How to delete all Windows 8 updates. How to delete the update package if the system is not possible. Removal through the control panel

As you know, many users windows systems 7 and 8.1 in lately Received a message about the availability of its update to version 10.

Despite the fact that it is possible to use this service if desired, the update icon after such a message was installed in the computer for each having a licensed OS and periodically appear, preserving and annoying when working. But this is another half of the trouble, since it also appeared with this icon. new folder having name $ Windows. ~ BT, serving for a more easy transition to a new version and data contained in it not deleted. Such a phenomenon is not very nice for those users who do not want to use innovation, especially when system Disk Almost scoring the necessary data, because the weight of the folder is great enough, already 3 GB.

In addition, all this can cause problematic situations in the functioning of a PC or a laptop, which is also not very good. therefore best option will produce removal of unnecessary updateAnd it is possible to do so in several ways.

It is worth noting that these methods work for kickback Any update in the system.

Removal through the update center

The first way is the most simple - this is the destruction of the component with Parameters and Control panels. To perform such operations will be required:

After all the events, a list of all versions that were installed on the computer will be opened. Among them select Unnecessary updates and again pressed " Delete" Further, this action is confirmed and its completion is expecting.

Get to the list of updates is also possible using Control Panelin which the section " Programs and components"Opened sidebarwhere chosen " View installed updates».

Use the command line

The second way to get rid of updates - take advantage command line. To implement the process, such actions will be required:

If you purchased a laptop or computer with Windows 8 or simply installed this OS on your computer, then sooner or later (unless, of course, not turned off all updates) you will see a store's message with a proposal to get Windows 8.1 for free, accepting the system to update the system new version. And what if you don't want to be updated, but it is also undesirable from ordinary system updates?

The second method actually represents the same as described above, but turn off the update to Windows 8.1 using the registry editor, run which you can by pressing the Win + R keys on the keyboard and entering regedit..

In the Registry Editor, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft section and create a WindowsStore subsection.

After that, by selecting the newly created section, right-click on the registry editor right domain and create the DWORD parameter named DisableOSupgrade and set it to 1.

That's all, you can close the registry editor, the update will no longer be disturbed.

Another way to disable update notification to Windows 8.1 in the Registry Editor

IN this method The registry editor is also used, and it can help if the previous version did not help:

  1. Run the registry editor as described earlier
  3. Change the value of the UpgradeAvailable parameter from the unit to zero.

If there is no such partition and parameter, you can create them yourself, in the same way as in the previous version.

If you need to disable the changes described in this manual, then simply make inverse operations And the system will be able to independently update to the latest version.

The most common of them: incorrect installation of updates, failures in the operation of the system after installing updates, equipment failure and TP.

As known, support Windows 8 Urgent condition comes from the update center, so to speak repazitism. Often, all installations of updates, patches and packages occur in automatic mode (depending on system settings). With these installations, Microsoft developers solve security issues operating systemincompatibly softwaredevices.

If you suddenly needed to delete one, or several of the installed updates, let's say not those that are important, and those that are not obligatory, then performing a simple algorithm of actions described below, you can easily solve your problem.

How to delete Windows 8 failure update and install it again?

In addition to the cases described above, when Windows 8 updates is required, it also happens that when downloading updates, it fails, or fails when it is installed. In such a situation, the remaining update or patches or patches stop downloading or installed in the system. In this case, you can also help delete a failure update and the subsequent attempt to install it.

With automatic updates, Windows has come across each.
In my case, this experience turned out to be negative and I deleted the function automatic update Windows 8.1, which I recommend to do everything. But first of all, it should be understood why they are needed at all.

Specialists write that they are necessary for the normal functioning of the operating system, namely:

All this is understandable, the system is improving and it seems to work better and faster.

But what happens really? Because of the ever-increasing number of updates, the computer slows down its work and starts to hob. It is simply impossible to work with such a cargo "on the shoulders".

Initially, I stood on a laptop Windows 8 - heavy and driving, but when it was updated to the new version 8.1, it became easy and pleasant. Until that time while loading almost every day of updates did not reach the critical mass.

After installing the next innovations, it was not possible to work at all - Visul programs, when opening a browser, a black screen appeared, blocking work, and when the computer was loaded, it began to pop up a window that announces an error in the work of one of the system programs - Catalyst Control CENTER HOST Application.

How to eliminate the error in the work of Catalyst Control Center you can find out

In short, all the opposite is instead of improving the full stop of work.

Then I deleted the last installed updates and the computer began to work fine.

How to get rid of updates?

You can work with two windows for your convenience at the same time, dividing them with hot keys: win + arrow left - browser window, win + arrow right - second window.

1. First you should clear the "download" folder where they are loaded.
Path: disk with ⇨ Windows ⇨ SoftWaredistribution ⇨ Download.

2. Then delete latest downloadsAfter which the computer began to hang (if you remember the approximate date of this "Events").
Path: Control Panel ⇨ Programs and Components ⇨ Installed updates (reference left at the top).

To easier to find interfering updates, regroup them under the installation date: right button Mice, choose Sorting ⇨ Installed. You need to delete, but the computer does not overload.

3. The next step is to cancel automatic loading updates.
Control Panel ⇨ Update Center ⇨ Enable or disable automatic update. Select "Do not check the availability of updates (not recommended)".

Now overload the computer.
You should fate that updates are also contraindicated by unlicensed copies of Windows.