How to confirm the new channel account on YouTube and why do it? How to get around the confirmation of the Google account after hard reset how to get rid of the account confirmation in Google

In this article, we consider one way to get around Google Account confirmation after resetting or hard reset.

If you remember, we used to say that. Google has entered this feature on devices that work on Android 5.1 Lollipop and above. But what to do if you do not need protection from hard reset? How to circumvent confirmation of a Google account? The system has one loophole, which we use.

How to get around the confirmation of the Google account?

So, you made hard reset or reset the settings on your Android device. After rebooting the smartphone, you are offered to configure it, for example, connect to Wi-Fi, choose a language, country, etc. When you do it all, you will need to win Google Account. What if you do not remember your account?

That's all! Please note this method works on devices that support Google Now. If you failed to circumvent the Google account confirmation, most likely, the Google Now Assistant is installed on your smartphone.

The 4PDA forum is presented in many other ways how to bypass the Google account confirmation after hard reset for any smartphone model, but they are more complex than the described in this article.

Android operating system is smart systemwhich has many useful featuresBut sometimes they bring not only benefit, but also puts phone owners in an uncomfortable position.

For example, this concerns the need to confirm your account. This may occur due to the fact that it is possible to protect against theft in the form.

It turns out that even if your phone was not lost anywhere, and the more not stolen, you still can accidentally make it so that it will be blocked and without login and password from the Google account can not be unlocked. It is called this Google Lock Factory Reset. Protection or FRP Lock.

Why so it turns out?

After the owner of the phone made a hard reset or, "smart" smartphone requires confirmation google account on android after discharge. It happens as soon as it connects to the Internet.

If the owner remembers its username and password from the account, then no problems may arise. And if you do not remember any other, then this is already a problem.

Solutions options

The first option is to restore the login and password. To do this, click on "Forgot your username", then there will be a string for the phone number, and in the same place, indicate the name and surname.

Everything is very simple and easy, but only if you specified the real name, and not a pseudo.Or could there be a situation that a neighbor registered you, which does not remember at all that he wrote there. In this case, there are also a pair of solving problems:

  1. Press the key selection on the keyboard, go to the settings, and from there go to system settings And remove the Google account.
  2. Connect the external USB flash drive with StartSettings.apk, after which you run it and install the settings.
  3. Where the phone asks to enter a name Hold @, it will call the settings, then click on the keyboard, then backwards, then on the left left button on the panel, after which the search box will pop up. There, we again choose the settings, go to the category "Restore and Reset", then "Reset Settings" and "Reset Device Settings".
  4. You can also simultaneously start checking the account, and at the same time turn off your router, but it is not a fact that this method will help you.

Removing an account on the smartphone

If you still failed to restore access to the account, then there is no other way out how to remove it. To do this, log in to the smartphone settings, then in accounts, select Google, hold your finger on the account and you will have settings. After that, click on the removal of the account.

In contrast to the simplified and standard, confirmed account At the public services opens full access to all electronic services Online. Complete the procedure for confirming the account (the same, that the person's confirmation) is easy.

Types of accounts

  • Simplified. To create this type of account read enough when registering your phone number, as well as, preferably, address email. Suitable for foreign citizens. Opens access to the following services: obtaining permission for temporary stay in the Russian Federation, obtaining a view of residence, labor patent, etc. However, citizens of the Russian Federation with such an account may except to sign up for a doctor.
  • Standard. To get this status, you must add to the passport data and the SNILS number, and then wait for the data verification. This account opens access to more services, for example, check the tax debt and pay car fines.
  • Confirmed. Having created this type of account, you can fully use all the services and functions on the Public Services portal.

Check out the status of your account. To do this, click on your last name on main page Site. The status will be listed on the left side of the screen.

Step 1. Create a standard account

If you still do not have an account on public services, create it. If you have an account in one of the following banks: Sberbank online, Tinkoff or Mail Bank online, you can immediately create a confirmed account (see. Options for confirmation of personality in public services - online through bank accounts). If there is no account in the bank, create a standard account in public services.

  1. Open the website of the State Service. Click " Register».
  2. Enter your surname, name and phone number. Also specify the email address (this is optional). Click " Register».
  3. Enter the confirmation code that came to the SMS message to the specified phone number. Click " Proceed».
  4. Enter the password 2 times. Click " Ready».
  5. The account was created, and you fall into the page " My data"Where proposed to specify passport data and the SNILS number.
  6. Now you are the owner of a simplified account. You can see this information in the Personal Cabinet section. My data" To get a standard account. Click " Fill a profile».
  7. Enter your personal data.
  8. Specify the passport data and the SNILS number. Click " Save».
  9. Wait for data verification.
  10. After successfully verifying the documents, you will see a message that you have a standard account. Now it can be confirmed.

Step 2. Confirm the identity of one way

Methodconfirmation Time of renderingservices Benefits disadvantages
Online banking 5 - 10 minutes
  • fast;
  • without leaving home
  • only customers of banks Sberbank, Tinkoff, Post Bank
Post office 2 weeks
  • visiting the usual post office;
  • no need to contact the Center (self confirmation)
  • long;
  • the entrance will not be available. personal Area taxpayer on;
  • i need to go to mail
Electronic signature 5 - 10 minutes
  • fast;
  • without leaving home
  • need electronic signature
Service Center 10 - 15 minutes
  • fast
  • need to go to the center, it is possible

Option 1. Online, through account accounts

If you are a client of one of these banks: Sberbank, Tinkoff, Mail Bank, then you can confirm the already existing standard recording In public services, and immediately create a confirmed account. The second option will significantly save time, as it will not be necessary to enter the passport data and the number of SNOW to its profile on the state service portal, as well as waiting for data verification. The procedure is the same in both cases and will take a few minutes.

The procedure for confirmation of the personality on the example of the Tinkoff Bank:

  • Enter your bank account.
  • Open the " Payments».
  • Click the " State services».
  • Select " Registration in public services».
  • Check your data and click " Register».
  • The information will appear on the screen that your request is accepted. If you register in public services, and do not confirm the identity, then you will receive a password in SMS. To log in to the portal, you will need to use your phone number (specified in Tinkoff) or the SNILS number and the sent password.
  • Now you have a confirmed account (ready few minutes after sending a request).

Option 2. Letter through Russian Post

Option 3. Using an electronic signature

Option 4. Personal visit center

You can confirm the identity by contacting one of the service centers and presenting your passport and SNILS. The service center may be branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Bank, MFC, library, etc.

Google is developing, especially this is noticeable in big cities. Very few organizations did not appear among its countless marks. However, a significant part of them is not confirmed, and there are several reasons:

  • First, business owners are simple do not knowwhat they have there is Page in Google business, and therefore, do not know about the possibility of its confirmation.
  • Secondly, many entrepreneurs underestimate Google business page as a tool promoting yourself on the Internet. This topic already has an article:
  • Thirdly, many stops the need to wait letters from google companies To confirm the page.

How the Russian Post works, we all know do not first: the letter can come in a week, a month, or not to come at all.

All these factors stop entrepreneurs, and if you read this article, then, most likely, have already decided confirm Rights to Business Account on Google+. How to do it? Let's consider all possible ways.

About this method I already mentioned, I will only say a couple of words. In my experience, it is lost on average 1 mñamo out of 10, and typical time Correspondence delivery - 2-3 weeks. There are cases when letters have come literally after 3-4 days, but my experience and experience of my acquaintances says that it is not worth it.

Method 2: Site

Your organization account in Google can be confirmed if your site is connected to the system Google Web Master, and the email specified in Webmaster coincides with the mail attached to the account account.

However, in Google Help it is said that such a confirmation of the account may occur, and may not happen. At the same time, it is clearly not indicated which categories of business enter the "simplified" procedure, and which do not fall.

There is another negative point: usually Google webmaster is in demand, first of all, the developer of the site is a web studio that made it - to track the site indexing by search engines, monitor errors and so on. Binding google Business and Google Webmaster to the same postal account - the undoubted and fraught with bad consequences.

My experience shows that confirmation of the business account using this method occurs in about 1 case out of 4.

Google certificate

Method 3: Contact a certified representative of Google

The easiest I. fast waywhich allows you to confirm the business account of your organization during one or two days. The exception is only organizations that provide intimate services such as erotic massage. In this case, confirmation can delay and take up to 2 weeks.

You can find out the email of the Google certified representative of Google, and provide administrative access to your business page (how to do it). Be sure to require binding to your mobile phone! You have to come to the Google confirmation code, which the company representative will introduce to confirm the correctness of the information. Also, to confirm the data on the company, the screenshot of the official site with contact information or photograph of the corporate business card will be required. After providing this data, the company's confirmation of the company will take 1-2 days. Also, the certified representative will help you prevent errors when making a business page and avoid problems when you confirm your data. Be sure to demand a representative to show you his work performed for Google.

How much is?

  • Placing your information on Google business lifelong and free.

Why Instagram asks to confirm the account?

After entering the login and password from your Instagram account, we go to the profile from the IP address, which is different from the one you use usually. The IP address or proxy is an online address from which the bot will put likes, subscribe or unsubscribe.

The automatic security system is triggered by Instagram, which only checks whether you really make these actions: there is nothing terrible.

How to confirm the account?

- On the DO Insta website in the corresponding window:

After adding an account, select the method for which it will be convenient to confirm the account: using the phone or email number. The number or address of email will be used. Mail that you previously tied to your account Instagram: Make sure you have access to them. The code that will come to the SMS message or in the letter will need to enter in the next window and click on the "Confirm Account" button.

- through an application or website Instagram:

You can also simply go to the application or on the instagram site to do the same actions that were described above.

After that, be sure to log in to your account via the application or website Instagram, make sure that everything is in order. If you do not enter, but simply return to our service, then when you try to add an account to Do Insta, instagram will again ask the account confirmation: it turns out a vicious circle.