What is an instant message on iPhone. IMessage iPhone What is it and how to use. Move the iMessage activation switch to active position

Greetings to you, dear user of wonderful devices from Apple Base operating system iOS. In today's article, a small lesson I want to affect the topic of tools to send messages, namely the popular tool called iMessage on the iPhone. First of all, to immediately answer some questions, I will give the definition, what is this notorious iMessage, for which it is used, its capabilities and ways to activate.

iMessage - a technology developed by Apple with which you can send any text message to another iPhone user and the IMESSAGE user. Those. Based on their definition - iMessage instant messaging service between users.

In principle, if you when you behave the exchange of messages in Skype or otkupa, we must understand how it works. Thus, using iMessage, you can save on sending SMS to iPhone users.

Before you go to the use of iMessage on your iPhone arrange and you can send at least one message, this service and the ability to activate. This is done as follows.


To enable the ability to exchange messages using the iMessage service, you need to perform the following steps:

In order to send a message You need to perform several simple actions. Below, I'll tell you about them in detail.


In order to use the iMessage, you must need to connect to the Internet, as well as the availability of the iPhone of the person you send a message. Messages are sent as:

As you can see, the usual paid SMS is sent to the right, to the left, free iMessage message. The addressee will also see message data and can, respectively, to respond to them both using SMS and using the iMessage service.

I, perhaps, everything. I hope this article helped you understand such an important issue as using the functions and opportunities of the iMessage. If there are questions regarding this materialYou can leave them in the comments to this record, I will try to answer as quickly as possible. Also, I will be very grateful if you share this article in your accents in social networks. See you in future useful notes and lessons.

If you are owner mobile device On the IOS platform, regularly exchange text messages, and you depressing the need to spend money on cellular operators - it's time to learn, and how to save money with this useful function.

iMessage - Internet Messenger for iPad, iPhone, iPod and computers MAC.allowing you to exchange free SMS. If you have an iOS 5 and higher device, there is already a built-in service in your pocket computer, only no one has said about it, and you have time to spend a lot of money in vain.

Although they could have long stopped paying for text messages and increase the fraction of flour and sweet in their daily diet. So it's the time it's time to catch up with the time and return to the community of advanced iOS users.

How to use

First of all, you must activate the sleeping function of the iMessage on your device. It's simple.

After that, you will be asked to register with your Android ID. Enter the ID and run the activation process. After a while, your device will connect and send the latest paid SMS to confirm your consent to use the service in your number.

How the iMessage iPhone works

What is most pleased in modern technologies is the desire for maximum automation of processes. So in IMESSAGE, I don't have to do anything specifically.

Well, if you do not want to spend more cellular operatorYou need to go back to the settings and prohibit sending iMessage as an SMS if it is impossible to use the Internet service.

So now you know, iMessage iPhone what it is And immediately start saving on SMS messages.

iMessage - an instant messaging Internet service that has been implemented by Apple to iPhone and iPad still in iOS 5, and today is actively operated by users worldwide as an affordable alternative to SMS. FaceTime is an Internet service of audio and video calls, which allows you to completely communicate with relatives, close, friends or colleagues located in any part of the planet, using both video from both chambers of the device, and content only by voice.

So how to configure and use iMessage and FaceTime on iPhone and iPad on iOS 7?

How to configure iMessage?

2. Go to the "Messages" section:

3. Move the iMessage Activation Switch to Active Position:

Advanced to configure if it is necessary, the ability to send to other users of notifications to read their messages by moving the switch "Read Review" to the active position. It is possible to "send as an SMS" is used if the subscriber fails to send a message via iMessage.

4. Go to the Sending / Reception menu and configure the list of identifiers:

Original iMessage is associated with the phone number and addresses emailDesigned to work with Apple ID and created by Apple to work with mail via ICloud automatically.

How to use iMessage?

1. Go to the message "Messages" of the IOS operating system:

2. Create a new dialogue or resume the previous one:

3. Dial the message in the corresponding field:

If the Apple servers determine that the user who needs to send a message is configured to iMessage, then the text will be sent exactly through this protocolOtherwise, the traditional SMS will be used.

4. Confirm the sending by pressing the "Subp." Button:

All messages sent through iMessage will use a blue selection color, via SMS - green.

How to configure FaceTime?

1. Go to the "Settings" application of the IOS 7 operating system:

2. Go to FaceTime:

3. Move the FACETIME switching switch to the active position:

4. Configure the list of identifiers:

Original FaceTime is associated with the phone number and email addresses designed to work with Apple ID and created by Apple to work with mail via iCloud automatically.

How to use FaceTime?

1. Go to the phone "Phone" of the IOS 7 operating system:

2. Determine the desired subscriber and switch to the operation menu with the contact, select the FaceTime feature by pressing the button with the image of the handset or the camera next to the corresponding menu item (Phone Tube - AudioSovizov, Camera - video call):

Thus, using the iMessage and FaceTime functions, iPhone and iPad users can not only save money on calls, but also significantly increase the convenience of communication and communication quality.

iMessage is a very pleasant feature of Apple devices, if you like to write messages on the iPhone, iPad and IPod Touch., then iMessage, service that even on appearance Better standard text messages. The most important thing is that it is free for you and everyone else who uses iOS devices or Mac with iMessage. And this is not limited to anything, write as much as it wants, it is very convenient to use and besides, it allows you to save decent amounts of money, especially for young people who are accustomed to constantly correspond and send each other photos and videos.

For settings Service free and instant messaging iMessageafter you updated your apple devices: iPhone,iPod Touch, iPad, (IMAC, MacBook) to iOS 5 and above, you must perform all a few simple steps, after which you can communicate by means iMessage.absolutely free With your friendsthroughout the planetWherever they are, not paying for sending text and multimedia messages (photos, videos) to your telecom operator.

There are several requirements for IOS devices:

  • iOS 5 and above
  • Internet connection E / 3G or Wi-Fi (any of them).
  • There must be several rubles on the account (SMS sent to activate the account)

1. Go " Settings» > « Messages"I. turn on iMessageBy clicking on the slider.

IMessage on the iPhone.

When activated iMessage. You will receive such a warning that tells you about the SMS card, which the phone sends for activation of iMessage.

IMessage on the iPhone.

Next you need to fill the string "Get on" In the settings of this service just below. Here you must write or your phone number, or the email address (your Apple ID) or both as an option, for greater reliability, but consider if you write an email address, then if it is not added to the contact on the receiving side messages, then in the field " From " Your email will be declared here.

3. After the operations completed, it is necessary to wait a while you need to activate your account On the iMessage server.

The rest of the settings do the way you like more!

iMessage iPad.

The iMessage setting on the iPad differs only by the fact that it does not have a phone number.

  • Go " Settings» > « Messages"I. turn on iMessage
  • if you have apple identifier (so-called apple id), then drive it into the line "Get on"If you do not have an account, create it.
  • How to use iMessage on iPad? just like on the iPhone, read below

How to set up iMessage on iPad

Send messages iMessage

Sending messages iMessage no different from ordinary SMS and MMS - but all messages sent as iMessage, will marry blue, and sent as SMS (those who do not have an iPhone or not configured iMessage) Green. Also, the tip is in the field of the set itself, or Green fieldeither Blue.

Undoubtedly a big plus iMessage is that when the interlocutor prints a message for you, then on your phone, it will be noticeable and you expect the answer.

Sending multimedia files such as photos and videos

Send photos and videos via iMessage, share with friends - just clicking on the camera icon to the left of the text set and select the desired file. From your collection or make a photo right at the time of sending.


If you have only one device on which you use iMessage, then everything is in order, and if you still use multiple devices with iMessage running on them, then decide whether you want them to work under one apple ID or all the same used different Accounts:

  1. With one apple id, then enter Apple ID on all devices. All messages iMessage. in this case will be sent on all deviceswhere this Apple ID.
  2. With different id, in this case It is necessary to create different Apple ID For each device clicking « Create a new account » . And I will send messages to the device for which it was intended.

Apple has taken care of free, due to the connected Internet, messaging capabilities, video files ... This feature is available from 5 version of iPhones. That is, there is no iMessage on the iPhone 4S, but on the iPhone 5S, 6, etc. Perfectly functions. So, the iMessage application on the iPhone makes this possibility, but by default it is in sleep mode. Activation is required to connect it. Not all users know what imessage in iPhone. And as a result, do not know the system and the order of its connection. You must perform a number of steps to configure after which this program must be properly turned on.

So, consider how to configure iMessage on the iPhone. The options of this messenger have differences, whose characteristics depend on the system version. First of all required active sim card In your device. Next, we find the "Settings" section in the iPhone, then "messages" after which "iMessage" appears. We bring to the operating status by turning on the icon on the opposite this function. And the agreement will appear, which is necessary to approve - "OK". It should have information about the possible removal of minor means by the company by the operator, for the activation service provided, then-there for SMS. After a second, "Your Apple ID for iMessage" appears. Touch on this link You go to the field for filling out "Entry Apple ID". For further action Registration of Apple ID account is required. Next, we enter an Apple ID and password in the corresponding field, after which this program will be activated. If the program is not activated, it means that some function or action you are not true, or did not fulfill at all. Try all over again, in gradually following these recommendations. Be sure to appear why this function does not turn on.

Now we learn how to configure the included and already activated apparatus. By activating the "Account Reading" function, you specify the command on which all SMS sends will be informed about your reading of the corresponding messages. Selecting the "Send as SMS" function you agree to sending one or another text. in conventional method. Including the "Thread Show" feature, you allow the display of the message themes. "Number of characters" gives accurate information about the number of characters in it. "Blocked" tells about your blocked interlocutors, those whose messages cannot come. In the "History of Message" item, Aemestzh allows you to control the number of days of preserving certain texts on this device. There is also the ability to disable messages about unknown senders and many other functions.

The item is responsible for sending and receiving letters requires a special setting, it is the provision of requested information. In the section "Sending letters" you need to inform and designate those electronic addresseswhich you would like to receive duplicate SMS contents. Section "Start a new conversation with" is responsible for outgoing SMS. There is the phone number from which you will send them, then-there with the number of the SIM card, which will be in your iPhone. After the above actions, the iMessage application system must function correctly. The messages themselves will be highlighted in blue, and not green, as regular messages, and at the top there will be a designation that you use this category of messages. In order to re-enjoy the usual messages, you just need to disable iMessage. Next, you will learn how the iMessage works.

Sending messages iMessage

This feature is certainly carried out through the "Messages" section. So, how to send a message. To do this, you need to activate the item new messages by clicking on the similar icon depicting the sheet and the fountain pen on it. Then one of the ways choose the contact to whom the message will be addressed:

1. Enter the desired phone number or Apple ID in the address string.

2. Start entering the name of the interlocutor and the system itself will offer number options.

3. Touch the blue "Plus" icon and select the desired contact from the entire list of possible addressees.

Next, if the system works correctly and the iMessage is connected as it should, the link-button will send it in blue. If your interlocutor does not use this program Or it is not correctly connected to him, the same button will burn in red, and an exclamation mark will appear opposite. If you have configured sending as ordinary SMS (they have unsubscribed above) or on the device, the iMessage program "Subdire" icon is not connected, it will burn in green. Well, and if everything is properly written in the message field, the message itself and touch the blue button "PRED" send a message where it was selected, it starts to go.