Where else can you use a taxi program. We master useful by: How do mobile taxi call applications work? What awaits us in the future

Mobile devices on Android are at the present time at the peak of their popularity and, probably, will not soon surrender their leadership positions due to multifunctionality and expanded opportunities. If earlier mobile devices applied solely for the purpose of communication with relatives and acquaintances, to carry out calls and, on this moment Their operational abilities are far from being limited to these options. Modern gadgets On Android, with the right operation, it is capable of being able to become a valuable "assistant" in life situations both in working moments and in the organization of leisure activities, and it is enough to use the necessary user to fully everyday life Applications. In this article, we will tell about one of the species, namely about programs for ordering a taxi, highlight the best variations of installations, their features and functions are actual for a modern consumer of services.

Top best programs For taxi on Android.

The relevance of programs for taxis and their features

The need to order a taxi may become relevant for people who do not have a personal car and enjoy regularly the services of private or branded cabidors, and for a person who has a vehicle at their disposal, and sometimes not one. The reluctance to go on a personal car, poor health or intention to relax with alcoholic drinks - these are relevant reasons for calling a taxi if necessary. It is often in megalopolis, and even in small towns, in a rush hour or on a holiday, order a taxi is very difficult due to the absence of unoccupied machines: in search of a free vehicle for calls to the company can leave a lot of time, while the expectation of the car is sometimes unlimited by duration .

In such cases, the application may come to the help of the consumer, through which the functionality of which is allowed to promptly order a taxi by simply pressing multiple keys on the device, while having reliable data on the exact arrival time of the machine and the cost of the service. Consider the most relevant, functional and reliable taxi applications for devices for the Android base.

The best taxi order applications on Android

Yandex Taxi - Android app that has decent fame and popularity among consumer services in Russia. In the top list, according to statistical data, the program takes the fifth position, as it allows you to order only in forty cities of the Russian Federation. The program interface is quite simple, authorizes the search for the nearest free car, its actual movement route in real time. The advantages of the application can be attributed to the possibility of entering the starting and end point of the trip, as a result of which the program calculates the fare, the possibility of payment for services both in cash and non-cash, through a card or actual Internet systems. Installation allows the choice of an economical or standard car class, the possibility of ordering the machine with the presence of a children's car seat or the air conditioner's presence in the vehicle at the request of the client.

As one of the best applications for Android devices, Saturn taxi is installed, working in more than forty settlements of Russia. To order a taxi when using the Saturn service, there is no need to communicate with the operator, in addition, the indication of the starting point of the customer is not mandatory, since the program independently. The program interface is quite simple, however, it allows you to visually assess the number of free cars and their location, as well as monitor the movement of the ordered car. The updated version authorizes the possibility of communicating with the driver, and the program allows you to assess the quality of the services provided.

In the third place of the rating list, according to consumer reviews, the ECT application is located. This installation covers about three hundred people's settlements of Russia, works with many firms and private carriers, which guarantees the operational execution of the order. The application is offered in two variations: for taxi drivers and for consumer services. In the application for taxi drives, the program functionality allows you to see the update of the order base with reference to the real location of the machine, the choice of tariff, the filter installation to eliminate the unreliable customers. The disadvantages of the driver's program include its increased resource consumerism, as well as access to additional functions only in a paid mode.

For customers, the program has a slightly different interface that allows you to order a vehicle in an automated mode, get a taxi profit notice, in real time ordered cars. In addition, the application allows you to accumulate bonuses when attracting customers from among friends or just acquaintances that can be used to pay for taxi services. Despite the large number of advantages, the application has a disadvantage: the consumer needs to be attentive when carrying out the order, pay attention to the firm that adopted his order so that there is no unpleasant precedent when visiting the cost of travel, since the tariffs are not all companies working with the program, Different with economy.

The program is perfectly synchronized with both Android devices and gadgets for iOS, refers to developing structures: every year the number of cities covered by the services of ECT carriers are growing, and the installation interface is featured convenience and simplicity in operation on the background of minimalism.

One of the most for Android devices is considered to be the Maxim taxi application, which covers the reception and execution of orders in more than one hundred forty regional settlements. The application allows you to order both in real mode and in the preliminary regulations without a mandatory connection with the taxi operator. The program interface attracts users with its simplicity and conciseness. Installation allows you to order a machine by simply indicating the starting and end point of the route, while you can create addresses and just specify them on the map. The program is allocated from similar applications to the presence of a line for comments, where you can specify the requirements for a car for the capacity, comfort, the presence of a children's car selection or additional payment as a present if the client wishes the operational, priority order.

The main advantage of the taxi service "Maxim" is a fixed price for the services that the client expects the program depending on the route of the path, and the cost does not change during the trip, regardless of the traffic jams, the needs of their tracing. A client who regularly uses the application can enter his frequent routes to favorites, which eliminates the need for their regular input to manual mode In the program, if necessary, order a car: if the route is entered into an individual list, just choose a template from personal registry. The application works not only in the cities of Russia, but also at the international level.

Remember how Taxi services worked a couple of years ago: Call the phone number, the dispatcher binds to the driver, conveys an order, calls you to calm what the car is on the way, and report numbers. Any order passed through the girl on the side of the phone tube, and it was necessary to have a little cash in his pocket, otherwise it was difficult to pay with the driver.

Now, problems with taxis are solved easier. All you need is a charged phone. You install the application, tie a bank card to it - please, cashless payment.

The address can be specified on the map. Now it is not "Hello, I'm on Nekrasova Street, a red house in front of the hospital," and just a point on the navigator, to which the driver is sent.

In general, the taxi rules have noticeably improved: you don't need to talk to people, you can call a taxi to anywhere in the city, track on the map, as far as the driver, pay the trip to the card and raise the taxi driver.

Applications for calling a taxi is now a lot, each service tries to accumulate the client to themselves. We will tell about 5 high-quality taxi call services that act throughout Russia.

Yandex. Taxi is a taxi online order service that is available in more than 120 cities of Russia.

The interface is most simple. Yandex itself finds your address thanks to GPS, and it remains only to specify the address where you want to get. You click "Call a taxi" and see how your driver is starting on your card.

Machine feed time - from 1 to 5 minutes. The application always warns if the driver is delayed. If you are very in a hurry, then write an entrance to the chat with the driver.

After the trip you are invited to evaluate the driver of 5 stars or even write a review. If you liked the trip, the taxi driver was friendly and quickly brought to the right place - not bend to raise an assessment. It affects the driver's rating in the system. The higher the rating, the better the order will be offered.

Yandex.Taxi is a very convenient service with a car call in two clicks. The only minus is the definition of the address on the map. The driver goes to you by navigator. If the house is not specified in the overall system (as a rule, it happens when traveling outside the city), a taxi driver cannot build a route. In this case, get ready to explain your location to the driver in the old manner - by phone.


Taxi service "Maxim" has existed for more than ten years. At first, the car could only be called by phone, now the application and the site added to it.

Taxi "Maxim" is not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Italy, and that's not all.

In essence, the principle of operation of the application is similar to Yandex.Taxi: Map, the choice of addresses of the destination and payment method.

For passenger cars, the tariff "Economy" and "comfort". Difference in that in the second case comes more convenient and expensive car. Accordingly, the price is higher.

Among other things, you can order a cargo vehicle to 1.5 tons. The application shows the parameters of the machine that can come to you. So Taxi "Maxim" will help even in moving.

Separate type of service - "Sober driver." If you drank alcohol from friends, but came by the wheel, then a sober driver will take you home on your car. And I got home, and the car does not need to take the car - solid pluses.


The service is available in many cities of Russia. The appendix has several chips that are pleasantly happy and make it becomes a permanent user.

First, Gett is a corporate taxi leader. If you often need to go to work somewhere, choose the corporate trips instead of the "private trip". An application and data of the company can be attached to the application, and then after each order, the funds will be written off from the employer's account. Agree, it is more convenient than walking to the accountant with checks after each business trip or a working trip.

Secondly, on each trip you accumulate points. You are assigned humorous statuses, like a leader, Caesar, King Lion. Thanks to this loyalty program, you get different privileges: discounts at rush hour, choosing the best drivers and premium cars.

Third, the possibility of receiving free trips. Invite a friend to the app - and get up to 500 bonuses (rubles) for the trip. A friend will also receive 150 bonuses for each trip. Such here is mutually beneficial savings.

Taxi Gett.


The application is available in more than 500 cities around the world. The service is very popular in Moscow.

The app is very stylish: no screaming inscriptions, only calm black, gray, green colors. Little here additional features. You can not order a taxi on a certain timeNo chat with driver or windows for comments.

At the end of the trip, you can share the cost with the other - this pleasant bonusWhen we rest with the company. At the end, the driver and passengers exhibit each other's assessments, so you should also think about your ranking.

Installing an application requires a little patience: at the beginning you will be waiting for a long registration. You need to specify the phone number, mail, come up with a password, and also a certain degree of complexity. But your data is protected, and no one can take advantage of your account except you.

Qualitative and convenient service to call a taxi. You can call the car for the near future or make a pre-order. Cash payment, bank card, through the application "Sberbank online", corporate card.

3 tariffs are available: "lucky" (economy), "Comfort", "Emergency Call".

The price of the trip is fixed and known to the client in advance. Permanent users have a discount bonus.

Ask any resident of the capital about how to get from point A to point B, and it will answer: faster on the subway. This is true, however, there are often situations when it does not work with transport. For example, if you travel with a cargo or at night (after a hour at night, the metro is already closed), with a small child or a steep restaurant. What taxis will take advantage of this case so that the trip is comfortable and inexpensive? Now we will tell.

For the test, we selected the four main most popular taxi call services in Moscow: Gett, ". Taxi", "Taksik" and Uber. With all four services, one and the same trip at the same time will be performed, one by one route. Thus, we will be able to get the most reliable data.

Our route is from the outskirts of Moscow to the center: from the street Menzhinsky, 25 to the prospect of the world, 27. The distance is about 11 kilometers.

The traffic jams, as you can see, also have, in the evening the situation will be better, because everyone will go from the center to the area. We calculated the route in detail and the average speed of the trip using the Yandex. Prelims service.

So, we will go:

  • 200 meters - at a speed of 10 km / h (approximately a minute)
  • 800 meters - at a speed of 40 km / h (about a minute)
  • 400 meters - at a speed of 35 km / h (40 seconds)
  • 1500 meters - at a speed of 50 km / h (2 minutes)
  • 600 meters - at a speed of 25 km / h (one and a half minutes)
  • 500 meters - at a speed of 7 km / h (4 minutes)
  • 500 meters - at a speed of 25 km / h (about a minute)
  • 3000 meters - at a speed of 55 km / h (3 minutes)
  • 100 meters - at a speed of 10 km / h (approximately half a minute)
  • 200 meters - at a speed of 20 km / h (approximately half a minute)
  • 2000 meters - at a speed of 50 km / h (2.5 minutes)
  • 100 meters - at a speed of 25 km / h (15 seconds)
  • 400 meters - at a speed of 7 km / h (3 minutes 30 seconds)
  • 200 meters - at a speed of 40 km / h (approximately 20 seconds)
  • 150 meters - at a speed of 3 km / h (about three minutes)

The average speed on the trip will be 26 km / h, travel time is about 26 minutes. Hoooooooooooo!

We start with Yandeke. Taxi. According to the application, the daily tariff is at least 199 rubles (which included 10 minutes of the trip), then one minute of the trip costs 15 rubles.

The apparatus believes that the cost of a trip at the Economy tariff (we consider it precisely) will be 490 rubles. At the tariff, we also have 199 + 16 minutes for 15 rubles \u003d 439 rubles.

So, the cost of a trip to Yandex. Taxi will make up minimum 440 rubles.

Next, let's try Gett. Take the tariff "Comfort" (there are the same cars as in the "Economy" "Yandex.Taxi"), the more the fare Sale acts only at certain hours. We have 50 rubles for landing + 18 rubles per each minute.

Treating cost to Gett will be a minimum (26 * 18 + 50) 518 rubles. Expensive.

Next to the queue - "Taksik". Here the first 3 km cost 150 rubles, then the billing is at a price of 22 rubles per kilometer + 8 rubles per minute of idleness, including in traffic. In the tube "Taksik" charges per second, 8 rubles from the top you pay only if you are standing in one place.

Taksik counted us a trip from 340 rubles. Very attractive, but first we will calculate it yourself at the rate according to our data. It turned out that for the current trip with a little downtime we will pay a little more than 360 rubles - the error is small.

However, we almost forgot that "Taksika", unlike other services, has the opportunity to order a trip for fixed value: you yourself decide how much you are ready to pay for the trip, and then looking for a driver according to your request. We decided to risk and go to the prospect of the world for ... 300 rubles. Surprisingly, the driver was found in 10 seconds! He agreed with our offer.

So, the cost of a trip with the help of "Taxika" will be fixed 300 rubles. Good result.

But what will say to this Uber? This service is known for its low dumping tariffs. Uber served the car costs 50 rubles, for each minute and kilometer you pay 8 rubles.

For our route trip will cost (50 + 208 + 88) 346 rubles. Almost how much how much is the tariff at the Taxika, but much more than the same trip at a fixed value.

So, in this battle is unambiguous the winner becomes "Taksik": 300 rubles - and we are in place. As a small prize to the winner, we publish a link to download its application. "Taxik", by the way, works not only in Moscow: the service is available in St. Petersburg and is about to appear in Rostov-on-Don.

Name: Taksik. Taxi ordering.
Publisher / Developer: IVASHCHENKO VADIM.
Price: Is free
Built-in purchases: Not
Compatibility: Universal app

IN lately The topic of mobile applications for searching and calling a taxi is discussed increasingly. Their number is growing, they differ more and more, and the principle of their work itself causes many questions. Our editor tested mobile applications Taxi call from the appstore top.

Recently, "" they wanted to ban, calling them a threat to the Russian taxi market. But while it cost, and taxi applications continued to conquer the market: more and more people refuse standard operators like "6,000,000" in favor of mobile applications. The advantages are several: a relatively fast taxi feed (on average, 10 minutes), the possibility of non-cash payments, a higher class of machines and in the end more friendly drivers. In order not to get lost in this diversity, our editor went to different taxis during the week and then rated the taxi application.


Economy tariff in St. Petersburg: 7 rub. / Minute - 7 rubles / km + 50 rubles. innings.
Cancellations: 99 rub.
Wi-Fi: not.
Payment:cashless payments; Receipt comes to mail
Feed time:10-15 minutes
Application:beautiful but uncomfortable. The problems create an interface in which it is difficult to quickly understand.
Suitable if:you love luxury

Initially, the American application with executive class machines. Now the Uberx is becoming increasingly popular - the cars are simpler, but nevertheless, still cleaner and more nesting other operators. Uber successfully stands out in the friendly drivers, which will refine your preferences in the radio, will open (or close) windows and support the conversation.

On the other hand, some users had problems with payment (both in favor of the passenger, and not). Lastly recently has a tendency to increase the feed time and the total cost of travel (at night they are more expensive).

Personal experience:The metro station "Pionerskaya Street" is 550 rubles, and from the Mariinsky Theater to Sennaya Square - 120 rubles, that is, prices do not bite. Machines in the Arsenal Uber exclusively tidy (foreign cars are not older than 3 years), drivers are welcoming and satisfied with life. Probably, therefore, during the use of Uber, the feeling of touching a luxurious life does not leave the passenger throughout the trip. Although it can only be connected with a minimal design of the application and the site. In addition, it is possible to get a promo force quite often, which makes movement around the city through Uber more pleasant.


: 15 rubles / km - 5 rubles / min + 49 rubles. innings.
Cancellations: Not specified.
Wi-Fi: not.
Feed time:5-7 minutes.
Application:if there is experience with other Yandex applications, there will be no problems.
Suitable if:need efficiency.

The main competitor Uber works with the country's largest taxisups: now in the asset "Yandex.Taxi" is a huge staff of drivers, which at times reduces the time of filing the car. Each order is calculated in advance, attributing to the amount of the mysterious word "approximately": some users complained that the ultimate amount was different from the initial almost 100 rubles. In addition, it will be necessary to pay extra for animals, a children's chair and large luggage.

Personal experience:the feeding of the machines is really fast. From one end of St. Petersburg, you can take about 700 rubles to another - the driver will turn the driver, there will be no kilometers.

Direct speech of the AppStore users

GetT (Previously GetTaxi)

Economy tariff in St. Petersburg: 50 rubles. Feed, then - 9 rubles / minute.
Cancellations: Not specified.
Wi-Fi: not.
Payment:cashless and cash.
Feed time:5-7 minutes.
Application:looks like Uber, but easier.
Suitable if:you need something average between Uber and Yandex.Taxi.

An application working on the "Yandex.Taxi" principle is at the disposal of the company there is a huge base of professional drivers who can track orders through mobile devices. Now the company is actively expanding its range of services - in Moscow, Gett is already engaged in the delivery of sushi. Further - more: in the company's plans to provide services for massage, manicure and food delivery.

Personal experience:You can ride on one only bonus points, occasionally paying opening from the card. Prices are tied to the time of day, but usually it is 250-300 rubles for a trip from the center to the bedrooms such as Enlightenment Avenue. Drivers are the same as in the Uber (they work out there, and there), but the interface and the work mechanism is more pleasant than in the Uber. Recently, prices have also reduced - apparently compete, who is cheaper.

Direct speech of the AppStore users

"Lucky. Taxi ordering"

Economy tariff in St. Petersburg: 225 rubles. up to 2 km; 250 rubles. up to 5 km; Next, 33 rubles / km.
Cancellations: Not specified.
Wi-Fi: not.
Payment:cashless and cash.
Feed time:7-10 minutes.
Application:comfortable with simple design; Possible failures.
Suitable if: You are a patriot.

The Russian operator, affordable in any form: Taxi can be called by phone, on the site and through the mobile application, which has recently been popular. The cost of the trip is calculated by some " computer Program"(According to information in the group in VKontakte). Nevertheless, the operator provides a flexible discount system.

Personal experience:Pulkovo Airport to the foundry cost 670 rubles, taking into account discounts on the VIP card. On the way the driver (a woman, which is unusual) fed, throwing up an extra passenger to the hotel near the airport, for which he threw off 20 rubles from the cost of the trip. The car was served in about 15 minutes, and on the spot we were on time. In general, the Russian origin of the operator is felt, which, like many others, is not worse, no better. Uber is better.


Economy tariff in St. Petersburg:
By kilometers: 290 rubles + 30 rubles / km
Hour rate: 500 rubles / hour + 6 rubles / minute. Minimum order - 2 hours.
Cancellations: 100 rubles.
Wi-Fi: Yes.
Payment:cashless and cash.
Feed time:5-7 minutes.
Suitable if:you need Wi-Fi.

The younger son of the company "TruechkoF" quickly gained popularity. In a taxi operator - branded and relatively new cars and friendly drivers. You can call a car for smoking or children's chair for free. Another pleasant moment - the choice convenient way Payment: Cash, card in a taxi, card via mobile app or on the site.

Personal experience:The main thing and perhaps the only advantage of Taksichkof - Wi-Fi in the machines. Otherwise, nothing unusual, if we talk about mobile taxi applications. Is the prices in this case are slightly higher than that of competitors.

Direct Speech AppStore Users

Out of doubt, a taxi order app today best option To quickly and easily call a taxi and get to the desired place because.

  • This is fast - You do not have to wait for the order confirmation by the dispatcher, since you are registered and the necessary data for ordering is already available - phone number, location, route, extra. Options and class of car.
  • It's profitable - You get different bonuses, through the application you can call a taxi when zero balance Only the Internet is needed on the phone account,
  • It can be done everywhere - in a noisy company or in the club, where it is impossible to talk on the phone and hear the interlocutor, in the subway, where there is often no mobile network, During a business meeting, when it is impossible to leave to call a taxi service, when you abroad and do not own a local spoken language to communicate with taxi service dispatchers, etc.

Dear visitors, now the application "Taxi Moscow" is available for android smartphones and iOS. We offer a wide functionality and a bunch of new features. Download and order a taxi quickly, simple and comfortable.

Taxi applications a lot. But why do you need to pay attention to our our application? Before, let's answer the question - can the program replace a person? Our answer is no!
In this case, the app, as ideal, it would not be done, can not satisfy all the needs of customers / passengers. And in connection with this conviction, our application is not completely autonomous as other applications, and the human factor (dispatcher) is also present here.
Moscow taxi is not only a program, but also a team of responsible specialists.

The main features of the application

We analyzed the needs of our customers in detail, tried to offer best app For android and for iOS and offer a hybrid, leaving traditional useful methods Communication and adding everything modern technologies. Downloading the application you can always contact our operators for any question.

Ability to place an order at a fixed price

The taxi application option for any number and time is available in the taxi taxi application for any number and time - immediately, for the evening, tomorrow, after a week or month. We will help you plan your trips in advance. Our dispatchers are vigilantly followed by all before orders, and for the day will definitely contact you to remind and clarify the details of the upcoming trip. We will be on the spot at the appointed hour and deliver you at the desired address on time.

Post a few orders at the same time

Our application allows you to order an unlimited number of machines simultaneously from one profile. If you need 2-3 cars, you no longer need to wait for the completion of one order to arrange another. With the help of a carefully thought out interface, you can safely switch between orders and follow the status of all orders.

Bonus program for loyal users

1. After downloading the application and placing an order for the first time you immediately get 100 rubles as a sign of a friendly greeting!
2. Inviting your friends, for the first confirmed trip of each other, get 150 rubles. in the form of a bonus
3. From the second trip you will receive bonuses from 5% from the cost of the order.

Accumulated bonuses can pay further trips
The bonus of the resulting when downloading can be spent from the second trip 100% (100 rubles),
Accuming and paying for the trip to bonus funds, the order drops down on non-cash.

A normal call is possible to the display from the application.

In situations where you need to urgently change something in the order or specify a special circumstance that it is impossible to do through the proposed functionality of the application, call and gladly help you solve your problem.

By downloading the "Taxi of Moscow" application, you can always contact our dispatchers with any question - accessible around the clock (24/7).

Passenger insurance when traveling for a taxi

Although we carefully select drivers and serving machines, but anything can happen on the road. Because all our passengers are insured against accidents during trips to Ingosstrakh's insurance company in the amount of up to 2,000,000 rubles. Damage is reimbursed within 30 days if the plan is injured or bodily injuries, or death if the cause of damage was:

  • Road traffic
  • Illegal action of third parties
  • Natural disasters
  • Fire, explosion, fall of foreign delights, including snow and ice

ATTENTION: Insurance is valid only when ordering from the application "Taxi of Moscow"

Details on the site: https://www.ingos.ru/company/news/detail/782057

We guarantee the security and confidentiality of personal data

· We assure that all your data is used strictly by destination, only in order to maintain a taxi order, and we undertake not to distribute third-person data,
· We are responsible for the quality of the services provided by us
· All conditions for using the application come into force from the date of publication.

As well as:
· The client has the right to use the application only for personal purposes, while not disturbing the personal space of third parties or copyright
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