Cannot activate an iPhone what to do. IPhone failed to activate - solving the problem. New iPhone to activate

Not long ago, the iPad 2 was updated to the version of iOS 9.3, after which there were problems with the activation of the tablet, and users began to complain: "I can not turn on the ipad when activating it after the update." At the same time, an entry appears on the device that the ipad did not work out due to the fact that the activation is temporarily not available. Why a system message appears: "Your iPad failed to activate" and what to do in this case?

This problem spawned solutions. In particular, when a problem arises with activation, you can try using the iTunes program to repeat the update operating system On the same version of iOS 9.3.

To do this, connect two devices, a tablet and a computer, through the USB cable and run the iTunes program updated to the latest version on the PC. If you have not the latest version installed, then update the program. After all devices are connected, and programs are activated, restart the forcibly ipad by clicking on the "Power" button and simultaneously on the "Home" button so that the device is restarted. At the same time, hold the buttons clamped until the screen starts in recovery mode. After that, a menu will appear with the actions of the recovery or update of the ipad. You select the "Update" command using the iTunes program.

At the same time, iOS is reinstalling through iTunes, and the data on ipade will remain. If the reset process is delayed, the recovery mode on the ipade may stop, and then the procedure must be repeated again. After the iPad is restored, do not turn off the ipad, and with the help of the iTunes program, complete the activation process.

It happens that after establishing an update on iPad, iTunes program Does not see the ipad and fails to connect, so just disconnect the iPad from the computer and turn it on again. If the problem is repeated again, then try to finish the iPad activation on another computer.

Another fairly frequent software error that occurs after the update process or iPad recovery- This is the appearance of a failure and the emergence of the message when activating that the ipad does not turn on and is not activated due to the fact that it is not possible to access the server. In this case, you can duplicate an attempt to activate after a while. Otherwise, you can seek help in the service.

How to fix the error when activating

If after the update firmware iPad. The connection error occurs and you do not know what to do, check your Internet. Perhaps failed occurred due to poor quality Wi-Fi connections. Try to restart the router, as the subnet address may change during the reboot. Try also connecting through another network and make the activation procedure again.

Often, the failure when an iPad is activated may occur due to the poor-quality operation of the Apple servers, so it will be reasonably a reason to repeat the activation attempt by the already proven way. If the error is repeated again, try to reboot the ipad and start the activation again. Alternatively, run the ipad through the iTunes program on your PC.

If all of the above methods did not come up and the system message is still hanging: "Activation Error", try to flash re-using DFU mode. This is because the firmware is unevenly layered and therefore causes the software failure. Otherwise, the reason for incompreitting IOS can be in the inside of the ipad, and possibly ipad just blocked, as the previous owner did not remove the option "Find iPad" when selling and now you need to enter a password and device ID.

How to start the DFU mode on ipad

This mode of the launch of the ipad is significantly different from the usual reboot of the tablet in recovery mode. It performs flashing operating system directly, bypassing iOS. Using the DFU mode, you can reset system failurearising with jailbreak.

To start this mode, open the computer and deactivate the iTunes program on it. Connect the iPad and computer when uSB help cord. Then turn off the ipad completely, clinging the POWER button for a long time. Next, press the HOME button and the POWER button while holding about 10 seconds, and then release the POWER button, and the Home button continues to hold 10-15 seconds before the USB cable appears. If the icon does not appear, then hold the button longer.

Hey! It doesn't matter what you did in order to get an error of activation failure. Reset the content and settings, have been stitched, fulfilled the update, recovered - any of these actions leads to the fact that the device must be activated again. Yes, yes, yes, you will have to pass exactly the same procedure as the first inclusion of the gadget. And here we can raise one very big and large ambush.

the iPhone or iPad is easily able to warn that the activation is not possible, because: "Your iPhone failed to activate, since the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Try to connect the iPhone to iTunes to activate or try again in a few minutes. If the problem is not eliminated, contact the service apple support:

It would seem that everything is very logical. The server is unavailable, Apple has problems, waiting for a failure and swearing on the company. However, not everything is so unequivocal.

And in general, if you encountered such a message, then I will have two news for you, good and bad. And let's start with a bad ...

IPhone activation failure - everything is very bad

Why is the title written that everything is very bad? Because, it is quite possible "died" modem in the device. Indirectly, it can be confirmed by the fact that connecting the gadget to a computer and iTunes, absolutely nothing happens - no activation or something, at least remotely similar to it.

There is another way to test this terrible guess, press the "Letter I in a circle" icon on the welcome screen.

After pressing, on normal and working iPhoneThe serial number of the device should appear. If IMEI does not appear, but only standards are written, etc. I have bad news, a modem in your iPhone or Aipad ordered a long time to live. Naturally, with a similar malfunction, the activation of the device is impossible. What to do?

  • Contact your service, the price of repair is not very large (relative to the cost of the device), but no one gives for such repair of the unit and guarantees.
  • You can try to put in the freezer (at your own risk and risk!), There is a possibility that contacts will be "as it should" at least for a while, and it turn out to be activated.
  • Warm hair dryer (also at your own risk!) - The effect is similar to freezing (it can manifest itself, and maybe not).

It is necessary to understand that the last two points, it is of course the "collective farm" and perform them very carefully. But some helps. By the way, to update the firmware on such gadgets is useless, during this operation, get an error.

All that is described above is not your case? Imei is displayed and modem is normal? Go to the next item!

iPhone on iOS 11 and iOS 12 is not activated after resetting settings

This text is updated an article after the exit firmware iOS. 11.

We have already managed to discuss this situation in the comments, but for those who are too lazy to read, here's a brief excerpt from all this.

The essence of the problem:

From the output of iOS 11, Apple has changed its policy regarding the unofficial repair iPhone.. If unoriginal components were installed in the device, then after the procedure for resetting the settings and content, you can get a "brick" - activate the phone will not be possible.

Who is in the risk zone? Devices (running iOS 11 and iOS 12), which:

  • Ever repaired (with replacement of spare parts -, modem, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module) in unauthorized service centers.
  • These are the so-called "hand-restored" iPhone (smartphones collected in incomprehensible by whom and where) - unscrupulous sellers are very often selling them under the guise of new ones.

What's happening?

At the inclusion step (after resetting and the content or firmware recovery), the iPhone sends data about the components installed inside it on the Apple server. If this information does not coincide with the database of the "apple" company, then the device activation is blocked.

So, and what about this now to do?

  1. If there is a guarantee - use it.
  2. Some unofficial service centers may try to solve this problem using special equipment. But, as a rule, no one gives any guarantees - even if the activation failure will be able to "go around" now, then in the future everything can happen.

Here is such a sad story. However, it is not at all necessary that the error occurs precisely because of this ...

iPhone failed to activate - the server or ...

In fact, failure can occur for various reasons. And the right solution will check everything in order, went!

  • Check if the SIM card is inserted and is it working? The advice is certainly very obvious, but everything happens.
  • Make sure that you have access to the Internet.
  • Apple server is not available - in this moment? This often happens in the days of the release of new versions ios.. Many people around the world are trying to get as quickly as possible. new firmware And the server simply does not withstand such an influx of those who want. In this case, you just need to wait ...
  • Use another Internet connection. Some Wi-Fi network Can be configured so that you block access to Apple servers.
  • Use iTunes to activate (required!)
  • Make hard restart iPhone or iPad. Clamp hOME buttons And POWER - Do not let them out until the iPhone turn off.

By the way, the reason for Activation Error can also become the fact that the iPhone has been installed a beta version of the firmware, and the device was not registered in the program of developers. In this case, the text of the error will be like this:

This Device Is Not Registered AS Part of the iPhone Developer Program ...

In this case, you need to go to the Apple Developer Portal ( and register a gadget.

As you can see, the reason for the iPhone when activating gives a failure, there may be a variety of situations.

From banal - the absence of the Internet, to very complex - breakdowns of the modem and the newly-made "IOS 11 syndrome". And if the first is solved quite simply (wait, change the SIM card, etc.), then the second ("iron" problems) are corrected only with the participation of a competent specialist of the service center. But I sincerely hope that this is not your case.

P.S. Write questions in the comment, as well as the secret scheme for you ... for successful activation iPhone. - You just need to put Like to this article. Test!

Four councils about what needs to be done if you cannot activate your iPhone and see an activation error

07/03/14 at 14:47

If you have fallen into a situation where we decided to reset the iPhone to the factory settings, you tried to configure it as a new device and saw the "activation failure" error, you try again, but it does not help, you see the table with the text below what to do in such a situation ?

"Your iPhone failed to activate, since the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Try to connect the iPhone to iTunes to activate or try again in a few minutes.

If the problem is not eliminated, contact Apple Support:

First of all, make sure that you are connected to a Wi-Fi running, some, very not many routers can be a culprit of this problem, as they block access iphone Apple servers. Therefore, in some cases, the connection to the normally functioning router solves this problem.

At first glance, it seems that the message about the activation failure is completely inactive, you do not see the control buttons or repeat. However, if you click on the physical round iPhone buttonThe menu will appear from which you can: Call emergency services, start first or change wi-Fi settings Connections. Click "Start first" to repeat the activation attempt if it failed to try on the second time, it is worth trying several times. Some users note that at 5 try activation is normal. Perhaps the reason for this loaded servers or other reasons and some patience will help solve the problem.

If you have another SIM card and you are sure that it works, try using it. When replacing the SIM card, it is not necessary to turn off the iPhone, just replace it, click the Home button and try activate again.

Another important note: the balance of your SIM card must be positive, and the amount on the account is sufficient for one SMS abroad.

This is nowhere not advertised, but this is how the problem is solved with activating iMessage and FaceTime. We found it to confirm the activation of these iPhone services Apparently attempts to send technical hidden SMS to Apple Servers. Technical SMS leaves from your phone to a special number number. Therefore, the balance on your SIM card must be positive and sufficient for such an operation.

Confirmed! Activation really sends SMS, which is charged as "SMS to other countries".

If nothing of the above helped, try to turn off the iPhone, connect one end of the cable USB to Mac, and do not insert the button to the iPhone, and hold the home button and at this very moment insert USB cable In the iPhone. If everything went successfully, iTunes will show the message "iTunes program detected an iPhone in recovery mode. You need to restore the iPhone before use with iTunes. " Then press the Restore iPhone button and follow the instructions.

The iPhone models that year occupy the first place among the desired new products. Sales are high enough to name the company's favorite of the market. Apple provides high-quality support to buyers purchased technology. Nevertheless, failures in work are found here. IN lately In iTunes, has become a mass failure: "Failed to activate the iPhone. An unknown error 0xe8000013 occurred, which appeared after the transition to iOS 11. The phenomenon is massive and may occur at any reset or firmware of the device. What to do and how to solve the problem here further.

Why does an error appear?

The main reason for the problem is called a banal bug in iOS 11, which, by the way, should be corrected by the developers themselves. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the operation of the OS problem causes a problem in the iPhone 5S. Forums allocate a few more reasons:

  • replaced Touch ID;
  • use the phone serial numberwho does not belong to him.

Unknown Error 0xE8000013 when you activate iPhone

How to fix the activation error 0xe8000013?

Unfortunately, so far there are no 100% of the resulting ways to do this, but, nevertheless, you can try some options. Where to begin? Here is a list of simple manipulations that can be tested.

  1. Connect usb directly to motherboard.
  2. Try connection through all available ports.
  3. Change the connecting cable - use the original.
  4. Disable other devices, restart the laptop or PC, connect the phone.
  5. Insert a SIM card, with a positive balance (phone can try to send technical SMS).
  6. Click the "Home" button and insert the cable into the connector.
  7. Restore Recovery Mode. . Touch the phone off the phone "Home" and connect to the PC on which iTunes is running.
  8. Report a problem in support service.

To eliminate the error that appeared will not be able even in service centers, so that the masters do not make sense at the moment. How not to get into this situation?

By the way, read this article too: How to remove Android virus.triada.63

Checking the serial number of the device

Alas, this is not a solution to the problem, but the real opportunity to know whether your serial number is in the database. If it is busy, then resetting the settings and flashing until the situation with this error is not solved, it is impossible.

How to check the serial number:

It happened that problematic smartphones can be sold as new. This is a box and other necessary documentation. It is advisable when buying check out the coincidence of the serial number on the box and in the device settings, in order to avoid trouble in the future. Please note that replaced devices pass even to official networks, so the personal check will be worth it. Speaking of any IOS error, it is worth remembering about another procedure - DFU, which will consider in more detail.

Restore iPhone in DFU mode

If the normal recovery mode does not help, then use another approach. Under the abbreviation DFU imply firmware update mode. In fact, it is intended for emergencies, such as an error 0xE8000013. It does not use the touch and the shell of the OS. Therefore, on touch and pressing the device will not respond with explicit signs. To enter the mode you need to do so.

The release from DFU debugs is no less simple. You just need to press the power button. Did not help? Then heal the "home" + "Power" for 10 seconds with a cable disconnected. This reset will erase all your data on the phone, so you need to take care of backup. To date, this recovery is the most faithful, but cardinal solution.


Apple relates well to its customers, providing an operational solution to any problems. This error It is global, and it is already working on its elimination. In the near future, an update will be released, which will fix the bug, so do not put the cross on the device, and be patient. The likelihood that the device remains inoperative, tends to zero.

The most common problem with iPhone can be the appearance of an error 0xE8000013, which notifies that activation failure occurred in the phone.

Why iOS 11 activation error appears

Activation failure iPhone ios. 11 may occur for several reasons. The most common, is considered to be failed in the service of Apple's service. This happens when replenished new available species Settings.

At the same time too many users try to take advantage additional featuresWhat leads to some violations. No less frequent phenomenon is the impossibility of activating the unlicensed device.

Is it possible to fix the iPhone with an error 0xe8000013 in the service

If the failure occurred after the firmware or with the phone, which before it worked fine, experts can try to restore the settings or replace the faulty modem.

But this should take into account the fact that not all services and specialists are taken for eliminating such a malfunction.

How to check iPhone on error 0xe8000013

Any iPhone is very easy to check the IOS 11 activation error, for this you will have to use the Apple service, manipulations in such a sequence are performed:

  1. We go to the company's website and choose the item: "Checking service rights";
  2. In the appropriate graph, enter a combination of a serial number or IMEI.
  3. After the data has been entered, information about your phone should appear on the Apple website with the specified purchase date, activation and service life.

Note: be sure to check the data obtained in the phone itself, with a serial combination on the iPhone packaging, if the numbering does not match, you are trying to sell unlicensed goods, that is, fake

How to solve the IPhone activation problem with iOS 11: Possible options

IOS 11 activation failure can be enjoyed to eliminate in several ways, although no one will give clear guarantees of any of the ways, because it all depends on the causes of malfunctions.

Restart device

In some cases, to correct an IPhone IOS 11 activation error, simply restart the telephone device. To reboot, in the first way, you must simultaneously click on the "Home" and "Power" buttons, hold for about ten seconds.

Then the device includes again if the problem was associated with the quality of the firmware, this method can help. Using the second way, you must click on the same buttons, but to hold them only three seconds. At the same time, they follow the screen and at the moment when it goes out, the phone includes.

Network change

Since iOS 11 began to function only in 2017, some operators may reset the request for activation.

Therefore, if the IPHONE iOS 11 failure is activated, the solution can be changed. To do this, simply change the SIM card on the card of another operator and include a means of communication.

Note: It happens that the cause of a malfunction with activation is a faulty SIM card or its absence. Despite the fact that this reason seems almost absurd, sometimes it occurs.

Activation through iTunes.

Activation iOS 11 errors today is possible and with the help for this last version Player must be installed on a computer.

After that, you need to enable the phone and connect it to the computer, the iTunes program must recognize the means of communication and to activate it.

Restoring a device to eliminate failure

When to correct the activation error on iOS 11 does not work more simple ways, You can use another startup option using iTunes.

To do this, insert Sims, turn on the device, clamp the button "Home" and, without releasing it, connect the phone to the computer.

Holding the Home button allows the program to recognize the telephone device in a special mode, and it will be enough for you to just confirm the recovery.

Devices with Activation Problem on iOS 11

Bugs when activating on iOS 11 are possible on any device, the thing is that with excellent advertising and many advantages, still has its flaws.

Many people make a mistake, hurrying to change the firmware as soon as it appeared, over time, any service will be improved, but initially produced in a rather "cheese" version.

Activation failure on iPhone 5S iOS 11

Such a problem with 5s, for which the latest version is applied is not uncommon, like hanging the device, communication interruptions, fast discharge and many other side effects of a powerful service.

IPhone 6/6 Plus Activation Error

Decides standard methods, It may occur due to failures in the system itself, incompatibility with SIM and some other problems.

The solution to solve the problem is based on error data.

IPhone 6S / 6S Plus Activation Cup

Most often characterized by an error 0xe8000013 iOS 11, which occurs in recovered phones if the procedure is not carried out in the official service center Using non-original parts.

IOS 11 activation failure on iPhone 7/7 Plus

In this device, activating problems may occur due to a reset from the operator when the product is not maintenance, that is, is a fake or with a too loaded system.

IOS 11 activation failure on iPhone 8/8 Plus

It happens when the device was repaired or stitched not in a specialized service, after unauthorized interventions, the installation is simply blocked by the iOS 11 itself.

The solution can only be re-appealing to the "left" specialist who can find an output in rare cases.

IPhone X Activation Error (Ten)

Apple rejects any possibility of failures for this model, motivating this by the fact that it is impossible to carry out activation only in the case of an irrelevant flashing or recovery of "non-vectory" spare parts.

But in reality, the inability to launch may occur even with almost new devices.

IPad on iOS 11 activation failure and Apple solution

At the IPAD IPAD activation failure, Apple has not yet found, and to be more accurate - the problem is not officially recognized.

Therefore, the appeal is technical support Does not give any results. You can simply use the proposed users in ways to start.

When the activation error is completely fixed on iOS 11

Bugs with operation and activation, Apple promises to fix until spring 2018, but new additions threaten new troubles, such as the impossibility of rollback, although it is a rollback that can become a rescue straw for cases when the bug is difficult to eliminate.