BlackBerry on white: model range. Phones BlackBerry Model Row Blackberry

Thank you for being with us in 2015, we worked for you, did best Service, the best prices And, of course, only the original BlackBerry was supplied. Yes, what to say, look at yourself, while someone cuts salads and begins to spill glasses with champagne, we write a beautiful congratulation and invent contests for you.

Despite the crisis, we saw a sharp increase in demand for BlackBerry, and 2016 will be even more interesting.

Firstly, BlackBerry began to make smartphones on Android, and this is a huge audience (the fans of authentic BlackBerry can be calm, because their devices are designed for at least 2 years ahead). The beginning of the major sales of the PRIV worldwide in the new year will be very indicative.

Secondly, the appearance of a new QWERTY model Vienna in a monoblock format on android, which will be interested in fans of Classic, Passport, etc. and those who have already understood all the advantages of Priv.

Third BlackBerry Russia will open the showroom in Moscow.

And who became a record holder in the outgoing year?

After all, a strong increase in electronics prices in 2015 allowed the BlackBerry to press a significant piece of market for other manufacturers due to best combination price quality. We highlight several models that beat records and competitors for sales and demand.

BlackBerry Classic.

As the saying is "the name corresponds to reality." This is a classic! QWERTY BlackBerry form factor in already familiar formats of the Bold 9900 came fans of this format and brought many improvements (assembly, quality of materials, sizes, specifications and operating system).

BlackBerry Passport.

The task of Passport was aimed at the user's tired of the iPhone and become more demanding BlackBerry users. Flying showed that the eplvoda gladly took themselves this model, and the Blackberry lovers switched on it were delighted with this format.

BlackBerry Priv.

The new PRIV model was taken away from all users (except for tary of conservatives) BlackBerry. Reduced (still high) prices we expect in the new year. But already now we can say that this is a BLACKERRY break in a new environment with new features.

This is probably all that we wanted to tell you and now we can celebrate the New Year with a clean conscience.

From the whole team of BlackBerry Russia, we wish you success in the coming year!
Happy New Year 2016!

Stay with BlackBerry Russia

Even if you are not interested in electronics, you probably had to hear the name "Blackberry". This is one of the first manufacturers of smartphones, which gained popularity long before the appearance and "Gelecia". And, despite tough competition in the market, he still has his fans.

Read more about Brand

"Blackberry" is blackberry translated from English. What is this "berry" in the electronics market?

Many compare the success of "Blackberry" with the popularity of another "appetizing" brand - Apple. The devices of both producers at one time blew up the market and found the army of loyal fans that refuse to buy something else.

The history of the famous Canadian company begins since 1984. Then she wore the name Research in Motion and changed it to the famous name of his BLACKBERRY BLAKER in 2013.

The unusual device name is explained by the similarity of the small buttons on the keyboard with blackberry berries.

The first "Blackberry" were the most ordinary pagers. In 2002, a model appeared with the ability to make calls, but it was mandatory to use the headset, because this phone had no microphone and speakers. Also, the key change was the possibility of working with email.

Since 2003, the company begins to produce models with a color display, browser and the ability to work with programs. microsoft package Office. For a long time The manufacturer focused on gadgets for businessmen and only in 2006 included the race for customers who use the phone for personal purposes and for entertainment.

Key features of models

"Blackberry" is a personal hybrid digital Assistant and a powerful portable media player. Unlike most other smartphones, the models of this manufacturer are not alien, developed under other devices, and their own operating system.

The main reason why many people use Blackberry is the ability to stay in touch with almost anywhere and with different ways communications. The device can be used directly as a phone, or to access e-mail, or for instant messaging with your own free service BBM.

Also "Blackberry" is one of the first smartphones that gave users the opportunity to use mobile Internet And do it with the convenience and ease. This conquered the hearts of many buyers and brought fame to the manufacturer.

A distinctive feature of phones is the presence of a physical keyboard QWERTY. Included with a large screen, it provides comfortable use of the phone for any purpose.

"Blackberry" offers a large number of other functions that make it very useful. There are cards and GPS navigation that guarantee that you do not get lost. Of course, there is a camera and a multimedia player, and other attributes necessary for the modern smartphone.

Question and Localization

To withstand rigid competition with other giants of electronics on the market, new modern models "Blackberry" constantly appear. The price of the device can be both quite modest and quite impressive - from about 9 thousand rubles for the phone 9220 Curve White up to 90 thousand per powerful P'9981 Porsche Design with stainless steel housing and genuine leather elements. Brand phones can be both concisely simple and showing the status of the owner. Therefore, it can be argued that from a teenager to a businessman - everyone will find a suitable "blackberry".

Russia is a large market, so for convenience domestic users It is possible to apply Russian phones with laser engraving. Of course, the automatic transliteration feature has recently become available, but it will only suit those who already know the location of the letters.

Popular models

Acquaintance with them Let's start with the BlackBerry Classic. On the background of fragile modern smartphones Gadget makes the impression of hardness and reliability, which contributes to the lateral frame from what does this phone "Blackberry" look like? The photo below demonstrates it from all sides.

As the name of the smartphone declares, it follows the best traditions of the brand. Namely, it can boast a comfortable and fairly large four-row keyboard. Buttons are separated from each other and pressing a clear sound when you can print even blindly and comfortably. However, the main disadvantage of the model implies from this - a small screen with a diagonal of 3.5 inches.

On this phone "Blackberry" the price ranges from 25 to 26 thousand rubles, depending on the color (white more expensive than its classic black fellow).

Also the model boasts powerful processor and support for Android applications. The camera is 8 megapixels, frontal - 2.

Smartphone Passport is also one of the last and very popular BLACKS "Blackberry". Review Let's start with the explanation of the interesting title of the gadget - in shape and size, it corresponds to the US citizen's passport.

This model has an unusual form that allowed to fit and a full-fledged keyboard (it is located on three, and not on four lines) and big screen with a diagonal of 4.5 inches. But the device of such sizes and form is not always convenient to keep with one hand even a man. This is perhaps the largest phone "Blackberry". The photo below demonstrates how it lies in his hand.

But still the screen is the pride of the model. He is bright, with excellent color reproduction. The text is clear, so reading the books on it is solid pleasure.

It is impossible to note a powerful quad-core processor with a frequency of 2.2 GHz and 3 GB RAM. Definitely - this phone is designed for productive work and embodies the professional and business philosophy of the brand.

This "Blackberry" price is almost 10 thousand higher than that of the Classic smartphones. It starts from 33 thousand rubles behind the black model and reaches 39 thousand for the phone in red. Well, the White Corps will cost 35 thousand rubles.

Opinion buyers

Thousands of users around the world are happy to use their "blackberry" (phone). The reviews of the brand fans are mostly positive. Most often, the main advantage is the physical keyboard, which is no longer able to meet on the smartphone. Individuals also flatte the fact that they have a rather rare phone. Also among the advantages good batteries and long term work from one charging, good sound, an intuitive operating system that rarely frees, convenient work with gestures. Chief flaw - This is working with applications. This is a significant minus of its operating system. Users who have passed from other smartphones to Blackberry, do not find favorite applications, no support Google Play.Android applications do not always work correctly.

Opinion of specialists

Even the most avid brand fans can not not notice that their favorite has to be disadvantaged. Apple, Samsung, LG and other new smartphone manufacturers inflicted Blackberry's popularity. Famous authors and editors of magazines and websites about electronics, as well as business experts often suggest that the company's time is considered. Already, its turnover depend most from the re-sales of brand fans, while new buyers prefer other manufacturers.

Of course, with such a number of existing owners "Blackberry" will not disappear in one day. But if you are just planning to join this brand, you should weigh everything for and against.

Future companies

But not all is so pessimistic. Even the US president uses Blackberry, and not an "iPhone," because he does not allow the security service. After all, the "blackberry" has a very powerful protection system for hacking.

Therefore, the company will affect the future as a manufacturer of expensive smartphones for politicians and businessmen for whom the safety is important.

Other types of electronics

In addition to the main direction - smartphones, in the line of goods of the brand you will also meet the tablet "Blackberry". The first models came out almost simultaneously with iPad 2 and have been greatly popular for some time.

They got the name of the BlackBerry Playbook and boast a bright and clear seed sevenume screen, loud speakers and a powerful dual-core processor. However, the interface, appearance Tablet, as well as a weak battery, which has been charged quite a long time, cause complaints from many users. Delivers inconvenience a small number of applications from the manufacturer. Therefore, on this moment PlayBook tablets are not popular.

In July of this year, BlackBerry introduced his second smartphone on the Android platform. The company claims that it is the most protected in the world.

Model DTEK50 is focused on business customers. Design and specifications are created on the basis of IDOL 4 - smartphone from Alcatel.

The BlackBerry DTEK50 smartphone has a 5.2-inch screen (1080r), Qualcomm Snapdragon 617 processor, three gigabytes random access memory, Battery with a volume of 2610 ma * h, the main 13 megapixel chamber and the front camera on an 8-megapixel with a flash. DTEK50 functions on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) with company "black" software, including HUB - single Center For all letters, calls, SMS, tweets and other messages. Generally, software The device is identical to Priv, which is the first Android device BlackBerry, released last year.

The main feature of the novelty is the DTEK security system, which protects the owner of the device from malicious programs, cyberak and other threats that are often subject to smartphones on android database. The company's engineers modified Android in such a way as to make the Google Platform compatible with its own technology, which was originally developed for the BB10 operating system.

In October 2016, BlackBerry has updated the model range of the new DTEK60 smartphone.

The new smartphone turned out to be a more powerful and functional version of the BlackBerry DTEK50. He received a high-performance 4-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 820, 4 gigabytes of RAM, 5.5-inch amoled display, 21 megapixel chamber and many other flagship "chips". The characteristics of DTEK60 allow the device to compete with such mastodonts as iPhone 7 or Samsung S7, but unlike them BlackBerry offers more affordable cost.

The main differences in the BlackBerry DTEK60 from other devices with similar specifications is the BlackBerry security feature built into the iron level. She makes this smartphone the safest on the basis of Android.

The new BlackBerry DTEK60 on Android, first received a biometric sensor built into the device. The fingerprint sensor is placed in the place where the index finger is usually located at the moment when the user holds the phone in hand. User can access the whole important information To enter one touch of your finger. It eliminates a person from the need to store dozens of different sophisticated passwords To the services you need. December update on Android Apps BlackBerry will allow the use of fingerprint sensor to automatically fill out accounts for applications and websites. Dactyloscopic data is stored exclusively on the device without leaving it. Fingerprint Sensor - high level data protection.

In this review, I want to consider with you top smartphones BlackBerry. You will get acquainted with their characteristics, learn how much they stand, consider their positive and negative sides. We will select optimal models in terms of price / quality ratio.

BlackBerry is the smartphones of Canadian "origin" with its own operating system or operating on the Android platform, offering a wide consumer with high security devices.

What are there

Devices were originally created as smartphones for business. They implemented many functions that simplify work with texts, data entry, sending messages, information exchange. It is possible to work with a dozen graphic and text editors. In the devices, Internet traffic is spent very economically, and messages to the recipient reach almost instantly. Such possibilities are achieved by the data compression algorithm used. BLACKERRY SECURITY branded technology and special servers protect mobile phones and their owners from intercepting information.

Popular models

To expand global sales, the company began issuing smartphones with the Android operating system. A worthy example was the BlackBerry Priv model. Users who are familiar with opportunities flagship smartphones, accepted a novelty to "Hurray." The main difference between the device - the presence of a full-fledged key-key-keyboard, combined with a large 5.4-inch AMOLED screen with HD resolution. Qualcomm 6-nuclear processor, 32 GB flash memory and operational 3 GB complement the impression of a weighty "stuffing". The main chamber of 18 MP is equipped with a double LED flash, autofocus, professional shooting 4k-video. Front-camera 2 GB with fixed focus.

Priv is a massive smartphone weighing 192 g with a thickness of 9.4 mm. In brutal externally, strict graphic lines prevail without rounds. The screen takes the entire front panel. The hardware keyboard under the screen is conveniently set, short-circuit keys.

Another interesting smartphone BlackBerry - Passport model. A compact 4.5-inch gadget has a display in the form of a square. Because of this, the phone seems wide. Works on 1 SIM card, equipped with 32 GB main and 3 GB of RAM with support additional card Memory. Served by the 4G LTE network. Cutter battery 3450 mAh provides effective work For 2 days.

BlackBerry DTEC 50 model - an attempt of rebranding famous in the Russian market Alcatel Idol. 4. Dignity - high safety in the classical form of the phone. Over the operation of the operating system fully holds control special application DTEC. Provided traditional data encryption. The phone features a convenient design, availability acoustic systemSupport 4G LTE for quick Internet access.

BlackBerry DTEC 60 - Fablet with a 5.5-inch screen with high resolution AMOLED screen. A fingerprint scanner has been built into and the work of all branded services for data protection is provided. Other advantages - excellent camera 21 mp I. high quality Sound from speakers.

BlackBerry Keyone model looks like a traditional push-button phone brands. Equipment - perfect operating android system 7.1, Qualcomm processor for 8 cores, 12 megapixel camera, 4.5 inches screen diagonal. The battery capacity is 3505 mAh - it is more than in other models.

General shortcomings

Interesting outwardly, functional and secure smartphone offers opportunities for the consumer who cannot be implemented with devices of other brands. But the cost of gadgets is extremely high for the Russian market. For such a price can be purchased more interesting models famous manufacturers, especially if protective functions are not relevant.

My rating of smartphones BlackBerry

  1. BlackBerry Bold 9900.
  2. BlackBerry Z30.
  3. BlackBerry Dtek60.
  4. BlackBerry Priv.
  5. BlackBerry Z10 STL100-2.
  6. BlackBerry Aurora.
  7. BlackBerry Passport.
  8. BlackBerry Q5.

BlackBerry Bold 9900 Smartphone

Characteristics of BlackBerry Bold 9900

A type smartphone
OS version BlackBerry Os.
Housing classical
Corps material metal and plastic
QWERTY-Keyboard there is
Control mechanical / Touch Buttons
SIM-card normal
Number of SIM cards 1
Weight 130 g
Sizes (shXVXT) 66x115x11 mm
Display color TFT, 16.78 million colors, touch
A type touchscreen multitouch, capacitive
Diagonal 2.8 inch.
Image size 640x480.
The number of pixels per inch (PPI) 286
there is
Multimedia features
Camera 5 million pixels., 2592x1944, Built-in flash
Recognition persons
Record video there is
Max. Video resolution 1280x720.
Geo Tagging. there is
Audio MP3, AAC, WMA
Jack for headphones 3.5 mm
Standard GSM 900/1800/1900, 3G
Interfaces Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1, USB, NFC
Satellite navigation GPS.
A-GPS System there is
Memory and processor
CPU 1200 MHz
Number of processor nuclei 1
Volume of built-in memory 8 GB
RAM volume 768 MB
Memory Card Slot there is a volume of up to 32 GB
Battery Li-Ion.
Battery capacity 1230 MAY
Charging connector micro-USB
Other functions
there is
Control voice set
A2DP profile there is
Sensors illumination, approximation, compass
Flashlight there is
Additional Information
Date Announcement 2011-05-02
The start date of sales 2011-07-01

Advantages and Problems of BlackBerry Bold 9900


  1. keyboard.
  2. thin tuning Profiles.
  3. connection quality.


  1. battery.
  2. camera.

BlackBerry Bold 9900 Video Review

Smartphone BlackBerry Z30

Characteristics of BlackBerry Z30

A type smartphone
OS version BlackBerry Os.
Housing classical
Control screen buttons
Number of SIM cards 1
Weight 170 g
Sizes (shXVXT) 72x140.7x9.4 mm
Display color, sensory
Touch Screen Type multitouch, capacitive
Diagonal 5 inches.
Image size 1280x720.
The number of pixels per inch (PPI) 294
Automatic screen rotation there is
Multimedia features
Camera 8 million pixes.
Camera functions autofocus
Record video there is
Max. Video resolution 1920x1080.
Front-camera there are 2 million pixes.
Audio MP3, AAC, WAV, WMA
Video output HDMI
Support for LTE ranges 1800, 2600, 900, 800
Satellite navigation GPS / GLONASS
A-GPS System there is
Memory and processor
CPU Qualcomm MSM8960T, 1600 MHz
Number of processor nuclei 2
Video processor Adreno 320.
Volume of built-in memory 16 GB
RAM volume 2 GB
Memory Card Slot there is
Battery capacity 2880 MAY
Battery non-removable
18 ch
384 C.
Charging connector micro-USB
Other functions
USB-Host. there is
Additional Information
Ranking 4.144
Date Announcement 2013-09-19

The advantages and problems of BlackBerry Z30


  1. connection quality.
  2. large battery.
  3. good screen.


  1. heat.

Video Review BlackBerry Z30

Smartphone BlackBerry Dtek60.

Characteristics of BlackBerry Dtek60

A type smartphone
OS version Android 6.0
Housing classical
Control screen buttons
SIM-card nano Sim.
Number of SIM cards 1
Weight 165 g
Sizes (shXVXT) 75.4x153.9x7 mm
Display color AMOLED, Touch
Touch Screen Type multitouch, capacitive
Diagonal 5.5 inch.
Image size 2560x1440.
The number of pixels per inch (PPI) 534
Automatic screen rotation there is
Light indication of events there is
Multimedia features
Camera 21 million pixes., LED flash (front and rear)
Camera functions autofocus
Diaphragm F / 2.
Record video there is
Max. Video resolution 3840x2160.
Max. Frame frames video 30 frames / s
Geo Tagging. there is
Front-camera there are 8 million pixes.
Audio MP3, AAC, WAV, FM Radio
Standard GSM 900/1800/1900, 3G, 4G LTE, LTE-A
Support for LTE ranges FD-LTE: 2100, 1900, 1800, 2600, 900, 800, 700 MHz; TD-LTE: 2600, 2300, 2500 MHz
Interfaces Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth 4.2, USB, NFC
Satellite navigation GPS / GLONASS / Beidou
A-GPS System there is
Memory and processor
CPU Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 MSM8996
Number of processor nuclei 4
Video processor Adreno 530.
Volume of built-in memory 32 GB
RAM volume 4 GB
Memory Card Slot there is a volume of up to 2048 GB
Battery Li-ion / non-removable
Battery capacity 3000 MAY
Talk time 26 ch
Standby time 336 C.
88 C.
Charging connector USB Type-C
Function fast charging there is
Other functions
Loud connection (built-in speaker) there is
Flight Mode there is
Sensors illumination, approximation, hall, gyroscope, read fingerprint reading
Flashlight there is
USB-Host. there is
Additional Information
Date Announcement 2016-10-26

The advantages and problems of BlackBerry DTEK60


  1. excellent screen.
  2. excellent communication quality.
  3. easy.
  4. holds a battery well.


  1. slippery.
  2. the camera is poorly focused in the dark.

Video Review BlackBerry Dtek60.

Smartphone BlackBerry Priv.

Characteristics of BlackBerry Priv.

A type smartphone
OS version Android 5.1.
Housing slider
Corps material plastic
QWERTY-Keyboard there is
Control screen buttons
SIM-card nano Sim.
Number of SIM cards 1
Weight 192
Sizes (shXVXT) 77.2x147x9.4 mm
Display color AMOLED, Touch
Touch Screen Type multitouch, capacitive
Diagonal 5.43 inches.
Image size 2560x1440.
The number of pixels per inch (PPI) 541
there is
Multimedia features
Camera 18 million pixels., LED flash
Camera functions autofocus, optical stabilization
Diaphragm F / 2.2.
Record video there is
Max. Video resolution 3840x2160.
Max. Frame frames video 30 frames / s
Front-camera there are 2 million pixes.
Audio Mp3
Jack for headphones 3.5 mm
Standard GSM 900/1800/1900, 3G, 4G LTE, Volte
Support for LTE ranges bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 17, 20, 29,30
Interfaces Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth 4.1, USB, NFC
Satellite navigation GPS.
A-GPS System there is
Memory and processor
CPU Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 MSM8992
Number of processor nuclei 6
Video processor Adreno 418.
Volume of built-in memory 32 GB
RAM volume 3 GB
Memory Card Slot there is a volume of up to 2000 GB
Battery capacity 3410 MAY
Battery non-removable
Talk time 22.5 C.
Charging connector micro-USB
Other functions
Control voice set, voice control
Flight Mode there is
Sensors illumination, approximation, gyroscope
Flashlight there is
Additional Information
Equipment smartphone, Stereo Headphones, Cable micro USB., Charger

The advantages and problems of BlackBerry Priv


  1. keyboard.
  2. battery.
  3. high performance.
  4. excellent reception quality.


  1. price.

Video review BlackBerry Priv.

Smartphone BlackBerry Z10 STL100-2

Characteristics of BlackBerry Z10 STL100-2

A type smartphone
OS version BlackBerry Os.
Housing classical
Control screen buttons
Number of SIM cards 1
Weight 137 g
Sizes (shXVXT) 65.6x130x9 mm
Display color TFT, touch
Touch Screen Type multitouch, capacitive
Diagonal 4.2 inches.
Image size 1280x768.
The number of pixels per inch (PPI) 355
Automatic screen rotation there is
Light indication of events there is
Multimedia features
Camera 8 million pixes., Built-in flash
Camera functions autofocus
Record video there is
Max. Video resolution 1920x1080.
Max. Frame frames video 30 frames / s
Front-camera there are 2 million pixes.
Audio MP3, AAC, WMA
Jack for headphones 3.5 mm
Video output HDMI
Standard GSM 900/1800/1900, 3G, 4G LTE
Support for LTE ranges model STL100-2: 700, 850,1700, 1900 MHz (Europe); Model STL100-3: 700, 850, 1700, 1900 MHz (North America)
Interfaces Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, USB, NFC
Satellite navigation GPS.
A-GPS System there is
Memory and processor
CPU Qualcomm MSM8960, 1500 MHz
Number of processor nuclei 2
Video processor Adreno 225.
Volume of built-in memory 16 GB
RAM volume 2 GB
Memory Card Slot there are up to 64 GB
Battery capacity 1800 MAK.
Battery removable
Talk time 10 ch
Standby time 720 C.
Charging connector micro-USB
Other functions
Loud connection (built-in speaker) there is
Flight Mode there is
Flashlight there is
Additional Information
Ranking 4.068
Date Announcement 2013-01-31

Advantages and problems of BlackBerry Z10 STL100-2


  1. good screen.
  2. stylish and strict look.
  3. high speed.


  1. battery.
  2. the number and quality of applications.

BlackBerry Z10 Stl100-2 Video Review

Smartphone BlackBerry Aurora

Characteristics of BlackBerry Aurora

A type smartphone
OS version Android 7.0
Housing classical
Control screen buttons
SIM-card micro Sim.
Number of SIM cards 2
Mode of operation of several SIM cards alternated
Weight 178 g
Sizes (shXVXT) 76.8x152x8.55 mm
Display color AMOLED, Touch
Touch Screen Type multitouch, capacitive
Diagonal 5.5 inch.
Image size 1280x720.
The number of pixels per inch (PPI) 267
Multimedia features
Camera functions autofocus
Record video there is
Max. Video resolution 1920x1080.
Front-camera there are 8 million pixes.
Audio MP3, AAC, WAV, WMA
Jack for headphones 3.5 mm
Standard GSM 900/1800/1900, 3G, 4G LTE
Support for LTE ranges 2300, 850, 900, 2600, 850, 1800 MHz
Interfaces Wi-Fi 802.11n, Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth, USB
Satellite navigation GPS.
Memory and processor
CPU Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 MSM8917, 1400 MHz
Number of processor nuclei 4
Video processor Adreno 308.
Volume of built-in memory 32 GB
RAM volume 4 GB
Memory Card Slot there are up to 256 GB
Battery capacity 3000 MAY
Charging connector micro-USB
Other functions
Control voice set, voice control
Flight Mode there is
Flashlight there is

Smartphone BlackBerry Passport

Characteristics of BlackBerry Passport

A type smartphone
OS version BlackBerry Os.
Housing classical
Corps material metal and plastic
QWERTY-Keyboard there is
SIM-card nano Sim.
Number of SIM cards 1
Weight 196
Sizes (shXVXT) 90.3x128x9.3 mm
Display color IPS, Touch
Touch Screen Type multitouch, capacitive
Diagonal 4.5 inch.
Image size 1440x1440.
The number of pixels per inch (PPI) 453
Automatic screen rotation there is
Scratch-resistant glass there is
Light indication of events there is
Multimedia features
Camera 13 million pixes., LED flash
Camera functions autofocus, optical stabilization, digital zoom 5x
Record video there is
Max. Video resolution 1920x1080.
Max. Frame frames video 60 frames / s
Front-camera there are 2 million pixes.
Audio MP3, AAC, WAV, WMA, FM Radio
Jack for headphones 3.5 mm
Video output Slimport.
Standard GSM 900/1800/1900, 3G, 4G LTE, LTE-A Cat. four
Support for LTE ranges 2100, 1900, 1800, 1700, 850, 2600, 900, 700, 700, 800 MHz
Interfaces Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Wi-Fi DIRECT, Bluetooth 4.0, USB, NFC
Satellite navigation GPS.
A-GPS System there is
Memory and processor
CPU Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 MSM8974AA, 2200 MHz
Number of processor nuclei 4
Video processor Adreno 330.
Volume of built-in memory 32 GB
RAM volume 3 GB
Memory Card Slot there are up to 128 GB
Battery capacity 3450 MAY
Battery non-removable
Talk time 14 ch
Standby time 348 C.
Opening hours of listening to music 91 C.
Charging connector micro-USB
Other functions
Loud connection (built-in speaker) there is
Sensors illumination, approximation, gyroscope, compass
Flashlight there is
Additional Information
Date Announcement 2014-09-25

Advantages and Problems of BlackBerry Passport


  1. reliability.
  2. fast.
  3. excellent touch control keyboard.
  4. sound quality.


  1. you can not send DTMF.
  2. the camera is average.

Video review BlackBerry Passport

Smartphone BlackBerry Q5.

Characteristics of BlackBerry Q5.

A type smartphone
OS version BlackBerry Os.
Housing classical
Corps material plastic
QWERTY-Keyboard there is
Control mechanical buttons
Number of SIM cards 1
Weight 120 g
Sizes (shXVXT) 66x120x10.8 mm
Display color, 16.78 million colors, touch
Touch Screen Type multitouch, capacitive
Diagonal 3.1 inch.
Image size 720x720.
The number of pixels per inch (PPI) 328
Automatic screen rotation there is
Multimedia features
Camera 5 million pixels., 2592x1944, LED flash
Camera functions autofocus
Record video there is
Max. Video resolution 1920x1080.
Front-camera there are 2 million pixes.
Audio Mp3
Jack for headphones 3.5 mm
Standard GSM 900/1800/1900, 3G, 4G LTE
Interfaces Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, USB
Satellite navigation GPS.
A-GPS System there is
Memory and processor
CPU 1200 MHz
Number of processor nuclei 2
Volume of built-in memory 8 GB
RAM volume 2 GB
Memory Card Slot there is a volume of up to 32 GB
Battery Li-ion / non-removable
Battery capacity 2100 MAY
Charging connector micro-USB
Other functions
Control voice set
A2DP profile there is
Sensors approximation, compass
Flashlight there is
Additional Information
Ranking 3.44
Features NFC - depending on the sales region
Date Announcement 2013-05-14

Advantages and Problems of BlackBerry Q5


  1. physical keyboard.
  2. fast and amazingly comfortable OS.
  3. battery.
  4. LTE, NFC.
  5. price.


  1. middle quality camera.
  2. small integrated memory.

Video review BlackBerry Q5.

Prices on the BlackBerry models

Instructions for BlackBerry smartphones

Note. Instructions for smartphones can be found online, download and print.

BlackBerry smartphones are original devices of a well-known Canadian company recognized in the global market. A feature of the phones represented by the brand is the unique operating system BlackBerry OS. It provides speed and synchronization of background and current processes. Comfortable user interface Allows you to instantly switch between different applications, news ribbon and standard programs Smartphone.

Multitouch Management System is convenient and improves information protection. For user comfort, some models offer an optional data entry system: you can use the touch or keyboard QWERTY keyboard for volumetric texts.

BlackBerry mobile phones provide excellent communication quality. They support everything gSM standards And configured on a wide frequency range, which guarantees access to incoming and outgoing calls anywhere in the planet. Thanks to the two-SIM card slots, you can select tariffs that are optimally suitable for mobile and Internet connections. 3G and 4G communication will provide permanent access to web resources and high-speed data transmission from one device to another.

You can use the phone as a photo and camcorder, listening to your favorite compositions on a MP3 player, and download useful applications, Messengers, programs for creating documents. SO smartphones BlackBerry. You get more possibilities Not only for entertainment. Phones of this brand are equipped with a powerful navigation system and thanks to big diagonal Screen and clear resolution can be used as a geolocation device.