How to change the monitor screen resolution? Selection of optimal permissions. Reset and configuring screen resolution Solved! Change screen resolution without monitor

Very often, users face the situation when the monitor gives the message "Save Mode", "out of range" or "unsupported resolution" or « » .
This means that the video card settings are set permission that the monitor does not support.

In many forums and sites, you can meet this advice:

"To change the screen resolution you need download windows Press F8 and set any minimum resolution, after will restart in normal mode and enjoy life. "

But, as practice shows, it does not always work.

I want to share 100% way to reset the screen resolution on the computer.
In order to reset the screen resolution really need to download the computer in a safe mode, but let's point.

  1. When booting windows, press F8;
  2. Select the "Loading Computer in Safe Mode" item;
  3. Press the Windows + Pause key combination (I fall into the properties of my computer), go to the EQUIPMENT tab, press the device manager button;
  4. Reveal the list of video adapters;
  5. Choose your video adapter, call context menu And choose to disable (Windows can ask "Do I need to delete drivers?" You can answer "no", but sometimes you need);
  6. Reboot your computer in normal mode;
  7. And now you do not need to do anything, we see a miracle, Windows will detect a video adapter and reset the resolution of the monitor screen.

This method has survived a lot.

There is still a way to reset the screen resolution - to return the old monitor back or reinstall Windows :) And why do you laugh, on many forums I met tips about reinstalling Windows! You just imagine a 5-minute problem solved in a few hours.

How to download Windows 10 in Safe Mode to reset the video card settings

The comments asked a question (stated): " in Windows 10, it is impossible to boot into safe mode After not including this option in the OS itself , And since it is impossible to enable this option without a working monitor, then your advice for Win 10 users is not relevant. Have other thoughts that are suitable for Win 10?

PS: There is no other monitor at hand, the built-in video adapter too. "

This is not entirely so ... yes, it is possible to enable the download menu only from the "working" Windows 10. But the download menu will be "download in safe mode" ( Safe Mode.) You can call several times by reloading the computer with the RESET button on the system unit. Windows 10 will understand that for some reason he will not be able to boot and offered various options for recovery. Uploaded in safe mode you can do everything necessary actions To reset the screen resolution in Windows 10, which are described above.


Q: how to reset the screen resolution through bios

A:the information on the screen resolution settings is stored in the operating system configs, via the BIOS to reset the screen resolution cannot be

Windows itself chooses the optimal screen resolution based on: monitor size (display), video adapter, installed drivers. The article will tell how to change the screen resolution in Windows 10, 7, 8, if you notice any deviation in the display (fuzziness, inconsistency size, the appearance of black bands on the sides).

Screen resolution is measured in pixels horizontally and vertical. With low permissions of the LCD monitors (displays), for example, 800 per 600 objects on the screen fit less and they will seem more. With large permissions, such as 1920 at 1080, objects will be less, thereby seeing the larger volume of the displayed items. Modern monitors (displays) allow you to set the resolution less native without loss in quality. To configure the most acceptable picture, follow the recommendations below.

Manual changing screen resolution

To change the screen resolution on Windows 7, 8, right-click on the free space of the desktop. In the junction menu, select "Screen Resolution" to open the display settings (last item they helped).

There is another way to get to the resolution change settings. . In the "View" area, install minor or large icons. From the list of options, find the "screen", click it.

Note: If all screens are not displayed, click "Find" if you are not sure which display you need to change the resolution, click "Determine". This briefly will show a large sequence number of the screen for its unambiguous identification.

In the screen settings, you click on which the vertical slider will be available. To reduce, increase the screen resolution in Windows, drag the slider. Native resolution is marked as "recommended" and is the highest, it is optimal.

Click OK, then you will see the preview of the selected resolution and the message if you are sure, click "Save Change".

Change the screen resolution in Windows 7, 8 from the list ready-made options. In the Screen Settings, click "Advanced Parameters". Next, on the "Adapter" tab, click on the list of all modes. Modes consist of 3 elements: permissions, color depth, update frequency (in Hz). Select mode, click OK, OK, confirm the changes.

In Windows 10, the screen resolution changes somewhat differently. When you call a menu, clicking on the right button (over an empty desktop location), you need to select "Screen Settings".

Click on the current resolution, then set your own. Do not forget, it is optimal that next to which there is a note "recommended". Click the Apply button, and then "Save Changes". Thus, you can change the screen resolution in Windows 10. If you have any problems, read on.

Introducing the program to change the screen resolution - Carroll. It still allows you to set each account His permission. Download the zip archive, unzip it. Install Carroll on your computer.

By running the program, in its interface there will be many permission options (other parameters), select the optimal one. To change the resolution of the screen on Windows and save it each time when you start a PC, click on the first link and in the message "Yes".

Enable Screen Settings

Sometimes when trying to configure the screen resolution on Windows 10, 7, 8 options become pale and cannot be changed. To enable these settings, there are 2 methods.

1. Download the archive with the REG file, unpack it. Run VKL-razresh.Reg, when you appear a request for account control, click "Yes", then "Yes", OK. Restart the computer to apply the changes.

2. Open the editor group Policy. To call it in enter the gpedit.msc, click OK. In the editor, get to the "Screen Property Window" section (see Screenshot). On the right side, double click on the screen setting option. In the subsequent window that opens, mark one state from two: "Not specified", "Disable". Next click OK, close the windows. At the same time, change the screen resolution, you can without restarting the computer.

Elimination of problems when changing permission

Users face a problem that the screen resolution does not change in Windows or varies, but before the first reboot or exit. It is recommended for starting to restart the system if the problem remains, try using such tips:

  1. The programs installed recently may well have adversely affect the resolution setting in Windows. You will need.
  2. Make sure there are no problems with graphic drivers. Check if drivers are installed at all, as well as make sure that you are latest versions.
  3. , look helps it or not.
  4. Press Win + R, enter msconfig, click Enter. In the system configuration parameters, move to the "Load" tab. Make sure that the "Basic video" item is not marked with a flag. If you removed the checkbox, click OK, restart the PC.

As you can see, change the screen resolution in Windows 10, 7, 8 is quite simple, especially in most situations it is not necessary, because by default OS selected itself optimal settings. Following the recommendations, you will easily calculate and eliminate any problems with the monitor display (display).

Situation - system unit without windows Monitor 7 and higher, with a modern video card, for example AMD Radeon. RX480, when connecting to a computer via TeamViewer, we obtain the screen resolution of 640x480 pixels.

Low resolution is not very convenient, since any windows and panels with the use buttons and cancel are not covered in the screen and do something on the computer practically not possible.

The most interesting thing is that on the cards of the past generation, for example, the Radeon R9 380, there is no such situation and permission can be installed, what is needed. Perhaps the case lies in the drivers. We will look for a solution.

At first, various programs came to my mind to manage system resolution, such as Qres, PowerStrip. But they did not help operating system, categorically did not want to change permission.

After that, I thought, but what if you score the desired permits in windows registry. I found where 640x480 was written, changed, rebooted and nothing .. Resolution left again at 640x480. I even tried to prohibit the system to change the registry branches, but also a stupid. Maybe I did not give this topic and it was possible to get even deeper, but I was painted the following thought.

Fake Monitor, Virtual Monitor Windows 7. I started searching for software that allows you to create a virtual monitor and moves to it, and systemic leave low resolution. But it somehow did not give me the result. I tried Zonescreen and some other programs.

I did not spend a lot of time on digging in each of these methods, as I knew three other options for solving this problem and this did not give me rest.

1. Just connect the monitor, reboots and everything will be fine.

2. Instead of a monitor, connect the plug made of 3 resistors by 75 ohms, but this is suitable only if you have a VGA output, and there is no such exit on RX 470 and 480, there is DVI and HDMI.

In the case of DVI-A and DVI-I, you can plug the resistors or use the DVI-VGA adapter cable and inhibit resistors in it, but again in the maps of type RX 470 and 480 from DVI only DVI-D, and with it is not so It turns out. In the case of DVI-D, you need to apply a chip.

There is an option to buy a HDMI plug.

Such a plug in China costs from $ 5

3. A more versatile option and cheaper is the use of an HDMI-VGA adapter.

HDMI-VGA adapter can be bought in China from $ 3. The adapter is good because you can connect the old monitor with the usual VGA input.

In general, the result is simple - 3 bucks and all things, you can not torment the system and video card drivers.

Phrases: monitor resolution DVI plug, VGA plug, 640 × 480 Resolution without monitor, monitor emulator

P.S. still a solution, you can connect a fee from the old monitor, but it is for guys

To make the computer screen settings as comfortable for the eyes, you need to know how to change the screen resolution of the monitor personal computer or laptop.

Screen resolution is an indicator that determines the clarity of displaying all icons, pictures, that is, graphics as a whole. It is important to determine what will be better for the monitor.

Changing the extension using the built-in OS functions

The greater the resolution, the better clarity of the display. For example, the display is 22 inches, will have a standard, which is equal to 1680 * 1050, it is optimal and maximum for this screen.

All available dimensions are available in the settings, it is desirable to choose the largest of the proposed.

Follow the instructions to change the image resolution of your display:

  • Pass on the operating system desktop. Press it on the right mouse button and select the screen parameters, as shown in the figure below;
  • In the window that opens, you can configure the size of the text, icons and other system elements in real time. You can also configure the orientation of the screen. To go to the selection tab, at the top in the search bar, enter the word "resolution";
  • Select Screen Resolution item;
  • Click on the drop-down list, as shown in the figure, and take the standard recommended. Save new settings.

Important! It happens that the recommended resolution is more than the display. That is, the final image size does not correspond to the size of the screen, so some elements of the desktop may abide from the field of view of the user. Monitor configuration will eliminate this problem. In the selection options, choose not recommended, and the one that fully displays all the elements of the desktop. At the same time, all graphics should be a clear.

Several common types of expansion and their corresponding displays:

  • 1024 * 768 - perfectly suitable for screens, the size of which is 15 or 17 inches. In the display resolution of 1024 * 768 points, the depth of color is 16 bits;
  • 1280 * 1024 - Designed for displays, the size of which is 19 inches;
  • Types of monitors, 24 inches size most accurately transmit the image at a resolution in 1920 * 1080. All displays with such parameters refer to FullHD.

Screen update frequency control

The higher the display frequency of the display, respectively better quality Images. That is why, in addition to the size, you need to pay attention to this parameter. To change the update frequency Follow the instructions:

  • Go to the control panel. In the search bar, enter "Screen" (without quotes);
  • In the proposed search result, select the item that is responsible for the screen update frequency, as shown in the figure;
  • Set the highest update frequency. This will eliminate the possible periodic flickering of the monitor.

NVIDIA software

How to find out the desired permission for your display? This can be done on the official website of the manufacturer or in the instructions that are attached to the device.

On the boxes of monitors and laptops from Samsung, there is information on how to set the right permission and what to do if the real does not correspond to the declared one.

Via special Programwhich is pre-installed on all computers equipped with the NVIDIA video card, you can also adjust the user monitor resolution. Follow the instructions.

If the operating system is not installed on your new computer, you can expect a problem at the beginning of work - the display works in low-resolution mode. How to understand a newcomer? Simply - you purchased a laptop or a monitor with a modern matrix, and the image in Windows is similar to the "picture" of old monitors. Or maybe items on the screen are not completely displayed? If so, you need to fix permission.

Windows users can independently adjust the screen setting.

What is "permission"?

One of the main characteristics of the monitor is its resolution. it maximum amount Pixels that you can see vertically and horizontal. Accordingly, one pixel is the minimum element from which the image is formed. For modern computer matrices, the standard of the number of pixels is 1920 × 1080, at least 1366 × 1768. New technique supports higher values. You can learn this value for your monitor in the user manual (and sometimes directly on the box).

IMPORTANT. It is necessary not only to purchase a high-quality display, but also include its full support in your windows version. Incorrect resolution is inconvenience for any user. Its value in Windows may change due to the next update, incorrectly installed drivers or programs. But to return the correct operation of the display is quite simple.

How to set proper permission?

The correct parameters of the monitor are important not only in games and when watching a video. Any specialist - from the designer to the financier - it will be easy to notice that the elements of the desktop have become less, and the images are not detailed enough. Fortunately, if you are not satisfied with this state of affairs - you can eliminate flaws with standard ways.

Method 1.

To change the display configuration in Windows ...:

Method 2.

This option can be used in Windows 7 and earlier versions.


We learned how to edit one of the main properties of the image on the PC. To find out if you did everything right - try