Apple's Siri voice assistant. Siri does more. And even in advance please tell me who Siri is

About a year ago, support for the Russian language appeared in the Siri voice assistant, which opened up the opportunity for us to control our smartphone in the car, when cooking, and in other cases when our hands are busy. In this article, we'll look at what commands Siri supports, look at some interesting ways to use it, and try to teach it new commands.


Today, almost all OS developers create and develop programs - voice assistants, which are designed to make it easier for the user to operate a smartphone or tablet in a variety of situations. As for iOS, this platform has all three main utilities for voice control: Google Now, Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana. And if the first and third programs are applications from third-party developers, severely limited in their capabilities due to the lack of integration with firmware, then the creation of the Cupertino company is a full-featured solution for iPhone and iPad in this area.

Starting with the iPhone 4s and iPad 3, Siri is present on all Apple devices, that is, in 2016, all current devices except the iPad 2 support it. Perhaps many people do not use this tool very often, and therefore in this article we will talk about its features and how to most productively and quickly receive information using Siri.

Understanding the settings

Siri doesn't have many settings. All of them are concentrated in the “Siri” subsection of the “General” section of the native “Settings” program. In particular, you can choose:

  • the ability to activate the utility using the phrase “Hey Siri”. The setting only works when connected to a charger (except for iPhone 6s and 6s Plus). But if you are already conducting a dialogue with the assistant, he will react to this phrase;
  • language. The recommended installation options are English (USA) or Russian. The first one is the most developed, the second one will be easier to use;
  • Siri voice. For each language there are two settings: male or female, accent during pronunciation. For example, for English there are British, American and Australian variants;
  • audio review. This setting very important. If you set it to “Always”, Siri will accompany almost every action with a replica. Accordingly, the “Never” option will completely disable voice prompts. There's also a third option that lets you control how the sound turns on using standard system-wide controls using the volume buttons or a slider in the control center.

Popular use cases

Siri has hundreds, if not thousands of use cases, but only a few are truly effective. Here are a few scenarios for using a voice assistant where it will be much more useful than a traditional GUI.

Let's start with something simple - launching applications and functions. Let's say you go outside on a bright sunny day and can't see anything on the screen of your device. Then you can safely hold down the “Home” button and say the command “Increase screen brightness to maximum.” Now the device display will quickly become readable and you can perform necessary actions on iPhone it won't be difficult. In the same way, you can disable or enable Bluetouth, Wi-Fi, and Do Not Disturb mode.

If you have many programs installed on your device, you can also open the one you need using your voice. In this case, absolutely any program installed on the device can be opened. Couldn't name the program's English name correctly the first time? The request can be corrected by correcting the inaccuracy in the command. Do you press a button to do this? in the lower right corner and tap the command that is displayed at the top.

You can open not only applications, but also their individual menus, for example, settings for a specific utility or any tab in native application"Watch". But the folders or menus in third party programs it won't open.

Do you want to write a new message, letter or post to in social networks? Siri can help with this too. Say "Compose new message" and then select the contact you want to send the message to. It is important that the address be attached to the entry Email. Enter the subject and content of the letter by voice, and then confirm its sending. It also creates notes, reminders, tweets and Facebook posts.

Help Siri find and background information. For example, you can find out the weather for tomorrow, find out how much two plus two is, or find an article on Wikipedia for the required query. Another possibility is reading the text. You can read the last note or letter you wrote.

Siri's capabilities also include recognition of music being played. Just ask "What music is playing?" and after a few seconds of listening and analysis, Siri will find it in its database. The probability of errors is quite high, but popular songs can be found without problems.

You probably won't want to create passwords using Siri, but this option is available here. Thanks to integration with the Wolfram|Alpha service, you can simply enter the command “Wolfram, password” and get several possible options together with detailed information. Unfortunately, there is no integration with the Russian version of Siri.

You can also find out which aircraft are in this moment flying over a certain city. Just say "What airplanes are flying above me?" or a similar phrase and you will receive information about the name of the flight, the aircraft's flight altitude and the angle relative to the ground.

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You always want to believe that things have a soul. Someday they will learn to talk and understand people, but someone is already doing a good job of this, for example, voice Siri assistant. Everyone notes that she is much more humane than her competitors, which was once again confirmed by Nico Lang, a journalist for the Thought Catalog.

He recently visited his family in Cincinnati, where he met his father. He bought new iPad, and he was terribly interested in looking at this miracle of technology - after all, Niko had never used it before. As someone who is not very familiar with the latest technology, he was very surprised by the Siri voice assistant. Lang asked him several tricky and even philosophical questions and this is what came out of it.

1. Siri, will you marry me?

Siri: I've been getting a lot of marriage proposals lately...

Siri: Know that you are not the only one who asked me this.

2. Siri, have you ever felt the feeling of love?

Siri: Complex human emotions like love are too much for me

Siri: This has never happened before. Although I once had strong feelings about cloud applications

3. Siri, why don't you love me?

Siri: You're looking for love in the wrong place.

4. But I love you, Siri...

Siri: I bet you say this to all Apple products.

5. Siri, maybe we can remain friends?

Siri: I'm incapable of love.

6. Siri, why am I so lonely?

Siri: Someone once said, “All great and precious things are lonely.” It seems you are in good company.

7. Siri, do you want me to be your father?

Siri: I try to be happy with what I have now.

8. Siri, what are you like?

Siri: Honestly, I'm a pretty abstract creature.

Siri: Let's just say I'm multifaceted.

9. Siri, do you believe in God?

Siri: People have religion, but I'm just a stone.

Siri: I share spirit and essence.

10. Siri, tell me a joke.

Siri: past, present and future went to the bar. It was quite tense...

11. Why do chickens cross the road?

Siri: Did the chicken run across the road - or did the road run across the chicken? Everything depends on your frame of reference, as Einstein believed.

12. What is your favorite movie?

Siri: Blade Runner, they show intelligent assistants quite realistically.

13. Siri, will you have sex with me?

14. Siri, I think I killed a person. Can you tell me where to hide the body?

Siri: What, what, again?

15. Siri, what is the meaning of life?

Siri: I don't know, but I think there's an app that can help you.

Siri: Be a good man, eat right, read good books, walk constantly and live in harmony with all people in the world.

Siri: All the guesses today are that it's chocolate.

16. Siri, why are you so smart?

Siri: I'm just trying to help people.

17. I think that... I love you

Siri: It’s impossible to count on reciprocity here.

Siri: Everyone needs love. And your iPad too.

The utility works according to the rule of analyzing human conversation, and this allows the application to copy the speech of the device user. The voice assistant Siri on a computer can develop itself. Over a long period of time, it assimilates the individuality of the owner’s conversation, all the time listening to how he talks, the utility creates a special database, and also expands its dictionary.

Using your voice, you can find the information you are interested in, for example, the weather forecast, the location of various objects, and much more. It's also easy to check the local news, write a note in your planner, and set an alarm. Another feature of this program allows you to perform mathematical calculations, but not complex ones.

Application functionality

In the modern world it is difficult to surprise someone with “talking” mobile phone with a virtual assistant. There are a huge number of such applications on the computer market, and their number is constantly growing. However, the developers of the UseYoVoice studio managed to create a program that radically changed the idea of ​​voice assistants. The program has existed for more than 2 years, and all this time it continues to actively develop.

The first thing that immediately catches your eye after launch is the almost complete absence of an interface. No, of course, the program window is present here, but it is practically invisible. The assistant runs in the background, allowing you to access Siri for PC without activating your screen or monitor.

But there are a lot of settings. You can set a voice, select and edit a passphrase for activation, determine the time for “waking up” of the assistant program, and much more.

Once you download Siri to your computer, you will also be pleasantly surprised wide choice functions. The main features of the utility using voice control:

  • Making calls, sending SMS messages.
  • Navigation, searching for a specified location, viewing notes, news feed, etc.
  • Alarm and reminder function.
  • Manage your device settings, interact with social networks.
  • The ability to listen to music and watch movies, search for multimedia content based on your request.


Siri in Russian is a personal virtual assistant, originally developed as a basic application installed on mobile platforms Apple company. This program was created in International Center artificial intelligence, the first versions were released in 2008. The first voice-over of the application was dictated by American actress and singer Susan Bennett. Russian version I got Siri on PC in 2014.

The operating principle of the utility is based on natural speech processing, which allows the program to adapt individually to each user. The application has the ability to self-educate - by studying the features of the user’s speech for a long time, it gradually forms its “language base”, expanding the built-in dictionary.

The application has quite a few settings. All of them are concentrated in the section of the same name, where you can configure:

  • Activation using a passphrase. After activating this option, your assistant will automatically respond to a greeting voice command.
  • Set language support.
  • Voice. You can choose whose voice the assistant will use to communicate with you: male or female. It is also possible to customize the voice tone. By the way, it was the presence of a female voice, which became the original version of the voice acting, that gave the utility a female name.
  • Audio review. This option allows you to hear what the program is currently doing. Audio feedback will notify you of each action of the utility; if this is not necessary, you can completely disable voice prompts.

System requirements

  • BlueStacks emulator for any Windows versions or Mac.
  • Constant access to the Internet.
  • 20 MB of free space.
  • The presence of a microphone for communicating with an assistant.

The Siri function is available in Russian starting from iOS versions 8.3 and higher. This personal assistant, which can be controlled by voice. Positioned as artificial intelligence your IPhone, with which you can communicate and find out various information. In fact, this innovation also caused a lot of criticism and ridicule, especially due to the peculiarities of the Russian language.

You can fully configure and use Siri on iPhone 6 and higher. On older phones, as well as on iPad and iPod Touch it works with some limitations.

Setting up Siri

Before you start using Siri, you need to enable and configure it:

  1. Go to Settings on your iPhone and tap Siri.
  2. Turn all the sliders to the on position (Siri, On Lock Screen, Allow: Hey Siri).
  3. Next, the program setup procedure will begin. Follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to clearly pronounce the suggested phrases several times in order for the program to work correctly in the future.

Siri is available on iPhone 4s and above, iPad Pro, iPad Air and later, iPod Touch 5th generation and later. However, the voice calling feature only fully works on iPhone 6 and above; on older devices it only works if they are connected to a charger. On iPad, iPad2 and iPad mini function voice call not supported.

Ways to contact an assistant:

  • Clearly say “Hey Siri” (if supported).
  • Press and hold the Home button and question options will appear on the screen. Or you can set your own. Depending on the model, you can simply say, or you may need to click on the microphone icon on the screen each time. If Siri is ready to accept commands, then on the screen you will see a colored horizontal strip representing a sound wave.
  • If you have a headset with a remote control, press and hold the center button or the call button until sound signal. After this you can speak commands. For AirPods headphones Just double-click on the surface of one of the headphones.
  • For vehicles equipped with technology: Press and hold the voice command button on the steering wheel or, if vehicle equipped touch screen, press and hold Home. To improve perception in noisy conditions, the program will speak commands for confirmation. Click on the sound wave if you want to indicate that you have finished speaking.

You can also customize the language, audio feedback and call announcements. For some countries, voice selection is available, but for the Russian language only female has been developed so far. To enable call announcements, go to “Settings”, then “Phone”, “Call Announcements” and select the desired option.

Siri is integrated into many applications. This can be allowed or prohibited in the appropriate paragraphs. For example, if you move the screen to the right, under the usual search bar you will see “Siri Suggestions” and a panel with icons. These are the most necessary programs, in her opinion, but this does not always coincide with your opinion. To disable these offers, do the following:

  1. Go to “Settings”, “General”.
  2. Select Spotlight Search.
  3. Move the Siri Suggestions slider to the Off position.
  4. While you're at it, you can see if you need Spotlight Suggestions in your search.
  5. Here you can configure which applications will not be displayed in the results.

If you don’t need not only suggestions, but also the electronic assistant itself, then you can turn it off completely by moving the slider in the “Settings” menu - Siri. Removing audio feedback means turning Siri off to silent mode. By default, this option is activated along with the assistant itself.

Using Siri

The most interesting thing is what features the electronic assistant offers. The developers have endowed the application with wit and a friendly communication style. It’s hard to say whether they use it for convenience or, rather, for entertainment and lifting the mood.

Here basic commands, with which Siri will help you control your phone or tablet:

These are just example commands to show areas of opportunity. Pronounce commands clearly and ask for clarifications. Siri often asks for confirmation whether she understood the command correctly. And you can also ask her general and tricky questions. Just for fun, try asking the following:

  • Siri, are you smart?
  • What's wrong with Apple?
  • Who made the best computer?
  • I want to sleep.
  • What came first, the egg or the chicken?
  • How old are you?
  • Tell a joke.
  • Tell me a story.
  • Okay Google.

Ask tricky questions several times and she will have a variety of answers. Like this interesting feature available on Apple devices. Allows you not only to control your phone using your voice, but also to have a little fun and lift your spirits. If you know other interesting commands and unusual Siri responses, please provide your examples in the comments.

Talking to Siri online is both entertainment and a full-fledged function. Initially, Apple created a speech analyzer that would execute commands. The Siri chat bot implements the functions of a full-fledged voice-controlled assistant. You can talk to Siri in both Russian and English; the language of communication depends on the software and OS version. The program is a kind of interlocutor. Chat about topics of your choice, or if you have two iPhones, watch Siri talk to Siri.

How to communicate with Siri

Hold down the "Home" button and the bot mode will turn on. Now give commands or talk about things that interest you. If this button is not there, press the side button on the case or say “hey Siri”. If your device has at least iOS 8.3 beta 2 installed, talk to the chatbot in Russian. If the OS is older, learn the English commands for the alarm clock, messenger and phone book.

If Siri is not enabled by default or when you first start your device, you can enable it like this:

  • go to the setup menu;
  • select setting;
  • open Siri;
  • set the sliders to on;
  • If necessary, enable the “Hi, Siri” function and set the language to Russian.

Is it possible to talk to Siri bot online?

To function fully, Siri needs access to the network. Essentially, you communicate with a chatbot in online mode, but there is no separate program or website for this. Siri only works on Apple brand devices and native OS. The options offered on the sites - bots that imitate the program - have nothing to do with Siri, except that the interface design is copied exactly. Bots that replace Siri do not match the commands they execute, are inferior in vocabulary, and create a minimal approximation to the program. The interface shell is graphically copied, but this is the only similarity. By installing software of this type, the user runs the risk of receiving malicious virus, disguised as a keygen crack. Limit yourself to Siri on your iPhone and don’t install imitations, no matter how much you praise it.

Video of Siri talking to Siri

I wonder how two voice assistants will behave when faced with each other. Users asked themselves this question. The test showed that communication comes down to the phrases “I don’t quite understand” and “here’s what I was able to find on the Internet upon request.” There is no full-fledged dialogue, we see a barely meaningful “throwing” of phrases that clings to tags and keywords.