways to fix it

Among the causes of the error 924 when downloading and updating applications - problems with the storage (sometimes occurs immediately after manipulations by transferring applications to the SD card) and connecting to mobile network or Wi-Fi, problems with application files and Google Play and some others (will also be considered).

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Note: Before you continue, make sure that the Internet on your device works (for example, going to some kind of site in the browser), as one of possible causes - Suddenly ending or broken connection. Also sometimes helps a simple closing of the Play Market (open the list of running applications and wake Play Market) and re-start it.

Restart Android devices

Try restarting yours Android phone or tablet, often it an effective way With the error under consideration. Press and hold the power button, when the menu appears (or simply the buttons) with the text "Turn off" or "Disable power", turn off the device, and then turn it on again.

Second way to fix "Error code: 924" - Clear cache and data google Apps Play Market, which can help if a simple reboot has not worked.

After the cache was cleared, check if the error was fixed.

Delete Play Market Application Updates

In the case when simple cache cleaning and Play data is not helped, the method can be completed by deleting updates for this application.

Do first two steps from the previous section, and then click on the menu button in the upper right corner of the application information and select Delete Updates. Also, if you click "Disable", then when you disconnect the application, you will be prompted to delete updates and return the source version (after that the application can be turned on again).

Delete and re-adding Google accounts

The method with deleting a Google account is not frequent, but it is worth trying:

  1. Go to Settings - Accounts.
  2. Click your Google Account.
  3. Click on the button additional action At the top of the right and select "Delete Account".
  4. After deletion, add your account in the Android account settings.

Additional Information

If yes this section of the instructions none of the ways helped solve the problem, then it is possible that the following information will be useful:

  • Check if an error remains depending on the type of connection - via Wi-Fi and mobile network.
  • If you are lately Installed antiviruses or something like that, try removing them.
  • According to some data, the included Stamina mode on phones sony Somehow can cause an error 924.
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A couple of days ago I decided to upload several new applications on my android smartphone. Semit applications necessary and playing playing market, I clicked on "set", but loading the program data ended unsuccessfully with the message "APP COULD NOT BE DOWNLOADED DUE TO AN ERROR 926" ("The application cannot be downloaded due to an error 926"). I was surprised at such a turn of the events (earlier I did not happen to this Market), and decided to repeat the download, receiving a similar negative result. Having tried different options, I found methods that allow you to get rid of an error with code 926 in the play markete, and then I will introduce you to them.

Experts include an "error with code 926" ("Error 926") to the server errors from Google Play Store, making it impossible various applications From this site. In his work this error Similar to row of 920, 921, 922, 923, 921, 925, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, and occurs when trying to download or update any application from Play Market on Android.

The main reason for the error, according to experts, is an incorrect update of the Google Play application itself. To correct the error 926 you need to perform a number of the actions specified below.

When is this error?

Error code 926 usually happens with a new purchased device when creating a Google account, when you first start system updates, when downloading applications from Play Market, as well as after installing certain applications.

Three methods by solving the problem. Below are three basic methods that allow you to efficiently get rid of the error 926 in Google Play. So.

Method number 1. Clean the Data "Download Manager"

  1. We go to the "settings", then select "applications", then click on "all".
  2. We are looking for a "download manager" (" Download Manager."), Choose it, go into its settings and click" Clear Kesh "(" Clear Cache ") and" Erase Data "(" Clear Data ").
  3. Then reboot our smartphone or tablet.

After rebooting, go to Play Market and try to upload the application. If everything went well, then the problem is solved. If not, then try the following options.

Method number 2. Clean the "Google Service Framework"

This method similar to the previous one, only here we clean the application data Google Service Framework.. Do not forget to reboot your device.

Method number 3. Clean Google Play Store

If the second method did not help, try to clean " Google Play Store.ยป .

  1. Again we go to the "Applications", select "All", looking for "Google Play Market" ("Google Play Store") and clean the data.
  2. After cleaning, click on the "stop" the application.
  3. Reboot. Now everything should work fine.

Due to the fact that all the different causes of this error occurred, 10% of users have an error after the actions made, the error will not disappear. In this case, the following more in-depth actions described are necessary.


Error code 926 VPlay. Market. - One of the regular errors of the owners of the android devices, which manifests itself when trying to download various applications from the playing market. Fortunately, the process of eliminating it does not take much time, clearing the data and the cache of several applications can be completely getting rid of it. If you happened like this, then just follow the advice set out in this article, and after rebooting your smartphone, continue to enjoy it with high quality and reliable work. Good luck.

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Many users face that they can't update or download utilities in the playmarket. It is issued an error with code 924 and the message that the application failed to download. At the same time, it is proposed to wait for a while and if the problem is not solved "by itself", then it should be "solved on their own."

On why there is a similar failure and how to eliminate it will be told in this article.

What is this error and its causes

This error may be associated with several reasons, first of all it may be lack or failure Connections when connecting to global Network. You should go to any site on the Internet and check that the application works (the page must be downloaded, and not restored from the device's memory, a good check can be the opening of any news on the search engine website, if it is loaded, then everything is in order)

Also the cause can be problem with internal memory. It is quite possible its lack, or recently a union was conducted internal memory and Flash card or transferring applications. Failure File Play Market or Other system files Also can lead to a similar error.

Methods of troubleshooting

First and most simple way solutions problems can be called restarting store. You need to remove it from the list of running applications, then run again. If it does not help, then you need to go to other methods.


A good way that does not require special actions and time costs. You need simply restart the deviceMake it can be holding the power button, and then selecting the desired item. Perhaps the problem was caused by a small collection of OS and after launch everything will be fine.

Cleaning cache

If the past method was not effective, then it will be necessary to go to Device settings and go to the list of applications. Here you need to choose the Google shop and go to it.

After which it will be necessary go to storage And to click there both buttons that will make cleaning cache and delete an excess data.

Delete updates

This point will be made rollback of the utility On the source version. To do this, you must also go to the application, as in the previous paragraph, only do not go to the repository.

Here you can turn off the utility, after which it will be proposed delete all updates. Or you can click on the ellipsis in the upper corner and select the desired item there. If the first option was selected, you must not forget to start the program.

Delete and add a Google account

This method can work, although it helps not very often. Need to go to settingsgo to the list of accounts and go to your main profile. In the top menu you need to select the item " Delete", After which it will be better to restart the device. Then you will need to go here and add an account again.

If nothing from the list helped, then you can remove utilitywhich were installed recently. Perhaps this error occurs because of them. Often, these are sinning antiviruses and optimizers of devices.