Check visits in VK. How to view statistics in VK in the new version. It is now possible to watch the attendance of the "VK" page

Active users who use the social network VKontakte and personally their page not only for the purpose of communicating with friends, but also for other purposes, for example, for commercial purposes, may be interested in looking at the page statistics. This can be useful, for example, to provide your statistics to advertisers for selling or promoting products / brands through it, or just for personal interest, to roughly represent which audience is actively visiting your page. Within the framework of this article, we will consider who and how can see the page statistics in VK.

Table of contents:

How to see page statistics in VK

The social network VKontakte was created in such a way that access to statistics is open only to popular users. It is believed that if a person has more than 100 subscribers, they are quite popular and they may need to know their page statistics. That is why only a user with 100 or more subscribers can view statistics in the manner described below.

Please note: Subscribers in this case do not mean friends. That is, you can have as many friends as you want, but access to statistics will be open only if more than 100 people are subscribed to your page. Followers are users who sent you a friend proposal, but you did not approve it, or users who were previously friends with you, but you deleted them.

To see the statistics of a page in VK, you need to do the following:

After that, you will be redirected to the page where statistics are collected.

How to correctly read page statistics in VK

On the page with statistics on the VKontakte social network, there are many different graphs and diagrams, by which you can find out all the information of interest about the users who visit your page. At the same time, the specific names of people who visited the page cannot be determined in this way. The VK page statistics tool is necessary to assess the contingent of users who are interested in you. This can be used to grow in popularity in the future.

The statistics page has three tabs: traffic, reach and activity. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


The "Attendance" tab in the statistics contains information about who visited your page. Let us analyze each of the parameters sequentially:

As you can see, using the "Attendance" tab, you can add a rough idea of ​​the people who follow you and visit your page.


The "Reach" tab collects statistics on how many users have seen your latest posts: on the wall, photos, videos, and so on. These statistics are divided into the following points:

This is where the possibilities of the "Coverage" tab end.


On the Activity tab, you can see the audience's reaction to the content that you publish on your page. Here, the graph can display up to 5 parameters: "Like" marks, comments on the content, reposts of your publications, mentions of your page, the number of hiding of the published content by users.

Social networks have appeared because people are curious by nature, they are interested in how others live: friends, classmates and colleagues. But most of all, everyone is interested in their own personality and, accordingly, their own page. Many of those who use social networks are interested in how popular their page is, and here, when compared with other popular networks, VKontakte was a loser, since it was impossible to track how many people viewed your page. After the statistics "VKontakte" appeared, the situation changed a little.

How to get data about visits to your page

In order to know how many users visited your page, you need to meet one basic condition - you must have at least a hundred subscribers. After that, the service will be provided to you automatically. It will appear in the left menu.

If the statistics of the VKontakte page still does not work for you, although this condition is met, then you need to follow the link, where after the sign it is necessary to substitute your page number ...

Where to get your page number

Many have changed the numbers that were previously in the link to the page to letters. In the link above, you must substitute the original value. Statistics "VKontakte", if you enter the data incorrectly, will not appear. The easiest way to find out the page number is using the settings menu. To do this, find "My Settings" in the column on the left and go to this tab. Scroll the page that appears to the very bottom - and in the third section from the bottom you will see your page number, and you need to substitute it for the link.

What the statistics "VKontakte" displays

First of all, you will see a graph of your page traffic. In it, you can see two lines: unique users and views. The first means that another person came in and viewed information from your page. Views mean that the post or photo was received by the user through the "My News" tab. The data on it is updated every day.

In general, the data that is available through this service are similar to those provided by the statistics of the VKontakte group. Below the schedule of visits and views, you have access to such characteristics as:

  • gender and age;
  • country;
  • town;
  • from what devices your page is visited;
  • changes to subscribers.

If you want to make your page popular and, perhaps, even earn money, then all this information will be very interesting to you. There are several programs with which you can artificially increase the number of subscribers. This is enough to get statistics, but it won't add to your popularity. In order for the views tab to not be empty, as is usually the case with ordinary pages, you need to post interesting posts, photos and other content.
It is also important to find subscribers on your own. To do this, you need to leave comments in publics, groups. If they are interested in you, then the statistics of VKontakte will improve. For this, your statements should be original and attractive. Popularity is easy to both gain and lose. The statistics of the VKontakte groups you interact with also affect your success.

What is not displayed in the visit data

Many of us would like to see the statistics of guests "VKontakte" introduced, which would display not only the number of visits, but also reveal the identity of those who view your profile. There is no such service and is not yet expected, since this is the difference between this social network and others.

Many users are looking for alternative ways to find out about the guests of the page and are often led by scammers who distribute applications that allegedly reveal the secret about visitors. In the best case, you will receive an application that will display inaccurate data, and in the worst case, it will require you to deposit a certain amount into your account or send an SMS (in this case, you should simply delete it) or hack your page. In the latter case, you will need to restore access and change the password. This is easy to do if you have a mobile phone attached to the page.

Another type of application offers placement of trap links to third-party services on its page. It can also be classified as dubious and unreliable. After all, it is not known whether a person will follow the link and whether it will damage his computer. In this case, you can become the culprit for infecting someone else's PC or device with a virus.

The April Fool's joke 2016 was a success: the users, slightly worried, got their bearings and, with a sigh of relief, accepted the updated rules as a blessing.

Change for the better

Features upgraded:

  • "Tell friends";
  • notification button;
  • attachments to messages;
  • page visit statistics button, etc.

If the previous version of the "Statistics of visits" was located directly under the audio recordings, the new one was moved under the avatar.

How to view statistics in VK in the new version

Under the personal image (photo), to the right of “Edit”, a graphic image appeared in the form of three small rectangles of different sizes. It is active only for those users. which have more than 100 followers (not friends!) similar to the old version.

Below I have described the graphs, as well as what they show.

  1. Graph # 1 has three tabs: traffic, audience coverage and subscribers' activity in relation to the owner's page.
  2. Graph No. 2 displays the percentage dependence of page visits on gender and age.
  3. Graph # 3 introduces the geographic location of visitors.
  4. Graph # 4 shows the increase / decrease in the number of subscribers.

On the same page, at the top right, there is a useful button "Upload statistics". You are downloading an EXCEL spreadsheet that concentrates and analyzes data from previous graphs.

More subscribers, good and different

After solving the question "How to view VKontakte statistics in the new version", a new problem appears: the lack of the required number of subscribers. Where to get them, how to attract them?

  1. View your friends list. You indiscriminately agreed with requests for friendship, you do not know many, you have never communicated, only rejected their offers to buy, visit, look. By removing strangers from the Friends tab, you automatically transfer them to the subgroup of subscribers.
  2. Wander through the groups, leave requests yourself, communicate. The method will work if people trust you. Depends on personal charm, ability to interest the interlocutor.

Register and work on sites like Turbo Liker. For likes, reposts and bonuses for yourself, you write reviews, mark other users, subscribe to pages, groups of other people.

There is a way out: improve your content, revise topics, become interesting and useful. Follow the rule "What you spend time gets done."

Cui prodest

Does a simple user need accounting and control of likes, visits, unsubscriptions? Once again, make sure of your popularity, indulging your insatiable ego? Or get depressed, feeling like an unhappy loner in a large computer space?

Any counter on the site shows how much you, your information or products are needed by others. There are three main types of social media users:

  • lovers of communication, adventurers online;
  • promoters promoting products on any platform;
  • agents of influence that form waves of approval or disapproval of events, goods.

Each burst of activity around the axes of coordinates means increased group interest, the formation of a target audience and an increase in profits.

A close analysis of the “throw-in - splash” correspondence specifies the date and source of changes, and highlights valuable facts from the general information flow.


VKontakte is becoming more convenient, including for mobile applications. You can optimize the functions of the new interface by downloading an updated version of VKOpt (VKontakte Optimizer). I hope that the topic: how to view statistics in VK in the new version has been fully disclosed.

Write your comments, ideas, opinions, it will be very interesting for me.

VKontakte group statistics is the main tool for assessing the effectiveness of an SMM campaign. Data analysis should be approached comprehensively, that is, take into account all the indicators provided by the social network, and correlate them with the activities that you conduct. For example:

  • placement of targeted advertising;
  • collaboration with thematic communities;
  • installation of a group widget on the company's website;
  • changes to published content;
  • carrying out activities and work with involvement.

The most interesting information distributed by
only through the mailing list! Subscribe and read first!

Subscribe to

Knowing all the actions taken and referring to statistics, you can get a complete picture and understand what exactly is worth doing for further successful promotion. Almost all the necessary indicators are provided by the social network, but if you need a deeper analysis, for example, with the inclusion of competitors' actions, you should use third-party resources, for example, Jaga Jam.

How to view the statistics of a VKontakte group?

All administrators should know how to view the statistics of a VKontakte group. This is very easy to do. It is enough to go to your community and under the avatar in the right column of the group management select the item "Community statistics".

You will be taken to the graphs page with indicators. Each chart has a text description, so you can always find out what it displays. The general rules for working with them are the same. In the upper right corner, you can select the required period (day, week, month, all time, by day, by month) and the display option in the form of a diagram. Using the slider at the bottom of the graph, you can adjust the time period you are interested in.

Below the graph, by clicking on the checkboxes, you can select the indicators you are interested in. So, on the first graph "Unique visitors and views", you can see both indicators, as well as them separately.

Let's immediately answer a popular question that causes a lot of controversy: "What does unique visitors to VKontakte mean in statistics?"

By the definition of the social network itself, this is the number of users who joined the community per day. It consists of two components: direct participants of the page or groups and users who entered it as a result of the conducted activity (advertising, news from other users, and so on). It should be borne in mind that it is not typical for a more mature and serious audience to enter a group every day, no matter how fans of the brand they are. Therefore, although this is an important indicator, you should not get attached only to it.

Main factors

So, let's move on to the main statistics indicators.

Number of participants

This variable is key in VK analytics. At the very least, it demonstrates the popularity of the community in a certain period, and this indicator is usually the “yardstick” for everyone else. It is important to study the number of likes, comments and other data in relation to the total number of subscribers. But, of course, you should not chase only the quantity, first of all the quality of the participants is important. Each user should be relevant to your target audience.


VKontakte statistics displays unique visitors and views. By studying traffic, you get a much better idea of ​​the audience that interests you. First, the total number of views per day, and second, the ratio of unique and non-unique views. This provides insight into loyal customer engagement and content quality. The large gap between those who came to you once and those who returned indicates a lack of interest in the group or the quality of the content. And, of course, the bursts in this graph allow us to establish which channel or method of attraction turned out to be the most effective in terms of attendance.

Gender / Age... Age and sex characteristics are an important component. Based on this indicator, you can:

  • adjust the content plan, focusing on the interests, status and standard of living of people who prevail in your community;
  • attract users of the right gender and age if your audience does not match your customer's portrait.

Geography also allows you to “filter out” unnecessary actions in the promotion: if you have a focus on certain regions, optimize your actions.

Devices... The percentage of PC users to mobile users is a clear guideline for what should be the time of publication and the content of the news. With the prevalence of PC users, publications should be capacious and “shooting”, and illustrations - catchy, due to the fact that on a larger plane, attention is more likely to be dispersed to other news. For mobile users, headlines are worth betting on.

Participants- new and released - this item, like the traffic indicator, is worthy of the attention of the administration when conducting active advertising campaigns.

Advertising, widget - provide information on specific sources. Allocation of a time period makes it possible to determine the most effective method of presenting information in ads and the location or design of the widget.

Section views- for many, this number is not so important, but still it can say something about the interests of subscribers, which means it can tell you what to stake on when carrying out SMM promotion.


Reach is formed based on the number of views of your posts from any sources: user news, friends news, friends wall, etc. Reach shows how many social network users (whether subscribers or not) see your news.

Based on this data, one can draw conclusions about the sources, methods of promotion and the quality of the content, comparing it purely with the number of group visitors and new entrants.


VK activity statistics can give an idea of ​​the interest in interacting with you. This reflects the number of photos, audio and video recordings, comments to them, posts on the wall, participation in discussions. Based on this data, you can adjust the strategy for leading the group to increase engagement: stimulate discussions, launch contests, arrange polls and touch on burning topics.

Feedback- This is an accurate statistics of the attendance and activity of the VKontakte page according to indicators such as comments, likes, reposts, as well as the number of users who chose to hide your entries from their news.

Page statistics

Page statistics also contain graphs, charts, and summaries for each of the above metrics. This visualization provides a visual representation of all changes over a period of time. Both individually and collectively, they provide answers to questions about content, advertising, activities and promotion.

How to view the statistics of a VKontakte page?

You can view the statistics of attendance of the VKontakte page in the same way as the statistics of the group: under the avatar, click on the control panel and select the appropriate section.

Main factors

Page metrics are identical to the group metrics we detailed above. Study them, analyze, and you will get great opportunities for solving specific problems, such an analysis is more accurate, but also more complex, and therefore requires the involvement of experienced digital marketing professionals.

VKontakte statistics is an important tool that should be used by everyone, without exception. If you have any problems with its application, we will be happy to help you.

How to view the statistics of a VKontakte page? Today we will try to tell you what it is, why you need statistics in contact and how to view it and where it is located.

Statistics is a useful feature for those who are interested in their popularity on VK.

Its icon is located under the avatar a page that has more than 100 (one hundred) subscriptions.

To get to the section with your personal VKontakte statistics, click on the diagram icon under the avatar next to the edit button in the desktop version of the site

Why do we need VK statistics?

It is used by people who earn money from their account. They monitor development and attendance, engage others, or advertise various fields of activity.

In groups, you can also see the percentage of development. In this case, the function helps to promote the community.

What sections does it consist of?

Click on the icon under the profile picture.

Three sections appear: Reach, Attendance, and Activity.

The first graph shows the number of people who viewed your post in the news feed or on the wall, who of them followed you or is a friend.

I wonder how many users have visited a page in a certain period of time? Then the column "Attendance" is at your service. Also here you can see the number of people who have made a transition within the page. They are identified by their IP address.

In addition to visitors, there are statistics of subscribers and people who have unsubscribed from you. They are categorized by sex, age and location. It should be noted that the attendance schedule does not depend on whether the user has hidden his age or not. He will still be defined in the column by date of birth.

Want to know how they react to your content and your account in general? The “Activity” column will tell you about this with the help of marks “Like”, mentions and reposts. Convenient for those who follow the progress of their page.

Can I see page statistics without subscribers?

Yes. If there is no such amount, then a compressed version of statistics can be obtained by clicking on this link:
The function will include "Audience reach" and "Feedback".

Disadvantage of this statistic: “Audience coverage” is not kept, as a result of which it will not be possible to view it. Tip: get 100 subscriptions and see your statistics in full.

How to view information about the development of someone else's page?

Unfortunately, in VKontakte there is no function for viewing the analysis of other people's profiles.
But you can see the statistics of another group. To do this, type in the address bar and then write the ID of the group whose data you want to view.