How Wild Exit Correction Mode. Turn on the Edit Mode in Microsoft Word. Return traditional windows when opening and saving files

Coordination and approval of documents always leads to the introduction of corrections, additions and edits into the text of the document. The Word text editor has a convenient functionality to work with correctness. The enabled correction edit mode retains the entire history and usernames of users who contributed changes to the document.

To remove installed prohibitionThe user must enter a password.

Display fixes in the document

There are 3 corrections display modes, each of which is prescribed appearance Displays edit on the screen, limits certain types of corrections.

Commands are located to the right of the "Correction" command in the "Review" section.

Each mode has several options whose choice is carried out by pressing the arrow to the right and select the desired version of the drop-down list.

Display for verification

Allows you to see text in various editions. When you turn on this option, the user can select:

  • Changed document: Show corrections. Edits are shown relative to the final edition of the text, are highlighted in color and displayed in the films on the fields on the right. This mode is used to view the text after applying.
  • Changed document. In this mode, the screen shows the final edition of the document without correction. It is used to facilitate reading a fixed document.
  • Source document: Show changes. The initial edition with the visual display of all applicants. This option The text is most difficult to read, as the information is overloaded, but it allows you to visually see the entire picture of the fixes.
  • Original text. Displays the source text before applying. Allows you to return to the initial version, not the touch of existing corrections.

All corrections

This mode regulates what types of fixes must be displayed in the text. To select, you need to put the daws opposite the required types or names of individual reviewers.

Check area

Displaying edits in a separate screen window in the form of a list. The scan area panel displays a summary and a list of fixes in chronological order with the indication of complete information for each correction entered into the text. When this edit display mode is enabled, the user can select the location of the panel: either at the bottom of the screen, or to the left of the text screen.

Note. The inclusion of the above modes is marked with yellow.

How to accept or reject corrections in the document

To complete the function with the "Fix" function, you must accept or reject corrections. To accept fixes, you must perform the following actions algorithm:

  1. Select the right edit or put the cursor to the beginning of the document.
  2. Select the "Review" menu.
  3. In the "Change" command block to disclose a list possible options Commands "Accept": for the entire document or for current fixes with the transition options to the next correction or not.

The serial transition from one fix to another is performed by the "Next" or "Back" buttons.

If the corrections are not relevant, they must be defled with the described algorithm above, but using the Reject button.

Reject or accept correction, you can when reading text. For this you need:

  1. Install the cursor to the current fix.
  2. Right-click the context menu.
  3. Select the appropriate item "Accept" or "Reject".

When the application of the approval or deflection of changes will be completed, the text of the document will take a normal form.

How to remove corrections in the document

Detailed information about each correction is contained in the field, located on the fields to the right of the text:

  • reviewer name;
  • time and date;
  • fix type (delete, add, format change);
  • text or indication of editing format.

The minus display of corrections with climbs is that they limit the text field and can be hidden for convenience when performing the following actions:

  • open the "Review" tab in the menu;
  • go to the section "Show all corrections";
  • in the "Handling" string to choose the item "Never".

Registration of patches makes it easy to track the changes made by you and your colleagues. Corrections are proposals that can be viewed, and then deleted or apply finally.

Council. Video is not in your language? Try to choose Hidden subtitles .

To enable or disable fixes, select Review > Write down.

    If this mode is active, the remote text is deleted, and the added - emphasizes. Changes made by different authors are allocated by different colors.

    If you disable this feature, new fixes will not be recorded, but color underscores and hubs will remain.

Exercises devoted to corrections and other functions for working in Word, downloading this cooperation in the Word Training Guide.

View the proposed corrections

To view changes in the document, select Review> Record corrections> Display for verification.

    If you want fixes to be marked with red lines on the fields, select item Corrections.

    To correct fixes more accurately select All corrections.

    To view how the document will look like if you apply all the proposed changes, select Without corrections.

    If you want to view the source document without correctness, click Source document.

Enabling fixes

Note: If the function Corrections Not available, it is probably necessary to disable the document protection. On the tab Review in a group Protect Press the button Limit editing and select Disable protection at the bottom of the task area Protect Document. (You may need to specify a document password.)

You can also add the fixing indicator into the status bar.

Disable correction registration

After disabling fixing the corrections, the changes made to the document will not be marked. However, the already recorded changes are not deleted.

Important: To delete fixes, use the buttons To accept and Reject in a group Change On the tab Review.

Display and hide notes or recorded fixes

Displays all changes in the text

Displaying notes in pop-up tips instead of callouts

Default B. Word removal And notes are displayed in the films of the document. However, notes can be displayed in the text. To view the note, you will need to bring the mouse pointer to its indicator.

Display of corrections and notes of certain reviewers

Usually, editors or reviewers are required to view a document with all changes. This procedure allows you to see how a corrected document will look like.

Note: If you want to view notes or fixes in the calls, you need to use the markup mode or web document mode.

Hiding fixes and print notes

Hiding changes does not delete them from the document. To delete fixes, use the buttons To accept and Reject in a group Change.

View, accept, deviation and hiding corrections

View Correction Summary

With the help of the scan area, you can make sure that all the corrections are removed from the document and no one will see them. In the section with a summary at the top of the check area, the exact number of applications remaining in the document and notes remains in the document.

Note: The scan area is not the most convenient means of making changes to the document. Instead of removing text or notes or make other check changes, make all editorial edits in the document itself. The changes made will be visible in the area of \u200b\u200bverification.

Sequential viewing of all fixes and notes

View patches by types or reviewers

Adoption of all changes immediately

Deviation of all changes immediately

Removing notes

    Click Note.

    On the tab Review in a group Notes Press the button Delete.

    To delete all the notes at once, click the arrow next to the button Delete And select Team Delete all notes in the document.

Enabling and disable fix registration

You can record fixes and create notes while editing a document, as well as view such corrections and notes. Default Microsoft Office. Word 2007 denotes removal, notes, change formatting and moving content using callouts. If you want to see all fixes in the text, you can change the parameters.

Folders (1) show changes to formatting, notes and remote fragments.

Note: To prevent accidental distribution of documents with fixes and notes, they are displayed by default in Word. In field Display for verification The default element is selected.

Note: If, after work in the recording mode, save the document as a web page (with HTM or HTML extension), it will be displayed recorded fixes.

Disabling fix recording

If the fixing indicator is displayed in the status bar, then when you press a button Corrections in a group Tracking It also turns off.

Note: When you disconnect the registration of changes, existing fixes are not deleted from the document. To remove all recorded fixes from the document, turn on the display of all fixes, and then for each of them, click To accept or Reject.

Remember that fixes and notes can be hidden different waysHowever, all changes made when the "Fix" function is enabled, and all the inserted notes remain part of the document until they are taken or rejected (or, in the case of notes, deleted).

If you hide fixes and notes (for example, uncheck the checkbox Additions and deletions in the list Show corrections), they will not be deleted from the document. At the same time, you can calmly view the document without delaying attention on the stricken text, underlined and callouts.

Search for hidden corrections and notes

You can hide fixes and notes in different ways, so you will not think about what they are in the document. For example:

Displays all changes (corrections) in the document

By default, Word deletions and notes are displayed in the films of the document. Instead, you can display notes in the text and show deletion by hub.

There are several options for the output of fixes.

    To change the color and other formatting options used in Word to highlight fixes in text and pictures, press the arrow next to the button Corrections And select Team Parameters recording parameters.

    Note: Assign certain colors It is impossible to fix various reviewers, however, the corrections of each reviewer are displayed in the document by their color, which allows you to track the comments of several reviewers.

    You can view all changes, including deletes, in the text, not in the checkouts on the document fields. To do this in the group Tracking Click Flunders And select the command.

    When choosing a parameter Show all fixes in the text All fixes and notes in the document are displayed in the text.

    To highlight the area on the fields in which the callouts are displayed, select Command Allocation of the correction area in the list Show corrections.

View patches by types or reviewers

Display of corrections and notes of certain reviewers

Using a list Display for verification in a group Tracking You can view the document at various stages of editing. Four documents are available. By default, when opening any document uses the view Corrections in a modified document.

    Corrections in a modified document. This view displays the final document in which all corrections and notes are visible. This is the default representation for all Word documents.

    Changed document. In this view, all fixes apply to the text and are not marked. However, all the corrections and notes that were not taken, rejected or deleted, remain in the document.

    Corrections in the source document. This view displays the source document in which all corrections and notes are visible.

    Source document. This view displays the source document without corrections and notes. However, all the corrections and notes that were not taken, rejected or deleted, remain in the document.

You received by mail from the head of your document aimed at approval, and there are some corrections, overclocking, notes. What is it, and how to now bring the document into a human look?
The fact is that your boss worked on this document in editing mode, and now your task is to take into account his critical comments (the boss's opinion should be respected!).
How to enable edit mode, we have already considered in the article. Now I will learn to work in it.
Our task to view all the fixes and comments made, accept them or reject. When a document, as a result of these actions, will clear from multicolored marks, you need to disable editing mode and save the document.

How to work with edited document in Word 2007

All the tools you need is on the "Review" tab of the top panel.
We put the cursor at the beginning of the document and click on the button in the "Change" group.

We will be shown the first correction. Carefully study it and, if we agree, click on the "Accept" button, and if not - "reject" (a small button with a cross).

In both cases, we will turn to the next correction. Thus, after processing the entire document and making all the necessary corrections, press the "Correction" button so that it becomes inactive and save the document already in edited form.

How to do it in Word 2003

First of all, you need to call the review panel from the View menu.

And then we work with this panel, as well as in Word 2007, moving from one fix to another.

Conquer Word to new meetings!

The question is not entirely understood. What is meant? Because the options here are two:

  1. From the series: "Remove these cursed red wavy underscores!".
  2. You received your document by mail from the boss, and there are some fixes, overclocking, notes.

In this lesson, consider the first option, and the second is in the article. So…
You are tired of admiring the wavy underscore in the document with which it often has to work.
Word emphasizes red not only words with errors, but any words unfamiliar to him. And words in another language other than the language of the connected spelling module. If you are confident in the correctness of writing a word, and they have to use it often, it can be added to the dictionary. After that, it will not be emphasized in all documents. And you can generally disable error display only in this document.

How to disable spelling check in Word 2007

Turn on subtitles!
Click on the "Office" button. At the bottom right, locate the Word Settings button.

  • In the Options window, select "Spelling".
  • Check the boxes in the "File Exceptions" section, as indicated in the figure and click "OK".

Actually, we did not turn off spelling check, we simply turned off the annoying show of our errors.
All, in this document you will no longer see any wavy lines.

How to do it in Word 2003

Turn on subtitles!

  • Menu "Service".
  • "Parameters".
  • In the Options window, go to the "Spelling" tab.
  • Check the checkboxes "Do not allocate words with errors" in the "ORFography" and "Grammar" sections.

Conquer Word to new meetings!

It sometimes happens that with the same document you have to work simultaneously to work several users. In this case, we will help the reviews and editing tools. text editorcollected on the ribbon "Review.

On the panel "Tracking" There are tools that allow you to track changes made to the document. To do this, install the button. "Corrections" In the "pressed" state.

Button "Takes":

  • "Show corrections in the callouts" - Notes and fixes will be displayed as callouts;
  • "Show all fixes in the text" - all fixes and notes will be displayed directly in the text;
  • "Show only notes and formatting in the callouts" - Only notes and formatting of the document will be displayed in the callouts.

"Checking Area" button Opens an additional panel, which is displayed in the chronological order to make corrections and add notes.

Using the top drop-down list, you can configure the display of changes in the document:

  • source document;
  • corrections in the source document;
  • modified document;
  • corrections in a modified document.

To exit the change mode, you need to "press" the button "Corrections".

If you need to hide the corrections made in the document, you must remove the corresponding checkboxes in the drop-down list. "Show corrections".

On the "Change" panels Collected buttons allowing to move between edits entered into a document, as well as accept or reject the changes made.

To add (and subsequent control) notes to the document intended panel. To create a note, you need to install the cursor to the desired document place and click the button. "Create Note". In this case, the text fragment is highlighted in red, and the field appears on the fields to enter the note and the navigation buttons and removal buttons are available on the panel.

To protect the document from the changes, the panel serves "Protect". After pressing the button "Protect Document" The right edge of the window appears a vertical panel "Limit formatting".

Check the box and in options "Settings .." Specify which design items can be formatted when further work with a document.

To restrict editing you need to check the box "Allow only the specified way to edit the document" and from the drop-down list to select item "Record fix". With this, we allow you to add comments to the document, delete, insert and move the text. If we want other users to allow only to leave notes, then you need to choose .

To enable protection, click "Yes, to include protection".

To remove the protection, you must click "Protect Document" And in the list that appears, uncheck the checkbox "Limit formatting and editing".