How to restore the folder that hid. How to restore missing (hidden) files after the virus. How to return hidden photos in VK

To date, most people communicate, thanks to social networks on the Internet, classmates, in contact, Facebook, Instagram. In 2006, a social network was published to communicate students and universities, in contact "VK". Its popularity is still the same on summit, and updates social network, only help communicate.

The latest updates "in contact" help not only to communicate freely, but also share their personal data, photographs, documents and video rollers. Newsline, helps to distribute information, about the latest added files, thanks to this user can freely view not only these files, but also the files added before, the photo view feature. New users "in contact", often meet the problem, how to return hidden photos in VK

How to return the hidden photos of VKontakte

Thanks to the great functionality of the site "In Contact", on the Profile page, there is a customization profile setting. You can enter the profile setting in the following order:

  1. In the upper right corner of the page by clicking on the photo profile, open settings
  2. In the settings opened, select the "Privacy" item, it is in it that the visibility of the downloaded files occurs.

It is here that you can configure the visibility of your files.

Recovery photo in "In Contact"

But the question arises how to restore your hidden photos in VK. There are situations that you have to clean, or delete, since the function of complete privacy is paid. Where remote, user files are disappeared. All fals are stored on the server, and their recovery is possible, only with the help of site administrators. The "Help" button, located in the same corner, where and "Settings".

At this point, a list of questions you are interested in, of which the user can find its own, and to solve this problem within 24 hours, having received the result by email

How to return hidden photos in VK

If the files were not deleted, but simply closed in the "Privacy" settings, then you can return such files in the following order

  1. Go to user albums
  2. Delete all albums
  3. Add files again

After such a small procedure, the user shafts, again will appear in the tape, and will become visible to everyone, this feature is set by default.

By summing up this, you can make such a conclusion, not all privacy and lost files are, if you wish, everything can be returned, restore and open.

Virus on a flash drive, for no one surprise. But to stay without important informationwhich is stored on this flash drive, it is still a case. My acquaintances, not once formatted flash drives after viruses, not finding there any file there. And they can be simply hidden by the virus ... as they say in our business it is better to bother than you will notice. And so ... the virus on the flash drive cured, or removed. We enter the root directory, and there is empty. How to be? I have not met viruses that checked information from the drives. So most likely your files are hidden. So it is necessary to show them.

Show hidden files and folders.
In order to show hidden files. In any window, press the button Service

Then choose Folder properties...

Tab View

And click OK

After that, all hidden files and folders will be displayed. And if you are lucky, you can simply remove the attribute hidden in the properties of the folder or document. For this, click right-click on the necessary document or folder and choose Properties. Then remove a tick near the attribute Hidden.

But it may be so that this attribute of the file will be able to be able to kill or what is even worse, the files and folders on the flash drive will not be displayed at all. Then, resort to the help of the command line.

Open command line.

To do this, press the key combination Win + R.. Get a window called Perform.

In the field to enter cmd.

and click OK

In the command line, go to our USB flash drive.

We enter X: (Where x letter of your flash drive or disk) and click ENTER
After that we enter aTTRIB -S -H -R -A / S / D , Zhmem again ENTER

That's all. Now Attribut Hidden will be removed from all files and folders on your flash drive. Accordingly, all data will be displayed as it should be. Unless of course they are there.

Full instructions how to restore hidden chat In Viber in detail and steps. We'll figure it out how to return the chat from the hidden and tell me what to do if the pin is lost!

One day, the developers of Vaiber came to the head of a great idea: add a function to the application that allows you to make individual dialogs in invisible. Agree, it is very convenient, when there is no serious reasons for hiding or passing a smartphone (or it is not convenient), but I don't want some conversations to come to the eyes to those who put the nose in him. The idea was performed, and very well. Hide correspondence can be literally several movements. It's not difficult to return it to normal regime. We will talk about it.

We restore the conversation

First, how dialogs are classified. First go to the list of conversations, then call context menu Contact and click in it "Hide". Finishing you enter a PIN code. These digits remember, and it is better to save in the password manager, because they will need to return the hidden chat in Vibers to normal mode.

Now about how to cancel the hidden chat in Viber. We will give instructions for the most common platforms where this messenger is used. Let's start with iOS:

    • Open an invisible conversation (enter the PIN code in the search bar).
    • Choose username.

  • Machine screen left / choose "Information and Settings".
  • Click "Make Visible."
  • The system will ask for PIN input or using Touch ID. Enter.
  • Ready. The dialog is again displayed in the overall list.

As in Viber, cancel the hidden chat on Android:

  • Open the hidden correspondence (enter PIN in the search bar).
  • Click button "Extra options" At the right upper part of the screen (three points).
  • Machine screen left, or click on the "Information" button.
  • Jim "Make Visible."
  • Power code.
  • The conversation returns to the previous place in the list.

Today we will talk about how to return the hidden photos of "VKontakte". For a long time, such a function appeared on the expanses of this social network as a tape. Most often it appears in four images that you have placed final ones. Designers "Vkontakte" argue that they added to the tape, because it makes the page more interesting. Yes, and with it much more convenient to view not only the last photos, but also those you saved before. But sometimes the user accidentally eliminates the addition of the image. It is in such a situation that the question arises how to return the hidden photos "VKontakte".

Tape photos

You can easily find the above feature in my profile at the very top of the page, it is located immediately above the wall. There are images that you downloaded the most recently. In the right corner, you can see the "Add Photos" button. If you click on it, you will display a window on the screen, allowing you to select images that can be downloaded to your profile. You added the photo will appear not only in the tape, but also in one of the albums. Never forget that other people can watch only the pictures that you will open for them in privacy settings. In other words, the photo added to the classified album will not be displayed in your ribbon. If you download images into an album available for several people, then see these images will be only those users who have discovered this selection. Only you can see all the pictures posted on your own page.


In this section, we will discuss in detail how to return the hidden photos of "VKontakte". However, for beginnings, let's say a few words about privacy. If you are interested in how to hide the tape of the VKontakte photos or limit access to multiple pictures, we report that there are several ways for this. You just need to click on the cross, which is on the image itself, in its upper right corner. Next on the screen you will see a special window. It will be written in it that this photo will no longer be visible to you and other site users in the tape. If you accidentally pressed a cross or dramatically changed my mind to exclude a picture from the news, you probably had the question of how to return the hidden photos of "VKontakte". In this case, you need to click the "Cancel" button, which will be displayed in the appropriate notification. As a result, the photo will immediately appear in your ribbon. But do not forget if you or leave it, the window with the notification will disappear, and it will be extremely problematic to return the hopping snapshots.


Consider how to return the hidden photos of "VKontakte" if you still updated or closed the page where there was a notification to restore the image in your ribbon. In such a situation, you should contact technical support Project. "Help" button you will find at the top. Click it and describe the problem you encountered. The VKontakte team will definitely read your letter and will help in solving difficulty. Most often, the site administrators are responsible for one working day.

Repeated addition

If support refused to restore your images in the ribbon, that is, another way. You need to go to your album where the photo you need is stored, and delete it forever, and then add again to your page, so it will definitely appear in the tape. This method can be called optimal, it is simple, and therefore understandable for everyone. Do not forget that people who enter your page most often are first of all look at the ribbon, so take care of the photos that are located in it were bright, interesting and high quality. So you will be interested in a large number of friends. In conclusion, let's say that some users are interested in the question of how to view the hidden photos of "VKontakte" in other people's albums. Note that such activities violates the site of the site, so the legal method does not exist. Applications that promise similar capabilities are most often viruses and are created to abduct personal data. Use only official programs from the developers of VC.