Pension provision in Russia. Long service pension

Amount of disability pension is established depending on the disability group in the manner provided for in Article 15 Federal Law“On labor pensions in Russian Federation" Below is the full article 15 "Amounts of disability labor pension" of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ " About labor pensions in the Russian Federation" in the latest edition dated December 3, 2011 with amendments and additions, entered into force on July 1, 2012)

Article 15. Amount of disability pension

1. The amount of the labor disability pension is established depending on the disability group.

2. The amount of the labor disability pension is determined by the formula:

P = PC / (T x K) + B,

    P - the size of the labor disability pension;

    PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person (disabled person) (Article 29.1 of this Federal Law), taken into account as of the day from which he is assigned a disability retirement pension;

    T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension (clause 1 of Article 14 of this Federal Law);

    K - the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period (in months) as of the specified date to 180 months. The standard duration of the insurance period until a disabled person reaches the age of 19 is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age starting from 19 years, but not more than up to 180 months;

B - fixed basic size of disability pension.

3. The fixed basic amount of the labor disability pension for persons who do not have dependent disabled family members is established in the following amounts:

1) for group I - 5,124 rubles per month;

2) for group II - 2,562 rubles per month;

3) for group III - 1,281 rubles per month.

4. Persons who are dependent on disabled family members specified in subparagraphs 1, 3 and 4 of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of Article 9

1) in group I:

    if there is one such family member - 5,978 rubles per month;

    if there are two such family members - 6,832 rubles per month;

2) in group II:

    if there is one such family member - 3,416 rubles per month;

    if there are two such family members - 4,270 rubles per month;

    if there are three or more such family members - 5,124 rubles per month;

3) in group III:

    if there is one such family member - 2,135 rubles per month;

    if there are two such family members - 2,989 rubles per month;

    if there are three or more such family members - 3,843 rubles per month.

5. The fixed basic size of the labor disability pension provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article for persons living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas is increased by the corresponding regional coefficient established by the Government of the Russian Federation depending on the region (locality) of residence, for the entire period of residence of these persons in these areas (localities).

When citizens move to a new place of residence in other regions of the Far North and equivalent areas in which other regional coefficients are established, the fixed basic size of the disability pension is determined taking into account the size of the regional coefficient at the new place of residence.

When citizens leave the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas for a new place of residence, the fixed basic amount of the disability pension is determined in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article.

6. For persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North and have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, who do not have dependent disabled family members, the fixed basic amount of the disability pension is established in the following amounts:

1) for group I - 7,686 rubles per month;

2) for group II - 3,843 rubles per month;

3) for group III - 1,921 rubles 50 kopecks per month.

Persons who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in areas equivalent to them, when determining the number of calendar years of work in areas of the Far North in order to establish a fixed basic size of the disability pension for each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to areas of the Far North, is considered to be nine months of work in the Far North.

7. For the persons specified in paragraph 6 of this article, whose dependents are disabled family members specified in subparagraphs 1, 3 and 4 of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, the fixed basic amount of the disability pension is established in the following amounts:

1) in group I:

    if there is one such family member - 8,967 rubles per month;

    if there are two such family members - 10,248 rubles per month;

    if there are three or more such family members - 11,529 rubles per month;

2) in group II:

    if there is one such family member - 5,124 rubles per month;

    if there are two such family members - 6,405 rubles per month;

    if there are three or more such family members - 7,686 rubles per month;

3) in group III:

    if there is one such family member - 3,202 rubles 50 kopecks per month;

    if there are two such family members - 4,483 rubles 50 kopecks per month;

    if there are three or more such family members - 5,764 rubles 50 kopecks per month.

8. Persons who have worked for at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, and who have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, who do not have dependent disabled family members, will receive a fixed basic amount of labor pension for disability is established in the following amounts:

1) for group I - 6,661 rubles 20 kopecks per month;

2) for group II - 3,330 rubles 60 kopecks per month;

3) for group III - 1,665 rubles 30 kopecks per month.

9. For the persons specified in paragraph 8 of this article, whose dependents are disabled family members specified in subparagraphs 1, 3 and 4 of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, the fixed basic amount of the disability pension is established in the following amounts:

1) in group I:

    if there is one such family member - 7,771 rubles 40 kopecks per month;

    if there are two such family members - 8,881 rubles 60 kopecks per month;

    if there are three or more such family members - 9,991 rubles 80 kopecks per month;

2) in group II:

    if there is one such family member - 4,440 rubles 80 kopecks per month;

    if there are two such family members - 5,551 rubles per month;

    if there are three or more such family members - 6,661 rubles 20 kopecks per month;

3) in group III:

    if there is one such family member - 2,775 rubles 50 kopecks per month;

    if there are two such family members - 3,885 rubles 70 kopecks per month;

    if there are three or more such family members - 4,995 rubles 90 kopecks per month.

10. The fixed basic size of the labor disability pension in the amounts specified in paragraphs 6 - 9 of this article is established regardless of the citizen’s place of residence.

11. Citizens who have the right to increase the fixed basic size of the labor disability pension (clauses 3 and 4 of this article) by the corresponding regional coefficient in accordance with paragraph 5 of this article and at the same time to the fixed basic size of the labor disability pension provided for in paragraphs 6 - 9 of this article, at the choice of the citizen, either the establishment of a fixed basic amount of a labor disability pension, provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article, applying paragraph 5 of this article, or the establishment of a fixed basic amount of a labor disability pension, provided for in paragraphs 6 - 9 of this article.

This Federal Law), taken into account as of the day of his death;

paragraph 1 of article 14

K is the ratio of the standard duration of the breadwinner's insurance period (in months) as of the day of his death to 180 months. The standard duration of the insurance period until the deceased breadwinner reaches the age of 19 is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age starting from 19 years, but not more than up to 180 months;

2. The amount of the labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for children (each child) specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, who have lost (lost) both parents, is determined by the formula:

P = PC 1 / (T x K1) / KN1 + PK2 / (T x K2) / KN2 + B, where

PC 1 - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the deceased breadwinner (one parent) (this Federal Law), taken into account as of the day of his death;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age pension (clause 1 of Article 14 of this Federal Law);

TO 1 - the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period of the breadwinner (one parent) (in months) as of the day of his death to 180 months. The standard duration of the insurance period until the deceased breadwinner (one parent) reaches the age of 19 years is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age starting from 19 years, but not more than up to 180 months;

PC 2 - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the deceased breadwinner (other parent) (this Federal Law), taken into account as of the day of his death;

TO 2 - the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period of the breadwinner (other parent) (in months) as of the day of his death to 180 months. The standard duration of the insurance period until the deceased breadwinner (other parent) reaches the age of 19 years is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age starting from 19 years, but not more than up to 180 months;

B - fixed basic size of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner.

3. The amount of the labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for the children (each child) specified (specified) in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 9 of this Federal Law of a deceased single mother is determined by the formula:

P = / KN + B, where

P - the amount of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner;

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of a deceased single mother (this Federal Law), taken into account as of the day of her death;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age pension (clause 1 of Article 14 of this Federal Law);

K is the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period of a deceased single mother (in months) as of the day of her death to 180 months. The standard duration of the insurance period until the deceased single mother reaches the age of 19 years is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age starting from 19 years, but not more than up to 180 months;

B - fixed basic size of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner.

4. If a labor pension for the loss of a breadwinner is established in connection with the death of a person for whom the insurance part of an old-age labor pension or a labor pension for disability was established on the day of death, the amount of a labor pension for the loss of a breadwinner for each disabled family member (for with the exception of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner for children who have lost both parents, or children of a deceased single mother) is determined by the formula:

P = P 1 / KN + B, where

P - the amount of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner;

P 1 - the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (without taking into account the fixed basic amount of this part) or the amount of the disability labor pension (without taking into account the fixed basic amount of this pension), established for the deceased breadwinner as of the day of his death;

KN - the number of disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner who are recipients of the specified pension established in connection with the death of this breadwinner as of the day from which a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned to the corresponding disabled family member;

B - fixed basic size of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner.

5. The amount of labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for children (each child) specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, who have lost (lost) both parents, one of whom on the day of death was established the insurance part of the labor pension according to old age or labor disability pension is determined by the formula:

P = PC / (T x K) / KN1 + P1 / KN2 + B, where

P - the amount of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner;

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the deceased breadwinner (one parent), who on the day of death did not have the insurance part of an old-age labor pension or a labor disability pension (this Federal Law), taken into account as of the day of his death;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age pension (clause 1 of Article 14 of this Federal Law);

K is the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period of the breadwinner (one parent) (in months), for whom the insurance part of the old-age labor pension or disability labor pension was not established on the day of death, to 180 months as of the day of his death. The standard duration of the insurance period until the deceased breadwinner (one parent) reaches the age of 19 years is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age starting from 19 years, but not more than up to 180 months;

KN 1 - the number of disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner (one parent) who are recipients of the specified pension established in connection with the death of this breadwinner (this parent) as of the day from which a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned to the corresponding disabled family member;

P 1 - the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (without taking into account the fixed basic amount of this part) or the amount of the disability labor pension (without taking into account the fixed basic amount of this pension), established for the deceased breadwinner (other parent) as of the day of his death;

KN 2 - the number of disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner (other parent) who are recipients of the specified pension established in connection with the death of this breadwinner (this parent) as of the day from which a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned to the corresponding disabled family member;

6. The amount of the labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for children (each child) specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, who have lost (lost) both parents, each of whom was assigned the insurance part of the old-age labor pension or labor disability pension is determined by the formula:

P = P 1 / KN1 + P2 / KN2 + B, where

P - the amount of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner;

P 1 - the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (without taking into account the fixed basic amount of this part) or the amount of the disability labor pension (without taking into account the fixed basic amount of this pension), established for the deceased breadwinner (one parent) on the day of his death;

KN 1 - the number of disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner (one parent) who are recipients of the specified pension established in connection with the death of this breadwinner (this parent) as of the day from which a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned to the corresponding disabled family member;

P 2 - the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (without taking into account the fixed basic amount of this part) or the amount of the disability labor pension (without taking into account the fixed basic amount of this pension), established for the deceased breadwinner (other parent) on the day of his death;

KN 2 - the number of disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner (other parent) who are recipients of the specified pension established in connection with the death of this breadwinner (this parent) as of the day from which the labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned to the corresponding child;

B - fixed basic pension amount in case of loss of a breadwinner.

7. The amount of the labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for the children (each child), specified (specified) in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, of a deceased single mother, for whom the insurance part of the old-age labor pension or the labor pension was established on the day of death disability is determined by the formula:

P = (P 1 x 2) / KN + B, where

P - the amount of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner;

P 1 - the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (without taking into account the fixed basic amount of this part) or the amount of the disability labor pension (without taking into account the fixed basic amount of this pension), established for the deceased single mother as of the day of her death;

KN - the number of disabled family members of a deceased single mother who are recipients of the specified pension established in connection with her death as of the day from which a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned to the corresponding disabled family member;

B - fixed basic pension amount in case of loss of a breadwinner.

8. When determining the number of disabled family members, taking into account which the size of the labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is determined in the amounts provided for

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Description of Sigma-IS PPK-T "Rubicon"

Sigma-IS PPK-T "Rubicon" is a control controller for building the "ASB Rubicon" address system. Made on the basis of an industrial controller "eBox" from DMP, installed in a metal case with a built-in redundant power supply. Designed to control large systems with workstations top level based on RM-3 software. It does not have a built-in address loop and a built-in remote control and ensures the operation of address loops through external KA2 controllers via the RS-485 interface.
PPK-T has interfaces RS-485, RS-232, Ethernet, USB, and a slot for installing a memory card.

Main functions of Sigma-IS PPK-T "Rubicon"

  • Control of up to 32,385 addressable devices (ring loops) or up to 64,770 addressable devices (radial loops), via KA2 connected via RS-485 (127 KA2);
  • Connections to a PC (PC network) using an Ethernet interface;
  • Display on the PC workstation with installed “RM3 software” all information about the state of the system, areas, technical means, ongoing events, graphic plans, etc.;
  • Viewing the status/control/configuration of connected devices on a workstation PC with “RM3 software” installed;
  • Connection auxiliary devices via RS-232 and USB interface (radio modems, GSM modems, printers, etc.);
  • Saving up to 200 thousand events in non-volatile memory.
  • Automatic detection of devices on the addressable loop (plug & play).

Technical characteristics of Sigma-IS PPK-T "Rubicon"

  • Unit: 1 piece
  • Dimensions (mm): 330x370x100
  • Weight (kg): 2.00
  • Supply voltage from AC mains with a frequency of 50 Hz, V - 187 - 242
  • Power consumption from the network, no more, VA - 30
  • Backup power, 2 batteries, voltage, V / capacity, A*hour - 12 / 12
  • Quantity network devices on the RS-485 line, no more than - 127
  • Number of KA2 devices on the RS-485 line, no more than - 127
  • Total number of vehicles, no more than - 65535
  • Number of regions, no more - 2048
  • Number of vehicles in one region, no more than - 256
  • Number of users, no more - 65536
  • Interfaces - Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s, RS-485, RS-232, USB
  • Operating temperature range, °C - +5...+50
  • Overall dimensions, mm - 330x370x100
  • Weight, kg (without battery), no more than - 2.0

PPK-T is a control controller for building the ASB Rubicon address system.
Made on the basis of an industrial controller "eBox" from DMP, installed in a metal case with a built-in redundant power supply.
Since 2019, PPK-T has been produced with a new control controller manufactured by SIGMA Group (See operating manual. Rev. 13.).

Designed to control large systems with upper-level workstations. It does not have a built-in address loop and a built-in remote control and ensures the operation of address loops through external KA2 controllers via the RS-485 interface.
PPK-T has interfaces RS-485, RS-232, Ethernet, USB, and a slot for installing a memory card.


  • Control of up to 32,385 addressable devices (ring loops) or up to 64,770 addressable devices (radial loops), via KA2 connected via RS-485 (127 KA2);
  • Connections to a PC (PC network) using an Ethernet interface;
  • Displaying on the PC workstation all information about the state of the system, areas, technical means, ongoing events, graphic plans, etc.;
  • Connecting auxiliary devices via RS-232 and USB interface (radio modems, GSM modems, printers, etc.);
  • Saving up to 200 thousand events in non-volatile memory.
  • Automatic detection of devices on the addressable loop (plug & play).


  • Uniting connected devices in an area;
  • Support for up to 50,000 users (for access control systems, security alarms and fire extinguishing).
  • Area-based system control (reset/arm/disarm/bypass unready) with top-level software;
  • Automatic control of outputs (local or on addressable devices) added to areas, in accordance with the current state of the area and output configuration.
  • Combining the state of several areas into one (or more) top-level areas.


Supply voltage from AC mains with a frequency of 50 Hz, V187 - 242
Power consumption from the network, no more, VA30
Backup power, 2 batteries, voltage, V / capacity, A*hour12 / 12
Number of network devices on the RS-485 line, no more127
Number of KA2 devices on the RS-485 line, no more127
Total number of vehicles, no more65535
Number of areas, no more2048
Number of vehicles in one area, no more256
Number of users, no more65536
InterfacesEthernet 10/100 Mbit/s, RS-485, RS-232, USB
Operating temperature range, °C+5...+50
Overall dimensions, mm330x370x100
Weight, kg (without battery), no more2,0


Documentation:: Operational documentation

  • PPK-T. Manual. Rev.14 [ download PDF, 537 KB ]
  • PPK-T. Manual. Rev.12 [ download PDF, 557 KB ]
  • ASB "Rubicon". Programming Guide. [ download PDF, 6 MB ]
  • RP105. Functionality of arming in the Rubicon system [ download PDF, 189 KB ]
  • RP108. Working with PPK via the Internet [ download PDF, 756 KB ]
  • RP110. Operation of the control panel with a GSM/GPRS modem [