Sony Xperia C5 Specifications. Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual - specifications. Web browser is a software application for accessing and viewing information on the Internet.

Why do smartphones make only a powerful main chamber, and the frontal 5 megapixels are considered an ideal choice? After all, it is enough just to look at the photo in Instagram: there is no cats and food, then definitely Selfie! So it's not for nothing in Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual installed a 13 megapixel front camera. But the smartphone is interesting not only, let's consider it more detailed.

In Sony Xperia C5 ULTRA DUAL, the standard design, the location of the keys and connectors is clearly traced. Round Enable button on the right, under it - Volume adjustment swings. But at the bottom of the right face - the physical camera button. So even on the frost in gloves, it can be launched into one touch. In the tablet orientation, this button lies just under the finger, as in the camera.

On the left side there is a plug, under which the slots for MicroSD and for two Nanosim are hidden. The most convenient moment - no clips are needed, a trailer for SIM cards spring-loaded and pulls out after easy pressing.

The main claim for design is a plastic back. Not that I was snob - but this glossy plastic looks frankly cheap. If a matte soft-touch was used - the smartphone would only won.

The screen at the Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual is very large, and the frames along the edges are quite thin. Due to this, it seems that it takes almost the entire front panel. From above and from below, there are functional panels with speakers - spoken and multimedia (yes, no stereo) and cameras in the form of a camera and sensors. It may even be the impression that this is the flagship, but the plastic back of it gives it.


There is no complaint to the display, in Sony used the sixdue IPS matrix with a resolution of 1920x1080 points. This is a peculiar chip of the smartphone, so it worked on her fame.

I really liked that in Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual such thin frames. With immodest 6 inches diagonally, he calmly fit in my miniature female palm. And after it, the native smartphone with a 5-inch screen seems to have a toy copy. So have this in mind - with long use, a large display with a clear picture is addictive and wild break, if you suddenly decide to go to the smaller model.

A separate story here with image transmission. We are dealing with Full HD Matrix, but even with this gigantic diagonal, the picture is shifted clearly and detailed. The viewing angles here are good and colors when turning the display is not distorted, even the black remains deep and does not fade. On the full color coverage of SRGB space, a bit of the overestimated range and slightly colder than you need, the color temperature of the Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual display gets five with a minus. Almost excellent. So almost that I did not find a reason for him to complain without frozen by colorimeter.


I liked the main camera Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual as a quality, but not software. The 13 megapixel sensor copes perfectly with photos on the street and indoors with good lighting. But the intellectual authorship sins with solidistic ISO overestimation, so at night you will get extremely noisy photos, or you have to go to manual settings. And there it turns out, only ISO changes, white balance and exposure. You know, with such a camera, I would not refuse to set up an excerpt, and from manual focus.

According to tradition, there are cool brand modes Sony - augmented reality, panorama and others. So with the camera you can indulge not worse than a toy. But that's what I did not understand, so these are functions with the imposition of a second person. First, it is done very topologically, and secondly, an absolute nightmare is obtained, the impoverished memories of "fear and hatred in Las Vegas".

Once already done good camera, Make both software that will allow it to be maximally - nothing more is required - the love of mobile photographers in your pocket. And such specific features, as in Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual, will appreciate the units.

The front camera at the smartphone is also 13 megapixel, with autofocus, and it demonstrates good detail. The built-in "decorated" facial is better not to use, the photo becomes worse than quality, and the algorithms themselves are rather strange.

Frontal flashes - my personal triography variety. Maybe this my eyes are too photosensitive, but every time I tried to highlight myself with this flash, then it turned out or semi-closed, or completely closed eyes. And then a few minutes caught around the multicolored bunnies, because the LED is not weak. So with the front flash it is worth experimenting neatly.


With such a voracious display, the charge was solved using the MediaTek MT6752 processor, which balances between energy savings and high performance of the eight Cortex-A53 nuclei with a clock frequency of 1.7 GHz. The MALI-T760 MP2 video screen is surprisingly coping with games, even if they require a detailed drawing of graphics in dynamic scenes.

Smartphone adequately passed synthetic tests. See the numbers comparable with LG G4 was very nice. True, a little bit upset that the smartphone was heated. Perhaps the case in the engineering sample, which was on the test. Perhaps this is a firmware bug, which will be eliminated at the nearest update. But during testing, Sony Xperia C5 ULTRA DUAL was very hot when the camera is working and in games.

With daily use, the smartphone behaves good: pulls my endless schedulers, social networks, Mobile Banking and Easyway. Two gigabytes random access memory Enough to switch between several tasks without unloading them. But if the first 10-15 minutes of the game go well, then the smartphone becomes frankly hot and the pleasure of the game becomes less.

The volume of built-in memory Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual is only 16 GB, but cards are supported. microSd memory up to 128 GB, so there should be no problems with the place.


From the box in the smartphone installed Android Lollipop 5.0 and the Sony shell. And this is the heat of the SMART Connect and Xperia Care plan, as well as a set. wireless connections Xperia. At the moment there is already an upgrade to Android 5.1 by air, but I did not see his test smartphone.

Work with two SIM cards

Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual, as it can be seen from the name, received two slots for Nano SIM cards and a complete package of working features with two SIM cards. You can even configure call forwarding from the first to the second sim card.


Due to the fact that the screen is very bright, the battery is spent to the offensive quickly, although it is rather capacious - 2930 mAh. With an exhibited on 60% brightness - and this is a comfortable value for working with the display on the street and in the lit office - the smartphone lost about 40% of the charge per hour of intensive work. In the game, the charge goes and faster - literally 15 minutes Nova 3 - and forgive 10% percent of the battery.

Tired of shooting and recounting Selfie, trying to achieve a clear image? With the best smartphone for selfie from the created Sony, which is ...

The device works with Nano-SIM cards of all GSM operators.

Imprint yourself and the world around in equally excellent quality.

The main and frontal camera of the new Xperia C5 Ultra Dual is equally powerful so that you can in excellent quality capture everything to a single event of your life. On Frontal ...

The device works with Nano-SIM cards of all GSM operators.

Imprint yourself and the world around in equally excellent quality.

The main and frontal camera of the new Xperia C5 Ultra Dual is equally powerful so that you can in excellent quality capture everything to a single event of your life. A group selfie can be removed on the frontal camera with a wide-angle lens on which all your friends will fit. And so that the photo was particularly clear, both chambers are equipped with autofocus features and super authors. Now your photo gallery will keep all the memories of where you were when and with whom, bright, clear and detailed. With two cameras on 13 MP main and frontal - you capture in excellent quality every event worthy of attention.

Our ProSelfie camera becomes even better.

Tired of shooting and recounting Selfie, trying to achieve a clear image? With the best smartphone for selfie from the created Sony, which supports two SIM cards, you will look in the photo excellent from the first attempt. With a superworthy, each snapshot will be successful, and the unique Selfie Flash flash technology allows you to light the entire frame so that your selfie is clear and high-quality even at night. Content light? Also not a problem Thanks to the HDR mode: Now you can boast of friends with beautiful selfie against the background of sunset.

Convenient body size and huge display.

Creating Xperia C5 Ultra Dual, we made a small miracle: his display became even more, and the case remained the same convenient size. The Xperia C5 Ultra Dual frame is so thin that it is barely noticeable, and thanks to this, almost the entire front panel of our new smartphone occupies a huge display. Spectacular design finally stylish aluminum rim and a slightly curved rear panel, thanks to which new smartphone From Sony pleases the eye and pleasantly falls into the hand.

Is only one hand free? No problem!

Large displays look spectacularly and provide a beautiful image, but it is not very convenient to be controlled with such a smartphone. However, sometimes you can not do without it? For example, during the conversation. It is for such cases in Xperia C5 ULTRA DUAL a single hand control mode is provided. Now you do not have to sacrifice the size of the display for convenience!

Excellent option for entertainment in the company.

Xperia C5 Ultra Dual with its huge display Full HD is excellent for viewing a photo and video in the company. Thanks to the 6-inch display and IPS technology, all your friends will excellently consider the image, under any kind of an angle you kept your smartphone. And if you decide to retire with your favorite TV series, the display is almost without frame and television technologies of Sony Bravia with a head will plunging you in the plot's peripetia.

Take calls on both SIM cards.

Smartphones with two SIM cards help to share work and rest, and save your money. Our smartphone allows you to use both maps at the same time: during the conversation on one SIM card, you can accept the call received to another, instead of redirect it to voice mail. So you do not miss a single call.

Large Sony Smartphone with a good front camera - we are trying to determine the dignity and disadvantages. Run ahead, we can say that the purchase of good money for your money ...

A little about the market of the Fablets

Very time was a report from the "Svyaznoye" about the Fablet Market, I cite it entirely, it will be better to understand why Sony has updated its own line of large smartphones - under the upgrade I mean C5 Ultra.

"For the first 8 months in Russia for the first time, more phablets were implemented ** than tablet computers With a screen less than 8.9 inches. In total, at the end of January-August, the sale of Fablets in Russia amounted to about 3.5 million devices worth almost 44 billion rubles. Sales of tablet phones in Russia increased by 128% in physical terms and by 140% in monetary. At the same time, from the beginning of 2015, about 3 million tablets with a diagonal of a display of less than 8.9 inches sold in Russia.

Thus, the volume of the implementation of tablet phones in Russia for the first time in history exceeded the number of compact tablet computers sold. Considering the dynamics of the tablet market, as well as the not decreasing interest in "big" smartphones, analysts "connected" predict that at the end of the year there will be more phases than the tablets as a whole in pieces.

Also, for the first time in the history of the portable electronics market, revenues from sales of phacks in Russia exceeded the same indicator in the category of tablet computers. According to the "connected" in Russia in January-August 2015, the tablets were implemented by 31.6 billion rubles.

The popularity of tablet phones, in addition to the factor and functional, is also due to their growing accessibility. Despite the fact that the average smartphone check in Russia for 8 months grew by 13%, the dynamics in the phabox segment was not as high - in fact the average cost of the "large" smartphone was preserved at the level of last year, reaching 12,600 rubles. The more modest growth dynamics of the middle check of the tablet confinement is due to an increase in the number of such devices in price segments of less than 15 thousand rubles.

In 2015, competition in the segment of the Fablet was noticeable. A year ago, half of the tablet phones in Russia were sold by 3 companies: Samsung, Sony and Lenovo. They also received 60% of revenue in this category of smartphones. With access to the market of budget filings from Microsoft (Lumia 535, Lumia 640, Lumia 640xl), the brand share in this category of smartphones has grown from 2% to 11%, and the sales of Microsoft tablet in Russia increased 13 times. Such violent development allowed the company to enter the top three brands of the most popular smartphones. More than 2 times in the category of Fablets grew by Lenovo sales. The company managed to preserve the market share indicator at the level of 14%.

The top three market leaders in rubles also underwent changes. Samsung managed to keep leadership in the segment. Also, Sony and Lenovo are situated in Troika, but they almost caught up with Apple - buyers were very positively perceived by last year's new products, and the output of the iPhone 6S Plus model will allow the American brand to strengthen in the phablet category.

However, we note that despite the saturation of the tablet computers market, the individual categories of these devices use sustainable demand. It is, in particular, on tablets with a powerful processor, which are successfully used to work with special applications And for games. "

Let me remind you that at the end of the year Sony Xperia Z5 Premium will be released. In theory, it can also be attributed to the Furniture. And I would also like to see the big variant Z5 in two versions, one and two SIM cards.


The device is produced in three colors: black, white and mint.

The device turned out quite large, but you probably immediately pay attention to the almost complete absence of the framework, although formally there are still sides, they are very thin and slightly protrude above the display. When we put the machine with the display down, the screen does not touch the surface. Region at the top and bottom are visually ordinary, it is impossible to say that they are more than in other devices. In general, the device is firmly shot, the weight is felt, it is pleasant. In the pictures of C5 Ultra looks more and worse, in real life, many noted that he goes well in his hand, looks and felt interesting because of metal ends and minimalistic design as a whole.

This model combined the ideas of two devices at once. This is a series C - and therefore here is a high-quality front camera to create selfie - well, and this is more logical continuation of T2 Ultra. Not flagship Fablet, but not a toy. There are no complaints to assembly, under the plug hide slots for memory cards and SIM cards, there will be a version with two SIM cards. It is gratifying that in Sony do not forget about the support of memory cards, it is important for users than a bunch of incomprehensible software or delusional functions, settings. Maps are supported up to 128 GB - this is really important. During shooting, you can choose where to save photos, the same applies to the installation of applications. True, buying is worth a normal map - normal in terms of manufacturer and speed. So that there are no problems with the launch of programs.

MicroUSB connector at the bottom without protection and without plugs, it is a plus. Next to the front camera there was a place for a soft LED flash. Optics here wide-angle, and selfie get really good.

I wonder what rear end Here from plastic, but ends from aluminum, with a protection system, like Z3. Corners are not part of the frame to avoid deformations. On the upper end - 3.5 mm connector. By the way, the body is very brand, especially for the black apparatus. We advise you to see our video about the device.

Separately I want to say about what. At the famous smartphone Sharp., such a favorite Artem, there is no framework at all, that is, there really are not. Sony Xperia C5 has flights on the sides, and, in fact, there is a minimum framework, thickness - 0.8 mm.

About the shooting button. She has two positions: press for focusing, press stronger, and a snapshot occurs. On my sample, the button works well, and not soft, and not rigidly. When the device is blocked, you can press the button, then the camera will start, you can make a frame. Another thing is that it starts not with the latest settings (for example, 13 MP and the selected white balance preset), and with default settings.

There is no protection against water and shock, so it's not worth the C5 Ultra.


On the Internet, it says a lot about the fact that a smartphone can use a display of different companies with a bit different characteristics. The companies are two, Innolux LCM and Truly LCM, allegedly on C5 Ultra black and mint color is a TRULY LCM screen, and in white - Innolux LCM. Using the service menu (* # * # * # 7378423 # * # *) I tried to see what the screen is, but the menu does not manage to break through to this item, click, but there is no reaction. If you also have C5 Ultra, post results in the comments.

I first read the reviews about the fact that the display is fading, in fact I would call a picture very and very calm - although someone she seems to be faded and no other. I will offer to look at the screen before buying.

In fact, the IPS-display diagonal is 6 inches, resolution - 1920 x 1080 points, the picture is not bad, but this is not Retina and not the screen, as on Samsung flagships, do not wait for miracles. From the name "Fablet" in Sony refused, and indeed, it seems that it is not accepted now to call Fablites Flights, but C5 Ultra is that Fablet. Can replace a small tablet and smartphone.

Let me remind you that the iPhone 6 Plus display diagonal is 5.5 inches, resolution - 1920 x 1080 points, and Samsung Note 4 Diagonal SUPERAMOLED screen is 5.7 inches with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 points. And, of course, if a person gathered to buy a Fablet, he will consider all three devices - but here C5 Ultra will have a very strong advantage at a price. When you hold the device in hand, touching the edges of the display does not affect the behavior of the smartphone. For greater convenience, a decrease in screen sizes: spend your finger from the lower left edge up, and the screen becomes less, just under the thumb. You can use all the device features with one hand. The screen in such a state can be moved up and down, slightly increase during the need. The function is not bad, useful if one hand is busy.


The device comes with Android 5.0, the MediaTek MT6752 chipset is used (Octa Core 1.67 GHz). LTE is supported even for the device with two SIM cards, Arm Mali T760 graphics, Bluetooth 4.0, 2 GB of RAM, installed 16 GB of memory for data. Naturally, this is not enough, immediately get ready to buy a memory card. I have already said, you should not save on the map.

  • ARM Cortex-A53 64-bit Octa-Core Processor (1.7GHZ)
  • Arm Mali-T760 GPU
  • MediaTek Corepilot ™ Unlocking The Full Power Of All Eight Cores
  • REL. 9, Cat. 4 LTE (FDD & TDD), DC-HSPA +, TD-SCDMA, EDGE
  • 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0
  • Support codec H.265 ULTRA HD

The interface meets familiar to Sony, these are perverted icons, camera settings, their applications - for example, antivirus and program to determine the tracks.

The device cannot be called rapid, in some applications brakes are noticeable, launch long, there is heating. But when using ordinary, basic programs, everything is more or less good.

Work with two SIM cards

For SIM cards, one tray is used, this is a convenient solution, it is easy to pull out, put the cards are also easy. In the menu, you can disable the programmatically using the second SIM card, select a SIM card for data transmission, activate the "always in touch" function, so call calls to another SIM card will take place if the second is unavailable. The device supports LTE (two SIM cards), it is already becoming the norm for the devices of the average price segment. I did not notice problems in the work of two SIM cards, except that lovers save contacts on a SIM card will not be able to choose the desired one - why do it now, do not know. There is a phone memory, backups. Is that you constantly rearrange "sims", then yes, you need such an option.

Working hours

The battery 2930 mAh is used, the operation time is stated within 8 hours in video playback mode. There is a Ultra Stamina Mode mode if less than twenty percent of charge remains, it is necessary to turn it on.

For charging, it takes about four hours when using a complete BP, it is slightly depressing. I used to install a smartphone for charging in the evenings, connecting to PS4. Do not forget that the console easily copes with such a task, just for the night one hundred percent.

With normal use during the day the battery is discharged not rapidly, C Ultra easily lived to the evening, he ruled several times until the morning. In general, as with the use of most modern devices, count on operating from the battery during the day.

In this apparatus, as in other Xperia, you can turn on the power saving mode, it can help you if the charge level is about twenty percent and you do not know when in the near future will be near the outlet.


Two cameras, each 13 megapixel, front with LED flash focused on selfie, the quality can be estimated at the examples. The same effects are supported by the same effects, by the way, you can additionally download for Xperia cameras from the Google store. HDR is supported for both cameras, automatic scene recognition to select mode. From the effects - there are traditional for Sony AR-effects, when mushrooms, gnomes, beasts are drawn in the picture, and so on. If this is quickly or very fast on the flagships, then with C5 Ultra you have to wait, the download occurs for a couple of seconds, sometimes longer. There is a photo with sound, I did not understand this effect at all, nothing is particularly attractive.

When Sony told about new ruler, they emphasized, they say, we will rigidly fight for the quality of the pictures. As far as I can judge, this struggle touched the devices of the average price segment, because C5 Ultra photographs not bad, I suggest you to rate pictures yourself. My opinion is: the camera can also be used. It starts not instantly, infuriates a huge number of unnecessary settings instead of one setting - "Make a good frame." Wide-angle self-aged camera allows you to accommodate even a large company in the frame. If you use a monopod, the huge group will fit.


The device turned out rather strange, as they say, niche. I suggest you look at the pros and cons of the device. That advantages:

  • Interesting design, aluminum frame (but only plastic is scratched, have it in mind). About metal is also interesting, people when first take C5 Ultra in the hands, surprise, suddenly see such material in the medium apparatus price category. On the other hand, this time is now - each manufacturer in the oversaturated market tries to offer more for the same money.
  • Display diagonal, for someone it is a plus, for someone minus. Of course, I want to see a larger screen with such a diagonal, but we are dealing with what we have. I note that I say exactly about the diagonal.
  • Two SIM cards, support for LTE - someone will say that there is no point in "dual", but I have a friend who uses the C5 as a working tool, it is convenient to see the mail on the big screen, in one device working and personal SIM cards.
  • Support for memory cards, also a big plus.
  • Loud speaker.
  • Not bad sound quality, support APTX.
  • A good front camera for Selfie (plus for those who often make selfie).
  • Lesson with displays. After all, they behave predictably, "they write on the Internet that the screens are different," and immediately begin the problems of choices, discussion, speculation and so on. To some extent, C5 can achieve the desired result using a white balance in the settings, but I would advise just look at the screen before purchasing. This is the best way to understand, take or not to take.
  • Performance is clearly different from the flagships, it is especially noticeable when the camera is working, there is no "instantaneousness". Naturally, if you also use both games, you will notice the heating and slowing down even more.
  • The conversational speaker seemed to me quiet even on full volume.
  • Heating is not a disadvantage, but it is impossible not to say.

The price in retail is 25,000 rubles per version with two SIM cards, if you search, you can find and cheaper. Given the pros and cons, the price tag is quite justified. I would like to recommend Sony not to throw this series, consumers slowly, but correctly understand the pluses of phacks, and such smartphones are needed. What would I like to see in the continuation of C5 ULTRA? I would like the screen with other characteristics, a more productive processor, the housing of the matte plastic (less imprint and scratch), I personally really like the housing OnePlus One.. Just and tasteful. I would like support fast charging, Battery of greater tank. I suppose, much of the listed can be seen in the flagship Furniture Sony.

Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Sony Xperia C5, taking into account the increasing passion of selfie users with a limitless screen, a powerful front camera with an outbreak and other "wow-parameters". Comparing Sony Xperia C5 with the previous flagship, we notice that the developers have changed many important characteristics.

Packaging and equipment Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual smartphone

The new "Gigantophone" Sony Xperia C5 of the middle class, as well as the company's top model, is packaged in a nonsense box of white. On her back side briefly lists the technical features of the apparatus and the color range of housings.

The charger is not too powerful, but it can work from a 220V voltage socket. The stereo headset is the simplest thing that is understandable with such a price range.


Consider in detail what kind of Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual smartphone are characteristic:
  • Model: E5533;
  • OS: Android 5.0 (Lollipop) with the Brand Shell of Xperia;
  • Processor: 64-bit MEDIATEK MT6752, Armv8 architecture, 8 Arm Cortex-A53 cores 1.7 GHz;
  • Graphic subsystem: ARM MALI-T760 MP2 (700 MHz);
  • RAM: 2 GB (LPDDR3, single-channel, 800 MHz);
  • Data storage memory: 16 GB (Available 11 GB), microSDXC memory card slot (up to 200 GB);
  • Screen: 6 inches, IPS, Full HD (1920x1080 Points), 367 PPI, Mobile Bravia Engine 2, up to 10 simultaneous touches;
  • Cameras: Basic - 13 MP Exmor RS, EFR 25 mm, 80 degree viewing angle, autofocus, 4x zoom, flash; Frontal - 13 MP Exmor RS, autofocus, EFR 22 mm, 88 degree viewing angle, Flash Selfie Flash; Stabilization Video Steadyshot, Full HD [Email Protected];
  • Network: GSM / GPRS / EDGE, UMTS HSPA +, LTE CAT.4 (150 Mbps);
  • Number of SIM cards: 2;
  • SIM-Card Type: Nanosim (4FF);
  • Interfaces: Bluetooth 4.1, Wi-Fi 802.11 A / B / G / N / AC (2.4 GHz + 5 GHz), NFC, Miracast, USB-OTG, DLNA;
  • Radio: FM tuner C RDS;
  • Sensors: accelerometer, illumination and approximation sensors, compass (Hall sensor);
  • Battery: non-removable, lithium-ion, 2,930 mA * h;
  • Dimensions: 164.2x79.6x8.2 mm;
  • Weight: 187 grams.

Design and Ergonomics Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual

The word "ultra" in the name of the phone indicates the presence of a large screen. The first thing that will attract the view of the interested buyer is not an ordinary, very "non-spam" filling, and the appearance and design of the smart. An impressive 6-inch screen framed into a thin, almost imperceptible frame, makes attract attention. This size of the display is great even for a block, but thanks to a thin framing, it looks elegant.

Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Smartphone Developers created an innovative fresh design - a curious device, which is one solid screen. Such ergonomics is finding favorably with a bit of the ever-caught design concept of Sony - Omnibalance. Phones without sideboards are a novelty in Russia, so Sony is a discoverer in this area.

Another distinctive feature of Sony Xperia C5 is the materials used for the manufacture of the housing. The screen is covered with protective glass, sides (only 0.8 mm) are made of aluminum, rear panel - glossy plastic. The gloss is not very practical, it retains on the surface of traces of all touches, but Sony designers are focused on the preferences of the Asian market. Color palette of the case: black, white, light green (mint).

Corners of the bordering frame - plastic, for depreciation of the blow when falling. They are small, but protect the screen from scratches about the surface, when placing the screen down. The housing is intimidate, requiring delicate circulation, dust and moisture protection.

The most basic part, withdrawing Sony Xperia C5 in the category "Android self-smartphones" - anterior 13 megapixel camera with a flash and a wide shooting angle. Photographing yourself your beloved with her is one solid pleasure. It is located above the screen. Here there is a Sony logo, LED charging / notification indicator, sensor set, sound speaker grille.

The location of all buttons and connectors is a classic characteristic of all Sony models. Symmetrically "conversational" dynamics at the bottom under the display there is a slot of multimedia dynamics. Both dynamics without a stereo effect - an unpleasant item. A slightly above is the 3-plated control buttons: "Return", "Home", "Recent Applications".

In the lower end part of the case is a microUSB connector, in the upper - 3.5-mm AUX-output for connecting the headset.

On the right face there is a branded from Sony chrome-plated button in the form of a rivet to turn on / lock and swing - the volume control. The following is a separate two-band shutter button of the camera shutter. It is located very comfortable for pressing your finger even in a glove.

On the left side of the smartphone, the microSD connector and slots for installing two nanosim-cards are covered with a plug. The validity of the installation pair of SIM cards into one tray to identify subscribers is supported in sony model Xperia C5 Ultra Dual E5533, which indicates the word "Dual". Under the plug, the "OFF" button is hidden for the compulsory completion of the device. The tray is extracting very simple - easy pressing activates the spring emission.

On the rear wall of the smartphone, the main functional elements focused. At the top - the head of the main chamber, highlighted by a chromed ring, under it - a photo list, another microphone for recording sounds and noise reductions, even below - antenna NFC. The central portion of the rear surface is decorated with the Sony logo, at the very bottom - "Xperia".

The whole design of the Sony Xperia C5 is monolithic, without hollows and gaps, the battery is fixed. Externally, the phone looks very elegant, except for fingerprints on black gloss. On a white and mint background, traces of hands are almost invisible, and the phone looks more neat. The reduced width of the device has a comfortable palm girth. In the settings it is possible to change the size of the desktop on the display screen.

Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Smartphone Display

Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Higher Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Displays No complaints. Screen resolution - Full HD (1920 x 1080 PI), an increase in its diagonal led to a decrease in pixel density. The glass brand is not indicated by the manufacturer, but the oleophobic coating capable of repelled the dirt, fingerprints, protect the glass from scratches, is available.

The image on the screen is bright, juicy, thanks to Mobile Bravia Engine 2 technology, which gives an increase in the contrast and gradation of shades of dark color. The power of the display can be configured manually or using "adaptive adjustment" receiving information from the light sensor. The maximum display illumination makes the use of a smartphone comfortable even a sunny day.

Function intelligent setup The backlight contributes to a decrease in battery charge. The screen begins to glow brighter if you take a smartphone in hand. Management of the time interval between transitions from the operating mode into sleep, the color rendition temperature is all these settings can be changed at the request of the owner.

Touch, capacitive screen - very sensitive, recognizes up to 10 touches. With the activation of the option "Mode in gloves", the smartphone is controlled by the "dressed" by the hands, which is very relevant in winter.

When watching videos, high-quality photos The X-Reality For Mobile feature allows you to improve the picture quality. Screen glow power increases with the limit brightness mode. The display palette of the display - a little cold, slightly goes into blue, but adjusting the "White Balance" will change it for lovers of warm shades.

The main and frontal camera Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual

The main chip of the SelfiFon Sony Xperia C5 is the presence of 2 almost equivalent cameras. Frontal and basic wide-angle chambers with a resolution of 13 MP have a set of customizable functions, autofocus and differ only in the viewing angle - 22 mm (88 degrees) and 25 mm (80 degrees), respectively. The overview angle of the front camera is greater than that of the main one, allows you to capture a group of people in one frame.

Lovers of selfie and experimenters will find in the menu pre-installed in many scenarios and options for changing photos: the replacement of persons completely or fragmentary, making makeup, smoothing skin irregularities and much more. For example, "Portrait in style", "Ar Mask" with various comical effects. You can combine your own photos with the surrounding background when you remove both cameras and the "face in the image" option is enabled. Standard software You can expand the installation of additional software.

Quality of photos of the Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual E5533 smartphone is standard. It is no worse than the competitors of this class. Most high quality The pictures are achieved with bright day lighting, the main camera focuses quickly. Shooting with weak outdoor light is difficult, but it is possible at a certain skill. The outbreak of the front camera "Selfie Flash" is a new developer, cuts out and like self-shooting lovers, but when photographing at night can blind. Despite the soft, scattered beam of light LED is unslab here.

Both cameras can make video in Full HD format. Stabilizer "Steadyshot" video and four-time scaling. HDR mode for shooting photos and video - in the presence of both cameras. The files in MP4 and 3GPP format are recorded and reproduced.

Sound Sound Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Speaker

Two speakers placed symmetrically on the front panel of the smart phone, only produce the impression of stereo pairs, actually work separately and the stereo effect does not create. To play multimedia content, only one speaker is used. Manufacturers declare its power of about 95 decibels, but the user will not be able to check this fact without special equipment.

The sound of the speaker is quite an average quality, but there is no complaints about the volume. By default, the "Clearaudio +" sound adjustment mode is installed, and manual settings are installed. If you want to get a surround sound in headphones when playing musical works, then there is a corresponding option.

Built-in dynamic normalizer lines different levels of sound volume. Music coding in the Lossless format (FLAC codec) provides an infurient digital sound compression.

Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Smartphone Performance

Smartphone giant is equipped with a MediaTek MT6752 chipset with an eight-nuclear processor, its clock frequency is 1.7 GHz, a video screen - MALI T760-MP2. RAM - 2GB, built-in memory - 16 GB, the user is available from it about 11 GB. You can increase it by microSD you can up to 200 GB!

USB-OTG technology allows you to connect an ordinary flash drive to the phone. All this stuffing is enough to make the apparatus truly work quickly, smoothly, without hang.

Demands the device when starting resource-intensive games. This is clearly not a game monster, but the "horsepower" of the processor forces is enough to run bulky applications. The processor frequency does not seek from a large load, but the aluminum frame frames are heated quite strongly, sometimes at an uncomfortable level, burning hands. Probably, this is a firmware bug, which will eliminate over time.

Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Accumulator Characteristics

If you are not a fan of round-the-clock surf on the Internet and viewing a large number of films, then according to the manufacturers of charging battery, the capacity of 2930 mAh is enough for the 2nd day.

With active use, the smartphone is discharged in less than a day depending on the load. Viewing the movie Reduces the battery level by 15% per hour, therefore, it is possible to continuously scroll through 3-4 films in autonomous mode.

In the Arsenal of the smartphone, there is a corporate energy saving technology - Ultra Stamina, it really works. In the "Phone + Camera" mode, the device is actively up to 25 days without recharging. There is no quick charging regime, so you turn it on better for the night.

Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Interface and Software

The operating system of the smartphone is Android 5.0 Lollipop with a firmware 29.0.b.1.55 and its own Xperia shell. Sony distinguishes from Chinese colleagues No desire to make significant corrections in the interface and mobile device software. Changes in them are not radical, but rather cosmetic: several useful trifles for more comfortable work, additional applications.

On the desktop usual for the user android-smartphone widgets, icons, access button to all applications. The location of the applications can be changed by sorting. Shutter - at the top of the display with the edit menu. Application Manager with quick search feature small applications in a separate window.

For a comfortable control of the phone with one hand, you can reduce the display window to the Xperia Ray size. In the "Actions of the One Hand" section, there is an option "Changing the screen sizes" to turn it on - sufficiently spend your finger from the right lower corner to the center. The window moves around the screen, and they can be controlled by the right and left hand. It is very convenient with such an extensive screen of Giantfon.

There are no global interface changes, there is a standard set of android-shell branded utilities with small pleasant additions. For example, changes in working with some operations - a quick set of numbers, unlock screen, access to notifications, etc. In the "Optimized Applications" section.

Set wireless interface - Normal: Wi-Fi 802.11 A / B / G / N (2.4 and 5 GHz), Bluetooth 4.1, Support 4G, NFC, DLNA and Miracast. Determine the location allows built-in A-GPS technology and work with GPS and GLONASS satellites.

Price and Video Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual E5533 smartphone review

In fact, this is a smartphone tablet, not a "top" quite affordable model. The price of Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual is about 22,000-25,000 rubles.

Watch video Review Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual:

The newly-made self-oriented smartphone Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual E5533 with an explosive screen has a very nice appearance. His futuristic design will like fans of phabets. In the middle class niche, it is highlighted in a modern filling, a good display, two cameras with decent optics, a good battery life.

Information about the brand, model and alternative names of a particular device, if any.


Information on sizes and weight of the device presented in different units of measurement. Used materials offered colors, certificates.


Information about width - meant the horizontal side of the device when it is standard orientation during use.

79.6 mm (millimeters)
7.96 cm (centimeters)
0.26 ft (ft)
3.13 in (inches)

Information about height - meant the vertical side of the device when it is standard orientation during use.

164.2 mm (millimeters)
16.42 cm (centimeters)
0.54 ft (ft)
6.46 in (inches)

Information about the thickness of the device in different units of measurement.

8.2 mm (millimeters)
0.82 cm (centimeters)
0.03 ft (ft)
0.32 IN (inches)

Information about the weight of the device in different units of measurement.

187 g (grams)
0.41 LBS (pounds)
6.6 OZ (ounce)

The approximate volume of the device calculated on the basis of the size provided by the manufacturer. Refers to devices with a form of rectangular parallelepiped.

107.18 cm³ (Cubic centimeters)
6.51 In³. (cubic inches)

Information about the colors in which this device is available on sale.

The black


The SIM card is used in mobile devices to save data certifying the authenticity of mobile services subscribers.

Mobile networks

Mobile network is a radio system that allows multiple mobile devices to exchange data among themselves.


GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is designed to replace an analog mobile network (1G). For this reason, GSM is very often called 2G mobile network. It is improved by adding GPRS (General Packet Radio Services), and later and EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution).

GSM 850 MHz.
GSM 900 MHZ.
GSM 1800 MHz.
GSM 1900 MHz.

UMTS is a reduction in Universal Mobile Telecommunications System. It is based on GSM standard and refers to 3G mobile networks. A 3GPP has been developed and its greatest advantage is the provision of greater speed and spectral efficiency due to W-CDMA technology.

UMTS 850 MHz.
UMTS 1900 MHz.
UMTS 2100 MHZ.

LTE (Long Term Evolution) is defined as technology fourth generation (4G). It has been developed by 3GPP based on GSM / EDGE and UMTS / HSPA in order to increase the capacity and speed of wireless mobile networks. The subsequent development of technologies is called LTE Advanced.

LTE 850 MHZ.
LTE 900 MHZ.
LTE 1800 MHZ.
LTE 2100 MHZ.
LTE 2600 MHZ.
LTE 800 MHz (E5533)
LTE 700 MHz (B28) (E5563)
LTE-TDD 2300 MHz (B40) (E5563)

Mobile communication technology and data transfer rate

Communication between devices in mobile networks is carried out through technologies that provide different data transfer rates.

Operating system

The operating system is system software, controlling and coordinating the hardware components in the device.

SOC (crystal system)

The system on the crystal (SOC) includes all the most important hardware components of the mobile device in one chip.

SOC (crystal system)

The system on the crystal (SOC) integrates various hardware components, such as a processor, a graphics processor, memory, periphery, interfaces, etc., as well as the Softera needed for their operation.

MediaTek MT6752.
Technological process

Information on the technological process to which the chip is made. The nanometers in the nanometers measured half the distance between the elements in the processor.

28 nm (nanometers)
Processor (CPU)

The main function of the processor (CPU) of the mobile device is the interpretation and execution of instructions contained in software applications.

ARM Cortex-A53
Processor discharge

The processor bit (bits) of the processor is determined by the size (in bits) of registers, targeted tires and tires for data. 64-bit processors have a higher performance compared to 32-bit, which are more productive for their part than 16-bit processors.

64 bits
Architecture of a set of commands

Instructions are the commands with which the software is set / manages the operation of the processor. Information about the command set (ISA) that the processor can perform.

First Level Cache Memory (L1)

Cache memory is used by a processor to reduce access to more frequently used data and instructions. L1 (Level 1) Cache memory is characterized by a small volume and works much faster both the system memory and other levels of cache memory. If the processor does not detect the requested data in L1, it continues to look for them in L2 cache. With some processors, this search is performed simultaneously in L1 and L2.

32 KB + 32 KB (kilobytes)
Second Level Cache Memory (L2)

L2 (Level 2) Cache memory is slower than L1, but in return, it is distinguished by a large range that allows caching more data. It, as well as L1, is much faster than system memory (RAM). If the processor does not detect the requested data in L2, it continues to search them in L3 cache (if available) or in RAM memory.

512 KB (kilobytes)
0.5 MB (megabytes)
Kingdom of processor cores

The core of the processor performs software instructions. There are processors with one, two or more nuclei. The presence of a larger number of nuclei increases performance, allowing parallel execution of a plurality of instructions.

Processor clock frequency

The processor clock frequency describes its speed by means of cycles per second. It is measured in megahertz (MHz) or Gighellians (GHZ).

1700 MHz (Meghertz)
Graphic Processor (GPU)

The graphics processor (GPU) processes the calculations for various 2D / 3D graphic applications. In mobile devices, it is used most often by games, consumer interface, video applications, etc.

Kolynism of the core processor

Like a processor, the graphics processor consists of several working parts, which are called nuclei. They handle graphic calculations of different applications.

Clock frequency graphics processor

The speed of work is the clock frequency of the graphics processor, which is measured in Meghertz (MHz) or Gighellians (GHz).

700 MHz (Meghertz)

RAM (RAM) is used by the operating system and all installed applications. Data that are stored in RAM is lost after turning off or restarting the device.

2 GB (gigabytes)
RAM type (RAM)

Information about the type of RAM (RAM) used by the device.

Number of RAM channels

Information about the number of channels of RAM is integrated into SOC. More channels means higher data transfer rates.

Single Channel
RAM frequency

RAM frequency determines its speed, more specifically, the speed of reading / writing data.

800 MHz (Meghertz)

Built-in memory

Each mobile device has a built-in (non-removable) memory with a fixed volume.

Memory cards

Memory Cards are used in mobile devices to increase the amount of memory to save data.


The mobile device screen is characterized by its technology, resolution, pixel density, diagonal length, color depth, etc.

Type / Technology

One of the main characteristics of the screen is the technology on which it is manufactured and on which the quality of the information image directly depends.


Mobile devices the screen size is expressed by the length of its diagonal, measured in inches.

6 in (inches)
152.4 mm (millimeters)
15.24 cm (centimeters)

Approximate screen width

2.94 IN (inches)
74.72 mm (millimeters)
7.47 cm (centimeters)

Approximate screen height

5.23 in (inches)
132.83 mm (millimeters)
13.28 cm (centimeters)
Aspect ratio

The ratio of the size of the length of the screen to its short side


Screen resolution shows the number of pixels vertically and horizontally screen. Higher resolution means a clearer image item.

1080 x 1920 pixels
Pixel density

Information on the number of pixels on a centimeter or an inch screen. Higher density allows you to show information on the screen with clearer items.

367 PPI. (pixels per inch)
144 ppcm. (pixels for centimeter)
Color depth

The color color depth reflects the total number of bits used for the color components in one pixel. Information about maximum quantity colors that the screen can show.

24 bits
16777216 Flowers

Approximate area in percent, occupied by the screen on the front panel of the device.

76.18% (interest)
Other features

Information about other features and screen characteristics.

Resistance to scratches
Minimum Pencil Hardness\u003e 9H


Various sensors perform various quantitative measurements and convert physical indicators to signals that the mobile device recognizes.

Rear camera

The main mobile camera camera is usually located on its rear panel and can be combined with one or more additional cameras.

Sensor modelSony Exmor RS.
Sensor type

Information about the camera sensor type. Some of the most widely used types of sensors in mobile devices cameras are CMOS, BSI, ISoCell, etc.

CMOS (Complemenient Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)
Focal length25 mm (millimeters) * (35 mm / Full Frame)
Type of outbreak

Rear (rear) mobile cameras mainly use LED flashes. They can be in configuration with one, two or more light sources and differ in shape.

Image resolution4160 x 3120 pixels
12.98 MP (megapixels)
Video resolution1920 x 1080 pixels
2.07 MP (megapixels)
30 frames / sec (Frames per second)

Information on additional software and hardware features of the rear (rear) camera.

Serial shooting
Digital zoom
Digital image stabilization
Geographic labels
Panoramic shooting
HDR shooting
Touch focus
Face Recognition
White balance setting
Setting up ISO.
Exposition compensation
Scene selection mode


Smartphones have one or more frontal chambers of various designs - POP-UP camera, swivel camera, cutout or hole in the display, camera under the display.

Sensor model

Information about the manufacturer and model of the sensor used by the camera.

Sony Exmor RS.
Focal length

The focal length indicates the distance in millimeters from the sensor to the optical center of the lens. The equivalent focal length (35 mm) is the focal length of the mobile device chamber, equalized to the focal length of the 35mm full-length sensor, in which the same viewing angle will be reached. It is calculated by multiplying the real focus distance Cameras of a mobile device on the crop factor of its sensor. Crop-factor can be defined as a ratio between diagonals 35 mm of a full-format sensor and a mobile device sensor.

22 mm (millimeters) * (35 mm / Full Frame)
Image resolution

One of the main characteristics of the cameras is the resolution. It is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in the image. For convenience, smartphone manufacturers often indicate permission in megapixels, indicating an approximate number of pixels in millions.

4160 x 3120 pixels
12.98 MP (megapixels)
Video resolution

Information on the maximum allowing video allowing that can record the camera.

1920 x 1080 pixels
2.07 MP (megapixels)
Video recording speed (personnel frequency)

Information about the maximum recording speed (frames per second, FPS) supported by the camera at maximum resolution. Some of the most basic speed recording speeds 24 FPS, 25 FPS, 30 FPS, 60 FPS.

30 frames / sec (Frames per second)


Information on the type of loudspeakers and supported by the audio technology.


Mobile radio radio is a built-in FM receiver.


Information on navigation and location devices supported by the device.


Wi-Fi is a technology that provides wireless communication for data transfer to close distances between different devices.


Bluetooth is the standard of secure wireless data transfer between different devices of different types for short distances.


There are several versions of Bluetooth, while each subsequent improves communication speed, coverage, contributes to more easily detecting and connecting devices. Information about the Bluetooth version of the device.


Bluetooth uses different profiles and protocols that provide faster data exchange, energy savings, improve device detection, etc. Some of these profiles and protocols that support the device are shown here.

A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile)
Avctp (Audio / Video Control Transport Protocol)
AVDTP (Audio / Video Distribution TRANSPORT PROTOCOL)
AVRCP (Audio / Visual Remote Control Profile)
GAP (Generic Access Profile)
Gatt (Generic Attribute Profile)
GoEP (Generic Object Exchange Profile)
HFP (Hands-Free Profile)
HID (Human Interface Profile)
HSP (Headset Profile)
LE (Low Energy)
MAP (Message Access Profile)
Pan (Personal Area Networking Profile)
PBAP / PAB (Phone Book Access Profile)
SPP ( Serial Port. Protocol)
SDAP (Service Discovery Application Profile)


USB (Universal Serial Bus) is an industrial standard that allows different electronic devices to exchange data.

Plug for headphones

This is an audio connector, which is also called the audio connector. The most widely used standard in mobile devices is 3.5 mm headphone jack.

Connecting devices

Information on other important connection technologies supported by the device.


The web browser is a software application for accessing and viewing information on the Internet.


Information on some basic characteristics and standards supported by the device browser.

CSS 3.

Sound File Formats / Codecs

Mobile devices support different formats and codecs of sound files that are respectively preserved and encoded / decoded digital audio data.

Formats / Codecs Video Files

Mobile devices support different formats and codecs of video files that are respectively preserved and encoded / decoded digital video data.


Mobile batteries differ from each other in its capacity and technology. They provide an electrical charge needed for their operation.


The battery capacity shows the maximum charge that it is capable of saving, measured in milliamme aperture.

2930 MA · h (milliamper watch)
A type

The type of battery is determined by its structure and, more specifically used by chemicals. There are different types of batteries, while most often in mobile devices are used lithium-ion and lithium-ion-polymer batteries.

Li-Ion (lithium-ion)
Talk time 2G.

The time of the conversation in 2G is the period of time for which the battery charge is discharged completely at a continuous conversation in 2G network.

14 hours 18 minutes
14.3 h (hours)
858 min (minutes)
0.6 days
2G waiting time

Waiting time in 2G is the time period for which the battery charge is discharged completely when the device is in standby mode (STAND-BY) and connected to 2G network.

594 h (hours)
35640 min (minutes)
24.8 days
Talk time 3G.

The conversation time in 3G is the time period for which the battery charge is discharged completely with a continuous conversation in the 3G network.

12 hours 54 minutes
12.9 h (clock)
774 min (minutes)
0.5 days
3G waiting time

Waiting time in 3G is a period of time for which the battery charge is discharged completely when the device is in standby mode (Stand-BY) and connected to 3G network.

635 h (hours)
38100 min (minutes)
26.5 days
Waiting time 4G.

Waiting time in 4G is a period of time for which the battery charge is discharged completely when the device is in standby mode (Stand-BY) and connected to 4G network.

728 h (clock)
43680 min (minutes)
30.3 days

Information on some additional characteristics of the device battery.
