How to enable font smoothing in Windows 10. Compatibility problems. Built-in Windows Blur Remedy

After windows installations 10 Users risk to face the problem of blurring fonts. They can manifest themselves throughout the system or in separate applications. Most often this problem associated with a new scaling method that Microsoft applied to operating system Windows 10. On high-resolution screens, the system seeks to automatically set the scaling to the level above 100%, which is why some blur appears. Below we give advice that will help correct the blurry font in Windows 10.

How to disable scaling in Windows 10

As mentioned above, most often the problem of the blurred font is associated with the new scaling function. It can act across the entire system or in a separate application. Consider how to disable scaling in both cases.

Throughout the system

If the method described above did not help change the situation with blurred fonts over the entire operating system, we give a few more advice that can be done in such a situation:

If none of the above councils helped get rid of blurred fonts in Windows 10, we recommend returning old method Scaling, what will be discussed below.

In a separate application

If the problem with the blurred font is available in one application, finding its cause is much easier than when it is present throughout the system. Click right-click Mice on a label or executing an exe application file that has described problems, and select "Properties".

To change the changes, you will need to restart the application. Please note that when closing some applications, they continue to work in the background.

How to return the old method of scaling in Windows 10

If none of the tips above helped get rid of blurred fonts in Windows 10, you can try to return the old scaling mode. Return the old scaling mode in Windows 10 in two ways - using special applications Or manually, consider both options.

Manual way

Return the old scaling method in Windows 10, if you change some registry settings. Make it most conveniently using the executing file that can be created through a regular notebook. Do the following:

It is worth noting that when rebooting a computer, the registry will again update the modified values. To do not happen, run the "Run" string using the Windows + R key combination. Push the Shell: startup command in it, which will open the folder with the startup. Put the previously created file in it, after which it will automatically be executed with each Windows boot.

Method using a special application

The above-described actions to make changes to the registry can be made easy. windows Application 10 DPI Fix, which is available for free on the official website of the developers. Downloaded this application, Run it and select the desired scaling method - new or old, and then click "Apply".

Many users when upgrading to Windows 10 have encountered the problem of blurring and fuzziness to display fonts in the system and some applications, extremely interfering when working with a computer. As a rule, the problem is observed on devices, high resolution exceeding 200 DPI. The fact is that even starting with Windows 8.1, Microsoft has changed the DPI scaling circuit used earlier. Problems can be observed with DPI values, more than 120, as well as applications that do not have a DPI-Aware flag. The same scaling scheme is also applied in Windows 10.

In the event that you are not satisfied with the display of scaled fonts, it is possible to return to the "classic" scaling scheme for one specific application, so for the entire system (it does not help).

Eliminate the blurring of fonts for a specific application

If the problem with blurred fonts is observed in one specific application, for example, in the browser Mozilla Firefox., You can try to solve the problem with the blurring of fonts individually for this application.

Check if the problem is eliminated. If not eliminated, go to the next step - a decrease system settings DPI.

Reducing the DPI system settings in Windows 10

On many devices, the problem of blur and bad readability of fonts are observed in the system when using a scaling of 125% or higher. In this case, you should try to reduce font scaling settings (DPI) to 100%.

If it did not help - go to the next decision.

Return the old method of scaling in Windows 10

Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 uses a new method for scaling displayed on the display fonts. It is possible to return to the old scaling method used in Windows 8 RTM and Windows 7. In most cases, this will help solve the problem of blur and incorrect display of fonts.

Note. In my case, the key value DpiscalingVer. When leaving the system, each time was returned to 1000. I had to copy the created bat file. in autoload ( Win + R.-> shell: startup.) And once again restart the computer.

In some cases, the problems with blurred fonts in Windows 10 manifest RDP sessions due to the problem of zooming on 2K and 4K high-resolution monitors. The problem is solved.

After moving to the Windows operating system 10, many users began to meet the problem of blurred fonts. To solve the current problem, many users have agreed even roll back to previous version Operational windows systems 10. The Windows operating system provides the possibility of a versatile font setting.

This article will tell you how to fix blurry fonts in Windows 10 by means of the operating system. Current methods Suitable only to users that have installed the current version of the video adapter drivers compatible with the Windows 10 operating system. We will consider ways starting from installing the recommended screen resolution inclusive before fixing the scaling for a specific application.

Properly installed screen resolution makes a picture not blurred, and with it the blurred fonts are corrected. For proper setting Screen resolution The user is enough to select the recommended value of the screen resolution in parameters. The recommended value is selected based on the resolution of the monitor itself of your computer.

Some classic applications May look blurred when changing the display parameters. Windows can try to eliminate blur when you open this application next time. This applies only to applications on your main display.

The program may look blurry if the resolution for the main display changes after logging in Windows. Windows may try to eliminate the scaling problem for this program using the resolution set for the main display when opening this program.

Such a situation may occur if several monitors are connected to your computer or if the displays configuration changes. Therefore, when using multiple displays with different resolution, it is recommended to use current parameters.

And if necessary, you can use the overridency of high-resolution scaling. Such scaling can be performed for an application or system as a whole.

Cleartype technology makes the text that you see on the screen is clearer and readable. The Clearartype text setup tool allows you to enable or disable current technology.

And also in the current window you can see an example, as Cleartype technology changes the text. Open the Cleartype text setup window. You can search in the Windows 10 operating system.


In the latter windows versions 10, Microsoft added new features to correct applications to fix blur on high resolution displays. Even if some application is properly scaled immediately after opening, the font can become blurred upon subsequent interaction with it.

Starting with Windows 10 version 1803, you can enable a new feature that will automatically correct the applications that have problems with scaling and look blurred. At the time of writing this article, the function will not apply to all desktop applications, so some of them will have blurred text, until you restart them manually.

Moreover, new feature Improves the scaling of desktop applications if they are on the main screen. Let's see how to enable this feature to eliminate blur.

If you encountered the problem of lubricated fonts in Windows 10 and you are not satisfied with the result of your DPI scaling, you must try the solutions given in this article.

Method 1 using the "Parameters" application.

1. Open the application "Parameters".

2. Go to the section "System" → "Display" and click the link on the right.

3. On the zoom page, turn on the parameter "Fix scaling for applications" (Fix Scaling).

If you have installed an application that is always blurred, open it, and Windows 10 should show you a notification, saying that a blurred application is detected that will be fixed. Allow Windows 10 to make corrections, and check whether the application has been improved.

Another way, you can try to reduce DPI settings by 100%. This is how it is done: there is a function on the same screen. "Customizable scaling"which you can use to set the user zoom level.

  1. Open the application Parametersby pressing the Win + I key combination.
  2. Go to the next way - System → Display.
  3. Set the value in the drop-down menu. The value must be "100%" As shown below:

  1. Exit Windows and log in again.

Scaling will be used automatically for all supported applications. If the result still does not suit you, try the following solution.

Method 2 - fix scaling for applications on the Compatibility tab.

Finally, last method requires the inclusion of this option using the Compatibility tab in the application properties. Thus, you can enable automatic fixing of the blur applications that are not defined by Windows properly.

1. Right-click on the executable application file and select context menu "Properties".

2. Tap "Change High DPI Settings" (Change High DPI SETTINGS).

3. Turn on the function by checking the box for "Override System DPI" (Override System DPI).

4. Select "Application" or "System" In the drop-down list below.

Everything! Now the application must be automatically scaled at high resolution, thereby eliminating blur.

This feature was extremely necessary. Many popular applications suffer from blurred text and user interfaceThe developers do little to update applications for HD displays.

Method 3 - Quickly enable the scaling game using the notification.

Fix blur for applications at the time of receipt of the notification. Notification Appears when the system detects that there are applications on the main screen that have problems with the display.

Make the following.

1. When you see this notification, click "Yes Fix the application".

2. The system will try to solve the problem automatically.

Method 4 - eliminating blurred fonts in Windows 10 by changing the scaling method.

Windows 10 You can return the scaling method that is used for Windows 8 RTM and Windows 7. Many users, this ensures much better results than by default.
To activate the old scaling method, follow these steps:

"ON_DPI.REG" The file will allow you to turn on scaling.

To cancel the changes, run "Default_dpi.Reg". Do not forget to restart the computer.

Method 5 - the problem of blurred fonts can be solved with the help of a free and simple tool for Windows 10 DPI Fix.

Looks like Microsoft finally corrected blurry fonts for many users.
But we still get emails From people who stated that the Creators update does not eliminate blurry fonts.
Therefore, if you still have blurry fonts after the update, you can use DPI Fix to make them clearer.

After starting the utility, you need to select the parameter "Use Windows 8.1 DPI Scaling", and click "Apply" All the problem of blurring fonts has already been solved.

If you decide to use Windows 10 DPI Fixyou must know:

  • The program must be in the autoload. Accordingly, it will run along with the OS. After adjusting the DPI, the utility is automatically closed.
  • IN Microsoft Edge. Flash - elements look a little less.