How to remove Auto-update Plate Market. As on Android, disable auto-update applications - all or selectively. Disabling automatic download update applications on android

Android operating system has excellent application update mechanisms, but far from each of us is cheap unlimited Internet? What to do in such cases?

Of course automatic update Google Play is a very convenient feature thanks to which all new versions. installed applications And games are always in your Android. Despite all the convenience that we need to extract from this opportunity, as a rule, most often happens on the contrary, and that is why:

  • The output of a poor quality application, after which the application either does not work, or, works with frequent failures;
  • The new design that is fundamentally breaks ease;
  • With numerous updates, a strong decrease in Android performance and battery life is possible;
  • A new update in which reduced the functional or added advertising, impose optional functions.

If you get into one of these categories, or we are afraid to be in it, we turn from the words to business - we turn off automatic application updates!

Disable auto-update for all applications

Go to B. Google Play. On Anroid, in the settings menu. In this menu, you can find the next item as "auto-updating applications" and you will be asked:

  • Never - Applications will never be updated until you manually do this and do not install the new version.
  • Always - Applications are updated by yourself, with any connection to the Internet
  • Only through Wi-Fi - applications will start loading and updated automatically as soon as Android will be connected to the Wi-Fi point

If you want to completely disable the ability to update, then you need item -Never .

In new google versions Play. google Company Play provided the ability to optionally enable or disable updates in specific applications. This feature It will be useful to those who have corporate applications are updated via Google Play or beta testers, and everyone needs a new version specific application. If any application is very often updated among other your installed, it can be excluded from "Auto-update".

Disable auto update

To enable / disable updates from a specific application you need to do this - Go to My Applications -\u003e Select the desired application -\u003e Select additional. Functions -\u003e Put or remove a tick from the point "Auto-update".

Modern mobile operating systems are typically updated. Thanks to updates, they become faster, more economical in terms of resource consumption and secure in terms of ensuring user data protection. But in some cases, the continuous receipt of new files leads to a wild traffic. How to disable updates on android and get rid of permanent requests for new updates?

In this article we will look at:

  • Disable update operating system - They come out not so often, but their volume can be very large;
  • Disabling the update of installed applications - the data volume is not less here, since applications are updated much more often.

As a result, we get a device that will be updated only manually, without independent actions.

Updates in android devices are two types - these are updates for the operating system and updates for applications. The Android operating system is updated relatively rarely, about 2-3 times a year. Developers closes old "holes" and open new features before users.

New updates are sent to manufacturers of smartphones and tablets, after which they adapt files to their devices. Operating System Updates Most often receive owners of devices from large brands - this is Samsung, LG, Sony, Nexus, Xiaomi,Huawei and many others. Owners of tablets and smartphones from little-known brands may not count on updates. The same applies to those who buy cheap devices from the lowest price segment.

As for applications, they are updated on all smartphones and tablets, regardless of the manufacturer of user devices. Once the developers produce a new version of software, it automatically becomes available to all. The frequency of the release of updated versions may be the most different - from several days to once a year. But as soon as "new clothes" appear, they are automatically installed on custom smartphones and tablets.

Disable Application Update

How is applications update on smartphones and tablets with android? All new versions are requested via the Internet. For data acquisitions:

  • Mobile Internet 3G or 4G - as a rule, traffic packets are limited here, and regular updates lead to their complete exhaustion;
  • The Internet via Wi-Fi - traffic here is most often unlimited, so the Android devices are "devouring" it, not embarrassed in appetites.

Such a mode of operation is also provided when checking the availability of updates is carried out at any connection, and the update process itself is started only when connecting via Wi-Fi.

This is done not only to save traffic, but also to avoid accumulation of garbage internal memory. Not every update gives users some important innovations - most often changes in the internal structure of applications. Therefore, too much updates often harms android devices, especially very weak.

So how to disable automatic updating applications on android? Open Play Market. And go to "Settings - auto-updating applications." There are three items here:

  • "Any network" - software is updated with any connection to the Internet;
  • "Only through Wi-Fi" - the automatic update only works when connecting to a wireless access point;
  • "Never" - full shutdown Auto updates.

Here we are interested in the last check mark. Set the "Never" value if you plan to completely refuse to automatically update. You can also set the value "only via Wi-Fi" - when connecting through mobile network Only notifications about the presence of "updates" will appear, and it will be loaded only when connected via Wi-Fi.

If you want to update the applications manually, run in Play Market and go to the "Games and Applications - My Applications" section. " Here you can upgrade all the programs at once by clicking on the "Update All" button or select an update for some one application.

A typical sign that one or another application should be updated, is the loss of its performance. Some programs require for their work forced update (the banking applications and some online games are most often received).

How to disable system update on android

Are you afraid that the next release of the new update "will devour" all your traffic? Then we will teach you how to disable automatic android Update. The most unpleasant thing is that updates are downloaded in silent mode - we just get a notice that they are ready to install. That is, traffic has already been spent (offensive, if it was mobile traffic, not access via Wi-Fi). How to disable the system update on android? It is done in the following way - We go to "Settings - About Device - Update PO."

Here we will see two ticks:

  • Auto-updating - By installing this checkbox, you will run the automatic regular check for the availability of updates. If you take it off, then the presence of "updates" will not be checked;
  • Only Wi-Fi - if you most often use mobile Internet, And do not want the next update of weight under 500-600 MB (sometimes up to 1 GB) all your traffic, make this tick active.

In order to completely disable automatic updates android systemsRemove the first tick - now your traffic will be safe.

In some smartphones, there is no choice in the "System Update" menu. These devices notify their owners about the exit new firmwareAfter which the update method is offered - via Wi-Fi or mobile network.

Please note that the release of update installation can make your smartphone more cheerful and economical in terms of electricity consumption. Therefore, we do not recommend that you completely disable automatic updates. Leave it active, but install the checkbox "only via Wi-Fi" so as not to spend mobile traffic. As practice shows, some updates are very successful and significantly accelerate the work of Android devices.

If, after installing Android updates, you encountered a situation that the device has become strongly "braking", do not make a common reset - this will not help return to last version. In this situation, you need to find a file with previous firmware (for example, on the 4PDA forum) and make a "rollback". Please note that flashing warranty devices leads to a loss of warranty. If there is not enough knowledge for flashing, contact your nearest service center.

Another way to get rid of "glitches" after updating the firmware is to make a common reset and try to install all applications again.

Google Play sometimes goes crazy and begins to update all your applications that have been worked consistent without it. Often it leads to financial losses, because there is not always free traffic. Even if you have unlimited tariff - Updating applications will eat useful gigabytes, after which you will fall speed. Fortunately, this can be avoided. We will show you how to prohibit automatic updating applications in Android through Play Market.

As a rule, applications that you installed from Google Play are regularly updated automatically to increase your tablet or smartphone performance. Honestly, this is good, the truth is unplanned by you update slows down the work of the smartphone, uses mobile data and may prevent you from performing other actions with your device. In this case, it is more rational to manually update applications.

How to disable automatic updating applications in Google Play?

How to manually update applications in android?

If you have been banned by Play Market update your applications, then you will have to do it in manual. In fact, it is not difficult, because you will update not all applications, but only those that for certain reasons you need to update.

By the way, if the application is not updated, complaining about the lack of space, it is easy to solve. We already wrote

By default, Android works automatically update games and programs. As soon as the smartphone connects to Wi-Fi, the system checks the presence of updates from all applications and starts their installation.

The problem is that on weak devices, background download and installing updates strongly affect performance. In addition, the new version may be worse than the previous one - you just saw such complaints among user reviews.

Not only applications can be updated, but the system itself. If you want to control this process in the settings.

Disable auto update

Launch play application MARKET. Spend on the screen from the left side or press the button with three stripes in the search bar. Go to "Settings".

Open notifications settings. Make sure the notification of updates is enabled. If they are disabled, then you will learn about the new version of the application, only opening it page on Google Play. Then go back to the "Settings" and open the "Auto-update" section. Select "Never".

It is not necessary to disable the automatic update of all programs - you can do it. Call the swipe menu to the right and go to the "My Application and Games" section. Open the "Installed" tab and select the application for which you want to disable auto-update. Click on the button as three points in the upper right corner and remove the checkbox "Auto-update".

If you disable automatic update for individual applications, leave the value "only via Wi-Fi" in the Play MARKET settings so that the rest of the games and programs independently download updates.

Manual update

If you have included in the settings of the Play Market Alerts about the availability of updates, then after receipt of the notification it will be enough to click on it to open the application page and see what offers a new version. Meet the installation - click "Update".

You can check the availability of updates yourself through the Play Market application. In the "My Application and Games" section there is a "Updates" tab, in which all updates available for download are collected. You can update all games and programs at once or select individual applications and install their new versions gradually.

By default, applications installed through Play Market in all android versions Updated automatically. In very few versions of the operating system, the software is automatically updated. But any user can go to manual update Applications and software

How to activate and deactivate automatic update

The software is updated independently only in Android unofficial assemblies. In other versions of the operating system, it is necessary to update it by default.

Deactivation of automatic update

But if you encountered the fact that the software is updated automatically, then follow these steps to prohibit it to do this:

Video: How to disable Android automatic update

Activation of automatic update by

To enable auto-update, follow the three steps described above, but in the last of them do not deactivate, and activate the automatic update software.

Manual update

If you have banned automatic software updates, it is recommended to constantly check the availability of new versions manually.

How to activate and deactivate automatic application updates

Only programs installed from Play Market are independently updated. Applications installed from file.apk are updated only through removal old version and installing new.

Activation and deactivation of automatic updating applications in Play Market

To enable or disable self-renewing programs, you need to perform the following actions:

Video: How to disable auto-update applications on Android

Updating programs from Play Market manually

If you have deactivated the automatic receipt of new versions of the applications, then you will need to load them manually. Otherwise, some applications will refuse to work or will not receive new features added with updates.

What you need to update applications in Play Market

You can update the application manually like this:

Video: How to manually update applications in Play Market

Possible problems when updating applications

When manually or automatic updating applications, the following problems may arise:

At any time, you can enable and disable auto-update applications on Android. The same can be done with self-renewing software, if such a function is present in your firmware. After deactivating automatic update, do not forget to manually update the system and applications.