How to name a page on Instagram. Everything you wanted to know about long scrolling pages. Performer, music group, public figure

When you decide to start a personal blog or personal website, the first thing you should think about is choosing a domain name. Domain is the name of the site. The way others will access it by typing it into the address bar... This is called a second-level domain. The ending of your site can be completely different, for There are many options for domain zones. But some of the most popular are and

What I don’t recommend for a project to attract search traffic is that you don’t choose the domain zone.РФ, because you need to have an understanding of the field search engine promotion, in order to correctly configure the structure of the site and links located in the Russian name.

For example, povaga.rf - the problem lies in the fact that search engines have to convert Russian characters into the “needed” encoding, and this can cause additional problems not only in the search but also on the server. The same thing can be noticed if you name the images not in English like: rezept_supa.jpg, but in Russian - “recipe for soup.jpg”...

This whole thing, sooner or later, can lead to server errors, and you can be left without images! Just some advice.

Again, many try to come up with a short Domain name, so that it is memorable and on everyone’s lips... But unfortunately, most of the short domains are already taken. And another part of beautiful names is simply that they are expensive. But it is not necessary... Whereas, a regular domain, and what is also important, is no less effective, and almost no worse than a short one. That is, you should immediately understand that there is no particular difference in promotion. And if you take the domain, then the domain will cost you around 99 rubles in total. Payment is for the whole year. Renewable every year, but not so expensive. The correct and correct option is to use a domain in I do exactly the same with other sites and online stores. This is only the first one, where I made an exception and registered a domain in the .info zone (.info, .com are international domains.) Although I don’t see a fundamental difference, and for the majority (in 99% of cases) stick to these domain zones. This is the first thing to think about. We, and then we came up with a name.

This is where it gets more interesting))

But again, no need to rack your brains too much. I offer my favorite option that works great for a blog name. This is calling the blog by your last name. Why not? Moreover, if you are going to write a thematic blog on a specific topic in which you yourself are an expert. And here, you will brand yourself. Which is very correct!

How to name a domain for a website?

How to come up with an interesting name for a website? Examples and options...

Don’t be discouraged if you can’t name the site by your last name. What’s important here is not the name as much as the content on your site itself. Combinations of words and nicknames are also great.

And this means that you can name the site the way you like, and even make combinations of 2 words. And even do them with a hyphen, like If the site is on a specific topic, then it is more correct to name the domain for a key query, or for the query to be present in the domain name.

Live example:

As you can see, the search engine highlights the keywords in your site address, which is first of all more noticeable to the visitor. And of course, at least a small, but a plus in the search rankings. Although this is a controversial opinion! Because any other site can easily and simply be higher than any domain with a key. The point here is not in the domain name, but in the content that is presented for the visitor’s specific search request. And the search engine, with its algorithms, brings your site to the right positions. To learn the secrets of algorithms, subscribe to my newsletter. As a result, you will get more visitors to your project.

Even any unsuccessful name in your opinion does not help promote the site. My blog is an example of this! I don't consider my domain to be anything special... Nothing special about it.

After all, in the search rankings, you will not rank for the domain name as for specific phrases! That is, those article headings that contain these phrases. And the same home page blog can be called a little differently than the name of the domain.

For example, enter:

There are many options and examples for naming the site. Another thing is its further development and receiving constant profit from it.

Have you come up with a name for the site?

Write below in the comments how you chose or are choosing a domain for your website... Perhaps you used a nickname, or an interesting combination of 2 words. Or, as I recommend, open Google Translator, enter variations of words there, and see what translations you get in English. Thus, having selected several different options, use the special one that you liked the most and register.

By the way! I have registered more than 1000 domains and have a wealth of experience in this area. Ask below and give your options so that I and other participants can help you...

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I would like to start a conversation about options for using such a popular mobile social network as Instagram.

A little earlier we already started talking about promotion on Facebook () and making money on YouTube (), but the RuNet space is not limited to these social networks, so I suggest broadening your horizons and learning to use another very popular tool.

A store or business account created using the technology below will need to be promoted in one way or another, i.e. increase its attendance and impact, otherwise all the work will be in vain. The safest on this moment The way to do this automatically is . It does not use spam and attracts only your target audience, which will be signed voluntarily (read about this in the article provided).

I have already written about general issues and principles of the structure of this network in the article “”. However, this information is only enough for a user approach to this service, but a business approach implies obtaining somewhat more specific knowledge and skills that, for example, will help you create your own page for advertising on Instagram or even an online store. It will be possible to fill the page with materials automatically through.

Choosing a name for the page when registering on Instagram

If you are not yet registered on Instagram, then nothing prevents you from doing so. It will be enough in App Store or in Google Play enter into search bar"instagram" and install this application to your smartphone. If you are too lazy to type in the word, then simply:

When you first launch you will be asked to enter your login or register.

You can use your existing Facebook account for this task, or you can go through standard procedure indicating your Email (a confirmation letter will then be sent to it) and coming up with a password (in principle, if you plan to work on this network for a long time, you can also indicate your mobile phone number - it will be easier to resolve some force majeure issues later):

What name (login) should I choose to make the page more popular?

Should immediately think about the name of your page(in fact, it coincides with the entered login). It will be impossible to change it later (only by creating a new account on this social network). In this regard, let me give you a few recommendations that may be useful to you:

  1. The login (the name of your page) can only be entered using Latin characters, numbers and some other symbols. If you enter something unacceptable, the Instagram registration form validation system will immediately notify you about it. Most likely, the restrictions here are the same as those imposed when creating URL addresses: ,,[_],[-] (except that the login is not case sensitive).
  2. It is possible that with the growing popularity of your page, this name will be heard by users, so it should be heard and at the same time be so that there are as few possible variants of incorrect spelling of this word (for example, it is difficult to make a mistake in spelling ktonanovenkogo because all the letters are in English transliterations have an unambiguous interpretation). Creativity is welcome.
  3. The name is taken into account in internal searches on Instagram. The presence in it of the words requested by the user will lead to the display of this page in search results. That is, here again there is internal optimization, which we constantly talk about when promoting sites and pages on other social networks.
  4. True, many names may already be taken (logins must be unique and not repeated), so underscores are often added to make them unique, for example, the Instagram page mentioned below called FISHKI_ (there are pages even with two underscores at the end of a word or between words names, for example, VIP_HAND_MADE). But if possible, it is better to avoid this.
  5. It would be an ideal option. However, there are often variants of very long words that are not clear how to write correctly in Latin letters and which often use a lot of underscores. Of course, such pages can also be popular and visited, but they still lose some users precisely because of errors when choosing a name.
  6. When coming up with a name for an online store, it’s probably better not to immediately worry about the fact that this is a store, because this may turn off visitors. It’s better not to use words like “store”, “shop” and the like, because this clearly reveals your selfish interests (commercial accounts on a mobile social network are not the most desirable place of pilgrimage for its visitors).
  7. The shorter and catchier the name, the better. But at the same time, so that users do not later have a feeling of discomfort due to the discrepancy between the name and content.
  8. Despite the fact that the name must be entered in Latin letters (because this is, in fact, your login on Instagram), it is better not to use English words, but to write (like, shutki, not jokes). An example would be the previously mentioned FISHKI.
  9. In connection with all of the above,:

What influences the success of an advertising page on Instagram?

When creating a page on Instagram, which you plan to use as advertising, you need to focus on ensuring that it has a large number of subscribers and that each new message receives a large number of likes (on VKontakte this is called a “promoted public”). In fact, this determines its commercial value and value to advertisers.

In order to achieve this, let me give you some advice:

The nuances of creating a store on Instagram

The second popular way to make money on Instagram is creation of an online store. Very often people make purchases based on emotions rather than rational needs. This is especially true for women. Therefore, a social network where photographs rule the roost is very suitable for sales. The main thing is to post photos of the product that would attract visitors.

What is prohibited on Instagram and what are hashtags?

Before you start using Instagram for your own selfish purposes, you should familiarize yourself with what is prohibited to do on this social network and what actions should not be taken, so as not to go too far and not get your account banned.

Prohibitions on content you post on Instagram, are very similar to the prohibitions that are present in other social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, YouTube). These are frivolous photos, images (you can bypass these restrictions by posting content not directly, but by reposting), content that incites hostility and ethnic hatred, and also contains obvious deception (misleading people, for example, “cure all diseases at once” or “lose five kilograms in a day”).

Well, swearing, insults, and swearing are, of course, prohibited on this network. Moreover, it is not only prohibited to post such content (photos), but also hashtags with names related to forbidden topics will also be blocked on Instagram. If you don’t know, then I’ll explain in a few words below.

In addition to prohibited topics and hashtags, there is also ban on certain actions on Instagram, which are mainly related to spam:

  1. Since the number of subscribers is a fairly important indicator of a page, influencing both the attitude of visitors towards it and the ranking when searching on Instagram, then, naturally, the system tries in every possible way to combat such things. For obvious cheating (thousands of subscribers from new accounts), your account on this network may be blocked. More moderate, “smart” and careful cheating, as a rule, goes unpunished. In general, at the initial stage they can help make subscriber numbers a little more attractive than zero.
  2. The second way to gain followers on your Instagram page is i.e. mass subscription to other pages in the hope that their owners will subscribe to yours in return. This case is also successfully suppressed, and your account may be blocked. The problem with unblocking it is mainly due to the fact that this social network actually does not have a technical support service, and there is simply nowhere to turn to such a question (except perhaps only on Facebook, since it is the one that now owns Instagram).
  3. You cannot register an unlimited number of accounts from the application on your smartphone. In my opinion, now you can create no more than three of them. Again, this is obviously related to the fight against spam.
  4. You cannot add more than three dozen hashtags to each photo you post (whether this should be done is another question). Links to other Instagram pages (they are also placed using tags, but only with a dog sign and the page name written after it) also cannot be placed infinitely many - no more than ten. These are the restrictions.
  5. If you are too active (constantly following and liking something) and exceed the permissible threshold, then after that your actions (button clicks) will not be taken into account. Moreover, the blocking will be quite long (maybe up to a week).
    1. Limits on likes - no more than 150 per hour
    2. For subscriptions - no more than 150 per hour
    3. For comments – no more than 50 per hour
    Apparently, this is again the notorious protection against automatic cheating, so do not act like bots when trying to promote a page, for example, using mass following. However, it still works well (in fact, these are services for exchanging cheats and they are very difficult to identify, if not impossible)

Banning an Instagram account is the most radical punishment (it will be almost impossible to recover) for some of the violations mentioned above. But besides this, on this social network you can be punished using more lenient methods.

The most harmless thing is if you suspect bad activity in your account (for example, when using some third party applications when working with your account). In this case, you will receive an email with a link to the email address specified during registration, following which you can set New Password to access your account. Hence the moral - when registering, indicate a mailbox to which you will then have access.

What are tags for on Instagram and how can you use them?

Well, let’s talk about tags on Instagram and wrap it up, and we’ll continue in the next article. Tags () are generally used in many social networks or blogs. They serve a fairly simple purpose - to allow additional structuring of content by topic. For a post, you add tags that briefly characterize it (for example: forest, nature, lake, fishing).

In other posts, you also try to add tags, but not always come up with new ones, but, if possible, use ones that have already been used. After this, the visitor will be able to click under your post on a tag of a topic of interest to him (for example, “fishing”) and see all the posts that were tagged with this tag. The idea is great, and on social networks, tags allow you to quickly find something on the topic you need.

Instagram in this sense is no exception. It basically uses two types of tags:

A rather interesting example of using hashtags is the structuring of products in an Instagram store. In fact, hashtags are cross-cutting for the entire social network, and by assigning tags like #red or #zamsha to your products, for example, you are unlikely to achieve what you wanted, because such tags will display publications not only from your account. But you can do it a little more cunningly by creating unique hashtags, such as #red_ktonanovenkogo or #zamsha_ktonanovenkogo.

First create a structure of your products on paper, dividing them into different groups, and for each of them come up with your own unique hashtag according to the diagram shown. Well, when filling your store, assign appropriate tags to products so that a person can use them to filter your product based on some criteria.

Okay, that's all for today. But the topic is far from exhausted. We can say that we have just begun.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Website pages are independent parts of web resources that represent text files in HTML format, each of which has its own unique address (URL).

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Let's look at an example. An analogy can be drawn with a library. There are books on the shelves - websites. They can be from 1-2 pages, and also contain more than 1 million. Each page of a book (website) is a web page.

As we said above, each unit of a web resource (web page) is created using HTML language, and necessarily contains the main title (Title), describing meta tags (Keywords, Description) and body (Body) - its main part. In the body you can see connected images, texts, links, etc. All this can be viewed using an Internet browser.

What pages should be on the site and how to promote them

The most important unit of any web resource is Home. It is usually located in the root directory and is named index.php, index.html, etc.

You can get to it using the following URL: http://domain/index.html or simply http://domain. From the main page you can go to all other sections of the web resource. The set of sections (web pages) in the form of paths along them is called the structure of an Internet site.

Example of site structure:

- Information
- Articles
- Services
-- Freight transportation
-- Rent a car
- Contacts

As you can see from the example presented, web documents can have several . The first is the main page, the second is the documents “Information”, “Articles”, “Services”, “Contacts”, the third is “Cargo Transportation”, “Car Rental”. There can be more than three levels.

When working on promoting a web project, you should adhere to the 3-click rule: moving to the furthest document should not take more than 3 clicks from the main one. In the example we presented, third-level documents are located in 2 clicks (“Services” - the first click from the Main one, “Cargo Transportation” - the second click. Theoretically, from the “Cargo Transportation” section, you can make another 1 click on an internal document available for promotion.

How a search robot indexes websites

The search engine initially comes to the main page. Then it collects links from it and follows them. This is how second-level documents get into its database. Next, the processing of second-level documents begins according to the same principle. Often, the search engine robot simply does not reach documents beyond the 3rd level.

If the structure of your web project is extensive, and you cannot do without deep levels of nesting, help the search engine. You need to add HTML and XML sitemaps that will help the bot see the structure of the web project.

In order for the work to promote the portal to be effective, it is necessary to correctly distribute keys across web pages. On the main page you should place weighty high-frequency keys, diluted with low-frequency ones. To the second level - mid-frequency and related low-frequency. Documents of a deeper level can be promoted only to low-frequency queries.

Each HTML page should contain from 1 to 10 keys, depending on their frequency and the topic of the project.

What to write on website pages

The basic rule of any search engine- provide the user with relevant and most complete search results. Therefore, preference is given to Internet sites containing complete information on request.

The web resource must be aged, the search engine’s loyalty to it must be high, and behavioral factors (number of visits, time spent on the site, etc.) must be assessed positively by the search engine.

The main page is the main one. It should show the visitor exactly what the project is about, how to find necessary information. In addition, for a commercial resource, a link to services, prices and contacts should be installed in a prominent place.

Page structure

  • The header is the main part at the top that tells the visitor what the site is about.
  • Content part - content: texts, pictures, videos, submission forms, calculators and much more.
  • Basement (footer) is the lower “closing” part.

You can read more about page structure.

What else can be on every web page

  • Menu - list of available sections.
  • Navigation bar - so that the visitor knows where he is and can always return to the previous section.

How each page is created

According to the rules for developing web resources, first the artist draws in graphic editor design. Then the layout designer “cuts” it into pieces and inserts HTML codes. The result is a full-fledged, but empty HTML page. After this, the programmer connects the management system - and everything is given to the content manager, who fills the site with unique content.

What HTML pages does the search engine like?

  • The search engine prefers text. If the site has a lot of beautiful pictures, but little text, this is bad.
  • Avoid heavy images, java scripts and complex animations. Pay more attention to the texts, which should be unique, interesting and literate.
  • Texts must be structured and filled keywords and synonyms for “in moderation”. Otherwise, you may be punished for overspam.
  • Each web page can be reached by clicking on links. That is, you should not have pages that no other links to.
  • Follow the three-click rule.
    URLs should be human-readable and short. It is advisable to use Latin keys in URLs. For example, Get rid of dynamic URLs and a huge number of slashes in the address (no more than 3 slashes).
  • A dynamic web page is generated programmatically in the form of HTML, and has an address like site/index.php?id=1039.
  • If the link to the final document is, then this is bad, because the slash at the end of the URL tells the bot that there are still nested pages (and links to them) that need to be indexed. If the robot does not find them, may be lowered in the search results.
  • The code must be short and valid (error-free). All design styles (texts, blocks, pictures, etc.) should be placed in separate file CSS.
  • You cannot copy someone else's text and place it on your project. Search engines love unique texts. If copying is unavoidable, then the amount of such text should not exceed 10%, and under each of them there should be a direct link to the source resource.

One-page website - good or bad

If you are going to promote a web resource using white-hat methods and not buy contextual advertising- forget about developing a landing page. The most important thing is the text, and your one-page website will never be able to compete with a full-fledged web project.

But no one can say what the volume of a “correct” full-fledged web project should be. The number of pages of a web resource depends on the topic and degree of advancement of your competitors.

Almost every person in the world now has their own page on a social network. And many people have a page on every existing social network. Therefore, the question may involuntarily arise, what to name the page? To help the reader, we will look at what guidelines should be followed when choosing a name for a page on a social network.

Choosing a name for your page

Of course, choosing a name for a page is not difficult. After all, you are unlikely to promote your page. If you own a public website, that is, a group, then you should seriously think about the name, as it can greatly affect promotion.

As for the owners of an individual page, their popularity will depend not on the name, but on the content contained on the page and the popularity of the person as a whole.

It is recommended to choose your nickname primarily based on the specifics social networks. For example, VKontakte is most often used for entertainment, so you should call yourself simply. However, if the page is of a business nature, then it is better to choose your real first and last name.

On Twitter, as a rule, original nicknames are chosen - this is necessary to attract readers.

On Odnoklassniki, people usually look for childhood friends, so you can use your nicknames.

In general, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Call yourself by your real last name, first name and patronymic; you can slightly modify your first and last name to come up with a pseudonym.
  • You can also use a foreign name or make a foreign equivalent of your name. For example, the name Julia can easily be changed into Julia.
  • Use the name of your favorite movie character, a character from a book series, or simply unusual names as the title of the page. For example, you can call yourself Kys, Bellatrix, Hermine, and so on;
  • Finally, you can use a special nickname generator. One of these is located

They say whatever you name a ship is how it will sail. It’s exactly the same with the Instagram page. Depending on the purpose of use, they give it a name. If the page is needed to sell bed linen, then it will obviously not be called “pokupay_traktor” or something like that :) And if a person just created a page for himself, but does not want to indicate his last name or first name in his nickname, but simply wants to write in nickname something very original? We have some ideas of what we can write there.

A few rules before choosing a name for your Instagram page

  • In addition to the Latin alphabet, Instagram allows you to use numbers and some symbols. But I shouldn't replace letters with numbers. For example, mandarin - do not write mandar1n!
  • The name should be easy to remember and understand. Do not use hissing “Shch”, “Sh”, “Zh”, “Ch”! These are “uncomfortable” sounds for our hearing.
  • Spelling must be followed.
  • The shorter the page nickname, the better.
  • Do not use words that initially indicate a commercial account (shop, store, etc.).
  • If your audience is Russian-speaking, you can use both easily recognizable English words and Russian words written in Latin using transliteration (ball or ball).
  • And most importantly, the name should be associated with the person who created the page for personal use or with what you will sell on the account.

Where can you get interesting names for your page?

Now let's talk about how to name a page for personal use, not commercial use.
Your name on Instagram should be easy to use and somehow associated with your hobbies or just at least sound nice.

  • If a person loves geography, then why not associate the account name with some geographical object? For example, love_the_nature, geographer, traveler and so on.
  • You can choose a name from some mineral in Latin: cordierite, amethyst, etc.
  • With humor: nimble orange - nimble_orange, cool banana - steep_banana.
  • For movie lovers, you can choose the name of a character from the film or the name of the film itself.
  • You can name yourself with abbreviations of letters that mean something to you.