How to set up an account and create an email newsletter in MailChimp. Mailchimp Secrets: Customizing Forms and Fields Getting Started with MailChimp

We figured out how to send standard emails using MailChimp. There are cases when doing this manually is inconvenient. For example, if you want to send welcome emails to all new subscribers or wish them a happy birthday.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to create and configure automatic emails in MailChimp.

Why do we need automated emails in MailChimp?

By automatic, we mean emails that are sent after a certain event: subscription to a newsletter, subscriber’s birthday, entry into a segment. Using automatic emails, we usually implement a welcome series, where we welcome a new subscriber, give a gift for subscribing, and talk about the product.

However, Automation can be configured not only for new subscribers. For example, you can send emails to a specific segment. There is also a special type of automatic letters that are sent on the subscriber’s birthday or after the first purchase.

We will not consider trigger or transactional emails in this article. They are also sent automatically, but are configured differently. All trigger emails are implemented through Mandrill, which connects to your MailChimp account separately, and are called using API requests. But automatic emails can be set up in MailChimp without third-party services.

Automatic emails are located in the same place as regular ones - in the Campaigns section. Create a new campaign, select the Automated type.

The new automatic chain will appear in the general Campaign tab next to the standard mailings. There you can pause and edit this chain.

Automatic emails in MailChimp are divided into several groups:

  1. Subscriber Activity - letters that are launched depending on the activity of the subscriber.
  2. E-commerce - emails related to e-commerce: abandoned cart, thank you for your purchase.
  3. Data Based - emails whose launch depends on the data in your list. A classic example is a birthday. Information about this day is stored in the list of subscribers, and the letter is sent regarding it.
  4. API - letters that are launched based on API requests.

How to set up sending in MailChimp

First, you need to create a new automatic chain in the Campaign section. For example, let's choose the most common type of automatic letters - Welcome new subscriber - welcome letters for new subscribers.

The idea is for people to automatically receive the first email when they sign up for the newsletter. The letter may contain a gift or congratulations on a successful subscription. There can be as many letters in a chain as you like, and it is launched in MailChimp through the Welcome new subscriber.

Next, we select the type of automatic chain, enter the name and immediately select the list of subscribers to whom we will send these letters. Initially, everything is configured for one list, but within automation, sending can be divided into segments or groups.

This is what an automated email chain looks like from the inside:

A new email is added to the chain using the Add Email button:

Let's figure out what certain buttons do:

1. Edit Workflow button in the upper right corner. If you click it, you will go to the main settings: name, sender email, GA tracking.

2. Configure appearance You can send emails using the Design Email button, everything is the same as in standard emails. We told you how this is done. We customize the appearance of the letter, links, and test it.

3. To launch the letter, we need the Edit Trigger button. Here are the settings for launching a letter.

You can change the time when the letter arrives. For example, the first welcome letter needs to be sent as soon as the subscriber is on the list, so we set it to Immediately. The next letters should arrive after some time. To do this, we configure how many days or hours after sending the first letter they should be sent.

The Change Trigger button hides the type of automation. We initially chose that these would be letters for new subscribers, but this can be changed here. For example, set it up so that automation starts after activity in a campaign.

The Trigger when subscribers are imported setting allows you to send automatic emails to those contacts that you will import into the list.

4. Schedule. Here you can set up sending for a specific day or time. For example, so that the letter is sent only at 9:00 on all days except weekends.

5. Segment. Here you can select the segment to which the letter will be sent.

6. Actions. Here you can assign an action to those who received the letter. For example, place them in another segment.

When everything is ready, click Next in the lower right corner and continue sending in the same way as with standard letters. Only we will launch not just one letter, but a whole chain. We can pause or edit it at any time. Bingo.

Hello everyone on the updated SEO sectarian Blog! By the way, you can express your thoughts about the redesign))

Most likely, you are currently using the Feedburner service. There are rumors that it may be closed, like Google Reader. Therefore, it’s time to think about a backup option for email newsletters.

Some of you came to this article directly from your mailbox, because you once subscribed to blog updates (those who have not subscribed yet, what are you waiting for?))).

For email newsletters, I have also been using Feedburner quite successfully for a long time. This is a wonderful service, but... when using it, I did not have enough response from subscribers. That is, I saw conversions from email newsletters in Google Analytics, but this seemed not enough to me.

That's why I discovered MailChimp. This is not the discovery of America, of course, but it is also quite a serious step forward.

MailChimp will also be useful to you if:

You want to change the headers of emails in your newsletter. Headings are a very important thing, because in many ways it depends on them whether a person will open your letter or not.

You want to control the content of your email newsletter: insert any pictures, text, links.

You want to see how many subscribers opened your email and even how many times.

You want to see who clicked on which links from your email.

If you want to segment your subscribers according to any parameters and send them letters in accordance with this segmentation.

Here, in my opinion, are the main advantages of using MailChimp for email campaigns. The only downside for some will be that this service is English language. But it's not that hard to figure out.

Today I have a technical post and it is related to the fact that I want to introduce you to the Mailchimp service. Mailchimp is a service that serves as a responder, i.e. "knows how" to send letters. So let's get started.

Good day, my dear visitors and guests of the blog siteMailchimp in Russian - a service for sending emails

In this post we will talk to you about this:

  • mailchimp in Russian - myth or reality
  • why mailchimp?
  • registering and setting up the Mailchimp service
  • sending letters
  • how to gather subscribers using your blog

To begin with, I would like to say this. Many users who might like to use this service, can immediately go on board, i.e. say something like this: “How is it that the service is not translated into Russian... I simply cannot use it!”

In fact, this phrase contains only half of the truth. Mailchimp in Russian is quite real reality and this is due to the fact that it is translated very well by any translator built into the browser. Which is what I intend to demonstrate in this post.

And since I myself do not use it quite often, this once again confirms the fact that translations from the browser Google Chrome That's enough for me. It is Chrome that I mainly use in my work. So, I think this issue can be removed from the agenda)))

Why mailchimp?

Yes because...))

In fact, I use two services in my work. One, not without famous, who is Lately More and more often I am being “frozen out” by my clumsy work. Either he doesn’t send confirmation letters, or he doesn’t send the series of letters itself….

I wrote to the support service several times. There is only one answer - wait, soon everything will work just great. If it doesn't work, it will fly! About a week ago, I wrote to them again and told them that I couldn’t simply substitute variables in a letter (whoever knows what this is will understand). The answer is the same - everything will be fine.

To the question about whether it is possible to return the money? (I asked just out of curiosity) - the answer was: “Sorry, May baby...” I’m exaggerating of course, but the fact that I paid exactly before the New Year for an annual account only speaks of the fact that I stay in Smart until the last... ruble.

Wait and see. So far Smart is limping, but eating. That's why I decided to try another service, especially for free.

And you and I have smoothly approached what I want to devote this post to.

Registering and setting up the Mailchimp service

We immediately click on the browser button that prompts us to translate.

Next, click on the red button located in the upper right corner. "Registration Registration"- very convincing))) This is where the “glitches” of the translation lie. It is necessary to remember the elementary form, which I don’t even want to focus on. Indeed, 30 seconds is enough for this.

An activation letter will be sent to your email. There you need to click on the button "Activate Account"

After which, you will be taken to a form in which you need to enter a captcha. Next, you will be taken to a registration form, in which the system will ask you for various data: time, address, photo, name of the organization, etc.
In fact, you can come up with all this data and then, by logging into your account, configure it the way you need.

Let's first go through the menu "Settings account»

It consists of five main submenus. Let's move on to the first one - "Account Settings" All the information that you provided during registration is concentrated here: full name, phone number, address, organization...

In fact, there is no need to change anything there. If desired, you can correct your data.

Next submenu − "My profile". Here you can change your password and set up notifications that will come to you either via SMS or via email.

In submenu "Billing"— information on tariff plans, payment. For now, we won't worry about it. We use free account, which has a limit of 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 letters. For initial work - just right.

Go to the submenu "Additionally"

There are several points of interest here.

Integration— connecting your service account to social networks. This is not difficult to do. Click on the required social network and there you log in. Your accounts will now be linked.

APIKey - for now you can just look at this section of the submenu and just remember where it is given key. You will need it a little later, when we connect different extensions. Those. this key is essentially a “pass” to control third party program Your Mailchimp account.

Other sections this menu we will not be interested.

And finally, the last submenu - "Awards"

Let's go to the section - « MonketRewards" and scrolling to the very bottom, we will find affiliate links for your account. Those. By inviting people using this link, you will receive certain cash bonuses. But I can’t announce the size of these bonuses - I just don’t know.

If anyone has this information, please share it in the comments.

Looks like it's on the first menu — “Account Settings” We've sorted it out for you.

Our next action is to create a list of subscribers:

Then in the upper right corner click "Create List"

In the window that appears, fill in all the fields, as I indicated in the video. That's it - you now have a list. It is now necessary to fill it out with more and more new subscribers.

That's all for today, friends. In the following parts, I will talk about how you can quickly and effortlessly gain subscribers to your subscription list, using only your blog. Also, in the next part I will clearly show and talk about how you can send “ordinary” letters to your subscription list.

And so as not to miss this information— I advise subscribe to updates my blog and receive notifications about my new posts to your email inbox.

That's all for today, I think.

MailChimp does not have a Russian version. You can use a page translator in your browser, but it often just complicates things. Overall, MailChimp's interface is intuitive and the words used are simple, so even a minimal knowledge of the language will be enough. And of course, you can learn a lot from our guide.

Register with MailChimp

To register with MailChimp, go to the main page, click Log In in the upper right corner, and go to the login page. On the same page, click Create o;an account, as in the screenshot. Then everything is the same as in other services. Enter your email, username and password. You can log into your account not only through email, but also through your username. If you don’t want to come up with a unique login, you can simply write your email there again. The password must contain at least:
  • one lowercase character
  • one capital letter
  • one digit
  • one special character
  • minimum 8 characters
To fulfill all the conditions, use any online password generator. If you are used to remembering the same password, we advise you to quit this bad habit and start storing your passwords securely, for example, using OnePassword or LastPass. When your account is created, don't forget to go to your mailbox and click on the link in the email to confirm your email address. Now you can use it.

Setting up a MailChimp account

After confirming your account, a form will open where you need to enter information about yourself and your organization, company name, and website address. This information is written by default in the footer of the letter and some subscription forms. You can remove it or leave it - the choice is yours. In the footer of the letter it looks like this:

And on the subscription confirmation page - like this: After you fill out everything, you will be taken to home page your account, where there is nothing yet:
In the future, here you will see statistics on subscribers and sent letters.

Profile and Account menu

When you hover over your name, a menu appears in the upper right corner of the page. From there you can get to the main account management pages.
On the profile page you can change your password and see a list of accounts to which you have access. Please note that MailChimp separates the concepts of profile and account (Profile, Account). The profile is linked to the user, and the account is linked to the company. One person can have access to several accounts:
This is convenient both for the user - you can log in to different accounts with the same login - and for companies - you can differentiate user rights.

How to give users access to your MailChimp account

To give your colleagues access to your account, don’t even think about sending them your username and password - these scoundrels might someday quit and send a letter to your entire database with a video of you drunk playing Twister with your accountant at a New Year’s corporate party.
So go to the menu Account → Settings → Users.
There will be a list of users who have access to the account. Click on the Invite A User button. Specify the email to which you want to provide access and user rights:
  • reader: view only;
  • viewing reports, creating and editing campaigns without the ability to send campaigns;
  • manager: full access to your account, except for payments, export of subscribers and the ability to change account information;
  • admin: full access without restrictions.

How to Change Contact Information in MailChimp

In the settings → contact information section, you can change the information that you filled out when you first set up your account: Contact Information, company activities, website address.

How to pay for your account

Mailchimp can be used for free or paid, and there are four options:
  • Forever Free - free account;
  • Monthly - with monthly payment;
  • Pay As You Go - with payment as needed;
  • Pro Version - an extended version - for those who have been using the services for a long time, and the mailing base has already exceeded 10,000.

Forever Free Plan is a free plan, enabled by default, it allows you to have up to 2,000 subscribers and send up to 12,000 emails per month. You can pay through the Upgrade Account button. You can pay for the service credit card or via PayPal. To select a payment method, go to Billing → Monthly plans or credit. There in the right corner you can configure the payment method.
Click on the button and enter your credit card information.

Mailing lists in MailChimp: create, configure, add subscribers

How to Create an Email List in MailChimp

So, there is nothing in your account yet. Start by creating a list of subscribers. Go to Lists and click the Create List button there. You will be asked to fill out a form. Well, fill it out:
List name- name of the mailing list. Come up with something so that you can easily understand what kind of addresses are there, where they came from and what kind of letters they receive. Name the lists decently - subscribers see these names. Default from email- the default sender's address, which mailing recipients will see and to which I will send replies. The sender address can be changed when preparing the mailing. Default from name- the default sender's name, which will be displayed in the "from" field. It can also be changed for each mailing. Campaign URLs Settings- setting up special links for campaigns, you can skip for now. Remind people how they signed up to your list- a reminder why a person received the newsletter. Users see it, and it is assumed that this reminder will help forgetful subscribers remember what kind of newsletter it is. Actually, it won't help. So just write something like "You received this email because you signed up for [company name]" Company/Organization- Information about the company. This information will be automatically inserted into the footer of letters. Notifications- notifications. You will receive news about your list: how many people have subscribed, how many have unsubscribed. You can choose options: receive all the news in bulk for the day (daily summary) or receive a notification as soon as someone subscribes (one-by-one subscribe...) or unsubscribes (one-by-one unsubscribe...). The settings will only work for specific list of subscribers. When you create a new mailing list, you need to enter this data again; they can be made different for each list. But any mail that you use as the sender's mail will have to be verified - to confirm that it really belongs to you. The settings of each mailing list can be changed at any time. To do this, go to the desired list from the Lists menu, click Settings → List name and defaults
There you can change the list name, address and sender name.

How to add subscribers to MailChimp newsletter

There are several ways to add subscribers to your mailing list.

Add subscribers manually

As long as you don't have hundreds or thousands of subscribers and just want to add your mom to your mailing list, you can do it manually. To do this, on the mailing lists page, find the one to which you want to add a subscriber and click on the “Add subscriber” button
This function is available on the list page itself too
When adding a new subscriber, you can specify all the values ​​for him, including additional fields; only one field is required - email. At the end, you need to check the box that is highlighted in the screenshot below. This way we confirm that the person has agreed to receive our newsletter. If you do not check the box, the contact will not be added.
The second checkbox in this screenshot “if this person is already on my list, update their profile” is optional. It means that you are not adding a new subscriber, but updating his data.

Copy from Excel

Let's say you have an Excel file with contacts and you want to upload them to your mailing list. Go to the desired mailing list, Add Contacts → Import Contacts
There select Copy/Paste from file
Click the Next button in the lower right corner. Next we copy from our Excel file contacts and paste them into the copy window. It is advisable that the list of addresses in your file be compiled taking into account the fields you need.
Be sure to check the box as in the screenshot. So you agree that Mailchimp can change your tariff after adding contacts - if there are more addresses than your tariff allows, you will be automatically transferred to another and charged. After we have copied and pasted the contacts into the field, click the Next button. The system will try to match its fields provided for lists with the columns from your Excel file. All you have to do is configure these fields (well, for example, you had a column with the date of birth, and MailChimp counted this as the date of registration) - click on each one, skip those that are defined correctly (Skip button), and give the correct name to those that MailChimp does not recognized. Be careful, this data may be required for personalization later. As a rule, the system recognizes email, name and phone number without problems.
Then click the Next button. If it is inactive, it means you missed some field. You must either edit it or click on Skip (do not use).

Import from CSV

This function is located in the same menu as the previous one - Add subscribers → Import Contacts. When importing, you do not need to copy anything, just upload the file with subscribers in CSV format into the system. Go to the next page using the Next button. There we upload a file with subscribers.
Let's move on to the next page, where the already familiar procedure awaits us - we assign which column to which additional field applies. Everything here is exactly the same as in the previous paragraph. We skip the columns we don’t need, and for the ones we need, we write what kind of field it is.

Built-in subscription forms

You can set up subscription forms for your mailing lists and place them on your site. We described this procedure in detail in the article about MailChimp subscription forms.

Why your account may be blocked

Mailchimp fights against unscrupulous mailers. He can block your account or certain functions in it if he suspects you of sending spam. What distinguishes honest mailing from spam is, first of all, the consent of users to receive letters. Spam arrives without an invitation, but users wait for a good newsletter. In Mailchimp, you can't send a campaign without an unsubscribe option. If you do not add the “unsubscribe” link yourself, MailChimp will insert it. After registration, you indicate in your profile the type of activity of the company, the main website. MailChimp takes some time to verify this information. It is important here that the activities of your organization do not fall under the prohibited ones; they mainly check for this. For example, if your business falls under the category gambling(gambling), for example, if you bet on sports, your account will be blocked. You will have to look for a platform that is less conservative in this regard. Mostly people encounter problems due to primary mailing indicators. You register normally, load your subscriber base, send your first campaign, and some functions in the system are blocked. Here are a few reasons why this might happen.
  1. Warming up the domain. If your domain has never sent a newsletter before, then you should not send it to a large number of addresses at once. The domain needs to be “warmed up” by sending letters to a small number of recipients. This is how your reputation will be built. That is, your emails will gradually be opened, read and clicked. This means that you are definitely not a spammer who sent out harmful mailings and changed the domain. Well don't forget
  2. Clean MailChimp account. You download part of the database, send out mailings, and then you cannot download the other part of the database. If the first mailings show poor performance, MailChimp will temporarily disable the ability to import contacts. By poor performance, the system understands a large percentage of complaints and unsubscribes. The ability to import will be returned to you when the following campaigns' unsubscribe and complaint rates return to normal.
These are the main reasons why MailChimp may block newbies. Even if you have a customer base from CRM to which you want to send letters, you most likely won’t be able to do it right away. In addition, clients who have not subscribed to you themselves are unlikely to be loyal subscribers, because they are not waiting for your letters.

What's stopping you from getting started with MailChimp?

Most likely, there is a lack of Russian language and a support service that will promptly answer your questions. And they will be, especially at the beginning.

Forget about these obstacles. With our detailed guide, you can easily set up your mailing list in MailChimp. Even if you have never encountered mailing services before.

For the convenience of working with the article, I have prepared a diagram: choose at what stage of mastering MailChimp you are and move on:

Why MailChimp?

What are the advantages of the service:

  • V free version you can send 12,000 emails to 2,000 addresses monthly;
  • simple and intuitive interface;
  • convenient statistics;
  • the ability to create segments within lists;
  • integration with social networks and other services.


  • there is no chat to get quick answers to questions;
  • automatic sending of letters - only in the paid version;
  • service in English.

MailChimp is suitable for you if you have just started getting acquainted with email marketing and are not yet ready to invest money in it, or if you have an offline business and want to send mailings to your existing client base.

So, are you ready to conquer MailChimp? There are only 5 steps left to take...

Step #1: Create and set up an account

Did you hear about the Business Academy for the first time? Find out more details at.

Step #3: Prepare your first letter

If you don’t know what to write about, watch the video where Oles explains what the first 3 letters should be in email marketing:

Now let's start creating.

Determine the type of letter

1) Go to section Campaigns and press the button Create Campaign:

Select recipients

You have several options:

1) Send emails to all subscribers on your list.

2) Select the segment that you created earlier when sending letters or that the service created itself:

3) Create a new segment or group by adding addresses from the clipboard; to do this, select Group or new segment:

4) Create a new segment using the conditions:

What conditions can you set:

Campaigns Activity

  • opened (opened), clicked on the link (cliked), the letter was sent (was sent), did not open (did not open), did not click on the link (did not click), the letter was not sent (was not sent);
  • one of the last 5 letters (Any of the Last 5 Campaigns), any of the recent letters (Any Recent Campaigns), all of the last 5 letters (All of the Last 5 Campaigns).

Conversation Activity

  • answered (has replied), did not answer (has not replied);
  • to one of the last 5 letters (Any of the Last 5 Campaigns), to any of the recent letters (Any Recent Campaigns), to all of the last 5 letters (All of the Last 5 Campaigns).

Date Added

  • after (is after), before (is before), on this day (is), corresponds (is within), does not correspond (is not within);
  • a specific date.

Email Client— you can send different letters to subscribers who open them on a computer, phone or browser. Comfortable!

  • yes (is), no (is not);
  • select one of 3 groups:
    • PC programs (Desktop Email Clients): all programs (Any Desktop), Apple Mail, Lotus Notes, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, PocoMail, Postbox, Shredder, Spicebird, The Bat!, Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail;
    • phone programs (Mobile Email Clients): all programs (Any Mobile), Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Live Mail, Windows Phone;
    • web clients (Webmail Email Clients): all programs (Any Webmail), Gmail, Hootmail, Yahoo.

Subscriber Status (Email Marketing Status)— send letters to those who have recently unsubscribed from your mailing list.

  • yes (is), no (is not);
  • subscribed (Subscribed), unsubscribed (Unsubscribed), not signed (Non-Subscribed), removed from the list (Cleaned).


  • includes (is within), does not include (is not within), within the country (is in country), not within the country (is not in country), unknown (is unknown);
  • specify the city, country and distance in miles within which you want to add subscribers to the segment.

MailChimp determines the address:

  • according to IP, when the subscriber opens letters (when using a proxy, data may be inaccurate);
  • based on the information entered when filling out the form or importing contacts.

Email Address- for example, using the ends with parameter - you can send letters to subscribers whose mail was created in Gmail.

  • yes (is), no (is not), includes (contains), does not include (does not contain), starts with (starts with), ends with (ends with), longer than (is greater than), shorter than (is less than).

First Name / Last Name

  • yes (is), no (is not), includes (contains), does not include (does not contain), starts with (starts with), ends with (ends with), longer than (is greater than), shorter than (is less than), empty (is blank), not empty (is not blank).

Notes: you can segment by other fields that you add to your list when importing.

5) Check the received segment:

Click the button Next Step: Setup to check and edit all mailing data.

Create a letter

First, grab a pen, notepad, or open text editor and write a letter. Come up with an interesting topic. Upload the attachment to Google Drive or Yandex.Disk and copy the link. Now open MailChimp and:

1) Specify the subject of the email and add tags (*|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*) if you want to personalize the To field.

The fields “Maillist name”, “Sender’s name” and “Email address” mail" are filled in automatically by the service. The same applies to tracking options. If you wish, you can change them at this step. If you are satisfied with everything, click Next Step: Template.

Tip: Use these email subject structures:

  • "Why" topics;
  • with numbers;
  • with benefits;
  • with questions;
  • with reviews;
  • fascinating;
  • targeted;
  • personalized;
  • lists;
  • seasonal;
  • malicious;
  • deficit-themes.

2) Select a letter template

You can use block layout templates ( Layouts) or email subject ( Themes). Or select a template, and while editing the letter, save it as a template (below I will tell you how to do this). And in the next newsletters, choose your design on the tab Saved templates.

An option for advanced users is to create a template in html format and upload it to the tab Code your own in one of 3 ways:

  • pasting the code ( paste in code);
  • by downloading a zip file with html code ( import from zip);
  • by specifying the import link ( import from URL).

Have you decided on a template? Press the blue button Next Step: Design in the lower right corner.

3) Formalize the letter

You can add the following elements:

Just select the desired object, drag it to the desired place in the letter and edit. MailChimp is very convenient visual editor. All changes are saved every 20 seconds, so you won't lose your work if your computer suddenly shuts down.

4) Check the letter and send it to your subscribers:

Ready? Click Next Step: Confirm We are already at the finish line.

Before sending, MailChimp encourages you to double-check everything and make any final edits. If you are confident in yourself, feel free to skip this step - click Send(same blue button in the lower right corner) and confirm sending again in the pop-up window Send Now.

Step #4: Evaluate the results

After sending the letter, you are of course interested in how your subscribers read it. MailChimp shows the following statistics:

  • the number and list of addresses that opened and clicked on the link;
  • a list of addresses that did not open the letter and to whom it was not delivered;
  • number of openings in different time— if you set your time zone, you can determine when the peak of openings was and use this for the next mailing.

Another report that I advise you to look into is undelivered letters. To do this, click on the number above the inscription Bounced:

  • Stand out from others: give a lot useful information and add intrigue to the subject line.
  • Segment your subscriber base and actively work with the passive part of the list.
  • Ask customers what they think of your content.
  • Reintroduce readers to you and your brand.
  • Remember the call to action? Add it to your emails.
  • Remove the passive part of the audience.

Step No. 5. Integrate the service with landing page and CRM

I'll tell you how to do this using PlatformaLP and amoCRM as an example. If you work with other services, write their names in the comments - together we will look for ways to integrate. But in general, I think there should be no problems.

How to create integration with PlatformaLP

To get started, go to MailChimp and create an API key. You can do this in 3 clicks:

If this information was useful to you, please like it - and I will more often prepare instructions for getting started with popular services.