Territorial departments of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory. Information on territorial departments of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory. I. General provisions

Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory


On approval of the Code of Ethics and Service Conduct of the civil servant of the MSR PC

In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the International Code of the behavior of public officials (resolution 51/59 of the UN General Assembly of December 12, 1996), the Model Code of Conduct for civil servants (annex to the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe from May 11, 2000 NR (2000) 10 On Code of Conduct for civil servants), federal laws of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ "On Counteracting Corruption", of May 27, 2003, N 58-FZ "On the System of the State Service of the Russian Federation", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2002 N 885 "On approval of the general principles of official behavior of civil servants" I order:

1. To approve the attached Code of Ethics and the official behavior of the State Civil servant of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory (hereinafter - the Ministry, Codex).

2. Heads of the structural divisions of the ministry, heads of territorial administrations of the Ministry to ensure the Company's procurement to the attention of each civil servant for painting, sheets of familiarization to the department for personnel management, work with the appeals of citizens' appeals and official correspondence of the ministry (hereinafter referred to as the Department) up to 20.02. 2011.

3. Head of the Department of Kryukovsky etc. and heads of territorial departments of the Ministry to ensure the introduction of changes to the service contracts of state civil servants of the Ministry and territorial departments, including the provision of the provision on the obligation to fulfill the requirements of the Code within 28.02.2011.

4. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the head of the department of Kryukovsky etc.


Code of Ethics and Service Behavior of the State Civil servant of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory

Ministry of Social
development of Perm Region
from 17.02.2011 N SED-33-01-02-30

I. General provisions

1. The code is a set general principles Professional service ethics and basic rules of service behavior that civil servants should be guided independently of their position.

2. Citizen Russian FederationEntering the State Civil Service of the Perm Territory (hereinafter - the public service) is obliged to familiarize himself with the provisions of the Code and comply with them in the process of their official activity.

3. Each state civil servant (hereinafter referred to as a public servant) should take all necessary measures to comply with the provisions of the Code, and each citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to expect from civil servant in relationships with it in accordance with the provisions of the Code.

4. The purpose of the Code is to establish ethical standards and rules for the official behavior of civil servants for decent fulfillment by them professional activity, as well as promoting the strengthening authority of civil servants, confidence of citizens to government agencies and ensuring single norms of the behavior of civil servants.

5. The Code is designed to increase the effectiveness of government responsibilities by civil servants.

6. The Code serves as the basis for the formation of due morality in the field of public service, respectful relations to the public service in the public consciousness, and also acts as the Institute of Public Consciousness and Morality of civil servants, their self-control.

7. Knowledge and compliance with civil servants of the provisions of the Code is one of the criteria for assessing the quality of their professional activities and official behavior.

II. Basic principles and rules of official behavior of civil servants

9. The basic principles of the official behavior of civil servants are the basis of the behavior of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the location of them in the public service.

10. Civil servants, conscious of responsibility to the state, society and citizens, are designed:

a) perform job duties in good faith and high professional in order to ensure efficient work Ministries;

b) proceed from the fact that the recognition, compliance and protection of human rights and freedoms and citizen define the main meaning and content of the activities of both the ministry and civil servants;

c) carry out their activities within the powers of the ministry;

d) not to provide preference to any professional or social groups and organizations, be independent of the influence of individual citizens, professional or social groups and organizations;

e) eliminate the actions related to the influence of any personal, property (financial) and other interests that prevent the conscientious performance of official duties;

(e) Notify the representative of the employer, the prosecutor's office or other state bodies of all cases of appeal to a civil servant of any persons in order to decline to the commission of corruption offenses;

g) observe the established federal laws restrictions and prohibitions, execute the obligations related to the passage of civil service;

h) comply with impartiality, eliminating the possibility of influencing their work activities for solutions of political parties and public associations;

and) comply with the norms of service, professional ethics and rules of business behavior;

k) show correctness and care in circulation of citizens and officials;

l) tolerance and respect for the customs and traditions of the peoples of Russia and other states, take into account the cultural and other features of various ethnic, social groups and denominations, contribute to interethnic and interfaith consent;

m) refrain from behavior that could cause doubt in conscientious execution by civil servants of official duties, as well as avoid conflict situations that can damage its reputation or ministry authority;

n) to make measures stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation to prevent the occurrence of the conflict of interests and the settlement of arising cases of conflict of interest;

o) Do not use the official position to influence the activities of the Ministry, organizations, officials, civil servants and citizens in addressing personal issues;

p) refrain from public statements, judgments and assessments in relation to the activities of the Ministry, his leader, if it is not included in the official responsibilities of the civil servant;

p) comply with the rules established in the Ministry of public speeches and provide official information;

(c) Respectively refer to the activities of representatives of the media to inform the Company about the work of the Ministry, as well as to assist in obtaining reliable information in the prescribed manner;

t) refrain in public speeches, including in the media, from the designation of the cost in foreign currency (conditional monetary units) in the territory of the Russian Federation of goods, works, services and other objects of civil rights, amounts of transactions between residents of the Russian Federation, budget indicators All levels budget system Of the Russian Federation, the size of state and municipal borrowing, state and municipal debt, except when it is necessary for accurate transmission of information or is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, customs of business turnover;

y) constantly strive to ensure as much effective disposal as possible by the resources in its responsibility.

11. Government employees are obliged to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional and federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

12. Civil servants in their activities should not allow violation of laws and other regulatory legal acts, based on political, economic feasibility, either by other reasons.

13. Government employees are obliged to counteract the manifestations of corruption and take measures to prevent it in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Government employees should refrain from behavior (statements, gestures, actions), which can be perceived by others as agreed to take a bribe or as a request for a bribe.

(Parasac was introduced by order of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory of 18.11.2015 N SED-33-01-03-606)

14. Government officials in the performance of official duties should not allow personal interest, which leads or can lead to a conflict of interest.

When appointed to the position of public service and the performance of official duties, the public servant is obliged to declare or the possibility of having a personal interest that influences or may affect the appropriate performance of their official duties.

15. The public servant is obliged to submit information on income, property and liabilities of the property nature of its and family members in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. The State Officer is obliged to notify the representative of the employer, the authorities of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation or other state bodies of all cases of appeal to any individuals in order to decline it to the commission of corruption offenses.

Notification of the facts of appeal to decline to the commission of corruption offenses, with the exception of cases when, according to these facts, it was conducted or a check is carried out, is an official responsibility of a civil servant.

17. A civil servant is prohibited from being discussed in connection with the execution of official duties of remuneration from physical and legal entities (Gifts, money rewards, loans, material services, fee for entertainment, rest, for use of transport and other remuneration). Gifts received by civil servants in connection with the protocol events, with official business trips and with other official events, are recognized by the property of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and are transferred to civil servants on the act to the ministry in which it replaces the position of public service, except in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation .

18. The public servant can process and transfer official information subject to the norms and requirements adopted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

19. The state employee is obliged to take appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of information, for the unauthorized disclosure of which it is responsible or (and) which has become known to him in connection with the execution of their official duties.

20. The public servant, endowed with organizational and administrative powers towards other civil servants, should be a model of professionalism, impeccable reputation, contribute to the formation of a moral and psychological climate favorable to the ministry or its division.

21. The state employee endowed with organizational and administrative authority towards other civil servants is designed:

a) take measures to prevent and resolve the conflict of interest;

b) take measures to prevent corruption;

c) prevent cases of coercion of civil servants to participate in the activities of political parties and public associations.

22. The public servant, endowed with organizational and administrative powers in relation to other civil servants, should take measures to ensure that the state employees do not allow corruption of hazardous behavior, to submit an example of honesty, impartiality and justice to their personal behavior.

23. The public servant, endowed with organizational and administrative powers towards other civil servants, is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the actions or inaction of the staff subordinates who violate the principles of ethics and the rules of official behavior, if he did not take measures to prevent such actions or inaction.

III. Recommendative ethical rules for the official behavior of civil servants

24. In official behavior, a civil servant must proceed from constitutional provisions that a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value and every citizen has the right to inviolability of privacy, personal and family secrets, the protection of honor, dignity, his good name.

25. In official behavior, the public servant refrains from:

a) any type of statements and actions of a discriminatory nature on the basis of gender, age, race, nationality, language, citizenship, social, property or marital status, political or religious preferences;

b) rudeness, manifestations of dismissive tone, arrogance, biased comments, presenting unlawful, undeserved accusations;

c) threats, offensive expressions or replicas, actions that impede normally communicate or provoking illegal behavior;

d) smoking during official meetings, conversations, other official communication with citizens.

26. Government employees are designed to contribute to their official behavior to establish a business relationship and constructive cooperation with each other.

Government employees must be polite, benevolent, correct, attentive and tolerance in communicating with citizens and colleagues.

27. Appearance The civil servant in the performance of official duties, depending on the conditions of the service and the format of the service event, should contribute to the respectful attitude of citizens to the ministry, to comply with the generally accepted business style, which is distinguished by the official, restraint, traditional, accuracy.

IV. Responsibility for violation of the provisions of the Code

28. Violation by civil servants of the provisions of the Code is subject to moral condemnation at a meeting of the relevant commission to comply with the requirements for the official behavior of civil servants and the settlement of the conflict of interests formed in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2010 N 821 "On Commissions for Compliance Communication Communities The behavior of federal state employees and the settlement of the conflict of interests, "and in cases provided for by federal laws, violation of the provisions of the Code entails the application to the state employee measures of legal liability.

Compliance with civil servants of the provisions of the Code is taken into account when conducting certificates, forming a personnel reserve for nomination for higher positions, as well as when imposing disciplinary penalties.

For reliable and unmistakable operation of the computer, the temperature regime is not only a processor, but also the chipset on motherboard. As known nVIDIA chipsets for aMD processors They have good parameters for performance and price of their low, which allows them to make budget parents based on them.

Unfortunately, they have a significant disadvantage. MCP NVIDIA chipsets are very hot. Cheap motherboards on this chipset of compulsory chips do not have. Largents are limited only by installing radiators. Therefore, MCPs are sinking to 60-70 degrees, which often leads to a violation of the soldering (dump) and output from building chips themselves. It is possible both different failures (glitches) in the work and the full failure of the motherboard.

If you have a computer based on this chipset, then I advise you to ask the temperature regime of its work. You can do this using any program or utility monitoring the built-in motherboard temperature sensors. For example, I currently use the two programs of the Everest Ultimate company Lavalys Consulting Group, which you can read and

Speedfan with which you can find. You can check the temperature to the touch by touching the chip radiator, and it is even desirable to do this because sometimes sensors and programs incorrect temperature information.

One of my computers is assembled on mCP-61 chipsetwhich worked at a temperature of 66 ° C. At the beginning, I tried to install an additional 80x80 fan on the lid system Block So that the threader is directed to the MCP chip.

This gave a decrease in temperature to 53 ° C and a significant increase in noise. Then replaced the fan to size 60x60, while the temperature became 55 ° C and also he was very noisy. The last option was the most successful when I installed the fan 40x40 directly on the chip radiator. In this case, the temperature decreased to 47 ° C And noise remained, almost at the same level, as at all without an additional fan. Therefore, I advise everyone to acquire 40x40 fan sizewho also turned out to be the cheapest and install on the MCP chip radiator. I put the TITAN TFD-4010M12Z fan, which has three pin connector. The fan is connected to the connector on the motherboard, but as an option, you can use a two-wire fan with a connection to the power supply connector.

Perm region

1. Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Social Development in Perm


Address: 614077 0A tel.

Departments of the MSR in Perm


Full name of the head


Department of Dzerzhinsky District

7 tel.

Department of Industrial District

perm, ul. .

Department of Kirovsky District

perm, ul. B. Khmelnitsky, 56, tel.,

Department for Leninsky District

perm, ul. , tel.

Department of Motovilikhinsky District

perm, ul. B. Gagarin, 10,

Department for Ordzhonikidze district

perm, ul. .

Department of Sverdlovsk District

perm, ul. , tel.,

2. Territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the Alexandrovsky and Kizelovsky municipal regions


Address: 618320 Aleksandrovsk, ul. Tel. (82f), 3-41-14.3-41-25


Full name of the head


Department for the Alexandrovsky Municipal District

618320. Alexandrovsk, ul. , tel. (8-274) 3-59-47.3-58-49

Department of Kizelovsky Municipal District

618350 g.Kizel, ul. Tel. (8-255) 4-16-68

3. Territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory on the Bereznikovsky City District and the Usolsky Municipal District


Address: 618419 Berezniki, ul. tel. (8-242) 3-56-06, 3-56-20 (f), 3-49-15.3-49-09.2-28-96,e-mail:[Email Protected] permonline.ru

Departments of the MCR in the Alexandrovsky and Kizelovsky municipal regions


Full name of the head


Department of the Bereznikovsky Municipal District

618419g. Berezniki, ul. tel. (8-242) 3-56-06, 3-56-20 (f), 3-49-15.3-49-09.2-28-96,e-mail:[Email Protected] yandex.ru

Department by Usolsky Municipal District

618430.USOLE, ul. and tel. (8-244),

4. Territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the Gubakhinsky and Gremyachinsky Municipal Region


Address: 618250 G. Gubakh, Lenin Ave., 36 Tel / Fax: (8-248) 4-79-27e-mail:[Email Protected] permonline.ru

Departments of TU MSR in the Gubakhinsky and Gremyachinsky municipal regions


Full name of the head


Department for the Gubakhinsky Municipal District

618250.Gubah, pr. Lenin, 36 bodies / fax: (8-248) 4-79-27e-mail:[Email Protected] permonline.ru

Department for the Gremyachinsky Municipal District

g. Gremyachinsk, ul. Tel. / Fax: (8-250) 2-21-41.2-11-56.2-11-25

5. Territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the Kungur City District and the Kungur Municipal Area


Address: Kungur, ul. f), 3-11-81.2-27-37.2-46-46

e-mail: ***** @ *** RU

6. Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the Krasnokamsky and Nimany municipal regions


Address: 617060 Krasnokamsk, Peace Ave., 8, Tel: (8-273) 4-56-56,4-47-27

e-mail:tumsr.[Email Protected] permonline.ru

Departments of TU MSR in the Krasnokamsky and Nytnyan municipal regions


Full name of the head


Department for the Krasnokamsky Municipal District

617060 Krasnokamsk, Peace Ave., 8, tel: (8-273) 4-47-27 (f), 4-44-62.4-47-50,4-38-84

Department in the Nytnyan Municipal District

617000 g.Named, ul. Peace, 16 Tel: (8-272) 4-19-94,4-15-45 (f), 4-05-84

7. Territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the Lysw Central Municipal District


Address: 6, 2-56-21

e-mail:dsro-[Email Protected] yandex.ru

8. Territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in Perm and Dobrryan Municipal Regions


Address: 618740 4A Tel: (8-342), 296,21,32e-mail:***** @ *** RU


Full name of the head


Department of Perm Municipal District

618740 G.. Perm, and tel: (8-342),e-mail:***** @ *** RU

Department of Dobryan Municipal District

G.. Dobryanka, ul. Soviet, 14, 2-64-58, 2-69-21.e-mail:[Email Protected] yandex.ru

9. Territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the Solikamsky City District and the Solikamsky Municipal Area


Address: 618554 Solikamsk ul.20 Victory, 121, tel: (8-253) 7-61-66,7-72-85 (f), 4-95-89e-mail:tumsro.[Email Protected] mail.ru

10. Territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the Tchaikovsky Municipal District


Address: 617760/2, ul. , 3-47-44 (f)

e-mail: ***** @ *** RU

11. Territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the Chusovsky and Gornozavodsky municipal regions


Address: 618200 Chusova, ul. a, 5-64-30 (f)

e-mail: ***** @ *** RU

Departments of TU MSR in Chusovsky and Gornozavodsky municipal regions


Full name of the head


Department in the Chusovsky Municipal District

618200 G..Kusova, ul. and tel: (8-2.5-64-30

Department in the Gornozavodsky Municipal District

618820Gornozavodsk ul. Red Partizan, 10, F), 4-44-90

12. Interdistrict Territorial Administration No. 2 of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory


Address: 617120 Vereshchagino, ul.

e-mail:sOCRAZ-[Email Protected] mail.ru

Departments of the MCP number 2

Department for Vereshchaginsky Municipal District

617120.Theregino, ul. f), 3-65-34,3-65-32,3-65-31,3-65-33

Department for the Karagai Municipal District

from. Karagay, ul. , Tel: (8-297)3-11-91,3-18-70

Department for the Ilyinsky Municipal District

617020 PGT. Ilinsky, ul. tel.:(8-276)9-16-70

Department for the Sivinsky Municipal District

from. Siva, ul. Tel: (8-277)2-92-01

13. Interdistrict Territorial Administration No. 3 of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory


Address: s. Ust-Kishert, ul. Tel: (8-252) 2-15-40.2-15-57 (f)

e-mail: ***** @ *** RU

Departments of TU MSP number 3


Full name of the head


Department for the Kishert Municipal District

from. Ust-Kishert, ul. Tel: (8-252) 2-15-40.2-15-57 (f)

Department of Sucunsky Municipal District

617560 PGT. Sucsun, ul. Karl Marx, 4 Tel: (8-275) 3-14-97.3-11-47,3-26-25 (f)

Department in the Ordinsky Municipal District

617020 PGT. Ilinsky, ul.

Department of Berezovsky Municipal District

from. Berezovka, ul. Tel: (8-251) 3-16-41.3-14-30.3-12-88 (f), 3-12-99

14. Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the Krasnovisherist Municipal District


Address: 618592 Krasnovishersk ul. and tel: (8-243) 3-01-16,3-01-17,3-01-15.3-01-13 (f)

e-mail: ***** @ *** RU

15. Interdistrict Territorial Administration No. 5 of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm TerritoryLeader:

Address: 618122 Osa, ul. Tel: (8-291) 4-31-09 (f), 4-66-88

Departments MTU №5 MSR


Full name of the head


Department for the Osinsky Municipal District

618122. Ok, ul. Tel: (8-291) 4-31-09 (f), 4-66-88

Department of the Bardym Municipal District

from. Barda, ul. and bodies / fax: (8-292) 2-21-84e-mail:tudsro-[Email Protected] permonline.ru

Department in the Elovsky Municipal District

from. Elovo, ul. Tel: (8-296) 3-19-69.3-18-96.3-16-82 (f)

16. Interdistrict Territorial Administration No. 1 of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory


Address: 618100 Okhansk, ul. Tel. (8-279) 3-29-44 (f), 3-18-51.3-28-57.3-16-44

e-mail:oh-[Email Protected] mail.ru

Departments MTU No. 5 MSR


Full name of the head


Department in the Ohansk Municipal District

618100g. Okhansk ul. Tel: (8-279) 3-29-44 (f), 3-18-51.3-28-57.3-16-44

Department in the Most Bolssely Municipal District

from. Large Pineza, ul. , 2-76-89,2-70-89 (f)

Department in the essay municipal district

617141.Oker, ul. , 3-24-42,3-21-84 (f)e-mail:zashita.[Email Protected] permonlain.ru

Department by Party Municipal District

617170pst. Frequent, ul. , 2-13-17 (f)

17. Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the Cherdynsky Municipal District


Address: 618601 Cherdyn, ul. Tel: (8-2F), 2-93-40

18. Interdistrict Territorial Administration No. 4 of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory


Address: 617830 Chernushka, ul. f), 4-58-44

e-mail: ***** @ *** RU

Departments MTU No. 4 MSR


Full name of the head


Department for Chernushinsky Municipal District

618100 g.Ookhansk ul. Tel: (8-2F), 3-18-51.3-28-57.3-16-44

Department for the Kouli Municipal District

617700 PST. Couple ul. (8-262) 3-42-01.3-44-33.3-16-42.3-16-27.3-14-13 (f)

Department by Oktyabrsky Municipal District

617860.Oktyabrsky, ul. Tel: (8-2.2-15-98 (f), 2-12-77

Department for the Winsky Municipal District

from. Uinskoye, ul. Communist.1 Tel: (8-259) 2-24-95 (f), 2-25-50

19. Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory on Komi-Permytsky district

Introduction 3.

Main part 5.

List of sources used 12

Appendix 1 13.


Production pre-diploma practice took place in the territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the city of Perm from April 20 to May 17, 2015

Head of Practice: Repin Olga Leonidovna

Learned regulatory acts:

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the list of types of income taken into account when calculating the average per capita income of a family and income of a lonely resident citizen to provide them with state social assistance" of 20.08.2003. № 512;

    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of clarification on the procedure for appointing and paying a monthly child care allowance in the event of a mother's disease for the period when it cannot care for a child, another family member" from 22. 12. 2008. No. 749n;

    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development "On Approval of the Procedure and Conditions of Appointments and the Payments of States of Citizens, who has children" dated December 23, 2009. № 1012n;

    The law of the Perm region "On the protection of families, motherhood, paternity and childhood" from 09.09. 1996. № 533-83;

    PC law "On scholarships and additional forms of material support for students in educational institutions, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education of 29.06. 2010. No. 642-PC;

    PC law "On the free provision of land plots with large families in the Perm region" of 01.12.2011 №871-PC;

    Resolution of the PC Government "On the provision of social support measures to poor families that have children, and pregnant women" from 06.07. 2007. No. 130-P;

    Decree of the administration of Perm dated April 28, 2012. No. 198 "On approval of the procedure for conducting accounting for large families ...";

    Decision of the Perm City Duma of 09/22/2009. №213;

    The provision "On the territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in the city of Perm".

Official Name: Territorial Department of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in Perm

Adopted abbreviation: TU MSR PC in Perm

Head of Management: Kanzeparova Irina Vaklevna

Location: 614000, Perm, ul. B.Gagarin, 10.


    Analysis of the regulatory framework

TU MSR PC in the city of Perm in its activities is guided by the Constitutionarus Russian Federation, federal laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory acts of the Perm region and the Perm region, the legal acts of the city of Perm and local acts, including . Regulations "On the territorial administration of min. Soc. Development of the Perm Territory in Perm.

The main regulatory legal documents that are guided by the Specialists of the Office:

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On state allowances to citizens who have children" from 19.05. 1999. No. 81-FZ;

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for taking into account the income and calculation of the average family income and the income of a lonely living citizen to recognize their poor and the provision of state social assistance"From 05.04. 2003. No. 44-FZ;

    The decision of the Perm City Duma dated 24.06. 2008 No. 219 (ed. From 22.10. 2013) "On the establishment additional Mer social support in the form of monthly monetary municipal payments to students and students of the city of Perm "; Decree of the administration G. Perm dated 12/20/2013 No. 1208 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Providing Additional Social Support Measures in the form of monthly monetary municipal payments to students and students of the city of Perm, who has children aged 1.5 years, approved by the Decree of the Administration of the city of Perm from 01 . 09.2008. № 838 ";

    Decision of the Perm City Duma of 03/26/1999 (ed. From 09/24/2013) "On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for the formation and establishment of prices for the population for housing services and methods for calculating the amount of fees for housing services";

    Resolution of the administration of the city of Perm dated December 28, 2012 No. 996, etc.

And other regulatory acts.

    Characteristic organization

TU MSR PC in Perm is the executive body of the state power of the Perm Territory.

Management in its activities is subject to the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory; It interacts with local governments, territorial bodies, the executive authorities of the Perm Territory.

Through the activities of the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it guarantees the provision of social protection in the Perm Territory.

This has the rights of legal entities, has blanks and prints with their name, speaks independently as the plaintiff and the defendant in court in the attacks of its competence.

The structure of the Ministry of Communication is reflected in Appendix 1.

Priority objectives:

    development of regional policies and legal support in the provision of guarantees of social protection to individual categories of citizens of the Perm Territory on social support issues;

    the implementation of functions for the provision of social support measures.

    participation in the development of proposals for the main and priority areas of the social policy of the Perm region;

    organization of the provision of social support measures to citizens in difficult life situations; Citizens of elderly and disabled, veterans of labor, persons who worked in the rear during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, rehabilitated persons and persons affected by political repression; individual categories of workers living in rural areas and township settlements (workers' settlements); pensioners with great insurance experience, persons having honorary titles "Honorary Citizen of the Perm Region", "Honorary Citizen of the Perm Region"; families with children, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Perm region, the Perm region;

    formation, use and organization of the regional register of persons who have the right to receive measures of state social assistance and support and other.

    Practical activities of the organization

Since management performs specific activities, i.e. It works only in certain areas of social support, the basis of the clientele is citizens relating to large families; Receive measures of social. support due to motherhood (paternity); poor families, etc.

Consequently, the policy and management activities are aimed at organizing social support measures; Business communication between these categories of citizens.

Priority areas of activity include guarantees for benefits, in particular:

    providing a monthly child benefit;

    providing a one-time benefit at the birth of a child;

    provision state services For the purpose and payment of a monthly child care allowance;

    the provision of a monthly cash payment in the amount of the subsistence minimum established in the Perm region for children aged 0 to 6 years, appointed in the case of the birth after December 31, 2012, the third child or subsequent children before reaching the child of the age of three;

    providing social benefits to a pregnant woman from poor families;

    providing social benefits to a nursing woman from a low-income family and another.

Samples of applications on the provision of the above allowances are presented in applications 2-8.

The dynamics of the effectiveness of some suggested benefits is reflected in diagrams in applications 9-11. Analyzing the data submitted, it can be concluded that in two types of benefits demand increases, but the size of the payout itself has not shown a significant dynamics that the benefit for a family has a multiple birth, then there is an increase in the amount of benefits, but the demand remains extremely low .

    Requirements for specialists

Required personal qualities of a specialist management:

    enthusiasm and pride of their profession;

    confidence in yourself - faith in yourself, to help people in their ability, engaged in their professional work;

    strong character - the ability to exercise perseverance and fulfill the planned plans;

    decency, from which the well-being and health of both the surrounding and most people himself may sometimes depend on;

    sincerity, which manifests itself in honesty with himself and other people;

    goodwill - the ability to see positive in all people and in all situations;

    the initiative - it consists in making personal responsibility for their settings and actions;

    optimism - an understanding of the importance of positive thinking and positive beliefs;

Personal and professional qualities:

    empathy - a conscious empathy of the current emotional state of another person, without losing the feeling of the external origin of this experience;

    flexibility (in beliefs, in emotional reactions, behavior, etc.);

    activity (initiative and productive personal position);

    the ability to reflection (a tendency to self-analysis);

    relevant (professionally adequate) sense of humor;

    the focus on the result and direction of the process.

Professional consultant suitability is provided:














    pedagogical tact.

Professionally harmful, inappropriate qualities for a consultant personality features include:

    dependence (as a personal trait);


    closure, closeness;

    the tendency to use customers to meet (implement) of their needs;

    inability to be tolerant to various personal motives and manifestations of customers;

    low composure, weak self-control.

    Suggestions for improving work

TU MSR PC in Perm is an institution that makes measures the social security of an additional nature, that is, customers are applied to experts not to the whole category of socially unprotected citizens.

From the point of view of imperfection of the work of management in terms of social and psychological characteristics, the norms of business communication, it would be desirable to note that due to characteristics of character, as well as personal, family and other problems, not always experts are consulted in accordance with the standards of business etiquette and the rules of the official instruction. Rough, unlucky communication with the client leaves negative emotions and reviews of both the specialist and about the organization as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct inspections for compliance with the Specialist with the requirements for this category of employees. I also consider it necessary to conduct training training with consultants on the topic "Business Communication", "Social and Psychological Consulting Skills", "Workshop Work with Customer Service of Social Services."


Pre-diploma practice in the territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in Perm (from April 20 to May 17, 2015) made it possible to consolidate the theoretical skills, both a legal nature and psychological. During the practice, managed management activities from various positions were managed: archival, document management, interaction between departments and interdepartmental cooperation, electronic systems, and the most important organization of customer reception and the exercise of consulting on social support measures.

The obtained practical skills will allow to fully reveal aspects of final qualifying work, and will also be useful for further professional activities.

List of sources used

    Regulations "On the territorial administration of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory in Perm"

    ATP "Consultant Plus"

    The official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city of Perm: http://minsoc.permkrai.ru


Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Appendix 4.

Appendix 5.

Appendix 6.

Appendix 7.

Appendix 8.

Appendix 9.

Citizens with children

Appendix 10.

The number of citizens who took advantage of social support measures for the period January-March 2012-2015

Large low families

Appendix 11.

The number of citizens who took advantage of social support measures for the period January-March 2012-2015