Consultations. Uploading regulated reports in electronic form

Regulatory documents provide for the possibility of submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service and Pension Fund Russia in in electronic format.

To generate reports in electronic form, there is a button in the top command panel of the regulated report form "Unload". (For regulated reports on individuals the button plays a similar role "Get file to disk" at the bottom of the report form). Before downloading a particular reporting form for any period, you should fill out the reporting form for that period and save it.

At the click of a button "Unload" on the form of a regulated report, the program will check the prepared report for completeness and correctness in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. If any requirements are not met, the system will display appropriate messages and offer an effective error navigation mechanism.

A special navigation window located at the bottom of the screen contains a list of errors. Double click If you click on an error message, you can go directly to the incorrectly filled (or empty) report cell.

After correcting the errors, you can download the report again.

When positive result check, the system will prompt the user to select a location to save the report upload file.

Some reports may have several different file formats. The file format is selected automatically by the system, but it can be changed using the button "Upload format" on the top command panel of the regulated report form.

Information about downloads of regulated reporting is saved in special document, accessible from the corresponding list (menu "Operations" › "Documents" › "Uploading regulated reports").

A document for downloading regulated reports can be created directly from the list of such documents in a regular way creating new documents for the 1C:Enterprise 8 program system. In the appropriate fields of the upload document form, you should indicate the organization and period for which the regulated reports are uploaded. If you then press the button "Fill in", then in the large field in the lower half a list of generated regulated reports that meet the specified criteria will be displayed.

In this list, you should mark the reports to be downloaded. Next, you need to generate upload texts by clicking on the button "Generate upload texts" in the lower command panel - the document will appear on the form new bookmark "Upload texts", which will display the result of the command. To save the generated texts as a file, click on the button "Save" in the lower command bar.

In the document "Downloading regulated reports" It is possible to check reports for compliance with the requirements of the upload format. There is a button to call the check "Check" in the lower command bar of the document form.

Uploading balance sheet data from "1C8. Accounting" for transfer to VLSI

1. Uploading report data in electronic form to "1C8. Accounting"

In 1c8 Accounting, generate regulated reporting -> Go to the “Report Journal”.

Report log allows you to check and download report data in electronic form without opening the report itself. This function is available only for those reporting forms that have the ability to download data in formats approved by the Federal Tax Service (Ministry of Taxes) of the Russian Federation.

Checking the upload allows you to check the report for compliance with the requirements of the electronic upload format.
To perform a check, select the required report in the report log, click the “Upload” button in the command panel of the report log and select “Check download” from the drop-down menu. After clicking this button, an electronic report will be generated.

If errors are detected in the report data that prevent the upload from being completed, the upload will be stopped. In this case, you should correct the detected errors and repeat the upload. To navigate through errors, it is convenient to use the service tool error navigation window, which is automatically called up on the screen.

To download, select the required report in the report log, click the “Download” button in the command panel of the report log and select “Download” from the drop-down menu.

If the upload is successful, the screen will display request to save upload results on magnetic medium. After recording, a document “Uploading regulated reports” will be created to save the results of the upload. The created document is available for work in the upload log.

If an upload has already been performed for a regulated report and the document “Uploading regulated reports” is recorded in the upload log, to resave the upload results to magnetic media, you can find this document in the upload log and click the “Save to file” button in the upload log command panel.

Unloading log

The upload log is intended for working with documents “Uploading regulated reports”. To go to this log, you need to click on the “Upload Log” tab of the form for working with regulated reports.

The upload log contains only documents uploading regulated reports.

The log columns display:
date of the document, also known as the date of unloading;
the period for which regulated reports were downloaded;
the organization on whose behalf the report was compiled;
code of the tax authority to which the reporting is submitted;
a comment.
The appearance of the magazine can be changed using standard features list settings. The dialog for setting up the list can be called from context menu unloading log.

In the VLSI program, open the menu item "Federal Tax Service" -> press the button "load from other programs" ->

in the window that opens, find the folder where the file is saved, click “next” and specify it in the list of files that opens.

The data will be loaded from the file into the VLSI. Further reporting processing in this program is no different from the previous one.

If any errors occur during the preparation of the report, information about them will be displayed on the screen, and further generation of the set will be suspended. In this case, you must take corrective action and then resend the report. For example, if, when generating reports, the application detects that in the form RSV-1 mandatory information is missing or incorrect information is present, an appropriate error message will be issued and a window will be displayed. Error navigation.

To manually correct errors in the form RSV-1, do the following.

  1. Select in the table section Kit contents document RSV-1 containing errors.
  2. Click the button Edit RSV-1.
  3. Make the necessary changes to the form that opens for editing. RSV-1. If necessary, move from sheet to sheet using the list of report sections on the left side of the window.

  1. To check that the form is filled out correctly RSV-1 click the button Upload and select from the menu team Check upload. If there are errors in the report, a list of them will be displayed in the message panel on the right, and if there are no errors, a corresponding message will be displayed.

  1. Click the button Save in the upper right corner of the form RSV-1.
  2. Close the form window RSV-1.

  1. In the dialog box that opens, select the desired update option:
  2. Generate with updates in mind- generates a set according to accounting data, saving all corrections made to it;
  3. Reform– creates a new set with new documents (with the removal of old documents);
  4. Update contributions– makes changes to the relevant documents only on the basis of changed data on contributions.
  5. Click the button Check.
  6. In the dialog box that opens, select the option Built-in check.

  1. Wait until the scan is completed, making sure that no errors are found.
  2. Resend the kit with the command Send / Send to the Pension Fund.

In conclusion, we note that when updating information, old documents are “overwritten”. To be able to return to the old set, you need to set the state The kit will not be transferred and press the button Create a new set. As a result, a set selection field will appear in the upper right corner of the form, where you can select the old set for editing