Suggest an article for publication. Scientific magazine "Student. Big services

Content plays a crucial role in SEO-Promotion - trite, but the fact. And be sure to successfully withdraw the top search engines to place content with references to the pages of the progressary site somewhere on other resources.

Many SEO specialists prefer to work, for example, with such a popular platform like Miralinks. And here, even if you have your content (article), for the very fact of placement on one or another resource will have to pay. And the rules are such that each webmaster itself sets prices. However, placing articles can be free. There are several relevant and legal ways as can be done.

This method has been known for many years, but now it remains to some extent relevant. SEO specialists are mainly interested in the so-called white directories, where the links are placed with the Dofollow attribute (this means that they are well indexed by search engines). Consider several such directors in more detail:

  • Very good catalog. In each article here can be placed on the same link. In this case, there are no restrictions on the number of placed content. All articles are published forever and all copyrights are preserved. Enough simple registration, Easy procedure for adding an article and fast moderation is also significant advantages of this portal.
  • This is an old and proven directory. Links to it can be seen in the top for a large number of requests, so it is necessary to place an article here you should try. In one, you can insert 4 links - 2 commercial and 2 non-profit.
  • Before placing your articles here, you need to register. Among the large number, the headings will certainly find those that will correspond to the subject of the promoted site. main feature This portal is that the link here is not placed in the article itself, but separately, under it.
  • This resource is very big popular. In particular, many bloggers for promoting their blogs place here articles of their own essay. For those who promote commercial sites, the resource is also useful. You can insert a high-quality Dofollow link both in the article and in the announcement. In all intortations, is not so easy to figure it out at the initial stage, but over time everything will certainly become understandable. First of all, you should register and fill the profile. By the way, in the profile, too, you can also insert a link to your site into the appropriate field.
  • There are not only volumetric and universal catalogs in RuNet, but also those that are focused only on articles of a certain subject. As an example, you can bring the portal. Here are the articles only about self-development and related topics. In one text for 3000 characters (this is the format adopted here), you can insert one external link. The site can be called "alive" and workers, here and in 2017 new actual texts appear periodically.

You should supplement the resulting list of addresses of another 13 directories - they can be useful:

  • lati.Me;

As we see, there are quite a few interesting sites. It is worth trying to place your articles on all these sites, and then choose the most effective (really increasing traffic and improving positions) and cooperate only with them.

And one more nuance: many catalogs go away over time, let's say, due to poor quality links, for search engine filters, and it is also necessary to check. For such an inspection there are special services. To work with them, as a rule, it is not necessary to even register. You should only enter the domain address, and almost instantly all important information about it (first of all TIC and PR) will appear in front of you.

Of course, each portal has certain requirements for the materials - the moderators are followed by this, which may "wrap" your text in some cases. However, in any case, than a quality article, the better. It should be not only unique, but also fascinating, it should not be a replace and water. Frank and incoherent nonsense today practically no one is accepted.

Wikipedia writing and placement of the desired links in them

Links from Wikipedia, despite the fact that they have an Nofollow attribute (that is, not indexed, but taken into account by search engines) - this is the dream of many webmasters and sienes. After all, in the authority of this Internet encyclopedia, it is not necessary to doubt. But, of course, a similar dream is not so easy to implement. To do this, we must reincarnate in the author Wikipedia.

The easiest way is such - you need to write an article of a scientific nature and the corresponding format about the question that is not yet covered. Then you need to place it on Wikipedia and put a link to your resource as a source of information, there, of course, there must also be this text.

You can go and longer (relevant for those who want to put several links). That is, you first need to bring the real benefit of the encyclopedia, make several truly competent and important changes, get the status of a trusted editor. And only then try to insert several links to existing or new articles. Of course, text in Wikipedia, in which you want to put your hyperlink, must be associated with the subject of the promotable site, to be relevant one of its pages. You should not act too brazenly and try to deceive editors - in the end you can get the eternal ban.

On large entertainment portals, such as, you can also place your material. It is not so easy to go through moderation, but still it is possible with a creative approach.

Suppose there is a site dedicated to artistic forging, which must be promoted. In this case, it is interesting for an article interesting for a large number of users (let's say, in the master class genre), and at the end to make eyeliner, they say, other works and additional information You can look at such a site (and here to put a working link). It is likely that moderators will not touch it, and this will bring significant traffic to the resource. Links from such portals with an extensive audience are good, as practice shows, also by the fact that they improve the so-called behavioral factors. And their role in the ranking of search engines in recent years has been confidently increasing.

It is worth paying close attention to bloggers, and the more popular there will be a blog, the better. It is no secret that bloggers earn just what advertising links and other types of advertising on their resources are placed. But sometimes a blogger may agree to place them for free. If the article will correspond to the theme on which it specializes if it is really interesting. It is unlikely to suit a simple rewater, you will need a good expert text. There is a chance that the blogger will eventually offer to place the reverse eternal link, but this option is not so bad.

By the way, you can start doing the blog for the purpose of promoting commercial and information resources. Of course, for this you need to pick up the platform with open links. LJ does not meet this requirement, so it is worth paying your eyes to other, less popular, but beneficial for masters and sestes, sites. This, in particular:


Placement of materials on thematic sites and communities

Such sites and communities can be called mini-social networks. This is a really good fertile field for placing articles with the necessary links, as in most cases they are open here. Some of these resources take articles on the topics on which they specialize. In addition, they often have their own forums and blog platforms.

You can easily offer your article moderators. Another option - open new topic And place the text with a link to it as the first capital post. Of course, he in this case should not be like frank advertising or "jeans". And such an article can be posted as a comment in one of the forum branches.

The blog platform (with its presence) should also be used. That is, register, and, if necessary, lay out posts with reference to the promoted resource. Here is an example of the thematic site with a blog platform - This resource is focused on Internet businessmen and is dedicated to Internet business. This means that there will be actual articles on these or related topics to the place. All references on this resource, by the way, have a Dofollow attribute.

Finally, we should say a few words about text content. Someone does not want to pay not only for the placement, but also for content. And therefore resorts to pirate methods that violates copyrights: a banal copyampist, scanning of books. There is no good thing that doesn't lead to anything.

There is also a phenomenon as synonymising that allows almost instantly, by the mechanical replacement of words to the synonyms in the dictionary, turn one text to another, unique. However, search engines recognize synonymising, and promote the page with such content today is almost unrealistic.

The conclusion is simple: it is better to still write or order texts for money from professionals - this is the most profitable and proven way.

This is a recycled and structured version of the material that I highlighted in a few times a few days ago. Now everything is visually and correct.

FAQ. How to write a good article, send it to the log and achieve publication

In this post, I use my experience in the "Popular Mechanics", as well as the experience of writing articles in the magazines "The World of Fiction", "What's New in Science and Technology", "Sportfacilities", "Technique - Youth", "Vestnika Vestnification" and etc. I have a hurry to notice that I once got to work in "Popmech", simply writing several articles there, following all the requirements that outlined in this material.

At first I want to specify that the competent, well written and intelligent article, if it does not accept at once, at least consider any magazine - and "Story", and "Science and Life", and "Cosmopolitan", and "Game". The only magazines where you should not write at all, these are fully transferred editions. In order to find out if the magazine does not apply to such, it is necessary to open it and see if the authors of articles (not news, not columns, no notes - they usually write their editorial staff, - namely full-information articles) Russian names. If not - the magazine is transferred, you should not work.


Summing up, I repeat again: the article must comply with the magazine in which it is written. If the article should be framed, written without factual errors and the topic of interest to the magazine, then it will be considered a minimum. We will accept or not - this is a subjective question. But believe me: 95% of sent articles are not published precisely because of the original illiterate approach.

P.S. This post is for those who want to write, but does not know how to approach. The same, who have long been, with pleasure, well and beautifully writes to their own blogs, we often find themselves and ask for us to write. And so do not only we. A couple of times, by the way, the move was triggered: "Look, what kind of cool I wrote to my blog; Let's, I recycle it for you. " We agreed, and it was not in vain.

Despite the fact that the relationship to the company today is largely formed infoensors, publications in the media are still an effective tool, allowing to increase the coverage of the audience and draw attention to meaningful information. He prepared a step-by-step guide, where to start, and how to competently build cooperation with journalists.

How to publish an article in a newspaper or journal

Creating a media card

The question, which, first of all, needs to solve the PR - where to publish an article in which edition. At this stage, a media card will help - a document in which fixed important information About the media: circulation, exit schedule, audience coverage, contact editors, authors.

Systematize information in a media card with regard to current tasksDefine target audience, Select the publications in which you want to publish an article, add, if necessary, available in the media card with the necessary relevant data: references, rubrics, contacts. Support the media card at the current state, promptly adjusting, complementing and changing the database.

Traveling contacts

The second step is to study contacts from the list. To this stage, it is necessary to approach a certain base: ready-made material, as well as synopsis and themes of future articles.

Preferably, sending the first letter to the publication, to offer specific options Materials or those that can be published in the journal, newspaper or online edition, it will significantly save time and will interest a journalist faster than abstract talk about anything. Quickly navigate in the topics will help a detailed, competently compiled content plan.

Space everything possible options Articles that should be. In stock you always need to have several ideas for future publications. If ready option Material for some reason does not suit a specific edition, you can always quickly, without losing time, offer an alternative. Do not count on the fact that the main work will make for you. Of course, the editor can offer options interesting to elaborate or designate the vector in which you must work, but the ready-made offer must still be helped to form a positive image.

Sending offers
When a clear concept of publications is developed, you can proceed to send messages with specific proposals to journalists. When choosing the options for communication and communication format, it is important to take into account the specifics of the publication and the nuances of business ethics. In one case, it is permissible to write a journalist in the social network, it is better to use mail in the other. A service of journalistic requests will also be useful, which provides an opportunity not only to quickly see and respond to the request of the journalist, but also to contact the media representative, significantly saving time.

Do not neglect the communication on pages in profile publics and groups in social networks: Comments on the post by author or editor will help to establish contact.

How to publish an article on the site

UGC or custom content is now actively exploited by many Internet editions - for example, Habrahabr, VC.RU, RUSBASE, SPARK platform, etc. Analyze what the publication you need to carefully examine the site and the conditions of publication.

Principles of cooperation with media representatives

Observe Deadlines

Propose yourself as a mandatory person who takes into account the timing and, in some cases, is even ready to work as ahead. Donate material with a delay - not the most best idea. This can jeopardize both specific and all further cooperation.

Share information

Be always ready to promptly help the journalist: provide the right facts, certificates, statistics, comment. Ask how much time you have to prepare a comment, in what form it will be published (in direct speech or indirect), whether the comment is needed, reference to additional sources, specify the timing of the material output, information collection. All this will help you to respond promptly to the requests of the journalist.

Do not force events

By sending a letter to the editor, you should not count on an instant answer. Lay at least 2-3 days to receive FIDBEK and, in case of silence, contact again. If there is no answer here, you do not need to continue to knock on the closed door. It means that your offer was simply not interested, and it makes sense to contact another media.

Be adequate when negotiating text

Search for the topic

As if, a PR was not accustomed from an organizational point of view, if the article is not interesting in its essence, you can not count on.

Created content must be focused on a wide audience. The article should not be written exclusively for the sake of PR. The primary factor is the benefit that the reader can extract. The publication willingly printed some story, share with the audience a selection of tips on a particular topic. If you manage to create a truly interesting content for the profile magazine, then the likelihood is that the article will be published.

Services that will help in the preparation of articles

For free publications in the media, follow the requests from journalists to.

More useful articles - in our Telegram-channel. Subscribe and read!

Welcome if:

  • Know how to create useful and high-quality content.
  • Love to write for a big audience and get feedback.
  • Already dealt and planning further to develop in internet marketing.

We offer two cooperation formats: for PR and for the fee. In the first case, we do not pay, but in the signature to the article place a link to your account or site. In the second - we publish the material without links, but we buy it for money.

There are at least three reasons to offer an article for publication in our blog:

  1. Big audience.

  1. Active Promotion.All publications will promote in social networks, mailing and using push notifications.
  2. Good fees.About this a little later.

Requirements for Content

No matter how many signs in the article. The benefits and supply of the material are important. Do not put yourself a goal to dial a certain number of characters. Our blog has short notes, and big longrides:

  • News and humorous publications Like and "everyday SMM-lock in Gifs" can be studied in 5 minutes.
  • Small articles - as a Facebook reform, copywriters and entrepreneurs are read in 10 minutes.
  • Serious materials similar to the factcining or complete guide on Google Docs are demanding from half an hour and longer.

Tip: Write as much as you need to fully disclose the topic.

Requirements for registration, spelling tips, communication rules with the editors - all this is in rapolytic. Use the document as step by step instructions.

The amount of money remuneration

The average author's fee - from 3,500 to 12,000 rubles and more. The exact amount is calculated after the text, depends on the quality and completeness of the material provided. For those who work with us on an ongoing basis, the rate can increase.

We produce payment on Yandex.Money / WebMoney or Bank Account / Card.

Guest articles (from representatives of services, agencies, etc.) are not paid.

If the article does not accept

If an article can be finalized, we ship the author of editing. But it may be that the article is not suitable for us, it simply makes no sense to edit. In such cases, we immediately give a refusal.

You must be prepared for such a turn and have a "b" plan - to understand what you will do with the material in case of refusal.

We respond to all applications, even if the material did not come up. If you sent an article, but did not receive feedback - calm. Our edition checks all articles within 10 working days, so you will definitely answer.

Have studied statistics, examples of articles, redepolitics and are ready now? Then write on the mark "Diamond from Heap."

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Publish article for free Teachers and educators can in the journal "Pedagogical experience". The publication in the journal various materials are accepted, it can be the development of specific lessons, methodical materials, extracurricular events, generalization of pedagogical experience, etc. In the magazine published only original author articles.

Publication in the journal "Pedagogical experience" equal to publication at the All-Russian level and confirmed by the All-Russian diploma. The magazine "Pedagogical experience" is registered in Roskomnadzor and has a certificate of registration of media No. EL No. FS 77 - 64783.

Secure your copyright to material

Take advantage of the program "Guarantee of authorship"journal "Pedagogical experience". IN The framework of the program Your article before the publication will be transferred to indexation. search enginesWhat will secure your rights to the material.

Program "Guarantee of Authority" this is:
- automatic data on the articles in the sections of the original search engines,
- guaranteed storage of published articles on the site www.Syt,
- confirmation of the authorship of the personal number diploma of the All-Russian level,
- Publication of only previously not published copyright materials with their inspection on plagiarism

Articles in the journal published for free.Paidonly checking articles on plagiarism, manufacture and sending diploma.

How to publish an article

To publish a article send on electronic address Edition Letter with the topic "Publication of Article".
Three files must be attached to the letter:
- article for publication,
- Application for publication (),
- A copy of the payment of the Organization (scan or photo), payment methods are listed in the "Payment" section.

Check for plagiarism

Publications are accepted exceptionally copyright materials previously not published. Before sending an article recommendedcheck for uniqueness and plagiarism. You can check your work independently on free antiplagate services. or If the uniqueness of the work is less than 35%This material will not be selected for publication in the journal "Pedagogical experience".

After publishing a article In the journal "Pedagogical experience" it is possible to complete or partial republishing by the author In any other publications and Internet resources.

Diploma Author

After receiving the application, the editors will be sent to you confirmation of materials. The period of publishing work is three working days. Immediately after the publication you will sent a diploma to publish an article In the All-Russian journal "Pedagogical experience". Diploma is sent to B. electronic or paper.