What to do if there is no sound on Mac? Sound on McBook became quiet

The sound noting about the launch of Mac is already several decades, and this is one of his brightest features.

BUT B. recent models MacBook Pro. And iMac (starting from 2016) There is no sound at all when started, so Mac is turned on in an absolute silence without a traditional bell.

Many users are interested in why their Mac stopped running with sound, and the next question is whether it is possible to return it.

In newMAC. No sound effect when starting

Mac models that came out before 2016 contain a familiar bell sound when starting. Later models turn on silently, not counting MacBook Air. 2017. About it reports Apple Support:

"In the Mac 2016 models and earlier there is a bell sound when starting. Models released after 2016 are launched without sound. ... the only exception is the MacBook Air (13 inches, 2017), with which this sound is. "

So if you have a new Mac, which runs without sound, the reason is that the sound effect is simply not added.

Old Mac models are started with sound, and you can disable this feature.

Is it possible to return the sound of the launch on newimac andMacBook. Pro.?

If you have new model Mac that does not contain a sound startup effect, the answer is no (so far). So far there is no way to add sound to new models that simply do not support it.

On the Internet there was one theory that the startup sound can be enabled independently using the command. To do this, you need to open the command window and enter the following:

sudo NVRAM Bootaudio \u003d% 01

Presumably, it should turn on the launch sound on Mac.

But, as it turned out, no one even tried to do this because this does not work.

You can try yourself. You will enter this command, but it will not do anything because new Mac. Do not support the launch sound.

Some argue that to turn on the sound you need to restart NVRAM, but it will not work on new models either.

So why did this team spread over the network? Most likely, someone has an idea to turn the MAC start-up sound command, which works on older models.

Disconnect the launch sound with this command could have been over the years. You can also turn off the sound with the keyboard button. But the models starting from 2016 simply stopped maintaining the sound effect of startup.

Love or dislike for the sound of the bell at startup is a matter of taste. Most MAC users like it, but some still do not see it. It may ever be easy to enable it on new models, but until Mac simply does not support this feature. That is why yours new imac Or MacBook Pro turns on silent.

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Apple technician has always differed simplicity and convenience of working with multimedia. The revolution iPod player Not only in its compactness, but also as a reproducible sound. Ergonomics I. minimal thickness iPad or MacBook Air did not prevent the company to establish decent speakers and take care of good sound on mobile devices. A worthy mobile sound is a nightmare sleep of audiophiles, but we will not attract yourself to this category of music lovers, and in today's instructions just do everything possible to squeeze out of MacBook's speakers maximum.

Options for achieving good sound Multiple: Paid - less time-consuming, and free, requiring an understanding of what you do. Under " good sound"We will understand the one that will be significantly louder than the maximum value of limited Apple, sound, having a volume and balanced frequency picture.

Paid option

Boom 2.

Genre: Utilities, sound
Publisher: Global Delight Technologies
Version: 1.0.1
OS X.: 899 rub [Download from Mac App Store]

Developers from the company GLOBAL DELIGHT TECHNOLOGIES (GDT) decided to make an application that will make MacBook in a full-fledged media player with good quality Sound.

Boom 2.allows only a few clicks to significantly improve the sound using non-hard manipulations:

    • increasing volume (boost);
    • proper selection of values \u200b\u200bin the equalizer;
    • imposing effects- "Improvers";

All this boom 2 makes automatic mode. After starting the application in three stages independently makes a sound setting. The accompanying process of configuration background music with each second will sound expressive, louder and rich.

After completing the configuration, the user has the ability to manually adjust the equalizer, switching on-shutdown effects Accuracy and Surroundings. Superstructure Accuracy Allows you to make the sound more compressed, thus highlighting the line of vocal or tool solo in the composition. Thanks to the effect Environment You can achieve surround sound. This mode is ideal for watching movies.

As a pleasant addition, there is boom 2 applications and its own audio amplifier The most popular formats. Implemented support mP3, M4A, AIFF, CAF, WAV, MOV, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, DV. In order to make the sound of a track or video louder, it is enough to drag the file in Boom 2.

To date, the decision from GDT is the only as comfortable and simple as possible. With a minimum of effort, you can achieve much better MacBook sound. Among the disadvantages can be noted a considerable cost of Boom 2 - 899 rubles.

Free option

In order to put on the sound of your MacBook, you can use the free alternative. The only "but" - you will need two applications at once and the minimum skills of working with sound plugins. If you are ready - boldly into battle!

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for any hardware and software damage to your devices. Abuse Volume can harm the dynamics of your laptop.

We will need annex SoundFlower.Emulating an additional audio card in MacBook and virtual audio port distributor - app Apple's Au Lab.

    1. Download SoundFlower.
    2. Install and overload the computer.
    3. Download Apple's Au Lap
    4. Go to B. Settings - Sound. As Output Choose SoundFlower (2CH).

    - as input signal (Audio Input Device) Select the installed SoundFlower (2CH).
    - as Output signal (Audio Output Device) Select the built-in output.

    6. Press Create. And we see a window with two stripes - our mixer sound signals. Raise the volume slider to the maximum.

    7. Now our task is to strengthen the sound. We use the plugins built into the system (subject to the installed GarageBand). For sophisticated users working with sound processing, any "best plugins" can be used. On the track Output 1. in field Effects. Choose plugin Aunbandeq.

    8. In the plug-ins in the window that opens, the global gain is raising to 24 decibels. If the volume of the volume is not enough - we cling another plugin into the free effect field that appears and amplify.

Attention! Do not overdo it! Overload sound, wheezing and Pluchan say that the volume level is too high for the speakers installed in MacBook.

    9. Now you will need to put a plugin equalizer and build it as your ears want. Choose AUGRAPHICEQ..

Turn on your favorite composition, switch the equalizer to the 10 bands status and move the sliders, adjusting a sufficient number of low, medium and high frequencies.

    10. After the end of the settings in the AULAB application, select File - Save.and specify the directory to save all the settings of your profile. In the future, when opening Au Lab, it will be possible to use it.

Apple products are good in many ways, but nevertheless sound has never been to them strong side. There is not enough bass, flat and rather quiet - a lot of complaints about it. FROM Boom 2. The situation is changing radically, because the application can not only pick up the optimal specifically for your model of the equalizer setting, but also increases the volume of speakers without wheezing and losses as sound.

The job of the application actually deserves the highest praise. When you first start the second version of the BOOM, you are not only a very beautiful design, perverted under OS X Yosemite, but also the program's proposal to automatically select the desired equalizer parameters. This feature works very well, as a result, my MacBook Pro began to sound an order better. Moreover, thanks to a slightly modified preset Music and so excellent acoustics HARMAN / KARDON SOUNDSTICKS III began to delight even more.

BOOM 2 has become functional. The default equalizer allows you to edit the frequency range of 32 Hz - 16 kHz with ten graduations. If you enable Advanced mode, their number will increase three times, which will make the setting of your sound acoustic system as accurate as possible.

Not to mention automatic settingsYou have another 15 diverse presets selected for different styles of music and your expectations from sound in the end. And that is not all. You can adjust any of them, for example, removing medium-sized medium frequencies and linked low. IN new version Added effects of Fidelity and Ambiance, increasing the accuracy and sound bellivity, respectively. Their use depends on the individual characteristics of the sound source, but, most likely, you will not include them.

Using all these features, you can create separate settings for headphones, outer acoustics and MacBook speakers, switch between which you can in two clicks with the mouse or using custom key combinations.

In addition to global settings, Boom can increase the volume of individual audio or video files, while maintaining the purity of the sound. The number of supported formats is quite large, and the application can automatically determine the optimal volume level. You can take advantage of all this by dragging the desired file. In a separate section of the application menu.

The only drawback of boom is its price. Developers offer to purchase two licenses for applications for $15 . In addition, owners previous version Equalizer will also have to pay for the update. They boom 2 will cost two times cheaper. Students can get a discount. For them boom 2 will cost $10 . If you doubt the need of the application and usefulness of the application, you can download a trial version that can be used for free for free within seven days. It is also worth considering that the updated boom will work only on OS X Yosemite.

The sound is one of the most important features of the computer. Without it, it is impossible to normally perceive information, watch movies and videos, as well as do many other things. And sometimes there are various failures with him. Today we will tell you what to do if sound does not work on McBook.

The reasons

First of all, it should be dealt with for what reasons this failure occurs. It is worth saying that it can occur for several reasons, and some of them are really crying.

Most often it is just a system failure, or settings. In this case, it is enough just to restart the device, or make a reset to factory settings. Most often it helps.

If it did not help you, then the problem is most likely to damage the MacBook itself. There may be several options for these breakdowns. The simplest is that the speakers simply disconnected from the motherboard. In this case, it will be enough to simply connect them. It is easy enough to do, however, if you are not sure about your abilities, it is better to entrust it to the masters. But, breakdown can be more serious. It may be damage to the dynamics, breakdown in motherboarddamage to B. sound card, or all at once. In such situations, no way do without a service.

If you have appeared quiet sound on McBookThis may be the cause of device wear. Either just failure in the settings.

Often users help restart audio without rebooting MacBook.

To make a restart need to open the activity monitor and in the memory tab find the CoreAudiod process, click the cross, complete the process and it will automatically start myself.

In some cases, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Solution to the problem

At home there are several solutions to this situation that are easy enough to do.

First of all, it is worth viewing the sound settings. They may simply disable the sound of the sound on the device. If this is not, there may be another problem in the settings. Perhaps there is a broadcast of sound not from the built-in speakers, but from the port for the headset. In this case, it is worth changing these settings, and everything will be fine.

If the problem is not in the settings, it is worth trying to reset NVRAM and PRAM. These are memory parameters, and sometimes the problem with sound can appear precisely because of them. To reset them, you need to hold the COMMAND + ALT + P + R buttons. These buttons must be kept until the device is turned off and starts to turn on again. This very often helps, but not always.

On our site you will find many Apple tips, for example.

A more difficult way to solve the problem is to make some manipulations in the computer processes. It should be neat, because shutdown system process It may entail failures in Operation, and even its full collapse.

  1. First you need to connect headphones to a laptop, and when they read, you will need to turn them off.
  2. After that, go to the monitoring of the system into the "Memory" tab.
  3. This tab needs to find a process called CoreAudioID. This process must be completed, and with that forcibly. This can be done by clicking on the appropriate button in the upper left corner of the program.
  4. When this is done, you need to restart the computer.
  5. When it turns on, the problem must be solved.

If it remains, then most likely the problem is damaged to components. Now you know what to do if gone sound on macuke. And even if he just became quieter, it can also mean problems with speakers.