Unable to connect to hamachi service. Why won't Hamachi connect to the network? Create a new network

Often on the Internet, you can find requests from Hamachi users to help them fix the “Unable to connect to the subsystem” error on Windows 7 or 8. Indeed, this is a very urgent problem that most users face sooner or later. But don't despair, the solution is quite simple. It will take just a few minutes. There are several ways.

Starting the Hamachi service

First of all, you need to check if the Hamachi service is running, if not, start it:

  1. Open Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.
  2. In the list, find the "LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine" service.
  3. If this service is disabled, enable it.

Reinstalling the program

If previous method did not help to solve the problem, you can just reinstall the program.

  1. Uninstall Hamachi along with all user settings.
  2. Reinstall.
  3. Perhaps restart your computer.

If this did not help, perhaps the cause of the error lies in the work of security software? Check your antivirus and firewall settings, add Hamachi to the exclusion lists. Actually, after that, the damning error "Could not connect to the subsystem in Hamachi" simply has no chance.

AT this moment use of the Hamachi program is possible only for authorized users. Therefore, each time you connect to the system, you should go through authorization within the central server. Usually, this process automated. At the end of the launch of Hamachi, the error “Unable to establish a connection with the Logmein login service” occurs, we can safely talk about a failure in the process.

It would be wrong to blame the server for this error. The real reason is incorrect client computer settings or third party related to the server (Logmein). There are two ways to resolve this issue:

First way

Full installation of Hamachi followed by a stop again. Upon completion of the initial installation of the system, an authorization prompt will follow. Please login or register when creating a new account. This will result in an error-free connection or start a software connection.

Second way

If you see a message stating that Hamachi "Unable to establish a connection", you will need to check the settings of the computer network binding within personal account Logmein. Registration required. Read more about registration in a specific instruction.

After registering an account, you will need to launch Hamachi and visit the "System" items, where you should select "Settings". By selecting the "Status" tab, connect a new account when you click a certain button.

Next, register using the link https://secure.logmein.com/, and then go to "My Networks". You will be presented with another request related to the connection, which will require confirmation. Confirm the appropriate action when prompted in the window.

The “doomsday” has come, and Hamachi is not connecting to the network. Why and what to do? First of all, the blame must be placed on the antivirus and firewall. Because after updating them, the exclusion settings may go wrong (may happen as a result of an incorrect shutdown of the PC). Therefore, we re-add Hamachi to the antivirus and firewall exclusion list. Did it help? Then you are amazing! Enjoy playing with your friends.

Did not work? Reinstalling!

Attention! Before installation, you must delete absolutely all files. We go to the Start menu, then to the control panel, we are looking for the item “Add or Remove Programs”. Waiting for the list to load installed applications. Find Hamachi, click on it and select delete.

Check if there are configuration files left:

  • Windows XP: Checking the Program files folder for the presence of the Log me in hamachi folder. Found - delete!
  • Win 7: Perform the action from the paragraph above. Go to the folder C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local also look for the folder and delete it.

Reinstalling the client. And it's not over yet! After installing a new client, you need to configure the hamachi “Service” to work. Open the "Control Panel" through the Start menu.

We are looking for the administration tab, open it and find the tab of the same name.

We are looking for a service related to Hamachi and set the startup option to “manual”. Turn on

After such a voluminous guide, Hamachi will connect to the network in any case, if only out of respect for you.

It's a VPN service that's easy to set up in 10 minutes and provides secure remote access to your enterprise network from anywhere you can connect to the Internet.

The service interacts with an existing firewall and does not require additional settings. Hamachi is the first application to successfully combine unrelated network technologies into one powerful package providing an unrivaled level of direct peer-to-peer communication.

VPN (Virtual Private Network - virtual private network) — logical network, which is created on top of another network, such as the Internet. Despite the fact that communications are carried out over public networks using insecure protocols, encryption creates information exchange channels closed from outsiders. VPN allows you to combine, for example, several offices of an organization into a single network using uncontrolled channels for communication between them.

Creation new network:

After installing Hamachi on your computer, launch it and first of all press the “ Turn on”:

This completes the networking. Everything is very simple!

Hamachi setup:

After you have created your network, you need to configure it correctly. For this we go to context menu network and select " Details". Let's sharpen the issue of security at this point, i.e. We will do our best to protect ourselves.

The very first thing we get into the tab “ Status". In step " Security” Be sure to enable encryption. This is necessary so that all data that you exchange with other users is encrypted.

Go to the tab " Access". There are three points here that we will now discuss.

Global blocking

It is necessary in order to allow/prohibit the connection of users to your network.

Network password

If this item is checked, then users must first enter a password to enter your network.

Manual approval

Again, if you check the box, you will be able to personally monitor new users and decide what to do with them.

With tabs " Banned" and " Notifications" all clear.

Go to the tab " Administrators". In step " Permissions” you can set the privileges that other network administrators will have. But the owner of the network has the most extended privileges.

How to make a normal user in Hamachi an administrator?

Everything is very simple! In the tab " Administrators" in step " Administrators” Double-click on a specific user, after which he will become an administrator.

On this standard setting programs completed. Of course, you can delve into the settings if you click on the “ Set up Hamachi” and go to “ Status and configuration”, but I think you can handle it without me. Just in case, I took screenshots of my settings.

Now let's see how Hamachi can be used, specifically how to work with users.

We go to the context menu of the user. We see eight points. Let's take a look at them.

Check Availability

This is the usual ping, i.e. here we check the quality of the connection.

We make sure that everything is in order with the connection, after which we press “ Ctrl+C”. If this is not done, the check will go on indefinitely.

Browse folders

Using this item, you can go to the user's computer and find out what he has on hard drives. But for this you need to know the username and password.

With paragraphs “ send a message”, “Copy address”, “Block”, “expel" and " ban” and so everything is clear.

Set Label

There are four subsections here:

  • Default: will display what you set by default in
  • The address: only ip-addresses of users will be displayed
  • Name: only the user's computer names
  • Other: both ip-addresses and computer names of users are displayed, because the label “ $ADDR - $NICK

Everything! This completes the setup.

Recently, when using the LogMein Hamachi program, I recently encountered such an error.

This error appears immediately when you try to run the program for the first time on your computer. Accordingly, the program does not work. The Internet is full of information, but the information is partial and one resource advises one thing, another another, but there is no complete information anywhere. Therefore, for everyone who encountered such an error, I share a way how to solve it.

To begin with, I’ll say that this error can appear not only with the program Hamachi and its service This error often occurs with the service Windows Audio, so this method will help in this case too.

And so, in the case of Hamachi, it all starts like this: you run the program and see an error - Hamachi service (Hamachi service) - Service status: stopped.

The reason for this is the service. LogMein Hamachi Tunneling Engine, which failed to start. She needs help.

Go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services.

We see a list of all services on your computer, we are looking for LogMein Hamachi Tunneling Engine.

Click on it right click- Properties. In the window that appears, select Start type: "Automatic" and press the button Run. Some after this Hamachi can earn, for this we press Apply and OK. Restart Hamachi.
But in most cases, you will see an error window: Failed to start the LogMein Hamachi Tunneling Engine service on Local Computer.Error 1068: Child service failed to start.

In this case, we go back to properties services and go to the tab Dependencies.

You may not see anything in the "This service depends on the following components" window, but these are the services we need to make the service work. LogMein Hamachi Tunneling Engine and program Hamachi.