How to shop online correctly: master class. Registration and personal account. Selecting a product to purchase

Date of publication: 06/22/2009

And at the same time not to be disappointed. With this article I start a series practical advice about making purchases on the Internet. Only personal practice, only specific advice!

First, let's figure out what online trading is and how to make purchases online.

There are several types of Internet trading.

First and the most common type in Russia: an online store located in your city and delivering goods by courier to your home or office with payment in cash at the time of delivery. For the buyer, this method of purchase is the most reliable and understandable: you do not risk anything, you do not send money in advance and you can always refuse the purchase if you are not satisfied with the product. Almost everything is bought and sold using this method: from food and music discs to large household appliances and furniture.

Most often, to make a purchase in such an online store, you need to call the phone number listed on the website or leave yours in the order form and wait until they call you back. The only problem that may arise is with delivery or its timing. The goods may not be delivered at the time they were promised or may not be delivered at all, often without even warning about it.

Personally, I bought tires for my car this way and only received the order on the third try. Why did I buy this way? Wouldn't it be easier to do this in a regular store? No, it's not easier. There are a million standard sizes of car tires and there is not much chance of finding the right one for you in a regular store. And I also needed a summer one - in winter (motorists will understand how difficult task). Calling stores is a tedious task, and besides, according to the law of meanness, the desired option is usually located at the other end of a huge city, and going there means wasting half a day. It's easier and faster to find anyway the desired model and the corresponding size online and order delivery.

Strictly speaking, this is not quite an online store and not quite e-commerce. Rather, advertising products using the Internet, since, most often, such companies have one or more brick-and-mortar stores, and with the help of the Internet they expand the circle of potential customers.

Second view: small and almost "real" online store selling electronic small items: Cell phones, MP3 players, GPRS navigators, reading devices e-books etc. Such a store does not have an office or warehouse and often consists of one, two or three people working from home - friends or relatives. Actually, he doesn’t have any goods either. What does it have, you ask? Website, telephone, small working capital and knowledge of the market: where you can buy the right product at wholesale price. Perhaps a contract or verbal agreement with a large company to purchase small quantities of goods at a significant discount from the retail price. When such a store receives an order, the employee quickly goes to another company to pick up the goods and then delivers it to the customer. Profit (discount) of 10-20% when average price a product worth 3 - 10 thousand rubles is a good income for young people - students and schoolchildren, who most often organize such online stores.

As in the first option, there is no threat to the buyer - prices are no higher than in regular stores, and most often lower, you receive a real product, with a guarantee from a wholesaler, and upon receipt you can refuse to purchase if you are not tripled by the product itself or documents for it - a guarantee or the absence of a sales (cash) receipt, for example. By the way, cash receipt, most likely there will not be, since such stores do not strive to pay taxes. Well, you understand this yourself...

Third type: purchasing information goods directly from their creators - companies or private authors registered as individual entrepreneurs. The order is made on the creator’s special mini-site, payment in advance with electronic money (WebMoney, Yandex-money, RBK Money, others similar systems), bank transfer, sometimes, for the most advanced ones - by credit card, as well as cash on delivery upon receipt at the post office. Only in the latter case, you do not pay the money immediately, but when you receive the goods, however, first you pay, and then you receive, and having paid, you will no longer be able to refuse the goods.

On each page of this site, on the left there is a “Recommend” item. These are exactly the kind of informational products and I recommend them because I checked them myself: everything is fair with payment and delivery, the products are useful, you can and even should do business with them! I cannot vouch for other information products that you can find on the Internet. However, I can give a little advice: before buying, look for reviews about the product and its author, most likely, after reading them everything will become clear to you.

Fourth type: actual online store. In which payment is made credit cards or the already mentioned electronic money, of course, in advance, delivery of goods is carried out by mail or couriers within the city. What is the advantage of such stores? There are two of them. First and, probably, the main thing: such a store gives the opportunity to buy goods for residents of small towns and remote areas that are simply not available in the stores of their city or town. The second advantage: it gives the opportunity to buy goods for busy people who do not have time to search in regular stores. In an online store, searching and ordering the desired product takes a matter of minutes.

The leader among online stores throughout the post-Soviet space is Ozon, which sells books online consumer electronics, video and audio discs, computer programs and games, antiques, gifts, sporting goods and household goods, jewelry and even air and train tickets, travel and visa processing for these trips!

Another example of a large and in all respects serious online store specializing in the sale of special machinery and equipment - generators, concrete mixers, walk-behind tractors, cultivators, etc. - The store operates in Ukraine and is famous for its reliability and stability for many years. Fortunately, there are more and more such stores in the Russian-language segment of the Internet.

And the world leader in online stores is, which ranks 34th among the most visited sites in the world. Despite the fact that it does not have a representative office in Russia and a version of the site translated into Russian, you can and should buy from, and in my next article about online shopping, I will tell you how to do this and give step-by-step instructions for making a purchase on Ozone and Amazon. Well, it worked right into rhyme :)

Continuation (description of stores "" and". Step-by-step instruction upon making a purchase. Lots of useful digressions.).

Hello, friends! Today’s article is devoted, as you probably already guessed, to shopping in online stores, both domestic and foreign. Shopping for goods via the Internet is becoming increasingly widespread and this is very understandable. Not only can you find any product you want online, but in addition to this, the prices for these products are usually lower (and often significantly lower!) than on the shelves of regular stores. Of course, there are exceptions, but here you just need to be a little more careful and know some rules and tricks for shopping in online stores. This is exactly what I want to tell you about.

Since this is my introductory article about shopping in online stores, I’ll start talking about everything in order, so that even a person who knows nothing at all about how to make shopping in online stores, what is needed for this, where to start, what to focus your attention on, etc., there are no questions left. In general, I will try to present everything as clearly as possible in simple, so to speak, human language. In general, let's go.

Do you want to make purchases in online stores and don’t know where to start?

Yes, this is probably the first question that a person who has never bought anything online will ask, so let’s start with it.

So, to make purchases on the Internet you will need:

  • Email

If you already have your own email, you can skip this point. Those who don't have one will need to get one. Believe me, it's very simple procedure and you can easily handle it yourself without outside help, and it's absolutely free. I recommend you start Gmail on Google so that in the future there will be no problems with the delivery of letters from foreign sites. Detailed instructions about how to start Mailbox You can look at Gmail here.

  • a bank card (regular or virtual) or an electronic wallet (or better yet, several types of wallets) to pay for purchases in online stores

Well, about the bank card, I think everything is more or less clear. Although there is one point that I would like to draw your attention to - I advise you to use a separate card for purchases in online stores, that is, a separate card, and not a salary card, credit card, etc. For your own safety, this will be better, so there are crooks everywhere, and even more so on the Internet. Where and how can you easily get plastic card Visa for online shopping? There is a simple and, mind you, legal way to do this, more on that in. By the way, using a bank card you can pay for goods in almost any online store, including foreign ones.

Also, in order to make purchases on the Internet, not a plastic bank card, but a virtual bank card is quite suitable. Its difference from plastic is that it does not have a physical medium, that is, it cannot be used to get cash or pay for goods or services in a regular store. At the same time, you have all the necessary details - card number, expiration date, CVV/CVC number, so you can use it to make purchases in online stores. An undeniable advantage is the fact that such a card is absolutely free. About how and where to start virtual card, I will tell you in the next article.

Now about electronic wallets. What wallets should I have? It all depends on the online stores where you are going to make purchases, just different stores have a list electronic money, with which you can pay for your purchase may vary. To be, so to speak, fully armed, it is enough to have the following electronic wallets - Yandex Money, Qiwi and Webmoney. In principle, any large online store provides the opportunity to pay with any of these wallets, but it is better to have all of these wallets, especially since this again does not take much time and this procedure you only need to do it once. About how to get a Qiwi wallet.

  • register in an online store (or stores) and make purchases

That's all I have for today, Enjoy the shopping in online stores! In the following articles I will continue the topic of online shopping, so subscribe to my blog, there will be a lot of interesting things.

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How to buy two lower seats on a train on the Russian Railways website

Everything is possible on the Internet: get an education remotely, pay bills, get a visa, and even find a husband. So why is online shopping still such a source of confusion? Someone's bad experience, concerns about the quality of the product, or size discrepancies should not stop a true shopaholic. FashionTime will tell and show where you can buy a dress Calvin Klein for $18 or get the shoes STEVE MADDEN for $40. But before you rush to look for a credit card, a short excursion into theory.

In this and the following articles we will talk about how to make purchases in the most famous online stores in the USA, Europe and Asia. Why should you start shopping online? The answer is simple: it significantly saves money and time, and the selection of products is simply huge. There is also an obvious plus - on the Internet you buy unique things that cannot be found anywhere else. I'll add from personal experience: I have been desperately doing online shopping for a year now and have never encountered any problems. Out of hundreds of parcels, only one did not arrive, and the seller reimbursed me for the amount spent. But there are only 2 problems on the way to gaining access to the vast space of ideal shopping - navigation, which may seem difficult to some, and reluctance to learn a new way of acquiring all types of earthly goods empirically.

How to pay for purchases online?

The most popular method of paying for online purchases is bank cards Visa or Master Card. For online purchases, your bank must give you access to Internet banking. If you already have a bank card, but have never purchased anything on the World Wide Web, visit the nearest branch of your bank. You will be given a login and password, as well as a card with check codes, which the store sometimes asks you to enter when paying.

Online stores do not care what currency you store money on your card in: rubles, dollars, euros or Tanzanian tugriks. When paying, they are converted into the store’s currency, so if you have a ruble denomination, then there will be no problems with payment. The commission is so small that you won't even notice it. We do not recommend using a card to pay Visa Electron, most foreign stores do not recognize it.

Online shopping: you’re both hungry and itching

The most common fear of a novice Internet shopaholic is what if scammers steal my money? So, many of my friends say that they would buy everything that is on the site, but they are afraid to leave their bank card information.

If the fear is insurmountable, you can create a virtual card and transfer the required amount of money to it to pay for the order from the main card.

But, as a rule, the websites of popular trusted stores always display payment security certificates. Believe me, online stores are very concerned about their reputation, so they are not prone to financial fraud. And of course, if you buy from world-famous stores, there is definitely nothing to fear.

What is PayPal?

PayPal is the largest electronic payment system. It successfully operates in 190 countries around the world, including our country. On the site you can choose Russian and register easily.

Select the account type - Privat/ PayPal for you, which will allow you to send payments.

Click Get started and fill out the form. Please note that the first and last name must match what is written on the card, click Sign up. It is done.

And now very important point. For registration in the system PayPal you are charged a symbolic $1.5. The money will be returned to the card when you confirm it. PayPal will politely remind you of this by email and ask you to confirm the card for security reasons. After all, it is unknown who could enter your card details instead of you.

So, let’s remember about Internet banking, go to your account on the bank’s website and look at the latest transaction from PayPal. A four-digit number will be indicated here; you need to copy it and enter it in your account PayPal. Hurray, you are in the system.

Almost all online stores accept payment via PayPal. But if you have a bank card Visa or Master Card, then purchases can be paid directly without services PayPal.

Since 2002 PayPal is a division Ebay- Meccas of online shopping. The most wary and cautious buyers can pay for purchases through PayPal, since the system carefully monitors payments and resolves all issues in case of dissatisfaction. However, with what vigilance PayPal carries out payment transactions, and treats account holders with the same care. For example, if you did not confirm your bank card on time, then PayPal may block your account for a long time. In this case, you will need to register again using new map- or write long letters to the support service, sending copies of all documents, including almost the birth certificate.

Who are the intermediaries?

Unfortunately, not all stores ship orders directly to Russia. But when you see a bag on a company website Furla for $129, and they don’t send it to distant Moscow, then you quickly remember all your relatives and friends living in the USA or Europe. If there are no relatives, and the offer is so tempting that you are ready to do anything, intermediaries will come to the rescue.

Intermediaries are companies that are engaged in receiving and sending your precious parcel anywhere in the world. Payment for their services depends on the weight of the order + commission for work, on average 6-8% of the order value. An intermediary is called both the forwarding company and individual- the person who processes the order and sends it to the customer. In the latter case, the intermediary is our former compatriot who organizes postal shipments. In my experience, I trust companies that are legally responsible to us more.

Company Shipito- the most famous intermediary in the USA with an excellent reputation. All parcels from Shipito can be tracked en route, and perfectly packaged items always arrive on time.

Through Shipito Many purchases are sent to Russia from Ebay,Amazon,, which can only be purchased in the USA.

There are intermediary companies in every other country in the world. We will tell you more about them when we move on to the description of the sites.

When will I receive the parcel? Post office, customs and other delights

Delivery times range from 3 days to several months. Many sites offer special courier delivery UPS,FedEx: a parcel will be delivered to your home even from America by a charming courier. Of course, this method costs several times more, but you will be sure that you will receive your order on time, safe and sound. And if we're talking about about an expensive purchase, that is, it makes sense to pay extra for the luxury of communicating with the courier.

If you are not in a hurry, then arrange for regular delivery. The parcel will be delivered to the nearest post office, a receipt will be sent to your mailbox, upon presentation of which you will receive the long-awaited parcel.

Be prepared for the fact that sometimes parcels take a very long time. And it's almost always not the sender's fault. Some stores provide a tracking number by which you can track the path of your parcel. It is very interesting to see how in 3 days the parcel arrived from London to sorting center Moscow and hung there for many weeks.

It is clear that, first of all, claims must be made against Russian Post. But, no matter how much they scold her, the parcels arrive sooner or later, only in rare cases going missing. In this case, if more than 6 weeks have passed since the parcel was sent, you should contact the store support service. As a rule, stores return money spent, despite the fact that they are not legally obligated to do so.

According to the law, you can freely buy goods in online stores with delivery every month postal services for an amount up to 1000 euros (if the parcel is delivered by regular mail) and weighing up to 35 kg. If you exceed the limit, you will need to pay a fee.

A true shopaholic does not limit his appetites to city shopping centers. Once you receive a package once, it’s hard to stop. The most important thing in this exciting business is

Until recently, in order to buy something, you had to go to the store and select what you needed from the limited assortment of the store, or run around a bunch of stores in search of the right thing. By the way, the word thing means not only the purchase of clothes, but also Appliances, dishes, jewelry, in general, everything that can be bought. Shopping took a lot of effort and time, nerves and strength. As a result, often, in order to compensate for all “our expenses,” we bought something we didn’t need at all.

Nowadays the Internet is available in almost every home and office. At first we received from it necessary information, then we began to communicate with each other online, on forums, via ICQ, E-Mail, and visit various social networks.

Let's look at the Internet from the other side. How else can he be useful to us? The Internet is a limitless resource; in addition to obtaining information and communication, you can also use it to do online shopping.

Very simple!

First decide what you would like to buy. This needs to be defined quite clearly and in full. The more precisely you formulate your wishes, the easier it will be for you to find exactly what you dream of. It has long been noted that the more accurately a person formulates his desires, the faster he manages to achieve what he wants.

For example, you want a dress for New Year's Eve, a certain color and size. You even know what it should look like. Great. Go ahead.

We enter your desire into the search engine (any of the existing ones will do, it all depends on your preferences). As a result, you will receive a “list of links that satisfy your desires.” Now it's more clear how to do it online shopping? If not, then I'll explain...

Any search engine “read” your desires and selected suitable Internet pages for them, where you can find what you need. Moreover, these pages were read by the search engine in advance, and the owners of online stores wrote them so that they reflected the most complete information about the product as possible.

Now, after you have been given search query, the most “painful and tedious” part of the area begins how to buy online. It is painful from the point of view that the choice here, even in comparison with the huge shopping center simply limitless. Among the links there may be those that do not at all relate to “your desire”. View as many links as possible. After all, the science of how to buy online is not limited to using just a search engine. You also need to choose the right one online store. Such that it is reliable, you are satisfied with the terms of payment and delivery, the prices are “suitable”, etc. The search engine contains direct links, by clicking on which you are automatically taken to the online store page.

Well, now is the most important step, which will reveal all the secrets of how to shop in online store. You found what you were looking for and read about payment and delivery. Everything suited you. What should alert you is the lack of description of the product or its too small quantity, photographs from different angles. Of course, you can try to make a purchase here too. Perhaps the store is just developing. But it is best to choose to make a purchase where the information is presented as completely as possible.

The last thing you need to know about how to buy online is the rules for receiving your order. You can receive your order by courier and pay for it at the time of receipt (ideal option). There are options when you don’t have to pay for delivery separately. All stores have different conditions, including free shipping. Delivery by mail or transport company is possible. Payment can also be different, you can pay for delivery by mail (cash on delivery) or to the courier of a transport company, or pay for the order in advance, before its delivery. Prepayment is the most common method. At your service are bank transfer, payment via the Internet by international bank cards or electronic payment systems.

P.S. And for readers of this site, searching for clothes in online stores is even easier. Here on the page you will find a list best offers. Click on links or banners (such as the one below this article), and you will find yourself in the selected online store e. Choose a product and...

I'm sure many people have made the wrong purchase at least once in their lives. Such a beautiful blouse in the store, after purchase, suddenly turned out to be: the wrong size, style, color, did not fit into the wardrobe, or simply did not suit the soul.
Why is this happening? There are many reasons for this.
I will try to partially answer this question in my personal advice.

So, how to shop correctly:

1. Don't make spontaneous purchases.
To avoid them, do not carry large amounts of cash with you at all times.

2. Don't shop when you're in a bad mood.
The statement that shopping is an excellent cure for blues and depression is misunderstood by many, too literally.
“Healing” purchases should only be made planned and meaningfully.
For information on the negative energy of purchased items, see the articles below.

4. Plan your purchases.
- If you just “want something,” then go shopping without money. Try on clothes, shoes, accessories, jewelry and jewelry. Cars can also be “tried on”. Such shopping trips will definitely lift your spirits. In addition, they will provide tangible benefits: firstly, you will not make rash purchases, and secondly, you can experiment by trying on clothes of different colors and styles. In decent stores, sellers will never make a “face with a brick” if the client does not buy the item immediately. Therefore, do not go to the bazaar and Chinese shops, but to reputable boutiques. Just dress respectably. After all, you don’t really like homeless people either. Therefore, there is no need for yours appearance give store workers a heart attack.
These walks are great to take with friends.

Before you buy anything, analyze your wardrobe - shake it up completely. At the same time, clean it of unnecessary and obsolete things.
Think about what item you need and what you will wear it with.
Some people have a hard time picturing this hypothetically.
That's why style experts advise taking photos of all your items when planning purchases. And go shopping with photos. When you see something you like, you need to take out a photo and try it on with this item. Then you will definitely buy something that will fit into your wardrobe.

5. Only shop alone.
A friend (mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, work colleague, etc.) may intentionally or unknowingly prevent you from making the purchase you need. Why?
Because she may be afraid to offend you and tell the truth: “This skirt makes you ugly.”
Or your sister will hope that later you will let her wear this velvet tight dress. In fact, this dress would really suit your sister, but it doesn't suit you at all.
And there may be many other reasons for making a bad purchase in the company of friends and relatives.

6. When making a purchase, also do not rely on the opinion of the seller. Why?
The seller is an interested person - it is important for him to sell the product in any case. Salary depends on this.
That’s why I often see how sellers sell people things that make them look ugly, and even say: “It suits you, it makes you look very slim.”

7. It is best to shop in two stages:
- At the first stage, you simply walk around the shops, ask the price and take a closer look at the assortment. As I wrote above, such a walk can be turned into an excellent distraction and entertainment event in the company of a friend.
Afterwards, you can sit nicely in a coffee shop and have a heart-to-heart chat.
Those. at this stage you choose an item.
You have to “sleep” with any thing you like for at least one night.
Sometimes it happens that the next day the thing you liked in the store no longer interests you.

At the second stage, when you know what you need and where it is sold, you go alone to this place and try on the thing again. If you still like it after the second try on, you buy it.

8. Buy perfume in the same way.
I use this method and it has never let me down.
If you are sure that you will go abroad within a year, then postpone purchasing the perfumes you like in a local boutique until duty free.
You will be surprised, but sometimes what is sold in our city and what is sold in duty-free are radically different. In addition, there are no fakes in duty free (I really hope) and they are always cheaper.

9. Don't buy cheap things. As they say, “We are not that rich,” etc.
10 blouses for 500 rubles, bought during the year, are equal to one more or less high-quality item that could linger in your wardrobe for years.
I bet you will wear cheap blouses a couple of times, and then they will become ballast in your wardrobe.
This rule applies to everything: shoes, accessories, etc.

10. Buy shoes and bags only made of genuine leather. An alternative is high-quality textiles or fur.
Needless to say, shoes and bags made of leatherette are for 1-2 seasons. And they look killer - cheap, and sometimes vulgar.
While you are enjoying your “extensive” wardrobe of five pairs of Chinese-made shoes for 1000 rubles, the opportunity to have only high-quality shoes of noble blood may be irretrievably lost.
In addition, artificial leather shoes are harmful to your feet. Sometimes it is completely impossible to wear it, because it does not adapt to the shape of your foot, like shoes made of genuine leather.
Shoes and bags in any wardrobe should be the most expensive things after jewelry and natural fur coats - this is the key to health, style and a good reputation.

Read other aspects of successful shopping in the articles below:

A person comes into this world naked. Apparently, this is the natural state of our body, in which the connection with the cosmos is closest.
Due to various social, weather, aesthetic and similar reasons, we are forced to hide our body under clothes. Clothes are something we come into contact with every day. It has already been scientifically proven that there is a certain energy shell around a person called an aura. By putting on clothes, we introduce something alien into our individual energy field. If the field of clothing is negative, then it can lead to disruption of our own. This leads to the emergence various problems.

After all, you’ve probably noticed that you can wear one thing without taking it off for a very long time, feel comfortable and cozy in it, but you want to throw another one off quickly. And the reason is not that she is not beautiful and not fashionable, but simply that she is not yours. It introduces some kind of imbalance into your energy field, the disruption of which can even lead to illness. Therefore, be very careful when purchasing new clothes. In order to negative impact If anything related to clothing does not harm you, you should adhere to some, not very complicated, rules.

Never buy clothes from people you don't like.
The subconscious often warns us about dangers that we do not see or feel. It is not without reason that they say that the first impression of a person is the most correct. The fact that you didn’t like this particular person can be explained by the fact that your energy fields “do not operate at the same frequency.” This means that this person most likely did not like you either. And he might not think very flatteringly about you. You don't have to be a great magician to charge something with negative energy. Even a thought that flashes through your head will be imprinted on the product. Having accepted clothes from the seller’s hands, you will also accept a bundle of negative energy along with it.
If someone else's energy, hostile to you, comes into contact with yours, a malfunction may occur.

Talk to your “inner” advisor.
When buying clothes, we often ask friends and family for advice. After all, from the outside it is clearer whether this or that thing suits us. But no one can advise you better than yourself. Unfortunately, not everyone can listen to the voice of their inner self. To make this task easier, smart people came up with a very simple device called a pendulum. About this simply necessary thing, in Lately a lot is written and said. Probably everyone knows about this, but few people use it in life. But it’s not difficult at all. First, tie a weight (ring, nut, cross or something else) to a thread 5-10 cm long. Secondly, agree with your pendulum on the “language of communication”. Here you need to come to an agreement personally, without listening to anyone’s advice. For example, before you start working with a pendulum, ask it the question: “What will you and I have YES? And what will happen NO? The pendulum itself will tell you. For example, my system is as follows:
YES - rotation of the pendulum clockwise
NO - oscillations in a straight line
I DON'T KNOW - counterclockwise rotation.
Your options may be completely different.
So, having fulfilled these two conditions, you can safely ask your “adviser” when buying clothes: “Is this thing suitable for me?” Bring the pendulum to the chosen item and wait for it to answer you.
There is no need to think about the mechanism of the pendulum, just trust it. Your subconscious will not let you down.

Cleanse your clothes energetically.
Even if you bought a new thing that no one has worn before, still don’t be lazy to clean it energetically. The thing lay on the counter, many glances slid over it, and other people’s hands touched it. And the clothes themselves didn’t come from nowhere, someone made them. And it is not known what thoughts were in the tailor’s head. The new thing has influenced many people. It will be better for you to get rid of them.
The easiest way to remove negative energy is to rinse in running water. But, you see, you don’t really want to wash a new thing. Therefore, we can recommend another method of purification - purification by fire.
Place the item on smooth surface, on a table or floor, and draw a lighted candle along the outline. It is advisable to have a wax candle, without aromatic additives. If the candle burns evenly, without hesitation, then the thing does not carry energetically negative information. If the candle flame is not even, goes out or flickers, then the negative is present. Carrying the candle around the item must be repeated until the candle burns evenly.

Be careful with items that someone else has already worn.
Many people use the services of Second Hand stores. I have no complaints against them. Sometimes I buy quite original things there myself. But cleaning used items is a must. After all, clothes store information about the old owner for a very long time. We don’t know what kind of person wore it, what thoughts he had, or what happened to him. But the clothes remember this and can impose the old owner’s program on you, which is always undesirable.
Therefore, the most important condition: be sure to wash the item, even if it looks good. Water washes away all energetic information well. Especially good is flowing water. Rinse the item in running tap water, or even better, rinse (if possible) in a river. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers went to the river to rinse clothes. Flowing water carried away all troubles.
After this, be sure to iron the clothes. This is a modernized method of cleaning with fire, the task of which is to burn out all the bad things from clothes.
If these two methods do not suit you (for example, you bought a fur coat and, of course, will not wash it), then you can use another cleaning method - weathering. Hang it on the balcony or outside and let the wind do the work for you.
The same rules must be followed if you give your things to someone. Remove your energy from them so that you do not retain any connection with the given clothes. After all, a person can be influenced through such channels.

Coordinate your clothing purchases with the Moon.
Lunar phases, whether we like it or not, greatly influence our lives. And shopping for clothes is no exception.
If you want your clothes to serve you for a long time, then buy new things on the waxing Moon, i.e. when there is a young sickle in the sky. This applies not only to purchases. If you want something to last a long time, start it at this time. For example, get married on the waxing Moon, and then there is a possibility of a longer union.
But let's get back to clothes. It is not recommended to buy clothes when the Moon is in the sign of Leo. Clothes purchased at this time will literally “burn” on you and wear out quickly.
The position of the Moon in the zodiac signs also plays a big role in other issues related to clothing. For example, astrologers recommend washing clothes during the passage of the Moon. water signs(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). It has been noticed that at this time the laundry is washed better, and even the soap lathers better.
Information about the location of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac and its phases can be obtained in any tear-off calendar.

And finally
Trust your feelings more.
Always remember that you have a lot of great opportunities. You just need to learn how to use them. Relax, throw away all the settings that limit you, the advice of others and just listen to yourself. And you will definitely determine whether these clothes are for you or will harm you. The best adviser is yourself. Learn to trust him. He will never give bad advice. By listening to his advice, you will be able to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, of which your clothes are an integral part.