Android battery calibration file. Android Battery: Calibration without root rights. If you have a custom recovery menu, for example, TWRP, then this instruction for you

Modern mobile devices Just look just. In fact, each of these compact devices is a tablet, a smartphone or simply mobile phone - are a whole complex various systems. Some of them have a very large level of energy consumption. At the tablet, such a module is a block, as well as a smartphone. It is not surprising that even with a large capacity of the charge battery lacks for a long time. Often you can find such a thing as the calibration of the tablet battery, which they say that it is necessary and even inevitable. Let's see if it is.

There are no battery calibration in which you may need. The brief list is as follows:

  1. The device began to work much smaller time;
  2. After complete charging, the indicator on the screen shows not 100% level;
  3. The system displays the drop in the capacity of the battery with severe jumps;
  4. The tablet is disabled due to lack of nutrition, although the indicator does not signal a full battery discharge, and warnings are not issued.

This behavior may be a few explanations. Some cases are quite expected - experiments with a device, for example, were carried out. Others are not so apparent, and the battery calibration may be really necessary. A brief list of symptoms and preliminary action can be set forth as follows:

  • the firmware has changed, with which a system has a system having another battery use statistics;
  • a battery change occurred, which has other parameters;
  • the battery of the tablet fails;
  • raarshlite power controller and battery charge;
  • the charger does not provide the necessary parameters;
  • the battery controller issues incorrect sensor readings that Android uses.

The last four points does not make sense to compensate. Repair required. But the entire snag is that on the behavior of the tablet is difficult - in electronics or software part. So before going to service center, it is better to resort to simpler methods.

The most popular method

In case of changing the firmware, the best answer to the question of how to calibrate the battery on android will sound very simple. You need to reset the battery use statistics and make the Create File file.

There is a popular and quite widely - the Battery Calibration program. It acts radically and simply, forcing the Android to recognize the battery as the first, the only one and set the parameters of the power system in accordance with its characteristics.

The application will require root access to remove statistics. Battery Calibration can be downloaded from PlayMarket, it is simply installed and does not require configuration. Long to understand how to calibrate the battery on the tablet, also not have to be. as follows:

  1. Install Battery Calibration;
  2. Fully charge the tablet in the off state;
  3. Turn on the device and run the program;
  4. Before us is one-only button. Press;
  5. Battery Calibration will ask the name of the superuser.

Video on how to use the application Battery Calibration:

When specifying the required data and confirming the selection, the user initiates strengthening the statistics file and the creation of parameters that respond only for 100% battery charge. Further, the system will do everything itself according to the testimony of the battery controller.

Totascular and attentive users began to ask questions to the author - Google. They concerned primarily the effectiveness of using Battery Calibration and similar programs. As expected, the company recognized the method of the least effective, giving an acceptable result only with a combination of the following factors:

  • normal battery condition;
  • correct operation of the power controller;
  • reliable readings of the battery sensors;
  • statery work charger.

Way to calibrate the battery on the android proposed company Googleis quite complicated. Judge for yourself:

  1. or smartphone. The process should go at least 8 hours, even if the system signals that charging is over. The device should be turned on;
  2. Disconnect the charger or pull it out of the outlet. Turn off the tablet or smartphone;
  3. Again start the charging process and continue it for an hour;
  4. Disable the charger and turn on the tablet or smartphone. Hold it in this state minute or two;
  5. Turn off the device and check again. Continue for an hour;
  6. Physically disconnect the charger cable and turn on the smartphone or tablet.

It looks like strange. But everything is rational and simple. Thus, statistics relaxed and the parameters of the hardware under all conditions are adjusted. From a physical point of view, everything looks like this:

  • after the first point, the battery dials the capacity that corresponds to the maximum readings of the controller recorded in the system statistics;
  • the second item removes the load, all consumers are disabled;
  • the third item produces freight with optimal current and voltage under the hardware control of the power chip;
  • the fourth item causes the system to update statistics, since the sensor readings may not correspond to previously recorded;

The actions of the fifth and sixth point are control. They are mainly intended for complex devices that have the power management systems use statistical data. operating system. The last two actions allow you to really charge the battery completely. And the inclusion of a smartphone or tablet again writes a new maximum indicators in statistics if they have changed.

As you can see, it is possible to produce it periodically if the battery loses the capacity.

other methods

You can find some more options for action. One of them is a prototype of the methodology proposed by Google, a multiple charging / discharge of the tablet. The same collection method new statisticsonly not so accurate.

There are a number of programs similar on the principle of action on Battery Calibration. But resetting statistics parameters, as described above, does not always work well.

Which are indicators of battery control sensors in numerical form. One of them is Battery Monitor. It displays the current battery charge in milliamme aperture. It is recommended to charge the battery until the program readings coincide with the maximum container, which is written on the battery.

The program works great, but the one who decided to learn how to calibrate the battery on android, with a high probability will face problems. If we are talking about incorrect operation of the power controller or the drop in the characteristics of the battery, then in accordance with the recommendations you can repeat the charging / discharge process forever. And to no avail.

How to do?

In order not to wander in three pines, guessing why the tablet began to work less time or behaves incorrectly, use the way Google proposed. Such a calibration of the tablet battery is completely safe.

Perhaps the problems will disappear, in any case, the repetition of similar symptoms after a while will clearly signal the problems of "iron". And if you conducted experiments: changed firmware or changed power management parameters, reset statistics with using Battery. Calibration is acceptable and will give good results.

As practice shows almost all high-quality and original electronic devices, capable of working for several years without breakdowns, and much more than the service life. If you reliably protect your smartphone from random drops, it is properly exploited, not to use in wet rooms, it will certainly be able to work 10-20, or even more than a year. However, it is impossible to talk with such confidence about durability rechargeable batteries. Unfortunately, their work is approximately 2-3 years or a certain number of discharge cycles. After that, their capacity drops, and they can work less and less time between recharging. Therefore, some are interested in how to reset the battery of the phone and return its full capacity, can it be possible to return the performance of the battery to continue using it.

Immediately I would like to note that in no case it is not recommended to conduct any experiments on any power sources, as this can lead to their explosion and it is not known what consequences for the health of the one who will be at this moment nearby. In principle, as we assure some articles on the Internet, there are ways to reset the phone battery. Of course, you can try any of them, but it is worth knowing in advance that the battery does not turn back completely. Even if your experiment can succeed, then the maximum that you will succeed - it is to make several calls, after which the battery will again lose charge. If for your device stopped producing power sources, it is better to buy a similar battery from Kraftman manufacturer.

Methods how to reset the phone battery memory.

There are several ways to reset the phone battery memory. Possible effect at best can give a power source for a couple more minutes. Therefore, before you decide to try to spend any experience, it is worth you to ask - 2 additional minutes of the operation of the serial power supply are that you risk your health? If so, you can go to the first experience. Some winds recommend to warm up a few seconds battery in the microwave. The swollen batteries in no way should be used in this experience, since the likelihood of their explosion is very high.

If you bought new phoneand it does not turn on. Of course, it is best to return it under warranty, but if there is no such possibility, you will need a digital multimeter. If it shows that in the battery there is a charge (it is fully charged or partially), then try to put the battery again for charging. Sometimes new power sources can occur. If, after a few hours at the outlet, the battery does not turn on again, you can go to the store for a new or try to reset the battery memory. To do this, open the sticker from the back of the battery. Then remove the top cover to get to the control board with contacts. To make it cut the layer of glue along the edges, which holds the lid.

With the help of any metal item, close the plus with a minus. Do not be scared - there will be sparks. After that B. reverse order Collect the battery and glue everything into place. In modern lithium-ion batteries The temperature and pressure during the closure increases. Therefore, to protect the product, manufacturers include safety valves in the design, which are swap at elevated temperature. If you enjoy the battery incorrectly, these fuses will be able to prevent the battery explosion for the phone. But, in our case, they reset the battery memory. If after the experiment, the power source still does not work, then there will be enough experiments and forth for new battery to the store.

The laptop battery calibration allows you to correct the controller errors in which the actual battery capacity does not coincide with those values \u200b\u200bthat the system defines. As a result of this failure, the time of work autonomous work The laptop is significantly reduced, which delivers inconvenience users.

When you need to do

Consider a specific example: the real charge of the battery is 70%. Because of the wrong operation of the controller in the system, a 40% charge is displayed. When the system sees that the charge fell to 10%, the laptop will be sent to sleep mode. However, the real capacity of the battery will not be 10%, but 40%, that is, another hour you could use a laptop offline.
To fix this error, you need to make a battery calibration. This procedure also helps to get rid of the "memory" effect, in which the battery "remembers" the charge level when the laptop was connected to the network, and subsequently gives energy to this border, that is, the battery capacity is not fully used.

The effect of "memory" is found in nickel-cadmium (NICD) and nickel-metal-hydride (NIMH) batteries, there are no such problems in lithium-ion batteries.

Determination of the capacity of the battery

Before calibrating the battery, check whether the battery needs in carrying out such events. You can do this using a string command:

  1. Launch command line with administrator powers.
  2. Run PowerCfg.exe -Energy -output D: nout.html command. Last value (D: Nout.html) indicates the location of the storage and name of the report file.
  3. Wait for the analysis. Go to D: (You can have another disc) and double click on the created Nout file. It will open in the browser.
  4. Sign up page to the "Battery Information" section. See two parameters - the calculation capacity and last complete charge. Here is the chemical composition - NiCD, NIMH or Lion.

If the last complete charge is much lower than maximum capacityYou need to calibrate the battery. Realibration will help troubleshoot a laptop battery controller. It is important to understand: the battery will not restore to its initial state, you only eliminate the error, because of which the battery capacity is incorrect.

Automatic calibration

There is a few calibration method with special programs on different laptops.


Lenovo laptops have special utility, allowing you to calibrate the battery counter. All Lenovo Idea laptops are equipped with Energy Management with power supply.

The calibration process will take quite a lot of time - the battery will first be charged, and then completely discharged. It is impossible to interrupt the operation, the computer is also not recommended.

Phoenix Bios.

There are such a kind of programs on other laptops. HP laptops are equipped with a utility that allows you to check the status of the battery and, if necessary, calibrate it by correcting the error in determining the charge level.

On some laptop models, the Calibration program in the BIOS. Let's see how to calibrate the battery using the example of Phoenix BIOS:

It is important that when conducting a battery setting procedure, the power adapter has been disabled. Otherwise, when you start the BIOS utility, you will see a warning.

If built-in calibration tools you did not find, you can download universal program For all laptop models - Batterycare, Battery Eater, etc. However, it is better to use the standard tools, avoiding third-party software.

Manual calibration

If you have no program on a laptop that allows you to make calibration, and there is no possibility to download a universal utility, you can perform a manual controller error correction procedure. You can calibrate the battery in three actions:

  1. Charge the battery to the maximum.
  2. Discharge it completely.
  3. Check up to 100% again.

The problem is that as soon as you disconnect the laptop from the network, the power plan will change on it. Upon reaching a certain level of low charge, the laptop will switch to sleep mode, that is, completely discharge it will not succeed. Let's fix this flaw:

The plan you created will be selected automatically.

Another option is to go to and wait until the battery is discharged. Almost all laptops in the BIOS no charge control, so the laptop will not be able to turn off on their own while the battery does not sit down.

To make a calibration, use a laptop until it turns off due to the full battery discharge (the power adapter is disabled, the device only works from the battery). Next, you should connect it as soon as possible to the network - the battery is harmful for a long time in the discharged state.

After executing these actions, the controller fails will be eliminated. Laptop battery calibration does not increase battery life - it is impossible to restore program methods Physical wear of the battery. But the battery capacity will be determined correctly, which will make the most efficiently used charge.

I did this way many times and never helped! Think that only getting worse! Battery new! I decided that if nothing helps to experiment, I changed the firmware prevailing completely by the previous one exactly over the recovery destroyed and did not drop away and then I was overwheed, I tried numerous programs and methods of calibration to manually using this method! Now I decided to do everything on the turn to the zero and the phone here must be cut off! Jought B. file manager And deleted the file! The phone did not cut down, I think this hour myself will love, the phone continued to get a fear for a few more minutes and at the same time showed the percentage of charge and also popped up the frame on the screen with warning, said 1% charge. Connect the charger! What will happen next while I do not know, I'm right now in the process! Here is a question here if the file is deleted Did the phone should show% charge? After all, the file with information is removed! ?

Now, while Swami stood here, I sharpened on another site and that's what I found! He himself did not try! ! ! Pure to know your opinion! ! !
1. Charge a tablet or smartphone. The process should go at least 8 hours, even if the system signals that charging is over. The device should be turned on.
2. Disconnect the charger or pull it out of the outlet. Turn off tablet or smartphone.
3. Turn the charging process and continue it for an hour.
4. Disable the charger and turn on the tablet or smartphone. Hold it in this state minute or two. 5. Turn off the device and make charging again. Continue throughout the hour.
6. Physically disconnect the charger cable and turn on the smartphone or tablet.
The developer offers its own way to calibrate the battery looks at first glance. But everything is rational and simple. Thus, statistics relaxed and the parameters of the hardware under all conditions are adjusted.
From a physical point of view, everything looks like this:
-After the first point of the battery dials the capacity that corresponds to the maximum testimony of the controller recorded in system statistics;
-Theless item removes the load, all consumers are disabled;
-Tretes the item produces a frequency with optimal current and voltage under the hardware control of the power chip;
-Herous item causes the system to update statistics, since sensor readings may not be configured previously recorded;
The actions of the fifth and sixth point are control. They are mainly intended for complex devices that have the power management systems use the statistics of the operating system.
The last two actions allow you to really charge the battery completely. And the inclusion of a smartphone or tablet again writes a new maximum indicators in statistics if they have changed.
What do you think? And another million in advance in the network. And no one has proven their effectiveness.

There are two options for zeroing the laptop battery controller - with special programs or manually. It is worth conducting this procedure when the battery was repaired, or when the work of the software responsible for charging was failed.

Calibration using software

If you have changed batteries in the battery, this method will be very effective. Now it is necessary to reset the controller, otherwise the correct work will be impossible. A program that is useful is called Battery EEPROM Works. Among its functions:

  • Skeys the residual capacity indicators. It must be installed according to the appropriate value that the battery has acquired after the repair.
  • Zeroings the cycles counter.
  • The release date is established according to the one that is specified on your device.

After the manipulations conducted, the battery starts working from zero. If you ignore calibration, that is, the risk is spoiled and the battery itself, since the laptop will start periodically disconnected.

Uset manual controller

In order to calibrate in manual mode, Special software does not need, professional skills will not need. An algorithm of actions such:

  • Disconnect the adapter from the network and restart the device. Call the BIOS service before the system is fully loaded.
  • Now leave a laptop included. If it has a property to overheat, then install the cooler previously.
  • After the laptop turned off, you can enable the adapter to the network and wait for a complete charge. Now the battery will work in the right mode.

This method is suitable in the case when problems arise with softwareAnd the battery itself does not need repair.

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